Fucking hell this game is huge. I'm 100 hours in and still feel like there's too much shit to do.
Anyone still playing this? New DLC coming out soon I guess.
Talks builds and stuff. Fire warrior with agamemnon set a best
Fucking hell this game is huge. I'm 100 hours in and still feel like there's too much shit to do.
Anyone still playing this? New DLC coming out soon I guess.
Talks builds and stuff. Fire warrior with agamemnon set a best
Other urls found in this thread:
The water still gets my dick hard
the combat is too easy for my tastes, the bullet sponge enemies make it even worse... that said it is a very beautiful game though.
I role Venom set with auto-poison bow and daggers so I can stack fire on top of it. Once you max weapon damage skill, it gets way too broken too early but still fun to windmill everything.
>put on normal
>everything dies in 2 hits
>put it on hard
>everyone has double health
>you die in 2 hits
Fuck off Ubi
I'm playing a poison/hero strike build, does pretty crazy burst damage and is fairly safe because you can still build tanky
>Giving money to Ubishit
I've pirated this game and still felt bad for my PC for having this shit installed.
You can't stack both fire and poison though, only one can be applied at once.. I think?
Also, which do you guys prefer? I'm more of a fire guy. Listening to everyone hear I'M ON FUCKING FIRE is pretty fun
Optimization can sucka dick though
Literally bought it on a whim while waiting for RDR2. Jumped back into it recently and still enjoying it.
I prefer poison almost purely for the reason that you can use it and it isn't just a slow damage over time like in most games
the debuffs, especially with the serpent (I think) set is insane, you absolutely cripple anything you poison
That being said I haven't even tried fire yet
>I'm 100 hours in and still feel like there's too much shit to do.
I'm in the same spot, idk what to do.
Anymore mythological beasts besides the 4?
You can stack them on an already augmented flame or poison weapon. It's op and unfun but great if you want to scorch through the game.
Fire I believe ticks harder, and still causes fire damage. With the agamemnon set, it also ticks 100% faster.
I mean the effects don't stack, an enemy can only be intoxicated or burning, not both.
Fire definitely does more damage but poison increases enemy damage taken and reduces how much damage they deal, snake armor set makes the debuffs even stronger
The damage amplification plus the in-combat assassination damage ability lets you kill almost anything barring bosses in one combo
Strong assassinate to poison to hero strike does absurd damage if you're specced for it
Oh well that sucks. It just randomly applies either effect I guess. Still looks cool at least.
What's more satisfying? AoE stun/pushback, or Sparta Kick off a tall point?
The new DLC looks so fucking good, can't wait bros.
>still not finished with main story
>so many fucking side quests and shit
god help me user
Fire, with elemental buildup and fire damage + weapon damage becomes fire damage is absolutely kino, especially with the 100% burning rate set bonus.
I just wish the textures on it weren't such ass
How does this compare to Black Flag? Is the naval combat equally good or is it dumbed down? The world looks beautiful desu.
If I ever beat this game completely I'm planning on doing a fire build with Alexios for my next playthrough, but for now I'm loving the assassination and sneaking focused gameplay, even if it is a bit slow at times
It's the same team that made Black Flag. The naval combat is just as good as as Black Flag, and you can actually dive under water any time and explore more shit.
The boarding is still just as repetitive, only now you get a million arrows thrown at you before you can even jump on their ship so you can get killed just while trying to hop on.
dumbed down, they understandably went for realism on naval combat and the ships of the time weren't nearly as complicated
no mortars or swivel guns but you can cleave ships in half with the ram
something that's different and very cool is that you can dive anywhere and ships actually sink so if you take down a few ships and miss any loot in the heat of combat you can dive and plunder the ships afterwards
hehe penis
I've been sitting on this since black friday, how varied are the armors?
The fire build is making it so much more fun to just go in guns blazing than just sneakin around, which probably is a bad thing considering it's supposed to be assassin's creed
hehe booby
Fairly varied, there's plenty of random rare and epic gear with different stats (assassin, warrior or hunter damage are split up), and also include many different sets of legendary armor that have "set bonuses" for equipping the entire set. Mix and match with the different weapons and engravings (hint: modifications) and you can mess around with all kinds of different builds and playstyles.
pretty varied, both visually and stat bonus wise
there's also a very generous transmog and upgrade system
so if you find armor you like visually but don't like the stats on you can just apply that look to anything else
if you find gear with good bonuses for your build and you outlevel it you can upgrade it to your level at any blacksmith, resource costs can stack up though
I haven't played an AC game since 2013. I've played all the the games up to Revelations.
I want to go through the rest in order eventually. I guess I could get Unity since it's free right now. Not thrilled about having to install Uplay but free is free.
How is the remaster of 3? That will be the next AC game I play though I don't know when that will be.
>Anyone still playing this?
Not yet, last one I've played was Black Flag and skipped both the one in London and the one in Paris due to them being riddled with bugs. I've yet to play Origins which is the one I have in mind.
3 is trash, both original and remake. Just skip to Black Flag if you don't give a shit about the modern day story.
This outfit combination is one of the few non-gay looking ones i've managed to make.
The game really needs more proper pants and footwear that aren't sandals.
Origins and Odyssey both have a huge departure from the older AC games. Combat in Origins got completely revamped and turned to "souls lite" of dodge, parry, and use large attack once enough adrenaline. Odyssey takes this even further by adding abilities you can use in combat.
Unity is free on uplay right now, if you get it now you keep it forever, it has all the DLC too I think.
But still, it's a bit dull in my opinion.
And this one is a variation, with a heavier armor and a different hood.
Are the weapons like Origins or more varied?
World is beautiful but can be very copy-pasty Not many cities/islands really stand out by themselves.
I thought Origins was okay-ish.
Is Odyssey more of the same?
What historical locations should they visit next after the vikings game comes out? for me it would be
Yes, although it has the boat stuff from Black Flag and the map is better.
I haven't played enough of Origins to get you a proper opinion, but there's plenty of weapon variety in the form of types (staves, swords, daggers, spears, maces, axes, etc) as well as stats and bonus engravings.
Armors are much varied because, instead of being just outfits, you can choose pieces.
Different helmets, chest armor, braces, boots and pants, and you can just combine them.
>India would get cool ass chakrams
>Hungary: Assassinate Franz Ferdinand
You. you don't need to do that though. There's a transmog system so you can make any set you like look however you want.
