Post your fightstick Yea Forums. or hitbox I don't care
Fightstick bread
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here you go.
I'm too lazy to customize my Hori RAP N
lol you moron you forgot the joystick
Yah sure brah here's mine... famaladindongs
It just looks like u shoved ur hand in ur ass
anyone could post good art to make a cover for my fightstick? Preferably from Baiken or Karin
what more can you expect for someone who plays fighting games?
That's from when I fisted ur mom last nite lmaooo
Made this one with a friend a while back. button placement kinda sucks ass but it works well enough.
If that's what your poop looks like go to the doctor ASAP, you're bleeding internally.
Check out what my work was throwing out. They're sanwa too.
rofl what a fucking idiot
weak bait
Men have class
Boys have swag
Vamos a comer los tacos de mi esposa
Wait a minute. Something seems off about this photo...
Are you the arcadecuck fixing real thrills cabinets?
fuck i actually laughed
you mean raw thrills? Normally not much goes wrong with them, but baytek and benchmark on the other hand...
Anyone know how to mod the cover got a qunba drone? Coming in the mail soon
i feel like a total outcast since i'm poor and i fucking hate using joysticks/dpads to play fighting games, so i use the next best thing keyboard
my brothers
I don't speak egyptian.
imagine paying $300 for this and a handful of roms
>300 bucks for that shit
No thanks.
Also won this at my local and it’s pretty gud for platformers
no, prefiero empanadas
>tfw took apart my Madcatz TE to do a full clean and replace some buttons
>bunch of buttons broke
>there are no standard guides for rebuilding your fight stick like a PC
>sitting in my closet ready to be trashed
help me Yea Forums
>buttons broke
He probably means the button tabs or he stripped the quick disconnects.
Hayabusa stick and kuro buttons actually feel really good. Best stick I've played on.
Keyboard is fine.
Play with a hitbox layout socyou can make the switch easier once you can afford one and won't have to be one of those mixboxs weirdos that everyone laughs at behind their backs
They're pretty cheap to diy too, and not hard.
>the characters are tacos
>they talk like argentinians
>buying a stick
>not building your own that will last you till the end of time
Why do you people just throw away money like this?
i'm trying to save but, now i use this layout on my keyboard
6-button games
arrow keys for movement
3 button fighters
try to critizice my layouts you can't
I use it to play with Mika ;)
>arrow keys for movement
better to use asd for back, down, forward and space bar for jump then uiop and hjkl for your punch and kicks
Just say thread holy shit. Stop leaking Yea Forumstard humor to other boards.
Polite sage
I just bought one of these, mostly for PC but switch is the only console I own- I liked the red design.
How should I customize it? I wanna make it look awesome.
Get sanwa stick and buttons first. Unless you like how loose the lever is and how sensitive the buttons are.
Removing the default art is a pain in the ass and you have to use a knife or something sharp to cut off the stock art, also scratches the metal but doesn’t really matter.
Put a cute anime girl and call it a day.
Adding up the costs building versus buying doesn't save you that much money. Unless you're already a pro woodworker and are good with electronics.
>are good with electronics.
any brainlet can wire up a fightstick. Brooks and the kits ArcadeShock or FocusAttack make, make it baby mode.
you get a cheap stick from last gen and replace the parts. I built mine for $60.
$20 PS3 MadKatz WWE BrawlStick
$40 Seimitsu Stick and Buttons
i wanted to mod it since it's easily moddable, but i can't find any good art.
I got this old bastard
Nice looking MAS
Yeah but then you get a shitty board that isn't going to get any upgrades and won't work on a PS4/PS5. If you're spending the cash and effort you want to go with a firmware upgradeable brooks universal board, and that costs money.
Those kits cost more money compared to just buying the buttons and boards separately.
It all adds up. If you do the math you're probably saving under $100, and at that price I may as well pay to avoid the headache/labor of making something myself with the risk of it not working or any number of hitches you may run into. I'm not saying building sticks is bad. If you have an old or broken stick and want to spring for a little cash to make it nice then go ahead, but recommending it as infinitely better than just buying a prebuilt is kind of silly. This isn't a PC we're talking about.
This thing looks like it belongs in a museum
bought this used and Im too fuckin lazy to remove the gem fighter shit
>removing the gem fighter buttons/balltop
You should focus on removing your shit taste instead
I actually prefer the stick at my local arcade, I think it's japanese, less stiff. Though I can get by with this since I main Balrog.
