we're going home, lads
it's really happening
City of Heroes
Other urls found in this thread:
where all you nigs at?
Right here bitch
Did they open it up or something?
Wait what
when can we expect any servers up?
That will never change.
Apparently it didn't include any of the clientside stuff so who knows
Redpill me on this Yuvi character
The crazy fucks over at Yea Forums's retarded cousin broke him.
All the source was dumped. He is appearently working on dumping the database.
I'm here and I'll be here until the link to a server gets posted. And then I'll be here until a link to a Yea Forums server gets posted. And then I'll be here to happily shitpost the goings-on in said server.
>How do I into Paragon Chat?
>How do I plan my character?
use Mid's Hero Designer
>How do I watch what's happening with the server creation?
>What the hell is going on?
A fuckload of drama about a secret private server happened, we got the source code LITERALLY TODAY, work is now being carried out to create public servers.
>Where can I login?
You can't yet, but it's going to happen very, very soon.
>Is Leo still a faggot?
If Leo actually pulls this through, he'll be massively promoted from flames and threats to silent stares. Then he can fuck back off to his private circlejerk for all eternity.
Seeing Fire Blast without Blaze and Fireball leaves me in a state of existential confusion.
But I hate to be that guy and first builds should just be whatever the fuck you want...
...wait, is that 6 slots on Thermal and Plasma shields? What is that power order? Why is there recharge in Flares? Is that range slotted in Rain of Fire and Vengeance?
Fuck the autism is all coming back
soon lads
Not for a while yet. Depending on what gets released by Leo they could possibly have one up in a day or two but it likely won't be stable or it will be hammered by people trying to get in and not work. Will probably be a while before there's a good stable one up and running.
We're lightyears closer today than we were just a few days ago though.
Leandro did nothing wrong.
Lost the costume contest to a freaking Borg Drone.
It's not even original!
This image has too many white people. Where is the diversity?
watching him panic was pretty funny, though
So is this game actually worth playing in 2019 anno domini year of our lord or is it just nostalgia talking
Neither are you budget sauron
im making a paragon chat account right now to get a sweet sweet taste
it's the worst build I've ever seen. You would have to know what you're doing to make a build this bad.
>The Rocketeer on the left
now THAT'S some cozy boomercore, ayup.
If not for him we would have had this literally years ago.
we'll find out soon
>Legacy Build
The entire Fitness powerpool becomes inherent at level 2 so you've got three spare powers to pick.
And also switch over from SO enhancements to Set and really loose your shit.
Melt Armor's good.
I can't believe we're having CoX build discussions on Yea Forums
I'm just trying to keep ahead of the meme curve and move onto contrarian status.
Oh, also:
>if you do not have at least one catgirl, you are a failure of a coh player.
Is that just a straight up Ozymandias on the left there
Get with the times old man, Paragon City's fucking back
I just want the client source released so I can fix the renderer. I feel very deeply about this and it's something I've wished for for years while playing. My CoH career spanned multiple total hardware upgrades and each time the improvement to performance was far less than that of any contemporary games. With modern shader techniques and relieving CPU bottlenecks I'm positive I could have this shit running full 144+ fps with 1000 fully particle effect loaded characters on screen at max draw distance in no time.
More boomer nostalgia shit that will be forgotten after a month and die again. Cant wait.
>if your catgirl does not have a Hamikini, you are a failure of a coh player
can't decide if I want to make a Corruptor or a Brute right off the bat
Fuck "Soi"er Destroyer.
This is literally why we can't have nice things. Because it's faggots like you and everyone else that ruins it. If you wanted a private server, then why the fuck didn't you make one yourself. This will affect ALL private servers, as they will NOW have to be more secretive.
I am actually really hype about this. The only thing I'm not sure of is if I will play on a standard server or one that has boosted XP gains. I love the game but cutting out some of the grinding would be fantastic.
>you remake your Master Asia-themed SS/SR brute
>you will unironically be sitting in Pocket D showing off your costumes and bio to people while roleplaying and casually chatting soon™
>you will be traveling through time to fight romans (or were they greek, I honestly have no fucking idea) and nazis soon™
Lying fuck who hoarded a working private server built from assets a dev gave him at the last minute before the game was shut down so he can have a cult pay him to play and keep it secret. Now he's been exposed to the world at large and is paniking to release the ability to host private servers.
>why the fuck didn't you make one yourself
that's what multiple people are doing right now!
Imagine not knowing a single fucking thing about a major happening like this, and then chiming in with the contrarian opinion just because you want to feel good about yourself.
because he got source code leaked right from the devs you baiting mong
I was here for it, user! I just didn't think he'd actually do it!
Fuck, remember the whole 5th column scandal and how they got replaced by the other faction?
>muh sekret klub
Keep crying.
Redpill me on Ninja MM
Are there any plague doctor masks available in character creation?
If not for him we don't have game stupid
so how many of you scrubs actually made it to the moon
r8 my aging Superman knock-off that's just a ten-years-older version of my actual character from pre-shutdown CoX
>several people making servers as we speak
>well why dont you make a server yourselves!
retard tier
I really want to make a Mastermind but I know I'm going to end up making a SS/Invul or SS/Regen brute. Hell I might make an energy one.
What was the whole deal with that Incarnate shit? I stopped playing before any of that came out.
>doesn't have a mane
Fix this and it's good.
I didn't think Blaze made much sense, considering it's a short-range attack and all of my other abilities are long range
As for the build order, I tried to keep it straight at first but kept going back and forth on what abilities I wanted and it all got scrambled up.
And what's wrong with 6 slots on the shield abilities? I had to put those extra slots somewhere. Recharge on Flares because I'm worried I only have 4 real attack abilities and I don't want them all to be on cooldown. Yeah, I know Flares is really short cooldown, but with diminishing returns on the enhancements I figured it would be better than just slotting more damage or something else.
