Sequel is harder than first game

>sequel is harder than first game

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Any boomers here? Im going to kick your ass

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I checked out some of the job requirements for some video game companies. You need to be a master at like every coding language in existence.

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>fell for the college meme
Why didn't I go into trades!?

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Here too. But it's pretty typical for all jobs here. You always need to have studied the subject, regardless of what it is and you need to do and be good at 12 different things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, you need to be social and have self-esteem and good looks and you should have 5 years of experience.

the requirements are basically bullshit, every job does this now to screen out random people from off the street.
The best way to get a job as always is to know somebody who already works there.

>tfw spent 8 years on gender studies
>now I work at mcdonalds

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Compsci professors will yell at you get your master's by the time you're in senior year constantly nowadays

>The best way to get a job as always is to know somebody who already works there.
I know but I don't know anyone. My only friends live far away or are in a job that doesn't need any more workers and I have no family.

>parents left heft properties and 1 mil to invest
>dont know why i even go to university for

waste of time desu

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>wanting to be a welder/auto mechanic
have fun doing manual labor until you're 70

>grandpa was a founding partner in a MA law firm
>dad became the youngest partner in the same firm
>applied for the position of junior associate
>mfw two other schmucks showed up for interview thinking they actually have a chance
sequels are all about goodies you carry over from the first game

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Why aren't you saving and investing Yea Forums?

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Every single time

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as it should be. wanting to make bideogames is such a common thing and most people don’t actually want to put in the effort to get there

it's harder because of all these socialist laws so companies are scared as fuck to hire somebody they cant get rid off if their shit.


Take the freelancer pill. Fuck the boomers


>learned webdev in my spare time through teenage years
>didn't go to college
>continued refining my skills into my early 20s
>signed up with a staffing agency
>they got me an interview
>got to show off my portfolio to the interview
>had a follow-up interview
>two weeks later I was hired

Learn to do something the market values, OP.

>rent $825
Lol city cucks get rekt


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>shitty meme response
thanks for the concession m8

those better be donations to black trans children's charities and not ninja

then your fucked, all you can do is apply for the job despite only partially meeting the requirements and maybe you'll get it anyways.
Tech jobs in particular are absurd with this, they list a huge amount of requirements they want and then offer a salary that is like a tenth of what someone who knows all that shit should be worth.

Where can you make 100k at 25 with under 1k rent? I honestly want to know.

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At least he'll have a job*
*if [minority] didb't destroy the market

>salary: competitive

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>house cleaner
>dining out
>health insurance (clearly american)
is this a joke?

You have to run an internet scam where you sell courses teaching people how to become rich.

"donations" are tax free, under-the-table bribes you give to your landlord. you ever lived in a big city?

>Do gender studies
>End up flipping burgers at McDonalds

>Do gender studies
>Get a $50k a year position as an equality compliance officer at a company that's terrified of potential social justice backlash

this but uniroically

So you can have a fruitful wageslave job you work for 6 years saving everything and putting it into your stocks and then retiring early with 60K a year

i was going to put in the effort but im glad i changed my mind because look at the fucking state of the industry today

dodged a bullet on that one

>BK manager tells me to do something I wasn't trained to do
>Tell him I don't know how to do it
>He gets mad
What the fuck

The secret is roommates.

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Markets value being a Jew.
I can't learn to be a Jew.

>he fell for the tradie meme

It's suffering either way

Yeah I know. Most people don't even bother responding me with a mail. And to be honest I don't even have the self-esteem to apply for most of them since I never meet the requirements.
I also have drawing talent but even that is useless because even the companies that only want you to draw some bullshit flyers demand you to have some degree for art and media and some shit.

>Business Studies, Accounting

>house cleaner: $30/mo
>internet: $20/mo

>bribes you give to your landlord
In exchange for?
>you ever lived in a big city?

825 is a joke. Any big city will be 1250 to 1500 for a single room apartment.

>got a job as a lawyer and they didn't care that I have no experience in the area because it's expected that they'll train you up
>also paid me more than I asked for in salary
get good

>companies are scared as fuck to hire somebody they cant get rid off if their shit

Wrong. For decade or so, companies have fully embraced the "I want the best, but I don't want to pay for it" mentality.
If anything, they are the textbook definition of "entitled parasites", not the socialists.

But keep repeating that some rich faggot doesn't want to hire you, and keeps bitching that people must pay HIM for the internship because of "muh exposure and experience", while being too lazy to even give a recommendation letter, because some people bitch about lack of free education and healthcare.

what city are you a lawyer in

like I said, half of those requirements are just there to ward off the uncommitted.
Few hirers actually expect to see all of that list on applicants because their offer is frankly shit.

Yet everywhere I look companies seem to be hiring all these retarded braindead trannies.

What gives?

>got a job as a soul-sucking manipulative parasite

i'll pass

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This is true atleast in my experience, the nepotism has worked for me and got me into my current Job, since then the majority of new staff are friends or family of management or supervision, if not that, you just put in a good word

>salary: competitive

You are lucky if you find that, to be honest. Most of the time it's "unpaid internship" or something similar.
/pol/ had a thread about burger job requirements and "perks" several months ago. That shit is straight up slavery and burgers gobble on it.

>4000 saved up from part time
What do I do bros.

Maybe we should all get on HRT so that companies have to hire us haha

As long as the Black Trans Children are willing to post feet pics, they will get donations from this cuck.

>sequel is "harder" than the first game
>knowledge from the first game is applicable to the second
>sequel is easier than the first as a result

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Some Blue collar jobs can still train you on job if you've proven your work ethic in almost any sector. Boomers inflated the value of white collar work because they told you anything else would mean you were a loser in society.

That's mostly tech that does that, and that's only because they could import tens of thousands of cheap indians to fill positions which drove wages down for everyone else.

That's slowly changing now that the reality of Trump being president is sinking in. It's why wages have finally started growing again after decades of stagnation. Companies can't just import brown people to fill the positions anymore.

>STEM grads are getting cucked out of their jobs by hordes of Indians
>Gender Studies have spent the past decade creating the perfect SocJus shitstorm to guarantee employment


If it doesn't involve at least calculus and math statistics, it's a scam.

Keep saving, that's nothing.

>Terrified of backlash
You know big Corp LOVES higher regulations right? Because they're getting only ones with the resources, staffing, and money to comply. Small businesses are the ones that get fucked.

Where the fuck do you get internet for 20 bucks a month?
Or a maid for 30 for that matter?

I passed a Python course and if you put a gun to my mom's head I still wouldn't be able to tell you a fucking about it.

Put all of that into crypto and wait for about 4 months. You'll go 100x.

Everytime I see this posted it reminds me that boomers will never truly get it.

Lawyers are the worst scum on earth.

Don't be an idiot. Nobody retires at 70, and tradies make money. They'd have to be braindead with finances if they are still working at that age

Short LYFT on Robinhood.

Oh boy now you’ve done it. Now you’ve invited political discussion and a 404 shortly after

My internet is 20 bucks a month, I live in West Europe

The janny tried to have me banned but failed so he quit and that's why we've had multiple /pol/ threads make it to bump limit today
Sorry janny, if only I knew your importance.

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>freelancer pill.

Don't take the freelancer pill, unless you want to compete with Pajeets and Xin Hui Zhangs for the dime and get scammed all the time.

you know gender studio professors make more than other professors?

Professors don't make very much.

>not just doing any upper-paying trade
>get to work right away
>pay off loans in less than half a year's pay
>union protects your ass from getting low-balled or ignored
>get some actual exercise out of it
>decent looking women in the workplace because their only jobs are to sweep the floors
There hasn't been a job site that I hated and I'm a second year journeyman electrician.

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I did 6 years in the military, got out and went on vacation for 5 months, then applied for 1 job in the same vein as my military experience and got it.

Shit's not that hard.

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are you implying this thread was video game related and shouldn't be deleted before he started talking about trump

Lose it all in crypto

>Second game has all the abusive glitches of the first game
>Game is even harder then the first

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The long con.

I'd rather have $1,000 a month than free healthcare.
>free schooling
Ah more mandatory years in the incubation chamber that I already hated. No thanks. Bring back apprenticeships.

how is that any different than working for most employers?

