Games where MC makes a comeback?
Games where MC makes a comeback?
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pretty cool how Boogie turned his life around with fixing his weight ,teeth, etc
And making fun of people with divorced parents
What the fuck happened to his eyes? Boogie get fucked up?
He looks like Gilbert Gottfried
He's still fat tho
did someone punch his eyes
I wish someone would
I think he looks worse. Those fucking goofy as fuck fake teeth are terrible.
I thought those teeth were photoshopped. Nice.
Doesn't matter how much he fixes himself. Dude is soon 50 year old.
Life wasted
people paid for his healthcare?
Enjoy still having clogged arteries
Good for him I guess. I was fairly certain that he would be dead before 2014, guess not.
Admit it Yea Forums, you would.
God he looks worse than before
Extreme weight loss combined with the fact his diet is still probably fucking terrible.
What do you expect, he went through abuse of all kinds.
You got me. I would punch him in the face if given the chance.
>his diet is still probably fucking terrible
He plateaued at 350lbs
Shut the fuck up? you have no idea what Boogie suffered growing up. The fact that he somehow has the will to even try is nothing short of heroic.
The Kylie Kardashian of YouTube.
the teeth surgery is pretty rough on the face, some parts get bruised in the process.
That recent video he made of himself travelling is one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever seen. It was a middle aged mine acting like a nervous 18 year old.
can't stop thinking of adam sandler and gilbert gottfried
His teeth look like that one episode of Friends when Ross whitens his teeth.
hi boogie
While implants are always recognizable, it's definitely better than the rotten towerkarst that were his bottom teeth.
Why you hate /ourguy/ boogie1488 so much?
Agreed. He has a fucking punchable face.
I barely recognize him.
wash you're teeth
that shit is allowed on youtube? holy fuck
so, what sort of procedure is this
Here we go again
Jesus why replace all your teeth?
>person who goes through years of abuse has many issues throughout life, physically and mentally
>"what a worthless piece of garbage"
Soi implants. Directly to the skull.
I like boogie and am glad he's doing well.
His new teeth only look odd to us because we're so used to them being kinda fucked up.
He's pretty fuckin hot, not gonna lie. I would let him sit on my face.
How much do you know is true for a fact and how much are you just assuming is true? This is the dude that has no qualms of manipulating people to give him money, is it really that implausible that he's spiced up his story about his past?
How the fuck does this even happen?
wait he just got all new teeth?
Holy fuck
gotta have them american white.
Reminder that he was conscious during this and took it like a champ with only minimal anaesthesia :o
>a lot of the worst kind of people had a rough childhood
shit, who knew? If they had a good childhood then they'd be good people.
I'm really happy he managed to turn his life around weight wise.
Not to mention him being a white nationalist, pretty based if you ask me.
Yes problem?
Everyone has shit they deal with.
It's how you react that reflects your character.
I worked since I was 15, saved the money, and moved out when I was 18.
Why didn't he do that?
not sure of the official name but doctors call it "the incel special"
>Got my teeth fixed.
No you had them pulled out and got high tech dentures.
Cause his were completely rotten. I'm not going to go find the pic of his original teeth to post it here. It's horrible.
Are you implying he looks better? The guy still looks like complete dog doodoo.
now he has completely fake hollywood style teeth. good for him.
Fuck off. No one has had perfect childhoods. Should we all use it as a pity party to make people much younger than us donate money? Fuck no. Boogie is a scumbag. The fact he constantly reminds everyone how bad he's had it either shows he's still a wreck or just manipulating people like you.
Back to r*ddit
holy fuck
>Questioning someones suffering
>Being entitled for "proof"
I know Yea Forums prouds itself in being edgy but this is just fucking despicable. Behind all we are all humans. For shame, for shame.
whats your point?
>tfw no JewTube money to get my teeth fixed
Brush you teeth every day, kids.
go away
But I guess 300lbs is better than 500lbs.
Jesus FUCK
How did he pay for the new ones anyays
Boogie is such a fucking hero, with all the internal pain he has suffered external so is nothing for him anymroe. A true inspiration.
Are these his teeth?
he should get rid of the beard for good
that would make a really big improvement
dentist is free
I hate fat "people"
They remove all you teeth and basically add screws to attach the new fake teeth.
What are some games where the protagonist is a fat, disgusting
Ass smelling
Cheese drinking
Crisco bathing
Lard gargling
Calorie thieving
Cabbage patch face having
McDonald's gorging
T-rex arm having
Non-vegetable eating
Cooking on a George Foreman's grill just to drink out of the drip tray
Wide load
Hungry hungry hippo
Pretending to have a thyroid problem
Whale/free Willy
Parked bus
*PWAAAH* kirby
Salad dodging
Chair crusher
Go to Subway but put everything on it
Michellen man
Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker
FFS were his teeth THAT bad?! I'm surprised his heart was strong enough for such an operation
>people defend this fat fuck
I mean it shouldn't even surprise me since some retards here also worship DSP
How little did you brush your teeth?
