Well Yea Forums which one?
Well Yea Forums which one?
Right is too much soul
Yea Forums be like
Left - Soul
Right - Soulless
moar like
This image perfectly describes the FFX remaster
The left one has almost no effort put into it. It’s probably just discount water.
Pepsi. Fuck waterfags.
Left is a simple design in all caps and makes a clear, effective statement. Right is a pathetic attempt to look cool and marketable like the other drinks, which isn't in the spirit of water.
Now I want the right in all caps for the best of both worlds. That lit up water texture is very pleasing to the eye.
Fuck the Jeopardy water
Nice water in this pic.
the water on the left doesn't have to try as hard because it knows it's the better product
People who like WATER are the same as people who think tetris is the greatest game of all time.
t. fatfag
The label on the right had more effort put into it so it's reasonable to assume the water on the right did too.
The HD Remake tries way too hard.
more likely that the water company on the right blew all its money on marketing, cares more about appearance than actual quality
It's just vanilla vs modded
What do we do about these zoomers with their WATER obsession?
Or they have enough money for both good water and good marketing.
just because a company has the money to improve the quality of their product doesn't mean they will
>Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of WATER
>To fetch crummy WATER?? They should have been fetching a pail of Water!!
Core Gen Y here, water is great.
What if they stepped up because the water company on the left was kicking their ass not long ago?
Left is objectively correct, don't @ me
>when you drink WATER
step it up user
Zoomers will never be able to appreciate WATER in its proper historical context. You really had to be there to understand what makes it so much better than Water.
If I told you the product Water was released 26 years before WATER would that make it more soulful?
Coke is better
Pepsi is like coke made in a sewage pipe during thanksgiving.
Gamer fuel thread?
This pic is so damn true. Like you niggas need to live a little, fuck.
Great, now I think the word water looks weird. What's the term for this again
>no wATER
fucking faggots all are
I feel personally attacked. Is it a crime to like water or tea and also eat carrots, apples, or celery while playing vidya?
Nice one.
You just know that both are from the tap anyways
Water, tea, and apples fuck yea. I’m not good at eating vegetables.
Water and tea are okay, but fruits and vegetables are for nerds.
Carrots are the most disgusting vegetable ever made. They're JUST sugary enough to taste bad, and they have that shitty rubbery yet crunchy texture
Like there's a reason parents give them to their kids to punish them for bad eating habits
If you want a based snack vegetable, eat baby tomatoes
No, it's just a crime to be a faggot about it. Excellent taste though.
fuck apples. Fuck I hate fucking apples. Everything else you listed is fine though.
I just buy the 5 dollar packs of organic baby spinach and kale, grab a handful of greens and shove that shit in my mouth. Its not bad.
Right is to quench your thirst. Left is to wash your hands with.
Vegetables are fucking delicious though. Especially if you cook them and can bring out that delicious earthy flavor they have.
It's completely without pretension, it's pure water
Happens to me too when I stare at people I know or words. They start to look weird. Like some sort of weird realization
Tomatoes are shit. And you must have shit carrots. Carrots are fucking delicious. Especially the different varieties, like the white and purple ones.
Of course not but gamer fuel threads (as stupid as those threads are) are always stormed by "DRINK WATER" fags.
I mostly drink water, tea and coffee.
Pyur wa'a
>Yea Forums isn't a hivemin-
both, mixed together
righ ouua tha tap
I don't understand
The mythical Omni Cola
WATER tastes better
Water is colder
>live a little
>by poisoning and fattening yourself with liquid junk
>no one’s gonna eat the machine
Fuck off faggots it’s all mine
it's missing RC Cola to be considered that
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
And it tastes... of fuck all
Some very nice water here. Nice looking water.
do it
How is getting diabetes """living a little"""?
i cant be the only boomer who remembers this shit.
The damn kids don't care about what they used to, they only care about water.
The one on the right is trying too hard. The one on the left is plain, simple and concise. Therefore, the left is better.
Crummy water? I want some Pokemon Creatures!
>he thinks a "botanical fruit" and a "culinary fruit" are the same thing
Why tho?
What meme am I missing?
>not drinking faygo
Absolutely not woop woop, ninjas.
ok based, how can waterfags ever recover from this?
But carrots are good
Right one. The caustics are more realistic.
>cherry tomatoes
holy fuck i hate you
i'd fucking kill you if i could
Good luck at the doctors you fucking faggot.
Don’t mind me. Just posting the best tasting water on the planet.
Top taste
any water that comes in plastic is shit tier. Sorry friend.
Left looks more tasty
So anything not directly from a river?
Nah, fuck drinking sugar syrup. If I'm gonna poison myself it'll at least be for a buzz
Even apple juice?
This one.
You need to come on down to Colorado Springs, friend: some of the best water in the country
>eating apples while playing vidya
gonna get the controller sticky. the real trick is to eat apples during cutscenes, so you can't hear any of the stupid dialogue or bad voice acting
Nobody will ever understand my pain.
For me, it's Sam's Club.
If I have to drink from a bottle
>crystal geyser
Fuck off with that gay shit. Poland springs is better
>he doesn't like the apples from his local orchard
>he doesn't like honeycrisp or galas
Whats wrong with you?
>Sullying ROYAL CROWN with plebeian, peasant colas.
Begone, knave.
>unironically being black
>2012 + 7
RC is the same as Sam's Cola. Literally.
I Like it though.
Post the best and worst tap water you've had, Yea Forumsros.
Connecticut tap water from a family home with a well. Tasted even more pure than bottled water. Tasted like God's holy sacred piss, piss in a good way, like the kind of piss that watersports fetishists yearn for.
Orlando Florida apartment tap water. The taste was metallic and gross, it was immediately discernible.
Florida water is basically sewage until you have a full-home filtration system set up. Then it's passable, but still not as good as just about anywhere else.
Both tanks are filled with the same water.
Don’t make no difference.
Wow it's almost like water from a well is better than recycled and treated water from a city pipeline