>get anxious just filling out basic applications
>jobs I apply for keep wanting me to record videos of myself

Please make it stop

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Fine then nigger join a startup company

Imagine losing out on a great job even though you're more qualified just because you're a perfectly normal member of society instead of a mentally ill half black tranny with pink hair and a face tattoo.

>In exchange for?
getting the apartment. you see a listing for a sweet 900 sq/ft apartment, 2 bedroom apartment in a nice neighborhood. the rent is a bargain at $2800/month. you show up and it turns out the rent is actually $3500 because in addition to rent it's *heartily suggested* to donate to this or that foundation operated by whoever the chief landlord is. if you refuse you're informed that sadly there were more suitable tenants interested in the apartment.

>as it should be

wow you think like this

>import low iq, low skill workers from around the world
>brainwash kids into thinking college is a necessity making college degrees not only mandatory for a job that isn't a McJob but also lowering the value of a degree since everyone has to have one
>won't sell their shitty McMansions they invested money in renovating for a decent price so housing is too expensive
>"Durr why is America so fucked up now, in my day I could get a job easily"
Just (((boomer))) things~

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the point is that gender studies pays more than other professors, like stem and engineers.

What was your job and what branch?

buy high, sell low

He’s only assured its destruction

No thanks. I spend my monthly GBP on lottery tickets and plan to become a millionaire within the next 5 years.

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>just spend 6 years being a mindless peon for your corporation owned government bro its no big deal

You live in the same town as the place you wish to work? Start looking up events that goes on there. People in charge of hiring and what not attend shit outside their job too and gives you chance to increase your social circle and get job.

Other alternative, work the gov. Pay is shit but they lap up almost anyone tech.

It sucks, but it does get easier the more you do it

Keep it up user, I'm proud of you for trying

>Worked at KFC for the past 3 years
>About to graduate university in a couple weeks with a CS degree
>Went to a career fair last month
>5 of the 7 employers I talked to asked for follow up interviews
>Got hired by one within a week

It's not hard, stop crying.

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>Going to graduate soon
>Have to find work
>No prior work experience
>Can't drive
>Degree is in chemistry and my grades aren't remarkable

On a scale of 0 to fucked, how are my future prospects lads? At least higher education is free in my country.

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>prequel is harder than the sequel

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Is this a NEET thing? I always hear labour jobs getting slammed on here, It certainly has it's drawbacks like anything but I find some level of satisfaction doing it, and downtime feels all the more worthwhile

If you're not a teenager and genuinely think this then you're a very stupid person

Firstly there's loads of different kinds of lawyer and whatever imagined grievance you have probably won't apply to most of them

Secondly unless you're an anarchist in which case you're retarded for a completely different reason, most of civilised society exists because of the law and people who can enforce it. If you genuinely think law can ever be simple enough to not need lawyers and still be effective then you're honestly just ignorant. Have fun in a world where people can just steal shit, lie and suffer no consequences. You'll never even see a building get built because doing so would be risky to the point of financial suicide.

STEM can make way more in industry...

>That's slowly changing now that the reality of Trump being president is sinking in.

Last time I've heard it from taxpayers right before they've got raped in the ass without a lube.

>go to uni lad everyone will be begging you to work for them
listening to boomers was a mistake

Blue collar is getting pretty bad. Boomers inflated white-collar because it's well known that you get old enough on mediocre pay that you spend your 60s and 70s in pain.
Not to mention that the corporate bullshit is starting to infect the work sites as well.
Not hating on trades but it's only something I did as a young man because I was still young and it paid better than most other positions.

College is bullshit but congrats on landing a job user

Cyber Security in the Air Force. Now I work for a DOE company doing basically the same thing(almost nothing) and making almost triple.

its not too late. I got diesel training in the Corps and used my gi bill for a bachelors. my field only started at 20ish an hour with high experience required. said fuck it and went back to being a mechanic making 36 an hour. uni isn't that valuable, but trades are

>go into psychology
>overabundance of misery and gender problems ensures I'll always make good therapy money

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>to be honest I don't even have the self-esteem to apply for most of them since I never meet the requirements.

Don't be a fucking idiot. If you don't apply you've already lost the job. Literally the worst thing they can do is say no and you already fucking started with a fucking no. Just put some shit in there that will convince them that you're serious about the job. If they invite you, show interest and know the company and what they'll expect out of the position and show competency in that. Stop overthinking and just start fucking applying. Even if it takes 100s of losses, you just need to win once so the name of the game is attempts.

>house cleaner

Are these polls ever done outside the rich, elite neighborhoods?

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So uh, they don't actually look at your GPA right? As long as everything else meets their requirements and you even have the desired qualifications they can overlook that, yea?
college was and is a mistake

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>wanting a woman who sweeps floors
>wanting to do manual labor for work instead of getting a job at an office with a gym
>working for the (((unions)))
I think i'll pass

>why are you not sucking my dick like my dad's friends do eaaahhhhhharrhggg

I'm considering that or Air Force if I don't get something better in a year. Fuck this call center bullshit.

>games still full of bugs

>Wagecucking IT work for $12.50 an hour for a document management company while in school
>Immediately bump my pay up to $36 an hour when I graduated
Yeah... college is just a meme...

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I'm in college and for part time work I'm working at the same place my trade school friend works at

>Went to a career fair last month
That sounds more like a nightmare, I just want a job where I work, get paid, and leave, that is it.

>I'd rather have $1,000 a month than free healthcare.

>I'd rather be a shitty expendable wagecuck, but at least those niggers rot in their ghettos.

Imagine being that much of useless thing.

Literally no significant amount of 25 year olds makes this. This is propaganda meant to distract you from what the median 25 year old makes

>when you put retirement-aged people in charge of social media

Bravo CNBC.

>tfw have an interview with the local union for an apprenticeship in a few weeks
Is it any different from a regular interview?
I haven't had an interview for almost 9 months now so I'm nervous.

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I have a degree and I can't get a job, because I'm socially retarded.

>lawyer desperately trying to justify being a manipulative soul-sucking parasite

>there's no possible alternatives to creating and interpreting laws besides lawyers

>implying that lawyers don't constantly use their position to try to manipulate all laws in their favor

fucking kek

> startup company

They are even fucking worse. You need to be complete retard to join literal nobodies on the promise that ONE TIME they will start paying you.

No job is going to give you that. Once you sign up with a place they own you.

Just admit you were wrong and move on man, I gave you the courtesy of an actual response and the best you can do is reeeee at me

Im going to pretend to be retarded and get government money

when 90% of your staff is trannies you need the other 10% to be fucking masters at everything to make up the difference

>mfw "boomers" and actual boomers are so used on Yea Forums its hard to know who means why generation now
Meme boomers are in the same fucked up situation as you, anyone born after the eighties has had to deal with the fucked up job market.
My dad told me to invest in real estate when I was twenty. He couldn't fathom the concept when i said I was living paycheck to paycheck how the Fuck was I gonna buy a house

Even if your grades weren't anything stellar, a chem degree looks pretty good
If you live in a city with buses / subways / some sort of public transport + some companies near colleges looking for grads then I'd hardly say you're fucked at all
If you live in Bumfuck, Nowhere though then you might have some trouble

Trump's doing absolutely nothing to help the immigration situation.
The best we got were lower taxes.
I'd rather have $1000 month.

>tfw you work as a staff accountant
>no degree, but 3 years experience doing accounting
>make decent $55k starting with largest condo management company in America
Feels okay, man. 23 atm. I could have applied myself and could be making more if I went to school, but no use crying over spilled milk. You guys just need to know how to interview. Half of it is knowing when and how to smile.

>can't drive
nigger what

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Depends on your major. Sometimes they do at your very first job, but within a year or two most companies stop caring and just see "oh, user has a bachelor's degree".

>As long as everything else meets their requirements and you even have the desired qualifications they can overlook that, yea?
Yes. If they aren't specifically looking for candidates with a minimum B average (I've never seen a GPA requirement lower than 3.0). The kicker here is that jobs where you just need a degree and their minimum/preferred requirements are either posting said job because they have to even though their intentions are to hire internally from the get go or are wanting you to make up for the lack luster GPA with some pertinent experience. Shit sucks regardless.