I honestly don't remember weapon variety from Origins because I only ever used swords, but Odyssey has daggers, swords, polearms, staves, heavy axes, spears, and other things I'm sure I'm missing
however, shields are cut and bow variety is weaker, a lot of the bow gimmicks are on hunter abilities that can be used with any bow rather than specific bows with gimmicks
I doubt they'll do Spain since the movie covered that.
If they had balls, they'd do a much more modern one, set in the 20th century, maybe even during the Cold War.
Seems like Ubisoft is really afraid of touching modern times in AC, which is a shame since that's what the original games were building up to.
I was disappointes that the spear of leonidas never became a proper spear despite the indentation being a full spear when you upgrade.
Did you kill Pater, user?
I haven't played the DLCs yet.
Do you get the hidden blade with them?
They could do one in modern day Tokyo. Since guns are very restricted in Japan, basically Law Enforcement on-duty only, that would give them the excuse they need to not turn the game into a third person shooter.
yes, I'm scum
Yeah, that's another thing.
It was already a bit awkward during the modern day sections of AC3 how the guards took like 10 seconds to pull out a gun and shoot you.
It's okay, I killed him too. Fucking asshole threw me off a cliff.
Nah, I understood that he was Spartan, and that they were really autistic with the traditions and all that.
Plus, I was already suspecting the thing about someone manipulating the family into killing you.
So without spoiling, how do the endings work? Looks like one is attempting to reunite the family, one is Kassandra or Alexios out for revenge against the cult.. what's the other one?
I doubted my decision right before I did it but I figured I'd do what I came to do
then I kicked his adopted son guy off the cliff and laughed like an idiot
The balls on that guy.
That's what i thought as well but i'm still holding out for Spain again mainly during the plague time
You kill your brother/sister?
Haven't gotten that far yet. I'm feeling like I wanna kill that crazy son of a bitch though.
>kick somebody over a ledge
>fiery explosion emanates from your kick
WoW faggots D3 cucks get the fuck out.
I don't know man I'm just guessing lol
did you not see the spear glow
that's not just a normal kick
don't talk about your mother like that
She does seem crazy
The kick because it made farming polemarch seals easy.
>pretty much explore the whole map before making it to sparta
>guess what theres an identical kill loot return quest there
Ah well at least most of them hang out near the edges of forts so you can swoop in, kick, then run off to fast travel.
>69 posts
>20 ips
So are you guys paid by the word or by the post? I'm honestly curious.
Yes, I get paid 0,16 ct per post.
this game is ancient at this point, Ubisoft doesn't pay us to shill it anymore, I'm just bored and feel like discussing the game
Fucking love that they're going all in with the greek mythology shit
I get paid in tendies.
AC Odissey looks pretty damn neat game. Every screenshot I've seen of it looks beautiful, but it bothers me to no end that Cassandra has such man-ish body. Aya from AC Origins has a much more feminine body.
Do not lewd the Cassandra.
Without clothes it does look like a slim fridge.
She, ironically, looks more girly with clothes.
Why's she so cute, bros?
i love her more than my own life
to be fair, I think most of Greece is like that irl
I hope the next game has a character creator.
Or, at least, I hope they don't fuck it up when making the girl. It's a viking game, you have to try hard to fuck it up making a cute blondie.
Amazing looking water in this game
her ass is fake
she isn't nearly fat enough to warrant an ass that size
>le reddit boogeyman
Reddit is edgier than 4channel these fucking days lmao
Hell yeah brother.
Only thing I notice is that it doesn't look like the storms have as big an impact as they did in AC4 with the different kinds of waves and waterspouts to watch out for.
>it's the same team that made Black Flag
No it's not. That would be origins. Which is way better.
>he doesn't get the reference
>being this new
I’m pretty sure it’s 8 total
im playing it i just hate that you have to do the cultist shit so you can upgrade your spear so you can unlock the last tier of an ability
My only beef is they took the shield away. People gave Ubi shit for Origins being too easy so they made Odyssey more difficult by removing the block button.
I'm a fuckin Spartan and I can't use a shield it's so stupid.
Does my Alexios get Isu pussy in the new DLC?
The cultist shit is one of the best parts of the game, user.
>talking about builds
>when upgrade paths are linear and skill point scarcity isn't a thing
What did the shill mean by this
>by removing the block button.
Funny thing is that they didn't, you can block, but in a different way.
But you can still parry you silly goose
Reminder that you can use cheat engine to get all those outfits locked behind microtransactions.
With armor sets and engravings, as well as the mastery stuff to spend ability points on after level 50, you can definitely gear yourself towards a specific build such as pure fire damage or poison.
Not in Odyssey. You could in Origins though.
it's Ciri from The Witcher
I used cheat engine to get the permanent xp and drachma boost because fuck paying for that shit
Odyssey was developed by the team behind Syndicate.
Oh my fault. This is the same team that did Rogue then, huh?
You can.
You just need to use this table.
That's impressive, considering how fucking boring Syndicate was.
I think Rogue was made by a different, much smaller team.
Yes you can parry but Origins had both.
I just want a shield for looks I don't care if it doesn't do much.
>Buying microtransactions in a single player game
Anyways now that I have the opportunity to ask, does that skin make her ass all glowy too
No, you can't. I use that shit and orichalcum is server side.
Black Flag team made both. Trust me it was hammered into my head 1000 times a day by the commercials for it when I worked at GameStop.
Ubi Sofia made rogue. Montreal made Origins and black flag. Quebec City did Syndicate and Odyssey (and the DLC for 3.)
I'm not sure who made everything else, I think it was more conglomerate because Ubisoft wasn't as big back then.
You can use cheat engine and that table to get all the microtransaction shit.
You don't need orichalcum, you just use the cheat engine to give yourself the armors themselves.
>Ubi Sofia
what's that
It's because the hacks took Alexios' body and put her face on it.
give it to me straight. I cannot stand lifeless open worlds and fetch quests. Does Odyssey really make the game a Witcher 3-like experience?
This, can't roleplay as a Hoplite if there are no shields.
You're remembering incorrectly. Black flag team took 4 years to make origins after 2013. and they are currently making the 2020 viking game. Odyssey team took 3 years to make Odyssey after Syndicate in 2015.
