>buys $2000 gaming pc
>his shoes look like this
Buys $2000 gaming pc
>shoes on bed
if they dont got holes in them, then who gives a shit
Alright, you got me OP.
imagine spending more than 20$ on shoes
I still have and wear my shoes from high school more than 9 years ago. God bless Adidas
you don't have beater vans, faggot?
>weak kick game
that's gonna be a hard pass for me, bro. fresh kicks only
Just got three pairs of shoes from shoe carnival for $100.
> Hahaha I'll use the 2000$ "gaming" pc meme for the 1000th time hahaha veri funi
>torn jeans
>not having an old pair of worn out converse as part of your shoe collection
I notice that shit all the time. Holes in clothes, dirty shoes... some people are fucking disgusting
>things that don't get used don't wear out
There’s nothing wrong with normal ass shoes. It’s better than being those /fa/ggot homos who sperg out over ugly ass future ninja boots and drapey fag clothes.
t. Fat fuck walklet
>spend 10 minutes a day walking
>spend 10 hours a day on the computer
also why my mattress cost more than my car
I only have 3 pairs of shirts, 3 pairs of dress shirts 2 pairs of jeans, and 20 pairs of underwear and socks and the same shoes since high school 8 years ago. I am naked at home except for underwear. I have no clothes to wear outside because I never go outside if I do I just wear a sweater and an old t shirt.
weak kick game detected. uncool nintendo fans
but for real do /fa/ggots really dress like that in public?
t. homo.
Gotta love /fa/ggots who all front and try to talk like they’re from the streets but they’re actually fussy twinky sissy boys 10/10 times
not even fat, spending a shitload of money on shoes (or clothes) is a waste of money.
they're shoes
>he has an android
>he doesnt drive
>his parents got divorced
>hes an atheist
>he doesnt have brand sneakers
>hes less than 6ft
>he has student debt
>he wears jeans and vans
>he uses discord
>he uses reddit
>he only games on PC
>he doesnt have a snapchat
>he has less than 30000 snapchat points
>his dick is less than 6 inches
>he makes less than 100k
>he doesnt make any other girls jealous
is this a redflag for guys thread
'kicks' are footware in ebonics
Do you realize how fucking gay you have to be to be into this shit?
I like the middle one except for the hat, too bad I got fat and I can't dress like that anymore.
I don't know why retards on /fa/ waste so much time with clothing when they are fat as fuck.
I literally walk for 12 hours a day at work. Feet covered in blisters. Wore out a pair of skechers in a month with holes everywhere.
Any athletic shoe worth a damn (barring clearance) is going to run you ~$50+
Beat up shoes unironically look better than fresh ones. I like mine with a little bit of experience. I still got a beat ass pair of jordan 4s from like 10 years ago and I still wear em out to this day
All these guys look like actual fags
I seriously hope you don't think this looks good lmao
Friendly reminder that comfy clothes > anything else
>mfw use the sneakers my job gives me every six months outside of work too
The only people I know to ever care about shoes are niggers and wiggers.
This is ironic right?
I can still walk comfortably in my shoes after a decade of use.
I can't run new games at high quality on a pc from 10 years ago
>Not exclusively wearing shoes litterally made for professionals who get to walk a few dozen kilometers a day
Why are you not wearing combat boots?
Yea Forums should take notes in fashion from these guys
You got me, they're comfy shoes though and as long as they aren't coming apart I don't see the rush to replace them
Also if you dont own a rolex you are poor
>pic rel
>its me
>with my swiss shitter
>am poor
I wear my shoes until they no longer provide protection to my feet. I wore a pair of work boots for 2 years before I walked in a puddle and decided to replace them.
Both pairs of my shoes are almost completely blown out. I might get some new ones soon, or not. I could realistically use them until the sole falls off.
>torn jeans
>”fresh kicks”
Everyone knows we’re doing the opposite now you slow shitter.
Sauce on shoes? Because whatever you're wearing holds out fucking hard for daily shoes.
I used to wear shoes super long when i was young compared to peers (like 4 years max though)
Currently two years into my Jordans.
>This is ironic right?
it starts out ironic but after a while you start to see how it does make sense. kind of like fucking traps or the HTC Vive
why is the top half of this guy floating in mid air what the fuck
6/16 im like 5'11 snd 1/2
wristlet its over
Because I dont want people to think theres about to be an active shooter situation when i walk into walmart.