The states seem like a unforgiving place jobs wise after reading a few posts

why are you even replying to them. they don't understand the profession and will shittalk it regardless of what you say.. until they need a lawyer that is

Don't know how in america, but here tradesman is pretty much expendable.

>20 for internet
>40 for cellphone
>400 for groceries + 250 for dining out

what the fuck

different guy, im just shitposting at you. BITCH. give me another (you)

>no interview for 9 months
You gotta practice, user. I went to many interviews with places that were clearly scams or for places I had no intention of working just to stay sharp.

>mfw making 76k a year in trades while uni cucks barely survive paycheck to paycheck

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according to my fren who has a job, the trick is to just ignore the requirements and bullshit your way through.

Obviously this is impossible for a low-esteem autist like me.

>mfw i'm learning to trade
>no crypto bullshit or more /biz retarded shit
>use your money to make more money
>no need for college,work experience or any slave shit
>make in a month what cucks do in a year.
behold mere mortals,the job of THE ASCENDED.

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>he hasn't subtracted the debt per hour yet

Neither free healthcare or $1,000 a month saves you from being a wagecuck hell if anything $1,000 gives you more financial independence than free healthcare so I simply don't know what the fuck you're accusing me of.

it's just a couple of doomers, user. it's not as bad as it's made out to be

>tfw 31 years old
>NEET since 2007
>can't drive
>no savings
>no pension
>dropped out of high school & college (uk)
>only jobs I could ever get are in the service industry
>flipping burgers or serving coffee
>been an anxious wreck over half my life and don't deal well in high stress situations
>only jobs I could get would be high stress customer facing retail work

You're not exactly getting representative sample. You have to keep in mind that everybody posting in this thread is one click away from /r9k/.

Go to leafland and become a laborer. Minimum wage is 20/hour just to sweep floors and if you're a guy, you'll have to lift stuff. If you're a woman, other tradesworkers will lift stuff for you.

Good point.

>major in CS
>six figures starting
>flexible hours and office culture
Why haven't you taken the programming pill Yea Forums?

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>jobs want you to record videos of yourself
Are you applying to be a webcam shore?

>most of civilised society exists
hahahaha, look at this nigger, thinking that we live in a civilized society.

Thats pocket money, save more

I just want a job, I don't want to be invited to parties, I don't want to hangout with coworkers after the job, I don't want to go to lunch because I brought my own from home, I want clear tasks, not some moon logic bullshit from a marketing guy,

Not really
The main thing is that you can teach yourself and if you make your own small projects competently, you should be fine
I got a temp programming gig at Bethesda by just making a couple of basic Unreal games.
The main languages to know are C++ and Python, C# if you wanna use unity.
The basics of these languages can be picked up through YouTube tutorials and there are even online courses on the engines themselves on Udemy and such
You can do it user, I believe in you!

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The main issue for me is that i've never lived outside of my parent's house so I have no earthly clue how to function in the outside world, also i'm kind of retarded socially. In theory i'm fine moving across the country but I don't know how i'd handle it
Don't live in america mate, a lot of shit is walking distance where I live

>all those entry level jobs gonna be wiped out
>people wanting to go to school
what the fuck are people going to do?

imagine going to school for a few years and not being guarenteed a job

Just get a 4.0 GPA in college, get a good work ethic and then move to a less affluent country like I did, literally nobody there will be able to compete with you.

what if you're going in as an artist or a writer or some shit like that and not a programmer

Not everyone lives in the US

I can't drive either m8. My reaction time is beyond abysmal, I have no sense of orientation and the idea of being in control of a 1ton hunk of steel that you cannot fucking stop to look where you are terrifies me.
Also here driving schools are a goddamn mafia and cars are so expensive, especially when you count in gas and maintenance and shit that the longer I can go on without one, the better.

>reading about how they now have internships for burker king

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Almost never for programming jobs
Usually in HR, PR, Communications (social media bullshit) or “”””narrative designer”””” (aka failed author or autistic fanfic writer)

>CS major
>No job because no networking
It does not matter if you are good or bad, as long some inside is vouching for you, you can get any job.

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try hotel housekeeping, it's full of lowlife shitheads with tremendous turnover and all you have to do is clean rooms

>imagine going to school for a few years and not being guarenteed a job
haha yeah imagine...

>just graduate college
>nothing but interviews and offers everywhere
>at least half my applications led to an interview
What's with this "no jobs" meme?

I'm going the degree + CPA route
Accounting is definitely the easy mode career, you don't have to have any ambitions and you're pretty much directed straight into a solid career path with guaranteed growth

I'm from Northern Ireland and pretty much all my mates do a trade and make crazy money but I guess there's alot of factors that make that number about right

I figured it wouldn't be too different in America but I'm very unfamiliar with the job market, if this sites any window into it, I take it's bad being anything but a NEET or some cozy office job

> if anything $1,000 gives you more financial independence

>Being in lifelong debt because you stubbed a toe, gives you more financial independence.

Imagine, instead of paying the (((insurance))) to drop you off on technicality, actually being able to pay out if you get sick or need an operation, unless it's something exotic.

>there's no possible alternatives to creating and interpreting laws besides lawyers
What does that even mean? A law is a law regardless of how it is created and someone who interprets them is a lawyer. Even if you change the nature of both that's still true, though I'd be interested to know what you'd change.

Also, you can't manipulate laws. They're laws. Lawyers can't magically pull out a statute and change it. If you mean interpretation of them then again, then yeah, you're supposed to try and argue a case and then a court decides who is right. What is the alternative? There will always be disputes about things like this. If two people even write a contract it will have to be interpreted and that is normal and again there is no escaping that nor anything wrong with that. If a lawyer didn't do that then the parties themselves would, and they'd be far less capable of doing so and the winner would be arbitrary instead of who was actually right as a the result of two experts putting a point forward.

Again, this is just juvenile nonsense. The real world is more complicated than you seem to understand.

>Mom and dad divorce
>Dad gets JUSTED by alimony
>Has to file for bankruptcy
>Get my entire college paid for via grants for being a low income student with good grades

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its not as long as you aren't retarded, most people coast through college with mediocore grades, a generic degree, no internships or other student activities to boast of, and then say "why can't i get a job with such a mediocore college resume"

Here's is the (you) you desperately wanted

When did you guys realize it's all rigged and most are destined to fail while the international bankers get richer and richer and richer by loaning money that does not exist? Not to mention 5G, SO, automation, and fluoridated water.

We are living in the endgame.

>20 for internet
>850 for rent but somehow only 130 for transport,
implying that any city with good transport would have rent that low
>house cleaner getting paid I assume once per month to clean once?
this has to be bait

>Bust your ass to be competitive.
>Move to a country where your hard work goes unrewarded because there's no legit competition.
What's the point then?

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Maintenance worker, stupid. People pretend you're not there.

Do you mean that "If you're not in the US, you're not living." or "People die trying to feed themselves in the US, so not every in the US lives."

>elect Republicans to destroy American unions and deregulate consumer and worker protections for 40 years while championing unregulated capitalism
>get mad when you establish unregulated capitalism
Based useful idiot corporate bootlickers

Supposedly there will be "new jobs we haven't even thought of yet". But realistically, we'll just see more people trying their hands at making "art" after UBI gets implemented.

>so what would you say are your weak points?

how the fuck you supposed to answer this shit?

>tfw I work part time at micky d
>mentioned I have 3 years of experience in the kitchen during my interview
>pay got bumped from minimum to 12 euros an hour
>mfw making 3 times as much per hour as the 16 year olds there

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I just bought a house so I guess I’m saving on equity, 24 yrs old here

>pay for cheap community college with min wage and free financial aid
>aim for Associate's in Information Systems
>get easy Comptia A+ cert on the side
>get Entry Level IT Tech job shortly after graduation
>continue to study and grab certs in the free time
>move up due to accruing experience and certifications

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>be me
>not glorious white
>go to a mostly lefty company
>tell them I'm not white and gay even though I'm not gay but whatever this makes me gay automatically
>hire me over 10 people with college degrees and what not

>go to interview
>goes really well, hires me on the spot
>when can you start?
>cool, see you then
>get up to leave
>he throws up the shaka and tells me to stay jewish
>look down at his nametag
and that man's name was Albert Einstein

College was the way to go in the last quarter century. Now it's shifting again

Not him but, everything should be written without the possibility of interpretation.

