Were going home bros...
How do you warriors plan on farming your WW axe if youre one of the first people to level 30?
Classic wow
Other urls found in this thread:
>One of the first to 30
Objectivelly not happening.
Ask your level 40+ Warlock and Hunter friends for help.
got a pallybro (holy) that will help me get it early.
Yeah its wishful thinking but if they are 40 bu time im 30 they arnt gonna be willing to help.
Toppest of keks if you honestly believe one pally can help you beat the 40 elite let alont the fuckign elementals that droop the talismans.
For lvl 20-59, what's your tier list for 1v1 world pvp?
I got:
1- Druid
2- Hunter
3- Rogue
4- Warlock
5- Mage
6- Priest
7- Paladin
8- Shaman
9- Warrior
>Druid #1
Correct opinion. You might not win all the fights, but are never losing. Druids are the ultimate escape artists.
Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
Say goodbye to most of your classes.
No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
might be able to get a small raid with me and all the other warriors and just help each other after completing it.
Hunter is definitely #1. Every hunter levels as BM so it's always a 2v1 when you fight a hunter. The pet will do more damage than the hunter most of the time.
>one of the first people to level 30
Sure if you do nothing but play wow every minute you're awake, go to sleep for 3 hours every night, have a water cooler filled with mountain dew and a crate of doritos by your computer and wear a diaper
The rogue poison quest is pretty hard when you first hit 20, but with a group of 5 rogues it's not a problem. It should be the same with 5 30 warriors. Hopefully.
I'm gonna make a group of hunters and patrol around stv
>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail
>1- Rogue
>2- Hunter
>3- Rogue
>4- Rogue
>5- Rogue
>6- Rogue
>7- Mage
>8- Rogue
>9- Warrior (twink)
>10- Warlock
>11- Rogue
>12- Rogue
>13- Rogue who didn't figure out how to front stab
>14- Paladin (protection)
>15- Mage (arcane)
>poop- Shaman kek
>16- Rogue who didn't figure out how to front stab
hunter pet didnt scale with ap in vanilla so while hunter is strong vs a lot in 1v1s, pet isnt as dominant as it was in bc and wotlk. hunter still has a lot of good tools but druid usually beats hunter 1v1 and its like the 1 matchup warriors can do well in (on paper)
>Most of your classes
You mean 3 1/2 out of 12?
Somebody just fucking tell me if Shaman's Windfury will be neutered already, or if I will be able to obliterate faggots with a single lucky proc.
I don't want to play a neutered class again.
It was neutered before 1.12 so it'll be the nerfed version.
You can still obliterate with a single proc with sulfuras
get the fuck back on retail faggot belf.
Oh well, guess I'll make a hunter or a rogue then, just to know what it's like to be completely broken.
>all of these losers that never played old school wow and just want to act like it was the best thing ever
Literally fuck off. Nobody who actually played classic has any faith in actiblizz and you're outing yourself as a zoomer faggot posting these threads.
What class has the least amount of abilities and doesn't suck? That's what I wanna play (ps: no rogue)
But those are not broken
found the shitter lmao
I'll have a group of friends who will all be helping each other do everything. Assuming they dont quit before lvl 30...
I hope you guys have a party going into this, I'm worried that discord communities will be the only way to make friends
i'd prefer if we were going back to TBC
Me too and I hope we do eventually progress to it.
Excuse me, but my list was constructed via thousands of hours of testing via Crogge's many private servers. I have tested the limitations of the game via formulated objective and forward-thinking analysis that would make even the most prudent skeptics impressed via the pure rigor of my scrutiny and raw tenacity via my data.
>people datamining the beta build
>bosses apparently only have 3,750 armor
>private servers have bosses set to 4,800 armor
>mfw all those faggots crying that private servers are easier than retail due to having incorrect values
Daily reminder tbc babies are subhumans and are what killed this game.
Daily reminder we will never get tbc.
Daily reminder tbc never had even close as the push vanilla had.
Daily reminder releasing tbc would ruin everything.
You will NEVER get tbc
I said doesnt suck... pally is boring af
>pallies have a cool gimmick again
>gay emo class and edgelord class
>don't have to scroll past useless outdated recipes
>actually have to explore the world making it feel big
>less pointless vanity shit
>no baby mode raids and dungeons require you to get to know people on your server
>less furfag races
Can't wait!
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
How much would people sperg if they left in QOL changes?
>Daily reminder tbc babies are subhumans and are what killed this game.
>Daily reminder we will never get tbc.
deep down you want it, user. you know it's true.
Why are you mad though?
>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Okay? I don't give a shit about cosmetic shit that we already have plenty of choices for
>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Profession recipes that aren't even in vanilla content LOL
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all.
Good. Flying killed world PvP and makes the world feel smaller.
>Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Don't give a shit about cosmetic shit, also there's still like 50+ pets in vanilla
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
You mean a few.
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Good. Being able to teleport everywhere all the time makes the world feel smaller.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
There are very few places where AoE looting is actually useful. Even so, it will probably be in the game because it's based off of the 8.x client
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Good. No more faggots rolling need on shit "for transmog".
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
3 out of 12 is "most" ?
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
I'm gonna talk to other people until I have enough to kill it
What class/race are you rolling, bros?
I'm thinking a Viera Dancer. Seems like the best option
There would be a vocal minority of "REEEE #NOCHANGES" faggots, but I'd imagine most of the playerbase would not give a fuck if AoE looting was in the game since it rarely makes a difference
Boring doesn't = suck. Learn english.
You literally asked for a boring class you asked for one with the least skills.
Just go hunter you tard.
i quit playing right before WotLK so i don't even need to say bye
TBC had better gameplay but it completely destroyed the lore beyond recognition and flying mounts would eventually become cancer due to gold inflation making everyone having epic mounts.
>WW axe
Don't you mean WW sword?
Still no idea why they didn't make them a healer. I'm so sick of playing Scholar.
yeah lmao I really want to go back to an mmo with 7 viable specs,with 3 of them belonging to the same class
I haven't played WoW since Nostalrius but I can't remember. Can you have an Alliance and Horde character on the same server? Or do they have to be on different servers
heard it from the people who are datamining the beta build at the moment
I won't. It's a complete waste of time if you're one of the first 30s and I'll just get bonebiter at 36 and then stoneslayer for 44. WW axe really isn't worth the time to get if you can't buy all the materials at 30.
On retail you couldn't, on pservers you could
desu they're probably going to remove that restriction, at least, for pve servers
>unironically caring about rushing to 60 as fast as possible
>on the class that levels the slowest
Only on PvE/RP servers
unironically >its a beta
You can literally just get a group of 5 warriors and kill the 40 elite really easily by popping cooldowns
the data is taken from blizz's 1.12 databases
you can't pull "it's a beta" this time
What about mage?
I levelled a raiding hunter once and 1-60 was a lot of fun, unfortunately your pets are useless in raids (which pisses me and your dps is also shit )
Do you think they're going to go and manually adjust all the armor values? Northdale/Light's Hope intentionally overstated the armor values. Raids on Kronos are so fucking braindead easy for a reason, and that reason is that every boss has 3750 armor.
Yeah, it didn't scale with gear, but while leveling it was insanely strong.
Play ele bro.
Some of these I'll miss, aoe looting and a few of the flight points but the rest is objectively good.
I read this initially thinking you were being sarcastic.
AoE looting is the only good thing retail has over vanilla
>tfw spamming LF1M dps for a 5-men with my warrior and some other warrior asks to join
>running BRD emp runs to just get hoj and ironfoe if it drops
>im tanking
>invite mage, priest and a lock
>spam world
>tell 6 rogues to fuck off
>invite another mage
>master loot it anyway just to be safe
feels good
I like the barber shop, but it's a slippery slope adding in shit from post-1.12
Fuck man I'm still not sure if I want to main Orc Lock or Tauren Shaman. They're both so fuck and aren't the same in any other expansion. I'm going to play both, but one is doomed to be in shit tier gear as I don't have the time to maintain two characters like before.
gonna sit outside scholomace all day on my 300 lockpicking rogue and ask 25g per unlock
Main lock and just play druid for fun and low level wpvp
*bombs gate*
Shit lads... can ya hear it? its time for the old classic wow anthem!
>Orkestra background music
I eat spaghetti when ita ready uh oh mom said it's time for bed already!
Just kiddin, this killa gonna go do some fiddlin !
Once ma goes to bed ill be sneakin downstairs to watch dirty videos of guys givin head!
Once i came, it's time to do what i planned:
Play the game!
World of warcraft!(talkin bout my favorite gameeeee!)
World of warcraft!(ain't no muthafuckin bed time keepin me away)
World of warcraft!(pvp rank 14 here i come!)
>instrumental hipe hop beat
Yeah i maybe white but this freestyle is pretty fuckin tight!
Pureblood irish ready rock your world bro
Logging on my dwarf hunter to kill your ass bro!
All you gonna be able to say is "UH OHHH!!!"
You think you know pvp son?
Then you havent met me
Cause with me in a BG you wont be havin any fun!
World of warcraft!(talkin bout my favorite gameeeee!)
World of warcraft!(ain't no muthafuckin bed time keepin me away)
World of warcraft!(pvp rank 14 here i come!)
>hip hop beat turns into heavy metal breakdown
Call this the last verse put dont put my raps in a hearse
Cause i dont play not undead,
Youll know who i am when i blast ya in the head!
In bed; your mom is turning red.
From me plowin her
World of warcraft style killa
Mom style virginity steala!
World of warcraft!(talkin bout my favorite gameeeee!)
World of warcraft!(ain't no muthafuckin bed time keepin me away)
World of warcraft!(pvp rank 14 here i come!)
>giving current blizzard your hard earned money every month for a game you played 15 years ago
>giving current blizzard your hard earned money money to continue to ruin your modern wow and diablo
vanillacucks will NEVER CEASE to amaze me.
t. TBChad
ele is unironically way more chad than a big windfury proc. ele hits hard consistently whereas windfury memes were basically 99% of the time you doing jack shit and mostly just trying to kill people with frost shock.
TBC was fantastic, until they added daily quests. That's where wow turned sour in my eyes.
im rolling warlock, female human if alliance or female undead if horde
is this a mistake
faggots will say gnome warlock but don't fall for it
>is this a mistake
only if alliance
But desu when I play my priest i kinda like big melee groups (warrior-rogue-feral-retadin) because I feel "safer" :3
almost called you a shitter then realized that thats stupid as fuck. if you wanna roll the sword, go for it my dude
I make $15 in half an hour sitting on my ass at work m8 it's nothing
my life in late summer 2019
i like gnomes, but i dont want to be so short and have my armor squished
I've never had the UBRS key but I think I'm gonna go for it this time
>mfw retailbabys trying to argue "oh have fun with your limited number of viable specs" when thats how the game has always been in every single iteration of the game
and this here is the reason you should play lock on alli, people who fell for the "OMG UNDEAD KILLS WARLOCK!" meme are stupid so go alli and enjoy very little loot competition
here's some secret insider advice: warlock is too op for one fear being resisted to matter especially considering wotf doesn't do shit to death coil
>he is willfully funding modern blizzard
>taking the bait like a complete schmuck
absolutely abhorrent and pathetic m8.
Tbh.. this
You will be loved by everyone on alliance and have free raid spots, but since your PVP potential relies on fear, all undeads will fuck you up
not >her but what are the best ways to make fear at least somewhat useful?
was the key chain bag in 1.12? I loved collecting that shit
>there are people that will level, and main a healer in classic
Youre paying for retail to even play classic you mong.Youre not better in any way whatsoever.
shaman, the eternal whipping boy
low iq is thinking the WW axe is good
high iq is realizing you dont have any reliable instants until 36 and only raw dps matters
Of course brother :)
>i resisted one fear! yay i win!
succubus/death coil, fear, dot, bye
>mfw getting charged at by a warrior with a new whirlwind axe
WW weapon is not worth the time on an ultrafresh server and it gives you even more reasons to not go to STD and grind other zones for mad cash at 40.
