Sekiro thread

Why didn't you guys tell me it was so much kino?

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Just killed Isshin lads, easily the GOTY and will become my Fromsoft GOAT as soon as they release a good DLC

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best Last Boss from FROM

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where does the rice come from?

Gael is better tho

the isshin fight is epic and probably my favorite fromsoft boss fight.

i'm doing him on NG+2 now though with the demon bell & no charm and it's ridiculous. takes like 5 minutes of perfect playing just to make it past genichiro. dude has massive amount of health/posture and if i miss one deflect i'll get staggered and one shot. owl 2 was crazy too but this is a whole different level and i beat him in 2 tries on regular NG+

Why exactly is Demon of Hatred so hated? I just beat him and it was my favorite FROM boss ever

If I didn't have to fight Gaynichiro every time, yeah

People who hate him are just bad at games. He's an awesome fight

i don't know he's not all that fun to fight really. the best fights in this game were the fast paced deflect/attack battles like genichiro/owl 2/sword saint. i didn't think DoH was all that hard he's just more of a bloodborne/souls boss than a sekiro one. NG+ and beyond he has a metric fuckton of health too so it takes forever.

>good last boss
gotta choose one user

those are t. filtered

if you are annoyed by gen im sorry for you
i kill him in a minute
literally warm-up phase before real fight

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>stomp u
>run around like a retard
>scream at u thar knock u away
>shake head to throw homing fireballs at u
>make flame arena then run outside and leave u inside doing nothing but waiting til the flame dies down

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Seriously, DLC fucking when? I finished it once, played through half of it on NG+ and lost the urge because i already know everything about the game

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It's just a muscle memory fight. You figure out how to beat him way before you actually do it. It's just grinding out each correct dodge, counter and attack window and then repeating them for 3 kills because the Sekiro gameplay you been learning doesn't really apply all that much, it's a Souls boss. Not satisfying.

got him yesterday
feels good when you reverse his lightning each time

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retards are unbelievably bad at video games

>i kill him in a minute
>literally warm-up phase before real fight
this is why he's annoying. it's just busywork before the fight I actually want.

But we have, every day.

Loving all the memes and images for this game.

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What the fuck was Owl's problem? Why is he so concerned with killing skeiro in the estate?

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NG+ and no Kuro’s charm is another massive difficulty spike if you have not perfected deflects.

i don't know. maybe he knew kuro would revive him and that was his plan from the start. his motives are kind of weird. he clearly wants to rule though at the end of the shura ending before sekiro gives him a taste of his own medicine.

yeah i waited until NG+2 to do it without the charm and the demon bell and it's been pretty tough. i just cruised through NG+ to get the shura ending and the platinum trophy and while i've beaten every boss except for SS isshin and DoH in this run it's been much more difficult because there's no room for error and the bosses all have tons of health and take forever to fill their posture gauges. it's going to take a near perfect fight to kill sword saint.

this isn't rice
it's centipede eggs

She picks the rice for you when you're gone and keeps it all tucked underneath her robe, touching her bare chest
Why do you think Sekiro eats that shit raw, he doesn't wanna cook away that loli sweat

My grandma recently got diagnosed with cancer, here is a picture of us before she passed away

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so do you guys think sekiro 2 will happen or was the return ending just setting up the DLC?

Anyone else feels like at some point No Kuro's Charm was the default difficulty? It feels deliberately designed to tackle pic related.
Maybe they thought it would be actually too hard for the average normie and removed it on NG.

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Not before bloodborne 2

Should I lead that black guy to the Dungeon? He seems pretty chill.

prove it.

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>Try to faceapp her
>It detects the statue instead
Arigatou bushi-sama

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Doesn't really matter, sidequest rewards are useless and just regular consumables with added lore

My main concern is does it affect the story?

Fextralite says that a normal deflect lasts a whooping 30 frames while spamming blocks will reduce it to 7.


nope. you get some upgrade materials from the dude in the dungeon if you lure him there. they can be useful early game but you'll get a ton of them later. if you follow his questline you'll get a jizo statue at the end of it (restores a resurrective node).

Eh not really worth it then.

for sure, on my 3rd playthrough. ng+ without charm and with bell and its quite brutal. constantly thinking that the game should have been like this from the start.

Where the fuck are you people coming from? Even on the first playthrough a standard miniboss is as hard as the hardest boss from any FROM game.

Tips for Demon of Hatred?

I can't overcome my urge to spend fights running and jumping all over the place and just fucking stay still.

The hell does this Bell Demon thing do?

aggression up to 11, and deflect feet, hands, face. if you are not up his ass, you are doing something wrong.

deflection spam will carry you trough quite far. aggression even farther. combine both and playing without charm will feel unrewarding.

Sekiro will get DLC, and at E3 this year FromSoft will announce another pure Souls dark fantasy RPG that will come out next year

slight increase in incoming damage and higher loot drop chance.

they are not going to announce a new souls. sekiro was the dark fantasy rpg.

Gettin rid of that shit now. I'm not even good enough on the normal game, let alone with a modifier.

dodge his attacks and get underneath him, hit his legs/hanging dick thing. you can deflect his leg stomps. jump when he does the unblockable charge attack and you won't get hit.

use the umbrella that blocks fire attacks if you get caught in a spot where you're going to get hit. save the malcontent and 12 spirit emblems for phase 3 since it'll stun him for a good 6 or 7 seconds and you can take 3/4 of his final health bar just with those. make sure not to use it when he's in the middle of an attack though.

there will be no DLC you fucking niggers, the absence of a season pass should've been hint enough.

This really. The taste is still there and I want more but crushing everything and knowing all the items, routes, and enemies slices the fun of the game in half on NG+

i disagree. in that article from 2016 they mentioned 3 games and one was a reboot with ideas from the souls games. since sekiro started out as tenchu (and probably was still planned to be in 2016) i think the dark fantasy RPG is a completely different game.

don't know if it'll come out in 2020 though. miyazaki said one of the things he instituted after becoming CEO is giving games more time in development.

>someone saved my screenshot

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why the fuck would they have a season pass for one DLC?

FROM has had DLC for every souls like game since dark souls you really think they're going to stop now after selling 2 million copies in 2 weeks?

Sekiro starts off really hard, but once you get lots of prayer beads you have a lot of wiggle room.
In NG+, starting with 40 prayer beads and 10 estus does make the game pretty easy.

Running around like a madman can actually bait out many easy to counter/dodge moves for easy chip damage.
Despite what some people claim, you can play most of the game like Dark Souls- with avoidance and damage phases.
Issan and Lady Butterfly were the only two bosses that I felt getting up in their faces helped me.
Posture kills at 100% health are possible, but very hard on a first run. You're much better weakening bosses first, as this makes their posture bar much weaker too.

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only sidequest thats sorta worth it is sending kotaro to anayame. you get a permanent 10% off all items. other than that, sidequests are really lacking

>FROM has had DLC for every souls like game since dark souls you really think they're going to stop now after selling 2 million copies in 2 weeks?
You know what all the past souls like games had in common? None of them were From's property, they were just contract workers.
Sekiro is From's IP, not Activision's. The likelihood of there being DLC is much lower because.

you know what is another thing miyazaki said? he hates doing sequels and that they are done with souls. so dont expect bb2 or dark souls 4.

frankly no one should even want such a cursed thing to begin with and everyone who does is part of the problem with the industry.

Is there someone who is truly evil who I can lure to the dungeon? I came across a nigga in the well you start in and the fat monk dude but they are not evil

no and the reward from sending someone there isnt worth it

i don't think the next game is going to be bloodborne 2 but i think it will have similar mechanics to the rest of the games. i mean they took tenchu and put it in a blender with dark souls/bloodborne and it resulted in a pretty great game so i think whatever they do will be pretty good. even dark souls 2 and 3 aren't terrible games by any means, they're just not as good at sequels as they are at new IPs.