And I didn't know about sets. Like I said in the previous thread, I didn't play the game all that much when it was alive. I'm not sure I ever got past Lv30 with any of my characters.
this may be right alongside the starcraft gold master and xbox devkit in terms of utter fucking bullshit, but it's actually looking to have a happy ending.
i only played this game as a dumb kid, control seems cool, can i be a cool lightning guy that stuns people and shit?
Ok guys, tell me a fun build pls
Is there a shortage of tanks in this game or something? Seems everyone wants to be a pet class.
that's just the Rulawade mission
That's his second costume his strength comes from a magic curse that turns him into a mindless were-lion if he can't keep a tight lid on it, and as he gets older he's approaching the day where the curse will win and permanently transform/kill him
Your final pet is a fucking Oni and you get a power that lets you pick one of your pets and make them invisible for 10 seconds, making every attack they do for the next 10 seconds do double damage.
Nice things CAN happen for us, user. We just have to collectively tell reality and shit timelines to fuck right off. WE'RE IN CONTROL NOW.
Can I go fast and have a big punch in this game?
>he didn't even kill Statesman
I specifically remember it being one of the shittiest ones, but maybe it got buffed near the end
make him a chef and make your quote
How's my supportcuck defender build?
>le Yea Forums meme contrarian
get cancer and die faggot
That's because CoX is pretty much the best game for pet classes in vidya history.
Mastermind is the most fun pet class in any MMO and we've been denied access to it for the last 7 years
It was either that, or some autist would track him down and leave his ruined body in a gutter somewhere.
Honestly wondering why we couldn't have both.
Why would you say that. When asked for the source code, he gave the source code. Not his fault no one asked until now.
Dude is quite based and in my opinion red pilled.
Yeah, they released the game in Europe and suddenly the 5th column nazis got scrubbed in the most utterly lazy and obviously censored-for-Germany way.
With the number of factions who were simply being used by another faction higher up the totem pole it's entirely sensible the Column were being used as tools by the Council. But then instead of a shift-over--the COMIC BOOK depicted that, how Requiem was conning them all and serving the Nictus invaders--but Jack's sloppy job was just that. SLOPPY AS FUCK DESU
Yes, in fact Super Speed is available to all classes if you choose the Speed powers pool.
Yeah given how fucking fanatical the fanbase for this game is I was seriously wondering if somebody was going to break into his house and physically steal his hard drive or something
Don't worry I think everyone still doesn't like Leo.
Links to the server code? need to add it to my collection
Fair, I've been sitting on the old DNF build for years but nobody has bothered to ask yet.
Yeah there's one that's pretty close. I forget what it's called. It's more like the upper half of a jester mask with a long nose, but I used it on a plague doctor character and it looked good.
This isn't the character, I just pulled the mask up in paragon chat.
There's still time
ok im in where is everyone?????
Super Speed is pretty damn essential, you must get into the practice of toggling it on and off as you engage and clear groups though. But the sound when it activates is so soothing.
Back in my day, everything was blasters out the ass. Tankers and brutes that didn't instapop were like tanks in other games, always in demand but rarely found. That's why I'm totally making one this time around.
This is going to be like Dungeon Fighter Online's US launch. Gunners. Gunners EVERYWHERE. Probably gonna be a whole lot of Masterminds until everyone gets the last 6 or 7 years out of their system.
This is gonna singlehandedly decide whether or not I play this.
Can you be a cute barefoot girl in this game?
To be fair, they did bring them back into the game in a way that made it all worth it.
>get excited for game
>remember this is what it is all about
Oh yeah that is why I left to begin with...
>Masterminds everywhere
>but unrestricted archetypes means everyone is going to roll MM blueside
God I wish more people played villains
The funny part is, MM's can tank. Bodyguard is a helluva drug. But really though, if you want to be the big boy tank roll invincibility or rock. Rock ended up being regarded as better overall damage mitigation iirc, but I didn't play towards the end of the game.
What did she mean by this?
redpill me on this game, and compare it to champions online and dcuo.
The biggest shame is that right at the end the story was starting to get so good. The signature story arcs or whatever they were called finally dealt with your character being the main character of the story and making his/her own choices instead of always being told by some other NPC what to do. Finally you could act like you had player agency and make your own choices in missions, if only to a certain text degree.
Barefoot, yes. Cute, debatable
Where can one actually download the server code? I like to backup and preserve servercode for any MMO that I can just incase.
Yep. True true.
Super jump works just as well if you're not an autist and can make short jumps. You get a fuck of a lot of distance off it(hilarious queueing up a super strength uppercut when you're flying past someone. Attack goes off when you land and you smash someone into the air from 100 yards away)
The only time any particular travel power is truly "Essential" is having teleport for when you're using granite armor. It's just too painful to keep toggling rooted on and off just to move.
if you like 2004 graphics feet ya
Alright lads, post your character.
>Not wanting to be F A S T
So as someone who never got to play the game, but always wanted to, I'm super happy this is coming out.
My question is though, how does the hero/villain server stuff work?
If you're a villain, are you on the same servers as heroes, or are you on a seperate server? How/when do you interact with heroes? If you are on different worlds, is the villain world any different?
i am triggered, you have triggered me. NEXON HALP PLS I REPORTN
give me a quick rundown
i only played it for a few hours forever ago and it seemed fine
>CO has the superior character creator and models and despite the game itself being shit you don't want to lose all your characters
>CoX is an actual good game that you've missed back then
Oh well, I hope the former makes it through this somehow so that I can enjoy both.
Masterminds were so god damn fun. Unlike the average summoner in any game, CoV supported commanding your pets' actions in really detailed ways. You could command them all, command only a certain tier, you could even command them specifically by individual names you gave them if I remember. Order x to y coordination, order x to do z, yadda yadda. CoH didn't have a limited action tray so you could set up macros in your tray or (more typically) actually bind keys on your keyboard. The forums had a template to turn your numpad into an elegant command center.
Yeah if you can deal with low poly 2004 feet.