Because the gameplay is totally different and it feels good to group with decent people and tell them "unless I'm low on mana, keep pulling"
that is a very good point and i forgot that healing actually required skill at one point
>mfw I have a bonebiter
>wotlkbab doesn't know about the 5 second blanket immunity
casters and hunters will hate you but most staves have excellent dps for their levels and most of the time higher top end damage than equivalent swords, axes and maces
because just picking dwarf priest or any druid on the class selection screen guarantees you raid spots on its own
mongoloid. youre literally a blizzdrone and dont even realize it lmao.
>Being poor
>Thinking denying yourself things you want in protest of "the state of the industry" actually works when there's a dozen whales for every one person who cares
lmaoing @ ur life
even more than that, just fuckin pick whichever one you want. its an rpg and if you want to go for the mace stun or the sword extra swing or the axe crit then go for it
While were off spending a mere pittance and having fun you will be alone and fuming.
crescent staff is a very good item to use for wars in the 20s bracket if you cant get smotts
okay look im sorry, don't play classic, please, i was just trying to shitpost to stop you from doing it, i fucking admit it okay? i've been pushing this goddamn gold trading and rose tinted goggles meme to try disuade you but its clearly not working so im begging you, please, just don't go to classic, come back to retail the subs are so low that im honestly scared that blizzard will just put retail as a damn side project in favour of classic
please just have a heart and think about it this isn't what you want either im sure of it, don't do this
But you know what, as a healer I also enjoy grouping with total plebs so we can have stressful moments where some noob aggros more mobs and you're 100% sure it's a wipe yet somehow you still make it out alive
its useful after they pop wotf, challenge is surviving until you get to that point
rogues will eat you alive tho, especially pre AQ gear
>falseflagging nost baby literally doesn't know anything
ok you resist my fear i death coil you and curse of exhaustion you and by the time you catch up to me that 5 seconds is long over and you're riding the fear train to your grave plot
your move
i want this spooky migu on my dick
flying mounts and an entire separate continent for max levels completely ruined the open world. class balance was a lot better in TBC but i do not think it was worth what was sacrificed for it.
>the same people who hate modern wow are the same retards who will gleefully pay modern blizzard 15$ a month to experience a 15 year old game
You could not make up stupidity this intense.
>vanish coil
get raped
>tfw you level dragonscale leatherworking because nobody does it so you think you're gonna make bank, but then you realize it's because all the patterns are shit
I'm gonna go herb/alch, fuck that
>love the class fantasy of the shaman and the totem mechanic
>can't ever justify playing one because of blizzard having no fucking idea what they're doing with the class
>the same people who hate modern wow are the same retards who will gleefully pay modern blizzard 15$ a month to experience a 15 year old game
You could not make up stupidity this real.
I absolutely have no interrest in playing vanilla anymore, I just want to play the AH and gouge everyone on a normal sized server economy.
you can vanish a lot more than just coil from basically every class, or even my first fear to stunlock me to death. keep in mind most rogues aren't good enough to do this
in the time it took you to move those goalposts i just shadowburned the last bit of your health away
>tfw mages are literally fucking invincible and you NEED to 2v1 them to even have a chance
No they aren't you're just shit
Found the XIV player.
Not him but a frost mage with engineering is imo the strongest pvp class. They're way too mobile and have too much CC
Going to main warlock again like I did back in vanilla. Still no word on the beta? People losing their shit over the beta showing up in the CDN
At least you now know mages will cry in the future because of portals and disappearence of their utility with class homogeneisation.
Rogues keeping 3 people cced with sap blind and stunlock is outrageous tho
In most cases you become immune to it after the first cast, sometimes it can take two. Private servers are not official. Being able to get constantly pollyd is not supposed to be a thing. It's a one time use per person in PVP situation and then a timer is enabled on you that doesn't show to where you become immune to polymorph effects.
And can be killed with ease if you play correctly
stop saying that things that are hard means op
mages are strong but every class aside from warrior can beat them pretty evenly, theyre just annoying as fuck to fight, but even then a warrior with a free action potion and rocket boots will beat a mage even if the mage is also using engineering and free actions
you can't just release Classic straight after the new raid tier in the new FF expansion drops, is cleared in less than 48 hours, and FFXIV goes back to being a content drought for months!
Don't you realize how many people will quit to play Classic instead? It's not fair, the timing is too perfect, game companies might see the massive subscriber count of Classic WoW and think people actually want that grindy archaic bullshit!
>ur bad mage is fine
t. magenigger
No i've only played warrior/paladin
You're just shit and need to make excuses
Okay, so I did 1-40 with MOSTLY grinding humanoids while face stab dagger spec going tailor / enchant for maximum tradeskill gainz.
Here's the results.
Vanilla mages are not O...
Again you're trash trying to make excuses
Jesus christ you're so fucking autistic. Every time you post it's the most retarded shit. You clearly don't know what the fuck you're doing and you act like you do. Front stabbing didn't work in 2006, didn't work in the demo and won't work in classic.
The majority of people leading the Classic project are senior employees of Blizzard that have been around since the beginning of WoW. Why wouldn't I support the rebirth of the game they poured their souls into at the beginning of their careers?
I saw you in Tirisfal Glades the day of launch, god bless your willpower, I gave up at lvl 9 considering classic is so close I feel like I'd hit 60 close to release but....god damn
Yes it does. It works on live, it works in the beta, and it worked in the demo, too.
All you have to do is lag switch + macro your backstab to hit 5000 times a second. It's not hard almost all modern keyboards or mices have that functionality.
does this facestabbing meme exist on actual classic
Whoops forgot my tripcode.
Honestly there's just nothing to do. I could have done it faster if I didn't play Dead by Daylight so much.
Don't reply to the idiot
Filter him and move on
No. It's only possible due to private server lag.
>Tripfag replying to himself again
Jesus fucking die already
I don't get it, what is this about...?
You have no guarentee your money will end up being used for more products you like, and you probably have no décision power by not being a whale.
Wrong it is possible with a macro. I cannot do it on live / beta servers without one.
>by not being a whale
Blizzard isn't some Chinese mobile gacha company, they have never been influenced by some retard whales. Delusional zoomer. As long as they maintain Classic servers that's all I ask of them, they can do what they want with their own money.
It's never coming back. No matter how ''''authentic vanilla'''' or not Classic ends up being the experiences and joy you had back then can never be replicated.
And once the nostalgia wears off the panic will begin to set in.
First you will notice less travelers along the road. Getting a dungeon group takes longer. Off-peak hours turn home cities into ghost towns. Then, after the bandwagon praise died down the harsh analysis will come from critics and community heads. Next your friends one by one start logging in less, all that fervor to adventure and level to end-game starts to peter out by level 30.
It becomes harder to convince them to come online, the excuses "oh I need to spend time with the kids/wife/work" more frequent, and eventually the worst comes to pass. Your closest group of friends are online, sure, but playing a different game. Maybe the latest battle royale, maybe some other nostalgia fad or, most likely, a different MMO entirely. Probably retail WoW instead.
Once the population has dwindled to only the most die-hard then the dreaded news arrives. Classic hemorraghes subs, Classic is a failure, Blizzard says servers unsustainable, Classic WoW shutting down for good.
You thought you do, but reality is not just that you don't, but that you can't.
I wanted to practice which route is best for 1-40 as an undead rogue.
So I went MOSTLY humanoid grinding as face stab PvP dagger spec while pickpocketing every mob and using the cloth for tailoring which was used for enchanting as well. The image is the result of about 20 days of work.
Doing a different route as combat swords with a major focus on grinding animals / questing and skinning + mining or something.
One issue that might skew the original results was that Nethergarde died really fast so the 30+ zones were rarely contested of congested. The only contested zone was STV and I'm an ex-gladiator / rank 14 so I was able to 1v2 most fights. Due to the lack of dungeoning / questing I was vastly undergeared and would lose to macro sitting whirlwind axe warriors though.
Is anything more cringey then trip fags let alone trip fags that reapond to them self?
One that tries to push his stupid youtube with 0 views and his twitter with 0 followers
Dose he really ? Thats rough.
Even if that is true, they have already made an announcement during the developer conferance at Blizzcon that they won't be allowing macro's and addons that allow """5000 times a second"""" .. the server can't even process that many moves in a second.
Just post your 11/8/12 rogue spec so I can laugh at you.
Technical question here; I got a decent 4K tv and was wondering what is the max resolution vanilla wow runs?
I'm sure it's still possible in theory if you live far away from the servers, but I think what the user was asking was whether front stabbing, as it appears currently in private servers, will be possible live and the answer is no. Strafing your character left and right, without using third party software, to achieve a back stab will not be possible.
anything interesting from the dataminers discord?
I see
Tbh combat sword is much faster imo
The only real joy I had in vanilla WoW was camping low level quest zones. Everything else I grinded in that game for was for that sole purpose. Every gold I farmed, every quest I did, every dungeon and raid I (paid for.) did was all to camp lowbies.
Roll on a high pop server. If all servers go low pop I'm not gonna commit to the grind. I'll just find some other MMO indie-shit to shit up. (Will to Live Online was great till the anti-pvp patches and when the game had 1-2k players.)
Real shame about the dungeoning. I saw on Nethergarde it took someone 4 hours to find a healer to do Gnomergan, lol.
I have no friends, so this is irrelevant. I have read books, redpilled myself, and done everything I can to cultivate a bond with others but I am incapable and I do not know why. It doesn't matter how nice I am, how much I contribute, or how much I offer-up / sacrifice for others. I have come to accept I will not ever have a friend again and that is okay. Pic related.
I haven't really made content worth shilling yet, nor do I actually shill it. My twitter is banned and I don't own a phone. I simply used it to link videos with sound since Yea Forums WebM's have no sound.
Optimal face stab and #1 dungeon dps.
Next run will go:
Face stab burst was instant kills. Ambush crit -> backstab crit -> backstab crit = dead mob. When grinding mobs 2-4 levels under you, you get a gorillion crits. Also faster stealth movement so you can pickpocket.
When I do the combat swords run I will be comparing speed as well as income. Pickpocketing was a HUGE income boost. Certain mobs in the world have a MUCH higher %chance for their lockboxes to have blue daggers in them. In 30 minutes I can make about 10g at level 30 and get 3-4 blue daggers worth 3-100+ gold each. (Assassins blades.)
>parry and riposte
i always see people not recommend this lately but i remember back when i played retail it was suggested and you would have a macro that would swap your sinister strike to riposte as soon as it procced
please upload videos of yourself camping lowbies in classic.
It's been a long, LONG time since I ran combat swords but I remember it being 150% weapon damage which was basically a backstab with a sword.
Checking out twink PvP videos of classic a level 30 rogue is sinister striking non-crit for more than I was critting with Swinetusk though, and I went hard +agi +str gear, too. So it's probably more optimal.
That's the plan. :)
stop responding to tripfag subhumans
Why in God's name would you spec into Initiative when you are a backstab spec? Makes no fucking sense. You shouldn't waste points in camouflage either since 90% of open world PvP encounters begin with you not being stealthed in the first place and vanishes would occur after stunning the target to set up a backstab. And vanish itself is an improved form of stealth altogether, making it even more wasteful. You have 7 points in sub spec for no good reason and you are full of shit about ever getting close to R14. Dumb tripfag fuck off with your false info, your spec is shit. You should be embarassed about actually publicly posting 5/5 in camo
Also your combat spec is shit too, putting 2 points in remorseless is wasteful and should have been put into 4/5 offhand damage since DPS ON TARGET is always more important than a chance at doing more dmg on a possible next/second target. Retard.
He's responding to himself
He does that
Filter and ignore
I'll never forget getting in a fight with a paladin while leveling up my Druid. After about 15 minutes of anemic attrition we both /apologized and just went our separate ways. Became good friends on the realm forums afterward.
lol as if
I meant as in owning 70% of acti-blizz you tard
>classic wow comes out the exact summer i get my first internship
this is a cruel joke isnt it
Progressive itemization is the first thing people should be bitching about once the beta hits. Right now, everything's tuned for 1.12.
I liked grinding as a lowbie and getting ganked by level ??'s. I can actually go back and pull up forum posts I made as a 10 year old in 2005, where I talk about how I used engineering novelty items and alchemy potions to buy time for a hearthstone cast, or used cleverly timed vanish+sprint combos to evade ?? gankers/corpse campers.