Go into sales and take a few sales courses. The money has been skyrocketing for years, the only catch is you actually have to be good at selling or you don't get that money.

Senior salesmen get paid more than CEO's do, especially when they work for big companys and handle millon dollar contracts. You can make good money as a junior though.

I hope my degree ends up being useful.
My brother got a trade and found job immediately, but he makes no money.

>it's an "user gets drunk at the company christmas party and sleeps with the married safety officer episode"
Anyone else wants to share embarrassing stories while wagecucking?

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The jugular vein and the throat I suppose.

Literally me, thankfully I got a comfy 3 story terrace house in a good area through housing executive that is rent paid thanks to my doctor helping me due to mental health shit.

Doing an open university degree atm which is good because you don't need to deal with people apart from your tutor over the phone (and it's free on benefits). My dad ended up getting a great job thanks to them after he was made redundant 15 years ago.

the oil pipelines of north dakota


Try Studio. 1 bedroom apartments here are 2k.

Yeah, eventually I'll be going to get my degree and CPA. I live in MA, so school is no problem. The problem is motivating myself by thinking about doing auditing or public accounting. Auditing is something I actually like, and auditing fund accounting is basically what I'm doing now. Public accounting is hell on earth, and dealing with clients is literally cancer.

>when people say they've been sending out resumes for months but no callbacks as if they are entitled to the 75K job they are applying for

>minimum wage workers are older single mothers
Defend this Yea Forums? Why won't you marry them?

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>i'm too competitive, and I work too hard
absolutely wrecked, get fucked interviewer

what's your degree?

>Finish college
>Only job response in field was asking if I just forgot to mention eperience
>Apply to call center and data entry out of desperation
>Get rejected from those too.


It's split between 5 people.

>implying UBI will be implemented.
Did you know that after the industrial revolution that the working poor (the sweatshop laborers) was more or less replaced with a new working poor (that used to be middle-class?). Not even the first time it's happened either.

That's what's gonna happen to us. There's a reason the government doesn't really care too much about the opioid epidemic.

I never went to a company party, they are a waste of time in my opinion.

>I'm lucky so everyone must be lucky too ehehehe.

>taking the contractor pill

Truly the best of both worlds in US.

This man has an excellent point. Job fairs will generate interviews and offers in a way that shitty job portals never will. Some booths will tell you to apply at their website. They are fucking liars and are not really interested.

Once you have the first one, as long as you take your work seriously and are decent to the folks around you the next one will come easy.

For once it's really true, it gets better.

i knew a guy who fabricated having a fake gay bf to score brownie points with the HR department
it actually worked too

Your life sounds like shit desu

>tfw studying to be a lawyer
I'm here for the glory


Not luck, there are good opportunities everywhere.

>no college
>no experience
>get low end government job in the usa
>not completely braindead
>get promoted multiple times in 5 years
>currently get paid $60k to pretend to shuffle around papers for 3 hours a day

Ah yes the "just compete with the entirety of Harvard Grads and Asian grads and Indian grads and you'll be fine bro" excuse.

the absolute worst way to answer

>work a creative job for 4 years
>realise because its goal-driven it basically means it owns your entire life as you struggle to achieve the amorphous ill-defined never-ending "goal"
>basically can never just show up - switch on autopilot and fuck off at 5
>all the "dumb" shift based work is going to get rekt within the decade

i can't even imagine the hellscape of the future

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wont work, people need a schedule to follow or some order to their life. people just farting around all day every day will be a disaster. more people will start fucking with drugs and alcohol for the hell of it

I hope you're at top 5 law school.

>it's another "doomer neets post about the job market" episode

Insightful post anons, pepe and wojak edits really paint any and all work in the US to be wacky terrible

You're supposed to actually lie about something. Seriously just make some shit up.

>Oh man I'm always at the job early. I'm ready to go as soon as I get here and don't do good waiting around until something needs to be done. I'm always active.

It's being a humblebraggimg douchebag on top of being an improv skit. Just go with it.

>tfw fell for game design degree meme

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I really need to find these gigs. City of Mesa wouldn't hire me and I KNOW I'm better than the low IQ negresses that are usually staffed there.

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I did a public accounting tax internship, I think I'll end up going for it over auditing. Auditing sounds interesting for sure, but having to travel all the time and have the client breathing down your neck while you work at their office sounds pretty bad.

I had initially called someone else about a job I was interested in, but they weren't hiring at the moment so he recommended me to someone else in the same field who was hiring, so I got in contact with the second guy and told him I'm coming to him from the first guy, and second guy said cool, but in your resume and I'll personally pull it and get you an interview.

And that's what happened.

How do you broach that with hr??

Actual boomers don't know how good they had it. Rich don't get taxed, cost of living goes up all the time, the middle class is being raped.

That's obviously the ideal, but it's actually impossible. I doubt you'll find a statute in the whole world where the meaning is so crystal clear that no one could ever argue anything about it. Good laws though are clear in how they're applied and the outcome is predictable rather than arbitrary. Those are still usually complicated and require an expert to properly navigate.

Honestly though that's not even really a lawyer thing. Laws are created by politicians/governments. If something is badly drafted it's on them. Lawyers don't like vague laws either as it's impossible to do anything with any certainty of outcome or give proper advice.

I could have banged an older asian woman at work, but i didnt because asians somehow all know each other and word would spread like wildfire. bit I still fantasize about that ass sometimes and she still makes me hard

I legit hope we get Star Trek future, because fuck this life.

>more people will start fucking with drugs and alcohol for the hell of it
You mean what I already do with my wagecuck job?
Nigger life's already depressing, just let me quit my shitty make-work job and I'll kill myself quietly.

I saw an entry level position today that required 5 years experience and a professional license that costs over 1000 USD to get.

Tell them children and their soft, supple necks.

Through them for a loop, makes you stand out from the crowd.

>Elect democrats that implement regulations that make it much harder and more expensive to hire people
>Be upset when they expect lots of experience when the job now requires insurence for every fucking thing and paid vacations

>Not luck, there are good opportunities everywhere.
Not him, I have a comfortable job myself, you are an absolutely incorrect that happening to know the right people and happening to see an opening at the right time isn't a huge factor in employment and promotions.

If you're not going to get a 3.8 GPA and a masters in a field that actually has jobs available beyond professors who teach the subject, go to a trade school and learn how to be an electrician or a plumber. It'll take you a fraction of the time, cost almost nothing in comparison, and you'll be making way more money than all the dumb shits that went to college for years just to be making 30k.

Been at this call center for over a year and am now applying to be a boss after a lot of support from the other bosses, wish me luck and a good new wage anons

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Hello, Yea Forums.

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Not him but I'm aware that not driving in the states is almost self ostracise oneself past whatever the legal driving age is. From what I gather it's seems almost essential for both jobs and in a social aspect, given public transport is shit

I live in a 3rd world shithole, if I finish a career like that I will be a living legend.

Don't forget that the Silent Generation and Boomers both benefitted from numerous welfare programs that are now reserved for niggers.

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Hey Mike.

Then just give up and go fucking nowhere you retarded nigger

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Humanity will but all of us plebs will be culled first.
The utopia will be for the elite's descendants to enjoy.

I studied at a community college in a rough area, I was able to get good grades and scholarships, I joined community college honor societies and participated in other school clubs, I interviewed for a program with (((goldman sachs))) and got it, i worked with them for 8 months and now I graduated from CC and go to a business school I still have connects at GS and other firms where as previously i knew no one, I can now break into the industry that several IVY students would kill to be in, I met partners at GS making boatloads of money with similar stories, i'm not asian or indian and I did kinda poorly in high school. College is all about you and how you perform, if you can't get a job its your fault for not being good enough.

>thinking the unions aren't lapdogs
Why the fuck do you think Trump got elected? It wasn't because Yea Forums willed it, it was because the unions voted R for the first time in ages because Obama butt fucked them into oblivion and Hillary said she was going to continue to do so.

Grow a pair and learn. You have the fucking internet at your disposal. The very least you can do is youtube some videos and guides on how to live in the real world (balance budget, find a place, etc).

