>less than 2 weeks out from full reveal
Let's be honest Yea Forumsros, is it gonna be worth? Do you think it will revitalize VR or just be overhyped and underperform? Also general VR thread I guess
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think VR will be revitalized until those treadmill things work better and are affordable
If they put some money into the audio that comes with, and keep it at a reasonable pricepoint, it could go well.
If it is released with just slightly better specs than the predecessors in the market, at the same old high price, then it will just be "another VR headset" that won't sell. If they're smart, they'll put a low pricepoint to maximize profit through quantity.
This, using analog input for movement or even worse teleportation which many VR games employ sucks dick, fully immersive experience with omni-directional treadmills will definitely shake things up once they become consumer-viable in terms of pricing and quality.
>revitalize VR
not happening until the first headset with eye tracking drops desu
They have to be water resistant as VR is pretty much just autist masturbation tech.
The second thing.
I'll be jumping into vr with the vive. It's time.
I really dont care
another VR lool this tech dies 5 years ago
Not really much to talk about until we get some specs.
really dont care as long as there is nothing to buy it for
VR is being revitalized right now. The knuckles controllers are the biggest innovation in VR since the oculus and the games that are taking advantage of it like Boneworks are going to blow existing VR experiences out of the water.
Even projects that are out right now like Blade and Sorcery and Pavlov are really damn good. VR is about to hit its sweet spot desu
Can't wait for a dungeon crawler with blade and sorcery combat/hellsplit is created
I'm buying this shit solely for the index/knuckles, though the possibility of a spec bump from my Rift is also nice.
I love the idea of vr but the biggest problem I see myself having is full room stuff being a huge bitch in my tiny ass apartment.
Fuck off shill
I feel like I'm not as excited for the knuckles as I should be. youtube.com
maybe if they actually announce games
>VR is being revitalized right now.
Understatement. I'd say it's the beginning of the end for the holding pattern/dark age VR's gone through the last year/year and a half.
Still a ways to go.
>"Hm, a thread for something I don't care about."
>"I really don't care"
>(I'm not a robot)
>Select all images with cars
>*click, *click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
>Please try again
>Select all images with street signs
>*calle, calle, calle, calle*
>I wonder if anyone replied to me
>*F5, F5, F5*
Will they make it to $200K? Did you fund? Will you buy?
You have to remember that, whilst you may not, many people on here lead horribly pathetic empty lives. Literally the scum of society.
He did a number on you.
This kind of shit is awesome. They just need some fucking games made with it.
I can't find any info, does it have pvp?
Far as I know not right now, dunno if there's any plans for pvp. It's still in early access.
oh well what the fuck
It's on their maybe list, but not their immediate to do list. So there's hope yet!
I refuse to believe this story's real. Who would actually be fucking autistic enough to admit something like this on social media?
more importantly, who the fuck would do this
Yeah it ain't real lol
I wouldn't put it past vrc people to try, but I've yet to encounter anyone who has. You'd think they would've tried it by now.
I bought the Vive at launch and don't regret it in the slightest. Most likely going to buy the Index at launch as well unless it's an insane price. Still use my Vive but would like a resolution bump. Also, I can't wait to throw the wands in the garbage for the knuckles controllers.
Whatcha noshing tonite, user?
Something light.
Unless it has eye tracking and foveating rendering then I don't care.
>Unless it has foveating rendering then I don't care
>Sorry, user. Private vrchat. Do you have an invite?
Foveated rendering requires software support. Most games aren't to be compatible with the StarVR One in this sense, while Valve could maybe incorporate support into Steam VR.
It won't be a success until people stop wanting that gay shit. Has everyone forgotten what GAME DESIGN is all about?
>It won't be a success until people stop wanting that gay shit.
Tough to do since there's always those who love their guilty pleasure junk food.
People who love junk food are indifferent to cuisine. As in, if you actually enjoy and want to fucking dance around on some treadmill like an idiot, you don't care about video games.
What's the point of immersing myself in a virtual reality if I can't even use my fucking legs?
What's the point of immersing myself in a virtual reality if the simulation sucks huge donkey balls? Which any game that requires a treadmill to play will be.
If you need to strap a TV to your face to immerse yourself you don't care about video games. VR is inherently a normalfag meme.
Well, the problem with that is that VR isn't merely "a TV strapped to your face" since there's tracking involved.
Hi Tyler
That's a fallacy not an argument
you can tho
As mentioned we really, really need foveated rendering as a standard, but I'll likely buy in with this if it comes packaged with the Knuckles and 2 lighthouses. Mediocre name, though.
Who the fuck hides l4d3 screens behind a patreon paywall? Fucking Tyler that's who.
Well I mean these were never meant to be solid to normal people they could get like military defense contractor's to buy these to train soldiers or PMC's
Except he released them to the public hours later you mong
Tyler is bizarrely negative about everything valve, that can't be him.
But you can in VRChat with trackers. People do full dances and shit.
