It sold terribly

It sold terribly

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We live in a Vergil

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What were the sales numbers in the end? I feel like it must've done shit since I don't already know.

>sold over 2 million in less than two weeks
>the last game in the franchise barely reached 1.6, failed to meet goal of 2 million, and only stumbled over the finish due to a deluxe re-release years down the line

that's a sales success, mate

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Are we talking about 4 or DmC?

My bad, the last game barely reached 1.2 million

Didn't it do like 2 million in the first month, beating out the projected "year end" sales figures of the last game?

I'm talking DmC
DMC4 sold 2 million in a month, just a little slower than DMCV did

2 million in a week or two you fucking retard. More than either Bayonetta, more than DmC, more than most of the rest of the series.

Wow it's almost like DMC is a legacy series that rides off name recognition and DmC wasn't a total fucking PR shitshow that affected sales by harboring hatred from a fanbase.

>more than most of the rest of the series

Considering 1,2, and 3 were only on the PS2 and 5 is available on three platforms why the fuck are you surprised?

why sell millions when you can sell thousands?

DmC has sold over 3 million though, counting the definitive edition, and I highly doubt it's outsold Bayo 1 considering the PC version that came out over years later and still sold 200,000 copies the last time they reported the sales and the last time we heard about Bayo1 sales in general it was a massive hit for Nintendo.

nice fake news

>DmC has sold over 3 million though,
got a source? I heard it barley hit 2 million after all the re-releases

>Considering 1,2, and 3 were only on the PS2 and 5 is available on three platforms why the fuck are you surprised?
Why did you just change your argument?

Is this going to be the new Megaman 11 where people will say it sold poorly until Capcom comes along with a figure sale to btfo you again? I'm starting to see a trend here

>DmC has sold over 3 million
[citation needed]

There's some lad with a grudge against the game who's made a couple of threads today.

I didn't I'm saying it's a stupid argument to make that DMC5 sold more like it's a fucking accolade when two of the most acclaimed games in the series were stuck on the PS2.
According to this the PS3/360/PC version has sold 2.4 million. According to VGChards (lol) the Definitive edition has sold around 300k. So it's probably about 200k shy of 3 million.

>I didn't I'm saying it's a stupid argument to make that DMC5 sold more like it's a fucking accolade
That's not what the thread is about, the OP is implying it sold terribly, when it's clearly not the case. Why do you need to go to the extremes, anyway? Isn't it time for your lithium?

Yikes. Whatever Yea Forums autists brought the 'sales numbers' meme over here, please go back to your stupid corporation battle board.

The only game that did better critically than DMC5 was the first DMC, user.

It's most likely because DMC5 was the "second biggest PC opening" for Capcom, and then it fell off the top seller list about two weeks later, with it being under GTAV the second week.

So you just rounded up for convenience?

This isn't even funny and it still sent me into hysterics

Oh yeah, video games were never ever concerned with sales numbers until those evil Yea Forums baneposters forced this on us.

No I just thought Definitive sold more. Even with me being wrong on the number, I'm still right in that DmC has moved more copies that DMC5 has, so far as we know.

got it for free and only played 5 hours, cant even be bothered to boot it up

first it was the Metacritic numbers and now this?? why is this board so obsessed with numbers?

Because, otherwise, they'd have to play the game to know what they're talking about.
Well, not anymore. These zoomers will just watch someone play it and say it's good enough.

If we're just going to make assumptions and compare a 1 month old game with a 6 years old game, then round up numbers to support our lack of arguments, then we can extrapolate the sales for DMC5 for the next 6 years.
This is seriously the dumbest shit and I don't even know what you're trying to prove here.

Gawd, that's so dumb! Why are you treating that as an accolade when DmC had a re-release and DMCV hasn't? Gaaaawwwwd!

we'll see those REAL numbers in May.
all the DmCucks in this board will be btfo'd so hard

Dude, DmC didnt sell 600k on release month, after that, it needed severe discounts and a rerelease to even reach those numbers, DMCV on the other hand sold over 2 million on what, 2 weeks, stop stretching shit

I haven't stretched a single thing other than Defintives' sales you retard. We don't know the sales on DMC5 other than it has sold 2million.

>Even with me being wrong
>I'm still right
>user just continues guessing with sales numbers
oh my fuck

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>If we're just going to make assumptions
I made 1 assumption and corrected it. Shut the fuck up.
>This is seriously the dumbest shit and I don't even know what you're trying to prove here.
Try reading instead of flying into a triggered rage.

It sold better than every other DMC game, so fuck off.

>I'm still far as we know.

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>Can literally get rid of the definitive sales entirely and it's still sold more so far as we know.
You guys are actual, dyed in the wool, bold faced retarded faggots.

