What is ray tracing and how will it improve videogames

what is ray tracing and how will it improve videogames

Attached: D0IfSzFUUAArC53.jpg (655x527, 36K)

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tl; dr: it renders lights and shadows in a realistic way.

Simulates photons bouncing around the environment like in real life instead of the math trickery we have now

Biggest benefits come from moving objects, adding/removing terrain, mirrors, etc and having the lighting and reflections update perfectly and instantly. current games have a "build" step which pre-calculates the lighting and takes a while, limiting what you can change at runtime, raytracing would not need that

im going to ray trace my fist into your head


Jewish tricks to sell you another $2k graphics card.

>tfw used to fuck around with ray traced legos in POV-Ray

Attached: 1508460061374.gif (640x480, 1.26M)

thing shinny
game look good

Ray tracing is very good system, make games very good, very real. Worth every penny Goy

Attached: jew-gold.jpg (1162x850, 483K)

It emulates how photons work irl vs just drawing shit. It can make even low poly models look pretty good. It's sort of like physx when that came out. Really expensive and retarded because no devs supported it. In like 4-5 years it'll be kind of alright looking if you have a high end pc.


How does this improve the gameplay experience?

why do you care? just buy it

Attached: 1543453997794.jpg (1080x1920, 239K)

It doesn't

make graphic better
retard buy game more

Realistic lighting, so that AAA games can be made pretty with even less effort
Hope you like polished turds, though this is nothing new

More things would be moveable
Think of how static games worlds are now aside from a few objects the developer decides can move

It's more dynamic as said. Honestly it doesn't exactly do much right now, but in a few years once devs have had time to work with it, it will be a piece of the puzzle for the next generation of graphics (hopefully). Basically; nothing, pretty pixels. You can safely ignore it until its built into mainstream games and graphics cards.

a meme pc fags started that became reality

You can probably do some pretty clever stuff with like light puzzles i.e. the witness

It will calculate lighting and reflections in a much more costly and taxing way, but make them more accurate.

Realism, while a tangible benefit, is still only half the story. Devs can already mimic realistic lighting with texture baking techniques. However, tweaking those results to look as intended takes hundreds of man hours just for a single seen. The much greater benefit will be Devs having the ability to achieve realistic lighting results at next to no effort in comparison, a massive leap forward in reducing dev time and thus making games cheaper to develop

Why couldn't this be done on current gen hardware?

It's a meme that takes way too much processing power that can be better utilised in other aspects.

Lighting in games was perfected years ago.