Right looks fine minus the pants
combat boots aren’t for walking comfortably they’re for endurance in rough terrain, people who actually spend all day walking professionally wear cheap filas or sketchers or some shit.
I wear boots like a man
Excuse me son but thats a 7.5 inch wrist. Its a big watch (4u)
ITT: virgins
*blocks your path*
I have an apple watch and it looks better and has more function than your vapid ass rollie could ever have.
dudes with hole in their pants look like they suck cock
Coat in the right is pretty gay, but that dude's hot so it works.
Just be attractive, Yea Forums. It's not hard.
Each of those outfits are ruined by the jeans
You look like shit, dont you?
Where the fuck u walking bruh?
This is what I wear
bro you cant even see the band its over for wristlets
>not just buying a pack of 10 t shirts from costco for 5 bucks
Only faggots and niggers care about what overpriced garbage you stick on your feet. It's really hilarious when I see these fucking bums who think they're the hottest shit since they're shoes cost more than one of their paychecks.
And whats the problem ?
>Not giving no shits and wearing crocs
>spends $600 on sneakers
>pirates video games like he can't afford it
have sex holy shit
Reminder that a 30 year old rollie is worth 5.5k and a first gen apple watch is worthless
>that one redditfag who enters the thread to call everyone a virgin
People who look like shit overcompensate with nice clothes
Why can't men just have straight cut hair, why is it always that fagshit
It's called perspective, brainlet
no, I'm just not a nigger like this user said
No my shoes look like this.
>Using new shoes
>Can't feel my Clutch pedal cause of new soles
>Use old shoes
>Feel exactly how far im pushing down and feel
Am I Autistic?
Literally nobody cares about what shoes you wear except niggers, and that's only because they're gonna steal them right off your weak ass whitey feet after they knock you out cold with a sucker punch.
>Wearing a certain kind of shoes makes you an active shooter
That's kinda sad, honestly, but I can see it being a thing in the US.
Even then, if it's good on rough terrain, it's also good on paved/normal terrain.
Who wants to join an enterprising venture of selling pre-stained corduroys
We'll make billions
for me it's onitsuka tigers
confirmed for weak shoe game.
There's literally no reason not to do this when it comes to under shirts
My entire wardrobe when it comes to work clothes probably cost less than 200. Two good pairs of jeans, a couple bulk bought white Ts, and two weeks worth of button-ups and polos are all you really need as an IT guy
whats wrong with what i wear?
Then you not only look like shit you also dress like shit, whats the point?
>holes on your knees
The jokes write themselves.
>any other girls jealous
nigga what?
>Those pants
RIP his balls, literally.
>No Shoulders
Who /Yeezy/ here?
You literally buy it just to show it off, whats the point. Unless it has a james bond laser beam it aint worth jack shit to me.
Are you people poor or something? Get some decent clothes and maybe you might have more confidence
>don't care much about clothing
>can't stop buying shoes/boots
I need help
>Can afford both shoes and videogames
>Still pirates to spend more money on PC parts
what is the purpose of this post
>pre-ripped jeans
I could beat the shit out of that fag. He's probably 5'4" too, look at those fucking heels. When will they learn?
what the fuck is that
lmao what the fuck
Get thinner shoes.
This. Good looking guys wear regular tees and jeans. Thread reminds me of fat niggers that wear overpriced ugky ass Polo shit and Jordans to impress obese nigresses
Only shitskins and women care about shoes.
Im not here to learn you why rolex is the best selling watch brand. You can google it zoomer
>fag with torn skinny jeans, ankles showing trying to pass as manly
id rather be deemed unfashionable than look like a retarded faggot
Three pairs of identical all black DC skate shoes, pic related. Rotate the next pair in every Sunday.
My shoes last forever. Take care of your shoes, faggots. It's something someone remembers about you.
Clean your fucking room, wristlet
I usually wear out shoes within 6-9 months so I rarely spend more than $40 on a pair. While on holiday though I bought a pair of 6" Timberlands for ~$150 so I'll see how long these last.