I want one because I play VRchat
I hate that faggot onions face
Yeah no, no one is going to buy and place a treadmill in their house or is expecting that as the selling point of VR. Analog sticks work fine for movement for anyone who has actually used VR.
The only thing the knuckles bring to the table is non retarded controllers for steam VR which has been the main thing holding back high res headsets like the pimax. At this point I really doubt that the index will have a high enough resolution for it to be worth it for current rift/vive users to upgrade. Otherwise the extra features of the knuckles are just another hardware solution looking for a software problem that doesn't exist.
The oculus touch controllers are pretty much perfect; they are small, light, have just enough controls to do most gestures and they easily fit into controller extensions like VR stocks for shooting games. The knuckles are massive by comparison and are more difficult to develop extensions for, also the whole gestures thing is solved by leapmotion for the 1% of games that might need it.
pls stop posting this. it hurts for reasons you'll never know, and feelings I don't wish to feel.
me on the right
Why the fuck isn't VR going full arcade mode? There should be VRcades springing up with loads of games being designed for them.
the fuck is this shit
Idk if vr is worth it after that whole thing of headphones causing skin dents.
>all just beat sabers
gay, where's the Time Crisis VR?
>At this point I really doubt that the index will have a high enough resolution for it to be worth it for current rift/vive users to upgrade.
Based on leaked dev screenshots it's equivalent to the vive pro's resolution, which many vive users including myself would have jumped at if it wasn't an $800 blue vive with no features apart from the screen. Index is also likely to have LCD screens with much lower SDE versus vive/rift and the lenses suggest a wider fov.
>solved by leapmotion for the 1% of games that might need it.
Only 1% of games use finger tracking because nobody has leap motion.
AND where is the House of the Dead VR?
Be honest with me Yea Forums, how good will this be when it comes to porn?
vr porn is more of a meme than anything else about vr
Source on the unshopped version?
This guy youtube.com
If they can get it down to 200$ without losing quality I'll pick one up.
VR porn is awful. Porn games on the other hand.... how many nude mods do you have installed?
>Only 1% of games use finger tracking because nobody has leap motion.
Half the market has the rift however and how many games use the rifts built in gestures? You probably didn't even know that the rift can do gestures using touch sensors on the buttons and joysticks.
The knuckles is what the vive camp has been waiting for because of the wands. Rift users already know how good proper controls can be; it isn't an accident that the angle of the grip on the touch controllers is the same as the grip angle on most guns.
I'll say it again, the only revolutionary thing the knuckles bring to the game is decent controllers for valve's platform; having gestures doesn't mean shit for normies or is going to convince new people to get into VR. For the rest of us it will make Pimax builds viable for a real upgrade.
I'm fucking jelly that Japan still gets arcade games. I literally want to go there for just two things: the arcades and the comfy little retro game stores where shelves are stacked to the ceiling.
>If they can get it down to 200$ without losing quality I'll pick one up.
This is what I'm talking about. This idiot thinks brand new hardware with tooling that hasn't been paid off yet is going to cost $200 for
>a high res headset with custom optics and audio
>two motion controllers
>two laser projector base stations
>a bundled software title
Knuckles isn't going to do anything to get normies in the game.
I do know this; it also leaves three of your fingers ignored. The knuckles also go a step further to track grip pressure. In the boneworks and the moondust trailers they showed this being used for sliding a crowbar in your grip and crushing things.
I agree the real draw is steamvr controllers that finally don't suck though. I'll be happy to shitcan my wands.
ODT are a meme, they will literally never be good or even safe, simply due to the inertia of their moving parts. Something like pic related, moving closer to 'vr shoes', might be achievable, but a VERY difficult engineering problem and even less safe.
Hate brigade false flag goalpost-shifting.
it's going to be the same res as the vive pro but with a better lense.
I'm kind of fucking mad but I think i'll still buy it since it's the only upgrade option I have, and I already have the vive trackers/wands
The end goal (outside of brain interface) is suspended suits. That way you can do things like stairs or climbing. Treadmills are alright but even then you're limited to a flat plane
Just give me a higher FOV and a decent price and I'll buy this thing in a heartbeat
You're not alone, it's cool from a tech perspective but as far as in use for video games I think it's a waste.
Back when VR was coming out there were a lot of full body tracking rigs that were kickstarted but none of them are used, it's easier and better to have controllers.
Personally, I'm waiting to see if google ever actually does anything with this:
VR is shit. If you think otherwise you've got sunk cost falconry.
>that weeb cleaning swing at the end
Fat people are disgusting.
I'm preordering the index, and nothing you poorfags can say will change my mind
For anyone wanting to get into VR, but it's somehow still too expensive for them (poorfags like me.). Look into the HMD Odyssey +. It's 40% off right now until the 27th, making it only 300$. Includes controllers, and you don't need external tracking.
I will give zero shits about it if it's objectively worse than the Vive 1. If it's got a significantly better resolution to the point where the screen door effect is negligible then I'm immediately gonna plan out a new rig to support it and buying one once I get that built. I'm a big fan of VR but the Vive suits my needs at the moment.