Then of course there's just plain using level geometry to your advantage. Like spawning on top of a cliff, when you got killed at the bottom of it, and casting hearth so the level ?? doesnt have enough time to run up and gank you before the 10 seconds is up.
Leveling on a pvp server was so fun, its basically the a survival horror game. It was so fun I never capped 60 and just kept rerolling alts when I got high enough level to fight off the 60s.
Just play a hunter and power through those levels like they're nothing.
PvP seal fate is 31/8/12 at level 40 obviously won't have assassination filled out yet. I always red = dead so I would open with cheap shot (Garrote on mages if they didn't burn a blink randomly.) which helps keep them CC'd / builds up the evisc (or rupture kite.) It's not the best for leveling but I always kill alliance 100% unless they are in a massive group or greatly outgear / outlevel me.
As for world PvP, what rogue doesn't stealth opener? I have my combat log setup to only light up when the enemy faction is doing something, so I can always /tar them and hunt them down. I also have camera flip bound and constantly check around. If you're a rogue and get jumped by a competent player you just reset the fight / leave combat and chill till they go back to grinding. Camo is to move faster, to get pickpockets before mobs cycle their patrol. Mobs will change direction 3-4 times before sitting still for 3-4 seconds, this is the window of opportunity to pickpocket without distract.
R14 wasn't hard to get. Play 16+ hours a day and ONLY PvP. Do literally nothing else. (For about 30 days.) and once you get it, you don't ever have to grind for it again. I got R14 before ever doing UBRS on my rogue. As far as gladiator goes, I got it every season till mid-cata. Rogue PvP is very easy and I was always in high demand for many teams. My favorite and most successful was rogue (me who was e-celeb status at the time) mage (Tripfag from Yea Forums, nude model / porn actor) and priest (An e-celeb black hat hacker.)
I never minded when skull level players murdered me while leveling. I was just so excited to hit 60 and do it unto others. It's something I've always wanted to do even as a small child before the internet existed.
>R14 wasn't hard to get.
>Play 16+ hours a day and ONLY PvP. Do literally nothing else
16 hours a day isnt even that impressive
Play AST, you nog.
>open with cheap shot
I'm not even going to read the rest of your post. Opening with a stun when you have the drop on someone is the #1 most retarded move. Always open with backstab and then gouge and then backstab for 2nd time, that's 3 points and cheapshot is for regaining energy for a third stab and fourth point and close with evis. Stuns are not for openings. Stop spouting your nonsense and please kill yourself.
>R14 wasn't hard to get. Play 16+ hours a day and ONLY PvP. Do literally nothing else. (For about 30 days.) and once you get it,
Fucking liar. It's 3-4 months MINIMUM. I semi-casually grinded to Rank 10 over a very long period of time, but when I knew I wanted 14, it was balls to the fucking wall no bullshit "this is your life" mode.
I get that if you have a full time job, family, etc then it might not be do-able. I was working part time (4-6 hours 5 days a week) and I have a rare genetic mutation where I can be fully rested after 3-5 hours tops of sleep. Pretty much all I did every day was work, eat quickly (No more than 10 minutes tops. Sometimes only eating chips and salsa + green tea.) or while playing, and sleep very little.
I didn't even premade bg's. I just roamed the world ganking everyone while queueing into every bg.
One thing was at the time horde won like 99% of bg's so that was always a bonus.
I didn't even PvP with good gear just barman shank and blues / greens from rando dungeons. Not even pre-raid BiS stuff or crafted.
While 16 hours might seem like a lot, that's just randomly auto-walking around busy areas in stealth waiting for the combat log to light up, while waiting on bg's. Also bg's were a snooze fest of flag guarding so it's not like you had to exert much effort. I mostly shitposted on the realm forums during it. (Two monitors to play + shitpost.)
I mean rank 1-14 might be more than one month, but I was already 10+ when I decided to go for 14 and it was 30 days. Honestly the gear wasn't even worth it. I replaced it with Bloodfang and Perdition / Core Hound anyway.
Anons I'm a newbie and only leveled in a classic private server once, got any hot tips for shadow priest leveling? It's already braindead easy but I want to go FASTER
>I mean rank 1-14 might be more than one month, but I was already 10+ when I decided to go for 14 and it was 30 days. Honestly the gear wasn't even worth it. I replaced it with Bloodfang and Perdition / Core Hound anyway.
You are a fucking liar. What were your strats on WSG? AB? Whose dick did you suck to even be allowed to boost that much, cause you damn well would know there was a pecking order to who was supposed to get rank. You didn't just waltz into R14, you networked with people.
use mind flay more if you want to get real spicy.
>wake up at 7am
>play until 11pm
>repeat 30+ days
Actually, I didn't even read all of your post.
>I didn't even premade bg's.
You are 100% talking out of your ass.
>I have a rare genetic mutation where I can be fully rested after 3-5 hours tops of sleep
>tfw healer bro to level my warlock with
Did anyone have a link for the Wow Diary some user posted in the other thread? The one I saved is dead/encrypted .
Good to know. I usually kept put points into wand spec and shot mobs until they got into melee range.
you dont need healer as a warlock. in fact if you have a priest friend youll be competing for gear
mages and warlocks make good lveling duos, you guys can port each other around everywhere
Warlock or Shaman bros? My old main's class or my second favorite?
>have a rare genetic mutation where I can be fully rested after 3-5 hours tops of sleep
The fuck am I reading... kek
>I mean rank 1-14 might be more than one month
>might be
>one month
Are you even trying to pretend at this point?
>this 20010 era tripfagging
please stop
Dont tell me what to do. I was shitposting in this shithole when you were still in diapers.
Warlock is gonna be my choice hands down. I hate how its changed over the years, it became more viable in comps yeah but it lost all the cool utility that you used to have to have in the game. Plus a "free" mount
But why?
I live to provoke the trip. The trip (You)s give me power.
Too hard to ignore his obvious lies.
In WSG I'd sit in the flag room on defense and CC, or gank / murder if it was a solo rando. Groups was sap / cheap shot / blind / kidney the cheap shot and let the casters / hunters on the ridge mop everyone up.
For AB I'd camp the right most area of the map's flag. If we 4 capped we'd push spawn and graveyard camp.
For AV I'd either camp on top of some really tall area that has a ramp, middle of the map? It's been a long ass time, or help with objectives / focus whoever the warriors were attacking usually.
I was notorious on the server for sitting around Blackrock all day murdering allies so I got invites all the time from the top raiding guids to do PvP with them, but I was also a virgin incel so I RARELY joined them. Horde won 99% of bg's anyway there wasn't a point. I wasn't the first rank 14, but I was well known for talking shit on the realm forums about how bad keyboard turners were and allies always made complaint threads about my ganking. No cock sucking required.
I did however have to pay real $$$ to get bloodfang and perdition / core hound since I refused to dedicate my life to raiding, and only two guilds on a max pop server had progression.
I'd also constantly murder Chinese farmers and anyone else trying to mine stuff.
You just have to constantly kill. Don't farm dungeons, don't do raids, just PvP every day all day, and gank in between battlegrounds.
Wake up at 6-7pm, play till 2pm.
Nope. Just got on the PvP bandwagon early. I was a 60 ganker before honor even existed.
Look it up. I was also heavy into dance games so I at max cardio health, which increases your focus and helps you resist fatigue.
Like I said, never really cared until I said "why not?" I was rank 10 or 12 before I really pushed hard for it. I wasn't a raider so all I did was bg's and roaming PvP all day while mining.
Enjoy this one on the house. (You)'ve earned it.
anyone have the spreadsheet link?
Alexensual said he didnt want to get banned for it lol
Look at this fucking faggot. Honestly trying to push he got R14 in 30 days from doing pugs and ganking in WPvP.
That's not how that shit worked. You gained honor quicker by being the placement of honor gained on your server in any given week. Even if you played 16 hours a day, the groups would outpace you, because they'd be stomping pugs within minutes. I played Alliance, and the Horde PvP teams would often straight up /afk away from us because it was mathematically illogical to waste time on a good team than it would be to rip apart fresh 60s in greens in just a few minutes.
You gained rank quicker*
Been playing on private servers for the past few months.
Im never going back bros, Activision is gonna fuck it all up for everyone its all a marketing scheme. i hung retail up a long time ago and never looked back.
its time to let blizzard die
We're going home brother. Phase 1, no dishonorable kills. It's going to be a warzone in Stranglethorn Vale.
>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Never missed it
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Ooh there goes my hairstyle I never see because it's covered in a helmet
>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
Shaman or get out
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Worth it
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
And say hello to tighter communities and friendships. This isn't Pokemon my man, I don't need pets.
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
More time to spend time with the bros while on the way to the next location
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Is this an argument
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
That's alright
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Don't need it
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
No LFR/LFD/CRZ/Real Transfer/Faction Transfer is the reason why I love vanilla
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
My class isn't being affected
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
Shit. Shit. Ultra shit. DK is alright. Don't need it.
BiS spreadsheet? I nicked this off a previous thread.
When horde won every bg it was fast / easy honor. Almost every wsg was a 3/0 done in minutes, AB was almost always a graveyard camp, and AV got strung out to last longer by the groups but once they were done the matches were over before all the side / cool objectives got done. It eventually turned into horde just tunneling for the end building and stomping the NPC in there. Premade groups (Which did exist) might have had a slight edge in speed but a lot of the time they didn't have full groups and I'd end up queue'd in the same game anyway.
While most sat around in town waiting on bg's I'd be out and about making decent honor just straight murdering everyone.
I'd camp Molten Core on raid nights and just dumpster clothies. I was constantly killing.
I understand as anything other than a rogue world PvP isn't as lucrative, as I could burst down a clothie, vanish, and fuck off and kill others, by the time the original did their corpse run I'd just murder them as they sat to eat / drink back to full.
I also botted, but every R14 on the server did. Image related. Honestly I'm sure I was on course to hit it anyway but ya know, just to be "safe" and not make the whole grind in vain I did take the cheap route. :^)
>BiS spreadsheet
Fuck off
We're coming home.
>dwarven hand cannon
>cant get this at launch because no av
What's a BiS spreadsheet?
You are a fucking liar. I can tell just from the way you word things: talking about how how you'd just screw around in BGs. It didn't matter if Horde just won on your server. That was the general case with PUGs on mine as well, but the premades were still top dog.
I mean for god's sake there was community in PvP. Our groups weren't just on good terms with each other (talking on first name basis in Vent), but on good terms with the Horde! We were in the shit together, cause we were all spending months grinding this retarded system, and goddamn it none of could just stop now, could we?
And no. Not everyone botted. I didn't. I have to assume now you are 100% a private server baby. If you botted in retail to R14 you'd be DEAD. The premades would go after your ass especially, cause you had no one backing you, saying you were a cool dude and you just made a mistake.
>forgot I won't be able to get rhok delar phase 1
Zoomers are gonna be furious
>front stab
this isnt a PS faggot
"Best in slot spreadsheet"
Aka the reason you see warriors in full leathers and shit. They autistically calculate which items are best for them
I was one of the cool kids in the PvP groups. I just didn't roll with people cause all I liked doing was ganking and murdering.
If I remember right, there was one new R14 a week (While the rest sat in rank 13 waiting their turn). The realm I was on was heavily into PvE. PvP wasn't its main focus for the top guilds.
Yeah all the premade bros were on first name basis's as was I, but I rarely talked / hung out with them cause I'd rather be left alone to gank people. Most of the time the Chads (I was not a Chad 13 years ago) would bug me until I'd play with them for PvP. Eventually over time of constantly playing I got R14 and that was that. I was revered with every bg faction, eventually got exalted before TBC, so it showed how much I grinded out bg's. At that time all WoW was, was a battleground game.
I got R14 at the time where all the raiders were still on heavy progression and didn't give a fuck about PvP. Once raiders got bored and no content was being pushed then all the raiders wanted in the PvP stuff as well and I imagine it became really hard to get R14 when all the no-lifer neckbeards are trying to do it.
I was a guild master of a massive zerg guild, whom a lot of the members were the core PvP'ers doing premades. I only had a successful guild cause I coded my own mass invite addon that would constantly parse everyone on the server and invite them every 30 minutes if they had no guild. You get special treatment when you're the guild master, ya know. Not that I needed it.