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I'm still unclear as to what you're trying to prove here. You sound emotionally distressed.
Either way, you're so desperate you're comparing a 6 years old game to a 1 month old game in terms of sales, as if this proves anything. This reeks of desperate faggot looking for attention, good job.

haha keep crying cuck

Oh, a trumpanzee. That explains everything.

why are DmCucks still coping? the game will be forever remembered as the most hated DMC game.

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That's what happens when you make a shitty claim, and talk like everyone else is retarded for not following your lead. Seek help.

>so far as we know.

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I sincerely doubt you've taken a supply chain management class, let alone a statistics class. you're pulling numbers straight from your asshole and then you act surprised when people say your forecasting is full of shit.

>State a completely neutral fact with a source, even going back on a previously incorrect number
>People get mad and try to deflect to all kinds of dumb shit
>Or just outright ignore it and act retarded
What a great thread.

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>less than 2 month sale vs a 6 year sale

>WOOOOWWW, I'm being an idiot, why are people calling me out!?!


I refuse to believe that game has any fans at all. It's either a contrarian hipster retard starved for interaction or Tameem himself who hasn't gotten over his edgy self-insert being ignored and insulted for years.

>a two month sale
>a 6-year sale
i don't see the fucking point

>State a completely neutral fact with a source
you're still fucking guessing on DmC DE numbers and DMC5 numbers. you yourself admitted this.

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I literally made as neutral a post as I possibly could and you retards still flew into a shitflinging assmad rampage of tumblr numale proportions.

Actually more thin-skinned than the fucking Souls fanbase, holy shit.

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ya seething

>Begin thread with egregious claim
>Get btfo
>Change claim with inflated figures
>Get btfo again
>Try to claim the high ground and save face with reaction images
>Get btfo for a third time.

Pack it up, champ.

>I was wrong?! NO!
>Time to trumppost and buzzword buzzword buzzword
How are you actually this mad?

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He's not the OP, though

Is this the guy the call PewDiePede?

>I literally made as neutral a post as I possibly could
Yes, you're very neutral, good job (whatever that means in this context). You're still both wrong and guessing numbers. Also posting pics of the president as if it somehow affects your "argument" in any way.
You need interaction, and you're trying to get it in the most childish way possible. What a sad kid.

>I refuse to believe that game has any fans at all.
they're out there.
go to bed, zach. you have to sweep the floors tomorrow.

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you never said if you've taken a SCM class before or not. can you neutrally answer yes or no?

>tfw Trump getting impeached anytime now


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Do the sales numbers even matter?
Wasn't Capcom letting this be made so the director didn't fuck off or something?

Even the guy in the pic claims to be a fan of the series, not just that specific game. Probably just the only logo that dumbass could find that would fit on his neck.


I'm sure they probably would've just let him go and do whatever if it was a sales catastrophe.

>scrambling for bait to keep people interacting with you.
Go talk to your parents, this is pathetic.

Based and redpilled

based Rodrigo

Obviously disappointed in how shit this fanbase is becoming.

I didn't start this thread retard. DMC5 obviously didn't sell poorly if it sold 2million copies in 2 weeks.

>You're still both wrong and guessing numbers.
Literally a source there.

I find it funny that Trump triggers people so much that you have to specifically point him out when replying. Also find it funny that the poster count has stay the same this entire fucking time. Only increasing with this random reponse: Have you? Please enlighten me on how well DMC5 has sold and provide citations to the market. Oh wait, you can't and your question has not relevancy to anything. Oh well.

>Poster counter doesn't increase.

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100% this retard is samefagging in some desperate attempt to falseflag.

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Yes, you posted a source, which rendered your estimate incorrect. Then guesstimated on top of that, for some reason.
So in your eyes posting a source that proves you wrong, then trying to muddle the numbers makes you correct. Now you keep replying after being ridiculed because you absolutely need that attention.


>Falseflagging by shitting on your own post despite using an image that was clearly from the same folder

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The last ditch effort of a blithering idiot: "I'm not retarded. They're just triggered by Trump!"

What a homo.

>Only 33 seconds since that post
>Having that screencap edited in advance
Holy shit, this thread is way more entertaining than I expected.

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>Have you?
I'll take that as a no.

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Argument? Where?

because everyone bought a superior game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

I like your style kid, this is some of the most abhorrent posting I’ve seen


>DMC5 has sold 2million last we heard.
>DmC has sold upwards of 2.4, last we heard.
Literally all I ended up saying and you faggots can't handle it.

>Ah bloo bloo trump boo hoo hoo.
Again, hilarious.

So are the exact and as of yet unknown sales for DMC5 on those? Oh... They aren't? Lame.

