> >1% drop rate
>1% drop rate
Other urls found in this thread:
>its a single player
>oldschool runescape
>1/32,768 drop rates
>i0.001% drop rate from a boss that only spawns once a day
>0.002% drop rate
What does that even equate to % wise
>The enemy left behind a present!
>Inside of the present... was a cookie!
>1% drop rate
>can do boss once a week
it's 50% ;) you either get it or not :D
this but unironically
Are you serious?
No it’s not
50% would be 50/100
Yes I don’t understand numbers
>5% drop rate if all specific things are done
>2 required to complete the set
>in a horrible twist of irony you manage to get 4 but THAT FAGGOT WONT DROP THE 30% CHANCE DROP THAT YOU NEED 8 OF
>super low drop rate
>drop rates scale with level
>it drops while you're not even half way to the cap
>get super rare drop on a character that cant use it
Do you want it in microwave time?
>item has .01% drop rate
>Buffs make it. .01667% drop rate
>To enhance item you need to use a duplicate item
>Enhancement has a chance of destroying both items
>Item has has random secondary stats even as well to make farming worse
t. Every Korean MMO
well, time to start raping boys again.
Fucking niggers
>finally get the item u want as a drop after hours
>name is greyed out
>check item range
>literally worse stats and damage possible
Me farming for Balder Side sword the other day.
>drop rate increases with low HP
>can turn 0.1% into 100%
>Grinding BDO accessories
>Enhancing in BDO general
Truly has made every other MMO bearable
It's all so tiresome
>"guaranteed" drop
>it doesn't drop
devs won't tell you the droprate
>1% drop rate
>grinding for it is actually fun and comfy
>takes 10 years to kill it
Name a game
Dear god I had forgotten how bad BDO was. Maybe I wanted to forget. But it had some comfy aspects to it. Good character creator, environments, exploration... What a shame.
monster hunter
>Dataminer gets droprates
>At the same time shows how incompetent devs are
>Dev gets called out
>Bans dataminer out of retaliation
Thanks Warframe
>item's drop rate is justifiably low because the enemy it comes from is so numerous and common
god DAMN there are some casual gamers on this board
use a calculator and divide it, faggot
now name a good game
what's the story here
sorry, I'm not an autist who likes to grind for 0.0001% drop rate items
>1% drop rate on random encounters
>Get the item thrice in a row
>Guaranteed drop off an enemy
>But the enemy will only spawn after the server's been up 72 hours
>But it could also take many more days to spawn, it just has a CHANCE to after three days
>Can spawn in multiple locations across a huge map
>Wanders around the whole map
>Weak and killed easily
>Body can be harvested so you often won't even see the corpse to know you've missed your chance
>Down the line the game adds sharding, so you can be bouncing between several different versions of the map that may or may not have been up long enough, or had the spawn killed with no way of you knowing
>Devs put a dead version in an entirely different zone three expansions later cuz they think they're funny
Fuck you, Time-Lost Proto-Drake.
I actually saw it alive at a distance when WotLK first launched, it was at the Engine of the Makers around a bunch of blue proto-drakes. I didn't mouse over it so I didn't see it was a rare, I just assumed it was gonna be a quest objective soon-ish and carried on. I don't care to know the hours wasted flying around Storm Peaks trying to get it.
.13% drop on a fairly rare enemy. Fun
>sorry i'm a casual
apology not accepted
t. MMO mount farmer
i literally only play old school runescape
Pretty much exactly what the text entailed. Warframe was notorious for hiding bullshit droprates, dataminers stepped up to do their job for them and made the droprates public, devs got pissy that their game was being datamined and banned the miner.
They've rectified this by now by releasing a public database that details every single droprate from every single source, but DE is still a shitty company nonetheless.
Under one percent lol
>100% drop rate
I can only agree with low drop rates with this approach. 1% is nothing if you can retry rapidly, whereas taking hours for one attempt can make even 50% a nightmare.
This is so true it hurts.I've never complained about grinding in western MMOs after trying BDO
>the obnoxious 10 year old squeaker gets it
>Item has a 0.01% drop rate, with different variants for each monster.
>Find a variant from an remarkably rare monster, but you and your party wipe before anyone can pick it up.
Also should add the info DE gave about droprates and they were inaccurate in drop rate and even the place they drop from so you'd be farming Planet A when it's actually from Planet B. Some of the items didn't even have a drop rate over 0% so you'd be farming with no results. DE banned and C&D the dataminer if you want to measure their butthurt.
>Item has 5% chance to drp
>It has 18 different affixes
>Its best in slot so you gotta keep farming it
I can't believe they can just keep getting away with it too. Veterans are being left in the fucking dust to rot while they do absolutely nothing to fix their own issues, and if you dare question them then you just need to be patient because our precious little devteam can do no wrong.
Can't believe I fell for this stupid fucking meme game for so long.
>Pure Bladestone
Fuck this retard.
>% droprate
>game never tells you percent of what
>pure stone drops
>it's not the one you wanted
homosexual democrat party gamers actually believe this.
