Well Yea Forums I got fired from my job and I don't think I'm going to be eligible for unemployment so what's the best game for someone to play while waiting on the faint hope I get a call back on an application while contemplating killing myself. Was thinking about No More Heroes 2 but the whole job element is too ironic for me.
Well Yea Forums I got fired from my job and I don't think I'm going to be eligible for unemployment so what's the best...
>I don't think I'm going to be eligible for unemployment
That's cute, that first worlders even have this as an option and can actually rely on it most of the time.
Fuck you. You deserve this.
best game for you is game where put one bullet in gun and pull trigger -- if bullet not shoot you win in which case i recommend star wars knights of old republic
i recommend play game with glock
Just say you're crazy start going to therapists ane build your narrative then get disability. It's sickening how easily you could do this. Source: watched a piece of shit family member do this for almost three years and admit to this.
based fucking retard, everyone is required to pay into the unemployment system
You'd know this if your government didn't sustain itself entirely off the sale of sex slaves and narcotics.
what did you do to get fired?
probably late to work by 3 minutes for the 3rd time
t. former wagie
I got fired last August and literally sat around and beat a bunch of JRPG's I had laying around. Was unemployed for 3 months. Pretty depressing, but you'll be fine user.
only tax payers, in my country I'm living off neetbux completely while not having to pay tax because I have no income
Maplestory u get many job advancements
Oh wait haha
>Well Yea Forums I got fired from my job and I don't think I'm going to be eligible for unemployment
you say this like we're your friends or something. we're not.. who cares
go take your ass back to work gayboy
I called my general manager a bitch.
Know your role wagie
based as fuck
i would buy you a game if i could
>playing games
No user, you don't have time to play games
Until you get another job it's no games for you, instead you'll be filling out applications, making follow up phone calls, and revising your resume
Yeah you deserved it. I hope you never find another job ever again.
Don't kill yourself. Kill those that fired you, go out and revolt against them. It will do the world good ridding it of those scumbags. Prison life isn't as bad as you think, you can survive, and when you get out as an excon it gives you a new outlook on life.
I love Wilfred, and I quit my job because of the same mental instability. I hope you have time to find yourself, because it will actually make life ok. It took me 5 months after quitting a close to 6 figure job. god speed
link your steam and i'll buy you whatever fucking game you want lol
papers please. not even joking.
also what job was it?
Fry cook
Not op but I'll link mine and say it was his
Bitch isn't just an insult for women, you bitch.
ah, don't even worry man. just send out those applications and fluff up your resume.
If pc, rogue legacy. Fun little roguelike. If console, depends on which
based tourist
Single player russian roulette
>watched a piece of shit family member do this for almost three years and admit to this.
Not wanting to be a cog in the wagie machine seems pretty based to me, god I wish I was a neet