Such a rough gem. So much loved put into it. A masterpiece

Such a rough gem. So much loved put into it. A masterpiece.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's it? Thats your thread?

What's wrong with my thread? Tell me.

that you're a fucking faggot

Your sentence makes no sense.

That combat is ass though for real. Still like it, definitely need to go through it again one day but I have an awful attention span for games so I'll get to whatever place comes after the second hub then lose interest. Only beat it once back when it was first released.

What part don't you understand faggot OP?

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Vampires shouldn't get fat like that.

fuck off homo

Such words mean nothing coming from a chubby chaser.

>Decide to get this off gog
>This combat
There's only a certain level of janky shit I can put up with and this crossed the line.

>thinks a woman with tits and ass is fat
You're just a homo.

The game gets a little unbalanced later on but I never had a problem with the combat itself. Did you actually learn how melee works with different combos depending on what direction you're holding and why you shouldn't spam the same direction? Along with feeding and Disciplines it's fun.

>little unbalanced later

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Play it for the story and atmosphere, everything else is just a means to an end.

Though honestly I think the only egregious bits of combat are the sewer level and the final boss run simply because of how drawn out and repetitive they are. Otherwise I think it's just kind of bland. That is assuming that you patched the game and don't immediately run into a gamebreaking bug.

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Combat's fine as long as you actually put some points into melee and find a knife.

The problem is if you're hoping to be a purely dialogue and hacking based character only to end up thrown into the blood gauntlet with everything else at a low level.

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Yeah it's surprising to see how many people still thought you could go 100% nonlethal when you have to fight even before the tutorial is over. I wonder if that's where a lot of the complaints come from.

I didn't have too many issues, but I do think it's a bit of a shame that the latter half of the game doesn't have more ways for different character builds to progress.

Santa Monica was great because there were so many ways to approach different problems, whereas the finale is one long murder hallway that doesn't leave room for much else. So I can see why people would be a bit put off by it.

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*Vietnam Flashbacks*

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>had no idea there was a way to kill him
>frantically ran around a rock for five minutes only to die on my way to the tram

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dude, just celerity 5 LMAO

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This board does a shit job of thanking wesp5 for keeping this game alive.

Not as much love as Rudi's gonna put in you in bloodlines 2 (:

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oh no we forgot oh please when can we schedule your next blowjob great sir

I wasn't playing a Toreador chad, I was a virgin Ventrue with literally no combat stats

Troika games has the best track record of any game dev.

When I played this fucker got stuck in a tree and I just spent the rest of the time waiting.

It really isn't that bad. Melee reminds me of Jade Empire and gunplay is pretty standard for the time. I haven't played as a Tremere yet though.

They'd thank him more if he actually kept basic just for bug fixes and plus for restorations. He's actually ruined some player's first playthroughs because of all the unnecessary shit he does.

Rudi's army is cringy, but I don't really see the point of complaining about a character who isn't even in the game.

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Is Venture Tower really that bad? I seem to remember that it's mostly full of humans until the very end, and that makes it piss easy since humans are walking mana+health potions in this game. The Chinese temple dungeon is full of humans too but I do remember it dragging on too long.

VtMB is the epitome of soul

Not really. Venture Tower isn't half as frustrating as the sewers were in itself, but it still feels a bit long because it comes immediately after the Chinatown temple.

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>sjw propaganda

I hope Malkavian hallucinations return in 2.

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Has anybody played this with a controller? I kind of want to try for some reason

They definitely will. What you should be hoping for is that the execution is good. Anything Malkavian related runs a high risk of coming out as Reddit/Cracked tier humor with modern writers being like they are.

Honestly I wouldn't mind if they toned down the wacky Malkavian dialogue a bit in favor of playing up the unwilling seer side of things. Like Grout being fully aware of what was happening to him, but still being powerless to discern which voices in his head are to be trusted.

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So much cut content

>Non-Violent Ventrue build
That was my exact first character. A lesson well learned.

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Don't forget that in addition to being a properly executed tragic seer archetype, Grout was also hilarious in a low-key way. He is honestly my gold standard for a Malkavian character.

And then even if the writing is God-Tier we will still have to endure brainlets and contrarians that will call it Reddit anyways.

