Rage 2

Here's your next AAA shooter, bro.

Attached: 000.png (1920x1080, 3.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Single Player
>No Loading screens
>Bigger World than 2 disc's on RAGE1.
I'm still going to buy it. Couldn't give a shit since it's the only game that interests me this year. Can't wait to whore out Mutant Bash TV again and 12 gauge mutants in the face.

Attached: Go Fuck yourself..jpg (1360x768, 159K)

looks good

Why did they make this rage 2?

It genuinely looks pretty solid. Gunplay looks great, mobility looks rad, I'm not sure about the open world/level design, but that's just kind of the era we live in.

So why did they make it a sequel to a mediocre failure of a game

what a disgusting piece of shit
desperate shills


genuinely looks fun

another game which made the sexy female characters of the previous installment ugly and all covered up
it´s just sad that all games have to be the same anti sex way

>desperate shills
Coming from the cunt that didn't post the good trailer.
Aw what wrong RAGE got a sequel and your game didn't.

this looks like the kinda game that would be grea with 2 player co-op

>Can't wait to whore out Mutant Bash TV again and 12 gauge mutants in the face.
nobody talks like this
that being said if you're shillposting ironically you're amazing keep up the great job i got a big laugh

who literally gives a shit
gunplay looks like trash and everything is so bland and lifeless it fucking hurts. Only people below 50 IQ or shills can say anything positive about this game.

>RAGE 2 Hands-On Gameplay [No Commentary]
>3 seconds in, "Hi!"

To think this could have been it's own thing with a custom protag

I would have been excited then maybe

More funny how you fucked up that reply.

Attached: cowboy hat.png (332x334, 155K)

>Far Cry just with giant purple arrows

Attached: yikes (2).jpg (689x720, 297K)

So you are pissed RAGE got a sequel and your game didn't.

I'm pissed that what looks like a good game is held back by being a sequel to some piece of shit no one played 10 years ago

It should have been a new IP

>your game
what my game? Are you stoned faggot

looks like yet another boring open world game

really reminds me of Crysis/2, though I doubt I would like it moment-to-moment as much as I did the original crysis.

The gunplay looks exactly like doom. Also the fucking car section looks like shit. They should make the car section play as well as the gunplay (just make it have the same controls/feeling) or not bother putting it in at all.

I thought Rage did that well. For as meh as that game ultimately was, the driving was snappy and, of course, the shooting was too.

I'll play it. Fuck you niggers

enjoy eating shit

Looks competent, but shooters are fucking boring. The genre just *attempting* to ape the 90s style feels stagnant and less interesting than those old games do today. The right idea for FPS game is, I believe, not to just do what has already been done.

Yea Forums has shit taste in video games and would rather play visual novel loli dating sims
fuck everyone in this thread I'm purchasing this for $59.99 with money I worked hard for
eat shit and die

I'm playing Rage 2, not Doom Eternal Punching

Eat shit too, I'm interested in both this and loli dating sims.

yeah but the thing is a lot of the classic sensibilities like an emphasis on speed and movement really fell to the wayside as more realistic and immersive games became more feasible

i'm more than happy to see some fusions of old and new game sensibilities come out, that's what got us Siege in an era where competitive shooters like that were in a severe weak spell.

also, what is there that truly hasn't been done in the shooter market? It's one of the most unfortunately oversaturated genres out there.

so this what we can expect for Bethesda space game.

>what is there that truly hasn't been done in the shooter market?

I definitely like these games more than FPS games from the 2000s and early 2010s, but I got bored of faster-than-Clive-Barker's-Jericho-but-slower-than-F.E.A.R. games pretty much right after Doom 2016.

zoomershooter the game: zoomer edition

>FEAR is slower than DOOM and this

I dunno man, FEAR is great, but did we play the same FEAR?

FEAR still kind of has that samey corridor shooter DNA in it. It also clearly wants you to play at least semi-tactically, whereas these doom '16 derived games are all about aggression.

only shooter game that has tried to do something different was max payne. otherwise innovation has been indie shooters using the old quake aesthetic or shitty battle royale #4305.


brilliant user. Any examples of innovation in FPS that hasn't been done yet?

>only shooter game that has tried to do something different was max payne
why are max payne 1 diehards so absolutely pretentious

imagine making a statement like this, genuinely

>introduced bullet time, now a standard in modern shooters
>actually rendering bullets and not relying on hit-scan
imagine making a statement like this, genuinely.

>innovation has been.... the old quake aesthetic
>or shitty [innovation]
you guys are stupid as fuck. Innovation doesn't mean something you necessarily enjoy. And it is certainly not something that everyone can be like "oh, well the bleeding edge will obviously be X, and here it is delivered to you!" Innovation isn't until it is.

>Gunplay looks like trash.
It's the same as DOOM and the driving is from Mad Max. I'm surprisingly hyped for this.

Looks like Far Cry with Doom gunplay. Seems like a fun game and a safe buy.

>If I answer as vaguely as possible, I can avoid the question entirely

>im retard

i'm not even saying max payne isn't impressive for the times, but the claim that max payne 1 was the last truly innovative shooter is the most inane Yea Forumscore thing i've ever heard.

what exactly is being held back? it looks nothing like rage 1 which didn't even have a story anyway.

looks souless as shit

Does it have a coherent story? Only improvement the original needed.

the driving may be because its using the same engine, but the gunplay is not, id helped with fallout 4 gunplay and it doesnt play like doom or wolfenstein at all

>max payne did something different
>"lmao pretentious"
>gives examples
>"y-you're just Yea Forumscore!"
nigger, I never even said it was the last truly innovative shooter. it's the only one in my memory of the early 2000's that has actually taken from previous conventions and added something for the better.

Just wait and see faggot.

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What am I supposed to be mad about?

Looks alright. Doom looked like trash too and it turned out alright, I'll give this a pirate as well.

You're crazy if Doom isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you watch that combat. I'm not sure how much id """helped""" BGS with fallout 4 as it was pretty much exactly like 3's. Guarantee they have more input on this game.

>no idTech

Well innovation these days usually means "underutilized concept already done but never fully realized or core to the game's design philosophy". Games before already had gyro aiming yet Splatoon utilized it in a way where it became core concept and became successful because of it. I feel like one way of innovating FPS again is to reintroduce zero gravity movement and aiming like Shattered Horizon to the market, only make it visually simpler to make up for the visual feedback of playing in a zero g environment.

Attached: shattered-horizon-the-fps-that-got-lost-in-space-144438429791[1].jpg (1365x853, 229K)

>hit markers are pictures of skulls so big they cover the entire enemy and death animation/ragdoll
Why is this a thing? I understand the idea of hit markers in multiplayer, even if I disagree with it, but in single player and to this degree is just fucking absurd

I'm so fucking bored of fast paced wacky shooters. What happened to methodical, tactical shootan games? It's like the entire genre died in 2004

you serious?

Id expect certain hub elements will be able to be toggled. its pretty much standard practice these days