Imagine being a PC gamer right now lol

imagine being a PC gamer right now lol

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Other urls found in this thread:

Galaxy is completely optional. You can just download the executables from their site.

The only game launcher you need is qbittorrent, though.

I only see 6 game launchers

You really only need Steam, Origin, Uplay, and Epic though... There’s no point in having the others installed.

Microsoft Store

I only have one. It's called free torrents lmao

Do people run multiple launchers at the same time or do they don't know how to disable them on startup?

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you mean forza horizon launcher? that hardly counts


Galaxy isn't required and the rest are literal trash. The only one there that I may consider installing is EPIC if they ever stop the chink spying and get some basic features / better games.

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Imagine being a console gamer right now.

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And that is why steam isn't a monopoly, it would have competition if the other launchers were relevant

>have to update the bloatware whenever you want to play a game because it's a month behind the current version
makes no difference

I still just have Steam

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Based. Fuck uTorrent and bittorrent

>implying having a plethora of options is a bad thing
you can't be this retarded, pal
>competitive market
>prices going down rapidly
>plenty of options
>bundles, vaults, drm-free, free games every single week
>key trading, key sites

>All work on one system or can be pirated
>Meanwhile on consoles

Same. As an Indiechad I couldn't care less about these AAA kusoge wars.

Seems like big conpanies just keep pushing more people to pirate, but why?

Me too. I owe valve my loyalty for all they've done for Linux gaming. Proton is amazing. I can finally play Rain World, no thanks to the devs who lied about native Linux support in their kickstarter five years ago.

>only 2 of them natively release games for linux
GoG and Steam are the only ones who promote this shit.

>prices going down rapidly

Except they aren't. Discounts aren't anywhere as steep as they were 6 years ago, and with the rise of more exclusivity they're not about to start dropping unless Epic also wants in on the key sales business.


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That takes seconds...

i use bnet and steam currently. i have a gog acc but it's got witcher 3 and some neverwinter i got for free
uplay i used once back in 2012 or something when i got free game with my graphics card upgrade, never played

don't want any more launchers, not gonna play games outside of bnet/gog/steam out of principle

>doesn't know Desura

I use qbitorrent. Best client of all.

Who cares?

>Haha PC users & their launchers
>Damnit got to pay again to keep playing online on PS4

Oh no, I have to move my mouse 2cm to the left to use another free launcher. Fuck Epic games for holding a gun to my head.

Absolute patrician

Step 1: Click on launcher
Step 2: Click on game

it's really not that hard

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>waiting for client update
>log ing in
>loading assets
>click game
>game is updating.

>auto update
>remember me

Microsoft should just fuck in the ass all these distributors by charging a 1% fee on their Windows store for all games.

Whats a gamer?
I think the only time i heard someone saying this was in 2nd class


Just use GOG and steam, pirate other launchers games.

Imagine buying mediocre first party games from EA, Activation, Ubisoft, Bethesda and Epic Games.

still better prices than anywhere else
also, many people will not buy games on the epic store, the same as origin, as uplay.... this is the same story once again, this time with bribed journos and paid shills

a savior is here bros

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I don't really get the complaints of having to use multiple launchers. I get that most of them are shit, but is it really that much of a fucking inconvenience? You're not having to buy a fucking $300+ console to play these games on their own launchers, just clicking a couple times in different places.

That said, fuck Tencent.

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auto update and remembering dont work if you dont have the thing running all the time, which is kind of what people want, dungus.

imagine having a choice, something console babbies know nothing about. oh sony censoring all your shit? too bad cuckboy


pc gaming is so great that there is nothing else to complain about.

I like how you tried to make this sound more complicated than it is and don't seem to realize that all of that takes about 10 seconds.

Brand loyalist whores, same as consolefags. They don't care about the product, they care about being on the Winning Side.

i can't wait until each game requires its own seperate launcher so that essentially we are back to games being standalone executables again

Why can't someone just make a launcher launcher? A launcher that keeps your other launchers updated and lets you open other launchers from it


My man! The search addon is a godsend.


That's called an operating system.

>consoles can also be pirated


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And imagine being so pathetic that you spend money to use the friendlist feature in Steam.

Sounds like useless trash

Imagine being so pathetic you spend money to install spyware. You're no different from the faggots that click on the FREE SMILEYS ads and wondered why their computer got slow all of a sudden.

based pirate chad

>what is msconfig

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If it's not in the start menu it doesn't exist for normalfags

The worst part is splitting the community.

That's a good thing. Retards who willingly install spyware shouldn't be a part of the "community"

The reason why I liked PC gaming so much in the first place was my choice as a consumer and the fact that I didn't have to bother with exclusivity.
Then Nvidia started doing their ((((optimization)))) for certain games, so AMD followed.
And now chinks also want their own slice of cake, what a shitfest.
Good thing I only play Dota 2.

based and redpilled matey

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>doesnt have an uptime of over one year

>Never have to seach torrents in my web browser again

The good life.

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I swear you fuckers are just advertisers at this point.

Galaxy is actually good though
>an OPTIONAL launcher is better and has more features than the fucking epic store

So Steam?

The only game launcher I have is Torrent.

That would imply that I pay for Ubishit.

At least i don't need to hook and switch 20 pieces of plastic when i play something retard.

if you use Epic, Bliz, Origin, Beth, or Uplay, you have no taste in games and deserve to be fucked by launchers

If you use twitch or discord to buy games it doesnt matter because you dont actually play them

gog and steam are the only worthwhile ones

also you can't play overwatch without

>you can't play overwatch

Are you a girl?

Tfw i never cared about or even played Fortnite.

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dangerously redpilled.

on all levels except physical

>qbittorrent has a search function
How the fuck am I only finding out about this now

I only have GOG and Steam.
Trying to get rid of Steam by installing all the games on and external HDD and cracking them.

>not using 2.2.1

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Because now you need an account on that service, you can only buy certain games on that service, and you will be jumping around multiple clients and risking yourself with more data breaches by having more. There is no benefit for the consumer to have more launchers, it adds nothing.

I can support my favourite faceless corporation by using the launcher so that's enough of a reason.

I have four of these installed.

Steam, because I actually play more than 2 or 3 games.
Galaxy, because I wanted to try it out, although normally I would just download directly from, just because the original StarCraft is free and I wanted to play it.
Uplay, because I installed Assassin's Creed II at some point and never uninstalled the client.

The thing is, having more than one client installed doesn't matter unless you configure all of them to start up when you turn on your computer, like some kind of degenerate.

> There is no benefit for the consumer to have more launchers, it adds nothing.
Other than the fact that if the company that provides your launcher of choice fucks you over in some way, every single game you own on PC isn't tied up with that company that you no longer want to do business with. Or, to put it another way, the reason monopolies are bad for the consumer in the first place: You literally have no other option if you don't like how the one company in charge does business

Which is a real complaint, but in that case you're screwed no matter what, and spreading out to other competitors isn't always the best because they all have the same problem in this specific market. Look at OnLive and Desura for instance, the people who paid for those services never got their money or games back.

I only have steam and qbitorrent and there’s no game I cannot play just these too also I buy games through gog if they’re on gog

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Have abstinence

Give me a quick rundown on Proton. How do I get started?

Now im just wondering what qbittorrent has to gain from shilling here. Do they have beef with the other torrent clients?

Literally just check a box in your steam settings, easy as shit. Check to see if your games will run well and if you need to make any tweaks.

I don't know anything about qbittorrent, I like using deluge tho

I have only one.

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