Origins/4 = Montreal
Syndicate/Odyssey = Quebec city.
holy christ looking at this picture and the fact that the next game is vikings gets my dick rock hard
Odyssey makes Witcher 3 look like Fallout 76
I'm amazed they managed to establish pure fantasy as being somewhat feasible, like the explanation behind the Minotaur and Gorgons etc, or the Greek Gods actually existing but people interpreting them as Greek Gods instead of their true nature.
well, reign your dick in cause vikings don't do naval combat
unga bunga ship land fight
in what way?
Yes and no. The exploration aspect is huge, but a lot of the shit is very copy pasted or nothing really there aside from yet another bandit camp. The detective stuff is few and far between if you have a problem with that. If you play on doing side quests, make sure you do the ones that are golden colored, otherwise you're stuck doing generic fetch quests.
Ok but is her ass glowy or not?
It's very immersive sometimes but very bland, copy paste, and soulless at other times. Overall I'd say it's a shittier Witcher 3 but it's decent enough. Origins was better because it didn't overstay its welcome and the setting was more authentic.
Probably. That woman seems to be Aphrodite.
Still waiting for the inevitable Japanese Creed game.
This is the biggest asspull since the Juno shit at the end of AC2.
Not really.
It's similar, although it's clear which one is trying to mimic which.
TW3 is its own thing, while Odyssey tries to imitate it.
I'd say Odyssey is a bit blander.
what the fuck do you mean by that
did they seriously not do that´?
not that much of a loss for me because I just like sailing and looking at the vistas but still
there's a city in bulgaria called sofia?
Odyssey's world manages to be one of the most lifeless worlds I've ever seen in a game. It's got less actual content than Witcher 3 (by this I mean fully voiced and cutscened quests) spread out over a map that feels maybe 4 or 5 times as large, with the empty space filled with countless bandit camps and other checklist shit. On top of this the game level gates you at a point so you're forced to do the boring shit that makes up most of the game instead of the main story (the only remotely engaging aspect of the game).
Yeah, it's only the capital.
>Tfw the series peaked with Ezio
Still one of the best trailers I've seen
They'll eventually do it for sure, however I get the feeling that they'll do China first. Pic related is a random concept art from Ubi.
well, excuuuuuuuuse me
The longboats would capsize if they had a row of archers standing on them. They're made for relative speed and long travel, not combat.
(For that matter, Greek Triremes weren't made for archers either. Ramming was the primary combat IRL.)
Chink Creed : Dynasty
fucking DO IT NEGER
I don't get the point of games so big. I just play 60 - 100 hours and get burnt out and leave it unfinished forever. I would love if we just got short sweet focused games trying to relay something to you. More artful I suppose.
> If you play on doing side quests, make sure you do the ones that are golden colored, otherwise you're stuck doing generic fetch quests.
thanks for that advise. Games these days are so bloated it makes me sick. You need to know ahead of time what to skip before getting into them. I fucking hate it.
I stopped are like 43 hours around being level 38. After 5-10 hours the game throws nothing new or exciting at you, even the Minotaur and other mythological entities .
The trailer was great, the game was not. Black Flag was miles ahead of that trash and the trash that followed it
Well fuck, you think they'll take liberties with it and still let us do it?
(Even the gold quests are fetch quests they just have a little bit of writing attached. Its inevitable when your only actions are walk, fight, and loot.)
>I just play 60 - 100 hours and get burnt out and leave it unfinished forever.
Nigger what are you even doing, Odyssey shouldn't take longer than 70.
There's so much shit to do, just find something user
I don't know, it would be a bit ridiculous as it never happened IRL. the closest you get is a small boarding party of 3 guys jumping onto someone else's ship. Or taking cover from arrows coming from a beach/Riverside. Maybe they would work some kind of defense mechanic to shield from arrows coming from the shore?
>spread out over a map that feels maybe 4 or 5 times as large
>the game level gates you at a point so you're forced to do the boring shit that makes up most of the game instead of the main story
doubel yikes
looks like I'll wait for the educational version like I did with Origins.
looting in games makes me physically ill. When a game is based around loot, I immediately see past the facade of gameplay and the systems designed to give me infinite, microscopic dopmaine rushes become clear. I immediately am aware of how combat encounters are scaled to a certain level to ensure that they aren't interesting or well designed.
fuck, so it's still just Ubishit. That pisses me off.
this doesn't even looks like an AC game lol
So the Agamemnon armor set in-game shows it's 100% burn rate, but everywhere else it shows 50%. If you take the set out and wear something else, you can engrave a 50% burn rate to the armor.
WHICH PERCENTAGE IS IT. The detailed stats don't even show the dot tick rate, only buildup and damage multipliers
No but I did publicly kill the Monger and it seemed to lock me out of a bunch of shit for that alone. At least I got the family back together even though the other dude bitched at me repeatedly until he died.
They already have that stupid mechanic in there where when arrows fly at you, you and your crew crouch and that somehow guards your ship's HP so I guess so yeah.
Do you know more about vikings in general? Like is there even shit to climb or actual cities we can visit, assuming they do more than just 1 country this time as I know that vikings went pretty much everywhere. I assume
I went fire+elemental buildup+greek hero set (for the extra life because it was the first arpg I played). I am debating using a spear this time but I might go sword again because I loved the combo so much.
How in the FUCK did we go from this to that?
Do you do much assassination of high-profile targets in this game or is it mostly action RPG?
eh, the cities will probably be those we're pilaging
the scenery will probably be more akin to 3, you know trees, cliffs, probably some beach
And that's a good thing.
the atlantis dlc looks good
Series started stagnating, gameplay was the same shit over and over and over again.
serious question, do you think we will get a remaster of unity that fixes a shit load of the performance?
Because before Origins, it was and still is my favorite AC game, the new direction of the series is good, but unity was pure kino
I did plenty of assassinations. The difference in this is that you can do an "assassination" move but not kill someone. The higher level mobs/named mobs have so much health that unless you have super high +assassination damage it doesn't kill them.
I think the game looks gorgeous.
dark souls
It's mostly action rpg. Most targets cannot be assassinated and must be defeated Dark Souls style.
Greece is a kino setting
I really miss the whole, you know, actually investigating your target and their behaviors before going after them. In later games you can literally brute force everything.
it's pretty all damage/stat based now
there is a power assassination move so
Well the Scandinavians didn't have much in the way of tall architecture. Structures RARELY ever had more than 1 floor, and even then a second "floor" would be more like a balcony inside a large hall. And Denmark as a country is so flat, it only has 1 hill.
