How quickly did you beat Sekiro?
How quickly did you beat Sekiro?
Did nobody here beat Sekiro yet?
Beat Gunslinger Isshin after 35 hours. Moderate-high amounts of exploration, encountered most of the mini-bosses to my knowledge.
Speedrunning is autistic
Play time is at 40 hours and I 100% the run with true ending.
I also just leave my games running whenever I eat or run errands, though. So it's probably more around 35.
Around 60 hours for me. On NG+ without Kuros Charm and Demon Bell I thought I could finish faster but I’m having difficulty now with some of these bosses and I have to really take my time through each one to beat them.
How far am I if I have just chosen to fight Owl? To my knowledge I have done all available content up to this point. Except fight Owl in your dream.
55 hours for return ending and getting almost everything besides second owl fight
4 hours for shura ending on new ng run
7:35 minutes, I got a good skip that's not made public yet, will be uploading after I optimize it better.
hows your transition going?
does it really make it much harder? did you hate to change the way you play much?
I'm on NG6 right now, and I think I'll try no charm + the bell on NG7
I meant "did you have to*"
No need to be upset friend, you'll see the skip once it's uploaded, got other things to do at the moment.
Pretty sure Owl unlocks the final boss along with more optional bosses
I've only started it a few days ago, but I doubt I'll ever beat it. This is easily the hardest game ever made, not counting bullshit like Wizardry IV which isn't even based on player skill.
35 hours but I missed the second hirata estate bell
30 for the first run, plus 5 for all the stuff i missed.
ng+ took me 15 to fight every boss and miniboss again(with kuro's charm cause im a coward).
planning to do ng++ without charm and have bell demon so i knock out the other 2 endings and have more skill points
the boss there Owl (Father) is amazing user. You should totally fight him whenever you want to play more
50 hours in and I've just arrived at Fountainhead Palace.
Well on ng+ I just rushed the shura ending. Doing a new run with the demon bell and without kuros charm where I plan on getting the purification ending, so I'm anticipating a tough time with Owl 2
distortion2 is a cutie
First run took about 30 hours, without Hirata Estate 2.
2nd run was purification, and it took me about 10-12. Most of the difficulty is just learning the combat system, once you get that down the game becomes cake.
I beat Sekiro after 20 hours but it was not the real ending I think, it was the one where you kill Emma.
34 hours, return ending. Pretty proud
Just delete yourself my man
Just beat the dragon.
I'm not really feeling it anymore Senpou/Owl felt like the peak.
Just finished my first playthrough at 42 hours. The first 3 or 4 of those were spent fucking around with reshade to fix the black levels, and another 2 were at Isshin, so it took more like 35.
0 minutes because i didn't bother wasting my money with this boring ass game.
well I'm on the last fight and my play time says 31 hours on steam currently
About 20 hours on first play, between 2-4 hours on the following ones.
my first playthrough took me 27 hours, only thing i missed was owl (father)
>30 hours first run, return ending
>7 hours second run, purification ending
>1000000000000 hours and counting 3rd run, shura ending if I can ever kill that fucking slut and her sugar daddy
About 35-40 hours with exploration, grinding and some confused running-back-and-forth to try and get an ending I'd apparently been locked out of.
On NG+, once you know that static loot is pretty much pointless, I got past second Genichiro in like.. 45 minutes? And that's roughly where I'm at right now.
Because of how worthless static loot is and how unnecessary combat is, it's kind of a bummer that future playthroughs will all be like that - just skipping from boss to boss because there's really no reason not to. When you're not exploring for the first time, 90% of the game becomes irrelevant.
So I only just learned that you fight Emma with the Shura ending. I was really confused though because after I fought Owl, choosing to stay with Kuro, Sekiro had a conversation with Emma about her skills with the blade. But I never fucking saw her fight in any capacity. What's that about?
Ninja sense
>le speed run
Jesus christ that sounds beautiful
haha someone couldnt beat the tutorial boss
Is this spear guy at the Ashina Reservoir worth dealing with, or does he not drop anything? Easily the hardest boss I've ever fought in a game.
just mikiri bro
More of a tranny thing really.
I didnt, got to Owl and got bored with it. While I dont think its impossibly difficult some of the bosses create a difficulty spike so large that I dont want to keep trying for very long. I like the gameplay but it's too punishing to make me want to grind out bosses like other Soulsborne games do.
Barely does anything even when it works, is highly unreliable, and he rarely stabs to begin with.
I had a ton of trouble with him as well. Definitely my first major hurdle.
If you want to 100% the game you'll have to take him down. Luckily he's actually really easy once you figure out how he works. Until you know the cheese strats, just be ready with your parries and Mikiri's.
>monkey on NG++
Ended up cheesing phase 1 with the flame vent
I know how he works. He alternates between normal attacks, stabs and occasionally does a sweep. The problem is execution.
Even just a single fat guy on the way to him feels like a boss in and of itself. Ornstein and Smouth tier normal enemies in this game...
mikiri then parry the strike after, and he gets stunned for a bit, go ham, rerpeat, easy
It's 100% reliable, you're just doing it wrong.
He also stabs *all* the time unless you're trying to stand in his face like a pleb. He'll slap you around if you do that.
And if you want to pussy out, you can just get your free backstab, pop an Ako, spam firecrackers and go ham.
This. No matter what you do, you will never in your life be as autistic as a video game speedrunner.
I only played once the 23rd, then I wanted to study for my linear algebra exam. I had it today. I failed.
Wauw dude. I think you need to just practice the game a little more if you think fatties are boss-tier.
Take your free backstab and just go at it. Jump over the low sweep, run behind him for the big sweep to avoid getting hit altogether, Mikiri his jabs, boom. He's really not that bad.
>Doesn't deny it
Best and easiest way to spot a tranny is to realize how they will never say "but I'm not a tranny" they'll just say you're projecting or some other ad hominem but not deny it.
So yeah how's the transition going you fucking mentally ill faggot?
>Beat game and go to NG+ and beat up to Shura ending
>Never had trouble with Genichiro
>Doing new playthrough with Bell and no charm
>Genichiro is kicking my ass
It's probably because I rushed right to him, so I don't have the upgrades I normally would, but the charm debuff really does change the game.
Should have played more.
It does make it harder once you get past the guardian apes. You basically have to deflect perfectly in every boss and mini boss otherwise your posture is broken in like two hits and you get one shotted by everything. You basically have to learn every boss you encounter perfectly so you spend lots of time on each one.
Any tips for the fat ones with the hammers? Sometimes they die in seconds and sometimes they take forever. I don't understand them at all.
It’s best to disengage and wait for them to lose you and then stealth them. It’s much faster.
playtime for my first time was around 43 hours
ss Isshin was tough but only ~2 hours of replaying him
i'm the currently speed recordist on sekiro. watch my run on
About 45 hours, and I'm embarrassed to say six or so of that was on Genichiro/Isshin at the end. I played him so fucking timidly to start, four phases was just too much for me at first.
This was with a good amount of exploration, I'm a notoriously slow soulsborne player the first time through.
I haven't checked but I'm certain it's more than 30, prob around 40.
When you give away the charm the game asks you twice, and if you insist it tells you that you've chosen "the path of suffering." It forces you to either deflect perfectly, or use a strategy other than blocking.
Around 27 hours for the first playthrough. I admit, I played it only 97% blind. I looked up how to do the true end as well as the locations of the few prayer beads I missed.