I'm much more excited for Knuckles since the Vive wands are cumbersome as shit.
>Buying a headset now when a new one is being shown in literally 2 weeks
Other headsets are on sale for a reason, because in 2 weeks nobody but retarded poorcucks would want one.
>dude just pay triple the price for the better set
I get paid again in 2 weeks, so if this one turns out to be GOAT, I'll get this one and return / sell the other one.
Oh thank fucking christ for this.
>Wanted to wait for VR to actually accumulate some decent games and figure out input methods
>Them knuckle controllers
Now all Valve has to do is not fuck up the VR games they've been devleoping along with the headset itself and I'm good to go. They aren't my cup of tea, but the Steam Controllers are fucking wonderfully built which bodes well for the build quality of Valve's Index headset
It's not even "VR", your head is just the analog stick. Zero depth, no movement, hallway simulation
VR is retarded meme technology that only snowflakes buy
If it's your thing then it's your thing. I would rather spend the money on something tangible that will last a few years instead of what normies do which is blow 10 grand on a 2 week vacation to take pictures for instagram and brag to other normies.
$900 is a small amount of money when you grow up and get a real job.
I just want VR to reach a point where I can play some fully immersive mmorpg game during my lifetime.
We all want that user
mmorpgs are dead. VR came too late.
>but the Steam Controllers are fucking wonderfully built which bodes well for the build quality of Valve's Index headset
Meanwhile developers have literal boxes full of knuckles controllers because they all stop working within a short period of time for some reason. Maybe something to do with that STUPID FUCKING TOUCH PAD THAT ASSHOLE GABE WONT LET GO OF.
I actually wasn't interested in vr before but now i'm very interested in the index in particular. I watched the video where the guy interviewed gabe's son about vr and more importantly reading and writing to the brain and ai accelerated humans and such. it was really interesting stuff and surprising to see valve was working on shit like that. I doubt the headset will have any of those far off advanced features but thinking about future applications got me interested. i'm thinking I might pick one up IF I can purchase one with my steam wallet funds since I have a fat wallet at the moment.
ESO could do a lazy VR port like Skyrim and it would be perfect, I think it's the only MMO designed for first person view.
One day bros. One day.
agreed. I think being able to allow normal human movement in vr is the holy grail.
My dick can only handle so much
The knuckles feel like they'll help a fuckton for the immersion with picking things up and holding them in games
I have zero doubt that they will. Some devs have also tried simulating weight to objects and I hope they explore it further.
Wow are they trying to make the players throw up from nausea?
Only the weak get motion sickness from VR, user.
I finally picked up a vive setup off craigslist since they're cheap enough now. I figured it wouldn't be a bad time to invest with the valve stuff coming out. But so far I'm really underwhelmed with the amount of content available for it.
The only game that really wowed me so far was Duck Season. Superhot was also pretty good. Pavlov seemed cool until I played it and realized how shitty the movement system was. Gorn is fun despite how janky the physics are. H3VR was incredibly boring, bloodtrail has 3 levels. Seems like developers should have stepped up to the plate and delivered some really good stuff by now but I haven't found it yet. What is there to actually play?
Other than going on VR chat and fucking with people? I mean it's good fun, but this is a phase that will pass. There's no way, absolutely no way that they have something advanced enough to bring VR to the mainstream. It's simply not feasible.
Maybe vr just isn't for you, user.
>There's no way, absolutely no way that they have something advanced enough to bring VR to the mainstream.
I'd say the knuckles themselves are good enough for that. Actually being able to pick things up by making the motion with your hands will go quite a long way towards getting regular people comfortable with VR
>listen to interview
>Gabe's son thinks the Index will have EEG shit so Valve can get data from our brains to prepare for actual BCI's down the line
fffffuck man. I'm excited about the concept of BCIs but I can see this causing a lot of controversy. At 15:00 - 16:00 or so
>BCI's down the line
This is how we get our VR MMOs
This is true, I hope we get full dive VR shit in my lifetime. For now I could just see it being used to input movements and sensations while wearing a headset, it will be close to full dive VR but for the most part it's just you sending inputs directly from your brain and the game faking sensations through signals being sent back to your brain for immersions sake. You'll still be fully conscious and awake though.
You need something where you're not constantly putting on peripherals. People are fucking lazy, and they're not ever on the cutting-edge.
It's like in Snatch where the British guy tells the American guy that England has sandy beaches.
>Yeah and who wants to fuckin' see em?
I hope reviewers get a chance to test this thing in the coming days before they take preorders. I need to know if I should go all in on the index or try and make a hybrid with the pimax 5k+ seeing as how it's the best looking most immersive headset available right now.
current rift > rift s
-controllers still tracked behind your back
-better looking controllers
-adjustable headstrap
-mechanical ipd slider
If you are someone who doesnt already have a headset and are looking to get into vr just hop on ebay and grab yourself a CV1 for like 200
Shame the jews behind vr chat are too lazy to even had wmr controllers let alone support for the knuckles.