If they use Norway and get really creative with building settlements onto hillsides or near cliffs we could have some verticality, but the buildings themselves will be very short. The natural terrain could provide some good climbing material, there's lots of massive 500+foot tall cliffs in some places.
Overall I'd hope we could at least sail to England or france where they had castles, keeps, and slightly taller structures overall.
But it did get fixed?
Unity is peak AC, I got lucky and experienced no bugs at launch. Paris was fucking beautiful.
I haven played this but played Origins. Did they add a home base, villa or something this time? I loved that part of the past games and missed it in Origins
fuck I can't get it to work
did the recent update fuck this up
Game IS gorgeous, but man it runs like absolute ass at times. They should just give up on this mess of an engine and use the Division engine.
Nope you have a childhood house in sparta that you have to earn back in a ridiculous useless tangent of the main story but you can't even enter it and it's literally a shitty little shack
Don't forget the fjords, shit will look beautiful as fuck.
fire + warrior build is the only way to play this game
but my chinese assassins though
they fixed a metric assload of shit, but the game runs like a fat kid with asthma
damn shame too, its gorgeous and is still prettier than most games in 2019
I'm still playing it. Kind of just want a new one already, but still finding really good quest chains all over the place post main quest at 80 hours in. Game gets funner the higher you level though. Minotaur encounter was laughably easy at level 47.
Unity doesn't even need a remaster, it still looks better than Odyssey most times
Pic related is Ubi concept art for the vikings game.
No, but they added a mercenary/bounty hunter system kind of like the nemesis system, where commiting crimes will get bounty hunters on you, or you can kill them and move up the ranks for rewards. They also have a cult with a bunch of different members scattered throughout the world that you can hunt down and expose by finding clues, or just explore and run into them.
>but the game runs like a fat kid with asthma
could it be because of Denuvo?
hell yeah brother
Same engine is being used for Siege and For Honor so it's probably just Denuvo again
But yeah I would love if they switched to Division's engine
Complete fucking wank. That giant keep in the distance is ALMOST as stupid as Odyssey's massive monumental statues that never existed. Those were a hot load of shit, first time in the series where they just made shit up to look "cool" for no reason.
So much TO DO, nothing that ends up being interesting or fun. The amount of quests that lead to copy pasta bandit camps, caves, fortresses or some dumb ass leader house in the middle of town is just annoying bloat.
You know ive never bothered to check, hell if this shit runs better when its pirated im gonna do that.
I don't think it's even Denuvo.
I just downloaded that cheat table you linked and mine looks nothing like yours so where is the cheat table you are using?
They updated the content table, here it is.
fine i guess ill pirate it
Use this one
Forgot that the one in the OP is really outdated.
The game is wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. NPCs are paper thin, most of the writing is shit, and the world is bland as fuck past some nice screenshots. Free running is fucked and combat is boring, and the game is a grind. Origins is superior in almost every way save for the lack of choice based dialogue.
have fun user
imagine having taste this shite
Enjoy your shit skinner box ubishill.
>read the ending
>do most of the side content
>drop game without finishing
Killing both minotaurs 2 levels under was pretty fun.
Medusa sucked
Assassinations were boring and the fucking mercenaries got old quick
I killed one of the lead cultists before his last underling by accident too, that was fun. The top right one, I think he was a mercenary too
Wrong, that is a bad thing. If they want a game separate from The Brotherhood and assassinations, then make it, but don't tack on Assassin's Creed to the title.
Odyssey had nothing to do with the Creed or the Brotherhood. It should not have had the name.
I can't blame you. They even made a whole game about pirating.
Origins is even worse than Odyssey in these cases though
Did I do something wrong?
if you like any of the assassin's creed games your taste is unsalvageable and you should be beaten to death in the streets
>entire story is based around hunting down BIG, MEAN, AWFUL cultists
>so many that the storylines and actual kills revolving around the 95% of them are boring and half-assed. So many times I go to do one thing, and a cultist I revealed just so happens to be there, and ends up being a very uneventful death.
A better system would be like 15-20 of them, but they exist on the map at ALL times. You possibly work with them, or maybe just see them on the street. As you do the missions to uncover the identity, you could just have a hunch and murder an quest giver you've been dealing with. Was it a cultist? Cool. Was it not a cultist? You just lost the rest of the questline and any other quest with that NPC but the game goes on.
They should do something like that and turn Watch Dogs into a modern day Assassins Creed, which is probably how it all started.
I bet the development of the first Watch Dogs began as the original Assassins Creed 3.
Finally an user with some good taste around here. Odyssey spreads itself way too fucking thin and just loves to waste your time.
Don't get me wrong Origins also had some boring and copy paste parts but on the whole, it was a lot better.
He's not wrong. As a huge fan of the AC games, I own them all, Odyssey was the worst. Thankfully the Origins team is making the next installment.
The actual assassin/templar shit is the worst part about the newer AC games. Black Flag was a great game and became dreadful when you were on a mission involving the whole templar shit.
Not really. It started by being a Driver game at first. Which is funny because Watch Dog's driving is notoriously awful.
That's weird.
Maybe try changing the name of the file?
Mine had the R logo, maybe it's fucking it up or something.
id still kill for a remaster of unity, shit was cash
can't remaster something that still looks better than most modern games
nah, mate Origin is superior to most of the games in the series except 2 and black flag.
>Maybe try changing the name of the file?
Yeah that worked thanks user
>Edward gets stabbed to death shirtless in his own bedroom in front of his wife and kids at age 42
Ancient Babylon, fuck the "assassin's" part and make it a regular RPG with no modern-day sections.
>replying to yourself
You're embarrassing yourself.
They added in two more Cyclops fights in updates. And next week's part 1 of the 3 part 2nd paid dlc will have at least one mythological beast if the trailer is anything to go by.
I'm not him and I agree with what he said.
thing is
watchdogs is already a modern day assassin's creed
ayy lmao
git gud x2
It's not even an uncommon opinion that Origins > Odyssey
In fact I'd say it's pretty standard. Better main character, better setting, more authentic, less grindy, overall just a better game. Only thing that sucks is no free sailing, but oh well.
>His daughter gets enslaved by Ottomans and is never reunited with the family again
Is the DLC actually worth buying or should I ignore it?
Hell, fuck the sailing. I enjoyed it in Black Flag but it sucks in Odyssey and I actually never did it except when I had to. I hope it gets better in the viking game.
Is this a custom model?