I got that one too, you could break sf2 for genesis by picking E.Honda and spam the slaps and hover across the screen.
cringe for multiple reasons
>guy at your locals has you in a wombo combo and you're out of escape options
>hit them with the seizure tech on your stick
>nigga press the dog button
>nigga dey all dog buttons
That's the tiniest stick I've ever seen.
I should probably customize it one of these days
RIP Madcatz
Just get a basic wooden box from goodwill for 10$, all the buttons and stuff are maybe 50$, the pcb is where you can cough up the dough if you want, something like a brook universal board with sound and touchpad capability and all that shit is near a hundred bucks, but you can also get a 10$ chink arcade encoder or a 5$ arduino and do the same job minus some features.
The wiring is literally plug and play. You can even buy premade harnesses if you're really pathetic but there's very little to actually screw up. Connect all the grounds together then to the ground on the board, connect the other pins to the ports that correspond to the buttons. If you're absolutely terrified of soldering you can do it all with quick disconnects and jumper wires that have the pin already attached.
I wish I was black so I could produce instant (You)s
I built these, I don't mind the up button being on the thumb spot below but I don't care that it's up the top either. I don't play grapplers anyway
what kinda retarded shit is this
fuck you for being retarded, retard
t-thanks they work pretty good, the Brooke multi console board is really good too
Look at my stick Yea Forums!
Babytag world champ?
A bit much for an atari controller
Finish this one a few days ago.
How much does that dude charge for art? I saw him post it on the SRK forums.
whats your main ?
Depends on what you want. He did two designs(the ones you saw) for me for 40 bucks.
works well? looks neat
Here's mine
Hey look it's the world champ at P4A
Who's got that one image of that P4A stick with A being MASH!
You're forgetting that the prebuilt,"moddable"sticks are good for people who are just starting with a stick.
If they upgrade buttons and stick it just 40 bucks.
Also no everyone has access to power tools so you will have to add that cost.
If you don't have a basic cordless drill you should be fixing that before spending money on fancy controllers
I have serious hand problems throughout the last three years of my life, does anyone know if switching to a stick prevents that or does it exacerbate it?
that's the fucking point though
you could have something nice with a good pcb for barely more money than a shitty retail stick
It does prevent cramping the way a controller causes cramping in the hand because you're hands are resting on the top of the fight at all times and you aren't gripping on anything.
You don't need one if you live in an apartment.
Been a decade since I personally have owned a powertool.
Maybe I'll look into it then. Thanks.
eh heh heh
$20 bucks for one doesn't seem too bad.
I believe for one it was $28
I snapped up one of these shortly before MadCatz went under. Good stick, but I haven't customized it at all - the thing seems like it was designed to be a pain in the ass to modify.
>hey guys i gave hiroshit money!!
>guys cmon!! pay attention to me!!
Seriously, just switching out gates is a pain in the ass.
Just picked this up for 50 bucks on amazon. Gonna change the art soon, but the buttons are sanwa, don't see a real need to swap em.
the fuck how lazy are you? the only thing you need to open any modern day stick is a one universal screw driver and an alley wench. That's literally it. With the only exceptions being if you own a stick like the Razor Panthera since the art is glued to the fucking case and requires a heat gun.
Fully changing out stick parts, art, buttons, etc only would take around 30 minutes - 2 hours depending on what you're doing.
- Just changing everything to Sanwa/Seimitsu Parts = 30 mins max
- changing everything to (solid color) Sanwa/Seimitsu Parts + art = 45 - 1 hour
- changing everything to (transparent color) Sanwa/Seimitsu Parts + art = 1 - 2 hours max
I've got the same one. The only issue I have is my disgusting fucking hands constantly shoving sweat residue under the plastic.
Has anyone made a stick with a Doug button?
I rock a VX-SA and a Drone with Sanwa parts and I haven't been let down by either thus far.
Also tertiary, but what are you guys playing right now? I'm having trouble working the nerve to pick up anything
>SFV on its deathbed, Capcom doing nothing until E3 comes around to announce SF6
>Too stupid for Tekken
>Too traditional for SC6
>Can't work up the nerve to play DBFZ because I'm too behind on DLC characters at this point
>Fuck NRS
K, I did replace the shaft on the TE with a phreakmods link and ordered a golden balltop and buttons for the VLX.
There's always anime if you don't mind scrounging for games on vg/Discord. Been playing GG Xrd for a few years now and currently trying to git gud at Under Night.
What's that on the left?