>Tfw all the baiting falseflagging autist doomers miserably lost against the pure shining hope and determination of people who actually wanna play video games
What a good time this was
it's a superhero MMO that has actual build diversity, some of the best world design, and soul
compared to DCUO:
worse combat, better builds, better immersion, better writing, better customization
compared to CO:
better combat, worse customization, better immersion, better writing, arguably better builds
>slash kay slash
it begins.
Same server, completely different zones/areas, the only places you will meet are PvP zones. But you can freely change factions with the rogue system.
Towards the end of the game you could go from hero to villain, and back again. There were zones heroes and villains could fight, and zones where they both hung out.
Who here played right up to the end? I imagine a lot of people quit before that and missed some of the best content updates.. things were really accelerating before the sudden closure.
the whole morality system they implemented in Going Rogue was fucking wild
I see, so if I want to be a villain I won't be able to really interact with the heroes or there world.
Which is comfier?
Whats the downside to being a rogue?
I do.
I always like it when games and modern media show people transitioning in to different things are normal.
I experienced all of the newest content, but the announcement on on august 30th just fucking broke me. I shut the game off at that moment and never turned it on again. I was just dead inside the moment I woke up that morning and learned that I was going to lose everything.
correct, technically MMs were the redside tanker class. They lacked a taunt, but theoretically had infinite HP via pets and their support.
Practically, brutes are closer.
Dark armor tanks were actually the best tanks towards the end. They had the most self healing combined with the best resistance coverage.
iirc the feet are much more polygonal, but you can replace them with satyr hooves and all sorts of degenerate shit if that's also your thing
>tfw you made music videos with timed pet emote scripts
>bots dancing, backup dancing, and stooging it up to "automatic" from pointer sisters
It was pretty wild how much you could actually do with them.
>Fucking MOT
I got a bone to pick with him.
it got shut down in 2012
some faggot got the source code and was running a secret private server the entire time, while claiming an emulator or private server would be exceedingly difficult
this came out a few days ago
everyone got mad
he released the source code today
people are working on making more servers right now
The heroes won, user. The heroes won.
>but they had to threaten him wit
You could pick up taunt as an extra power, I'm certain of it. There were also a whole host of temporary powers that lasted forever for some reason that could be gained from badges, and I think one was a taunt.
>and models
if only they didn't look like melty plastic
>there are people out there who don't know yet
>there are people out there who are playing CO/DCUO RIGHT NOW thinking it's the best they're ever going to get
same dude. I couldn't play those last few months.
>start clicking vids
>top comment
Really hope this makes it back in.
As a kid I had a fire/psychic controller that I hit the level 50 cap with. I was horribly unoptimized and generally dead weight, but would it be possible to make this combo viable if I happen to get my character back?
Don't get their hopes up. What we really need right now are people with servers.
It was a pretty big power boost.
Pretty good user
This one is pure edge but it works, nice work
One of the power pools had two powers for it, yeah. It's just it wasn't inheriant to the class like Punchvoke - tankers anchored aggro just by hitting people, and so did brutes(through brutes only grabbed one at a time that way, Tankers's gauntlet snagged five or so IIRC.)
Will it be both CoH and CoV? Or just one or the other?
Does that discord link not work for anybody else? I mean I replaced the dot but it just takes me to the discord main screen
Where's my Marvel Heroes resurrection goddamnit.
You better have replied to that comment now, nig.
Both. Its everything up to the latest patch which didn't actually release on live servers before the shutdown.
Incarnate system and incarnate trials were great. I love that it was a really slow burn way to progress past max level but still made you noticeably more powerful. I liked doing the behavioral adjustment facility and at first you have to keep the bosses separated and have a separate guy guarding the door from the big robots but as everyone leveled up their incarnate shit you could just group everything together and fight them all at once. They kept the content difficulty updates in pace with the new powers and it was great
It's a total package, user. Heroes, Villains, Greybies from Praetoria, all in the same pool. The games aren't seperate.
this, it's your civic duty
Up the sex offender CEO's anus.
You can reach for it if you like.
I never got to play these games so I hope to see what all the fucking fuss is about. You guys are absolutely nuts but I support it so carry on boys.
Both, in the state it was in the day it died, as well as content that never came to the game. Insta snipe, hidden/recolored hasten and travel power effects, a new class that was never officially announced, and multiple powersets like Psionic melee, savage melee, radiation melee, and that martial combat thing that blasters and dominators had in the i24 beta.
holy shit
I keep seeing that mentioned, what is it?
Someone better make a supervillain based off that nut on Cripplechan that threw dynamite over the mexican border because a rock over there looked gay.
Here's a SS, they're worse than I remember, actually triangles. This was the default costume I randomed also.
I played, but never got to experience this kind of content...just everything at level 50
CoX's spiritual successor that was ruined by the chinese and terrible combat.
Really, someone who played during the final dying days, what was the class balance like? Did the content actually require specific group composition? What were people asking for to join?
Most things were low poly and low texture res but it was nice because it could let you simulate all sorts of oddball characters. Piccolos, teenage mutant ninja turtles, whatever you could imagine. I hope there's still screenshot galleries out there of all the most creative character designs.
How does the monetization work?
Give me the fucking link to the private server
Where in that mess in the issue 24 download?
Almost anything was viable. There were some builds that were godly and some (much less) that just sucked. But the playerbase wasn't really plagued with tryhards that demanded peak efficiency at all times, you could usually bring whatever if you pulled your own weight.
I wish I could imagine what a gay rock looks like. I just can't manage it.
I went out and looked around my yard, and I can't even find one that looks bi-curious or metro. What do you need to ingest to get angry at sexually active rocks?
People make their legs way too long.
and what were the builds that were godly?
My main from live
I always wanted to place this when I was growing up
I'm glad I get to play it for once
wait what the fuck, what'd i miss? last i remember some fags were literally about to raid his home for the code
To be fair the stock body type has the leg slider maxed out for some reason
Shield defense was one of the hot tickets. Pair that with something like electric offense, and with the right IO sets/extra powers, you had a nearly unkillable, AOE murder machine.
