How's your egg hunt going?

How's your egg hunt going?

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Get your thanos egg yet?

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Egg hunt theme

Post your characters.

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fuck off underage i miss the forums[/spoilers]

It's been like 2 years since they took them down.

DrEGGon is seriously the worst one.

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Labyrinth was the worst, hands down.

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Shoot some bird, kill a zoomer, swim in a cave and jump on some platforms. The whole game itself is hard to learn but easy once you find the shrine.
It's more tedious than unfair.
DREGGON took me 5 rounds on an empty server to get because the fucker swoops down once every 20 seconds, and if you miss your chance or god forbid the dragon goes underneath the map you're absolutely fucked.

What? It's up?
Well damn I didn't realize, I wanted to go hunt with you guys

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I got it second swoop. Labyrinth you need to navigate a 200000 stud2 maze of bullshit that all looks the same.

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who /just builds and scripts/ here? i hate playing other people's places unless they're builds

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how many posts faggot

Opposite. We don't do shit but play games.

not him but i had 8.8k on RT

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how do you live with yourself bro

Ayy rach

where is my dragon egg

You should've joined us 5 hours ago. We all got ours.

but i WAS there!

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link to clothes?

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Fuck the dragon egg