I didn’t realize human teeth were that...long? What is that exactly?
I never said it didn't happened or he's lying. Learn to read.
That procedure is not free at all kid
Thousands of dollars
I know someone who had it done
The root
How about just don't spend your entire life drinking soda?
He's 350 and used to be 600
I mean how do you get your teeth to that point?
He's been slowly gaining weight for the past 6 months or so and outright said he's giving up. Fuck him, and fuck the people who watch and follow this piece of shit.
Teeth replacement is cosmetic so that isn't free.
So you are just jealous that he had the courage to open up and construct a network of support? gotcha. You should take his example instead of keep being a hater.
During my teens maybe like once a week. At one point in early adulthood I just stopped and probably went for over a decade without brushing.
Roots are LAF. Esp wisdom teeth. I pray you don't go through that like I did.
protip: use a fucking straw if you're gonna drink some sugary shit.
and never eat candy.
Keep saying it.
that's the root
3 litres of mountain dew a day for 25 years would probably do it
How do you even get to 600 pounds when you're missing most of your lower molars? You literally can't chew shit
Why shouldn't you question it? Questioning things is how you find the truth. You should question things, they literally teach kids in school to question things these days.
Are you from India?
>had to be bribed into fixing his teeth even though he could afford it himself
you're not a child at 15.
the fact is the things your childhood made you do that, the things in other peoples childhoods made them do different things.
is this a problem to you brainlet?
He paid for surgery and is still a fat fuck. Dude is a waste of life and his fanbase are nothing but enablers.
This, wow he really
>tfw got up to brush floss and mouthwash
mine aren't even yellow but im always terrified
If they weren't that long anytime you'd go to chew and pull food your teeth would come flying out.
Just a reminder to take care of your shit, you only get one set of adult teeth. Brushing and flossing are not fucking hard.
Don't he put most of his snacks in a blender? I saw a video where he done did.
>gastric bypass
You cheated not only life, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was lifted and there was no gains.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>probably went for over a decade
How do people get to the point of rotting teeth? I’ve probably gone through periods not brushing my teeth for over a month, I know it’s disgusting but after a few good brushes they’re mostly fine no plaque etc. I have never drank soda or had candy/sweets in my life so that might be it.
that cyst on his inner cheek, how disgusting can one person be
amerifood is mostly just corn syrup anyway
That seems kind based to me.
Holy shit.
i can't think of a more cucked kind of person than someone who gives this ego-maniacal blob money
Open up to who? Complete strangers? Seems like it did nothing because he stills go on about muh emotions. And that network of support is keeping his fatass from sleeping on the street. That's it.
>divorced parents
>tfw no money to get teeth ripped out and replaced
imagine it, bros
eating what you want without fear of your teeth getting worse. high-tech super teeth that let you be a lazy piece of shit
he didn't even win. this is like cheesing demon of hatred, and then somehow when it falls off it doesn't count and he still has to fight it.
But they look fucking retarded.
Is there a stereotype about Indians and bad dental health?
Guess I never picked up a proper habit of brushing my teeth regularly. Always had the "cba" mentality around it so at one point I just stopped completely.
>tfw only brush my teeth like once a month
It's over for me, bros. I fucked up.
>eating what you want without fear of your teeth getting worse.
I kind of have this now because I brush my teeth.
>Eating what you want without fear of your teeth getting worse.
You can do this with normal teeth assuming your genetics aren't shit and you brush them once in awhile.
You have to take care of those too, even more so than real ones.
There’s nothing wrong with srmurgery. Even people who lose weight naturally still need to get surgery to remove he loose skin.
Imagine being able to chomp through steel.
>never drank soda or had candy/sweets in my life so that might be it.
carbs and sugary shit are literal poison for your enamel, if you ate nothing but meat and vegetables you'd still have perfect teeth without ever brushing
It's more to do with the fact he just had all his teeth ripped out.
>he thinks brushing can offset the damage of soda, sugary candy, and other shit
They pulled all of his teeth out, implanted screws into his skull, and then attached new teeth to them.
>is apparently a furry and bisexual now
Anything for brownie points eh?
when i was a kid i would put a whole scoop of ice cream in my mouth then take a huge swig of mountain dew and swish it around. tasted pretty fucking good for some reason but it gave me cavities out the ass.
My will did.
Ben Carson was living in shitty circumstances, in a ghetto surrounded by poverty and shitty people and circumstances. His mom was attempting suicide. He grew up in the projects of Detroit to a suicidal single mom.
The abuse he faced, he still became a world class neurosurgeon, american politician, and made a life for himself.
What has Boogie done in response to his trauma?
Become fat and have his teeth rot out?
Well genetics help too. I still have to floss though, but I pretty much can't get cavities.