I just started the game but is it really better than pic related?
Moon Presence easily became my favorite boss fight of all time
from it's design and presentation to actual fight it was such a beautiful thing to behold

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I did it, wasn't as hard as I expected. Maybe a lot of this fight is psychological cause I was panicking at everything he did.

congrats. i didn't think he was that bad either but i kept reading at how ridiculously hard he was. i think people were just kind of used to the sekiro combat style and didn't know how to deal with a boss that was not really set up that way.

>get 10% off on all items or make the Divine Child happy

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Their next couple games had better be fucking armored core with all this fucking money they have to make another actual good one

Just got to the guy with a horse, I think I like this game better than ds3 already

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she canonically does, it's been confirmed

>is it really better than pic related?
It's not, Bloodborne outclass it in every possible way.

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The speedrun for Sekiro has been one of the most interesting things to see develop, they've already broken the game enough to the point where the only things you properly fight are Ogre, Monkeys, Genichiro and Monk (both of which you stunlock to death) and Emma+Isshin.

the moon presence fight is cool to look at but it's ridiculously easy. the super secret final boss should have been a lot harder.

Except in combat, level design, difficulty, and boss design. Bloodborne's only merit is its aesthetics.

bloodborne was just a really good game until old hunters came out and turned it into a masterpiece. let's see what miyazaki san has in store for us with the sekiro DLC before deciding which is better.

that being said bloodborne > dark souls 1 = sekiro > demon's souls > dark souls 3 >>>> dark souls 2

getting raped by the ape
don't need any tips, just need to get good really

Yes, Sword Saint is better than any boss in any other From game by a lot.

Is Ashina Cross good for anything?

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Bloodborne has a fantastic settings, aesthetics, and level design (well, at least Old Yharnam) but so many of its base game bosses are piss easy. I didn't play it for years after its release and couldn't believe how many of them are average to just bad. It makes up for it in the DLC at least but I'd have to think a bunch of sony pony zoomers who never played DeS or DaS hyped it up a bit.

it was kino to hide lore behind limited sake bottles you cannot give to everyone

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I don’t think Ogre is mandatory

its good for anime montages and its good for dealing chip damage through guards. but no, its not that useful sadly.

Deflect everything you can, stay in tight, and bait him into attacking you for the posture build up. Use the sprint button to weave in and out of his attacks, especially his huge terror explosion in the second stage. His giant overhand attack in that phase is easily deflectable and allows you a handful of free hits right after.

No you have to kill him to progress, you can't get on the ledge above him without killing him first. If they could find a way to skip him they would've by now.

the skip for ogre involves jumping from the stairs in front of him over to the ledge you'd normally only get to after going past the headless. but its nearly frame perfect and isnt that much faster than just fighting ogre.

yeah he is. there is fog blocking the opening you grapple to until after you kill him.

I think aesthetically nothing matches Bloodborne but in terms of actual combat fun I prefer Sekiro.

I'm pretty sure there are 3 of each.

>once you get lots of prayer beads
That's the thing, if you play the game as blind as possible like I did not only are you going to miss alot of prayer beads, you are also going to miss some of the arm gadgets. The only thing I looked up help with was finding out how to get to the folding monkeys, everything else I did blind, and the game was honestly too hard to be enjoyable. Now I'm replaying it and making sure I get all the upgrades this time. hopefully its more fun.

That's essentially how I beat isshin. Fuck a regular fight. Just bait, attack, back off, rinse repeat

Yeah, it does a shitton of damage and melts through many of the regular enemies. It's difficult to use and not worth the emblem cost though. If it staggered bosses or cost nothing to use, then we'd have something special, probably comparable to Ichimonji. As is though, Ichimonji, Senpu Kicks/High Monk are the best skills in the game.

Dark souls 4 no, but I'm generally curious if they coulda struck gold again with BB2

i found that cheesing isshin by running around like a chicken with your head cut off and baiting him into doing the jump attack is actually harder than just fighting him normally and aggressively. he does a lot of thrust unblockables in phase 2 that you can mikiri counter for a good chunk of posture damage. phase 1 goes really quickly if you just stay in his face and attack and deflect the entire time.

>he hates doing sequels
that's not what he said you memer

>give all my sake to Emma and the leftovers to Sculptor on my first run
>get Emma drunk again for my second run and give the leftovers to Isshin

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ogre is NOT mandatory. you can skip it. its just unreasonably difficult even by speedrun standards.

Makes you Pretend you're Isshin but with none of the Overpoweredness that comes with being Isshin. Not worth the emblem cost sadly

What do you mean? Like cheese deaths? Or outright avoiding the boss? Theres only like 7 bosses you have to actually fight to get to the end. Genny, Gyobu, Owl or Emma, Dragon, Ape, Monk x2, Isshin.

The music in Bloodborne has yet to be topped

>Sword saint
>Fights like a bloodborne character


Music falls under the umbrella of aesthetics

Dude if you didn't notice it was pure kino up to the dragon, you're fucking blind my nibba.
Perfectly fighting bosses in this game is so fucking aesthetic, it's probably the best looking sword-fighting in games ever. The blocks, the combos, the movement, the fluidity and the impact - it's just perfect. I nearly came from how good it looked when I fought Genichiro and Isshin is fucking 10\10 fight

i got all the skills in order to get the platinum trophy (took like 6 hours of EXP farming on NG+) and the mushin art skill that costs 9 points (spiral cloud or something) is completely worthless and does basically 0 damage.

i guess they didn't want any of the skills to be too OP but they all do so little damage and many of them cost spirit emblems as well. i think the only ones i used at all in NG+ and NG+2 were ichimonji double and high monk.

So do you not explore anything or what? I mean shit, the fucking vendors sell you info for anything that is remotely hidden.

Unfortunately my dumbass never learned mikiri so I had to play a cheese tactic. I tried fighting him legit but he had too much shit on me due to my parry game being garbage. So I did what i had to.

How do they find this stuff?

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>give my monkey beer to emma
>she babbles on about how much she loves monkeys

fucking slut

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never learned the skill itself or never learned how to do it? because it's one of the first skills you get and the timing window for it is very forgiving. also there's a latent skill that improves posture damage with mikiri counters that is extremely useful as well.

Used it on Owl (father) pretty well since you need to drop his vit quickly in the windows he gives you just because his posture regens so quickly at above half health. One of the few bosses who wouldn't poise through it either (great for stopping his ichimonji and doing respectable damage if you can get your cross out quickly enough). Ichimonji would have probably done the job too, and done it more safely (not to mention Owl is one of the few bosses who you are actually at serious risk of having your posture broken, even if perfect deflecting him, so having that posture healing could be a life saver). Ashina cross is still way more useful than spiral cloud passage though.

i want to fuck chinatsu and lick her pretty pink nipples


>shitty gimmick boss fight

I'm having a really hard time, I'm struggling beating Juzou as I can rarely get to him before killing all his lackies. Any tips apart from git good?

t. didn't scour the map

there's 3 of each kind

i unironically feel like they intentionally made ogre and shinobi hunter anti-noob and made them the first minibosses you'll face
ogre is actually very easy but tedius as hell, since breaking his posture is pretty much out of the question and one fuck up and you're either dead or close to it, but simply sprinting and using hit and run completely defeats him
shinobi hunter spams thrusts and throws in a sweep every once in a while, without mikiri he's an insane thing to throw at a new player

i loved later on when a lot of the bosses like genichiro and SS allowed you to always be on the offensive, and then counter anything they try, but bosses like ogre and demon of hatred are ass because spamming r1 and doing very small amounts of damage isn't satisfying
slashing DoH's balls for 20 minutes was just a pointless chore

>he took 20 minutes to kill demon
well maybe if you were more aggressive and didnt only punish the 10000000% safe attacks you wouldnt have taken so long

There's a samurai near the pond before Juzou, talk to him and he'll help you distract the boss while you take care of the mooks.

gotta choose one

just beat owl 2 for the first time in ng+, why did he lose his owl spirit pal in the future

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>deflection spam will carry you trough quite far.
you're telling me spamming the deflect button actually works?