They way they wrote Grout felt very much in line of how Philip K. Dick wrote in books like VALIS. An overly scholarly voice tinge with sarcasm that was well aware of how crazy he was.

Can tzimisce install weapons into their body? Like if I were a fiend, could I put a silver buckshot shotgun into my forearm?

That'd be cumbersome in the shower.

>playing as a female malk
>these outfits
wew lad

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yeah but good to smack a werewolf with as your vozhd is tearing him apart

is fem malk asian?

Why would they dress her like she's from the Village People?

i wasnt expecting the first tier armour to be a skimpy cowgirl outfit, was a pleasant surprise

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As fun as goofy-ass clan outfits are I hope we can customize things a bit more in the next game.

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Well there were some clothes available in the deluxe editions, so there will probably be some customization.

Sabbat suck.

Dumb Cammy

>Kindred: The Embraced is non-canon
>Gehenna didn't happen
>double non-canon
>Daedalus' Last Will won't be referenced in Bloodlines 2
It hurts.

The problem is that if Gehenna happened, there'd be no way for there to be a game. It's literally the world ending in 2004, in a variety of horrific ways. Personally, I wish the Gehenna madness in the game is something that is always on the verge of happening, as a part of Caine's curse.

Who doesn't?

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>Reddit/Cracked tier humor
this is exactly what they were in bloodlines 1, all that was missing was a spork reference

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>legit hallucinations
>random "jump scares"
>maybe see a fake enemy rush you
>see some dude streak across the street but it's real and not a hallucination

I know nothing about the evolving tabletop lore beyond people saying that nearly everyone from the first game would probably be dead, so I wouldn't weep if they went ahead and ignored it for the sequel.

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I kind of like the idea of each time period having a gehenna scenario, that would be neat

The world ends in 4 different ways so it's impossible for there to be a sequel.

That's more or less the approach White Wolf took for V5. Gehenna is implied to be cyclical, and they ignored all the actual world ending stuff, but kept all the signs. Too bad V5's lore in general is dogshit.

>no dementation
>but connect VTM with WTO through the Lasombra
>kill off WTO

So who died in Grout's Mansion? Just some random Kindred?

didnt wraithland get dabbed on by the aftermath of magic nukes

Pretty sure the in-game intent was that he was dead by the time you show up, despite what other lore might indicate.

It's just that simple, virgin

Depends on the scenario. Grandma either can or cannot die but I'm not an expert seeing as I haven't read every sourcebook.

>kill Brotherhood faggots
>skeleton in the Mansion
That's some bullshit.

I think they could go ahead and say that he faked his death if they wanted to, it's not like it wouldn't fit his paranoia, but it's never really touched upon again.

Ming Xiao was stupidly powerful in a 1-on-1 fight and Grout, despite all the warnings from the voices and all his prep, was expecting a normal Kindred assassin to come after him. I think the most likely explanation is that the fish that ended up coming for him was too big for him to handle and he really did get got.

but staking doesn't kill kindred it just paralyzes them

>have always wanted to play the tabletop games, really into the lore and world
>don't know a single person who wouldnt find it cringe
>even all my tabletop friends only play D&D/Pathfinder

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He just fucked off, pretend to be dead and went to somewhere else where he wouldn't have to deal with LaCroix bullshit.

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It was set up to look like a blatant murder scene by someone who wasn't even a real vamp. The stake isn't necessarily what killed him.

What's cringy about world of darkness compared to D&D?

You could try checking Roll 20.


Grout was a sadistic doctor who had no issue torturing his patients for experiments, he wouldn't care about you enough to warn you for your own safety. He also only seemed to use old technology. I really doubt he sent the emails. I think they're just another metaphor like Caine being a taxi driver and his blood "driving you to your destination". The emails are probably a metaphor for messages being shared through the vampire blood like Skelter says, maybe by Caine. Or not, but I don't think they're supposed to be taken literally.

It's also possible Ming killed him in a way to preserve his bones so that you could go back to LaCroix with proof that "Nines" killed Grout. Even Grout himself said he wasn't fully prepared for what was coming in one of the audio logs.

They think it's edgy goth Twilight garbage because they haven't engaged with the material and don't care to. Doing speech/social stuff and sneaking around is my favorite part of D&D and other tabletop games, which is why I want to play so badly, but everyone's a fucking faggot.