Well they've discontinued the CV1 so it isn't even an option once the second hand market dries up. The tracking is a huge minus for shooting games and I don't see the higher tracking ring design working well for gun stocks and the like.
they won't, it's just too extreme an engineering problem. maybe if they had kept boston dynamics and told them to dedicate themselves completely to this task they could have gotten something interesting in several years (just in time for two-way BCI to be coming and making it all irrelevant).
just wait for the index
even if you aren't getting it, everything else will have to improve/get cheaper
I hope it has all the stuff the Vive Cosmos is promising. Eye tracking and auto focusing to meet you and the ability to more easily remove and adjust it will resolve 90% of my complaints with VR currently, and I am sick of waiting.
Do you need a hefty graphics card to use these for just VR porn?
>Eye tracking and auto focusing
This is literally the most important thing VR needs to start doing. Lenses are fucking trash and moving your eye away from the center of them gives you a blurry cromatic mess. I don't know how anyone can stand that shit.
>he doesn't know that HTC is bankrupt and keeps making fake product announcements to make it seem like they aren't
A 1060 will do just fine, maybe lower but there is no point buying old shit, 1060 is the sweet spot.
i hope this is fun
or this
fingers crossed Yea Forums
Is this that game where you you put your face in the birds ass
Anybody try this out? youtube.com
reminder that this is being developed in-house by Valve and will be sold on the actual Steam store
meaning you could literally sell a couple expensive skins and buy it provided it's not over a thousand dollars
>one of my OG vive controllers tracking is starting to be finicky
>knuckles won't be here for at least a month and a half
how would they do that
looks fun, but the guy is a bit obnoxious
>Yea Forumsros
God fucking damnit I hate when you newfags do this. Just use fucking Yea Forumsirgins you stupid fucking idiot
These both look horribly cringe and something that belongs on Switch VR
Game name?
CV1 is already 700$. Not sure where you're getting 200 from.
Maybe he's a cool, honest guy that wants to make the world a cooler, more honest place.
Shit man I just want a decent headset that reduces the cord shit and adds I. Good controls
holy kek
Orbus is an empty laggy experience devoid of any real content and a complete scam at the $45 or whatever they charge, they won't let you refund it either. Plus it looks like absolute shit.
The second one looks a bit better but still like empty shit that you'll get bored of because no real content.
i love it, i was worried natural selection wasn't working anymore so we were getting a massive spike in degenerates but looks like we still have hope
Honestly, the most I've enjoyed VR is when using it as a screen strapped to my face. It's so much more relaxing being able to sit and use a mouse and keyboard to play games normally over the whole body workout that is using motion controllers to move around for real.
What the fuck happened here?
I just released a gunstock design for the rift if anyone is still interested in such a thing.
If the reveal is promising will probably be the first headset I buy.
>Zero depth
? It literally maps your eye positions into game space. How do you think depth perception works?
What is it even going to be upgrading?
I already know what that is a reference to, but why?
Sometime it do be that way
I think VR is pretty neat.
Ask me anything.
Do you think VR is neat?
Yeah it's pretty neat.
Pretty alright too.
When was the last time you had fast food?
is it good
I grabbed a blizzard from Dairy Queen after work today so I guess that counts.
Yeah it's pretty good. Setting up sensors is kinda ass but only because I just Macgyver'ed it instead of buying wall mounts, but I'll actually take the time to get proper mounts when the Index comes out.
External sensors are a thing of the past man. Pretty much all new headsets have spacial sensors built in. Including this one here
Are there any headsets that cost $100-200 that are decent?
Valve Index will be like $600 right?
VR porn is fucking amazing. I haven't nutted this much since I was 14.
The 3DPD stuff is ok but most of the acting is terrible. Facesitting in 4k is pretty hot. The real good shit is games and animations. Dva bouncing her ass on your cock = instant nut.
Probably doable within 5 years. Skyrim VR is a buggy port of a buggy game and it's still fun as hell
>The real good shit is games and animations.
Can you sauce me up some?
Almost every VR porn thing I see is fucking ass and I haven't really been able to get into any.
when will they learn
Already confirmed to be $500 bundled
>Index won't have out-of-the-box FBT support
If this thing is going to only be like 1600x1400 per eye im going to be super pissed unless its like 300 bux, or it does some sick lens shit to all but eliminate the screen door.
I'd totally pay 5 or 600 if it was 2000x2000 pixels per eye.
vr is a dead meme. move on.
>The knuckles controllers are the biggest innovation in VR since the oculus
It's an analog stick. Something the OR has had for years.
That's it. That's the only actual improvement. Anyone without autism has easily been able to throw with the grip buttons or the trigger, and being able to hold onto and throw things slightly easier isn't actually much of an improvement.
I honestly think Valve fanboys are all just massively delusional. VR is fun, I have a Vive sitting right next to me, but I cannot imagine it becoming mainstream for years, and the Index won't change that.
That reminds me, I have this issue where my arms are slightly longer than on models calibrated for my height in almost every game. No idea why it keeps happening but it does.
