>have only ever played vanilla Doom
>finally decide to try GZDoom
This is amazing. Let's have a Doom thread.

Post cool WADs.

Attached: 3907-doom-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x1207, 285K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tried this for a bit.
Looks really nice, but far from perfect.
Had some fun with it by mixing in Project Brutality.
dtwid2 kinda suck because it imitate doom 2

My favorite is UAC Labs

The Moon Man mod is kind of a dead meme but you should play it if you haven't before. It's funny and cheeky enough

Based and ericpilled. Is there any School-Shooting wad out there that's actually good?

I tried playing Unloved recently. Pretty unnerving. Great atmosphere. On the opposite side of things, I like playing Doot combined with Beautiful Doom (with the gore effects turned up). Gets pretty funny.

is Brutal Doom worth playing?

Had a lot of fun with Hellbound+Demonsteele, they work really well together
Going to try UT&T I guess, vanilla
some TC recently got released with some demon cow bitch, looks interesting
Pirate Doom is always good
there's a fuckload of at least decent mods and wads floating about

ancient aliens

Attached: cFbldPnl.jpg (640x360, 51K)

back to Saturn x

Attached: 9Blt0.png (1280x700, 236K)

give it a shot, I don't really play it much as it sort of turns it into a standard military shooter in some aspects, Project Brutality does the formula better imo since it just takes the formula balls to the wall
BD just kind of makes everything *epic* without any thought given to balance or encounter design, it's ok in short bursts I guess
some more shit I really enjoyed includes GMOTA and a mod that has a chance to spawn elites/mini bosses
you can combine that with some RPG mods which drop random loot and shit, forget what they're called but they're easy to find

on a side note, Quake has a lot of quality content too, so far I've played some Arcane Dimensions, Trevail, going to play Quoth or something next

WGRealms2 Siege Breaker

alien vendetta

I'm playing the BFG edition. It's actually really fun and intuitive with a controller but I no longer hold up on Ultra Violence.

>playing the censored version

I'm playing project brutality and it's neat and all, but is there a setting to disable reloading? I don't see one in the menus.

>GZDoom runs like hot ass
>most mods require it

Attached: 1423895213318.jpg (212x249, 8K)

fuck graf zahl

>>GZDoom runs like hot ass
What's your setup? It runs great for me. Granted, I've only been replaying the base games so far.

This one's my favorite right now.

Attached: moddbpreacher.jpg (420x262, 23K)

*adds telemetry*

Attached: 4760551.png (100x100, 8K)

Play Demonsteele.
It's fun for what it is, but I think the later versions add too much bloat. Versions .17/.18 or the Project Brutality versions derived from those are good.

I'm still working on my wad, but I'll post a screenshot and two tracks I did for it

A cover of The Antichrist by Slayer, done for the map in the screenshot
A cover of Square Hammer by Ghost for a different level in the wad

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20190415_170652.png (1920x1080, 855K)

I've tried all kinds of setups from having everything high to everything turned off but it varies from mod to mod really, Pirate Doom for example (even with the fixes for the later versions) still runs like shit despite not being that fancy compared to other mods that look and run better

I also get some stuttering from time to time even if i enable V-sync


*meant screen tearing

Not really. I played it for about an hour and it's just a bloated, poorly designed, stylistically boring mess. If you want something like that but actually fun, get Russian Overkill.

Make the floors white. That would look badass.

looks nice

brutal doom bad do i fit in guys

ya its not the best but the hate this mod gets is pure autism.

Thanks anons!

White huh? I'll have to mess with that. I'm using almost entirely vanilla assets, music aside. I'll definitely look into some different colored floors.

It's okay for people to not care for brutal doom, my dude. I don't particularly like it myself, I've always preferred vanilla gameplay w/ mouse support, but without being able to free aim

i mean ya brutal doom isnt perfect and im not saying people can't have opinions but overall the doom community acts all elitest.bout bd and its just autistic faggotry.

I think people just get sick of it being *the* mod to recommend and get sick of people saying it's *the* way to play it when it's different from vanilla Doom.

it's not completely awful but if you wanted to play a enchanced, more violent vanilla there are plenty of addons that do that (ex.Smooth Doom, Ketchup etc.) without changing the core gameplay
If you wanted a completely insane wreckfest that are gameplay mods that deliver much more than brutal doom does

Probably that columbine wad made by some edgy dude a while back who follows Eric and Dylan as his messiahs.