It never required specific team comps, aside from "oh we have 7 blasters maybe we should get a tank or maybe a debuffer". There was forced trinity, you could play what you want and if somebody felt like the team was lacking something, usually somebody would switch to something more useful without having to be asked. Nothing was too weak or too strong, but the endgame incarnate enemies in the revamped Dark Astoria were fucking nightmare fuel.
in Leo's version, it's completely removed
Thanks. What are all these reconnect channels, just people who played on those servers talking to each other?
>black and red
>no pants
>furry head
You're a living relic from the past and I like it, you sperg.
some pieces make them look better.
would it be even possible to mod the game to make the models/textures slightly better?
in Paragon Chat, Tequila downloads it for you
Cute furry.
those fukken fire controllers who farmed 8-man level 54 stargate missions hour-by-hour. Generally they actually DIDN'T want you to do anything since it would mess up their farming efficiency. I think they were korean RMT who were selling preleveled accounts or some shit although who the hell bought any of if I will never figure out
he got scared and decided to release it all. might still get his house raided anyway, because it takes time to call off the favela monkeys.
Probably, Leo had all sorts of custom content.
Don't worry bro I can and have fapped to ASCII roguelikes. Though post more if you have it.
I made a guy called "lightseid" for Parygon, you know a GOOD Darkseid i wana be more original when the game drops I've never played and stuff so im glad this is my chance
how do I learn this game btw, it kinda just dropped me in the city?
I never played city of heroes
give me tips on classes or whatever
You're not gonna learn it in paragon chat
>Be Blaster
>Single enemy looks in my general direction
imagine finding out your mob boss is a nerd who played CoX
The original CoH had about 20% of the classes locked if you weren't a subscription player, and you could either subscribe or pay up front for the one specific class you wanted. It wasn't even "the best" or "super good brand new meta powersets", it was usually just whatever the developers felt they put more effort in. Subscribers basically got everything free, out of the 8 or so powersets released in the final year, only 1 or 2 required an additional purchase, and longtime subscribers probably had enough loyalty points to instantly buy stuff anyway. In the private server, there's apparently no cash shop at all. No subscription, no need to pay anybody anything unless you wanted to. Everything was free to everybody.
Defenders a best
Stalkers a shit
based chimps
with the source code, I would think anything is literally possible now. the only limit is the spaghettiness of the existing code, but for those willing to work through it, the whole fucking game is open to us.
So will they be able to add new story content?
I haven't played in years hows a mind/sonic troller sound? Mind control looks fun just didn't know what to combo with it.
i think the main issue would be getting a group of people to work on all the assets
Stalkers strong this guy a shit
Stalkers actually a pretty good in the patch we'll get
So this would be any of the melee classes except maybe Stalker? Scrapper, tanker, brute? Not really sure I like that thematically, but thanks.
>this and WOW Classic
>Halo coming to PC
is it truly 2007 again?
I had my eye on this combo, no idea if it would be any good but it appealed to me all the same.
I wanna tank
I wanna be the tankingest tank that ever tanked.
Gib tips
he deserve to be gutted on livestream for what he did
i hope someone point the argentinian tax authority towards him also
Here's an idea for you.
A modder could go through all of the unpacked assets and apply some of the machine learning algorithms people are using to upscale early 3d games like FF7. There's nothing stopping people from doing the same here to increase the visual quality of the assets.
with the full source code, pretty much anything is possible
SOS Rescue Fire is my character! Hi user!
The travel powers weren't working for me
Granite armor, and a pocket kin controller for dat sweet sweet speed boost
>Aim + Build Up
Wouldn't even surprise me. Favela PCs are probably all loaded down with old F2P MMOs and the mandated-by-Brazilian-law install of a heavily modded GTA: SA. Oh and handfuls of old Dragon Ball Z episodes.
Those are some tiny arms
Blaster: Ranged DPS with some melee DPS mixed in, pure glass cannon
Defender: Extremely versatile support class that can do DPS and buffs/debuffs/heals
Scrapper: Melee DPS
Tanker: Tank
Controller: Crowd control (very important in this game) with some debuffs, DPS, and support
Peacebringer/Warshade: Weird hybrid classes, hard to explain
Brute: Middle ground between Scrapper and Tanker in a way
Stalker: Rogue
Mastermind: Best pet class of all time
Corruptor: Ranged DPS with a lot of debuffing capability
Dominator: Like Controller, but with less control options but more damage
Spider/Widow: These are also prestige class hybrids I never played much, but they looked cool
Honestly probably a good combo. Mind control suffered because your entire gimmick was basically "sleep a target, then throw them up in the air for double damage while they sleep" and it really lacked on proper AoE CC. With sonic debuffs, you could probably melt people pretty quickly. You're still stuck playing the single target game though, which controller kind of sucks at.
what the fuck did I miss since yesterday afternoon?
Your fault for not killing them before they had a chance to look at you.
Anyone remember the taunt noise?
God the FX in this game is a treasure trove of nostalgia alone, i wish i could find the sound effects
>Aim+Build up+Snipe shot
Goodbye w/e the fuck you used to be
Literally anything. Tanker has such crazy high base defenses and a high softcap for said defenses that you could take anything but Regen and still come out as unkillable.
To be fair, my knowledge is based off of information waaay before the game died. Last time I played significantly was pretty close after the launch of Going Rogue.
is this a malkavian
Maybe? They did make better looking costume pieces as time went on so it possible. Would probably take a lot of work though.
>Can totally make a Broadsword/Bio Armor Uncle Dante or Katana/Bio Armor Daddy Virgil
Don't do this to me.
Yep, that's the obstacle to anything done online. I'd like to think the Yea Forums server is going to be good and receive cool content over time, but if we don't have that right kind of autism, it's just going to be vanilla until the day the universe ends.
I like the sound of that.