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Oddly enough, it feels almost OP when you remove the emblem cost:

Really fun skill to use too, especially because it takes some practice to pull it off well and not get shat on.

you can stealth kill most of them before engaging juzou
otherwise just git gud at juggling multiple enemies. you have much better evasion capabilities than you think you do

he gets steamrolled in less than a minute so he's not much help.

Yeah, up until about Father Owl and Isshin. Still better to spam it then to take damage though.

Kill the first enemy in your way, the one before the large group. Grapple up to the rooftops and crouch-walk to the far end. Drop down and go through the water to the house with two enemies in it. Kill them, then stand outside so Juzou can see you without getting close enough to aggro the rest.

>that pic
Needs Slayer of Demons chewing on grass

That's all the time you need, he's just there to help you clean up before facing the big guy.

kill all the other mobs near juzou. then run away to reset the encounter. go to the building on the left and kill the two enemies in there. then you can sneak up behind him and get a free stealth deathblow. after that go talk to the NPC and get him to fight with you which will take juzou's attention away from you allowing you to get a bunch of free hits.

good luck

I like Gael, and I think he's more fun and interesting, but he was kind of a pushover.

The new dark fantasy RPG can't be Sekiro since it's not even an RPG to begin with. They don't have to make another Dark Souls or Bloodborne but the formula for those games is so good that they can't just put it to rest

Yes, it definitely feels like it. The whole game teaches you to do perfect parries for every attack, so it only makes sense that's the way to play the game and it's punishing you if you faceroll spam the block

>good hunter not shooting that shit right into his thigh
shit pic

Kill his mooks. Stealth him. If he sees you, finish off his mooks and run away, then stealth him. When you've taken a bar off him via stealth, run to samurai dude and quickly exhaust his dialogue. He'll then attack Juzou. Now just continue to nail Juzou. His AI is programmed to attack whoever attacked last, so abuse this. Try to make sure samurai doesn't die (you'll get some additional dialogue when you return to the future and see him), but don't sweat things if he doesn't make it.

>his thigh
>none of them have thighs
user... im sure you can figure out the problem if you think really hard.

i was exaggerating but stop acting so elite about it demon of hatred has no depth, you r1 spam him, evade and then r1 spam some more
mikiri and jump kicking were nonexistent with nothing there to replace them to give you something else to do damage, the best and fastest way to beat him involves no advanced counters

no, you get a full half second of deflect timing if you don't spam, but only around 1/5 of that if you do
30 frames vs 7 frames
I'm not sure if that's 100% accurate but still, if you deflect then you can pretty much deflect the rest of the combo since

yeah the problem is the artist didn't play bloodborne

because Yea Forums doesn't know how to have fun

Why does he look so much sexier with a beard?

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Literally just got this ending. There has to be a sequel of some sort or DLC following this story.
I want a slice of life Anime about Sekiro and rice girl traveling around China and Korea.

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>Finally beat Sword saint Isshin
>After all my attempts the successful one is almost perfect
>Wreck phase 3 despite only seeing it once before
>Feel great that I finally won
>Isshin kneels to accept his death
>Execution animation fails and I just slap him with my sword again
>Final kino moment ruined after all that
I genuinely contemplated restarting the fight.

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it's just for the pic stop ruining it

i want a slice of life anime and hentai about wolf fucking the centipedes inside of rice loli

How do I get the items here in Fountainhead Palace? There's a hole where I can swim inside, but I'm not sure where to dive.

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not going to ignore egregious shit like that, sorry
blood vials are mainlined in the upper thigh

its right across from where the purple naginata okami and blue noble are. near the idol and the bridge that the carp eats.

There's a hole in the wooden boards inside the courtyard area you were just in with all the lizard nobles.

From the inside of palace right across the two nobles - lightning spear wielding and a sucker

Sekiro was unironically too hard for me. I lucked out of the Isshin fight and my first thought was "thank fuck I never have to do that shit again." Good game, I respect the hell out of it, but I'll take some more easy Soulshit next time, thanks.

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In most cases, a little bit of datamining, fuckton of autism.

Holy shit you beat Sekiro without Mikiri Counter?
That's a hard mode beyond hitting the bell.

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>stuck on Genichiro for the past few days
I'd be mad if this boss wasn't so much fun desu.

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How I dodge the dungeon terror dude's huge skulls? I always die of terror before dying cause of my health

Have you tried deflecting his attacks?

Run towards him, they have shit turn radius

Im just dogshit at the game

by not dodging them at all and just rushing him with confetti and purple gourd active and r1ing him to death

Are there honestly any skills other than Ichimonji Double actually worth using?

Sounds like you didn't try to git gud and forced your own idea of gameplay on Sekiro. It's actually getting much much easier and more comprehensible once you realize that all attacks can be just blocked with your sword. Well except for the perilous attacks, but they're telegraphed from a mile away.

Is there any one attack that gets you? If it's his flurry you can literally spam L1 and you'll come out ahead on posture.

not to mention you inject blood vials not drink them

you can just dodge thrusts
you can deflect them too but dodging is better than mikiri for counterattacks which allow you to go for vitality
mikiri is ideal for posture

stay offensive, he's ez pz if you just press r1, wait to see his reaction and press r1 again until he does something
if he deflects, stop and defend yourself
if he poises through your shit to do a jumping downward slash, dodge or deflect it then prepare for either a thrust or sweep, then do the appropriate counter, though he may do nothing
after than you flawless him like nothing desu

A bit late to the party; how the fuck to I get mikiri counter to work? I'm on this shinobi hunter guy at the estate and he's got a lance charge but I can't seem to make it work.

Mortal Draw just because of the cool factor

but who the FUCK was the tengu of ashina?
was he inosuke?

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You W+Dodge right at him a split-second after the sign appears

Senpu Kicks/High Monk

I just platinumed it today and am sitting on about 250,000 Sen. Is there anything I can spend it on?

don't press the stick at all, and press B standing in place. The frames are extremely generous so if you miss it, it was probably an accidental direction input.

The spin is decent, and leaping kicks/high monk. It's extremely disappointing how literally useless stuff like cloud passage is though.

It was Isshin you dummy. He calls you Sekiro right away and you can literally see the tengu mask in his room.

Sake and geishas.
not really

It's Isshin, dude, he tells you.

You could test how good the Sen throw upgrade is


Just a practically limitless supply of confetti and blue candy

Get a load of these retard over here
Tengu of Ashina is Isshin? yeah right, a sickly old man is able to kill all of those ministry shinobi, fat chance.
im thinking its actually inosuke, think about it, you never see them in the same room

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I'm one of the lucky few who never struggled with orphan of kos, and I think that's being balanced out by owl (father). I just don't know if I'll ever git good enough.

Maybe I'm gettin too old for this shit

>t. sonyggger
yeah with 25fps fight

Not good at all is the answer, it stops scaling long before 250k

Sekiro topped it

>he didn't fight old man Isshin in Shura ending
get a load of this pleb

Orphan of Kos is the real final boss.

Same. This game is just too fucking fast for me. At least the youngun's are having fun.

Inosuke is blind my dude
Enjoy the (You)

mikiri does a lot of posture damage though and you can also get a couple hits in afterwards. it's much better than dodging and hitting them a couple times from the back. once you get the latent skill that increases posture damage it's probably the most useful skill in the game. against isshin, owl 2, corrupted monk, etc. it's incredibly useful.

purple umbrella and projected force
seriously user, completely avoid apparitions until you get it
for the mage warrior you can pretty much beat him with just the purple umbrella because projected force gets a massive damage boost from projectiles, it's stupid how you take no posture damage, chip damage or terror, even the spirit bombs do jack shit and you can hold it indefinitely until you see an opening and use projected force for massive damage
alternatively, anti-air deathblow and divine confetti, haven't done it myself but probably the fastest way to beat him

High Monk
judgement cut bc it's cool
it's a shame shit like floaty massage and nightjar isn't as useful as it should be, and the useful ones cost spirit emblems

how do brainlets not immediately realize who it is, it's not even hidden, after he calls you sekiro even Wolf realizes it

I disagree. Matter of taste

Get off of, Inosuke's mom. We know it's you.

