
Hey Yea Forums, let me welcome you our newest member, Brittney. She's going to be joining our guild starting today.

Say hi her!

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Welcome m'lady.

>Reason: BACK OFF

*leaves guild*

my cue to /gquit

May I humbly inquire a picture of your your godly feet, my lady?

post bob and vagene plz

My fucking kid watches sniper. I fap to her after the kids are asleep.


You're a failure of a father

queue the drama and all the beta wolves fighting over her and the guild falling apart from all the orbiting around her telling her only what she wants to hear

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Welcome. If you need help with anything, don't be afraid to let us know.

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Please RESPECT the women in our new guild! This is so toxic, see this is why we need feminism in games.

whale cum!!! xD
LOL jk :)


Yeah... I know.

Yay! Now I'm not the only girl in the wild!

P..p.please forgive me Brittney, some people on here sure have some nerve to say rude things to you. Don't worry, I'll get the admin on right away!!

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Anyone else not blamming the girls? I only blame the retards that keep worshiping them.

This. Greet them like you would any other new member instead of sperging out like an autistic assmaggot or seething so hard you pop a blood vessel.

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it's both. you can't have one without the other.

>contact guildmaster
>say I have to givr him a very important file
>needs password to open
>you tell him you'd give him the password when the time comes and to make sure he save that file as if his life depends on it
>proceeds to behave normally in the guild
>ff the time when the guild eventually dismantles cause petty players wanting the pussy
>you reveal the password to the guildmaster
>it's just a text file that reads "fucking told you females will bring the guild to shit"

Belly or GTFO.

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>guild falls apart

It's 2019, why the fuck would have a guild?
Who the fuck still plays MMOs?

Girls without beta orbiters are just regular people.


That's not Brittney though

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I've done something similar to this but it was an email account I would email screenshots of whore drama and when the guild died I gave the password to the last remaining people in the guild. After that I stopped playing wow and blocked everyone except 2 based friends on steam.

You can tell incredibly early when some bitch is going to fuck everything up, I learned to recognize the patterns after watching my dumb sister ruin like 5 mumbles and 3 teamspeaks.

Hi her

>"Hi Brittney, the bois can get silly sometimes here but overall it's a fun place to hang out, lol".

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Why the fuck did you join a guild in the first place?
What's the point of a multiplayer game if you are just going to play with the same 10 dumbasses all the time?

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I'm too antisocial to be in a guild or even play an MMO. They hold zero appeal for me.

The gameplay is never good. What's the appeal?

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And that's how you destroy your guild of bros. With pussy.

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Only dudebros join guilds.

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Has Yea Forums never dealt with a guild mom also if you get thirsty guild mates just kick them

i got into a WoW guild that was full of girls but i all thought they were men before i heard their voices. They seemed just like a dude in the way they interacted you know. They werent afraid to get judged so they goofed off a shit ton, they god mad and showed passion in the things they cared about. No doubt that maybe some of the girls in that group was lesbo but they really do act different when theres no orbiters

These threads are made by the same people who played Modern Warfare 2 unironically.
So just ignore them, they are normalfag zoomers.

>Implying I'm not the guild member
>"Show me your pussy"
>kicks her out

Fuck you then. That simple! I'M ALPHA AS FUCK!

>slut contest ensues until both are "accidentally" leaking nudes for attention
See they mistake is only letting one girl in, if you have multiple girls they cancel each other out and you can reap the benefits of their competition



Dude fuck off tranny
Also why would I join ur shitty faggot guild lol
Drink piss

I was in a majority female guild so the best part is to just sit back and watch the cat fighting

Based random guild member with kick permissions

What about all the weird super intense RP guilds?

I tried to play Guild Wars 2 and got invited into a guild but I stopped playing when my friend another friend's girl characters were in a hot and heavy RP relationship but her boyfriend IRL also played and they were all friends IRL and they all treated each other normally there man it was just fucking weird. Those people were not dudebros they were turbo nerds in some sort of bizzare interspecies sex cuck ring.

I'll just play single player games.

>"Those guys making you feel uncomfortable Brittney? Come join OUR guild, we treat all women with equal respect."

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OR you can kick the problem and keep people with skills

Here's your new guild girl, bro.

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Fucking delet this

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>the weird super intense RP guilds?
>those guilds that role play as a family
>call each other mom, dad, daughter, son, etc
That shit weirds me out more than all the trannies playing futa cat girls combined

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how is sniperwolf so big

if you lined her up amongst 10 generic ethots and asked her most dedicated fans to pick her out they wouldn't be able to do it, literally the most featureless human being i have ever seen

I was part of an inhouse community in SC2 and some gook joined it and she manipulated everyone into orbiting her and she attacked and orchestrated drama against everyone who refused to orbit her. After a month, it was just her and three autistic retards orbiting her, so she joined another community and repeated the same thing until quitting SC2. I heard she plays a different game and that she's still doing the same thing today.