WTF seriously? Whyd they have such a happy ending in the game if they just get fucked up a decade later
What Skyrim mod is this?
The whole game is unsatisfying. It wants everything but doesnt make anything satisfying. The mercenaries are the same fucking way.
It's more focused and polished, looks better and I found most of the quests way more engaging. The game had a much more natural progression so I was typically right where I needed to be when I entered a new area, or if I was two or so levels below an enemy I could still explore and achieve shit. The health sponge enemies in Odyssey are just complete fucking dogshit.
What, the one that's out now? Fuck no. The one that's coming looks interesting, though I'd advise to wait it out and let all episodes be released first.
I actually liked how the arrow volleys worked in Origin's sailing missions, something isn't as satisfying in the Odyssey version. Probably because it's one big volley instead of 3 quick ones. The ramming is good, but yeah overall it's less fleshed out than black flags, but it was kind of necessary for the Greek setting.
lame as hell that this isnt free like it was in Origins.
You should have guessed it wouldn't end well considering Haytham was his son, and he ended up being a Templar.
>assassins creed
>complaining about assassins/templars
really makes you think
Well there's a reason Haytham (Ed's son) is a Templar in AC3
I don't know why but Ubisoft seems to have a thing for their Assassins having tragic deaths.
It's DLC
Tragedy always followed the Kenways. Ironically it seems that Connor was the only one with a happy ending.
Origins had 4~ years to be made, while Odyssey only had 3. (Really more like 3.5 and 2.5 years.) I wonder how that new viking game will be if it's coming so soon in 2020?
>tfw your tsundere sis will never rape you
Well fuck, there goes my hope of Cassandra having a proper feminine body.
Good to know, I was planning on replaying it and just needed to know if it was remotely worth the pretty steep asking price. I'll wait for the new shit to release but will probably be done with the game before it's all out. Episodic DLC only works when you're not waiting forever for it to come out.
im like 70 hours in and it is genuinely one of the most content filled games ever.
but user
it's already fixed
for me :^)
There's some armors like the assassin one that make her look really slim.
I dont have much hope, Viking shit has been pretty done to death and seems like a pretty shit setting for an AC game. No buildings.
I mean expected Edward to die eventually of course, but his daughter seriously gets enslaved and never returns home? That fucking RUINS the heartwarming ending of black flag
>playing as alexios
seriously though
where's that chinese assassin's creed game
It's apparently made by the Origins guys so it'll be good.
I think all that shit came from a tie-in novel that came out before AC4. I dont think it would have stayed that way if the game didnt have that baggage to begin with.
If it's done by the 4&Origins team I expect it to be good. They seem to really understand what people like about exploring time period settings. It will just be interesting to see how they pull it off without injecting too much fantastical shit.
It's the superior way to play
Eh, I already played once as Kassandra.
She's hotter as a villain anyway.
>that armor
Soon. Ubisoft is trying really hard to be buttbuddies with China and even became friends with Tencent. There's also official concept art floating around already. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the next gen AC after the viking one.
I will shit in your frosted flakes
I'll be interested to give it a shot if it looks good.
>and is never reunited with the family again
I thought Haytham and a friend of his ended up finding her where they found out she was forced to be a prostitute and was badly abused. Then Haytham's friend ended up a eunich because of the event of rescuing her and killed himself? Or was that saving his friend's sister?
So I haven't gotten far in Origins, but enjoy the combat in Odyssey.
Besides the combat abilities, does Origins still have similar combat? Can I light niggas up and hear them scream for water like in Odyssey?
>Unironically shilling for Ass Creed in the year of our Lord 2019
What the fuck
I like how they've kept on updating and adding new features with them. Like changing your armor cosmetics to something else.
You get firebombs and certain weapons have fire enchants.
I want them to remove the gender option & "romances" because it leads to shittier character writing. However I'm not opposed to them just making the Protagonist female off the bat. It could be an interesting thing to explore if done properly. But I don't expect this.
They're doing surprisingly well, considering it's still Ubisoft. Plenty of free DLC quests too.
shut up
gib viking whey-fu
do i have to play as a bitch?
Nigger shut up, games are good now
>nb4 ur a shill
You didn't read my post
No, you choose at the beginning of the game if you want to play as a dude or a girl.
>You get firebombs
can i throw firebombs somehow????? ive been wanting to do that for like 50 hours
It's ridiculous the amount of shit they've added for free. Apparently there was a rumor/leak about a player created story mode.
I read it negar
I want to play as a dude and get a viking whey-fu
I'd be okay with a shieldmaiden/assassin protagonist out for revenge because her family was betrayed by a templar jarl or something. I want her to be sexy though.
You are right, Haytham saved her.
Yes, select them, aim and throw. Sneaking into an enemy camp and lighting the straw mats they sleep on on fire while they sleep is a good strategy.
isn't there one already but it is like on phone or some shit?
wtf? i don't have firebombs. wtf
I think it could be extremely cool to explore the actual HISTORICAL implications of ShieldMaidens, not the Hollywood "grrl power" version. But as I said, I don't expect this. We're probably going to have a gender option so they have to homogenise the writing and make the character the same whether it's a man or woman, like they did in Odyssey.
I think Connor got a raw deal. He had to come after Ezio, so of course he seems boring in comparison. Honestly I think Connor is probably the best fighter in the Assassins. Dude fucking wrecks with the way he fights.
that one is 2D
I need my chink cities in full 3D glory
It's some 2.5D vita game or some shit, nobody cares for it and it was just a little experiment
It was a side scroller kind of like Mark of the Ninja or whatever.
I actually liked being an abstergo employee
sad he had to join the templars
>not having high assassination
>shitty sonic magic attack
>is that a fucking lightsaber knockoff?
>no more eagle dive, no fall damage
>shitty dramatic kick effect and enemy shoots off like a projectile
wow that looks like absolute garbage
I mean this franchise was already ruined, but you're just beating a dead horse at this point
how much worse will the next one be?
You convinced me, I'll try this game ubishit will give the game for free because the Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed
into the trash. Kassandra is greek and NOT muslim
He's actually a very complex character and a great protagonist for the gray conflict he was thrown in. He made a lot of mistakes and learned a hard lesson by the end, but he didnt deserve the backlash he got. They also cut out his final speech like fucking retards.
I don't think it's just that. The real problem with Connor is that Ubisoft went all-in with accurately depicting Native Americans at that time. The way Connor moved, his body language when he's near others, the way he talks and generally his presence, all of it is accurate depiction. Which is probably why he threw off people so much.
nice try - she's an assassin.