Is this kind of stuff even fun to play with randos?

>Is this kind of stuff even fun to play with randos?
Don't know. My history of trying to get into tabletop games has never gone well. Every session with people I knew just devolved into people arguing about divvying up loot drops and arguing dice rolls.

I just know it's a site that some people recommend.

what about the cabbie

I never payed my fare.

It's why he let me nuke myself in the end.

you deserved it, even caine needs to pay rent

So how many blood points do we get as a v5 Thinblood?

I'm installing for a replay after not having touched it for several years.
Any new mods or anything I should check out or just the one fix like usual?

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I never thought of this. these threads always open up new things to me.

first playthrough I thought it was strauss after meeting him, second playthrough I thought it was the cabbie. now it makes the most sense to be grout simply because he loves puzzles, riddles and mind games.

i mean he leaves you cryptic notes to help solve the puzzles written in the same way.

liberal bullshit is what it is

Has anyone here actually done the sewers legit and not just noclip +god mode through?

>he uses noclip
>and God mode
You're worse than mongrels.

Sorry nigger, I like persuasion/charisma playthroughs. I dont care about terrible gameplay.

>doing ocean house hotel more than once

lolling @ you

yeah as a toreador. high melee and decent firearms, katana and colt python.

i have never done the fucking cemetery zombie sidequest legit though. it's impossible

Done it both as Tremere thaumatology easy mode and a Malk years and years ago. It's bad but it's not the pinnacle of gaming difficulty, just long and tedious from what I remember.

I tried that cemetery quest so many times where I felt like I did every thing near perfect, but I never came close to actually beating it. I think some clans just straight up can't do it.

Yeah, as a gangrel they're pretty neat

its not impossible (literally only doable overleveled and with celerity) but jesus christ its hard.
You just freeze time and chug blood packs while head shotting zombos over and over and over again for virtually no reward.

you just have to know what you're doing
use the knife, only attack zombies at the gate, and parkour. If you need to run faster, spam ADADADAD as you run

You can't even persuade Ming Tin Tin to kill herself.

Yeah, it's not hard if you take it slow and can refill blood on rats, it's just annoying. Especially considering all of the pointless dead ends that you can fight your way to without any benefit.

LMAO @ your life

>I think some clans just straight up can't do it.
It's easier for some but like said, only clearing the gates instead of trying to kill every zombie you see makes it a lot easier.

Also, zombies are the only enemy in the game that take bonus damage from headshots, and a headshot from any weapon with kill them.

I didn't find it until after I played the game a few times already, but the little offices of each sewer section actually have maps on the walls showing you where to go.

if you go by what E tells you, it is around this time 15 years ago (maybe in a few more days) that he was embraced by lily on the beach. although lily's journal and the date on the photograph of her contradict that.

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>a few times
I thought that was obvious the first time I went through. I did think it was dumb that the big corner "maps" weren't actually maps.

i usually do it legit up until the maze part at the end, i just noclip through that shit. i realize that if i do it enough, i could just memorize where to go like with the rest of the game, but it's such a pain in the ass.
i can respect the warrens for being such a pain in the ass, i think it's ultimately well-designed for a once around, but on repeated playthroughs that shit is torture.

My first time playing I did a ranged character and was pretty stocked on stronger guns, so I didn't have much trouble with the enemies there. I think it took me like an hour to do the whole thing. Didn't really mind it too much. Even on repeat playthroughs I still have fun doing it most of the time.

I think it helps if you realize the Geodudes can be punched to death pretty easily, even if you don't have points in Unarmed.

Caine's a faggot, with his superspeed and superstrength he could get a higher paying job than a fucking cabbie.

Aww man, I thought I was gonna get to flip him off at the end.

also interested. my friends and i are looking to get into TTRPGs and will probably start with D&D soonish.
question for any /tg/ anons - i've heard that D&D places more focus on the "G" aspect of PG as opposed to the "RP." that would probably be better for newcomers as it feels less gay, would you say that VTM leans closer to the roleplaying aspect or more towards the gaming aspect?

Haven't played but vtm is more of a social game; you don't really go around murderhoboing like in d&d although I'd like to


>born in france
>embraced by belgian
>speak with english accent
what the fuck did he mean by this?