>haven't played since 2006
>over half of these customizations are completely new
it's clearly a Nosferatu
Man, the character creator can eat up time like crazy. I was just gonna make some toku characters and now it's 10 PM
well *adjusts glasses* he IS a scientist
>mfw going through the faces and some of them are super high res compared to the others
I based him physically off of Nosferatu but I RP'd him as a headcase so you're not far off
I also thought stalkers were bad but apparently this happened,
>Missing your assassination attack no longer removes you from hide, allowing you to try again (old patch, you were probably there during that)
>10% base crit outside of hide, higher than scrapper's base crit chance
>+3% bonus crit for every player on your team, up to a bonus 21%
>Assassination attack when you're not hidden is also a lightning fast high damage attack, but much lower damage than the stealth version
>Consecutive regular attacks outside of hide build up stacks, each stack gives 33% chance to crit on your combat version of the assassination attack
>capping at 3 stacks, gives your assassination attack a 100% chance to crit, while being lightning fast, gave stalkers to ability to just shit out a quick 700-800 damage in between combos
>only comes to the rescue at night and must always take the sewers
Is there already a server up? People are acting like they have access to the game right now, I haven't been keeping up with this shit what am I missing
Is there any timeline on this yet? I'm hyped up and I need this more than I thought possible.
o ok
I did it on both scrapper and brute, and both were ridiculously effective. Tankers I assume about as much so, with an obvious shift to even more defense vs a little less offense.
Hardly the only option of course, and there are some offense sets for melee I don't really remember the meta for, like titan-sized weapons or street fighting(I remember street fighting was really fucking popular, but not exactly where it fell on the fucking shit up scale.)
Willpower was another defense set you could really take a long fucking way, but generally yeah, the "one man god machine" things were either melee characters, or extremely kitted up two/three layer perma-doms.
>Yea Forums's retarded cousin
Plebbit, 8/v/ or some other shithole?
Not at all, but to be honest with you I expect weeks to be the maximum timetable
At the rate these guys are going I'd expect less unless some user kills the argentinian
hows it look boys
>try to register
>never get an email with a code
>figure itll just take awhile
>come back 5 hours later and still none
What the fuck map is this
Some people are playing Paragon Chat which is a reverse engineered CoH without missions.
sooooo what kind of time frame we looking at here?
mine was grabbed by the spamfilter
Show the Totals tab so I can see your defenses and end recovery
I assume he's talking about ribbit but realistically it's probably the fuckload of death threats plus the fact that he lives in a lawless hellhole giving them some credence that did it
there's a few people setting up SCORE servers and trying to fix Leandro and the original dev's spaghetti so they have something anyone can plug and play with the proper hardware, I believe.
Its not just to the latest patch, it includes the patch they were about to deploy before NCSoft shut it down.
The revamped Dark Astoria, Incarnate-level content.
Storyline there was fucking wild.
I'm almost afraid to ask how much these inventions are going to go for...
>but generally yeah, the "one man god machine" things were either melee characters
unfortunate, but I do always remember back when I played I felt silly for never rolling a brute or a scrapper and really sticking with them. It always seemed like those players were the ones that really had shit figured out. MM was still fun as shit, though.
This was the new Dark Astoria after a literal lovecraftian ancient god awoke and turned the place into a hellhole in every sense of the word
Dilemma Diabolique trial
Better have a costume in blue with the Intellectual morph for the head.
so can we get on the game yet?
When I was playing those sets he was using were going for a lot, specifically because of the reason they were so good.
mobster guy
Fucking solid, you have every important stat met perfectly and your Shatter is well slotted
Looks good, MaceBro.
A lot of mileage really depended on your resources and how far you were willing to work it too.
I remember a couple people had absolutely insane Warshades, and I'll be fucked if you could convince me to even want to play one. I hated both kheldian types.
nah it was 4+4. you know the way they do things over there. he literally had no choice but to release the source or it's very likely some crazy south american was gonna run in there and steal his dog.
>I didn't think Blaze made much sense, considering it's a short-range attack and all of my other abilities are long range
Is a top tier damage ability, among the game's best. Part of why Fire Blast excels at single-target damage as well as AoE.
But if you definitely want to keep at long range I'd at least pick up Fire Ball. Excellent AoE attack that doubles as a respectable single-target attack... providing you have the endurance to burn.
>And what's wrong with 6 slots on the shield abilities? I had to put those extra slots somewhere.
Shields are applied as AoE. You only need to do this like, once every 4 minutes. You're not avoiding much endurance drain by economising here. Recharge also gets zero mileage.
Slots are precious but only 2 of those 6 will see actual use.
By contrast, Assault and Vengeance *will* drain a lot of endurance over time. Could benefit from a 2nd slot of end reduction.
Melt Armor's also pretty great. -Res abilities always are. Would recommend.
Fitness abilities are also gained automatically, so that's 3 extra powers you can pick.
Vengeance could do with defence instead of range.
But really just do whatever you like. Can always change it down the line.
redpill me on this game
I played it when it went free to play before they later gutted its character creator completely
mot mission
Its a shame the full helm doesn't have a lot of options so it's hard to work with
not yet. Soon(tm), though
Yall celebrating too early, he still hasn't let the database out yet. Ni content without it!
I'm expecting to see a Dragonball spic meme within the first 6 characters I spot upon logging in.
It's the entire game but now everything's free and it's still just as good if not better than it was when it shut down
THAT shit was so wacky. All the 5th Column shit scrubbed from the game. Turned out there was a coup de tat or something, but then the mother fuckers come from an entirely alternate timeline dimension, back into our reality, to fuck shit up and take revenge against the Council. Shit was so fucking goddamn cool, considering they won in their timeline and came back to ours almost solely to get fucking revenge on the Council. Also their giant volcano base was a super robot. Like holy fuck.
I saw you earlier, good stuff.
Someone was in the thread mentioning that earlier, that warshades could be insane AoE machines if slotted properly, but it took more effort to set up than other classes. That may be what I wind up doing if by some miracle the private servers make getting your hands on enhancements easier, or if I'm just feeling masochistic.