>Who would actually be fucking autistic enough to admit something like this on social media?
you retard, we need people like him, hes a hero. social media should not be a laser focus on only the good stuff you did, it creates a warped view of reality for everyone else using it
Literally never. Not even from fans.
Do you know how bad the 2D lightgun community is? There's basically one developer working on it right now, some French guy who hacks together working 2P support and removes crosshairs from PC ports.
That's it. Emulation has mostly stalled, the newest advances in the past couple of years have been some lindbergh games getting emulated like Let's Go Jungle, and recently Xbox emulation is getting close to making Virtua Cop 3 playable at home for the first time ever, but we still have to hope that the devs feel like implementing mouse support and shit first.
VR lightgun shit? It's the biggest joke I've ever seen. The only guys putting ANY effort in are complete fucking retards like shit, trying to emulate the arcade terribly with a MAME wrapper. That's the best we've got in 3 years.
You want to play TC, HotD, VC, or anything else in VR? First, you need to get VIRTUAL DESKTOP. A fucking gimmick app is the best current support for light gun games. Then, you have to have custom configs and shortcuts for every game to open with borderless fullscreen, as well as set up some kind of autohotkey shit on an extra controller so you can control things like putting in credits, or pressing start, anything more than using the trigger.
And then, when you're done with all that? Well, you have to import your own custom Vive controller model with ironsights that are resolvable, and then calibrate them in every game. Also, your model has to be perfectly aligned with the laser in virtual desktop, something you can only work out through trial and error.
They got the dev kit for the knuckles as while ago although they're being faggots and not letting you track fingers, still tied to gestures. Although doing gestures would be a hell of a lot easier with doing them in real life
Although the dev from climbey told them do it with data floats, and then hackspinner who is the dev responsible for the knuckles support said he's doing that so who really knows.
Move Doom VFR and La Noire to the other catagory, they're not full ports like the others.
Add an asterix to the Oculus section saying "Playable on SteamVR with ReVive"
I really hope EmuVR gets lightgun support.
It already has Keyboard/Mouse which is a start.
Simulated weight right now just means that if you move something too quickly, either your hands will get stuck in place, or you'll straight up drop the object.
It's a really, really fucking lame implementation, but it's the best you're going to get until we have fluid tanks in every home or brain interfaces, because there's no good way of doing this stuff without true feedback.
Give me nostos right fuckin now
Emi Evans has made my dick hard for 9 years and counting
Its not lame, its actually pretty decent and subconsciously encourages you to move your hands slower to match your digital hands.
stop waggling and you'll be fine retard
I don't. This is the exact opposite of what I want from lightgun emulation, a bunch of gaudy shit wasting CPU and GPU power. Give me an adjustable 2D window in a blank void that crops itself correctly when you're playing 16:9 or 4:3 titles. Hell, if you're really fancy you could always emulate the few vertical cabs like Police 9/11 or Elevator Action Death Parade, but Police 9/11 still has no emulation support because the PS2 emulator only supports guncon games and it was released back when the Justifier was the only option.
If you want to get really fancy, add in head tracking for Time Crisis, although I doubt many people will actually use it, buttons respond faster and hooking up a pedal is 2 bucks. The only thing I'd want in terms of fluff is multiple gun models, it'd be nice to switch between Sega and Namco guns depending on the game, or even swap in a realistic gun model.
>add in head tracking for Time Crisis
Wouldn't head tracking make more sense for Police 9/11?
I don't care.
The difference in games being able to simulate a hand vs. just 1-2 triggers will make for better feel.
But the controller still has a trigger
I have no reason to believe Police 9/11 will ever be playable on PC, honestly. Sure, it'd be great to play it in VR with headtracking, but first someone needs to fix up PS2 emulation to a playable level, then they need to emulate the Konami Justifier, and THEN they need to hook into the webcam support that only works with 1 specific chipset used in half a dozen cameras, and somehow hack in head tracking instead.
Or you could emulate the arcade version and just hook up the IR tracked inputs to head motion, which actually seems like a more feasible approach with less work. Plus, you'd get Police 9/11 2 for practically free, they run on the same hardware.
Would it be easier to hack the original arcade versions of lightgun games for VR support or the home/PC ports?
Here's your Valve Index Controllers.
Do you like them?
>vs "just" 1-2 triggers
most games will just use the main trigger though
It's going to be interesting to see if they end up completely ditching SteamVR compatible ones in favor of Index.
I think most games will still support the old SteamVR controllers.
And even if they don't, SteamVR supports input remapping so you can play them with other controllers.
>>The difference in games being able to simulate a hand vs. just 1-2 triggers will make for better feel.
Why? Because you'll be able to waggle your fingers in front of your face?
I think it'll be the opposite. All this tracking makes it way more likely for bugs to crop up, so I can envisage you actually looking puzzled far more often because your pinky or index finger is pointing straight out because you gripped the controller off-centre.
Finger tracking is the biggest meme ever. Now, HAPTIC finger tracking? With one of those spider gloves that pulls back on all your fingers to make it feel like you're gripping an object? That would actually be an improvement, but nobody wants to have that bulky shit strapped to their wrists, and the batteries or power cables would be a joke.
