Which one are you?
Which one are you?
TN master race
chaotic evil but ironically
Chaotic Good, I'm the faggot that unironically uses the old
>Using a non-meta or low-tier character/weapon makes me better than the rest of the lobby
>Getting beaten by meta characters/weapons doesn't count 'properly' during this time
lawful evil with a sprinkiling of ":^)" before and after every game, whatever that fits in
>Chaotic Evil
lawful good,
I report everyone even my teammates
This. It's really underrated. If you win against a high-tier character with a low-tier character you're a god, if you lose against them then who cares
Depends on the game
>Team Game
Chaotic Good
>Solo Game
Chaotic Evil
remember when collegehumour was good
jk it was never good
chaotic good and lawful evil are inverted.
I don't play team games because interacting with people scares me.
It's not underrated, it's just straight out being a pussy ass faggot who can't handle being challenged at his same skill level.
Anyone who deliberately plays the underdog just to justify losing and amplify winning is literally a fucking beta coward male.
literally cringed IRL.
Imagine being so insecure that you have to scream to a videogame instead of screaming in real life?
Do you guys feel weak when talking to someone in real life so you have to scream to people in online videogames?
Lawful/neutral evil. Taking video games seriously is for children and losers.
What am I if I PRETEND to be chaotic neutral just to piss people off.
>Kill 10 people
>Hey guys how do I jump in this game
Get this idiot off Engineer GET HIM OFF
I have always wanted to ravage neutral good's asshole after taking him out for a movie and a nice taco bell drive through dinner. He's so incredibly cute.
>Imagine being so insecure that you have to scream to a videogame instead of screaming in real life?
What if you do both?
anything but chaotic evil is onions
Whoa, just take it easy, man.
Neutral, but lawful evil if someone starts being a lil bitch.
Chaotic neutral
Neutral Good most of the time. Unlike most of Yea Forums I try to enjoy video games.
Depends on how I'm feeling and how good I am at the game. Usually if I'm bad to neutral at a game I'm quiet as hell. If I'm great at the game I'm a loud mouth cocky idiot.
True Neutral, occasionally lapse into Lawful Evil.
Yeah yeah everyone thinks they're "the one guy that actually enjoys video games"
True Neutral while playing.
A combination of Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil on Yea Forums.
>lawful based
I do not tolerate lip smacking niggers on my team.
True neutral, except if somebody insults me or my team I will shit on them in the most embarrassing and soul crushing way possible and then BM back when they're no longer able to potentially reverse the situation.
Imagine trying to make yourself look like a stoic internet badass on Yea Forums
I don't have to imagine.
Admittedly, causing salt by beating meta stuff with underpowered stuff is pretty funny.
But yeah, it's a poor excuse to use "you only won because I was deliberately using the shit option, doesn't count :^)"
That was a rhetorical statement, don't reply to me again.
Same here, going full Quentin never fails to amuse me, bonus points for hatemail
If you're anything other than True Neutral then you're probably bad at games
Literally me
*lets autists bombard him with tts dono's"
I'm the guy sucking the CE's dick
I don't play online
Lawful Evil.
True Neutral because silence is golden.
True Neutral for the most part, I accept the inevitable flux between orderly matches and complete shitshows in pubs. I go Lawful Evil when some Lawful Good or Chaotic faggot starts trying to tell people what to do/how to play. Then I proceed to circumcise them with pages from their own rulebook.
In between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Neutral
Neutral good reporting in. I'm a team player.
Whichever one teamkills people who afk or who don't even try to be good at the game.
I consider myself Lawful Good.
Lawful Evil.
You've unlocked the true Lawful Good
I'm screaming at someone IRL literally now tho
Imagine "hiding your power level" like a fag
Lawful Evil master race.
neutral good but with cheeky little elements of neutral evil
chaotic good
>will use fingers in ds3 just to bait invaders in and kill the shit out of them
awful autist