You have to present an argument to get a counter-argument, not some non-sequitur to mentally justify yourself.

>outsells a mainline RE game
that's a tremendous success for a niche franchise
it's no monster hunter world but it's still a big hit

>some non-sequitur to mentally justify yourself.
So what you just did here and

>DmC has sold upwards of 2.4, last we heard.
Why are you changing the numbers now, friend? Do you need me to link you back to your 3 million claims? Also, relevance. Why are you comparing the sales of a 6 year old game to a game released a month ago?
You're a blithering mess and you need to take 5 minutes to collect yourself.

Even if it that was true, most people enjoyed it. Yea Forums should stop being so obsessed with metacritic and sales as ammunition to bait and just enjoy games

You're devolving into hysterics. Try to calm down before posting.

>So are the exact and as of yet unknown sales for DMC5 on those?
all I asked was if you took a SCM class or even an advanced stat class since that is what people use to predict sales, even when accounting for things like seasonality.
you're the one who started going on a tangent saying that I knew what DMC5's estimate sales were. ironic since that was a claim you took up

>DMC5 monogoloids getting absolutely BTFO by a single chad

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thread should've ended here tbqh

pathetic samefag

Look, idiot, I need to justify my purchases somehow. This console cost money and I better hear it was worth it from other people.

I literally admitted that 3 million was wrong.

>Why are you comparing the sales of a 6 year old game to a game released a month ago?
Because someone said it "outsold the last one" and also that it "barely broke 1.2 million" which were both wrong, but I guess those numbers didn't trigger you hard enough to fly into a shit-fueled posting rage.

I literally said "as far as we know" several times. I never said I knew the exact sales numbers. The only thing we know for sure is that if you're taking/have taken an SCM class you're probably failing/have failed it miserably because you're legitimately retarded.


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>Post counter increases.
>lol samefag
A whole new level of nufaggot.

Indeed, so much for being "neutral" and "posting facts." I believe we're done here, I'm sure some other user can take over babysitting you.

There’s another one
>some non-sequitur to mentally justify yourself.

I didn't know I entered Bizzaro Yea Forums kek

>Strawmans because he has nothing else.
Well at least you admit you're fucking dumb.


I wonder what possessed you to even use the words "straw man" there. You probably read someone else using it and thought it meant "dumb" or something. That's the level you're arguing at, so it wouldn't be terribly surprising.

>I literally said "as far as we know" several times
do you not understand how dumb this is, though? you think you can pass a SCM forecasting project by just throwing out numbers and saying "as far as we know". no. you have to have ~2 dozen factors of influence and form a regression line to pull the predicted data. you don't get data by saying "well I thought this version sold more so I was wrong but still probably in a range of ~200k units of my original estimate. source: THE SAME FUCKING PERSON WHO WAS WRONG TO BEGIN WITH"

You're right, it's an ad hominem, my b senpai. At least you were right about something to day. Broken clock and all.

I have no fucking clue why you think your failing scores in a class have anything to do with a market number that's been released to the public and is comparable to another market number that's been released to the public. I don't know why you're sperging out over this so hard.

All we have is numbers that were given and aren't current and that's all we can use, but you're trying to pull this market forecast shit as if it has any baring on the numbers I posted.

The comparison is literally a known 2.4million versus a known 2 million. 2.4 million happens to be more than 2 million. That's literally all I said. It's not that complicated.

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>The comparison is literally a known 2.4million versus a known 2 million. 2.4 million happens to be more than 2 million. That's literally all I said. It's not that complicated.
This may be true, but the way in which it was conveyed was not as clear cut as this was, and was worded in a way that implied some biased predictions.

On top of that, the manner in which you've tried to defend said poor wording has made you out to look like a dozen times more of a fucking dumbass than you could've otherwise.

Why the fuck are so many people desperate for this game to fail? Even if you say most of it is that autist Barry or XV-kun or whatever, there are still a lot of people who clearly don't know what they're talking about who keep on coming up with bullshit theories on why DMC5 is bad or a flop. Why? There's nothing in it that's sociopolitical bait, like Battlefield V or Wolfenstein 2. Who the fuck cares?

We all know DmC could "as far as we know" have sold more, because your sales source for DmC's 2.4 million hasn't been updated since December 2018 and doesn't even have DMCV on it.

I don't think you realize that nobody actually cares about the sales number anymore and people are just laughing at you for being a fucking idiot, because honestly I sure am.

it is infact one person, I don't know or really care which notorious faggot it is but you can tell. They have specific ways of speaking and use certain insults. They also camp tangentially related DMC threads like if you were to bring up Dante in a smash thread they're right there. Pretty impressive.