>can't throw 1 million at bosses to 1-shot
Fuck this game

so is that the moonlight greatsword he's got there? seems legit right? i mean it even sends out projectiles

Yeah, no, BB is just special man. But Sekiro is clearly 2nd best soulsborne.

Yep. The only time I ever did the counter was 1 time accidentally against final genny. I played and beat the whole game without learning how to properly counter. You can imagine I died often, but I never gave up. Just had to play with my autism

Sekiro isn't a soulsborne game

I never learned how to do it. I had the skill but never timed it right

There's a lone samurai sitting on a broken bridge near the Feeding Grounds idol. Killing her will net you 1050 experience points. I can get 4000-5000 experience points per minute using this.

It's safe and easy because you can always land a backstab.

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taste may vary i agree
but i played way too much castlevania back then
this might be the reason

Stay on his ass. You can interrupt everything he throws at you outside of his mikiri or sweeping attack by powering through it with R1. Deflect everything that isn't the above to if you need to.


good bait

You really want to talk this talk? I don't think you're ready to back what you're about to talk in this talk.
Also stop being a fag and read the meaning, not the phrasing

Oh shit user, that's right

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Is that all?

>release DLC



Are you blind? It's a lego tree

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No there's other stuff I didn't mention

>Same. This game is just too fucking fast for me. At least the youngun's are having fun.
Oh, come on. I'm 33 and beat it three times already.

I'd like to see your argument that says it is a soulsborne
It is very different from both BB and every souls game

You could tell the guy was going through the motions for mich of DS3. He was probably screaming "here's your senpai service you stupid gaijin fucks". The DLC felt more Miayazaki than most of the game. It is very clear the guy was done with Dark Souls.

>you can also get a couple hits in afterwards
not against everyone, but yeah for some
>once you get the latent skill that increases posture damage it's probably the most useful skill in the game
I fully agree, mikiri should always be the first skill people pick up, it is very useful but dodging thrusts isn't too hard and sometimes the flinching timing just coincides with a deflect against a thrust
I'm just saying beating sekiro without mikiri wouldn't be insane, and for some enemies it's better to go for vitality first, and mikiri doesn't guarantee attacks against the majority of bosses

>im thinking its actually inosuke, think about it, you never see them in the same room
you never see isshin and tengu in the same room either
or kuro and rice loli
or ___

I imagine you're having a laugh but there's actually a little detail about ishiin as the tengu that I don't think many people came across even if it is glaringly obvious anyway without it...
If you manage to run past the area where tengu first appears and get all the way to the point in the story where Kuro tells you to go talk to Ishiin, he won't be in his room. You go there, find a note, and have to go talk to the tengu and complete his rat slaying task before ishiin appears in his room and you can continue.

I'm almost twice your age junior

>emblem cost
You patched your game I see.

>mikiri doesn't guarantee attacks against the majority of bosses

everytime i used mikiri against a boss i would always be able to hit them at least once afterwards. maybe SS isshin phase 2 it's hard to reach him with a regular sword attack after using mikiri (but could use ichimonji) but other than that it gives you a window to get one or two hits for every boss that you can use it against.

the only time i think dodging would be preferable is right at the start of a boss fight when their posture bar refills immediately but for some fights i stay so aggressive throughout that i never let up and give the posture bar a chance to go back to 0.

>getting ever baited by this
jesus some of you are fucking retarded

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>same level design idea
>same encounter design idea
>same interface
>same death mechanics
>similar gear and skill progression
>similar combat mechanics
Yes, the combat focus is different from rolling to blocking, but the main principles are the same. Yes the parkour and stealth add some variety to the gameplay, but don't change it radically. Yes learning new moves and getting new tools is not the same as full character builds, but again the same principles apply, just the different flavor.
I agree that Sekiro is probably the least "traditional" souls-formula, but it still feels, looks and plays just like souls

I have to play it some more because I'm 90% sure most bosses don't give you an attack but either way you could beat sekiro without mikiri without much more difficulty

>same level design idea
>same encounter design idea
>same interface
>same death mechanics
>similar gear and skill progression
>similar combat mechanics
this gotta be bait
Sekiro is so different from other soulsborne
this gotta be fucking bait

>same quest design
>same world progression
>multiple endings, including bad and true endings

i agree with that. of course you could beat the game without using mikiri and it wouldn't be that much more difficult excepf for some of the minibosses that just spam thrust attacks.

i'm about to finish NG+2 though and can say with near certainty that you do get a short attack window after every boss that you successfully mikiri counter though with the exception of SS isshin phase two where he's just slightly out of reach for a normal sword attack followup.

>bonfires = shrines
>item use (including exact replicas, such as coin purses instead of souls and homeward idols)
>inventory and inventory management
>level design principles (shortcuts, fog doors, etc.)
>boss encounters
Do we really need to go on? Do you "soulless!" and "not a soulsborne" posters even have braincells? Sekiro makes some big changes for sure but it shares a fuckton of design and gameplay elements with that series.

like i said before sekiro is basically putting tenchu and soulsborne in a blender. it's fundamentally different from other souls games, but has enough similarities that i wouldn't argue against it being considered a souls like game.

fuck this ogre

Attached: teleport_ogre.jpg (770x549, 34K)

>item use (including exact replicas, such as coin purses instead of souls and homeward idols)
>inventory and inventory management
>level design principles (shortcuts, fog doors, etc.)
>boss encounters
you do realize many ther games have things what you greentexted right?
diablo 3 has all those things
but it aint soulborne
showing all those generic game mechanic really doesn't prove your point man

Or it was artistic license you fucking autist

If it's fundamentally different then it isn't a soulsborne game
The lack of gear choices plus the differences in combat set it apart

Shadowfall/spin slash if you get surrounded
Ashina cross for softening vit heavy enemies

having generic game system doesn't prove Sekiro is another soulsborne game..yes From Software made it but its not soulborne

i think you could successfully make an argument from either side. it has a lot of similarities with other souls games but has a lot of differences as well. i mean it's just semantics though. who gives a shit if it's considered a soulslike game or not?

Just use fire if you need a crutch

I love the way his english VO says "Sekiro".
Sound like he would be calling "Shecky" or "Sheckster".

>It uses a checkpoint system.
BB was already stretching the defintion, but could be included because there's obvious similarities. Sekiro has a typical game checkpoint system with nothing else in common.

sorry I'm playing in japanese so it's just like my animes

>who gives a shit if it's considered a soulslike game or not?
Clearly you do if you keep arguing that Sekiro is a soulsborne

thing is there are ton of games that has checkpoints
he's just sprouting generic game mechanic to prove his point but fails miserably

i'm not the one who started the argument. i just said that i wouldn't disagree with a person who argued for or against it being a souls game.

Agreed. It doesn’t take long to kill him but one fuck up ruins the whole rest of the fight. SS was a great fight, Genichiro was just the DM being a dick at the end of the campaign.

Fair enough. Then I guess I care. Because it is very different from every Souls game and Bloodborne. The combat is focused on deflecting, much more than any of the recent From games emphasizes parrying.

sadly there are many people consider
Sekiro is soulsborne because FROM made it
jesus why not add armored core as soulsborne too

I can't kill Ishin last boss, he has 3 fucking phases

So I just beat Owl 2 and i think I'm done with Sekiro. It was fun while it lasted, but I don't understand everyone saying this is better than DS1 never mind better than Bloodborne. There's no variety of playstyles or customization, there's very little incentive to explore after you get the gourd seeds and prosthetics. There's not a ton of enemy variety or changes of scenery. Fuck, Ashina Castle gets reused like 3 different times. And I still miss the multiplayer aspects of previous games.