>get new shoes
>get used to them
>they slowly wear out over time
>never really noticed as you continuously adapt to them
>buy new shoes to replace them
>new shoes feel weird
its simple, really
They are a pair of timberlands and I Wes them until it’s summer when I change into running shoes which are just a pair of nikes. don’t have the exact one but they looked like these
Welcome to Yea Forums. I'm surprised every reply isnt like that
just stick to the classics
>Yea Forums talking about fashion
>Clutch pedal
Based manual bro
>tfw all my shirts are free t-shirts ive gotten from various things
>buy shoes maybe once every few years when they're too worn out
>haven't gotten new jeans in who knows how long because i haven't gained any weight since
wasting money on "fashion" is a joke
Wow, you're really cool and aloof by not using punctuation or capitalization. Can you link me your tumblr?
I have never gotten the appeal of torn jeans
>buys shitty shoes
>wonders why hes a incel
you can clearly see that he's a manlet
why the fuck would you wear athletic shoes they are useless and bad for your othopedic health
hell yeah i have some 10 year old supras i still wear. just plain canvas. exceptionally comfortable and they even have flat soles
imagine wearing this only to get robbed by a nigga with a wife beater, walmart jeans and black air force ones
What /fa/ people don't understand that everything looks good on you when you are good looking.
they were never married lol
praise jesus
you can go for free if youre not stupid
i do but only post pictures of my ducks
it has points?
plead the 5th
t. american
how am i supposed to know?
>Own $2000 PC
>Own hundreds of dollars of shoes in good condition
>Literately just brought a $450 streetwear jacket last week
>Wear shit like The North Face all the time
Feels good.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Daniel!
fashion is a meme
good looking people look good in anything
a fat guy walking down the street with jeans slightly too short and a beige coat would look like a dumb twat
I've had my pair for 3 years now they're quite durable
dcs are the most shameful of all the shoes and i wear supras dude
tell me a better board to talk about fashion, I'll wait.
I dont have to google it tardlet it sells well because people think it shows off your wealth.
if you have to ask it's too late
>tfw been wearing the same two pair of shoes for the past like 4 years
Anyoneelse like this bros?
this. activate final boss mode
for dress boots those are pretty average height heels
what are you doing
Why don't they wear socks?
People remember generic black sk8er shoes?
>what style of shoe do you want?
"all of them"
Telling you to back to /fa/ where trannies like you are more welcome
i dunno these worn down as shit shoes look pretty based tbqh its got some character to it
Literally looks like children’s shoes
Are you in your thirties, male, haven't had sex in 6 months and are quite possibly a hair away from a mental breakdown?
>clothing gets you laid
I'd wear balenciagas unironically if i had that type of fuck you money
Problem is that you look like a retarded faggot every day, user
>feeling proud of working at sketchers
sketch the fuck out, faggot
post your shoe Yea Forums
i cant post images so here it is
Imagine being at computers so female you look and see shoes.
>wear dark colors and hoodie
>constant scowl on face
>fire finger guns with realistic recoil at anybody who makes eye contact with me
Ahhhh, I feel... power...
They do, but their socks are like this
My normalfag friends have them since they also wear those shitty shoes
i wear steel toe cowboy boots.
If you are in shape and attractive literally all you have to do is wear jeans (semi-tight, I like the ones with 1-2% spandex as they are flexible) and a white Hanes t-shirt. If it's colder I wear a cardigan and/or a long sleeve shirt (I like the Fruit of the Loom platinum)
Dirt cheap, comfortable, well-fitting, and universal
At least these look clean, not that floppy girl hair most guys wear.
yeah let me go to wal-mart with my balenciaga
Real men dont wear clothing or shoes, nudist life is where its at. Yeah, i get strange looks when I go to order some food at mickey d's, but you know what? Those people are also prolly mirin' me in their heads.
Sone fat guys can dress but i agree for the most part
why do all these guys wear such tight ass jeans now? its wrapping to tight on their thighs and looking feminine - what happened to regular pants
Come back, tranny! Keep replying to me! I need attention!
The white mans choice. Along with my dockers, polo, and silverado 1500
>I have no kicks but I must scream
can you pound my asspussy?
Is this the Yea Forums fashion thread?
>People bragging about looking like slobs
Jesus, I remember what that was like. It was horrible. Why would you actively lower your value as a human like that?
even women caring about shoes is extremely pathetic since no man who isn't quentin tarantino is even going to notice but a man caring about his own shoes is about as retarded as it gets and means you're most likely an n-word
I don't know man, I tried to wear modern jeans, but they are so fucking uncomfortable its not even funny.
I wear bali pants and crocs with socks, FUCK fashion