Is this even going to be possible?
alliance bros dont have to get ww axe necessarily. the quest reward 2hander axe from scarlet monastery is better and can be obtained at level 36 at earliest I think. both ww quest and sm at that level require carrying but the difference is that the sm quest doesnt require any mat farming.
No, theyll be leashed.
That mutation that only lets you sleep 3-5 hours has obviously put holes in your brain because you're next level, pants on head retarded. I feel bad for your mother who has to take care of your autistic ass all day.
I live in a van dawg.
>I was one of the cool kids in the PvP groups.
Okay now you're just contradicting yourself, faggot.
>I didn't even premade bg's. I just roamed the world ganking everyone while queueing into every bg.
You weren't one of the 'cool kids' if you weren't in one of the groups. That's nonsense. Plus, you keep rambling about ganking. How long were the wait times for BGs? Especially being Horde. Cause the faction imbalance at the time notoriously favored Horde for BG waits since there weren't that many. You should barely have had time to even "gank" people in WPvP, because if you were serious about funneling through the ranking system, you'd always be in BGs cause that was the most efficient method. At most you might be able to snag one or two kills out in the world waiting. A completely negligible amount of honor.
>Eventually over time of constantly playing I got R14 and that was that.
You said you got it in 30 days you lying fucker. Like, I could maybe, MAYBE believe PUGing your way to R14 if you poopsocked hard, and were an absolute masochist, but at the start of this conversation you were talking about how this shit wasn't even hard.
Probably dont even live in a nice one
is that a fucking chimney
for the fire, yes
Just cause I was in the group doesn't mean I was 100% grouping all the time. I only did out of extreme boredom / loneliness.
Horde had longer bg wait times. 20-30 minutes. Horde outnumbered alliance.
Yes, in one month of "I want R14" I got it. 30 days. Easy. 16 hours a day + 5 hours of botting isn't poopsocking? It's NOT hard. Just fucking do it. Hard is lifting weights for 10 years and watching what you eat. WoW PvP is not fucking hard at all it's just time consuming.
I spent like 30k on mine so it's pretty sweet. Only got like 8k miles on it in the four years I've had it.
24k to buy and 6k to have people make it livable / outside to be decorated as a service van.
>have to explore a world.
>when that world has been completely solved explored
Nigga this isn't like you're going to play the game for the first time again, You're going to level as efficiently as you can and do things by the book.
I did do it, dude. I did it at 13, and even actually led my PvP group for a short period of time after several of our leaders ranked out. I'm 26 now, and I STILL pin it as one of the most difficult things I've ever done. You have no knowledge of having to come up with strats for not just tackling BGs in general, but tackling specific groups and players, cause that's what it often came down to. You weren't just fighting Alliance and Horde. You were fighting Tim and Rob, and Rob just hit Rank 13, and is now hitting like a tank cause his gear is the shit compared to last week.
It's hilarious seeing you babbling here, acting like you were able to pull it off. 16 hours a day for PUGing isn't poopsocking, cause that was what the majority of the people PvPing were already doing. Plus, how in god's name did you not get banned for botting? Especially without a group! Do you understand how easy of a target that makes you? Some random faggot who's up constantly eating honor from other people is cheating? Report him to Blizz and now EVERYONE'S life is slightly easier.
For that matter, why not go all in? I ain't a mathematician, but 16 + 5 is 21. Why weren't you botting constantly? Where's the point you went "no no. If I do this anymore, I might get screwed"?
While I personally will be mega-gaming the launch a LOT of people will be playing classic for the first time. 99% of zoomers were too young to even play vanilla, and hopefully they will swarm to this game and be my victims. :)
stop trying to promote your gay channel you mudnigger
Why do you keep spamming these Classic threads when you know full well 100% functional Vanilla private servers exist?
Why are you giving Activision Blizzard your money for a 15 year old game that you can play for free? Are you functionally retarded?
Honestly for awhile I wasn't looking forward to classic at all since I played back in vanilla, but lately I'm feeling the itch
I'm going ele/resto shaman, how is shaman in PvE anyway? Should I go resto? How does it stack up compared to other healers?
What do you do for a living?
Kek you really think zoomers and oldfags wont be using guides and shit ? and forget playing anything thats not meta nigga you're not gonna see raids unless you can break the game in your favor for your Niche spec.
dont try and argue facts with them Vanilla-fags are impervious of seeing truth that by supporting Classic they're also supporting retail.
Resto shaman is a must but weaker than priest.
Ele's weak in pve, you go oom super fast.
However it's insanely strong in pvp.
And enhancement is the meme spec to have fun and one shot people
>100% functional Vanilla private servers exist?
1/10 is the best I can do
Pretty much what I expected, thanks user
Nah, R14 was not nearly as hard as being first to 99 on Diablo 2 LoD. As a rogue I never really cared about anyone elses gear. Yeah warriors would hit really effing hard with the correct gear and so would other rogues, and that was it. As a rogue in bg's my value was crowd control. Why would I have to come up with strats? As a rogue my job was the same every match. We never worried about a single alliance player except maybe a few mages and a warrior that was also no-lifing the PvP. Horde were like 68%+ so allies never stood a chance anywhere. I was very distant / anti-social in my vanilla play time so I never stressed about "tim or rob" or whatever the fuck they were doing.
The majority didn't give a fuck about PvP that far back. Sure when raids were on farm people started to give a shit but early progression people wanted to go kill dragons and giant hammer fire elemental dudes, not PvP.
Blizzard didn't really ban bots back then, or ban players for afking bg's. There wasn't even an auto-kick. Also I was known as one of the biggest PvP / gankers so when I was afking I just told people I was having a wank / eating. No one really cared too much, and as a guild master Blizzard gets very lenient about bans cause it disrupts the community the game master runs. I got away with so much more shit down the line. When I quit I openly sold my gold and guild using in-game chat and GM's / Blizzard didn't give a fuck at all. (Also my account is flagged friends & family so that helps.)
Though F&F aren't immune to bans. I got a two-week for speed hacking and had an account I paid for a power level banned. No biggie.
I didn't bot / play 24/7 cause I figured most games have a way to detect how long you've been logged in. Pindlebots were flagged cause the people would be logged in for 96+ hours at a time.
I did the grind multiple times on Blackrock, Tich, Barthilas, and Crushridge. Both ally and horde. Rogue / Rogue / Paladin / Mage.
R14's sold for $1k easy.
>5 days 10 hours
You can literally level a hunter in 3.5 days and farm at 60.
I am a NEET. Previously a retail manager. Before that, RMT / gaming revenue (YT and tournaments.) Only a NEET cause cuck company fired me for being redpilled and chasing shoplifters.
I see it in private servers. Keyboard turning idiots. Had a mage frost nova cold snap frost nova me. I was like "Wut?" I rarely run into competent players, both in PvE and PvP. Sure this time around they might be better but allies will be filled with dadgamers, girl gamers, little kids, and old people that are easy ganks. I don't give a fuck about PvE and might pay IRL $$$ to get raid epics. It's what I did back in the day. But since I'm a NEET not doing the R14 grind for RMT this time around I got plenty of time to raid.
Hunters can't stealth and that's all I care about. I can outfarm hunters when geared and I can just RMT gold anyway. I'm hoping the gold -> $ rate is still 1:1 for the first few months.
>No progressive itemization
Thank god. That shit is the most autistic nonsense.
>I can outfarm hunters when geared and I can just RMT gold anyway. I'm hoping the gold -> $ rate is still 1:1 for the first few months.
Keep in mind liquid gold will be really high value since people are buying mounts/skills and the best way to get pure liquid gold is grinding mobs or mara farming, your test was done on a fairly advanced server (almost naxx) so it's not really accurate at all for the first few months of launch.
Hunters are also the fastest farmers besides mages at 60, even with picketing you're not gonna beat a hunter or mage for raw gold/hr.
Absolute fucking liar. You needed strats because that's what the other groups used to win. Did you ever, EVER play mid on AB? No, I'm guessing you didn't, because you didn't hit R14. I was a rogue too, but I still played my part, because that was important. Especially when I led. There were times were were going up against specific groups time and time again, and that meant we had to come up with strategies not only for general BG stomping, but stomping the opposite team.
"X character tends to do Y, so counter with Z."
>The majority didn't give a fuck about PvP that far back.
Fuuuucking liar. There was always a PvP scene no matter what. Even on the smaller servers there was always at least one premade for Alliance and Horde, and you yourself don't even deny that. You just argue that you pulled it off in 30 days with no group. Retarded.
>Blizzard didn't really ban bots back then, or ban players for afking bg's.
I fucking KNOW you're lying here cause that was the only way we sometimes would get the Horde team to not bitch out. They would constantly /afk at us, because we were too good, and it was mathematically more sensible to run from us and then go stomp a PUG. It would sometimes screw us over, cause if they /afk'd at the start of an WSG, we could only get two flags max. And if it was in AB? Forget about it. People exposing them on the forum and informing GMs was how we got them to play fair.
>I did the grind multiple times on Blackrock, Tich, Barthilas, and Crushridge. Both ally and horde. Rogue / Rogue / Paladin / Mage.
Wait wait wait. Are you now saying you grinded R14 multiple times? Oh and on big named servers too! So you're not even able to argue that you were on some faggy no name low pop and lucked by.
You're a liar. Plain and simple.
everyone is just gonna grind to max level super fast using all the min/maxed datamined guides and rush into molten core in their garbage scarlet monestary gear and roll through the fights cause knowing the dynamics was 100% the difficulty and its all been analyzed to hell and back a decade ago.
cause thats what happened when wow was released in china and they had the benefit of all the western player's knowledge. only this time it'll be 100x more figured out with zero language barrier to get through.
wow classic is gonna be shit - someone who played wow from beta to cata and quit before trash panda expac and came back for each expac since, did all the content and quit on/off while waiting on arbitrary time-locked new content. there is no going back.
t. owner of first arcanite reaper, first lionheart helm, first stronghold gauntlets, and first sulfuras on my warrior on my pvp server.
I'll be honest with you
I kinda miss some of the quality of life changes
>muh min maxers
so what are everyones hopes/dreams about the classic servers, and how will it actually play out?
will they restart the server at some point? im honestly just glad theyre bringing it back. i hated that cata just removed zones/dungeons without keeping the old ones. why the heck would you remove an old dungeon when you can plop it in caverns of time.
No changes until after naxx.
If classic does really well, classic+ with vanilla game design philosophy, which is probably what's gonna happen.
I'm not even planning on playing classic, but if they do to classic what runescape did I'll start up again.
I know some rogue only farm exploits, and if I rope in a druid healer I can outfarm mage / hunter / the "pub" gold farm methods easily.
I'll be releasing it on my youtube channel as I released all the game breaking gold farming methods for tbc / wotlk back in the day on Warcraftmovies. I'm keeping the vanilla stuff under wraps so I can use it to maybe escape NEETdom / forced wagecuckery when I run out of savings.My rogue method easily outfarms all the known public methods, and all the "insider" paid .pdf guides that existed back in the day. Some of it is AH based so it's not immediate / instant gold like "vendoring" farmers do, and it's not investing or flipping, either.
I can easily epic mount 1-2 days after auctions sell from 5-6 hour farm sesh that only requires tier 2, or I can farm the same amount as a naked level 60 in about 18-24 hours of farming. (Naked rogue farming not as fast as hunter / mage but still carefree / I don't have to play a cuck class.)
I didn't lead groups, and RARELY I'd sit in the Ventrilo while they did callouts or whatever. My role was always the same. Sit on the flag and CC, or come graveyard camp. That was it. I was a rogue, my job was easy. If you rolled with more complex drama filled normies, sucks to be you bro.Rarely I'd camp the blacksmith instead of the big lumbermill hill thing. It was 13 years ago sometimes I guarded the mines and we never got pushed to the first cap point cause allies were super bad. I don't remember a single time going against an alliance premade. I don't even remember ever losing a battleground until I switched to an Oceanic server cause a client wanted a R14 pally.