I tried out a white rock texture in that section of the level and it looks awful on the floor, contrasted wayy too much with the brown stone in the area.

Demonsteele is too fucking good. If the author had the ambition, he'd make it its own game because it can stand on its own with its current combat goals of avoiding damage and rewarding the player with points and special moves.

I meant like a marble brick kind of look. But I thought the walls were dark grey, and I thought that color scheme would really fit the sky and contrast the imps.

Strange Aeons and High Noon Drifter with the compatibility patch so you can play them together.

Oh the marble textures. They're green though, not white. Yeah I'll take a look at those, since they're entirely in their own section of textures.

Would you guys pay $5 for a new game made in GZDoom?

Complete it first and you can name whatever price you want.


Attached: Doom.png (1543x6892, 1.67M)

Absolutely, if it was high quality. Even if it was just a Doom clone from a gameplay perspective.

The texture itself looked good but not the color, it just didn't mess on the floors well. There's gotta be something else I can use to make the imps stand out more, so I'll keep looking into that.

I always wanted to but I keep jumping engine and to be honest, this is the only one that's kind of possible for a 1 person team.

Second response meant for

no one has ever sayed that tho the doom putists just are being faggots.

ketchup is the same mod same dev

Do what you must, but finish it so you can see what you're capable of, as well as see what else you want to make when this one is done.

Hdoom best Doom

to bad its weeb faggotry

DUSK was made in Unity by one guy.

I haven't really done anything since 2010 but has GZDoom introduced any interesting graphical features?
I remember that 3D floors and simple spherical dynamic lights being the most complex things.

And it shows jokes asides, I just think that making maps for 3D engines takes too much time unlike doom/build engine

Get a load of this guy.

Attached: Doom.png (1122x964, 1.24M)

>Strange Aeons and High Noon Drifter
Link i wanna try this

freeaim or default mouse aim?

>The texture itself looked good but not the color, it just didn't mess on the floors well. There's gotta be something else I can use to make the imps stand out more, so I'll keep looking into that.
Granted my comments are probably just coming from a complete lack of knowledge on how doom hacking works. It already looks fine based on that screenshot.

It's all on the zdoom forum thread for High Noon Drifter, user. I'd get you a link but I'm on the toilet and it's kind of a pain in the neck

Why's it so hard for people to just use the terms in the games? Freelook, or mouselook is what you're talking about.

If the WAD uses fancy new features, you deserve to use fancy new abilities, like mouselook and jumping. If the WAD is vanilla, well you shouldn't be using GZDoom anyway in that case, but mouselook and jumping are not okay in that case.

those recommendations need to be updated

same shit different pile

>still doesn't have the best mod listed

Attached: moondoom.jpg (1360x766, 266K)

I'm seriously suprised no one mentioned Total Chaos, it truly puts GZDoom at it's limits. I loved the living shit out of it and hope you will too OP

10/10 thread OP, thank you for not being utterly useless

I like the megaman one for multiplayer.

oh theres no hacking involved, you use an iwad for resources and you basically draw all the sectors with your mouse on a grid. I seriously think anyone can make a doom wad if they sit down with Doom Builder 2 or GZDoom Builder. You have the right idea, I just have no idea what other texture to use.

btw, anyone like total conversions? Blade of Agony is fantastic if you want a good wolfenstein game in current year

What wads would you recommend for Demonsteele?

man this is one of the most aesthetically pleasing wads i've ever played. absolutely gorgeous.

Attached: 1218873384_3_dimensionoftheboomed.png (1280x1024, 421K)

whats the proper load order?

Attached: d2wad.jpg (874x655, 49K)


haha racism is epic d00d!!!!

Hell if I know. Try maps first (strange aeons), high noon drifter next, then compatibility patch last.

where can i download this?

what this fag said, but unironically

Golden Souls 2 is fun, everything is polished and I love it

nvm found it

Attached: Capture.jpg (654x217, 18K)
Best Doom+

I've been having fun with Doom RL Arsenal recently.

Are you seriously going to do the old forum "nvm found it" thing and not show anyone else where you got it? Come on dude.



click the second mega link, download the newest file.

>have only ever played vanilla Doom
>finally decide to try GZDoom
do you have brain damage?

Doom 4 was good fuck yall

It felt more like Painkiller than Doom.