I've never tried VR, will this headset finally get me into it? I want to jerk off as a female avatar in VRChat.
this looks so fucking stupid
>will this headset finally get me into it?
maybe, maybe not.
Wait for the full reveal on May 1st and see what you think of it.
I'm more meaning Valve with their controllers. It'd be an interesting move after them pushing SteamVR as a fairly open tracking solution and API for several years.
>Foot Pedal has a cardboard panel attached to blow wind into your face
That's so stupid it's almost genius
I'm pretty excited. I just hope room size won't be an issue and the price isn't ludicrous. Anything above 500 and I'll probably have to pass.
Like I said, they'll probably keep it open.
>I just hope room size won't be an issue
It'll be a similar deal to Vive, but you won't need the tracking stations in sight of each other.
>the price isn't ludicrous
Valve understands that as well.
One of the reasons they developed Lighthouse 2.0 was to bring down the price of the tracking.
HTC are just money grubbing buffons.
The best part? That's exactly what it does in-game. It's not just a foot pedal, it's a 'wind generator' or something. So you feel the gust at the same time as it happens in the game.
Most of these games have pretty good emulation. The PC ports of Virtua Cop and House of the Dead are almost all trash, only HotD3 is a decent PC port. Which is good, because nobody has even bothered trying to emulate Chihiro. What's a real shame is that we could've had a VC3 port that good, but Sega shelved the idea before they even bothered with an Xbox port, which only needed to cut down the RAM requirement slightly because Chihiro is Xbox based.
You'd be best off making a wrapper for the existing emulation options in most cases, in terms of hacking it'd be the same level of work to hack a PC version as it'd be to hack an emulator.
Unsure, wait until we have solid details about it. If it ends up being the price of a launch vive or vive pro and you've got the scratch go for it. If it's not, get a vive if you want compatibility and some addons for 500 with the potential to upgrade to knuckles or get a wmr headset for bare bones vr with decent compatibility with everything (I'd get an oddysey not the plus as a first vr/wmr)
Maybe. But if you're looking at Index, you're retarded.
What you should be looking at as a newcomer is all the idiots who bought in at 700 bucks flooding the used market with Vives they've barely touched. Index isn't going to come out at a reasonable price-point for anyone sane, but the effect on Vive sales is going to be huge.
Honestly, Vives are already cheap enough that I think most enthusiasts should have bought in by now. Mine was only 300 bucks, and there's no way in hell that Index is going to be cheap enough to even hope to match that, and the "improvements" are all minor at best.
I'm curious if the Index is going to offer anything substantial over a Vive Pro.
Was Labo a complete flop? I haven't heard shit about it since the announcement.
In general or just the Labo VR set?
I don't know what those are because I don't pay much attention to Nintendo, so both I guess?
The lens are apparently an improvement over Vive/Vive Pro with a bigger FOV
The first 3 sets sold a combined 1.39 million units by the end of 2019 and Labo VR has been getting good reviews so far.
Yep, VR is great.
Sold my CV1 at the start of the year in anticipation for something like this.
The biggest problem with VR is motion sickness babies, I literally do not understand the problem people have and it hurts game design when everything is designed for Myst style teleportation bullshit.
No. It'll probably be a minor improvement, but the key word here is MINOR. The Vive Pro honestly isn't much of an upgrade from an original Vive, even if it was only 200 bucks I wouldn't buy one.
I think the Vive Pro is more an upgrade than people give it credit for personally. It's particularly useful in games like Contractors or Onward, where I can just straight-up see clearly further than anybody else on my team.
Sure, if you're into milsim stuff then seeing a 2 pixel blob instead of a 1 pixel blob is going to be a reasonable improvement when you have a scope.
If you're using VR for literally any other reason, it's pretty meaningless. The added resolution only slightly improves text, everything is still fairly blurry because 1600p really isn't huge, VR resolution has massively diminishing returns.
You have to double the processing power to double the resolution, but in terms of fidelity you're only looking at a 20% bump. It's like how graphics just stalled after the PS2 era, because you can quadruple polygon counts but still only get something that looks slightly better.
VR needs 16k screens with foveated rendering to reach the kind of fidelity people really want.
>Already confirmed to be $500 bundled
Where did you hear that
Not to put to fine a point on it, you need to quadruple processing: Double res is 4 times the pixels. At least we don't have to entirely double it again now that we're doing single pass rendering
looks like koikasu
My bad, but the Vive Pro is actually less than a 1.5x resolution bump. So you do only need twice the processing power for it.
>long wait for information ends in may
>even longer wait for release starts
How well does revive works? I really want to play lone echo and the unreal shooter with robots.