>i was raped by my dad
>how dare you talk bad about my dad
>i was molested by my sister
>sister says he is full of shit
>my older brother had it even worse than me
>older brother has family, phd, good job and life
>i respect and am friends with my ex
>makes her sign an nda
Go fuck yourself, Boogie is based AF and has done more than whoever is that faggot you are talking about. He is literaly an international counselor for thousands of hurt youths across the world. It's important to have an idol if you will but it's essential to have a friend.
he's too fat
>Have perfect teeth without cavities.
>Crack one of your teeth while eating nuts
>Now cant chew on this side
Why life is so unfair bros?
Keep saying it
>tfw I brush my teeth and use mouthwash but I never floss
Hopefully I have enough money to get them all replaced by the time they rot.
Victim complex
>front two teeth overlap in front of others
>not too bad but can look goofy at times
>was eligible for free NHS braces
>mom told me dental work hurts a lot and I shouldn’t do it
>not eligible for free braces now and have to pay full price
thanks mom
I really gotta break the habit of clicking on images before knowing what they are.
Obligated response to fatroll
>boogie embracing tech implants before the mainstream
Literally going beyond mere humanity
Isn't there a whole category devoted to fat furries?
a few shots and you feel nothing, especially when they hit the deep nerves in the back
imagine thinking a fat, retarded steamer on twitch is your friend LOL
when you force yourself to not be hungry with surgery you dont learn to get over your mental addiction to food or get into good habits of exercising and eating well
being thin means nothing if you still kill yourself just as fast with garbage
mother fucker looks like that time Kermit had teeth
Is he really your friend if you have to pay him for him to notice you?
With all the fat gone, he looks 50. He needs to chub up again, but in a healthy way.
>literally started flossing until I was 20
I don't what the fuck was wrong with me before
Same situation with my mom not getting me dental work when I was a minor. thanks mom
Based. He never made it and he never will.
nigga looks like he stole stevos teeth
he looks really fucking dumb like this.
at least you won't need to have them pulled out, they'll fall out on their own. That's why you floss, do you ever bleed a little when you brush? That means you should floss and if you don't they'll eventually fall out.
>He needs to chub up again, but in a healthy way.
It doesn't hurt a lot but it is annoying.
>never had braces
>top teeth all have a good millimetre gap
>do you ever bleed a little when you brush?
No, I haven't noticed atleast.
Keep saying it.
>Ever brushing your teeth
>Not just having naturaly white and resistant teeth
I keep confirming almost daily uoi all are genelets lmao.
Jesus. I worry that my teeth will be fucked because I usually brush only once a day
Why the fuck would he record this.
>With all the fat gone, he looks 50. He needs to chub up again, but in a healthy way.
they replaced his eyes too
brb washing my teeth
He's still a fucking scumbag though
>Had to have surgery to lose weight
>Going to put it back on anyway because he didn't learn any discipline and will still eat like a fat slob
>Single tooth implant cost. A single-tooth dental implant cost between $1,000 and $3,000. The abutment and crown add between $500 and $3,000. So, the total dental implant cost per tooth is between $1,500 and $6,000.
>used to be 600
that's literally 3 times my weight and I'm a 6'3 cunt
how the fuck can something like that happen. you must literally be gulping down 10 jars of mayonnaise daily for years to get that heavy
Don't take it for granted. Shit still tends to start falling apart in your 30s if you neglected it before because of your good genes.
He doesn't even need a gofundme because people are literally throwing money at him. He's just going to become unhealthy as fuck again because it's all about lifestyle and mindset, and he's as evil and manipulative as ever
What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!
*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
*punches chest to restart heart*
*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?
*Gets 10,000 likes*
I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers
*desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils*
but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!
*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*
Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
Oh neat, I don't like that.
he just needs to shave his beard
>He's still a fucking scumbag though
How come?
*blocks your path*
>amerimutt teeth
lmao and you make fun of brits
Keep saying it.
>you must literally be gulping down 10 jars of mayonnaise daily
>implying he didn't
That makes no fucking sense. You don't believe that yourself do you? Insurance/government is just being dishonest.
that's like 60% of americans, kek
How did he not die
He looks like a fatter Adam Sandler now.
Both of my parents would probably need this, my mother lacks several teeth and the one she still has have cavities, while my father doesn't have any teeth and uses dentures
I brush at least once a day, but I suck at flossing and almost never do it.
>*chugs mountain dew*
>"hehe just a joke for the video guys"
>*gobbles down a double cheeseburger*
>"hehe just a joke for the video guys"
>*eats a tub of mayonnaise*
>"hehe just a joke for the video guys"
>*inhales giant dessert*
>"hehe just a joke for the video guys"
>carbs are literal poison for your enamel
>if you ate nothing but meat and vegetables you'd still have perfect teeth without ever brushing
bruh you know literally every vegetable in existence has carbs in it right?
The fake teeth somehow make him look more unhealthy
>Man flies to your house to help you lose weight
>Blow him off and dont do any of the exercises, proceed to say his workout regime doesnt work
>Demand he pay for your teeth 5 years later just because
When will this fat leech just fuck off
everyone knows Boogie 1488 hates niggers.