Definitely make sure to abuse the LotG 7.5% global recharge rate slotting.
>mandated-by-Brazilian-law install of a heavily modded GTA: SA
Made me laugh for the first time in months here. Thanks.
I'll make El Hermano and fight you.
Thanks! I will probably use something like that as my main when it comes back. I also gotta figure out what I'll do for a villain, I adore Mastermind, but the idea I have isn't a Mastermind character.
Is this some kind of power set that lets you go into a super form or something? I never played CoX.
I'm surprised no one has done this yet, but: /paladinawaken
Yeah you're right, I didn't realize they were involved but now I see there's hilariously enough an entire board dedicated to physically stealing the source code from him
Slide those hips down.
Left is a standard outfit, the arm is a buff from the Bio Armor powerset. Right is another outfit that you can make but I think he used crazy Paragon Chat bug/hack tricks to get that combination
>have three different villains designed and figured out
>can not for the life of me figure out a single hero
>Would make my pets follow new players as I flew above them
>Would speak through my pets and have conversations with them, totally bewildering them
It's the little things.
No, but each character can have multiple costumes they can switch, so I assume the one of the left is that characters "civilian" costume and then the right is their "super" outfit
>>I didn't think Blaze made much sense, considering it's a short-range attack
All the short ranged heavy damage powers were getting their range extended inline with the rest of their powers.
This was part of the upcoming rework for blasters which included ToHit instant Snipes which might be in the code.
>minion jukebox dance party
>go afk
>return to three other MMs doing the same
i plan on making judge dredd
Two different costumes.
However there were a variety of costume change emotes that can be used to mimick a transformation sequence.
Costume slots. You can have multiple costumes at one time, you can select from a drop down menu. You can treat it as a super form if you would like.
>harassing newbies with a ninja persistantly following and begging for inf
I wish I'd thought of that.
Like in the Discord channel or a bot?
No wait, wasn't it that you could bind your costume change inside a macro? So what people would do is do an emote that hid their character, or caused a blast of light, or made them do a flip, and then bound that with the costume change. Oh man, that shit was the best.
>some crazy fuck redoes the graphics
can i make a super slut in this game?
>Have a team of all MMs
>Just an army of minions rushing in at once
This game was trash. Only shit that wasn't was the character designer, too bad there was nothing to actually do with your cool char once you were done.
Just """play""" second life instead you stupid faggots.
In the Paragon Chat link, one of the options says "Do you not have i24 already installed? Download Tequilla __HERE__ and it will install i24 along with paragon chat for you."
>nazi volcano base that's a hangar for a giant robot
>a zone that's literally several miles long, and is so large it actually has another smaller zone located inside it
>in that map, TWO giant monsters spawned to terrorize the map, a ghostship tanker that vomited ghosts onto the shore, and a colossal octopus that would snag heroes and pull them under water
>on more than one occasion they spawned at the same time and would fucking FIGHT EACH OTHER
>the endgame boss was an ameoba the size of a fucking coliseum that you had to physically enter to fight it's organelles
>All of this shit was done FIFTEEN MOTHERFUCKING YEAR AGO
If I wasn't there I wouldn't believe it.So much of this game was so fucking off the wall, and done so fucking long ago with such comparatively primitive tech.
I'm trying to make a Titan account but they wont send me a fucking code please help anons
Neat, thanks anons
check spam
Tequila is a launcher you can download that will download the patch for you. Also it seems like whatever servers go up in the near future will also use this.
check your spam filters
All these venues to ERP in and you choose this one. I'll never understand these types.
Yeah, that was it.
While posting I wasn't sure if it was a designed mechanic or just improvisation.
Same deal with the hijacking of afk prompts for customised typing notifications.
When the servers go up, you go down.
>team with several masterminds
>pets constantly blocking doorways
You Leandrones never know when to quit. Your master already caved in, go find a new purpose in life
all these fucking n*ggers talking about optimizing code and aint nobody got time for that shit i want my video games reeeeeee
No, those shots are from official beta server, 7 years ago. Bio armor + alt costume/cosmetics.
You can simulate it by having multiple costume slots per character, and can change costumes on a whim with macros/chat commands, some of which also play fancy particle effect transformation emotes.
You actually had a list of costume change emotes from a dropdown list attached to your costume change window. Just select an emote, then select the costume and it'll handle all of the effects and animations. It's not in paragon chat for some reason but I remember it clear as day in the full game.
I just remember that cavern you had to go into to fight that one colossal crystal golem or whatever, it was just like fucking miles and miles and miles and tons of drops deep into the center of the earth, shit was crazy.
what do you think bros
Looks like a matrix 4 protagonist
Looks like one of those scrawny Columbine kids.
I think 7 minutes is all I can spare to play with you
Given the age of the game, it's appropriate.
>Not MA/SR scrapper with the palm strike alternate animations
Which ones the hero?
Worms? More like WOOOOORRRRMS!
>Making Weskar a twink
Fuck I'm retarded thanks
>Always played scrapper but always felt like a blaster/mastermind at heart
Wait, is it a functioning version of the game or is it limited to just social interactions and no combat?
I'm glad the game is coming back because as a dirty ESL who couldn't speak english back then I must've played for like two hours and it looked cool, but I'm also genuinely happy you guys who spent thousands of hours on this game are going home. I don't think I can imagine how great you fuckers must feel.
Champions Online, it's got a more cartoony style and a lot of furries for some reason
nigga looks like does ballet and shitposts on wizardchan
El Hermano is always the villain
It is literally the entire game, including the never released issue 24, and more.
>Hide away in a corner of the AE building while people are begging for groups to power level
>Move all of my MM Pets to the center of the consoles
>Constantly hit the bind that makes them all do a loud WHISTLE which was loud enough but amplified by 6
>People get mad.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention
>a Quasi-secret temporal ops organization that would either conatct you if you encountered a time shenanigans in the hanful of storylines that had then, OR, alternatively, you could sneak behind someone as they entered the secret portal generator that members got and get recruited since you literally stumbled into their secret base.