Was arno muslim?
stupid sexy photo modes in games... they even added one to Ghost Recon: WIldlands.
Rhodes isn't in the game and it's before the colossus was built in any case. But that didn't stop them from adding retarded 200ft tall statues everywhere anyways
>magic attack
It's a strong kick. You're incredibly powerful.
>lightsaber knockoff
It's an artifact of the ancient alien first civilization that's been in AC forever.
>eagle dive
There's still an eagle dive, don't be retarded.
>no fall damage
You're a literal demigod
it saddens me to see people trash the 1st person segments
because it was like a glimpse to what could've been
a first person, modern assassin's creed RPG
>assassin's creed
Parthenon then?
meant for
what armor is that?
He may have been actually.
honestly ancient china is such a fucking great setting for an assassin creed game
you can get the king and his imperial city and theforbidden city, you can get wuxia/ martial arts elements added in, you can get full scale war, you can even have naval combat (probably not as much like the greece one), the silk road, and then you can add in fantasy element as well with all the gods shit just like the mythology in odyssey
I want to like it but it runs like absoulte shit on my i5 7600/1060 6gb
imagine Mirror's edge
but with good combat
Complete with stupid fucking giant Athena statue, the real one was only 20 feet tall.
lmao wtf happened to assassins creed?
>wannnh the statues are too tall
oh no, god forbid the stautues be taller than the REAL ones
when did Yea Forums become such humorless fucking actual faggots, jesus
>as-assassin's creed was always about HISTORICAL SIMULATION
runs fine on my 4670k/1060 6gb though the CPU is always maxed out at 100%
> You'll be never be Nat.
> Kass will never ask you to stay and make an adorable baby
> Kass won't grieve when she sees your dead body.
Stop reminding me of this game.
it finally became fun to play after almost 2 decades
They needed to revitalize the series so it turned into an action rpg with Origins.
Odyssey however went full ham with it and put in a lot of mythology and super powers and excusing it all with the existing lore. Technically speaking, this is still Assassin's Creed.
Also I personally felt like with Odyssey specifically, they took a lot of notes from Shadow of Morder because that game took a big shit on AC's gameplay at the time.
havent played the game in awhile who the fuck is Nat?
The Statues are kino
>Native 4K with HDR on my One X
One of the few times I dont regret buying this thing
my point was hoods arent indicative of ones potential shitskin
>first game came out in 2007
>almost 2 decades
>greek mythology
>expect to fight a minotaur
>get this instead
what dyu mean?
it's the minotaur
Ubi fucked up so hard when they wrote the story for the current dlc. it's so forced to explained the relocation of the hidden blade and thus the recreations of it that were passed to Bayek in Origins.
nigger the whole appeal was climbing over and appreciating the realistic buildings, cities, and scenes
nobody gave 2 fucks about the story or combat
>flame swords
>lifeless animation of a basic somersault after falling 50 feet
>punting enemies 40 yards
lol yeah, whatever you say senor shit-taste
oh btw they are giving unity for free this week, worth a try? i know the launch was dogshit but how was the game in general after all the patches
Do you even get something for higher difficulty?
My biggest problem with this game is that it managed to become even less of an asscreed game then origins. They could've just made a direct sequel after Caesar's death. Several important civil war battles took place in Greece. But I guess they wanted to have le sparta memes. Might as well do ancient Mesopotamia if they don't care. At least it will look cool
Connor also suffered from the fact that he was naive, and people took this for him being stupid.
I blame Ubisoft for deleting this.
it's the fuckin minotaur, he's terrifying
good, you should get it
Because it's retarded. No Asscreed game has ever been realistic but there's a difference between realistic and authentic. They also made up giant mountain sized statues for no reason other than to "look cool". Especially when they make them dwarf the ACTUAL ancient wonders, like the parthenon, it's almost comedic. The parthenon wasn't cool enough on it's own, nope, gotta add a big fucking 200ft statue, or normie will get bored.
you do get an actual minotuar fight mongoloid
>sparta kicking people off cliffs isn't fun
how to tell someone doesn't enjoy fun and be glad they're not messing up my game while i enjoy playing it
better loot
That kid and his tour quest was amusing. Also the Pre-Trials.
It's the last real asscreed game and such a wasted potential. You should at least try it since it's free
Are you really ysaying that Greece during Cleopatra's time is a better setting for AC than Pelopennasian Wars Greece? Greece would've been absolutely wasted on that time period.
yikes, get some fashion
>>Imagine being this mad
Daily reminder that Altair is literally the greatest assassin of all time
Do you have the Legacy of the first blade DLC?
>having shit taste
fun was sneaking up on the guy like a human, giving him a human kick with human force, and watching him flail over the edge to his death while you snuck away
not this superman cringe
the guy still died and the scene looked better.
This is nothing to get that fucking mad about calm the fuck down
Which celstial armor piece is it that makes the skin glowy?
I ask because the pants are being sold at oikos right now. If I just get them will it make all kassandra's skin glowy? Or just her legs, because that would look dumb.
>kicking people with the strength of ironman in a assassins creed game
yeah, no.
honestly, logically idk how the fuck can they even make that statue given the geography around it and the small and poor as fuck island
>preset animations is more fun than ragdolls
trying too hard brev
How the fuck do I recruit lieutenants if I keep burning them alive
I'm not angry at you, I'm expressing my distaste for theme-park-esque shit like that. None of the other Asscreed games blatantly just made up monuments or drastically changed them, so it's not like this opinion comes without precedent.
I hope the Viking girl is cuter.
he's right, though.
The skin doesn't glow. The chest adds glowing eyes and some white makeup to their face.
Greece didn't have actual minotaurs or flamethrowers on wooden boats either
I hope she has short shoulder-length blonde hair and puts on warpaint before battle
>stabbing your target in the throat with Hidden blades, then disappearing into the crowd. Or killing a guard, looting his body, then throwing it into a pile of hay.
>you're Goku in a toga with a fucking lightsaber
>or flamethrowers on wooden boats either
they actually did
I'm saying it's stupid to release a prequel to a game called "origins". I'd rather have Constantinople before the Justinian plague as ascreed set in Greece though
You knew this was coming.