I think her name was blahzor or something. Her display picture was a pic of herself or maybe it was taken from some ugly gook's MySpace and "she" was pretending to be a girl (honestly, all gooks are ugly, even the ones with plastic surgeries)? She refused to use a mic, so it wouldn't surprise me. Either way, her demeanor and personality was absolutely fucking cancer and she was an ultimate SJW that complained about USA, bragged about California and dreamed of moving to "the wonderland Canada" and she was barely good at SC2 (she was gold and everyone in the inhouse was diamond). The only reason she was allowed to join that inhouse community was because of the retarded owner, he was an incel and he wanted to impress the gook, so he gave her permission.

Almost all of my bad experiences with "girl gamers" come from trannies, gooks or faggots pretending to be insufferable girl gamers. Of course, your mileage may vary, but I've yet to see annoying girl gamers from Europe or white households in the U.S.

Sup dude?

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more like greet them by being a weeb

It's hard to pick but I tentatively think whore drama > tranny drama

Alt right cucks love her because of the SS part of her screen name, if you pander to them a little bit you can get a lot of attention

The fuck are you talking about.

Seek help.

She's a generic one, today.
She started this ages ago, far before Twitch and "nerd culture".
She was one of the original vidya camwhores.

Guess I got lucky with my encounter with gals and guilds

>Vanilla WoW
>Have misadventures
>After a guild or two that didn't work out eventually stumble upon a chill group that take me in
>GL is some lady and was basically a rag tag group
>Fucking one of the chillest times I ever had with the game with great group of people. GL is great and we manage to beat 40 man MC
>In time GL and some of the other higher ups go on a break and inevitably guild members split off. No big stink about it and everyone was cool with each other
>Back to being a guildless wanderer
>Stumble upon some other super nice guy and taken into that guild at some point
>Again on par with previous guild as the greatest I have ever been part of with a good family of members excluding a few I think?
>We manage to beat Black Temple and got legendary on first kill before WOTLK came out
>Great times were had in general but as with most guilds time eventually led to people taking breaks and people splitting off their own ways. Again most on good terms and the times I had with that group were great
>Cue time skip
>Run into second GL guy again
>Chat it up
>Lady from first guild surprise mention
>Learn that apparently they had gotten married (or were married?)
>Cue my shock that two of the best GLs I ever had in the history of playing WoW had hooked up at some point
>We reminisce on the old days

Small world. Man I miss those days. Hope they're doing well

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>It's women's fault that men obsess over them!

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>nuuuu dun victim blame womyn are literally purfect im literally shaking rn
Go back.

Well yeah.
I have a girl in my group and nothing happens because there's no dumbass betas desperate for pussy.

>Well yeah.
Go back.

>lazy eye
She's gross

Alpha as fuck.

Those faggots wouldn't be there without the girl. Blames largely on them though.

Once i get disillusioned by someone I'd probably kick them anyway

It's so jarring someone being normal untill a girl shows up and then lossing their cool over any little thing

most mmo's i play the female players tend to be stay at home moms and older women both tend to keep out the kinda girls you guys are talking about

why does she look like she took a selfie and covered it in 6 layers of photoshop Guildmaster?

Funny thing is, if some regular ass shmo joined, you would be silent

>he doesn't want to fuck the shit out of Avril Lavigne
Go away, zoomer.


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helo dear open cloths psl

You're on the wrong board, robot.

Got him haha lol what a loser m rite, girls?

You're on the wrong site, tranny.


Didn't you robot had a literal tranny cult that lead to the suicide by KSG of one of your fellow robot?

Imagine defending women so hard your brain stops functioning. Big yikes.

>Didn't you robot had

Imagine hating women so much you don't even have a brain.

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Epic comeback, m'lady.

Absolutely based

haha, so COOOL to meet a gamer girl! I'm by far the friendliest guy in the guild, so make sure to ask me anything okay :P

>big yikes
Gee, I wonder who posted this.

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you go girl! silly virgin nerds infesting Yea Forums now jeez girls rule boys drool remember it! xD

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Of course a millennial gets TRIGGERED when they call out his stupid ebonics.
Yikes oof incel thot *dabs* omegalul, amirite?

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haha epic girlpower!! xD

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>whore drama > tranny drama
I'd really like to know what experiences you've had. The moment those fags get offended, they raise fucking hell.
I'd take 3 bitches over a tranny.

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Lmao get the fuck out boomer, who the hell is in a guild nowadays.

Nigga how do you not know how greater than and less than signs work? I'm saying women are easier to deal with than trannies. Read a book nigguh.

He's saying that it's better to deal with a girl than a tranny.

It's third grade math.