All of the screenshots in this thread right now are from the one that's just costume making and social interactions. The process of getting an actual version with all combat/other mechanics is currently progressing.
So what happened to getting map/mission data?
Fits well considering how many Neo clones there were in the game in the early 2000s
Leo's working on sending the binaries to someone who has the equipment for it
well, it's got more furry options plus one of the costume designers is an out and out furry.
They're also a genera media geek.
>Magical Girl costume pack actually starts with "make a contract"
>Iron Age Hero (90's style costume pieces) description goes on about how the number of pouches heroes and villains had determined their merit in the 90's as well as bigger, more absurd guns
Leo still has it. He wan't to purge all data relating to backtracing.
>Server Setup channel has been added
Getting mixed reports, is the game broken as hell or not?
Way better
>tfw the only reason you're getting to play again is because some Nazi's grandkids waved a gun at the hoarder
I'm posting shots of last live/beta issue.
it doesn't exist in a playable state currently, but it's progressing very quickly
Like said, we're all currently playing on the empty hacked server but there are literally people right this very second working to get a full up which will feature
>yfw leo said he's releasing it as a false flag while he packs up and escapes the chimp raid
The temptation to say "first" is growing
Leo is gagging to give the binaries to someone with the server equipment ready
How big is City of Heroes anyway in terms of locations? How's the writing/general lore?
He's triggered the 'tism now. There is no way for him to hide.
Right now the full game is being set up, but it might take some time. The pictures being posted now are from a completely different program, Paragon Chat, which is like a City of Heroes chat room.
big and good and big good
Did he really say that?
that would be pretty fucking dumb since the internet would just find him eventually and therefore the favela chimps would too
fairly large
ABSOLUTE KINO eventually
Can't wait to play my Muscular Ninja, a body builder with a tiny ninja mask that was stealthy because people were too scared to make eye contact to him.
I am coming home lads.
Most locations are massive, lore is deep and detailed.
Honestly, Its fucking huge, and the writing/lore is pretty decent for cape shit
and what's really to say people setting up servers won't ask for donations they embezzle?
What's to say some won't set up trash servers just to gain email information from you?
The fact is: for all the anger, there comes a point when you just gotta start trusting someone, even a little.
Because, guess what? I can see a million ways anons can fuck eachother over with this. But we all seem to have some level of trust going or you're just stirring a shitpot and trying to piss off others with the fumes.
Had a lovely chat with you based Toku Master Race.
>jacked off to a CoX character for the first time in over a decade
Jesus Christ talk about a blast from the past.
Paragon City (Hero side) apparently takes place in the entirety of rhode island. The maps are spacious but nothing crazy, but that's probably because we're superheros who can run through the city at 70 mph. Lore is fucking extremely complex and there's years worth of reading on paragonwiki. It honestly feels too fleshed out sometimes.
emphasis on the blast
Pretty damn big and there's a lot of huge older locations that didn't see a lot of play but you could still go to if you felt like it. The newer zones were really cool though.
>that carnival of light dimensional shift
>that Ghostbusters Zuul building rooftop
why the fuck does the discord server have a Yea Forums emote
>How big is City of Heroes anyway in terms of locations?
Everything is divided into singular city biomes that require loading screens.
>How's the writing/general lore?
Honestly the lore was a lot of fun for being an original project not based on any existing comic property.
The character creation and the lore options for it as so fucking good.
Depending on your character lore, you get your own set of nemesis and arch-villains.
If your background is magically enhanced powers, you get to fight The Circle of Thorns, a magic based villain group.
Just as an example.
That looks an awful lot like Chaos from Sonic, I like it
>leo said the data is all set up
>on a server at his house, someone just needs to pick it up and they can clone it all they want
>anons head over, the door is open
>in the living room, a box that reads To: user
>one opens it, the bomb inside detonates
>everyone else is dead, he just barely survives as he watches Leo escape by heli with the real server
>and swears vengeance
>he WILL have that CoX private server
hi dan
What powers should I pick for Scrapper? I'm thinking energy melee or super strength for primary but I have no clue for secondary.
I look forward to the toku task force in the future
honk honk
mmm oh chris you think you can defeat me
it's not the ENTIRETY of Rhode Island, but Paragon City is pretty large
Well, Yea Forums's cancer and cancer spreads.
Friendly reminder that I'm the strongest. It's me. Invuln scrubs go home. Scrappers and Stalkers? Yawn. Blasters don't make me laugh.
Is it really happening? Did terrorism work again?
Even the event where you fight it feels like the end of that one Sonic game where Supersonic is flying through the destroyed city
If I make a villain, can I switch to hero later and vice versa? Was thinking of making a martial arts hitman type dude, but I'm not sure if being good or evil would fit better.
what did that emote do? i can't remember
Yeah, strongest AT BEING GAY
Only thing I'm not looking forward to is badge title grinding again...
rip all my anniversary badges
Holy shit, that's a great name. I'm using it.
This game? kek.
I remember being scolded by a mod using one of pic related, for inviting people to group and tping them off buildings.
I guess people didn't appreciate the debt collected from dying.
Yeah, you can go rogue which allows you to either switch sides, or play in the middle.
You can freely switch by doing the equivalent of daily missions for 2-4 days. I think Leo's server even had an NPC that lets you change alignment by just talking to him.
Scrappers can't take either
Yeah, it takes a little bit of work, but nothing too prohibitive. Just tedious.
You switch to a greybie first(either a vigilante or whatever the villain equiv was) to go halfway, and after that you can switch again to a full fledged hero or villain.
Does that guy's version have the Mac client too?
Can Dominators be heroes?
Alright faggot what you gunna play when a server is up?
Making costumes is so fun fuck
>dat SRW music
This entire aesthetic
I was trying to get a video for this guy of the Seed of Hamidon and I found this.