That's bullshit user don't make things up
will only be worth it if it has the wireless component built in desu
otherwise will probably just grab a pair of the knuckles or whatever they call them now
it was on patreon for what, half a day? who gives a shit
inb4 $1000+ for the headset, controllers, and base stations
It works well enough at the moment, but currently they're working on a new OpenXR version of it.
only if its affordable and has REAL GAMES
Oculus Quest has both
i wonder if we will see a new big valve game
and i wonder if it will suck
Valve are making 3, I'm positive that at least 2 of them will be announced alongside the Index, you probably get copies bundled with it.
no thanks
Nice, though it'd need a lot more, a lot smaller (and perhaps hexagonal or octogonal) and many times faster tiles to work properly. I can imagine this becoming promising a few decades from now
Good choice.
Not available in Europe unless you want to pay double plus import tax, but it's just as well since it forces me to wait till I can afford Index.
Anyone know of something besides tape I can put on my carpet to help center myself while in VR?
My guess is he tried to lean on the virtual table
user this was made so parents can spend some time with their kids crafting stuff.
The only other group of people that cares about Labo is shitposters.
>really dont care as long as there is nothing to buy it for
>maybe if they actually announce games
>Other than going on VR chat and fucking with people?
>The only thing the knuckles bring to the table is non retarded controllers for steam VR
How did I not know Obduction was in VR? That game was fucking sick.
Where's the gameplay benefit?
lol fuck off chump :^)
I loved Obduction, I really really fucking hope their new KickStarter for Firmament makes it, there's only one week left and they still need a few hundred thousand: kickstarter.com
I've been feverlessly updating the KickStarter page for the past few weeks.
You can use gestures to control shit, for instance to do RTS commands and stuff, it's more expressive in Multiplayer (military hand gestures for communication?). You can naturally grab and crush stuff with it etc. and have much more fine control of your movements.
For instance imagine how much easier playing something like this would be with the Knuckles than the Touch or Vive Wands: youtube.com
Here's another interaction concept, see especially the fine movements 2 minutes in: youtube.com
>>For instance imagine how much easier playing something like this would be with the Knuckles than the Touch or Vive Wands: youtube.com
I'm sorry, I just can't see it. In any possible way.
The beauty of current VR inputs is that they're on or off. If I hit the trigger, I grab something, at the exact point I wanted to. There's no worry about it slipping in my hand, because it's not a real hand.
You think you're going to be waving your fingers around to pick up stuff? No, you're going to be applying pressure to the grip, or the trigger if you want precision.
I could see maybe a neat magic system in a game taking advantage of gestures, but that's about it.
Oh, you think that "fine grip" will be a thing? Devs are retards, they're still going to apply the actual grip spot to somewhere completely different in every game. There's nothing about this demo that can't easily be done with wands.
Oh fuck, do I get my money back if it doesn't get funded?
I'm gonna need a higher res HMD if I'm gonna be playing this in VR.
>Oh fuck, do I get my money back if it doesn't get funded?
The money doesn't get deducted in the first place. Only happens if the campaign is successful.
Otherwise yeah, it looks pretty great, would be a fucking shame if it never happened: youtube.com
>The beauty of current VR inputs is that they're on or off. If I hit the trigger, I grab something, at the exact point I wanted to.
Imagine you want to use your thumb and pointing finger to pick up a small object, how do you want to do that with the Vive Wands or Oculus Touch without finger tracking? With the Knuckles you just go near the object and pick it up like you would anything in real life. Imagine a "Black & White" type game where you have to pick shit up, throw it, crush things etc.
Same thing with shit like triggers on weapons, you can half-press them and similar.
Vive triggers are analogue tho
>>Imagine you want to use your thumb and pointing finger to pick up a small object, how do you want to do that with the Vive Wands or Oculus Touch without finger tracking?
With the trigger. The only difficult thing is knowing where the actual pick-up point is set in each game, which isn't going to change with finger tracking. If anything, it's going to get worse.
Sure, but I'm just talking in terms of picking shit up here.
>With the trigger.
But the trigger (or grab button) is just an on or off thing, and it's awkward if there's like a puzzle to build something or an app that's mostly about picking up stuff and sticking it on other pieces or aligning/adjusting stuff: youtube.com
You don't grab something to look at it, turn it around and stick it into something else like you would grab and throw say a snowball. Those are different interactions.
I live in a reasonably sized studio, only have two yoga mats of space for VR. A little bit short of the minimum, have to go over my bed to achieve the minimum space required.
I find it sufficient for games where you can teleport. I had more space before, I found myself re-centering in the room every now and then anyways.
I have spent most of my time in VR playing flight sims with a hotas though. Non of the current room-scale VR games appealed to me beyond first impressions.
The only room-scale game I frequent is H3VR. Bone-works might be worth a shot.
I want to try getting back into orbusVR on april 23rd now that I have a decent internet connection.
Craving a mish-mash of a meta-verse type application like VRChat but with good mini-games and an action based MMO.
>Why the fuck isn't VR going full arcade mode? There should be VRcades springing up with loads of games being designed for them.
Because arcades fit a lot into a small space. VR is the opposite, you don't get much, and you need a massive space. The price is also low enough for most consumers to just buy it outright, arcade VR is a total gimmick right now.
I could see it taking off with cheap robot exoskeletons, but even then it wouldn't last long.
fuck off, alex...