Think of your social retardation like a video game stat. Starts out shit but gets better or at least respectable with more practice.

>Make 8k a month from patreon
>All I do is make sfm fetish of sadistic chicks headscissoring or necksnapping people
>Have basically 33k in my bank account
>Still going into a trade for just in case

Yeah that college thing can be a huge scam but it depends on what you're studying.

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23 years old, biology major. Spent half a year applying and applying. Numbered in the hundreds, got rejected and ghosted so many times.

Now work for the gov't and make 70k a year.

Don't give up guys. Never give up.

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Seriously never answer like this.
Talk about something you're bad at and how you work to fix it. Nothing too bad related to the job itself but something like. I have a hard time with [x] software program. It bugged me deeply so I took an online course on my free time to make sure I know how to do it right every time. I feel a lot better about doing [x] now.

>decent looking women in the workplace because their only jobs are to sweep the floors
No user. The only women that work labor are fugly. My site can only get 50y/o overweight Flips to apply, and can only keep them by giving them the ridiculously easy jobs like inventory

Nobody fucking cares.
I swear, Anglos are fucking addicted to being miserable.
Life was better when the Meds ruled the seas.

This. The place I last worked at would hardly ever hire people even though half the jobs weren't filled and the place was half empty and there was a giant backlog of orders, because it was cheaper to make guys work overtime than to hire a new employee and give them benefits. And when they did hire people, they tried very hard to fire them once their first year was almost over so that they wouldn't have to give them paid vacations.

>tfw all the bosses that know me say im a really good worker and stuff.

I literally just go into work and mind my own business as much as possible, and just get the fucking job done. when people fuck around I call them out on it and get shit deal with quickly instead of letting issues linger and grow

>"Looking for experienced X"
>starts off at $8 an hour

I think Rowe actually eased up on some of his proposed SWEAT pledges because even he realized that the job market is shit after a couple years.

essentially true outside of san fransisco, seattle (really just now since they are building more transport), new york, and maybe a few other places, otherwise american city design is pants on head retarded and they tore up all their low level transport infrastructure, it's also the same here in canada if you don't live in either montreal, calgary, vancouver or toronto.

in tech? You could probably be an SRE or devops engi by 25 if you applied yourself at like 18, not an outlandish salary for a lot of areas on the east coast

Pic related is a CPA friend of mine. I worked at a public firm for a year doing tax prep, and he's right. Partners are typically assholes and clients are even worse. That could also be the area I live in. Fuck cities.

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Im afraid to leave the house what is the best job I can get working from hone and how do i get it

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But it's still the same way now.

If the job requires expeirence it isn't entry level. Stop applying to non-entry level jobs if you are at entry level skills.

Its super easy to get a job right now. Trump saved the economy from OBama's bullshit. Lowest unemployement ever. The only people who complain about this are discord trannies, lazy niggers, and liberals who are hoping Uncle Bernie will give them UBI.

What you will need to succeed:
- BA/BS Required. MBA or Master(s) is desirable.

- Experience in an agile and/or fast paced environment; Ability to lead multiple priorities authoritatively and effectively

- Curious and creative mindset to continually adapt to ever-changing business needs

- Consistent record of successfully working in a complex organization.

- 4+ years of HR experience across the following:

- Change and Project management

- Leadership and Talent development

- Labor Relations

- Organization Design

- People Development

- Employee Engagement

- Familiarity with HR tools, systems & processes

- Excellent social skills with audiences of all levels

- Strong Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint skills

Entry level. Entry level position right there.

>$125k job
>no debt

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It's fucking wild to just do your job and be surpass others. How low is the bar?

>no pajeets in the nursing field
>those that are I constantly see being put for trail for beating up a patient or forgetting to do basic retard checks like vital signs in a newborn with suspected cardiac issues
>one pajeet nurse might lose her liscense because she fucking put a women in a wheelchair with her baby she just gave birth to, and abandoned them for 2 hours without doing anything
>meanwhile I start out of college making 30 an hour at the minimum for a 2 year program with references due to coop placements done during the program
Feels fucking good. I love the nursing meme

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Any decent interviewer worth their salt will throw that shitty response out. I learned that the hard way when I tried saying something similar and the interviewer literally said "That's not a weakness, try again".

You're supposed to give a minor weakness you have, but then make a statement about how you've improved that part of you. ie; I'm known to be a perfectionist and this causes double check my work obsessively. I'm working on this by limiting myself to double checking myself only one and having confidence in my work.

This may only apply to decent jobs though, if you're applying for McDonalds they really only care if you can breath with your mouth closed and not dribble everywhere.

I agree with everything you have there Mr. Boomer, now are you willing to let me prove my worth and give me the job?

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Not him but last year I applied for a snapple merchandiser position, made me do all the applications online and had to download some app that had prerecorded questions I had to answer via my phones camera. It was my only experience with it but I've heard other people say it happens more frequently in big business.

How do I get effective networking? I'm in college doing software

>tech interview
>they wheel in pic

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When looking for volunteer clerk jobs for the experience meme, I found one that demanded a 13 month contract for no pay.

honestly, the mathematically best one is streaming/patreon fueled art commissions/game making (mostly porn). but these are based on either skill or intense luck or a lot of shilling to get yourself anywhere.

I don't know man, I am finding opportunities just googling. My best offer was a random interview where I had no connection to the company in any way.

Holy fuck, fuck dr pepper. The area I was in hired me on the spot and were so severly understaffed I did 5 unsupervised 12's right when I started. Worst job I've ever had for the two weeks I had it.

join an organization related to your major on campus as soon as possible
this is the key to figuring out how students are getting jobs in your major

>TFW temporary foreign workers coming and taking all the starter jobs
>they just stay forever
how do people in vancouver even survive with their housing prices

>nobody cares
not sure if you're who i responded to but if that's you're response than you just got btfo. also I take pride in my work and I enjoy doing it, if you are miserable with your work than either you are doing the wrong thing or you are just a lazy cunt

What trade?

I graduated high school got a part time job at a grocery store saved up and put myself through a disel mechanic course.

I work for a railroad now making $120,000 a year

>Trump saved the economy from OBama's bullshit. Lowest unemployement ever.
This retarded bullshit right here is why I went from voting for Trump to becoming a communist. Most republicans really are retarded and just want a cult of personality to rally behind, not someone that actually does what they campaign on. This is why boomers and conservatives have continued to vote in presidents that do nothing to stop progressives.

I'm in charge of hiring for my department for my job and I still follow the philosophy on top.

>get anxious just filling out basic applications
I get that. Was like that at first but after your first 50 applications that never got responses the feeling fades and makes room for the overwhelming desire to skin the responsible people alive.
>jobs I apply for keep wanting me to record videos of myself
What the fuck, why is that ever needed. Are you trying to be a model? Can they seriously not even take the time to personally invite you if they wanna gawk?

>Not luck, there are good opportunities everywhere.
I'm from a shit country where nepotism is the main rule to hire someone and if you're not a disgusting normalfag you'll get crush down by the shit people around you. What do I do now?

>inb4: just leave the country, duuuuuuuuuude!!

Union Pacific? I was gonna go work for them but they were gonna put me in a call center until they "promoted" me. Told them to fuck right off and enjoy their Title VII violations.

>I'm addicted to work and I want to make sure everyone is as miserable as I am

I just hope for a borg like apocalypse before I hit 40's, because I going off myself the moment everything goes to shit in my life.

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12 is the only one people should have a problem with.

As a Portuguese-American, do you think it's possible to get away with labeling my race as "Hispanic" on applications? I'm looking for corporate work, but haven't had any luck at all. I feel like I could slip into more interviews as a diversity hire, but don't want to do anything that will automatically ruin my chances of finding work.

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If you guys want a good laugh, check this out
>was found guilty of three offences which are relevant to his suitability to practise the profession, namely, inviting a person under the age of sixteen years to touch a part of his body for a sexual purpose
And more

Nah it was better when ViKANGZ ruled the seas, Nords and Celts made ultimately battle teams and were like Saiyans. I’m a fusion of a Celt and Nord which seems to be the ultimate fighter with the most battle power. Even a Spartan crumbles before me.