It was good for a one off, but I don't really see it as the best Fromsoft game.


Hesitation is Defeat

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Her reaction to the holy book: infested makes it pretty clear that she's "infested" and that does heavily suggest centipedes.

He does show up when the ministry does. By putting sekiro in Kuros service years ago and having sekiro swear to the iron code was the long game in his coup just as Isshin did. As for killing him, sekiro has a conflict of interest and should be put down. Though in shura ending it appears he was willing to “share” but who knows

I hope none of those happen, from sucks at sequels let them keep doing new IPs.

just keep practicing. first phase be aggressive and keep attacking and deflecting. his posture bar fills up fairly quickly. when you see his sword start to glow run backwards and towards the left (his right) then run behind him after he attacks and hit him twice. he'll often kick you away and do a thrust attack so be ready to do a mikiri counter as well.

second phase you just need to get used to his attacks and deflecting/dodging them successfully. you can also use the cheese method that some people do where you just run around and bait his jump attack and run towards him while he's in the air so he doesn't do a follow up. i found it easier just to fight him normally though and staying aggressive since his posture bar fills up relatively quickly again.

once you get used to all his attacka and the muscle memory kicks in he's really not that bad. if you get to phase 3 with a decent amount of healing items left you should be good because you can reverse his lightning attack for a decent amount of damage and stun him for a couple seconds. if you haven't used your rice/fine snow/rice balls it's a good time to use them as well since they last a good chunk of time and heal you. don't use them unless you're out of healing items and close to beating him though since you won't get them back if you die (though you can get more rice/fine snow by going to the inner sanctum)

good luck

>Be born a homeless street rat
>get saved and become the adopted grandson of a legendary warrior
>watch your clan and all the people you love slowly decline due to Tokugawa shenanigans
>train relentlessly, permanently scarring your body learning to control fucking lightning to make Ashina great again
>still get called a heretical shitter
>realize it may not be enough and seek immortality
>grandpa who you once looked up to calls you a scrub for actually doing something and retires to being a drunk recluse with no concern for the clan
>find out that a shota can grant immortality
>treat him well and ask nicely
>he fucking refuses, grants it to his autistic naruto larper instead
>said larper fucking wrecks you because he can't die
>also grandpa is dead now
>find the black mortal blade, maybe it will give you a fighting chance
>fucking naruto wrecks you again
>summon grandpa from hell in one last desperate gamble
>he still calls you a pitiful scrub as he appears
Genichiro had a hard life desu

bloodborne 2 happening is as same as that game being played as 60fps
Miyazaki was not happy with Sony Exclusive deal so theres that
but if Sony pays ton a money there will be 2

Pls no. I hope there won't be a sequel.

Does any one have any idea what happens to Lady Emma after return ending ?
Home girl helped so much and then just disappears.
Thanks for the gourd seeds Emma

He has. I kinda feel sorry for him

You're the first person I've seen to hold MP in such high regard. I thought it was an incredibly disappointing fight.

People jerk off BB's OST but it really is only a handful of songs that are great. If you actually go through the track listing the majority of the tracks were really forgetful.

I think a better benefit of that is being able to stock up on Ako's Sugar before the end-game. Unfoetunately I never did that ending of the quest so now I have to abduct monks and hope they were stealing from babies.

>breaking divine lolis heart by telling her that her vagina is full of centipedes, for no reason


It'll be really bittersweet if they don't end up releasing DLC for this game. I think its their best but its biggest problem is that there just wasn't enough of it. One good DLC could possibly make this my favorite game of all time.

>fucking naruto wrecks you again
Should've done something more creative than 2 wide slashes with the mortal blade.

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>Got into From games with Dark Souls 1
>Liked every subsequent game less than the last
>Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 were all disappointing despite getting shilled on them
>Get Sekiro for free
>Expecting a similar experience
>Almost at the end and end up absolutely fucking loving it
Holy shit. It does have flaws, and it does have some cheap shots, but as a whole package this might be the best they've done that I've ever played. I think it may be equal to the first Dark Souls for me with the only thing currently elevating that game is how much I replayed it due to the co-op. I plan to do a few different runs through this game too but I hope some good DLC is released, I've never bought any DLC for these games

holy shit are you literally me

>people shit on hidden tooth like its a joke item
>literally nobody took the time to actually use it
>its actually the best and most useful item in the game
I'm convinced that everyone shitting on this game for not having "options" is a fucking retard who needs the game to spoonfeed everything to them. The game gives you so many different ways to create advantages for yourself and you just have to not be a brainlet to use them.

>I've never bought any DLC for these games
You're doing yourself a disservice.
Even with Dark Souls 1 the DLC adds 2 phenomenal bosses that rival any of the bosses in the main game. The DLCs of 2, 3 and BB have the best bosses of any of those games in my opinion.

nigger what?

Protect the shota feed the loli
Protect the shota feed the loli
Protect the shota feed the loli
Protect the shota feed the loli

Attached: Protect the shota feed the loli.jpg (3840x4320, 933K)

>The game gives you so many different ways to create advantages for yourself and you just have to not be a brainlet to use them.
Does it count if I'm outnumbered by tough enemies so I strategically use a rez to sneak up when their backs are turned and ninjutsu them to my favor? It feels like bitch shit but it works lol

DS3, because it was good

DS3 was fantastic user. Only brainlets think otherwise.


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Stop being such an autist

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I'll go you one better, best final boss in all video games. I love Isshin that much. For the curious the best FIRST boss in all vidya is still Murai from Ninja Gaiden. Nips know how to make an impression and leave an impression.

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I've always heard that the DLCs for these games are always exceptional, I can't honestly say why I've never bought one. It's not that I consciously avoided it, I just think I had gotten caught up in other games by the time the DLCs were out and hadn't had a chance to revisit them properly.

Personally I wasn't a huge fan of the aesthetic, the soundtrack or the eldritch twist when I kind of expected more stuff inspired by victorian-era mythology, like some real Castlevania or Van Hellsing type enemies. I also admittedly approached it with the mindset that it was a Souls game and just didn't comparatively like the builds or the armors available despite the concept of trick weapons being cool and probably more meaningful than Souls games' weapon bloat.

Guess I'm not the only one who felt bad for him near the end, The final battle with him just feels like such a downgrade in his threat level to how he was the first two times you fight him. Genichiro starts off as the stoic main rival guy that cuts off your arm and by the end of it all, he's desperately yelling about how he's not going to let his homeland and people get fucked.

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In the purification path, Emma mentions that Tomoe never found a mortal blade, but the monk in the hall of illusions says that some guy did pass through, which is probably Takeru. Which is it then?

How is hidden tooth better than bite down?

What's with the LOD in this game? Mt. Kongo and Harata have this kind of shit everywhere.

Attached: LOD.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

what graphic card do you use

get a bette computer

Fucking kek

RX 480 8gb, 16gb RAM, SSD, i5-8500, latest graphics card drivers.

Works On My Machine™
i think your harddrive is dying dude


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how long does it take for npcs to die of dragon rot, and does letting them die effect the story endings?

Every other game is fine, I've re-installed the game twice on my SSD and HDD, the storage device isn't the issue.

I don't even think they die, they just make you feel shit for being bad

>my first playthrough
>died to genichiro, ape, and butterfly like 30 times
>did double ape on my first try (on second playthrough as well)

>third playthrough
>genichiro and butterfly on first try, ape on third try
>double ape
>die like 20 times
I think I might have a brain tumor.

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They dont die. They just stay sick till you heal them

I'm almost to the end, currently in the spirit realm and Juzou killed me more times than any other boss or miniboss, all of which I take down in a handful of tries. Don't know what to make of that

it doesn't run out.

