Why did you guys scream about how hard cuphead is? Did you guys never play contra?

Why did you guys scream about how hard cuphead is? Did you guys never play contra?

Also the switch port is great, thanks xbros.

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>Why did you guys scream about how hard cuphead is?
Nobody here did that

>le hard thing... I think not hard ;)
HOLY SHIT OP, you are the coolest man alive

Lots of people here did. It's probably just because cuphead is distinctly oldschool and most kids are not used to that kind of game.

Its trash. Play better games

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You are literally So.y if you think Rayman Legends is better than Cuphead.

What are you even talking about? That's like comparing super Mario to mega man

So what's the verdict? Any frame drops or resolution woes? I really want to double dip from PC but if it runs like shit I'll have to pass. I just really, really want to play comfy Cuphead on the bed.

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>Less than $5

Yeah after morons like you let it flop day one.

>Legends less than $5

I am only a couple of levels in, but I haven't had any problems, granted this is the first time I have ever played it so I don't know what the frame rate or any of that jazz is on pc.

Played co-op with a friend on Xbox, looking forward to going through the whole thing myself.

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on xbox.

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that's pretty cool

if my laptop without a graphics card can run this game with near perfect performance at 720p, i don't see why the switch couldn't at least match that.

Well I’ll be damned, I thought the new update was only QoL stuff

I beat contra 3 when I was 14 and I still found cuphead hard

Well Kirby Star Allies runs at sub-30 and looks like a slideshow when there are too many effects onscreen. Better safe than sorry.

Here's your (you) faggot.

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that game uses 3D models though.

both games are good. case closed

Show me today's Rayman Legends thread.

It was also rushed.

the load times are ASS

Why do you keep posting this every time cuphead gets brought up? The games are not even remotely similar.
>copy\paste bosses
Name one
>created by hipsters\tumblrinas
Co-creator is LITERALLY Chad

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>A Raycuck still posts this in any Cuphead thread
Sorry Rayman Legends was hack job of broken promises that never got made after a huge delay.

Why is he the most popular boss?

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Yea Forums cries about everything cause its filled with whiny impatient faggots who want games to stroke their ego, and no most zoomers posting havent really played Contra outside of maybe the first nes game and 3 on normal.

I couldn't beat anything on the second island on PC, but I was stuck with keyboard controls. Would proper controllers make it any easier, or was all of that me being a scrub from the start?

Best music, and it's not up for debate.

get the controller

I beat everything on expert using keyboard with good ranks no less so its definitely just you being bad

You mean the most popular male boss

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Has anybody bothered remapping the controls?

I 100%'d the game on keyboard, maybe your mapping sucks? I had z/x for jump/shoot and shift for dash. Weapons and super were like, spacebar and caps or so.


>Would proper controllers make it any easier
Yes. Proper controllers are the way to go with any platformer.

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It's no pushover but the people that struggled the most with it likely never played the games that inspired it. Like with Contra, success comes from learning patterns.

Fuck your rules, Murine Corps is better.

This right here

i did. forgot what setup i used because it's been so long. i think i mapped shooting to the right trigger and put dash where shoot was on default.

>t.games reviewer
Go raise a bird.

Dash is right trigger for me, that’s the only change I made

I can't decide whether I should get this or Phoenix Wright Trilogy.

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Emulate the DS PW games, they look way better.

This is the same game, 1080, 60 fps. The Xbox has like 5 seconds faster load time tho

I've played Contra 1 and Hard Corps, Metal Slug 1-4, Super Turrican, Gunstar Heroes 1 and 2, and Cuphead. Of these, difficulty is like
>Fuck This Shit Tier
-Contra HC
-Metal Slug 4

>Keep At It Tier

>Balanced Tier
-Contra 1

>Babby tier
-Gunstar Super

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lol cmon how's Contra 1 balanced you can rape the whole game by just memorizing spread gun drop locations and learning the basic layout of the levels, you can do a no death run within a few hours. Hard Corps is more of the balanced variety especially with Ray and Sheena, you just play, memorize boss attack patterns and clear it eventually. Metal Slug 3 is far harder than anything else on your list btw, I'm guessing you never even come close to 1cc'ing it

Is a physical release coming out?

Everyone was too busy laughing at that one polygon dude, newfag.

>best female boss
That's not the case now with Baroness Von Bon Bon.

Rayman Legends was so fucking boring it hurt

Well it was fucking copypasted from Origins.

Japan loves him for some god-forsaken reason, him and the root pack. I guess between them and Flowey Asians just really want to fuck vegetables.

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>implying good old ragtime isn't the best damn track in the game

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What year is it

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Contra 3 is harder than cuphead by a mile. You just slow down in older age

Which is best girl and why?

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ubishill is strong
holy fuck
Cuphead clearly is better game

>herbivore men

It's hard to make a choice, her fanart has really sold me on how cute she could be.

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Weren’t the reset fags crying this game was racist?

So did the update drop yet? Might have to get back in to this game.

both games are great, stop falseflagging to make people hate Rayman faggot

It did, but it's mostly QoL stuff, new content will be coming in Delicious Last Course eventually

I bought it on PC, only got a couple bosses in before I stopped, bought it again on isle 2 and it is in fact hard, but I feel myself improving in every attempt and it’s really nice playing it in handheld mode


I wish, but theres an artbook coming out in oct.

Yeah, even though they stupidly think 1930's is bad.
Thank god they can't go back in time to stop any of the based jokes Tex Avery did.

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In b4 this sells better on Switch than Cuckbox. Wouldn't be surprising.

people still give him (You)s

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It's 100% going to happen.