The studio that made Odyssey did Syndicate too. Having a playable male and female character is their thing. The one that makes the viking game is the Origins team, and that studio always does a single protagonist and it'll be a male one for sure. The most you will get is a secondary main char who is female, like Aya or Elise.
Yeah, they should maker her Tarzan-like autistic, someone who grew up and learned to handle herself in the wilderness but is not used at all to interacting with other people and normal life.
So if I only equip the legs, only her legs will turn pale with glowy lines? Or is it that chest that does that? I'm confused
hopefully when they did the china one im allowed to do martial art fight and can choose which style to main
probably a lot of effort to put in but it would be cool as fuck, like a modern and better version of jade empire
Well, they did say they wanted to keep with the RPG path.
And since Ubisoft has said they want to remain free of political controversy, they'll probably just make all AC games have a man and a woman available so that SJWs don't come whining.
>you're Goku in a toga with a fucking lightsaber
>The one that makes the viking game is the Origins team, and that studio always does a single protagonist and it'll be a male one for sure.
lol@ you thinking this is up to developers to decide
ass creed has choice of protagonist gender from this point forward, you dont go backwards on stuff like this
Sounds good to me. If they were really creative they would implement a social stealth mechanic and have other characters be very suspicious that she's an outsider and a female warrior.
But it will of course just be some generic Quippy 'yass qween' shite.
I got a i7-4790k and a 1080ti, origins won't give me more than 65 fps in towns, how bad does this game chug?
Her legs aren't pale. It's a crappy First Civilization style bodysuit.
If you equip just the legs then all you'll have is the dumb looking legs with the glowing lines on it.
See this is shit because I want based bro characters like Edward and Bayek but also I want a cool viking girl
You'd thing a gender option would be good in that case but in reality it will just make the character boring like Kassandra/Alexios
They're boring more because they're meant to allow for different choices I think. This is why you should either go for full character customization with a mute protagonist that has more options or a single fixed one with more defined personality.
chugs exactly the same way
dont ever buy a video card massively faster than your processor, it does nothing for you, you fucked up
kassandra is a fine character though. i like her. they are not going back.
Do actual human beings buy Ubisoft games? Why?
I guess I wish they'd just do a single fixed one, and just make it a Viking girl then have the next game be a cool dude character.
Kasslexios is borig as fuck and all their dialogue can be summed up into this
>Hi, I'm mercenary, what is the job?
>Grrr I hate cult
>I need my family
Its just generic and you may not thing gender is a big deal but it really is, they essentially write for 2 diff characters at once and it just makes them both generic.
Maybe if you stepped outside Yea Forums for a while you wouldn't be so disconnected with reality you dweeb
Like do you really not realise how fucking stupid your question is
>dont ever buy a video card massively faster than your processor
>4790k slow
Top kek
Knowing Ubisoft they would give her a raven hair to avoid the Elsa Jean blacked memes and but they will still make a BI and then make her ride a cock carousel of non white men for the sake wokeness.
Dude, it's a i7, CPUs haven't advanced significantly in years.
As long as you have a 4 core Intel CPU, you'll be fine.
Hell, I have a i3 6100 and I still run Odyssey at around 40 FPS.
If she ain't blonde then they SOILED IT
you arent going to play as a viking in the viking AC. you play as an anglo saxon or whatever
the dialogue feels "generic" to you because there is 80x as much dialogue. You are used to the characters only speaking in quest situations
alexios and kassandra do not even have the exact same dialogue lines fyi
>at around 40 FPS.
only subhumans consider drops below 60 acceptable
sorry i am over here in 2019 trying to make the game run >90fps at all times since I'm playing on either a 120hz or 165hz display depending on where i send it
Also considering I won the silicon lottery and have it clocked to 4.4.
Shit is fantastic
Bayek's dialogue wasn't as generic, he had great range both in emotion and subject matter. I can't see that being the same if they also had a gender option or romances in that game. Writing is simply better when you're working with a DEFINED character who has defined relationships.
More than having to choose between male and female, I think what affects that is being able to choose dialogues.
>nearing 100 hours
>have started to use the words malaka and malakes unironically in real life
this malakes game is turning me into a malaka
>dont ever buy a video card massively faster than your processor, it does nothing for you
Imagine being this dumb, GPUs get taxed in different ways to CPUs, you can get a ton of mileage out of a 1080ti with that CPU.
>Writing is simply better when you're working with a DEFINED character who has defined relationships.
yeah defined relationships as in no dialogue choices
people will find every single reason to dislike odyssey and it simply stands head and shoulders over the field of other AC games
Then post speccy screenshot nigger
Ideally they remove both. Although I would be opposed to keeping dialogue options, just play the "Animus glitch" effect on the screen sometimes when using them, like the bonus scenes in earlier AC games. (Remember hug/no hug Leonardo?)
it just roll off the tounge man, hard not to do it
Nek, neket ieadet
>that part of the main theme where the black woman vocalist is like
based af tbqh
how did they do it
I want to go to Fuggos with Kassandra
what does malaka mean
I'm sorry for questioning your undying love of shovelware.
Thanks for those CE tables, user. Just got those packs. I mean they're trash, but some look nice so i can transmog.
what a strong woman
i want to be her kevin sorbo
god damn remember that bitch who played aphrodite on kevin sorbo hercules? daaaaaamn that bitch was fine, had some big ole titties
>game ends with us starting WWI
would be kino
What about an AC game during height and fall of the Ottoman empire
>I'm 100 hours in and still feel like there's too much shit to do.
Yeah, so many camps to capture, I don't know if I should go left or right
>Talks builds and stuff.
I use the one where I have a weapon, I just press A and enemies die in a couple hits, it's OP as fuck
You can get pretty much any armor you want, you need to know the ID hash of them though.
She does look nice in the abstergo suit.
Assassins Creed Revelations was already in the Ottoman empire.
tfw no 2b kassandra crossover outfit
can somebody mod kassy to have shimapan since we have to see her gross panties while swimming
For me the best looking one is the aegean pirate chest and legs, and the rest choose whatever you want.
goddddddd motha fuckin DAMN boy
I'm digging this hunter set.
Bought the game 2 days ago and 10 hours in I think and I have no clue wtf is going on like what. Theres so fucking much
The game seems pretty aimless until you are given the list of templars to kill and get to Athens.
When I first left the tutorial island I was overwhelmed, man. That shit was terrifying.
Does Odyssey have the Animus Control Panel?
