Describe the perfect Elder Scrolls game, without resorting to technically impossible bullshit

Describe the perfect Elder Scrolls game, without resorting to technically impossible bullshit.

What could the series do with some competent, soulful design?

Attached: tesvi.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

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An elder scrolls game that doesn't use fucking photogrammetry technology

A return to dungeons

Attached: 1377254999233.png (800x417, 1.42M)

Everything is rendered using cell shading a la Drift City

Skyrim 2 but with good quests and writing.

you should win things by playing

>creativity is dead

Stop making me so OP. It feels silly to be the leader of every major faction in the country, and then to have no one mention it except random villagers in passing dialogue.

Argonians have no boobs
Khajiit have six boobs

have them design the economy as they always do. then have an intern go back and change all values to 1/10 of the default.