I cant see clearly with all that fucking flares

It's fucking weird how us humans are inconsistent as shit. Double ape is one of the easiest bosses in the game and yet so far killed me the most amount of times on NG++. At this point I'm pretty sure even Isshin won't kill me that many times when I get to him.

This fucking game is fantastic. Wasn't sure it'd live up to the rest of the "series" i.e dark souls/Bloodborne but it fucking did and more.

I can only really play at the weekends and only just beat the first Genchiro fight but it's so satisfying learning a boss and destroying him.


Just farm XP faglord, I got all skill by the time I reached the end of NG+

Just cheat lmao

>It's just a muscle memory fight
isn't this every god damn fight
shit for every boss i'll put on a tv show and brute force it until my fingers figure out what reactions to take

It's great but has more problems than Souls/BB. The Skills/Arts are very underwhelming after you get the handful of essential ones. All of the late game skills are pretty much trash and a waste of points, they cost spirit emblems and do shit damage. Also the prosthetics are a mess and upgrading them isn't very satisfying.

i had the same thing with bridge monk, couldnt pull off the cheese so just got gud

So did the Corrupted Monk, and you killed her ass.

Just got to side with Owl for NG+, looks like I'm doing Shura ending. Why the fuck are Emma and Isshin so hard? These guys are beating me up way more than Sword Saint did.

But hidden tooth doesnt let your res stay intact does it? Bite down doesnt take a resurrection but hidden tooth just kills you right? I dont think they would of put in a never run out item with no downside.

Yeah that's a good way for a broken controller. I just learn different tactics through death, it was criminal how much I bullied the ogre in NG+ vs my 1st time due to muscle memory.

But all you gotta do is branch jump until you can do a jump deathblow. .

Agreed. Bloodborne is probably my favorite game of all time, but I have to admit the second to second gameplay of sekiro is much better. I’ve beaten every souls boss solo at some point, and the really tough bloodborne ones ended with me exasperated and stressed, glad it was over. Taking isshins head had me fucking smiling ear to ear. Fantastic experience

Yeah I’ve never gotten this shit people are talking about running around the bosses. It looks cooler, and it’s over WAY faster to just get good and block their fucking attacks. The cheese method is slow and lame

Jesus fucking Christ shut up autist

>go to tutorial genichiro on NG+ with increased difficulty
>completely shit on him
He hit me once through a poorly timed block. What a fucking chump.

>it appears he was willing to "share"
It was probably less that and more that he didn't want to fight the guy that just rekt isshin head-on

How much IQ do i need to understand these fucking quests?
People just run around half the world and keel over

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Nah phase 2 is cancer

Genichiro has gotta be my favorite character in souls. His goals are short sighted compared to Kuro’s but who could fucking blame him? Then you whup his ass over and over again, and by the end you’re slicing through him like that pathetic bandit archer on the way to butterfly just to keep going at Isshin. Pitiful son of a bitch can’t catch a fucking break.

it's cancer if you hesitate

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So, wait does this game have an English dub? Feels like it wouldn't be right to hear English voices given the setting.


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Not him but he's right, stop defending lazy artists

ghost hesitated
should've went he was moving

Try to unsee MP's pose in this image as part of the Fortnite dance.

I've played every Soulsborne game but for some reason, this game simply doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'm not sure if it's the different aesthetic, the change in playstyle or just me going full boomer, but should I try it anyway?

>lazy artists
user listen, the whole point of the pic is to show all the protagonists drinking different things
it would have been lazier to remove the hunter, but with only 2 it's not as good
if you're not a super mega autist you can look at this pic without going

might be a hard drive issue

It's a lot more restrained in scope and direction compared to Soulsborne titles. It's a distinctly "Japanese" game, if that makes any sense.

i gave 0 shits about it up until it released, thought about waiting for a sale
thought gameplay looked janky and world was uninteresting
boy was i wrong

Level design in Bloodborne is vastly superior.


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Its too different to compare. Don't try to pretend otherwise.

Man fuck those fucking ministry dual wielding cannon fuckers I'm gonna go Shura ending next playthrough just to make sure I slaughter them and the whole fucking ministry, actually I'm going to kill the emperor of Japan too that asshole started all this


Does Kuro's Charm increase the difficulty beyond adding chip damage (and giving you an exp/sen bonus)? I've heard people say enemies have more posture or are more aggressive or whatever, but I don't know if that's actually the charm or they're just noticing NG+ or bell demon difficulty increases and attributing it to the charm.

>On Demon Bell + No Charm NG+3
>trying to get the last ending (Shura)
>dealing with chip damage and increased posture damage
>all the ones that didn't kick my ass end up kicking my ass
>countless deaths on Emma/Isshin alone
>somehow beat every boss without dying on the last attempts

I made a fucking mistake this difficulty gave me too much stress

If this game gets a DLC equal in quality to the Old Hunters it'll be one of my favorite games of all time. I'd be surprised if they didn't release at least one DLC, they have an easy way to implement things with the bells.

Increases enemy difficulty to the next NG+ level (so at NG+7 it doesn't actually do anything to them as they're already maxed out). Makes them drop their rarer loot more often.

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>Cheesed Demon of Hatred without thinking about what I was doing
>Didn't even do one attempt against him
I must be retarded, I feel like I cheated myself. Hopefully he isn't too bad in NG+ bell/charm

Is it not? I think it’s still an RPG, just trimmed the fat. There’s still upgrades and leveling

How fun is the game at NG+7 with the optional difficulty modifiers both active? I just want to go to max NG and keep a save there fully upgraded for quick playthroughs in the future. Can I mess around and have some fun with the fights or is it going to be optimal methods only to avoid getting raped instantly?

You should not be ashamed of using the umbrella, user.

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>modding the game so you can play as a girl
Deserve it desu

fun gaem

>first playthrough, die to isshin 50 times, refuse to cheese
>second playthrough, literally beat him first try without any problem

the actual term is zaregoto (戯言), which is not really "heretical" but "nonsense".
Hence, Jobichiro's always been a joke.

>the dlc felt more miyazaki

The dlc was directed by tanimura

Doesn't owl just decapitate him during the Shura ending or something? I thought I saw that in the cutscene he's holding his head but you just can't see it.

Why is the dragon sick? All of the baby dragons aggressively coughing at you just made me laugh.

The downgrade happened the moment he took off his armor. Even in gameplay, his removes the most effective parts of his moveset just to accommodate 2 lightning attacks which he's very weak to when reversed.

There's little pity for this kind of joker.

If he hits you then you aren't ready for Isshin
sorry bud, keep practicing

I got this same issue after I deleted the automatically generated profile in radeon settings.

holy shit

If you don't kill the centipede on the second guardian ape does anything happen or are you just not able to keep going until you do?

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why is everything in this game missing a left arm again?



It's Shinto magic I ain't gotta explain shit

That quest is fucking shit. Leave it for a second playthrough

I have explored a lot of Hirata estate and past Juzou almost to the end finding Izunosuke and his mom.
Where is that 3 story pagoda that bandit merchant told me to look out for? Can't find it anywhere.

I knew it looked familiar

Too easy. Also way to similar to Gehrman. Seriously they really just took Gehrman and made him a samurai.

just let me through please

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Mikiri him son

>that one area where you sneak past the giant carp
>There is a opening before you reach that sunken passage that the carp cant get through
>cant swim up to it despite not being blocked by anything
Cant wait for out of bounds for sekiro

I'm guessing I shouldnt be fighting him if I don't have that since I didn't know what that was when I read the pop up


Two questions that may sound dumb.
Are coin purses worth buying?
How does it determine exp needed till the next skill point? Is it affected by how many unspent you have?

I mean you can definitely beat him without it by dodging his thrusts to the side. You can also deflect thrusts, but not block them. Mikiri just makes a lot of enemies and bosses easier and is cool as hell

>are coin purses worth buying
If you want to store your money, sure

Was it explained in game why mother fucking Isshin in his prime claw out Genkchiro during last fight? Also did Genichiro have centipedes?