Did you work in the warehouse? Back to back 12's were my life at a liquor warehouse and this seemed chill, just driving around between stores in my car.

Imagine falling for the work meme

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Even if you are the whitest motherfucker since white came to white town, you should put hispanic on your job application. They can't actually ask you to prove it, as that is illegal.

>mfw I focused on grades

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Thank you, user.


What degree?

Also what trade, how old, and how long has he been doing it?

If its a good trade like electrician,ironworking, or HVAC and he moves to an industry town he will probably always make more than you do (not trying to sound like an asshole but master level electricians easily make six figures)

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The only job I ever got was doing yard work with a mexican man and I'm 30. I'm not fit for corporate culture because of my aspergers and I don't have an education to land a technical job.

interesting, i got hired right out of school by union pacific as a chief conductor, but then again I got a bachelors degree

Vikings were cool and all but they went too far down the chill bro path and now they're all pussies.
Italians aren't white but they're super chill and don't think about working all the time like Anglos do, but if you piss them off they get in your face.

Holy fuck lol don't do this
They want to know if you have a weakness you're capable of overcoming it, worst comes to worst be honest but just give them something that won't seem like much of a red flag.

I'm a butcher and I'm too stupid to teach myself any other skills.

>No prior work experience
This is the one that's gonna fuck you in the ass, they aren't even gonna read the rest. Welcome to our hell.

I'm looking for a tech job now, but I'm too insecure in my skills since, despite getting a bachelor's in computer engineering, I haven't really done anything of value outside of school assignments (make the database for a fake website, make a 2-3-4 tree, etc.) or an internship I had 9 months ago (the only things of note I made there were some demo scripts). I feel like I'm actually just worthless at this, and everyone around me's either too computer-illiterate or too nice to tell me.

I'm not sorry for you

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No I was a merchandiser in the Iowa area. Was barely trained and was completely unsupervised where I was. Quickly switched to an easier and more well paying job thanks to a connection, though. Thought I could never sit in a chair for 8 hours, but here we are.

Call centers can be soul crushing though, so it is not for everyone.

Just come to Portugal instead.

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open your own business, unless you live in some shitty place where people don't appreciate or buy high quality meat.

This. Then after a laugh, make up something that is a double edged sword like "tend to be strict ensuring XYZ meets quality standards" or "can become highly focused on ensuring a project is completed".

Ouch. I hear time and time again, most jobs will take the guy with the weaker GPA and lots of extracurriculars over the guy with a 4.0

Bretons have the most magicka and Nords have the most strength, high int and str builds seem to be the best. Alteration can increase speed, agility and defense and with high str you can use blunt, axe and sword the most effectively

I have a masters and they were gonna stick me in their call center. I laughed and then asked if they were serious. They said that's how they did things in that department and I told them they'd have to add a zero to their offer or I was not interested.

yard work>>>>> being in a shitty office with shitty people

>need a car to work
>can't afford a car
>need a job to save up for one
>can't get a job because I don't have a car

Never, ever live in a city with shitty public transportation.

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What city?

You bought in one of the big 5 right?

>Jew york

They live outside of Vancouver or there is like 6 of them living in a one room condo.

>Never finished high school
>Never held a job
My life is ruined isnt it?

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>bring in 300 million brown people willing to work for pennies, and/or leach off the welfare system
>"lmao how come people can't find jobs"

>no san francisco

Irish are the same went and they went ViKANG as well. Going ViKANG is like going Super Saiyan. Vikings weren’t a people. Pay attention low IQ muditterainian gayboi

Methheads can get jobs user, there is always hope for you!

ah yes the good old "anybody who does work is miserable" meme
anybody who says this is just a cuck who didn't try hard enough in life and got put in a position where he has to do something shitty for the rest of his life. any successful businessman (my father included) will work well past the age of retirement even though they have more than enough to retire.
The simple fact is that you were brought up to have a shitty attitude and work ethic therefore you will never know how it feels to work to complete something worthwhile and rewarding, have fun being miserable

Because they spent 25+ years on easy mode and didn't do shit with it

The worst part that gets to me, some lazy retard got a job as soon college was over because his cousin was an employee in some big company.

>What do I do now?
You'll have my sympathy and best wishes. I can't claim to know about anything outside the USA so I won't.

>never finished high school

isnt there some adult highschools around?

I'd probably do it again but I quit a year ago and became a NEET. It's tiring work but working outside isn't that bad unless you work on a shitty property.


How's healthcare over there? Would visiting a psychologist be possible?
Treating your obvious mental issues first and foremost probably helps towards the rest.

>quit PhD 4 years in

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all that means you have it harder now to turn things around, but that's literally all there is to it
use the internet and your free time to look for that "thing" that appears to be a solution to your current situation, because you know it fucking exists.

interesting, i'm also larping and would never work in RR

My first "full time" job outside of contracts after getting my Masters suckssss

>Every other week I am learning a "BRAND NEW PROCESS" we will use moving forward
>Processes always fucking changing. "Hey you know how we do X? Well now we're doing it Y because boss wants to see that in your reports"
>Still end up finishing all my work sometimes and just sit on my ass because I don't wanna ask my boss 5x a week "Hey you want me to help you"

This isn't worth 50k a year, I want to get a job in the public sector again

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Minwage is always available. As long as you're not braindead retarded and show up in a collared shirt, you can get a grocery store job or whatever. They don't need you to be skilled, they just need bodies that can put shit on shelves.

do grades really not mean shit? did I got memed?

This seems to be a common thing with zoomer cringoids

>welding is bad
That's 1 Grade A yikes from me.

why what happened

Not that guy, but I tried to join a couple of clubs here in uni, but they met like once a month and they were more for vanity rather than doing anything productive. I'm just going to list them all down on applications and if they ask about them I'll come up with something. Not like they'll go down there to find out.

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>I mean I GET a nice high off doing work so I don't see why anyone else is complaining
>If they can't learn to live like me they should just die

I got my GED at 22 or 21. You can do trades and community college with a GED
>tfw no bf

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It isn't, but it'll take more work to fix it and it'll just get harder as you get older. You should probably go get a GED.

Not any better in tech. Replace goal driven with "have to learn every new thing and trick someone shits out" on the market. If you aren't dedicating a portion of your off hours to keeping up, you're asking for the unemployment line.

I feel bad for you guys, Who else /barely made it/ and got a job before every industry gets increasingly saturated?

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depends on the degree, but generally above a 3.2 or so gets your foot in the door at least

I'm interested with being a welder, what's the pros and cons of it?

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You are pretty much limited to grunt work and self teaching.

Just end it now m8

Fort worth my friend

Yes, grades are fucking useless in the current market, don't focus on the grade, focus on making friends, they will get you a job.

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chief conductor?

Lol are you a trainmaster (Manager)?
If so it had nothing to do with your bachelor degree ive seen them hire managers from best buy for that position

the call center like crew clerk?
You do know how much they make right?
Not to mention pension and i am pretty sure they are still unionized
With loads of pensions. Sorry to sound like a cunt but you may have been a bit of a snob because of muh masters

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>tfw took the zoomer pill and have realized that all problems currently faced by society is caused by boomers
>stupid regulations and censorship of the internet
>boomers who have never used a computer before writing the laws
>tons of mud slimes migrants raping everyone
>someones gotta pay for the boomers gibsmedats
>school shooters constantly
>boomers can't raise kids, just be urself xd
>young men are having no sex
>don't worry young ladies being a whore is liberation!
>no one can afford a house or car anymore
>gotta liquidate the entire economy so boomers who own homes didn't get fucked over by the recession!

When will these old fucks die off already?


Fellow tradies, how do I maximize my living as a sparky? I did the college meme and ended up wasting 5 years of my life for a worthless piece of paper, I’m making more as an electrical apprentice now than I was at my “BA required; MBA preferred” job. But I want to get into the big numbers like I know some electricians do, what’s the best road to take?

Overworked and drastically underfunded. I'm not on the spectrum and not a total spaz so I'd be waiting months and months to see a psychologist.

I've done CBT therapy twice before and it's helped me a little bit. I used to not even be able to look at someone in the eye when speaking to them.

Therapy isn't really going to help me overcome my massive issues with education and employment though. I can't just 'b myself' into a job with a 12 year employment gap with no qualifications and basically no life experience.

