What is it with modern games and not letting you jump whenever the fuck you want?

what is it with modern games and not letting you jump whenever the fuck you want?

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jumping is the most fun feature a game can have , but some games just lose all meaning if you add a jump feature like baba is you

muh immersion

this unironically. its easier today to make a game that reflects 'realism' which means keeping things on rails in terms of movement and restricted to how shit would be "in real life"

having Joel and Ellie bunnyhop would be immersion-breaking and ruin the cinematic experience. Could you imagine the "giraffe scene" if Joel was skipping up and down while Ellie was having a moment?

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Because games are made by 30 year olds now who got sick of playing fucking jumping games when we were kids.


How many times have you jumped in your life, user? Be honest.

i wanna be___ that bike seat

probably not a lot, but it doesn't mean I don't have the choice to do so

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shit would be hilarious

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That pic made me diamonds

This, after jumping around in sekiro, it's very odd to go back to other fromsoft games.

but you can jump pretty much anywhere irl
unless you're fat as fuck
or swimming

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Can you jump whenever you want IRL?
Like, suppose you're making a sandwich. Can you INTERRUPT your sandwich-making animation right in the middle of it and jump?
I didn't think so. You need to wait for the animation to finish, for one.

@sweetfeet2018 on instagram, the prettiest feet I've ever seen

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More times than I've slain a dragon or flown a spaceship.

I can probably hop a little bit while making a sandwich yeah

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That should be up to the player though.

you can, but you'd probably make a mess and look like a retard doing it

>but you'd probably make a mess

t. scrub with no finesse

Great toilet on that slut

im more concerned about the fact modern gaming is so obsessed with monetizing every single aspect about to where it becomes pointless to even play at all

jumping is a shitty meme just like the grappling hook fetish. It breaks game balance 90% of the time.

what does this have to do with anything?

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though I hardly agree, a lot of times I don't even buy certain games because of the amount of DLCs they have, I feel like I'm missing out on content if I don't buy em

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