>In NG+, starting with 40 prayer beads and 10 estus does make the game pretty easy.
Until the enemies damage becomes twice what it was in NG, then it's harder every single time

I mean I guess I do. I can never really find anything I want to buy and I do have a lot of coin that would be a big loss if cut in half. But then I don't know.

>are coin purses worth buying
But them or spend your money before bosses / mini bosses
No it doesn't matter how much unspent you have. Just how much skill points you have gotten so far, spent or unspent

Ok. Then buying skills in bulk doesn't have any benefit verus buying them as soon as you can.

But permanent shit like gourd seeds, fire gourd, terror gourd, poison gourd, the 5k mask and limited upgrade materials

Who killed the mom loving incel?

He was mortally wounded in the flashback, then mortally wounded again 3 years later. Talk about the worst luck.

Can you attack and kill him or his mom in Hirata? Does that change things then when you go back to Outskirts?

Because him and Monkey trouble phase 1 have literally nothing to do with what the game has been teaching you, i.e deflect and fight like a man. Meanwhile he becomes just another DeS/DaS boss where you run/dodge and attack.
Especially if like me you killed Demon of hatred after the amazing fight that was SS Isshin it just feels like a lackluster fight.

It’s not about him hitting me it’s about how his fight is brainless, easier than his last encounter, and exists just a speedbump. On ng+ No charm DB Isshin can 2shot you if he so much as grazes you and not having that charm will make you realize just how many times he can actually hit you within his flurries (like the one non perilous thrust attack that has a hit box when he pulls his spear back.)

Getting this all down so you can deflect perfectly is super time consuming and genuinely unfun because of the Genichiro fight, where you are just beating some dude into submission over and over because you want to get to the good stuff. I stopped having fun and took off db and charm after spending a couple of hours on the fight. Isshin is fun but his shitboxes on the wind cyclones and the useless Genichiro speedbump bring the fight way down.

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he just sits there until you finish him off
Why are the side quests in this game such unrewarding bullshit?

The crazy mom has dragonrot and hurting my unseen aid. Can I kill her and get my unseen aid back or do I have to cure the dragonrot?

Unseen aid is useless and Dragonrot is a dumb mechanic that is mostly only just there to annoy you. Ignore it

This nigga kicking my shit in too.
Specifically that random dodge he does followed by the slash.

she doesn't have centipedes inside her.
brainlets don't know the different types of immortality in sekiro

Don't think so, you can only attack Anyama and Dogen as far as I know

What happens if you kill Anyama in Hirata after you have used his store? Does he disappear from Outskirts along with any other time paradox things?

This guy and the headless are the only true "bullshit" bosses in the game

It's stated that the black Mortal Blade, called Open Gate, can open a gate to the underworld. Imagine that. Also yes, pretty sure he had the centipedes.

He vanishes

>no dlc
>activision published video game

There are multiple story threads that hint at it too you goofs.

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>Also yes, pretty sure he had the centipedes
If he had centipedes you'd have to kill one. Rejuvenating waters basically make you Wolverine

How the fuck do I avoid Demon of Hatred's charge? It feels like the sign appears like 1 second before he charges, giving no leeway to dodge away

I'm only on phase 2 so far, but it's his charge, and kind of his body slam, that wrecks me atm

im not good enough for that im afraid

Gael is more difficult IMHO, but that's mostly due to the fact that sekiro is a far far more polished game mechanically than das3. I mean I thought das3 was polished compared to previous souls but going back to it after sekiro I can now feel the jank.

Jump. All of his perilous attacks only need you to jump

Jump to the side, don't dodge.

was underwhelming tbqh

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Killed some carps that didn't drop scales. Did shit glitch or something?

People didn't learn that for Sekiro boss fights, you just need to hold sprint and keep close

you sure they werent just man eating fish?

Nice trainer lmao

He killed himself with the Mortal Blade, the blade that can kill anything, and he killed himself to summon his dead granddad. I'm pretty sure that would kill him no matter what. Also when he stands up after his boss fight someone says something like "The Rejuvenating Waters?" implying to me that he got his immortality from the Rejuvenating Waters.

They looked like carp and tried to swim away. But it was hard to see since they were underwater and I attacked from the surface.

I thought Rejuvenating water made you immortal because it had centipedes eggs in it. Or it had at least some side effect.

Sekiro has the worst music in FROM's catalog.

It also has the worst set of bosses in the companies history, sad since the game is good.

Yea no. Why would I waste my weekends cheating in video games.

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May have been a bug. Dont worry about it though, scales become plentiful eventually.

Rejuvenating water makes you immortal because it contains dragon piss. Centipedes live in the water but palace nobles and fish girls don't have parasites, neither do mibu villagers.

Emma and O'Sen have good themes

Is sekiro the best game ever? Just killed genchiro up top of the castle and I jizzed when I executed him, it was the most intense shit ever.

So, is there some deep hidden lore reason that this guy is the weakest boss in the entire game by far, or did FROM just fuck up?

It's fairly common knowledge that From is currently the greatest at atmosphere and visual quality when it comes to 3d action-rpg games.

>I executed him, it was the most intense shit ever.
just wait for demon of hatred and isshin fight

if only Sekiro was an action-rpg, it's ok, we still have Bloodborne 2

>Finally get to the alleged kino that is Swordsaint Isshin
>He becomes the only boss in the game that I beat on the first try
He whipped my ass pretty hard, I used 10 gourds, and revived once per phase, but I was expecting something more balls to the wall. Butterfly was my first boss and she took me like 2 hours, I guess she prepared me on how to properly deal with everyone else in the game.

I recognized Ishin because of the hairstyle.

Lucky you, I had do do some epic lore detective work, calculated his height for hours then found a secret area behind his dress curtain where all of "Tengu's" clothes were, FROM will have to work harder to get me.

Can I not spin the umbrella if I have the projected force skill

>thought this fight was ez as fuck
>round 2
where do i get more snap seeds

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just run around, when she makes them butterflies, stay behind a wall

you dont need snap seeds user just run we she cast this shit
>when she makes them butterflies, stay behind a wall
you can run from that too

oh alright i thought the ghosts and shit were gonna stick around unless you used the seeds thanks

Persimmon description says that persimmons bring blood, blood brings rice.
She harvests the rice (centipede eggs) from the centipede that feeds on her blood.

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If you are not done it then kill horse riding faggot first for your first attack upgrade. But if you got to phase 2 already you probably will kill her in the next 10 tries.

I don't want to play Sekiro on base PS4, but I think that my PC isn't much better. If I buy GPU, could I at least play Sekiro on 1080p screen and maintain 60fps? This is what I have:
>AMD Ryzen 5 2400g
>Kingston 8GB(2x4GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2666 MHz
>B450M Pro4

How fucked am I?

user i have pure 60fps1080p on gtx970 and i5 4460
you should be fine

you can still deflect 90% of his hits, the only ones you can't are the perilous attacks and the 2 big fire moves he has, and both of those mechanics were stuff the game had been teaching you 1) jump that fucking perilous sweep 2) you are a ninja, use your speed and tools

both his slam fire attacks can be countered by jumping and grappling to him at the right time (just like against gyobou), or you can use the suzaku lotus umbrella to just tank the hits with no vitality damage, then counter

Yes. Owl kills him and takes his head and the mortal blade, then places his head next to Isshin's corpse.

Headless deserve to be cheesed with the liliac umbrella. Shit bosses.


I don't rage and throw my stuff, if I die it's my fault, and I learn something from every fight, eventually I start perfecting 1 move at a time until finally muscle memory takes over 90% of the fight, and the rest comes down to decision making what I can do for the other 10%
I beat Isshin and demon of hatred in about 40 minutes each doing this, I throw myself at them until I know EVERYTHING they can do and what the perfect defense for it is, and the fights end up looking really cool as a result on the final run

>Because him and Monkey trouble phase 1 have literally nothing to do with what the game has been teaching you, i.e deflect and fight like a man.
>not deflecting monkey

Thanks for confirmation. I've been thinking about getting gtx 970.