I am more than pleased that this was the first response to that post
How’s the social stealth and parkour? I haven’t played since 2014, I was afraid they were gonna strip the series of everything that made it unique and turn it into a shittier Batman game.
The parkour is similar to Black Flag's, although a bit smoother.
You can crouch and walk around stealthily, but I don't think you can hide in crowds anymore.
Social stealth is nonexistent. You just hide in bushes and out of sight in restricted areas. No more finding crowds on benches to hide in, though there are closets and stuff you can hide in in outposts.
No social stealth, but you get hunted by powerful enemies if you steal or kill too much. Parkour is the simplest it's ever been, even simpler than AC1, there's no real "puzzles" in climbing, you just scramble up any surface. Although this does mean it's less fucky and the character usually does what you want instead of jumping like a retard or falling.
You can climb just about everything like BotW
You can also hunt down those mercenaries yourself. There’s also a ranking system and you can climb up the ranks by killing those above you for rewards and perks.
The parkour in Odyssey is the worst it has ever been in the series.
Trust me, I played the AC3 Remaster and Odyssey's is pretty much a smoother version of that.
Still, I think they should have focused on polishing Unity's instead.
No it is not, its considerably inferior in just about every way. The protagonist does about a fraction of the shit they should be able to, multiple times I tried to scale or run up things and they did not do it properly or did not recognize the object as climbable.
What were you able to do in AC3 that you are not in Odyssey?
There's a thing called muscles, dumbo.
I realized the gameplay loop and then I just dropped it like 15 hours in
Its 100 hours of you doing the same shit, over and over again
I said fuck it
Never had trouble jumping on poles in succession like I did in Odyssey, like in the first couple minutes of the video I posted.
india would be kino.
I miss the modern day parts.
>actually investigating your target and their behaviors before going after them
You mean the mini-games they got you to do? "Find X dude on the streets, chase him down and he tells you stuff."
There are modern day parts, you just don't play as Desmond in them
There's nothing wrong with stuff being made up to look cool, autist.
There's barely any of them, the few there is is just
>we need to get these pieces of eden before the templars
and the characters are just the same archetype of "super ironic, quirky millennial" that has already been run into the ground.
It is really that good? It’s worth pirating the game?
They shouldn't have killed him, and should have followed the original plan.
Depends if you can stand the typical leveling up, looting open world thing that so many games nowadays have.
Gameplay loop is similar to Borderlands, except the swapping gear isn't nearly as obnoxious, and no reddit humor.
fucking why
>post RPG assassins creed
>about a player created story mode
I don't disagree, that's why I said it's simpler. But also less easy to make mistakes
I heard the VA charged too much.
this or unity?
Nah, they simply wanted the franchise to go on forever.
Nolan North said the original plan was that in AC3 the artifact you'd find that "could save the world" would be a piece of eden that would let Desmond travel through time, and you'd spend a few games travelling though time, changing history to try to save the world.
You know, as pretty as Odyssey looks, it's weird when it's right next to Unity or Ac3 and somehow looks... More cartoony? On its own it looks really realistic but those comparisons made it look silly. Weird.
There is when the series never did that before. At worst they would smudge dates and include something that wasn't completed for another 80~ years. Certain cathedrals, a staircase in AC4. Not just make up something.
Anyone? I don't really want to buy it if it doesn't
It's a much more colorful game and has more natural vistas.
Unity, on the other hand, it's all in a city.
I wish they would go full fantasy instead of "it's just alien tech"
Desmond was an insufferable faggot and so was his supporting cast. the modern day conspiracy type shit was a joke the moment you realize it would never have a satisfying conclusion when they were stretching it out with brotherhood onwards
Time travel is a stupid trope and completely goes against what the series had established at that point
Playing Asscreed imagine beeing this faggot.
Future segments were getting a ton of flack for being boring and a pace killer, they likely decided that changing the PoV character in the future segments would be enough to placate that but ultimately people didn't hate the character they hated how the future segments worked.
No it just looks more toyish somehow. I think it's the combo of less gritty textures, slightly jankier animations, and further zoomed out camera. On its own it looks great though.
Noobisoft! Why do people forget?
Fuck Geraldo, decent gameplay with different mechanics >>>>>>>>>>>>> shit gameplay
And I wish they would go full historical instead of the stupid ancient aliens, magical artifacts, kill 10 Templars and listen to their death speech shit
Veronica Mars was cute
Probably because, up until AC3, the modern day sections were just puzzles or something.
It's a shame that you only go on actual missions in AC3.
If they were all like the mission where you go to Abstergo it would be fine, you know, if you actually do some assassination.
No one listens to meme boys, you only make yourself look stupid
The one not paying for shit is the retard?
Lol keep telling yourself that you're probably one of the tards who payed for expboost from that shit ingame store.
No you're retarded because you fucked up the formatting of your post making it seem like broken English at best.
How the fuck is Origins not worse than Odyssey in literally every single way?
Fuck you these lemons are so good.
and they butchered it
What is you're point? English is not my first languige, now tell me why you are so retarded that you willingly let noobisoft fuck you in the ass?
Better main character
More focused story
Less fantasy shit
Better setting (well, arguably.)
Less grind (this is the big one.)
Origins was great, what the hell are you talking about?
What is Assassins.Creed.Odyssey-CPY?
not when it's not supposed to be part of the fantasy/sci-fi elements but part of the real world instead
all they have to do is be faithful but instead go out of their way not to be, that works against the game
lmao just use the animus to rewrite history Wuz Kangs man.
I don't know exactly what you're implying but there's only 3~ black characters in all of Asscreed origins. Everyone else is egyptian or Greek or Roman. They didn't fall for the we Waz meme
You need to shut up user.
Das rite ancient greeks and egyptians were white
Was he blond, or does he just have white hair because he is old?
There's not much aside from that.
I'm going to make a guess here and say the painting on the left was made thousands of years after he died.
Nah dude you don't understand Sokrates was white this /pol/ told me so.
I mean, yeah, he was white, but aside from the hair being black in the game, he doesn't look that different.
Socrates isn't old in Odyssey yet, so if he wasn't actually blond then that's that.
>this is white
Yeah, well... I don't know.
Yes, he was white, but it's possible that he got a tan once or twice in his life, instead of having basement gollum pale cave creature skin.
Curly black hair
Slightly olive skin
Yep he's greek
Best weapon hands down to pair with fire is that one hammer you get from the Cyclops on the volcano island down in the bottom corner of the map.