>5 has terrible sales
>yes I know it sold a lot but it sold less than DmC
>yes I know DmC has been out for years and had two separate releases while 5's been out for one month
>you can't just predict that a game will sell more copies over time that's crazy talk
>look all I'm saying is that if you compare sales of a game in a 6 year time frame to sales of a different game in a one month time frame then the one month one has sold less
>therefore that means the game is worse and confirmed a flop it's just simple math you guys

When the fuck did the DMC fanbase became such faggots?

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but wait, it's NOOTRAL, you forgot to say that, that totally justifies their shitty math!
It's okay to be an idiot that way!

DMC fans have always been gays and fujos

You're asking the wrong question

There you go.

>I have no fucking clue why you think your failing scores in a class have anything to do with a market number
oh I know you don't have a fucking clue. that much is obvious.
you were talking about projections you fucking retard, and that's how companies project sales.

>People actually think DMC5 didn't sell the fastest out of all the other games
>Their are people who defend DmC STILL after 6 YEARS

I think it's because everyone is all old n shit, it's probably why anime has a huge appeal even to foreign nations. Who the fuck wants to watch old people do boring shit, probably why Marvel out does DC because at least the Marvel characters don't act like monotone robots.

>Their are people who defend DmC STILL after 6 YEARS
The real funny thing is that DmC is a halfway decent game. Everything about the story, characters, and general presentation is garbage, but the game itself is really fun. The biggest problem is that it tried to fill the shoes of one of the best action franchises ever made. The best thing that fans could do for it is to try and distance it from DMC. I think now that the series is on the right track again people will be kinder to DmC and see it as the weird, heavily flawed, but still surprisingly enjoyable hidden gem that it is. But by continuing to compare it to DMC proper the fans are just bringing up all the old resentment and making the game seem like shit in comparison.

Literally retracted predictions when I found better evidence and even threw out previous statements.

>I don't think you realize that nobody actually cares about the sales number
Except almost every post is people arguing over sales numbers you dumbfuck.

Never said it has terrible sales.
Never said anything about predictions.
Never said anything about the quality of DMC5.

Another post that has nothing to do with anything because you have nothing of value to say, you just need to deflect to something because you're a retard.

I had no fucking clue DMC5 faggots were so thin-skinned. It's unreal that the number of units sold on a shitty old game, that nobody likes, has triggered so many people so fucking hard. Consider suicide, the lot of you.

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>Pose count doesn't increase.

Imagine being this fucking mad that you were wrong about what a game sold. Christ.

>the Definitive edition has sold around 300k. So it's probably about 200k shy of 3 million.
>So it's probably about 200k shy
>Never said anything about predictions.
stay in school, kids.

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wanna see a magic trick? DMC 5 will outsell DmC and DmC DE's total sales
you gotta wait until May though.


After which I said, even without that predicted number, the previous number was still more. I'd tell you to stay in school, but you're hopeless. If you haven't dropped out already, consider it, because you're dragging down the other 7 students in your class and they need to do halfway decent to keep the school's special needs teacher employed.

I don't doubt this.

>Never said anything about predictions.
>Never said

>I'm going to argue semantics and previously retracted statements because that's literally all I can do now.
Another one bites the dust.

What the fuck are you even trying to prove? A 6 year old game has more total sales than a 1 month old game? You're getting mad over literally nothing. We know. Are you really desperate for attention or something?

that's not what semantics mean you fucking retard.

>this thread

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It didn't, it exceeded Capcom expectations.

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>What the fuck are you even trying to prove? A 6 year old game has more total sales than a 1 month old game?
So about 80 posts and 2 hours later you figured this out. Congrats.

I like that you just center on whatever part of the post you think is wrong and that's all you can really do to keep responding. You retards have been arguing semantics and retracted shit this entire fucking thread.

this is not true
this is not true
this is not true

because devil may cry is a bad series with no good entries?

Only 2 bad games in which one was made in less then 4 months and the other was made by western "developers"

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>arguing semantics
that's not what semantics mean you fucking retard.

At this point we're just trying to see how autistic you can get. DmC having more total sales than DMC5 right now means absolutely nothing. It doesn't mean either game had good or bad sales. It's completely useless information that everyone already knew. You're just a pathetic drama queen, but you're not even interesting enough to make good bait, you just keep on insulting everyone and making a spectacle of yourself to get pity (You)s.

Is this what passes for discussions on v these days? One retard saying stupid shit then getting replies as he continues to be retarded? I need to get off this site.

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>DmC doesn't count as a mainline entry
>only managed 1.2 mil in its entire first year

Fuck does it feel good to be in this timeline.

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>DmC doesn't count as a mainline entry

>he just fucking vanishes after talking so much shit talking.

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