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So what do you guys think about thinbloods

can they procreate

hes a globe trotter

thats not even a hard level. my first time as a gun toreador sucked because i got lost and thought i had to kill all the enemies. then i realized that wasnt necessary and just used celerity to outrun everything. second time as gangrel i just protean tanked when needed and ran through the place in ten minutes.

His accent probably changed as he moved around. Remember he's a couple hundred years old.

Heralds of Gehenna to be destroyed on sight.

I'm guessing he has some fake american background for his business activities and the accent comes with that

Truly the Dark Souls of immersive sim rpgs.

its quite lovecraftian

cemetery is easy as fuck you just time your kills correctly
t. beat it with a weak tremere on first run through

kafkaesque some may say

The female malkavian is a stripper.

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That's where dhampirs come from.

don't bother, only weirdos play vtm anyway

Blood Strike is so fucking busted, what the fuck were they thinking?

>can be spammed
>get the blood cost back so it's pretty much infinitely castable
>standing still is a non issue against 95% of enemies


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I don't understand the obsession. I played it when it came out. It was fine at best. Is it a meme?

>Is it a meme?
Are you?

They probably wanted to make sure the Tremere's main thing was strong enough, although any clan will be OP if you build them properly. Gangrel and Nosferatu get a similar attack with level 2 Animalism, although it doesn't give blood back, but they can spam it while meleeing which does a ton of damage.

i can only assume that they wanted at least 1 build that focused primarily on non-passive discipline-based combat to be viable. thaumaturgy seems perfect for that. really the only ones that can get away with it are them and animalism users.

Level design outside of hubs is as soulless as you can get.

atmospheric and a decent rpg for the time. Not a masterpiece by a long shot.

You don't know what a fat person looks like.

is it just me or is it like 6 am in china town? that is not a night time sky.

is there like a WOD world map of who controls what? or at least of the USA?
i've been reading about territories claimed on the white wolf wiki and it seems like the sabbat just zerged everything and the camarilla barely contrl shit, and the anarchs are even worse off.

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this is legit unsettling

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>people believe Velvet has any actual feelings for the player character
Was it autism?

Who gives a fuck, she's a vampire. I just do her shit for her because it gives me experience and rids LA of potentially masquerade-violating shit.

>that retard that called her "sweet and genuine" and got like a dozen posts calling him retarded

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She probably does, but the feelings won't last long with that kind of person who needs everything to be intense and passionate all the time and she'll look for something else.

This. Stopped playing once I got to the parking garage that was filled with thugs.
Playing as a Malk is so very ass for combat but it's the only way I can really enjoy the dialogue.
I see Malks get shit on for le random but I haven't seen much of it in-game, save the maniacal laughter. Haven't encountered this fish everyone likes to bring up

Pisses me off that there isn't even a band there. Is there even a mod or unofficial patch that adds something to the stage other than instruments just sitting there while bad techno music plays?

>Playing as a Malk is so very ass for combat but it's the only way I can really enjoy the dialogue.
Get level 3 Dementation ASAP, it works in dialogue but level 1 will let you feed on any human easily and level 3 will kill one instantly. Other than that, stack points into defensive stats since they're like glass cannons and use guns. They can be pretty strong.

>I see Malks get shit on for le random but I haven't seen much of it in-game, save the maniacal laughter. Haven't encountered this fish everyone likes to bring up
Most of their dialogue isn't as LOLRANDOM as people like to say, and I don't think you're ever forced to use the sillier dialogue responses. More people only started saying that after VtMB2's announcement. Maybe because shitposting picked up more in that time anyway or because some shitty journalists said they didn't like how VtMB portrayed mental illness.


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>>Kindred: The Embraced is non-canon
Is it any good? Like, of course it's not great and I wouldn't believe anybody who told me it was, but is it at least not complete arse?

Yeah, it's not even hard minus that one retarded fan puzzle.
The big nasties can literaly be circle strafed to death while you whollop them with pissweak attacks. If, y'know, you have to. Or you could just not be weak by the time you reach them and it doesn't even bloody matter.

>but is it at least not complete arse?
I'd say it's at least worth watching once because it does have some good parts. It does some of the vampire stuff pretty well and gets the clan personalities down decently. It just has a bit of crap along with it that makes it hard to watch sometimes and it's probably good it didn't go for multiple seasons.