Not enough fake teeth edits in this thread
Why doesnt it make sense? Cosmetic dentistry is to improve the aesthetics, unnecessary procedures aren't covered by insurance
What? im going to need a more detailed rundown user.
wtf is going on with his head?
Can someone explain to me this dog meme?
I don't follow this guy or anything and all my info on him is gathered through shit threads like this one. However I recall people posting pics of him after his surgery and based on the photos of his dental surgery it looks like he's putting the weight back on. Did this fat fuck get the surgery but then not change his lifestyle to actually keep the weight off?
What the fuck am I lookin at
I have a really hard time getting the floss in between my teeth, they're really close together, I should try buying some extra thin floss.
Badly fitting glasses.
god you're retarded. open your brain. not everybody's situation is identical to yours
What's going on with his eyes? He looks like he's been awake for days on end.
no one ever said he'd look like a Chad dude. The damage was done but at least he stopped before it was too late
cringe lmao
>new teeth
>new skin
I have dark circles under my eyes like that. People always thought I was “tired” when I was younger and it bothered the fuck out of me. One person thought I was on crack.
lmao fucking boomers
>fixing his weight
um he's still fat lol
Y'all are so fucking jealous. It's almost adorable, almost-
>boogie outlived people like Rich Piana
I'm not surprised, most dentists don't stock elephant tranquilizers.
yeah he had the kind of surgery where they clamp the stomach but then he just kept eating anyway to make his new half a stomach as big as his old one, that's a while back. Maybe he did it again and did it right this time.
I had braces but my teeth returned to the way they were half a year after they were removed
braces are a dental jew trick
Looks like he's on death's door.
doing a shitload of roids is worse for your heart than being 600 pounds. Let that sink in. Zyzz also died because of roiding.
>Nothing was lifted and there was no gains.
this thread has motivated me to go have a workout, shower and brush my teeth
thanks Yea Forums
At least you faggots stopped stalking his wife after he started losing weight.
Look up diamond dallas page. He flew to the calorie thiefs house 5 years ago to help him get his shit together, boogie used him for a few youtube videos, never did his workouts and said his system didnt work.
Fast forward to this year, people made fun of his disgusting teeth so he waddled back to him demanding help even though he bragged about making 400k last year off his shitty vids
That's why you wear your retainer as much as you can after the braces are removed you idiot. Otherwise they just go back and you wasted w good 5k-15k
If your parents divorced you will grow up to trash. Fact.
what are the bolts for?
i thought he was wearing dentures
He was conscious but sedated. And obviously everywhere they're working is going to be numbed with anesthetic.
do these fucking things go away? Cause I have them
He's Keefers now.
Gents, let's do this:
Ben Carson grew up in a home with a mother who was in and out of the physciatric hospital because of her suicidal tendencies.
He lived in the projects of Detroit, and went to the schools of Detroit.
He mastered the field of Neurosurgery, performing the first brain surgery on conjoined twins, before later becoming a successful politician and becoming Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump Administration.
What did Boogie manage to do?
Put mountain Dew and Doritos in a blender and drink it?
Just discovered the thin floss yesterday. Game changer. Makes flossing not suck ass.
Rich Piana was doing steroids and a shitload of drugs
His teeth are attached to those where they poke through the gum.
>be Gay chubby chaser
>look at Boogie2988 pre weight loss
Nooooooooope. Too pathetic for my tastes. i wonder what that cutie Scarflard is up to
>400k last year off his shitty vids
I wonder, who's gonna get all his money after he dies in like 2-4 years?
How about a game where the jannies do their fucking job and delete eceleb/non video game related threads?
overly perfect teeth look worse than slightly worn teeth
just something about them being brilliantly white is some uncanny valley shit makes them looks less human
>you'll never attend a lan party with boogie while he plays his character francis and yells at his wife for being an incompetent whore that can't do shit right
>every vegetable in existence has carbs in it
a minimal amount compared to starchy foods made from grains or tubers
WAIT. Getting completely new teeth is a thing?
Zyzz also had a heart condition I think. Weak genes.
this guy is unbearably fat and literally acid-bathed his teeth with chemicals and fizzy drinks for 30 straight years
but let me tell you something, i brush and floss my teeth after each fucking meal and i still get cavities and keep losing my teeth because i have no money to fix them up to the dentist
do not believe the (((american white))) meme, it's mostly genetics
i have shit genetics, unfortunately
over the span of 10 years i have lost 5 fucking teeth
it's driving me insane, i wish i wasn't born poor just for this
They're basically dentures that are screwed into your skull
and they look even worse on a fat slob
>said DDP's system doesn't work
this pisses me off more than anything considering the man literally saved Jake Roberts' and Scott Hall's lives and helped them get clean of a situation far more tragic and life-threatening than some tubby fuck who can't stop chugging cola.
that nigga makes like $200K a year and still has Medicare, Food Stamps and shit.
>ex wife
Thank god, I can't stand fake outrage.
t. Child of divorced parents.
Link to the video?
wait, he got divorced? I wonder what made him leave her.