Since you claim to be 13 you probably didn't start on launch day like me. When bg's first hit I was already mass farming them from the start. You might have joined later and had a more rough time when the PvP loot was introduced or your server had raids on farm and a lot of bored neckbeards
>Alliance player
Makes sense
>Alternate timeline expansion with vanilla game design
>Re-release but patch progression from 1.1>1.12
>TBC release
>Content added to classic but no xpack
>FRESH servers
>want to do dungeons while leveling up
>remember getting a group together involves copypasting the same message like a robot into 5 channels over and over for 1 entire hour
>remember there's no summoning stones so you have to wait another 20 minutes for everyone to get there
>remember those times might be generously low depending on what blizz implements as their pop cap and once people remember vanilla itemization meant a lot of dungeons had absolute fuckall loot
Yeah your realm experience was way different than mine. I assume EU realms or some shit? Or maybe cause you claim alliance it was more stressful cause of all the normies, dadgamers, girl gamers, etc where horde was mega chill.
Crushridge was a low pop sever, and Barthilas was too. Tich and Blackrock were my original servers. Blackrock first but moved to Tich for the population splosion. (Was the highest populated realm.) I sold my Blackrock rogue after I paid a leveling service to get me up to speed on Tich since it had way more people / more economy / price of gold was way higher and at the time I was also running an RMT website / employed farmers full time.
Looking back I had over 14 accounts lol. One of them was to JUST talk shit to alliance when I camped them.
I started two weeks after Vanilla, thank you. I was technically 12 when I began WoW. I made PvP my target since it was viable, as all the raiding guilds had you doing this autistic "fill out a form on our website so you can join us" thing that made it sound like I was applying for a job. Being 12-13, that was 100% out of my comfort zone, but the idea of getting loot for capture the flag seemed fun.
It was at first, and I slowly grinded my way up the ranks. It only really got serious after I hit Rank 10 though, and got my epic mount. At that point, I had to make a decision on whether or not I wanted my honor to decay, and being a dumbass, I figured four more ranks wouldn't be hard. I then spent my entire summer, around three months, getting those last four ranks, and in the process, probably learning a bit of team management skills along the way. Kind of strange.
So to hear you ramble on about doing the absolute BEAR MINIMUM of survival in PvP, and getting it in 30 days, without group, and doing it MULTIPLE TIMES just informs me you're a bald-faced liar, who never accomplished, and is just continuing the conversation here, because he doesn't want to look like an ignorant idiot. I mean Blackrock? Tichondrius? If memory serves those were big ass servers, but yeah. You totally waltzed R14 on them.
>two weeks after Vanilla
>all the raiding guilds had you doing this autistic "fill out a form on our website so you can join us" thing
at least make it sound believable, retard
I'm torn on a few things. One, assuming I do play, do I want to play warrior or druid? I like both but I want to play druid more but the amount of competent warriors on any given server is about 20 and I don't want to be in raids or pvp with shit lords who don't know how to stance dance or who take an hour in a dungeon when it's possible to clear in 30 minutes because they're afraid to pull too fast. And two, how can I trust nu-blizzard? They've made nothing but shit this last decade.
all pvpers are faggots
I said I started two weeks after Vanilla. When I got to 60, and considered raiding, there were guilds that had you filling out forms to join.
Me to for pve content but not pvp
>I don't remember a single time going against an alliance premade.
yikes and liar pilled. during the height of OG rank farming there were premades on both factions on all servers running 24/7 because that was the only way to hit 14.
>When bg's first hit I was already mass farming them from the start.
pvp ranks were added a whole month before bgs were added. first high warlords/grand marshals were mages who spammed AOE's outside of groups, tapping kills in the hillsbrad zergfests while waiting on queues, one was in my guild, he got the most hks on the server and got a special tabard, only one per faction per server. he went on to be first grand marshal. most hw/gm were warriors/paladins/huntards. rogues sucked for grinding rank in bgs.
pathetic to be lying about pvp ranks from a decade ago while also admitting you live in a van IRL. maybe git gud at RL and/or kill yourself? lol
You don't have to write a professional resume. They're just checking to see if you can fill out a form. You'd be astounded by how many people can't do that. Or maybe you wouldn't be.
life as warrior is suffering
I was 12, like I said. It was kind of weird to me, and I didn't know what to put down. Plus, the idea of having to get on Vent at the time kind of freaked me out, cause I didn't want people to know I was a kid. By the time I hit R11 I didn't give a shit, and just had to tell people fast that there was a zerg hitting LM.
No. I was NA. I started two weeks after Vanilla. My group wasn't full of "normies" either, unless you count depressed Eastern European men going through divorce as a normie, or a guy in the military who literally couldn't finish R14 because he was shipped off to Iraq. We were constantly up against the same Horde players who were very good, and so we needed to come up with strategies on how to beat them, and then when they came up with a counter for that strat, we would have to counter that. Like I said, we weren't fighting randos. We were fighting Tim, and Rob, and that one guy who had the most cliche New York accent imaginable.
AOE looting is something I still can't get used to. Always weird how 1 ccorpse has everything and the others stop shining when you close the window. I won't miss it at all.
And that's why it's fun. Fuck all these comfy mmo players. I want a ball crushing painful experience when I play mmos.
The only thing I complained about since release was 2 specs.
Think of this. Somehow 12 year old you was able to do the R14 junk while still being 12, having a bed time, going to school, etc.
Yeah I fucking nope'd out of that application bullshit too. I just ran my own guild. For tier 2 I just paid cash to some neckbeard to get masterlooted the drops I needed. Never bothered to do any hardcore raiding till TBC / WotLK and that's cause I re-kindled friendships with old Starcraft, CS, and Halo buds.
Bear minimum? I was constantly killing, weaponized autism, constantly doing bg's (30-40 minute wait times though.), and going all out when I did. I think I had something like 150k-200k honor kills by the end of it. (Or maybe that was TBC / WotLK numbers I don't remember.)
I can't go into too much detail without revealing my old identity or I'd just post screenshots / proof. But after years of dealing with swatting / irl raids from salty cucks I prefer the safety / sanctuary of my van while I steal wifi.
People did that shit for non MMO's. It was cringe.
Honestly people on Blackrock didn't really care too much about R14 at first they were really wanting to do UBRS and shit.
Yeah I avoided that dumb shit I ganked Blackrock mountain mostly. I tried the Hillsbrad grind and would just die constantly / my shit PC lagged to hell.
R14 wasn't hard it's just time consuming holy shit you cucks think you have to sock some alpha Chad's dick or some shit. Just fucking grind grind grind it out and you'd eventually get it. Given infinite time once all the other PvPers got R14 you'd be next in line. Just have a reputation on your sever for mass ganking and you'll get invites to the premades, not that you need them, but in classic you might.
Those ARE normies. Horde was all edgy late teens / early adults / burnouts / dropouts.
yeah maybe 1-20
once you start getting blue 2 handers like the boomer axe it gets more tolerable. the whole suffering will be trivialized once you can combine mortal strike with stoneslayer which you can get at 44 at earliest. it will last easily until 60.
I'm happy to say I won't be rushing anything in classic. I've not played any vanilla servers so for me it really is like going back for the first time since vanilla. I feel like rushing and efficiently levelling as fast as possible will ruin that experience.
60 content before raiding is pretty boring anyway. I dont get why people are rushing the leveling when all tehy are met with is the autistic gear grind in 60 dungeons or 60 pvp honor threadmill in wsg/ab.
Honestly, the whole "fill out the form" to join a guild thing is pretty pretentious and mostly used as a way for guildies to feel smug about their recruitment process. You don't need a form to guess whether someone's fit to join your guild. Playing/talking with the person for a little bit will tell you more than an application will, but then again, you won't be able to laugh at their poor writing if you didn't make them fill out that form first.
good bye cancer
>have to abuse /sit macro as a warrior to level efficiently
this the kinda shit don't like
>Think of this. Somehow 12 year old you was able to do the R14 junk while still being 12, having a bed time, going to school, etc.
I did not have a bed time. I wasn't going to school either, as I mentioned here I spent a summer on it, which added to the difficulty because there was a fucking ticking clock element added to it. Would I be able to hit R14 because I am completely screwed and out of the loop for 8+ hours a day? I'm a grown ass adult now, who has a semi-functioning career, and I will fucking TELL YOU that very few things in my life were tougher than when I was 13, and spending all the waking hours of the day playing a dumbass MMO to get a purple dagger.
>Bear minimum? I was constantly killing, weaponized autism, constantly doing bg's (30-40 minute wait times though.), and going all out when I did. I think I had something like 150k-200k honor kills by the end of it. (Or maybe that was TBC / WotLK numbers I don't remember.)
I was sitting at 50K+ HKs at the end of my grind, so I highly doubt, even if you were "constantly killing," you topped out at even 100k. The fact that you claim to have done it in a month from nothing while only seemingly being a mid-shitter is what tells me you're lying. Lying that you fucking claimed to do this multiple times.
before I am completely screwed*
i dont think thats gonna work here
it was still in 1.12
Most guild requiring a job application to join them are the biggest shitters on the sever. Finding some bros that have the same mentality towards raiding as yourself is a much better way to form/join a raid group. Obviously this gets trickier for 40 man raids, but back when i did MC/BWL I remember us taking almost anyone that showed up on time and was somewhat prepared.
yeah just make sure they know basic english and maybe do a fast penis inspection to see that they arent wearing carrot on a stick to mc.
>Most guild requiring a job application to join them are the biggest shitters on the sever. Finding some bros that have the same mentality towards raiding as yourself is a much better way to form/join a raid group. Obviously this gets trickier for 40 man raids, but back when i did MC/BWL I remember us taking almost anyone that showed up on time and was somewhat prepared.
you were in a casual guild. the top guilds that did all the world first had autistic GMs and recruitment policies and DKP/attendance spreadsheets and 'reserved' loots for their main tanks, etc.
Daily reminder ZG is the comfiest raid
On horde side you'd be laughed out of Vent for being a kid. Allies always had the little kids.
Hardest thing for me was CPL in CS or Mlg pro league in Halo 2. WoW was easy af. I won 99% of my fights maybe it's just a gift.
No way I got 100k kills in a month, but R14 was done in a month when I decided I wanted it, just so I could get invites to some UBRS groups and "maybe" see the other side of the game.
Most of my bg time was spent guarding / afking anyway. Killing only gave you a smidgen more honor.
Virgin alliance have to stress and mega-game to win bg's.
Horde just have to ezmode walk all over the place and graveyard camp.
If getting r14 was the hardest thing ever then you sound kinda privileged, bro.
I fucking hated that shit so I just paid a neckbeard for loot. I really hated guilds that would give special treatment to girls. That's why in my guild I ran a no girls allowed rule.
I fear in Classic if I advertise / make a guild / ask to join a guild that's men only it will be an immediate ban, so I'm just gonna fake being a normie till geared, or if name changes are in classic, I'll pretend to be a girl and have my gf do the talking.
>the top guilds that did all the world first had autistic GMs and recruitment policies
No, those policies were only for the outsiders who dare request a spot in their precious guild. The real members of the guild were the core 20 or so of the GM's closest buddies who got in for free. You can be like and start a comfy guild for your bros and actually be very competitive, but eventually others are gonna want in. If you do your guild right, all recruitment will be done internally, but if you like the attention and want some traffic to your website, then you can have a form that amounts to jack all when assessing ability.
>no slow
>no arcane barrage
How are arcane mages supposed to play then?
You can still use DKP without this retarded guild application shit. There's no difference in having someone type to you in game about their experience and commitment to your group, and if it's a situation where you're not going to be online, there's discord these days.
stand still and hit one button because you're a pve bitch
I meant arcane blast
>you were in a casual guild.
You say this like its a fucking bad thing
Playing in a 'top' guild is a fucking meme that LITERALLY only morons fall for. In fact, you can spot the biggest virgins by whether or not they are in a 'top' guild.
Nature Protection Potion and a friendly Mage's Dampen Magic.
>On horde side you'd be laughed out of Vent for being a kid. Allies always had the little kids.
Hence why I was hesitant, don't you think? I stayed chat only for a very, very long time. But eventually eventually they found out how old I was, and it didn't matter. It didn't matter either way, because I'd proven I was good enough. Good enough to the point of where I led the group at the end of things.
