Why did the hype die down so fast? People keep talking about Mario Maker 2 but not this one
Why did the hype die down so fast? People keep talking about Mario Maker 2 but not this one
Maybe the art style was a turn off? Dunno man
We haven't had a reveal like this since Wind Waker.
I'm sure once people play it, it will be accepted.
mario maker 2 actually has a release month set. link's awakening does not.
It's a remake with mobile game graphics.
Not saying it's going to be bad, but it's pretty easy to see why there's not a lot of hype.
Maybe because we haven't seen anything since the initial trailer, and it's pretty pointless wasting time on games you know little about?
Pretty game tho
>Having "hype" for a 20 year old children's handheld game that everyone has already played which is essentially already a rehash of an already existing game (Link to the Past) in the first place
Just what? I literally can't even understand why they're making this instead of a new game either. Also keep in mind this isn't even meant to be a 3DS game, it's for Switch.
LA is a million times better than ALttP
>Mobile game graphics
I mean, it is a mobile game. Based off a retro mobile game.
This. Only basedboys would be hype to pay full price for a shitty looking remake of a fucking gameboy game they've already played.
The game looks great
I love the graphics
It looks like a diorama with little figures
What hype? The hype died the second people saw how it would look.
Link's Awakening is one of my favorite games ever and the first game I ever bought fort myself. I don't care about this remake at all.
drop this fucking artstyle already? seriously this shit should've been left behind with the wii, go back to 2D, show these shitty indie studious how is done
Still take it over windwaker cell shit.
Nintendo is trying to say that if we aren’t redpilled like the 90’s again they aren’t going to make new good games yet
We need MORE Whites and MORE Japanese and less niggoids
>Why did the hype die down so fast?
One is a new game, one is a remake that all of us played
You fucking stupid idiots always complain about the chosen style or aesthetic for these games and then they always, ALWAYS end up being beloved.
Remember when people were shitting all over wind waker?
Yeah fuck off
Have the Mcdonalds Arthouse version OP
>only my /pol/ boogeyman would do things such as things i don't do
I always wonder what causes you guys to enter these threads
I love cartoony Link but I want him a look a little more like this...
A moody twink?
It honestly looks like the first Zelda game I'm not willing to spend full price on. It looks like a fucking fan project. I'll probably still get it, but it deserved better than this.
the lack of pants is pretty hot
Yep. Attitude and thicc shota. Didn't realise how turned on I'd get when I searched for Link's original design.