This. Everything on him looks fucked up or broken but somehow he has perfect teeth, looks extremely out of place.
>It's mostly genetics
Yeah my mom has had dental problems her whole life while my dad maybe has 1-2 cavities in his 60's. They eat and drink roughly the same type of stuff and have the same hygiene habits more or less.
Luckily I have gotten my dads teeth.
LTG gave her the proper fucking she deserved.
You still need to brush to keep your gums healthy and clean.
How the fuck is that even possible. Wouldn't he have to do taxes, and wouldn't that show he doesn't qualify for those benefits?
>I wonder what made him leave her.
He knew he could do better.
Even professional weightlifters and strongman admit they take great risks to their health because of all the muscle and roids they carry. It's taxing for the heart. Rich was abusing roids to the gills and had Ben and Jerry's everynight. At least he was honest and outspoken enough to warn others though.
Watch some of their expo footage, Rich and the other huge guys in his crew were out of breath walking a flight of stairs.
she left him.
boogie used to run a porn/sex blog and has a very redpill view of women in relationships
people who are depressed tend to not take care of their teeth, i think that's why he just gave up on them
So, Booger is the typical 4channer. Online he acts like an edgelord, but irl he's a fucking faggot. And yes, he also says he browsed here.
I wondered why he thought that was a real top priority,
but you could just look at him and see it's obvious that he never had any sense of the word "priority".
Jesus fucking christ. These things didn't have much time left on them.
He said he was an insufferable cunt especially post-surgery and all the years of emotional trauma got to him and her.
People with crippling anxiety that don't do anything about it are a major cunt and highly toxic. My ex's mother was like that, getting agoraphobia or anxiety to the point where it was causing her blood pressure to skyrocket. Then it turned her to become more anxious about her BP which caused her to worry more. Vicious cycle. Wish I knew about CBD back then, could've helped so much.
of course theyre playing fucking retardwatch
>got up and immediately brushed my teeth
He's less interesting now.
>dad uses superglue and wite out to fix his own teeth
>hasn’t been to the dentist in probably 30 years
His teeth don’t stick out to me but I’m afraid to actually look at them properly, just sounds grim.
Friendly reminder that Boogie is a horrible person and doesn't deserve anyone's pity nor admiration.
>they weren't that bad to begin wi-
>be boogie
>be fat
Medicaid 100% does not cover artificial teeth replacement. In fact most states only cover "emergency services" when it comes to dental. As in you couldn't even get dentures covered if all your teeth fell out.
Go on the sub, it's the 2nd sticky.
You can make a living off about 100k subs and he has 40 times that.
This. My parents deeply hate each other and they stayed together for financial reasons. Now that shit is traumatic.
Yeah you have to fill it out every 6 monthes, and you don't quality for food stamps if you're in the age range of 18-59, don't work at least 20 hours a week, or make more than like $1600 a month.
While he does have a disability, there is no way he receives social security for it seeing how much money he makes already.
is this twitter tranny memes?
I had one installed for $800 in the Philippines. I lost a crown because of my stupidity and they replaced it for $30.
he looks worse
Are you me? You're me, aren't you?
he fucked up his latest weight loss challenge and there's a growing hatebase while his subs go down. Props to him for cleaning up his look, but he's got a looooooong way to go on that comeback.
>front teeth were a bit spaced between each other
>needed braces
>mom said fuck that, we don't have money
>get older
>they're all fine now
Are braces a jew trick?
There's no way they wouldn't fully numb the mouth.
>still fat
>looks 15 years old
>grey hair
>had to cheat just to stop being morbidly obese
some """"""comeback"""""""
Makes complete sense. Cosmetic = not mandatory, a luxury. Why would insurance pay for that?
>redditor posts frog
wow surprising
Reminder that boogie reads every thread about him on Yea Forums and then occasionally cries about it on stream.
Hey fatty.
most of his money come from "donations" and shit that is not taxable, so he can still apply for stuff like if he was poor and jobless.
You are still watching my videos and giving me money lol
teeth are as mandatory as a tongue, faggot
wtf am i looking at? did they remove part of the top of his mouth?! is that part of the skull?!
Most of this seems to be "HE MADE EDGY JOKES AND HAS/HAD OPINIONS I DON'T LIKE!" Grow the fuck up.
Also, so what if he has sugar babies, it's his fucking money, he can spend it however he wants.
Not nice implant retained bridges though. You'll take your crappy dentures and be grateful.
Take care of your teeth. You want to keep them healthy until you die. Floss after eating. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking soda to help neutralize the acids. Don't brush your teeth immediately after drinking soda. Chew gums with fluoride. Use mouthwash at least once a day.
"Examples of Boogie’s harmful opinions
a) Boogie becomes an MGTOW (Men going their own way)
Notice how Boogie says Dez, HIS ex-wife, is amazing on Twitter, but then joins a philosophy that considers women as being evil leeches. Or just leeches for the moderate ones.
b) Liking a youtube comment calling gay people perverts
c)Arguing that gays should just wait instead of actively campaigning for gay marriage, for fear of upsetting bigots
d)Ignorant comments on Anne Frank, ignoring her suffering.
e)Blaming Anita Sarkeesian for the Charlottesville attack
f)Claiming that good things came from the Holocaust.
