>game has maid
Game has maid
name 5 games, please
Persona 5
Fire Emblem
Dead or Alive
Legend of Heroes
You're doing it wrong Jackie Chan, kys.
I always wanted to dress like that... Love the shoes
are you a grill?
I buy you a high quality maid outfit and you clean my house, deal?
Kys fag
I wish that was real, it's literally my dream life. But you're probably not serious and I'm french.
>game has maid but she looks better when not maid
cute, what game?
are you cute?
Battle maids are literally top tier for everything.
cute enough i guess... i have beautiful long hair
No u don’t fag ur probably an over weight ugly smelly man
Fuck off with this roleplay stuff
i have been growing and taking care of my hair for years, girls are jealous. also i am 45kg for 170cm and i smell normal. (i wash everyday)
being on Yea Forums at 5am doesn't always mean im a ugly ass like you or any nerd/nolife cliché
>entire point of character being a maid is she actually hates being a maid and is much cuter and peppier when she doesn't have to be a maid anymore
>majority of art and merch is about her being a maid
I mean I get why but it's still disappointing. Gimme my frumpy teacher figure.
No one believes u fag
Neck urself
Ur probably just some dumb autistic retarded shitter
yeah if you say so, idc about what you think anyway
I want to impregnate Kawakami.
I agree wholeheartedly. I know they're making a figure but I imagine it'll be the maid stuff, unfortunately. I'll still buy it though.
Yah but u keep replying u fucking sperg lord
Drink piss and die shithead
haha look at yourself, do you realize how mad you're getting for shit ? i keep replying bcs i don't have better to do rn im not tired, browsing websites.
Maid Story
Peecee when
This maid's voice actress is named Kawakami!
Fuck off u retarded overweight smelly faggot
U said u wana dress like a girl so ur literally subhuman trash
Ur just a overweight lonely Faggott desperate to live out ur maid fantasy or whatever
Drink bleach u stupid subhuman
t. literal feminist fags
never ever
>Game has maids
>They can skate
I honestly never cared much for maids until GF.
Im a Griddle.
I was so disappointed when I learned the maid class in Disgaea 5 were zombie maids. I just wanted a normal cute maid.
>waifu maids
Good Lord! How plebian!
i get it, you're mad bcs you can't look as feminine as i do... fatty :3
>never ever
Pls fatlus
>game gets laid
Games for this feel?
In ur dreams shitlord
Ur all butthurt because someone called u out and doesn’t believe ur lies
And all u feel is digust for urself
When u look down and see a pile of blubber
If girls are into it, why don't you offer to be a house cleaner for some professional older woman?
Because he is role playing and living out his dream on a basket weaving site
He probably hasn’t even left the house in weeks
How strong are you? What martial arts do you know?
>changes the subject when shown proof because they can’t prove themselves
I don’t do martial arts
I’m not even a dude
Have fun living out ur dreams in shitty role plays hamplanet
I bench 80lb and I know how to >imply things.
You need to be pretty strong and have lots of endurance to be a maid.
Work out a bit
I never said I wanted to be a maid
Who would ever want that
except it wasn't me answering.
and if you're a girl then you have nothing to say because you're dumb as hell, thanks
fatty is upset because no one believed there little lies and now are acting like an incel
i have a girlfriend and as i said im 45kg, keeping telling im fat just makes you more ridiculous
OH NO HAHAHHA now it has a girlfriend
>please believe. Why won’t u believe me
If anything ur the ridiculous one u sure have a lot to prove
I can tell ur not by how bothered about this u are
Just learn to ignore people retard
Also 100% know ur not french
Ur existence is sad
Based. Too bad we would look like freaks, so it's better to forget about that.
I don't know what you are trying to imply so spell it out for me.
I want to fuck her as she's bent over the counter of LeBlanc, keeping herself discreet in order to avoid drawing the attention of anyone passing by the window door.
What do you gain from trolling people on internet, idiot ? Also I'm totally French I don't get why you say that.
>game lets you date older women
>forgetting that she dresses up for (You) when you ask her to
Or if you're more of a white collar worker, maybe you could afford a maid!
because I told u already why
Also literally no one believes u
Ur just that annoying kid who keeps screaming same thing over and over
If u actually were u wouldn’t care what some random idiot on a basket weaving site says
ALl the proof is in ur responses
Psh, you can pull off crossplay easy enough. Just be confident and focus on your strengths.
I.e. don't be a wimpy faggot.
how can I get a real maid gf, Yea Forums?
>there was a "crossplay day" back on hs
>two girls wanted to dress me up
>"you're gonna look so pretty!"
>didn't wanna do it because "i ain't no fag"
>skip school that day
>regret it to this day
Had I took the offer, it would probably turn me into a trap before male puberty took its tool. Now it's too late.
Sois à Montréal s'il-te-plaît
>Game has sluts in any sort of main role
No thank you
lol Columbus took your playoff slot
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