>American education

I misinterpreted, that's all I can say

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>get invited to discord server
>don't hide the fact that I'm a girl
>however I also don't go parading it around
>make some good friends, both male and female
>later on the admin (I considered him a good friend) brings his girlfriend in
>try my best to be civil, she tries her best to be civil, I thought we got along pretty well but not really friends
>a few months later she gets kicked
>admin tells me that she had always hated me and called me a homewrecking whore and that's why he dumped her and banned her
>??? what the fuck
>months later he brings in a new girlfriend
>still be nice, give the two of then plenty of time together
>suddenly she and the admin accuse one of the old guard (another good friend) of trying to get her nudes and being a creep
>completely out of character for the guy, I try to stick up for him but he gets banned anyway
>this happens with just about every one else
>admin constantly shittalks guy who got banned and tries to turn me against him even though I know he was innocent
>end up leaving, server is dead as a doornail after
Now here's the kicker. In the middle of the fucking drama, he tells me a secret: he was a ftm tranny

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incorrect. orbiters are the vast majority of the time invited by certain behavior. we'd never know the gender of people playing unless they revealed it. people who reveal it straight away and often are looking for that kind of attention.
>women and trannies
yep, sounds about par for the course.

>You could have been born like one of these things
Scary thought.

I should've seen the signs of "him" being a manipulating jackass earlier. He always had a new ilness of problem and would cut people off a lot. I doubt the first girl even did anything wrong.

to add to this, when i notice people getting a bit too attached i tell them to fuck off directly or indirectly because it's not what i'm looking for. rather than soliciting free games, leaking nudes and seeking attention/validation. these women absolutely exist in games. they feed off of it like a parasite. the orbiters are just as bad, make no mistake, but no, without orbiters they aren't regular people. they are predisposed to this kind of shit in their lives.

yeah i would take anything they said after the fact with a grain of salt. they all wanna be the good guy in their own story.

Sure u are tranny u will never be the girl

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Sup nerd what class you playin

>>don't hide the fact that I'm a girl
No you aren't.

>they are predisposed to this kind of shit in their lives
I mean, what else can you expect. When you legitimately teach females from age 1 that they are on a pedestal at all times, how else would they go through life other than being social parasites. This type of behavior gets encouraged by both incels and those that make fun of incels (whereby in some oxymoronic form of ironic loop further incubates the incel mentality that pussy = winning life).

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*Guild dies in 2 weeks*

What if she calls you her soulmate though?

So did her boyfriend play video games for her or is she actually decent at them?

I wish I could whore myself out and play video games and still make enough money to own a C43.

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Too bad you're not cute enough to be a trap.

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I really should fucking get grindr or something, unpassable trannies like that get me so ridiculously hard. I'm already at a semi just browsing over this thread and then seeing this picture, look at his neck. And the lipstick. Christ.

Fuck that shit. Even if you do luck out, biology will inevitably kick you in the face by 30.
Either reincarnate as a cute girl, or bust.

Here's your new guild memeber, bro.

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Hey Yea Forums, let me welcome you our newest member, Vegeta. She's going to be joining our guild starting today.

Say hi her!

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helo ther beeutifull ladees opn cloths 2 sho bobs and vagene pls

>biology will inevitably kick you in the face by 30
So literally no different than a regular girl?

She looks like a jobber

You're just rolling another set of dice with a woman

Girls can age better or worse, depends on their lifestyle, but they certainly don't start looking like men.

>mfw just realizing now her immediate S-Rank kills of Revengeance bosses weren't actually her

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I would.
At least I know she gives great head.


There's this chick at work with a vegeta tattoo on her calf. I'm afraid to ask her about it

Is this what Paranoia is?

Doesn't matter. All women look objectively worse at 30 when they hit the wall than when they're younger.

Is it really the dumb girl who ruins it or the dozen thirsty orbiters that do?


Both happen, but in the current age of PC and SJW brownie points, the latter is a lot more common. I noticed that if your group isn't full of a bunch of beta virgins, a couple of girls won't kill it.

People who hit the wall is because they built it themselves.
Look at the Olsen sisters.
The twins themselves have looked like shit since their early 20s because they've always been into drugs and alcohol.
Meanwhile, the other sister is 30 and still looks fine.

Aging well is a matter of taking care of yourself, millennials tell themselves its the "wall" because they don't want to admit they have shitty lifestyles.

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>joining our guild
oh cool is she a top ranked dps?
No? Must be a great healer then.
Oh,she's lowest healing performance in every raid she's done
So why's she in our guild?

Yes, that's called aging.
But, as I said, they don't start suddenly looking like men, unlike traps who will no longer have a smooth skin, or they will start balding.
A woman can groom herself and prevent that, but a trap can't, because a man is not a woman.
Trannies and traps are completely delusional.


Betas, the answer is always betas. Women aren't really to blame, if you could live life on easy mode, you'd do it as well.

>Girl at bar has a videl shirt on
>ends up being the best sex of my life
Its easy.

When's the Next Human League Album?

>it is absolutely impossible for anyone of the entire female half of the population to end up on Yea Forums, they must be part of a defunct minority instead
based shizo posters

Kill yourself tranny.

They're gonna call you a tranny for this, user. You sure you wanna say that?


rent free

Kill yourself beta orbiter.
Kill yourself tranny.

I have a physical dependency to alcohol.

Braindead and Rentpilled.