The context of this is that he was invited to the KillStream, an alt right podcast, and he wanted to appeal to their right-wing demographic by using “Yea Forums” humor. Boogie has admitted to being a Yea Forums troll.
Keep in mind this is also a myth as Nazi experiments on human contributed nothing at all to science.
g)Saying a victim of domestic abuse should be hanged"
>implying anyone that isn't a redditard watches those videos
Lose more weight, faggot. Going from dangerously fat to incredibly fat isn't success.
Money fixes everything except for Boogie's fatass & his wife getting BLACKED
user nobody's teeth used to rot before the toothbrush was invented
The only reason they do today is because people eat tons of sugar
They make an incision in the gum, peel that back to expose the bone, then drill holes for the implants, put the implants in (this stage) and then sew the gum back up.
Speaking of money fixing things. Are there any websites I can use to find a prostitute and fuck her?
>Boogie cries about being called "Boogie1488", then later titles his stream "DADDY NEEDS SHEKELS", a reference to the anti-semitic "happy merchant" meme:
If you don't floss then you're gonna have to fill a shit ton of teeth
i guess your parents got divorced then kek
>b) Liking a youtube comment calling gay people perverts
to be fair most gay people are perverted though
Pussy. It's not that bad, it's just uncomfortable. They took out all four of mine and I was awake during it. All they did was inject me with numbing shit multiple times, then went to work. To their credit it was pretty fast. The smell was weird though, like burnt rubber.
>being a wisdomlet
I mean he's fucking this bitch now. He went from a 4/10 to a 9/10. Seems pretty chad to me.
here's your chad, bro
If you get your fucked teeth up all fixed up but then you get another visible facial problem, what’s the point?
Remember that time Boogie posted on Yea Forums?
>he's fucking this bitch now
Based as fuck
is he making her wipe his disgusting skin tag and shit encrusted ass too?
God I wish I was that pillow.
>because people eat tons of sugar
He's right. There were dental issues back then certainly but sugar is the health and teeth killer of this century.
Did keeping his mouth wide open during the procedure and all face fat stretch give these marks under his eyes?
She's either a chubby chaser or she wants his money. Probably both.
So he's disregarding ugly gold digging thots and only fucking hot bitches now? Yep, there's a chad.
>The context of this is that he was invited to the KillStream, an alt right podcast, and he wanted to appeal to their right-wing demographic by using “Yea Forums” humor. Boogie has admitted to being a Yea Forums troll.
The only reason he did this was to get out of addressing that he promoted better help for their money so he acted like a complete faggot on the stream.
why does it look like he's the one getting fucked?
He's come out as gay, quite some time ago
>The man who saved boogie
Why are there so much neckbeards and fatties that look the same on youtube?
Didn't the whole thot audit come from women making a lot money but not filing it? I am pretty sure donations would also count as a form of income.
he looks like shay carl.. burgers are superficial and creepy
is he really gay though i doubt he's ever had a guy interested in him
Fuck of Boogie, nobody believes you
Remember that time Boogie posted on /fit/ and called anons that made fun of him faggots?
He said he's bi and has kissed guys
he said he kissed other men before. they must have been fat sacks of shit like him I'm guessing.
Stay jealous and unsuccessful faggot.
He's so full of shit. Kissing guys doesn't make you bi.
still has a higher iq than everyone in the cx network combined
>that much makeup
Yah she's fucking ugly.
imagine putting your mouth on that dudes mouth
It doesn't, but being attracted to dudes does
He can get as many surgeries as he want - it will still not fix the black hole where his heart is suppose to be.
I bet he's not though. I think he's just saying it for the cachet.
Why is there blood everywhere?
The genuine answer was that she was a feeder and expected to get Boogie's money after he died. There's a reason she stuck with him the entire time he was a fat piece of shit but suddenly left when he got the surgery, because he certainly was just as much of a pathetic simp before the surgery as after.
that's not blood it's left over koolaid
Damn, he cleaned up quite a bit with the haircut too. He might actually look decent if he lost like 150 pounds.
Maybe because they're screwing rods into his face, not sure though
He looks just like kidbehindacamera
Of course, there's plenty of surgical material available on youtube.
he looks 10x more retarded
>boogie has a better hairline than me in my 20s
>out of breath before he even started thrusting.
he's going to die on top and kill a bitch
He's thinking about threads like these and how he's still winning :^)
whats her name?
He's still over 40 years old. He should have done this transformation 10 years ago.