>Most of my bg time was spent guarding / afking anyway. Killing only gave you a smidgen more honor.
Another fucking piece of proof that you're a liar, since you said you spent time constantly ganking things. You absolute shitter. You haven't done anything.
>but R14 was done in a month when I decided I wanted it, just so I could get invites to some UBRS groups and "maybe" see the other side of the game.
Like what is this backwards logic? Holy hell. "Yeah dude, R14 was easy mode, bug UBRS? That was the REAL shit." lmao. By the time I even decided to PvP I already had the UBRS necklace, and made some side change opening the door for people. You have no idea how things actually worked in Vanilla.
>Virgin alliance have to stress and mega-game to win bg's.
>Horde just have to ezmode walk all over the place and graveyard camp.
Cause we weren't fighting PUGs in green like you didn't. It was PvPers and raid guilds.
>If getting r14 was the hardest thing ever then you sound kinda privileged, bro.
13 year old spending 12+ hours a day coordinating a group of 18-30 year old men in a team event whil keeping morale up doesn't sound particularly difficult?
So dont play Classic, go play retail and enjoy your zero challenge mobs and instant regen.
Classic is for leveling and dungeon shenanigans and dicking around in PvP
Retail is for raiding
After Chad'ing up and playing private servers / other MMO's I've found just being a bro in chat / dungeons / leveling gets you all sorts of favors later on.
I'd randomly bandage people, save them from disaster pulls, etc and I got invites all the time.
ZG was the best raid
ZG remake was the best dungeon
>everyone is just gonna grind to max level super fast
Im going to play Paladin, im going to take my time, meet new people, talk to them, probably play a shitton of dungeons as I get to them since I like them a lot and its going to take me weeks to get to 60.
So na, you're a moron and a cunt.
Are you trying to say that abusing a /sit macro to level is fun?
I will fucking gank you naked you warrior fuck
Then dont abuse it you absolute faggot
When the allies get graveyard camped most don't bother to res.
Nah, all the PvE'ers were real elitist cucks and I really didn't feel like doing 5 mans to get PvE gear I'd never bother using. I'd rather be killin'. There were several of us that felt the same way. R14 was just an "in" to do attunements. It's pretty fucking backwards but I honestly didn't care for PvE at all until Grim's Total Annihilation vid released.
Raid guilds didn't PvP in my time until WAY later like post AQ early Naxx shit.
I mean, are we talking just video games? Grandmaster in SC2 was way more difficult. For IRL what about scultping a body? That's a 10+ year grind.
When I was 13 hard grinded CS and Diablo 2 but used free time to get bj's and eat some puss on weekends. Also forced into sports by parents but took up card game selling since most kids at my time didn't have internet and I mow'd lawns for ages to afford my PC / internet.
>don't use something that will deliberately make your leveling experience better
I bet next you'll say don't stance dance because it's too hard and doing optimal dps isn't necessary
I gonna level rogue in sub with daggers and you can't do anything about that.
>Started thinking that maybe I should try out BFA just to kill time while I wait for Classic and so I can form my own opinion of BFA
>Mostly PvP, so I decided to pop into some channels and see what the discussion surrounding PvP is like right now
>All PvPers complaining about a broken ass trinket that's coming in 8.2
>All PvEers complaining about having to get to 1k in arena to get a piece of gear thats optimal for PvE, even tho you can't lose rating before getting to that rating and even a knuckledragging inbred could do it within a few hours
Well that helped me make up my mind real quick. Retail, and especially PvP for the past 3 expansions, has been beyond shit. Even tho Cata and Mists fucked a lot of stuff up, at least the PvP was still enjoyable to an extent.
Can't wait for Classic
Anyone else remember this?
>wasting like 60 bucks just to try bfa, supporting retail at the same time
fucking why
my man
>plan on leveling paladin
>not really sure if I actually wanna go for the level 20 mace or just be happy with Smite's hammer
Also trying to decide if I should eventually switch to prot while leveling or stick with ret til 60.
>When the allies get graveyard camped most don't bother to res.
I'm not denying there were a lot of Alliance shitters. That was what made our job hard. We had to pick the good ones out while Horde were always tempted to /afk away from us because they knew there was always a million PUGs in greens waiting for them, as opposed to us.
>Raid guilds didn't PvP in my time until WAY later like post AQ early Naxx shit.
I was grinding R14 right around AQ40, so we were dealing with raid groups in that tier of gear. Made things particularly hard for some of our group who were still in PvP blues.
>I mean, are we talking just video games?
No. I'm fucking talk in real life. I did not enjoy being a 13 year old having to console a man in /w who was going through a divorce because he was a great Arms warrior, and we needed him on the team. Like, that's fucked dude. More than most things I've dealt with in life since.
Like if you want me to blog about what I do IRL, I'm a composer. I spent 15+ years learning piano, and I often spend 8-12 hours a day in a DAW writing up pieces. Difference is, I actively enjoy that, and make money off of that, so it's not hard or stressful for me. It's rewarding.
Try to beat my 1-40 time. I think I got the most efficient route.
If you started 2 weeks after launch then why start around AQ40? That's super late into the game and now everything you're saying makes sense. R14 grind was much easier when people were learning how to do BWL.
After being redpilled, you learn marriage is a trap and only bluepillers get married. It's a death sentence to your sex and financial life.
How is learning piano easier than getting R14? If I could go back in time I'd never touch video games and learn the violin or something.
Sure beats retail management. Dealing with idiot teenagers and old people all day fucking sucks, then you have the lifeless corporate overhead which is a whole 'nother beast.
Neet life for me, till I make it as a streamer / youtuber or I blow my brains out.
There was a sale for BFA a little bit ago and got me thinking about it. I did think that I should try BFA to form my own opinion instead of just following others' opinions, buuuut it didn't take me long to come to my senses and realize that WoW has fucked me with the last expansions so I'm not gonna fall for this bullshit again.
Like seriously, go lurk any forum where BFA discussion is active. The stuff people are putting so much energy into discussing is stuff so far removed from the core of what makes a good MMO that it blows me away. People so fucking concerned about adding mount customization options and about tiny little tidbits of a story taht's so fucked I couldn't be bothered. Either that, or people are so jaded at this point that they only care about fan art or memes.
Retail is actually such a shit show that retail people come into classic discussion just to try to shit on it in a poor effort to cope. Hell, even on the WoW subreddit, any time a good classic meme or actual classic news comes up it's way more discussed and upvoted than any actual retail news.
>make it as a streamer/youtuber
Man it's such a shame that the "content creation" meme blew up. Just a poor excuse for people to do jack shit and leech off other people.
If you're trying to make it as a content creator while working to support yourself in another way then go for it, but if you're planning on leeching till the end just fucking an hero right now and save everyone the time.
>How is learning piano easier than getting R14? If I could go back in time I'd never touch video games and learn the violin or something.
It's two plus hours a day every day for a good chunk of your lifetime, which much of it spent alone in a room woodshedding scales. The more interesting thing with music though was always learning software, orchestration, and synthesizer stuff, which is what I use today to make bread.
R14 lasted months and fucked me up though. I had a time limit, and I didnt't get any sleep because I knew if I didn't do this on time, I'd never do it, and it would be a regret for the rest of my life. Sitting hear literally half a lifetime later, I agree. I can't imagine what I'd think of myself if I stopped at R12, or R13. Taught me something very important: don't be a quitter.
Frontstabbing isn't going to be a thing on official servers, so have fun with that
with much of it*
Reminder to ignore and report tripfags.
Friendly reminder this tripfags is unironically a tranny bating and making shit up to bait out replies.
do NOT reply, dont be a fucking newfag. just report and ignore.
>using frontstabbing
git gud
remember to stay away from any /vg/ threads
>approaching his post with a min/max mentality
retail player spotted
people in both the wow general and private server general kinda fucking scare me. so many weird trannies and mongoloids roaming around there
minmaxers are way more common on private servers tho
That's what happens when you have such long running threads and no moderation. The shitposters just keep going until everyone else leaves and it's just shitposting.
The SC2 general eventually devolved into 750 post threads of shitposters posting single word posts every 30 minutes and spamming stupid pictures, which is why it's now deleted on sight. Trying to talk about the game was actually impossible in those threads.
I wagecucked 13 years and I'm a minimalist so I have like 8 years before I run outta money. No government aid. I live in a van.
I got 1million + views on all my old Warcraftmovie videos so I figure I could do the same again.
So is the gym, but every other day.
Works with macros (Third party.)
False report cuck.
It's like a 5 point eviscerate dawg.
I have yet to see any.
holy fuck what an absolute cucklord
why the fuck is the vanilla community infested with retards like this guy? he didn't even play vanilla for fucks sake
Retail is a different game, it's brain washing customers to focus solely on mounts and cosmetic collecting.
It's no longer a mmo, it's a game that brainwashed players to collect shit and time gates it behind rep and other crap to extend subscriptions.
the select few who are actually in "progression" guilds and play on servers with shit tier populations, sure. But if Nostalrius is any indication of what the actual wider audience cares about today, most people really don't give a shit about mixmaxing and just want to enjoy the game. First MC raid I was in on Nost wasn't even close to optimal setup and nobody said shit or complained about it and we downed Rag only wiping once in the entire raid.
Also the vast majority of people who played on Nost didn't even get to max but still had positive feedback about their experience playing.
The most extreme members of any community are always the loudest and always give the impression that their opinion is shared more than it actually is, both inside and out of vidya.
Saw that thumbnail a minute ago, looks like complete clickbait.
I solely stick with madseasonshow for WoW content.
link to the stream?
Based, he is the only good wow content creator.
Comfy shit, he actually played the game, not pretentious at all,not a tryhard wanna be that tries to fit in with the "hardcore" crowd, healthy humor.
he is the most based of all desu.
>That max settings visual mode
Collecting is the pretty much the perfect way to describe the way that game functions now so you hit it on the head. Transmog, mounts, pets, achievements that aren't hard but just take a ton of time to collect every obscure achievement, and the list goes on.
I played Legion, got to max, did the questline for my class in the class hall, got fully geared, completed every raid on normal, and got to 1800 in 2's and 3's and it took me less than a month.
Everything is just so braindead and handed to you for minimal effort so people run out of things to do so fast and resort to these collect-a-thons.
>"oh you're bored? must be your fault cause there's so much content to do in this game."
Yeah but none of it fucking matters. There's 0 sense of achievement or accomplishment when you hand these rewards out to everybody for such minimal effort or skill.
>not stockpiling depends and caffeine
ding dong ur rong
even in tbc, sap and polymorph didn't have diminishing returns
I kept retards my prisoner for ages even on a low level rogue
>I live in a van
Im glad my life will nevee degenerate to this point
I'm planning to order 3 pizzas and play for as long as I can without falling sleep the first 2 days.
did he really not even play vanilla? where'd he say that? if so, then he's an absolute joke.
I'm tempted to get back in to wow to be honest.
not worth. never is. game gets old faster than a fruit fly
You couldn't even make it past tier 9 without a dedicated team in vanilla. There also was no botting other than using an auto clicker to keep yourself from going afk in av. Which isn't enough honor to rank up. To get to tier 14 in vanilla people had to share accounts because it was the only way to make sure you actually had enough honor to rank up else another team would surpass yours.
Not classic
I don't know anything about fruit flies. I'm not a botanist.
I haven't played since Wrath.
I assume Classic won't be what i want.
Very sad. I want a new good mmo.
Enjoy not being able to see mobs and players easily.
Dude it's cheap living. Fuck renting.
My nutritional advice is to go all in or no fiber.
obv talking about retail
Classic will never get old. Hilarious that retail players think we'll get sick of Classic quickly because they all get sick of their own game after the first month of an expansion and then sit around and think "man I sure hope the next expansion is better. I'm almost tempted not to give them over 100$ every year with my sub to this shit game"
I'm actually considering getting bfa now, amass massive amounts of gold and pay subs with it.
anyone who unironically responded to this pasta should kill themselves
>say goodbye to all this horrible shit that ruined the game
lol okay seeya
>No kung-fu pandas. No furries. No shitty "heroic" classes.
