How did you react when you first found diamonds in Minecraft?

How did you react when you first found diamonds in Minecraft?

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Fell into in lava.

There are diamonds in Minecraft? Holy shit, since when?

I died while coming back

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i was like o sweet i finally got soem diamonds

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thought it was pretty neat

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"oh, neat"

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I always played with mods that gave me full inventories of stuff I wanted. Never "found" them before. Game is shit btw.


wdf is this, why would I want gems?

>post yfw you commit to the game, beat the ender dragon, and the credits roll

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uwa suge

Oh boy

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Can't really recall my exact reaction, but I remember finding lapis first and getting excited thinking it was diamond for a second.

Honestly didn't know they were special. I'd never played the game before the hired me as an engineer to work on it.

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>Find a vein containing 4-5
>Make a pickaxe and enchant it immediately
>mfw fortune 3

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Same. Feels bad.

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i shidded and cummed

punched person I was mining with into lava.