>get braces on NHS
>they end my treatment prematurely by one appointment due to an emergency one to replace a cracked retainer
>get given to the chief's senior dentist
>dumb bitch doesnt even replace them, just sends me on my way
>never get final appointment with a shiny new set of retainers
>2 years later
>I now have TMJ from my overbite correction fucking my joint in my jaw and it got slowly worse for wear
>now can click both sides of jaw on demand
>throat occasionally tenses up and shuts off airway rarely
>literally made me faint twice
funny how getting braces to fix my teeth suddenly made me illegible for driving while I wait for a neurology appointment year after year
Better late than never.
>*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis
every time
>still a mordibly obese and deeply disturbed closeted faggot who mentally abused his ex-wife for years even though she was kind enough to literally wipe his ass when he couldn't
Boogie is subhuman, can't wait for the suicide arc.
Wait is Boogie worth watching now? I stopped watching him awhile ago around the time he got divorced.
its high tech dentures. your mouth is still going to be fucked up till death, just not in a way thats visible to others.
>even though she was kind enough to literally wipe his ass when he couldn't
You mean the gold digging feeder who left his ass the second he started even attempting to improve his own health?
That was literally her fetish and she left when it would no longer be fulfilled.
>Boogie is subhuman, can't wait for the suicide arc.
This. The new teeth and haircut will keep him out of the zone for a while,
but his underlying mental issues will catch up. He's going to consume more and more junk.
People will start to notice, going slowly back up to where he was, losing the last of his will
Ben Carson is a walking paradox. I find it mind-boggling that a world class neurosurgeon can deny the existence of Darwinian evolution, which informs the foundation of the very art he practices.
Nah, more like when she realized he might not be dead by 50 she bailed because she couldn't stand his swarm Velveeta cheese smell anymore.
She's dating some super skinny balding dude now though.
Regardless, any form of carbohydrate would cause bacteria to grow and start to break down your teeth.
If you ate only meat, then your teeth would be absolutely fine, yeah.
I mean he’ll be dead by the time he finds out so who gives a fuck. He’ll live a happy life.
are roots always going to end up yellow? You cant exactly brush them
>its mostly genetics
no its not. its too much sugar plain and simple. Even if you brush after ever meal. the amount of sugar going into the totally normal bacteria in your mouth are energized enough to point to break down your teeth.
Ever since I cut down on sugar I haven't gotten any cavities for over 8 years
You are right though about teeth not being snow white unless you pay for it though
His "content" is the worst its ever been, and he's losing thousands of subscribers daily.
Realized that sustaining a relationship based on a sexual fetish isn't viable.
omg he actually looks worse now. Those teeth are too big for his face somehow.
That depends entirely on your teeth.
I floss maybe once every month or two, but have never had any issues. It's more than likely because I have teeth gaps that seems to be perfectly sized and rarely trap food. Any time there is, I can tell and I pick it out.
27 years old and had my teeth x-rayed two days ago, so I know for a fact there's no issues.
I'm not saying not to floss, but there were even articles recently saying it was pretty ineffective unless you have fucked up teeth that trap food constantly.
that was exactly his point. she was a feeder waiting for money.
boogie was just as much of a faggot before the surgery, so what changed to make her actually leave? he decided to not keep eating himself to an early grave.
Roots are yellow because they aren't covered by enamel.
22 years and no holes :^)
While genetics might play a minor role (tooth shape is one, more concave teeth will naturally lead to more cavitiies for example) it is far more about your dental care and your diet. Sounds like you eat like pure shit, and are too poor to get it fixed anyways. Get fucked, mushmouth, I bet all the people you talk to notice and smell your bad breath, too.
Fuckin' NEETs.
Actually, he paid for her to hang out with him and the first thing she told him was that she wasn't attracted to him in the slightest. It was pretty pathetic even for him.
get that shit filled asap. I cracked one tooth and despite my concious efforts to keep it clean i needed a root canal after 2 years
She wanted the divorce before the surgery and the hamplanet thought that getting it meant she wasn't allowed to leave him anymore. Fuck off boogiefag.
No, it's mostly genetics. Things like saliva production affect it a lot too. There are people who brush and floss religiously and still need tons of work done, while others can spend a decade without brushing and have no cavities.
dentures need gums to support, his gums were rotten
What'd he do this time?
I know he started ragging on far leftists a bit with a line like 'at least when the rightwing n Yea Forums do it they are somewhat funny, when the left does it to me they arent funny at all, they are really mean at their insults'
I think Boogie came to a realisation on that day.
I always hated candy corn.
His glasses are being pushed in by the headphones.
31 and no fillings or cavities. Guess that makes me your senpai.
Woke Twitter hates boogie because he's an actual centrist, i.e. he doesn't kowtow unquestionably to some issues.
He raped everyone on this nazi podcast 'Ralph Retort' and it just got better from there
>crying for boogie
Cringe. He’s a s o y boy under that muscle. Sad!
Looks American
>get braces
>finally have nicely alligned teeth
>it altered my jaw alignment and now my face shape looks hideous
bruising like that is usually after a large amount of swelling on the face. getting all of his teeth removed like that probably made him the crimson chin for a couple of days
He is a fence sitter who is too afraid of losing viewers, but throws his opinions on topics but adds nothing to them anyway. Unless the majority hates something only then does he join the band wagon like his "take" on the Dear fat people video
If you brush and floss religiously, but you still drink gallons of Moutain Dew and pounds of Doritos you can't call that having bad genetics when your teeth fall out.