People can say what they want about Tree of Savior but at least that was more tolerable and the grind to max level had some entertainment
It was comfy being a chef at the beginning while all your beer powered slaves gathered materials. I made a lot of silver from just that alone then when it came to gearing up the magic was gone. Towns are pretty depressing too when no one is talking and just afk leveling their horse/stamina/etc.
Nier pissed me off so much with this shit
Same happened in BDO. At least they fixed the bugs the dataminers discovered, kek.
>has a 1% drop rate
>also has high hp, max defense and no weaknesses
>1/20,000 drop rate
>From a mob with 3 spawns in the whole area
>Needed a very specific section ID or it will never drop for you
Fuck the J-Sword and fuck Sega.
If it makes you feel better people from their own lotus content creator group or whatever it's called are even calling them out except the literal fags like AGGP. Though it probably won't fix anything because DE can't take any criticism and any competition they face usually sinks itself before it can impact DE.
Damn, 2014 was exactly like 2019 on Yea Forums.
>buff for 1% increased drop rate
>will never know if it's additive or multiplicative
>1% drop rate
>On an enemy with a 1% spawn rate
>cheat and get that shit with no effort because I don't give a fuck
The internet killed culture.
Everything is slowly blurring together.
>Playing the NDS Castlevanias
>Luck items don't seem to help at all
>Read an article about how the luck calculation was bugged in all three games
Now I just use memory cheats to increase luck by 100 or something.
>castlevania aria/dawn/OoE soul/glyph grinding
>leave screen before obtaining
still never got it even with 550 hours
>Trying to get super rare drop from enemy that can move through walls
>It drops it out of bounds
you are like a little baby
watch this
>Hazelmere's Signet Ring
>.000015% chance
>must have a different, expensive ring equipped to even roll for it
>only upside is many monsters can drop it
>Game makes it so each player has their own drop percentages for certain items
>Won't know this unless you research it outside the game
>Realize you have the wrong drop table on your character
>You've already spent a lot of time on that one character
>Don't want to go through the trouble making a new character and deleting it until you get the right one
>any enemy that can spawn 5-6 times per entire playthrough
>Drop rate is abysmal
>You can increase the drop rate to 200% easily
>Instead affect the drop rate itself, it gives you more chance to get the item with the same drop rate
>1% drop rate
>enemy with said drop has 5% chance of appearing
I'm pretty sure everyone uploads datamined shit for warframe anonymously now after that happened.
>Photon Drop
forgot my image
>1% droprate
>can only farm it once a week
>get it second try
thank you mimirons
>only 1 of the item in the game
>given to some literal who because he won a contest
>its a stupidly broken item
>there is literally no way to obtain it
>that same person also abused the duplication of items to give them to his friends
>eventually they did the same and the item was widespread
>no rollback
A gave up on Getting all cheevos in DS1 as I couldn’t farm for the channelers trident any longer
Legit 30 hours no drop on max item discovery
>X% drop rate
>calculate how many kills it takes to achieve a total chance of 95%+
>Don't get item once reaching that number
I know it's possible to fail a good roll but if the odds are so staggeringly good is extremely infuriating.
>Thrice my muscle memory makes me leave the room after the Chrissagrim drops
>Monster drops two items with the same shitty drop rate
>Get like 4 of the one you don't need before you get the one you do need
>The people who actually reported dataminers and the mule accounts used with scripts that allowed to keep a price check on shit like rivens
I've legitimately held no grudge on anyone in a videogame but the people who pull this shit to be digital Jews and bootlick need to have their PC blow up next to their face.
Not actually that bad with a simple farm, it takes less than half an hour on average per key
>Drop rates
>shiny hunting
>in 3rd gen
>5% chance thing in MMO
>spend $1000 on game
>get the 5% chance thing half the time
Drop chances only need to exist in MMOs as a way to ensure more people are perpetually running dungeons.
>recipe has .01% drop rate
>drops from bosses you can only do once a day/week
>once you finally get the recipe, you have to craft it
>several different crafting materials are needed, each have a .001% or lower chance to drop
>each material drop from bosses you can only do once a day
>finally gather all the materials to make your blank piece of equipment
>you now have to upgrade that piece of equipment
>plus'ing your piece of equipment has a chance to break at going from +4 to +5 or higher with the success rate getting lower with each plus
>in order to prevent your piece of equipment from breaking, you need to buy a cash shop item
>cash shop item gets used up regardless of if your piece of equipment succeeded or not
>a 2nd cash shop item is also need to increase the success rate for plus'ing by a tiny amount
>once you're done plus'ing your piece of equipment, you go on to enchantment which added random stats to your piece of equipment
>enchantment requires chips based on the level of your piece of equipment
>enchantment rates can require up to several dozens to hundreds of chips just to get the right kind of rolls you want
>lastly socketing your piece of equipment requires that you pay an alternate currency that's slightly rare so you can be able to place stated gems in them
>1 piece of equipment down, several more to go to complete your character
Ah - so Destiny 2?