Lycantropy is a disease, not a race.
How would classic's balance be affected if they decided to impliment cata's class option profiliation, excluding dwarf shammy/tauren pally to keep faction exclusivity intact?
For those who don't know/don't remember, they were:
>Human Hunter
>Dwarf Mage+Warlock
>Nelf Mage
>Gnome Priest
>Orc Mage
>Tauren Priest
>Undead Hunter
>Troll Druid+Warlock
Stop even talking to the trip fag ypure as retarted as him for even replying
Link bot pls
Early adopters didn't really have to grind too much. Autism.
getting away with botting now won't be as easy as it was in vanilla. they have fuck all for detection/prevention back then.
I want all of these minus Tauren priest and Orc mage.
Anyone know if the weather engine and draw distance fog will be in Classic?
what if we kill the alliance trannies so much that they are gonna stop playing the game?
pvp servers are essentially all gonna be horde only
No, fuck this. Even tho u excluded the greatest bullshit that is tauren paladin, its still crap. Horde will have 2 druids, and all and all only one that makes sense is human hunter.
Classic weather and fog but you can adjust them to the retail level in settings, so you can have either.
What's more comfy horde or alliance for leveling?
Undead questing is pure kino
>Village of elite worgen in Silverpine that changes depending on if you're playing during the day or at night
human hunter makes so much sense that factually forgot they weren't in vanilla until i checked
Wait really? what the fuck how come i never noticed this
Human hunter = forsaken hunter
>At daytime, the inhabitants of Pyrewood were human, but by night fall, they would have transformed into worgen.
I always played at night on my first character so it blew my mind coming back there to carry someone through the quests later
It was just an image of a vent server of some pvp boys I rolled with. Autoclicker and a bg addon.
I'm not doing r14 again. But yeah there wasn't even an anti-afk system at all so you could just sit in the av tunnel and collect free honor.
Ugh it's so inefficient though!
I always farm the Dalaran Wizard robes though.
I feel like Gnome Priest would be nice if they somehow had fear ward as well. Troll Druid and Warlock would be decent with berserking, but otherwise there's nothing that makes them too much better than the other options. Everything else would make for some interesting changes, such as shadowmeld pom pyro night elf mages but it's probably best they aren't there since it's not too significant.
>human hunters aren't in vanilla
fuck that's what i was going to roll. what kinda retarded shit is this? is it cause they have 6 classes that they can be already?
I would argue that often in fantasy animals hate coming close to undead and even need special training to fight undead, but ok (and forsaken isn't technically undead anyway).
Shut the fuck up you little nigger
All good things... will return when WE ARE GOING HOME
Imagine paying $15 a month to play a 14 years old game
I will buy gold from gold famers just like I did 13 years ago
i will have epic riding as soon as I hit 60
i will buy my BiS lionheart helm as soon as one is available
>still no beta announcement
the fuck?
This is a genuine concern, but the fact is that stoneskin/vanish and escape artist are objectively more useful aginst good players than wotf. I think pvp spergs might gravitate to alliance after being spoiled by nuwow racials.
>nobody posting about how most of those are lorebreaking combinations
Night Elf Mage is laughably absurd, as the whole reason they are night elves is because they gave up traditional magic.
Orcs have never had traditional mages anywhere in the universe, only shamans and warlocks that were previously shamans.
Tauren have no connection to the Holy Light and thus shouldn't be worshipping the same religion. It's honestly the same for Trolls in vanilla.
Troll Druid is dumb as well considering Druids are a direct result of the emerald dream and cenarius teachings, which Trolls have never seen or heard.
And Gnomes are unholy little shits that should be wiped off the face of the planet, and therefore cannot be priests.
its all about the start, once the hordes of UD rogue/mages establish dominance over the alliance players, they will quit the server and this effect will just snowball, high lvl horde players will camp the shit out of new people who dared to roll alli, making it literally impossible for them to even level up
They are chained in 1.12.
But huntards can kite Volchan to goldshire who has a big aoe that dunks on lowbies
I really want a nelf mage to pyroblast from stealth in vanilla
Why do horde dindus go forsaken so often when Orc is objectively better in pvp.
Alliance hands down.
Undead is comfy though, orc/troll/tauren have their own style but its a shit style of being in a fucking endless desert.
I want to heal
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the healers? Pros/Cons appreciated.
Which one is more fun in your opinion?
>>Human Hunter
>>Dwarf Mage
>>Dwarf Warlock
makes sense
>>Nelf Mage
>>Gnome Priest
>>Orc Mage
I guess
>>Tauren Priest
>>Undead Hunter
>>Troll Druid
pretty dumb
>>Troll Warlock
>It's honestly the same for Trolls in vanilla.
They worship the loa, not the light.
who will have the better pvp scene though? im kinda leanin alliance on this one
How does Dwarf warlock make sense but not mage
Because UD mage/priest is default pick and ud vs orc rogue is arguable. Reminder to mock and laugh at all UD warlock and warriors.
I really fucking wish i could play dorf warlock, their casting animations are boss.
>Top tier fun
>Spam one button lol
Shammies and pallies
>Top tier fun
Shaman if you're not healing
Priest if you have a geared warrior to heal bot
>Boring as fuck
Shaman if you're healing
Priest without a warrior
cause people who play undead wanted to play humans
>your post
>laughing at UD warlock
shit is aesthetic as fuck tho
Why do kids love EBON HILT OF MARDUK?
They like having what they believe to be an iwin button against 1 class(priest) and sometimes warlocks. Clowning UD rogues as a gnome sl warlock was always something I enjoyed in classic, since inexperienced ud rogues would jump me thinking I was a free kill.
Just gonna have to delay the quest until 35 and ask guildies to save the items that drop from elementals. It's gonna suck ass if Corpsemaker doesn't drop or some Enhance shaman sperg steals it from you. There's like only two good quest reward weapons in 30-35 range and both come from level 40 quests.
I think same as its always been. BG's mostly 50/50 with faster alliance queue times. Premades dominating though ofc.
wpvp, on oceanic it was alliance dominate and I expect the same this time at least for oceanic servers.
Honestly there is nothing more comfy than chilling at IF with your t2 kit on.
>Why only undead
The best PvP racial lets you break certain crowd controls (Fear, seduce.) and allow you to take down your target. In PvE this is also valuable as you do ZERO dps when crowd controlled. Orc and Trolls have MOAR DAMAGE racials but that damage, again, is ZERO when controlled. If you can't break from fear a warlock can fuck you hard, double down for seduce.
Cannibalize saves you A GORILLION FOOD ITEMS in your play time. Every time you need to heal, you can eat a food, bandage, or just OM NOM NOM some roleplays corpse. If you're like me you macro it to also stealth so you can STEALTH HEAL.
>But orcs resist stun.
So what? If one fails, use another, or another, or another, or sprint / vanish and use another! If you macro up and have proper gear you win every rogue VS rogue also most rogues are TARDS and are easily killed. Skilled rogues are like IP man you can take on a whole room full of idiots if you know what you're doing. (See videos of a single rogue taking down 2x max geared sulfuron warriors or multiple opponents with Thunderfury.) A skilled rogue will 100% kill everyone else. If you wanna be a rogue VS rogue grand master go ahead and roll orc but you're gonna suck all the corrupted warlock cocks.
I thought Shamans were an active class, so they are just a one button spam thing? That sucks
just fucking model swap yourself if aesthetics matter. imagine giving up 25% stun as a clothie vs the army of human rogues and warriors you'll endure just to look edgy
Troll shadow priests have been a thing forever
>Troll Druid is dumb as well considering Druids are a direct result of the emerald dream and cenarius teachings, which Trolls have never seen or heard.
but trolls wuz nelfs billion years ago
>If one fails
And if it doesn't fail you auto win against some classes.
A 40% chance to auto win vs. a fear removal which doesn't matter because warlocks are broken and will kill you anyway if they're good
because they were always picked last in gym class
>>>Nelf Mage
look at these crazy female undead melee animations though
Dude if everyone had your mentality everyone would be Orc and Gnome only.
>the fucking enhancement shaman with hand of rag on my server
Gayest fucking shit I've seen in my life. 1 windfury and you were done and there was nothing you could do about it.
Any class can be 1 button masher if you want to play unoptimally. You'll chain heal alot but alot cast different ranks of lesser and regular healing wave often to snipe heals. Also totem management and twisting for melee if you're a baller.
>not the backflip
They're crawling all around Dire Maul in classic.
I'll use the Kurzen dudes in Stranglethorn to argue for human shaman as well.
Paladins are so much better both for PvE and PvP that it's not even funny. Shamans are literally shit tier.
You can do some fancy totem stuff but it really doesn't matter and 90% of the time you're gonna be spamming chain heal.
>When I do the combat swords run I will be comparing speed as well as income. Pickpocketing was a HUGE income boost. Certain mobs in the world have a MUCH higher %chance for their lockboxes to have blue daggers in them. In 30 minutes I can make about 10g at level 30 and get 3-4 blue daggers worth 3-100+ gold each. (Assassins blades.)
This can't be right. A junkbox is a junkbox, how can thr loottables vary depending on the mob it was dropped or pocketed from?
Nelf lore is about the shit they are not using arcane magic, even tho moonwells are magical they just worshiping it Elunes shrines not for magic.
Windfury totem, grounding totem, fucking purge??
Shaman are a great and really interesting and fun support class, and get powerful as fuck with gear.
I guess priest it is
It doesn't fucking matters.
Those are EXILED AND DENOUNCED for a reason.
High elves left kalimdor precisely because they couldn't practice magic, the night elves that are part of the alliance is the main branch that lives in darnassus, not some random loonies spread on the anus of the world.
Night elves were purists and denounced this shit for thousands upon thousands of years.
>looking up vanilla class guides
>looking up vanilla leveling guides
>looking up vanilla pre-raid BiS guides
>doing this everyday on repeat
I need help... this shit needs to come out already
Just being able to MC people off makes it worth playing priest
You need 1 in each group if you want those buffs for everyone in the raid. No one is going to take 6 shamans over 6 actual DPS classes for some shitty buffs.
No, not sure what that guy is on about.
First, healing isn't necessarily that fun on ANY class but that's also purely subjective so grain of salt.
For resto shaman pve, you are dropping different totems depending on fight and your group, you're re-dropping totems to ensure they're in range of your party, and you're healing. Shamans excel at raid-healing using chain heal, so that's what the dude is talking about with "one button" but there is still a lot more, and you don't JUST chain heal. You still have several ranks of healing wave, lesser healing wave, and chain heal on your bars. And while priests are better, shamans are still great tank healers.
I wouldn't argue its better or worse than other classes, it just is what it is and in end game pve there really is no class (out of tanking roles) that is particularly "interesting". The interesting parts are from working as a team to be coordinated, clear comms, and clear shit, and thats class independent.
For pvp, its rare that shamans go as deep resto but it can happen. But no matter what spec shamans aren't one button in pvp either. You should be purging and grounding shit, interrupting, and still tossing out heals. If you're just running up to clothes and hoping for wf RNG while doing nothing else, or sitting in one spot and turreting waiting for a rogue to buttfuck you, you're doing it wrong anyhow. There is no one button pvp class as it always fucking depends.
>no forsaken paladins
>no dwarven shamans
Uhh, what could have been...
Good thing classic isn't just tournament pvp realms but multi playstyle with thousands of players. Hardiness and escape artist are both worth sacrificing appearance or putting the effort to model swap
Is skinning the best profession to start out with?
>Made a huge google doc BIS for priest
>Planned out leveling and practiced it a bit
>Decide I really want to play paladin instead
>Have to do it all over again
Is there any datamining info out yet or leaks about when beta will be?
I know people on private servers are saying 2 weeks but i have no idea how they came to that conclusion, the only spots i'd know to go for into are mmo champ and wowhead and all they have is the news post about the beta build happening.
Im scared that modern day wow addons are going to ruin classic. imagine if weakauras will get implemented?
Imagine being so cucked that you have to give yourself every concievable edge or you wont be able to pmay at all.
If you want to make more money by selling leather to the vendor, yes. If you plant to level up crafting professions while leveling and the other profession isn't leatherworking, no.