Does genetics play a small roll? Yes. But it is not the major factor today.
flossing isn’t necessary
So are those just dentures? Or did he have new teeth surgery?
he fucking deflated looks like a popped balloon
Looks like Mike Enoch
Look at this user and laugh.
That was literally the only way to fix his rotten teeth.
I mean, sure, you can abuse your teeth. No genetics can save you from that, but you can have a much, much better starting point. There are people who virtually never eat sugar and still have more fucked teeth than your average dew-guzzling gamer. Also, flossing is pretty much disproved at this point.
I've had this done on one tooth and it really looks worse than it is, you don't feel a thing
except when they drill into your jaw
And I continue to believe that you have to be a literal psychopath to be work as a dentist or a surgeon. How do you not pass out or vomit uncontrollably while being wrist deep in such an unsettling mess
What's your solution, growing new teeth?
you are such a fucking brainwashed slave its unreal. imagine being so cucked that you literally believe you evolved from a monkey because a bunch of jewish sponsored scientists said so. 10/10 slavery level.
He looks fucking weird
He's gained nearly 100 pounds since his gastric bypass.
Think about the money faggot.
I wouldn't doubt it.
He ate that shit ironically, dipshits
You just start compartmentalizing what you are seeing. In the operating room humans just become meat that translates into money when you fix it up right.
what a boomer post, i love it
watch gore/rekt
the enlightened centrist himself...
Yeah. They’re called Whales.
immediately thought of this
Jesus, this is like watching Chrischan. A fucking trainwreck waiting to happen.
>humans just become meat that translates into money
Name something more inspiring than some faggot being able to afford dozens of thousands of dollars from e-begging on a cirurgy just to stop being fat and failing because he still eats a big smoke order every single day
I will wait.
being obese destroys your natural facial features.
yes that dude you posted is obese.
That's like saying you have to love trash and shit to be a janitor.
At what age was this though
Most men dont age like milk like women
You have pretty much until late 50s to start improving your looks
It's fucked up that there are more homos into fucking fat dudes than there are straight women.
you are such a fucking brainwashed slave its unreal. imagine being so cucked that you literally believe you descended from Adam and Eve, and 6000 years of inbreeding because a bunch of jewish sponsored books said so. 10/10 slavery level.
Dude, I like fat guys, and Boogie is a 4.
>throat occasionally tenses up and shuts off airway rarely
This has nothing to do with your jaw and teeth, either you have some sort of anxiety/panic problem, damaged laryngeal nerves or some sort of physically induced asthma
how much does he even weigh now
Hes talking about his wife to this new girl you fucking chubby chaser
souce on the sub lose.
>this handsome gentleman
>anything like Boogie
Get your fucking eyes checked.
Where the fuck does he find these live-in hookers? It's easy to get one for a day or two (expensive though) but he literally pays women to live with him.
Did his brain just snap after the first time he said "One for me and one for the hooker"? And I'm pretty sure we saw him briefly die for a few seconds before his sould returned to his body.
Also you can't convince me that him and pic related aren't related
That's because it can.
The main cause of damage to teeth is cavities and cavities are caused from bacteria basically taking a shit on your teeth...easiest way to fix that? From brushing and flossing.
>Tfw brush my teeth every morning and night
>Breath immediately starts tasting rank if i eat something like chocolate
>Dont receive any bad comments in my breath ever though, no issues making out with girls ever
Who knows what this even means, could be a throat aroma thing
Mgtow isnt about women being leeches
It's about Men Going Their Own Way, the reasons can vary, doesnt meam at all that you hate women, and it's not meant to be a permanent way of life
Is 3D white bad for your teeth or gums? I bought it awhile back, but stopped using it because every time I would my gums would bleed and that'd freak me out. Never had bleeding gums before or after.
Is that El Risitas? Good for him, though, his teeth didnt look bad, he was just missing a good amount
Let me guess. You had them out when you were a teen before they popped out and gave you trouble? Had two removed in my early twenties and another a couple years ago which I'm now in my 30's.
It's about whining and crying and shitting up /out/ in my experience. They're like the stereotypical fedora athiest of the late 2010s
Why didn't you just get all 4 removed in your 20s
>that goth skank
It's just "easy" for them
>Too lazy to get contacts
>Too lazy to shave and/or the facial hair hides second chin
You know, now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense.
I mean it certainly can and certainly has been used at a crutch excuse to just whine about women but that isn't really what i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be about
From what I've seen Contacts are a pain in the ass, and for people who are insecure about wearing glasses.
Didn't have a FT job with insurance back then. Also didn't think they'd give me as much trouble as they did.
Bruh just be a virgin and don't virtue signal about it, it's great I promise.
You can be not a virgin and still go mgtow