>>grandpa who you once looked up to calls you a scrub for actually doing something and retires to being a drunk recluse with no concern for the clan
this is wrong though, isshin was fucking deathly sick and still managed to go around and attempt to take care of stuff as the tengu

Is this a reference to that edgy TF2 Engineer montage?

Headless is fair, he just has a super delayed swing you need to be aware of

I love how Genichiro is used to show your progression as a player. The first time you play the game he trashes you in the prologue, then as you get better and your character gets stronger it becomes a fair fight on the rooftop, then in the finale you've gotten to the point where you fully understand all the mechanics and you completely trash him without taking damage.

And then when you start over again you realize he's the same boss all 3 times and you demolish him anytime you do the prologue.

In that respect I think he's a great and natural rival character.

>buying 3.5GB meme card
There are newer and better options available. GTX 1060 for example.

>gyoubu's horse gets dusted too

>no content, no replayabiltiy, no online

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Best farming spot is ashina outskirt stairs in the end game. I got an easy 6k+ in NG+4 every minute

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Sekiro's ost is legitimately too deep for the average player

Its replayable in the same sense that Gone Home is replayable, as in you are literally able to play it again.

I finally did it, Yea Forums. 1 week of sekiro break made me better

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>It also has the worst set of bosses in the companies history
You would have to be a complete retard to think the boss fights themselves were the worst in the company's history. Like an actual retard.

>skipping the best boss

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Sonygroes need not reply.

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>Covetous Demon
>Congregation and Prowling Magus
>Skeleton Lords
>Ancient Dragon
>Demon of Song
>Recolored Smelter Demon
>King's Pets
>The graverobber trio in Sunken City

DS2 is still the crowned king of shitty bosses, nothing in Sekiro is even remotely close to being as shitty as these


Just beat it. Terrible game. I can't say it's their worst becaue I played that card game on the gamecube, but I can't believe all the effort of a Souls game went into this garbage.

Anyway I'm only posting because I want you fuckers to explain to me how this shit in any way, shape or form was supposed to be not only difficult but harder than any other game out there. No boss took me longer than 10 minutes to trash except two, and those took me 20. I wasn't even trying to git gud.

Why did the music drop so much in quality between Otogi and Sekiro? Sekiro's music isn't bad it just doesn't stand out at all.
These all keep the air of the Japanese setting but stand out a lot more, use more instruments, and generally are more atmospheric.

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>3rd video's image
That looks a lot like the Sculptor's Shura form, just more humanoid.

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never seen any of that shit on my PC - 1080nvidia

Thats a trope in jap mythology

Sounds like youve got something fucked up on your end friendo

>>King's Pets
Nothing wrong with these, apart from the runup

Genichiro kills me 33% of the time but i cab no damage the first 2 phases of isshin

He should of been the final boss.

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It's more of the fact that it's literally just a double version of an earlier boss
Same with cool ranch smelter demon - the fight itself is fine, but charging for a DLC and making one of the bosses a fucking recolor is just lazy

You get mikiri at the start of the game user...

The Crimson King would have been an amazing secret boss in Sekiro.

I Mikiri'd every other enemy just fine except for him, he's just not right. The guy was a freak of nature and couldn't be beaten without cheese.

Why is Kuro so great?

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Anyone else think this game is really easy? The last boss with the bell on, only took like 4 tries same with the demon of hatred. Even Dsp beat the final boss quickly. The ringed city bosses took me over 50 tries and I had to summon for Midir because it was so hard.

Finally, someone with a brain. Couldn't agree more.

Any let's plays that aren't absolute garbage at the game and aren't annoying too? Already completed it but I want to have the game on in the background playing while I get to work on drawing commissions

Use lots of shuriken to interrupt her.
Kill illusions for shuriken fuel.

ENB is comfy for that.

GenerationHollow. EpicNameBro, LobosJr, ChristopherOdd

Do NOT bully

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Try to Mikir by dashing straight forward. It's way easier especially for delayed or hard to read attacks

Can i savecum after beating the sword ishin? I want to get all ending, already have all the items.
>my hand still shacking after beating father2.

Wolf is made for abuse user

How the fuck do I beat Demon AAAAAAH=

I do as Yea Forums suggests, running between his legs and get behind him for free hits, and that works 9 out of 10 times but sometimes he does this fire sweep which hits me every time I try to get between his legs.

And then his charge fucks me up completely.

I want to SUCK Kuro's TOES

where do the centipedes come from?

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Get the fire umbrella

this, based

Puppetmaster is such an amazing Ninjutsu that lets you cheese the game in so many way.

My favorite moment is at the end of the game using it on the Samurai to fight the Seven Ashin Spear mini-boss for me


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Why you fight Isshin at the end of the game if he is a total bro as tengu man and the old man?

Just get on the roof bro.

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>getting on the roof is actually more annoying than fighting him normally

Does anyone have tips for the first Owl encounter? Do I have to just dodge and chip away at him? I hate that even if I deflect him perfectly my posture bar just shoots up and then he just kicks me down when it breaks and one shots me. Most trouble I've had on a boss so far.

>Wolf...Thank you..

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Yes he's the only enemy to follow a thrust with a slash even after you mikiri the thrust so after you mikiri him deflect his slash then you can land free hits

Daily reminder that there will NEVER be a fanbase as fucking annoying as you people. Even smash fags don't garner as much hate as you fucks.

Can someone explain to me the very end of the cinematic after you defeat Sword Saint ? Why does wolf become a sculptor ? Why does Emma tell him to keep that prosthetic just incase another shinobi comes along ?

Best girl

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It implies Immortal Severance didn't solve anything and there will be another Divine Heir and Shinobi because Miyazaki loves his stupid cycles.

Because Isshin knew Sekiro was going to win, and he wanted a proper death in the hands of someone strong, better way to go than how he just had died to illness and old age.

When do the cool areas start? I uninstalled after the butterfly granny because every area was boring as fuck.

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Did you finish the boss at the top of Ashina Castle ?

The first jump is easy and the second just requires maybe five tries to get right.

Retard, its one of the best boss fights in any game

I went into the memory bell right after the chained ogre.

sword saint is breaking me.

This is the hardest thing they ever coded. Only got to his second form with the gun, sword, and polearm. What teh fuck.

I know you're full of shit because normal attacking him when he is kneeling down does nothing, he will just tank the hit. You actually have to do the execution animation.

Okay, I'll look into that. Thanks!

You haven't done even 1/8 of the game then. Push forward. The memory is entirely optional though it contains a lot of tools and other good advantages.
Lady butterfly is really hard if you don't have some health or upgrade/tool to block/tank her bullshit butterflies in phase 2, come back later.

Does she get pregnant with Kuro at the end of the true ending?

I played with cheats, so difficulty is not a problem. I loved all Dork Souls games because of the cool setting and bosses, didn't find that in Sekiro.

MGS2fags are more annoying

>havent played the game since sunday
>started again today
>cant even kill the purple ninjas on the way to Owl
Just fuck my shit up senpai

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Sort of. Kuro seems to reside as a spirit inside her and I think it implied that he could be revived somehow after they finished their journey. You could call that being pregnant.

But that's a fucking dirty lie and you know it. You have to do three playthroughs of Sekiro to even fight all the real bosses.
With the hard modes enabled it also gets way more difficult, unlike Souls games that never feel challenging again after first playthrough.
It has insane replay value for a single player game.

Don't worry user, you can do it. If it's any consolation his third phase is easy.
He is saying that after a perfect fight, missing the deathblow on Isshin and instead slapping him awkwardly with the sword didn't do it for him.
>I played with cheats

Nah just uninstall youre too stupid for this game.

>anime poster is a mentally retarded cheater
No surprise there