Nobody said you needed 1 for every group, and they aren't "shitty buffs". A totem twisting shaman is mandatory for the hot shit geared melee dps group/s, and it is a critical and relatively high skill job.
Escape artist is trash.
the only good thing they have going for them is free engineering points because that shit is expensive.
Int is meaningless.
>infiltrate into stormwind
>stay hidden in a corner with feign death/stealth
>gnomish mind control cap on random passerby and send them to fight other random alliance, resulting in the person getting gang banged by guards
There's a new client but its just an empty sandbox that's hardly different from the blizzcon demo.
In a post-Legion world the night elves no longer have a reason to shun arcane magic. Have Blinks.
>escape artist is trash
Nothing can be worse than decursive was.
I'm rolling Night Elf warrior because I like their armor. 1% dodge on tank is nice too I guess
>escape artist is trash
>WoW Classicâ„¢ won't revert me to a teenager and let me ruin my future with video game addiction again.
What's even the point?
>no demon hunters
good, because they're objectively shit
so long as i get to keep twintails on my gnome it's okay, and those were a vanilla style
>faction restricted classes
>profession recepies
yea sure will miss the millions of useless armor and weapons you could craft but will never use
>no flying
>lack of flight points
>one hearthstone
>no AOE looting
only option i'm upset by, but i'll get over it
>no transmog
>no LFR/LFD/Groupfinder/etc...
>no DKs/Monks/DH and heavier restrictions on class/race combos
>no pandas, worgens, goblins
>listing improvements
I know pretty much every quest in vanilla (both factions) by heart after 7 years of private server hopping. and I still manage to be excited for classic.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
AE looting was a huge fucking nerf. Good riddance.
>don't offer a chance at redemption
>expect improvement anyways
That's not how it works.
>escape artist is trash
>getting less rage/threat and having more unpredictability for your healers is nice
Nah dude. It's counter intuitive but the dodge is not that great. Weapon skill is most important for threat generation (thus raid dps output).
You realize escape artists take like 2 seconds to cast right?
and it only works for slows, which in classic are more common than dirt. specially rogues and shamans or warriors.
Stop pretending you know about vanilla, nobody picks gnomes for PVP. if you want a good PVP racial pick dwarf, stoneskin is borderline broken.
Also channeling prevents you from dodging altogether.
fucking zoomers.
Damn that sucks. Still gonna roll one cause I like the way they look in plate and their animations
human warriors are gay. when it comes to aesthetics (most important stat in vanilla) best warriors are dwarves with nelfs close second. humans are bottom of the barrel slightly above gnomes)
Charging horde niggers out of shadowmeld IS really fucking funny though.
You won't be coming to my raid then.
>2 seconds
its 0.5 seconds you poof
>only works for slows
clears all roots and slows
nah you'll be begging for my long elf dick when you need a tank
please just kill me
i can't go on any more
i can't keep looking up class videos, deciding what i want to go, then changing my mind, then watching more class videos, then DEFINITELY 100% deciding what i want to go, then changing my mind
i can't keep this shit up
shadow priest/warlock/elemental shaman
which do i go lads? bare in mind your choice is essentially pointless as ill probably change my mind anyway
Imagine being this wrong.
>0.5s cast
>1min CD racial
>breaks all slows AND roots
>this sucks
Dude please just stop.
I dont even
Just be urself and play shadow priest (you're gonna end up healing anyway)
0.5 sec cast for snares and roots you daft cunt
>tfw can't decide between shaman and priest
>everytime I enter a thread I change my mind on whatI want to play/spoiler]
I know your feeling
I have a smaller problem but i can't decide on what faction my warrior will be.
I already know it's either Human or Orc but I can't decide on a faction. is it bad that i want to roll alliance because asmongold will and i guarantee his server will remain active for a very long time
Let me laugh even harder.
dont roll on faggot streamer realms please. unless you dont wanna see them get carried to realm firsts.
Escape Artist is 0.5sec and it's the best pvp racial for Warriors because roots are the worst thing that can happen to warriors. Stoneskin is also very good, but I would say it's debatable which is better for a Warrior.
imagine taking leatherworking on classic lmao
What you don't wanna see sodapoppin below the tanks on the meters and dead on the ground as kel'thuzad falls?
Think of all the easy HK's when you roll on THE streamer server? You know they will all go into one and that shit is going to be FULL pop and remain so. I'm definitely rolling on one and I don't care.
>get slowed
>cast it
>get slowed again right away
haha very useful.
people think it's easier because literally nobody but blizzard knows how the fuck armor reduction scaling worked back then. having 4800 armor doesn't mean shit when armor reduction abilities stack to the point of a boss having 0 armor.
Leatherworking will be a good early choice because all the kids are being brainwashed into thinking that they absolutely need to be a skinner to be able to afford their mount.
can't believe the guy who is right is getting swarmed by a bunch of low skilled shitters who unironically think escape artist is good
can't wait to dab on all of you gnome warriors who think you can avoid my slows on my frost mage
>roll warrior
>guild feeds me gear because my class is the best tank/dps at 60
I thought this, but the more I tested and investigated, apparently different guys designed and managed different areas / mobs. While some mobs drop ALL manner of food items and rando drops, others only drop beef, or only cheese, etc. Certain mobs have a way HIGHER chance to drop lockboxes, and lockboxes from certain mobs will always have different % loot tables as well. Certain mobs have a higher affinity for blue daggers, which in the developers eyes, was to help rogues stay caught up on weapons if they were willing to painstakingly pickpocket and open lockboxes. It's the same as certain "sick" and "starving" mobs giving the same exp as really tanky mobs with a large moveset.
>tabbing through the horde nigger raid and applying viper stings
>watching castera become visibly agitated as they keep having to back off to drink
Alliance warriors and rogues get from paladins :
>185 AP from Might
>10% all stats from Kings (takes buffs into account)
>30% threat generated from Salvation (allows more heroic strikes because threat isn't a problem)
>Usage of 2% crit stone on mainhand or instant poison for rogues
>Don't have to be in the same group
Horde warriors and rogues get from shamans
>whirlwind totem that procs only from mainhand and can give threat problems
>77 agility from air totem (like 2-3% crit for both and 77 AP for rogues)
>77 str (154 AP for warriors, 77 for rogues)
>lack of 2% crit stone or instant poison on mainhand
>only if in the same group
Shamans are overrated and Paladins are objectively the superior class for PvE. Paladins also boost mages and warlocks by a lot and by the end of the game mages are the best damage dealers in the game.
more like
>frost nova root
>escape artist
there I just won a duel against mage.
What the fuck sort of low effort dab was that kek
is retail worth playing? i'm so fucking bored man
Frost nova, you stupid shitter.
Do you know how math works?
Like at all?
>shield reflects the PoM pyro too
>cone of cold, walk away from you while you're moving snail speed
>frost nova is back up again if you ever do get close again (which u won't lmao)
woaah..nice racial bro
Why the fuck would a Mage Frost Nova then blink? Even at 0.5 second cast time the mage is going to be out of melee range unless you were precasting EA before they used nova.
lol no. your time is better spent going on a private server and mapping out the route you'll be taking.
*Resists it because I'm playing an Orc*
Listen here you little coon I wasn't comparing them to paladins, which are of course superior buffing (salvation beyond anything else). I was clearly talking about their desirability and utility within their faction, where they are considered a core part of a raid due to the buffs they can provide.
hey if you can grenade lemme FaP and give you a big long hug.
You forgot about the get rooted part
>.5sec cast escape artist
>save a blink
Its time to stop
sorry I should clarify, I don't play like a minmaxing autist
there are plenty of better games out there than retail wow to pass the time
than retail is perfect for you, you casual shit
Are paladins good for something in 1.12? I know holy are good for raids for blessings but thats it? Prot cant tank dungeons and ret do shit damage and are a gimmick in 1v1
For range and to cast a rank 1 frostbolt before resuming the kite? Did you faggots even play this game?
EA a frost nova forces a mage to blow other cooldowns sooner into an encounter, and is an advantage no other race has against mages (which are everywhere).
Holy is the best PvP healer
I cant believe retards think escape artist is good.
all slows are easily refreshed by the time you cast that garbage.
theres a reason why nobody considers gnome for as top pick for PVP, you will have people on your ass at all given times. most likely meleefags so your fucking CHANNELING SPELL is USELESS and even then, rangedfags will likely have slows on a low cooldown, lower than your fucking 2min cd "good" racial.
dumb fucking retards, maybe actually try to play the game than doing your 12yo theorycrafting.
Wouldn't this be at least sort of reflected in the databases? For example the higher dropchance of lockboxes from say syndie mobs.
Paladins are amazing pvp healers, and you can aoe farm undead for loadsamone(not really).
what are good professions to take in classic? i think that's the only part i haven't decided on yet. i will be playing prot
escape artist is bad because the only acceptable gnomes are mages
>Zoomers cant into basic logic regarding racials
>They are also replying to tripfags
Calling it now, classic will be a fucking mess.
He's full of shit and objectively retarded. Pickpocket loot was normalized before 1.12 and rogues cried about it for a long time.
No it doesn't, all they have to do is jump while moving away from you and tag you will CoC after EA finishes and they're done. You're forced to blow intercept to get back in range, then they blink the stun. Or they can just grenade you and laugh.
>I know holy are good for raids for blessings but thats it?
They are generally considered the the best single target healers in the game for PvE and incredibly strong as PvP healers. Prot is overall a terrible spec but Ret is also a very viable PvP spec. They lack gap closers like Warriors but their sheer survivability over Warriors makes them very competent.
What faction should i join if i'm trans?
Horde and play a female troll.
gnomes are bis because retailtards are clickers
w i n t e r s p r i n g
The mobs I pickpocket aren't ones rogues generally go for. I really hate to give away this trade secret but the mobs in question are from factions you can wage war with.
I'm not and I'll prove it in video when retail hits and I've already got my fortune built up.
Alliance also have a problem with attracting:
Little kids- Most children do not have the discipline to be good at video games, devote lots of time to video games, or the freedom to play constantly, meaning they will never have fully geared / developed / decent characters. Most little kids will feign responsibility yet play responsible roles. (Warrior, usually.) Some kids are amazing gamers. I know I was at 12, but we can't all be me.
Dadgamers- You know the ones. 2-3 kids, "dadbod" boomers that have little time to devote to gaming these days. They click their skills while getting drunk off a pack of Keystone. They have very little to offer.
Girl gamers- They are girls. If you do not know why having girls on your team is a bad idea then go play some ranked Overwatch. If you really must know I can explain but it should be obvious.
Single moms- Like the girl gamer + dadgamer, but worse. Has to constantly afk to feed the kid or chat it up with a post-wall blue piller. Has to take ciggy breaks and sex breaks. Generally a waste of a human. The lowest of the low, and will drag you down with her.
Old people - These old timers have shit jobs like managing a McCuckolds or a grocery store. They have so little time to invest they usually just RMT all their stuff. They got to 60 by paying a Chinaman or NEET to do the work for them. 100% clicks their skills and has slow reaction time.
What about ret pve? Do i have to be a fucking celebrity to be invited to something with that damage?
Reminder to not reply to tripfags.
To all the fucking zoomers who are replying to tripfags.
He's samefagging you retard.
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger.
A little education doesnt hurt, user.
just to make sure.
Make a new thread.
Ret is a meme but you can play it if you really want, just don't expect to get into a tryahrd guild.
The real meme is holy dps.
I'll make one, but I'm going to disguise it so we don't look like a general.
Not going to link it here either.
That's fine, I'll be there, yo
"I'm the healer" I say as I beat the tanks and even most of the DPS on some fights.
Nah man.
You could prove the concept by giving examples of different loottables for the same containers which don't include your assassin's blades.
Any ret that whips out a blessing of freedom on a try hard Big Guild pvp warrior while he is getting his tip wet, will make a friend for life.
Look fuck head just go on reddit if you want attention.
Stop typing, you severely mentally ill fuckup. Nobody wants to see what you have to say about anything.
Remember when they renamed them all to Hand of X and people still referred to them as blessings for so long they changed em back? Good times.
>I want to roll alliance because asmongold will
Holy fuck the most zoom post ive literally ever read in my entire fucking life