>getting out after six years of being a 35G
Entry level for some jobs are like 90k, literally set.

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I know it's a platitude but you're still young, you still have time to get your life together, you just gotta swallow your pride and work your way up from the bottom.
Get your GED or whatever your country's equivelent of it is though, that'll help heaps.

ungrateful ass faggot. at least you had someone to give you a nice comfy foothold that allows you to actually pursue higher education. theres a ton of people who are busting their ass just trying to live(me included). fuck this gay earth.

>27 years old
>zero (0) friends
is it too late for me?

>TFW tech companies are buying in seattle and vancouver because san Francisco is too expensive even for them

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70? that's generous

"I get very angry at people asking stupid questions"

That guy's job is litterally telling people that their jobs aren't that hard

>You'll have my sympathy and best wishes.
Thank you, lad.

honestly being a yardworker sounds like a dream job to me, especially in a big property if you have your own little cart
>don't have to talk to anyone
>drive around listening to music and podcasts all day and comfily trim some grass and pull weeds and shit

>3.2 or so

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How are you guys getting the good offers?
Here in Arizona its:
>24/7 Contract work that is clearly designed to allow worker abuse and avoid labor laws
>Insular blue collar work that's either entirely Mexicans or old union boomers who don't want to step off their cash cow (don't become a mechanic here, its oversaturated)
>California corporate bullshit that pays you low and treats you lower

I have a bachelor's (In STEM, even though I know its a bullshit degree its a bullshit degree I can actually bullshit with) and not one company has offered me more than $15 an hour. People in the Air Force with bachelor's can skip to becoming an officer and make 45K starting. Something is clearly fucking wrong here.

whats the point of living if you're miserable, if i really hated work that much I would move to a tropical place like thailand, the philippines etc and open up a shop running dive trips or someshit, or i'd live in a van travelling around the country doing whatever i want. theres no reason you should hate work that much, doing work is a part of life, and as a person whos spent a better part of 6 months doing absolutely nothing i can say that having work is better than sitting around

Grades only mean shit if you're going to a super prestigious college. One where the curriculum actually demands an inordinate amount of your time. Your typical public state University grades are only there to get you past the first round of graduate school/ entry level weed outs. Everything else requires networking and extracurriculars.

If you're European you don't need a High school diploma to learn a trade.
CNC operator

>go to art school, constantly ridiculed by STEMfags
>land a job a week after graduating
>$40/hr to do technical illustrations, can work from home and set my own hours

I have peers that went on to become world famous tattoo artists who have people flying across the planet for their shit, friends that do graphic design and branding for Fortune 500 companies, etc. all while STEMfags are bragging about landing some shitty IT position at a local high school or whatever

I feel like being part of a family business kinda fucked me. I learned how to do one thing but then we had to close up shop. We're trying another type of shop now but it's not really working out. I'm not gonna be able to rely on my parents but I also didn't really acquire enough skills that are useful without also being sorta part of the ownership. If this new shop fails, I'm basically starting from square one. I'm not alone though and I know it, I see people three times my age collecting carts from supermarket parking lots. I thought I was above that, but those people probably did too at one point. I see myself doing shit like that soon unfortunately and settling for "just enough to get by" instead of a good career.

Get your GED and join the military, go into a career field that translates to the civilian world, and press on.

mine will be similar but change donations with car insurance/payments and weeb/vidya shit. Fuck charities. They just take your money for themselves

We are fucked.

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Absolutely yes. Even claiming you're gender fluid would be acceptable.

Nope, I'm in human resources. I do employee development, which in non-newspeak is "training". Since I'm a HR guy, though, I'll never be union. They were going to pay me 35K a year. I make 35K a month working for myself building training materials for businesses. Now, in all fairness, that's just in a really good month but in a really bad month I'll still make 6000 or so.

Of course, I'm roleplaying. Only idiots believe what they read on Yea Forums.

i didn't want to continue in research and just cut my losses

least i got a paid scholarship

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What matters is where you went as much as your grade. When it comes to college/university not all degrees are created equal.

>been applying for months
>only 5 responses which were rejection emails
I don't know what to do anymore bros. I'm literally overqual for all of them. I'm applying to dozens of fields now and they aren't even fucking replying. JUST REJECT ME YOU FUCKING SACKS OF SHIT!

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>getting a degree in anything other than Machine Learning

I shiggy diggy

Because I like where I live except for the job situation, so I get paid like shit to get treated like dirt and spend the majority of my waking life in service to people I really just fucking hate doing shit I have no interest in doing, but because I'm able to be "good" at things but not "great" at things I'm constantly stuck in a flux where I'm not good enough to really make a name for myself and runaway with success or at least work middle-management, but still good enough that doing my menial call center shit for 13.50 an hour makes me feel like death itself.

And even if I got a good job I'd still only want to work 6 hours a day max.

Nord with the lady birthsign was always good for a pure warrior build and not getting your shit completely pushed in

i make that in a month. Keep saving zoomie

How I got my job:
>1 year of trade school (paid for entirely by VA benefits
>1 application
>1 letter of recommendation
>1 resume copy-pasted from a template
>1 phone interview
>you're hired!

It took me only 13 months to go from high-school diploma and no home to a livable $20 an hour with no debt. And experience-gated positions in the industry can climb as high as $60.

Learn a technical labor trade you fools! I'm set for a simple life with zero effort.

>labeling my race as "Hispanic" on applications?
>company demands your fucking race on a job application

America is so fucked, holy shit that's insanely illegal everywhere else in the world.

>own a house and RV
> got loans on both, paid off the RV and had my interest go down
>have assistant manager position 4 times a week 4 hours overtime and tips
>work 2 days a week 24 hours doing construction
>no student loans
>will pay off my house in a year
>parked car and rv, $5 a month in insurance
>walk to work
>bike to the grocery store
Lmao get on my level zoomies

>tfw 27 years old and working as surgical booking coordinator at a hospital, making 55k a year (AUD so more like 30k in real money)
>have to do a shitload of overtime to keep the place from imploding but it was the only job I could get with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) because of the fucked economy
>contract ends in December but there's no way I'm staying on
What do I need to do to start building a career at 28?

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>went through all four years of high school
>miss a few credits
>go to take the test
>turns out I'm surrounded by a bunch of dropouts and it's literally the same fucking test as the GED one
Why the fuck did I waste four years of high school instead of taking this piss easy test? You're actually less of a retard if you drop out, honestly. You barely actually learn anything new past two years in high school anyway.

You just need to be fast and efficient to make a profit and if you're slow your customers will be disappointed. And a lot of your customers are picky. Other than that it's the kind of job that anybody can do, you just need a truck, some tools and some practice.

Nursing field is flooded with flips and as I understand it they're slowly pushing all the doctor duties on the nurses to cut costs.

Redpill me on machine learning

I figured out that I wanted to do movies in junior year of college, it was too late to change my major.

Be persistent, you virgin. You have to be calling these people and insisting they look over your shit. They probably threw your application in a folder and never looked at it again because you didn't follow up hard enough.

just leave it off your resume if its lower
if they ask for a gpa in the application just come up with some way to make it higher, maybe your major GPA or something

>it depends

That is what a scam is.

>Didn't know what I wanted to do career wise
>Parents make the decision for me
>It worked out alright
I could be replaced by automaton someday, but I guess that is the possible future for certain healthcare jobs.

well they are working for railroads

In my 5 years working for one let me tell you railroaders are greedy and stupid. YOU DO NOT NEED AN EDUCATION TO BE A CONDUCTOR AND A SENIOR ENGINEER WILL MAKE $140k EASY.

The fact is man you took STEM which yeah 15 years ago was in demand but now pajit and Victor wong all took that and they are willing to work for $15 an hour.

Railroads on the other hand offer a very difficult lifestyle that combined with a high turnover rate,no one applying, and multi billion dollar companies they are willing to pay top dollar for people who just got by in highschool to work a road switcher at 3 am

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>foreign graduate who just came to the US a few months ago
>graduated college 9 years ago.
>already turned down 3 job offers before choosing a 25/hr job with benefits
Are Americans just whiny because they're already thousands of dollars in debt before taking their first job?