So will we have a Yea ForumsCoH server like Yea Forumsscape?
What is this?
>hunting for Illusionists again for that goddamn Carnival of Shadows killcount badge
Archmage accolade was a real cunt
I've never played this game, what am I in for?
The comfiest and best MMO of all time that was murdered by koreans 6.5 years ago.
>Go to Critikal's twitter expecting something about CoH, since it's his favorite game of all time
>Nothing but unfunny normie tweets
What the fuck happened
Didn't Paragon make these two specifically for like the chinese launch of the game or something? and then they never made it into the game until Going Rogue?
Plant controller at first, but I'll probably end up switching over to some type of mastermind down the road.
oh fuck don't remind me
highest value target in the game right here boys
Is it possible to be a person who just gives his allies a bunch of buffs? It's what I've always wanted to do.
I don't plan on playing again, but following this fiasco was magical.
You couldn't die from fall damage.
he definitely was. 90% of the his videos have the chat hidden so that no one knows the gameplay was recent.
He was in on the server.
>what am I in for?
amazing RP.
It's basically a sandbox mmo rp'ing as a theme park mmo.
I checked out his videos a few days ago. In all of his TF videos he never runs into the same name twice, even though we know that Leandro's server barely sat at around 40-50 players on average.
Is there a more badass chad?
>Takes over some shitty islands and turns them into a world power and makes it his personal empire where crime is legal and everyone is bad guys, but stays on top simply because of how fucking strong he is.
Yes. Every supergroup had that one female player that only plays support classes.
He became a normie variety streamer sadly...I even emailed him about this the night it was leaked and he never did anything
he became an unfunny normie
He was in on it.
Shame we didn't get capture the flag round 2.
There's a powerset dedicated solely to being a heal and buffslut.
>You couldn't die from fall damage.
I know, I tp'd people infront of a building with 5th column goons that would finish them off when they fell.
I got reported for it.
it just works
they're both nice power sets. energy melee does higher damage and has a chance to stun your targets. from what i was told the downside to this is higher energy consumption and low accuracy. super strength has some attacks that also do aoe damage while also being a little more energy efficient than energy melee as a trade off for slightly less damage.
>generic streamer #45192
kill yourself
>JLTAS isn't on Netflix anymore
someone must pay for this injustice
Except it took days of bitching from community members, and eventual death threats to get him to give it up. So you're wrong about him being based.
go yell at Warner Bros
Recluse is my nigga. My main Villain grew up idolizing Arachnos.
>That feel when you still have Doctor McNinja in the database.
Thanks guys. I think I'll make someone a little complex on Paragon chat
No, those two were for going rogue. You're thinking of some other characters like mirror spirit(I can't remember the name of the other koreans.)
How are people logging in? with their original accounts?
It was the internal mechanic emote for the Peacebringer/Warshade transformation well before they were added to the game. That or maybe it was related to the Paladin Clockwork monster that was added, not sure. It wasn't intended for use though and removed a wee bit later.
>Leo's going to sleep because there's STILL no one with the right equipment ready for him
Come on lads what the fuck, are we supposed to let other chan do this for us too?
He should just dump everything and let us deal with it. I don't want him on my servers.
The one on the left, I don't remember his name, is from the Korean trailer. He's supposed to be the one using the gun, but after this trailer Paragon Studios just threw him away as an irrelevant character until they decided to make use of him as a hero turned evil.
The game consists of multiple Archetypes based around playstyles (e.g. Tanker, Blaster, Defender, etc), and each archetype has numerous power pools to choose from, so there's all sorts of ways to be a support-heavy character.
>when the fulcrum shift kicks in
>All the new hentai and porn of Miss Liberty, Sister Psyche, War Witch and Ghost Widow
>Mother fucking SFM
My boner cannot possibly be any more erect.
Ghost Widow literally CAN NEVER DIE so as long as ONE PERSON believes in the CONCEPT of Arachnos as an organization. It's fucking wild to imagine a thought of an organization is her phalactory.
Literally got Gold Medal on the Ice Slide in Pocket D the day the server was going down because some hero was standing next to the slide giving everyone FC
Nah it's netshit's fault for investing in originals no one fucking cares about instead of comfy old TV to fall asleep to which is what people actually use netflix for
where are you guys at in paragon?
Maelstrom is a different character from the martial arts man in the Korean trailer.
>Scirocco trying to convert Ghost Widow
Dude, Gravity/Kinetics was so godly.
>Super Succ Speed
>Speed Boost
>Super Jump
some 1 on the inside here (a cocksucker).
gestapo shit was so real and still is. have lots of info.
willing 2 answer sum q.
forgive my speech. it is necessary to hide still.
thank u 4 breaking us out!!
lots of things 2 know. i24 has security problems. more stuff. ask me any thang.
stop being a faggot
>Been spending my entire two days off in CoX threads reliving memories, tension with the code and having fun in Paragon Chat.
Thank you guys.
paragon city is pretty crowded but i dont see any pepes so Yea Forums must not be there
I meant FS as in Fulcrum Shift.
Where is it?
>Hero Clix
MY MAN. Shame what they did to Mage Knights but I've made my peace. You're a rad dude. Hoping to fight alongside you too, user.
In the future, once the artists play the game and realize all the potential. Now, we wait. Later, we wank.
Do you mean speed boost? I don't think fulcrum shift would have helped you with the slopes. It just gives you a damage boost.
literally just make an account with cohtitan and download Paragon Chat. Its not a functioning game, just create a character and play in the Atlas Park sandbox cohtitan.com
Web of Arachnos was a surprisingly good read.
I should pull it out sometime and give it another go.
i am srs. ama. u wont believe me any way.
Since when did Postal Dude dye his hair blonde?
Rate me boyos, i am the edgestorm.
Could I have that please?
he based, u succ
>remember that literally everyone picked up the super speed pool just for haste
>slot it with three recharge enhancements
>get a few other recharge speed boosts and it's now on 24/7
oh right, this shit