Explain yourselves KHniggers.
How the fuck is a AAA PS4 game that costed millions to make worse than a DS game that came out almost 10 years ago.
When a fucking DS game has the best combat in the series
Oh and the roxas fight is kino
>command deck
>best anything
better than le reflect spam and stand still while riku and roxas kill the enemy.
Best Combat desu
The Olympus World was fucking kino being a turn base rpg segment. This game overall is great, sadly everyone hates it being a spinoff and set up for DDD. Also I'm so fucking angry they decided to not remaster the ds games. Eat my brown beaner ass Square
Damn, a decent opinion on Yea Forums
Imagine being this retarded
Well I'm a beaner and gay so there's that
Probably because Kingdom Hearts as a series is a joke
I didn't even bother to play it. It's a boring filler.
It's yet another KH1 rehash. It and 365/2 really do not deserve to be remade. I'd play the shit out of both if they were, but it's no great loss.
Except it had a great self contained story like COM?
The entire end segment was kino
I would've liked Re:Coded a whole lot more if it had more commands and less KH1 areas.
>It's yet another KH1 rehash
The combat is head and shoulders above KH1
Honestly KH is at its best on handhelds. They should have just stuck with the PSP/vita for KH3 and then ported it to the PS4.
Going from BBS to KH3 is fucking jarring with how the quality drops.
Great, now I don't have to feel guilty for liking this one.
Even tho it's just a rehash of KH1, it does have some redeeming qualities. Like Combat trees and having a unique way of customizing Data sora with chip, with more options unlocking like a difficulty and prize drop dials. Also to have some balls to have different gimmicks on each world. Like Side scrolling, run and gun, turn base combat, etc. Days have a huge problem with being mission based like oh kill these heartless or go to point b. But it's one and only games that you can play the organization 13 members, Customizing roxas is cool to. It has the most Kino Final Boss battles.
It's weird that whole smell thing was dropped
It's hard to take this shit seriously with Mickey saying he will get revenge. I love this series but this shit takes itself to seriously
Darkness turns you into a braphog
I wonder how aqua smelled haha
Riku was the original "Imagine the smell" poster.
>Honestly KH is at its best on handhelds
Because your standards are inherently lower just from the mention of "handheld". If 3 had come out on Vita it wouldn't have gotten half the shit it is because the expectations would be different.
3 could have recycled the decks from coded and bbs and it would have been a much better game for it.
They spent literal millions on fucking NOTHING.
Modern game development is a fucking meme, handhelds were the only thing saving us from this autism of generic engines and hundred man dev teams but now thats gone thanks to nintendo's gay tablet that can run those shitty engines now at a cinematic 30fps with dips.
If 3 came out on a console and didn't use 1/2's system as a base there'd have been riots in front of Square.
It's balanced the best in Re:coded, somehow.