It's not required on any application. There is always a decline to respond option. The guy you gave a (You) to is a retarded spic who doesn't know how to use drop downs.

well im not role playing and i hate to say it but you turned down a very lucrative career from UP

What college gives a degree in machine learning?

>most of the girls I talk to on tinder ask me how much I make and what career I did
>tfw still going to university
can a regular man get a date these days?

It's a field focused specifically on AI and data analysis and will be one of the last jobs to be replaced this century.

no offense but working in a call center sounds really shitty, I'd use my time that i'm not working to figure out a way i could do something else, i.e education, self-teaching, or just finding a new career. There's probably something out there that you would not only enjoy but WANT to actually do all day. I didn't know about how good it feels to complete a big project until i worked for 8 months on a project for a firm and finally got to see the finished product

Depends on the field of course, but typically your grades matter when getting you in to the doors post graduation. Extra stuff and job experience all matter too. Typically you have to imagine that the average college grad is getting above a 3.0, and if they aren't then the degree the achieved probably doesn't place too much of a focus on grades.

A lot of times your interviewer won't realize your gpa until they are looking at your resume in front of you. At that time it's nice to hear "Oh, looks like you did very well in school " and know your off to a good start

There are "undesirable" jobs that are often open but not taken because of some stigma.
Being a garbage man for example. They actually make good money.
Also anything with corpses. Udnertaker etc.

>tfw when had shit grades but co-oped.
>tfw got hired 1 month right out of school

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That's chump change for being out of college for 9 years. You should be making at least $5-10 more an hour.

>prequel is jazz

I'm not above that but I'm sure they'd find it concerning if a fresh college graduate isn't shouting their 3.x GPA from rooftops. What's worse is if they'd ask in the interview.

They are just desperate sluts that want a cashcow user

>braindead trannies

If you can't hired how would you know who is working there senpai?

And how do you know they aren't more qualified than your ass?

>all my work experience is doing bookkeeping for my dad's business
>have no idea how to break into bookkeeping for other businesses
Send help

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>"hey, you like computers, why not try Computer Science?"
>get in
>mfw after 2 years

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What do you mean by projects? I always see people saying that when talking about coding.

>Employees lie on their resumes
>Companies filter the requirements to prevent this
>People lie more
>More filters
Just lie, it's expected that both you and the company lie to each other, you will inflate your resume with non valid or outright fake experience and they will put in retarded requirements to prevent people from lying too hard.
Basically that offer is for everybody, it has too much to actually be real, they just want to see who has the guts and self confidence to take on that offer, if they put the real requirements there they would have 1 million applicants the next day.

>working for an hourly wage and not a salary with benefits

Attain acumen
Become better
Create competence
Develop dexterity
Enhance expertise
Find finesse
Handle hardness
Increase insight
Join judgement
Kindle knowledge
Lose lethargy
Make mastery
Network neurons
Obtain organisation
Procure proficiency
Quash quirks
Raise rating
Stockpile skill
Take training
Usurp utility
Value victory
Wrest worth
Xerox xenia
Yield yourself
Zap zeroes

>>get to work right away

Incorrect, trades are even more difficult to geta job in after trade school.

Trades REQUIRE connections to get started. College doesn't.

You're better off going indie and getting noticed by a big company

>dining out
>cell phone
>health insurance
>house cleaner
Complete waste of money.

>will use savings to buy a large plot of land
>sell plots to racist old boomers with tons of money and rent out lots/houses to racist zoomers with tons of money and make a comfy ethnotown where racism can’t exist.

>Have interview with tax office for an admin position
>Interviews go well enough
>Have to meet super strict CFO to get the go-ahead
>Walks in wearing jeans and a t-shirt with his arm in a sling
>Have pleasant conversation with him about everything except work
>He gives the go-ahead and I get hired
>Tell co-workers about how nice he is
>They give me the most confused looks I've ever seen
>Turns out when I met him he was high on painkillers
>Meet him for real a month later and he's completely insane

Sometimes, luck helps.

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Oil Workers
Underwater Scuba Divers
Real Estate Agents
Salesmen (SaaS/Software/Heavy Industry)
Executive Recruiters

Not to mention a million different start-ups and small businesses.

Anyone can learn ML, all you need is to be a good programmer.

Become self employed twitch streamer or make websites and collect money from ads for a living. I am sure you also can always be hired as a courier.

persistence my friend, I didn't even get the foot in the door for 9/10 of the hospitals I applied for. It only takes on offer.

What does the schooling look like? Do you need to know any hard science or advanced math to get into it?

I guess I'll just have to learn coding and become a code monkey, even though I despise coding, (which I can't learn on company time anyways) if this next interview falls through. I'm going to ask for minimum 18.50 an hour even though I make 13.50 right now because fuck this i'm demanding more.

>apply for hundreds of jobs
>not even a call back

Why are employers so fucking racist against asians

My friend took a job at the university he studied at, just to pay off his student debts faster. They've been using that scam for years.

I got some hardness you can handle.

Not on tinder. Seriously, don't use tinder as a man. You'll just give yourself confidence issues.

12 hour shifts are where its at as long as they don't demand OT. Might as well just spend your whole day working if your gonna be there. It's really nice to just bust two out, take a day off and then run your last day of the week.

if you don't like coding than you probably shouldn't do it, you'll just be miserable doing something else

>25/hr is "chump change" for an old grad with no work experience
No wonder people would rather hire illegal immigrants.

>No I was a merchandiser in the Iowa
Spooky that's where I applied.
>Call centers can be soul crushing though, so it is not for everyone.
Marketlink? Nationwide? I'm sure you don't wanna give too much info those are just where friends of mine shortly worked.

What I'm saying is that $25/hr is approximately $53k/year. That's chump change. He should be making more, but he's a retarded foreigner who doesn't know what USD is worth. Even then, plenty of jobs pay hourly, depending on field, even in STEM. Though, he doesn't quite seem smart enough good the consulting type, does he?

Considering I've made more in the 18 months since walking away than I would have made in about eight years with UP and put more into my 401K and Traditional/Roth IRA than that pension would have given me in that time period, I am unsure. Plus I'm working for an international chemical company now. I don't have a pension, but I have stocks that are adding up to more than UP's pension scheme.

Plus I'm on the labor relations panel. The unions suck my dick, not vice versa. We let a plant strike because they wanted bullshit we weren't willing to give them and they went back to work after six months like the weak willed jizz slurping faggots all union boys are. Only lost a touch of productivity, too. You can thank me for developing the training materials that allowed our employees to do what brain dead union losers do.


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Stay in the medical field, regardless of what you go in to you have qualifications to get into management since so much of the hospital is coordinating beds etc. Go back two years and get your RN, work your way up to management or house sup. Make 90-100k

Diversity quotas = brown people.

I don't even know where to meet new people, help.
>You'll just give yourself confidence issues
Yeah, it's seems that if you are not a turbo chad you will most likely going to feel like a failure but at the same time it makes me thinks that turbochad probably don't waste time using this crap

>dems always support legislation that enables or creates more unions

>republicans usually do anti-union stuff

>Trump buys info from face book, gives it to wikileaks ot pass it to the Russians so they can use it for their online interference.

>They use it to convince those unionists that the ground is the sky


Welcome to the ric- to the club.

Move to Bumble it's better from my experience.

Place Called Compass Group

>tfw english degree

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>didn't pay attention to Obama putting lord knows how many staunch union D voters out of work
>didn't pay attention to Hillary saying she was going to do the same

The very first thing I did after training was join the local union and ask around for work in the first meeting I attended. Got one in a week. It's actually that simple. The trades are starving for apprentices.

Thats fine with benefits assuming their is room for growth. If there was no way to get to 80-100k I'd be pretty pissed though.

>Working for a salary
>Yeah pajeet we are going to need you to pull 70 hours a week for the next 6 months
>Project done
>Here you go buddy good work
>$5000 bonus

>Working hourly for union
>Hey Ted how about that new contract, pretty tough negotiations huh?
>Yeah Frank i know but hey our pension is good and we are making $42 an hour now
>((Boss)) Frank, Ted i need you two to work overtime today
>Ah no sorry man its friday wife and i are going out

Geeee yeah i wonder which one id rather

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