I'm just waiting for illusion to make a game like this... but more rapey.....
sauce.... please..... If it is 500$ when it comes out I'm going to bite the bullet and buy it..
>Sheathing swords
All I need is a Katana then to go full Motivated.
Also the dismemberment is fun as fuck with the recent update.
Gotta actually work for it but landing a clean decapitation feels so nice.
Did you see how low budget VR kanojo was? They're never going to bother making anything else VR.
Wasn't that like on the best selling list of Steam along with Skyrim and shit?
What about shit like PlayHome or Sexbot QA?
>>Wasn't that like on the best selling list of Steam along with Skyrim and shit?
You should realise that list means nothing. VR Kanojo has one girl, 10 minutes of boring cutscenes where you can't really interact in any noticeable way, and then half a dozen stock animations they probably ripped out of their other titles. Outfit variety is a joke too.
I haven't tried either of those other games, but VR porn is generally just shit.
Because who is gonna pay people to develop games for a such a small niche?
>sour grapes
>You should realise that list means nothing.
It means they made a shitload of M-O-N-E-Y.
>measured by gross revenue.
Thank god, I was wondering what the fuck was job simulator doing here.
the problem with treadmills is you have to build a ring/cage for the player most of the time because your average person will not learn that walking on them is different than walking in real life (e.g. like how walking on ice is different from walking on pavement, it's how you put your foot down and carry your weight)
probably what will happen instead is valve's brain and sensor tech will come out with a group of wearable sensors where you basically flex muscles/exert yourself in a fashion similar to running and your character runs, but without actually running so most people can still keep their balance and you won't have that cage or ring to block you from picking up virtual items or giving virtual handjobs or whatever. omni-directional treadmills are a clumsy bandaid in comparison to this.
SteamVR is aka OpenVR. It's all about eliminating the actual technical reasons for hardware exclusivity.
You can play every Oculus 'exclusive' with OpenVR using revive. Controller mismatch has always been an annoyance but will be pretty much solved by Knuckles.
PSVR (seated 180-degree tracking with a traditional gamepad) isn't real VR (room-scale 360-degree tracking with 1:1 tracked hands). You've also listed things that aren't exclusive at all (eg. GNOG).
it would, to be any good. ideally just VR-shoes. it's probably as doomed by BCI advancement in the same time frame as the traditional ODTs. adding complex robotics to VR is kind of defeating the point.
>The beauty of current VR inputs is that they're on or off. If I hit the trigger, I grab something, at the exact point I wanted to. There's no worry about it slipping in my hand, because it's not a real hand.
bonerworks will allow for minute things like tapping buttons, flicking switches, spinning dials, etc. It will shine most in flight sim environments and any game or sim where you have to do a lot of little actions and the traditional aim and pull trigger/press button mechanic is too tedious or awkward (you have to flex your hand while holding the wand at an invisible point in space vs just moving a finger).
also you will be able to give people the finger or the meme circle hand in VR chat which will be it's most popular/touted feature for a while
>I haven't tried either of those other games, but VR porn is generally just shit.
VR porn is really only good if you're a furry because only furries are really exploring live-rendered 3d VR porn right now, save for that one guy making the villain simulator and the virt-a-mate guy
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Been lookin into getting a headset at some point but I've got super limited space in my room. Is it even worth getting into VR if you can't stand up and walk around for it?
Nope, it might be better to go to a VRcade instead to get your fix. Make sure to bring your own disinfectant spray unless you want eye herpes or pink eye.
Need to know the price before I decide if it's a big deal. I think knuckles will be good, at least for the reason that we can finally move away from the shitty vive dildos, but for me, the quest is a bigger game-changer, just because PC VR has been wearing the "overpriced gimmick" hat for half a decade, and it's time to move to a device that is at a good price point. Index still needs a good CPU and GPU on top of whatever valve plans to charge for it. You made cooler controllers, sure, but otherwise that's still the same cost-prohibitive environment that PC VR has been stuck in for years. It's way cheaper than it used to be, but it's still expensive, to say nothing of setup complications and limitations as well. Those factors are why I think Quest will be a real game changer.
thinking of getting VR for my PS4 but im concerned about how shit it is compared to PC and not even sure my PC can handle VR. 1060 6gb probably doesn't cut it.
Steam Controller 2 when? It's the only thing nu-valve did right.
how limited? so long as you can stretch your arms all around without hitting things, you can play some fun stuff
1060 is actually minimum GPU spec for Rift and Vive, I use one with a 7700 and it's no issue, granted I don't play more demanding games so I can't confirm you don't get framedrops on those, but everything I've messed with has been okay.
I still don't know how people liked the steam controller. What did you even use it for? Thing seemed to me like a solution to a problem that didn't exist.
>bonerworks will allow for minute things like tapping buttons, flicking switches, spinning dials, etc.
So all things that you can do with a traditional button, but they might be slightly more "immersive" with finger tracking? I'll pass.
>It will shine most in flight sim environments
Anyone using motion controls for flight sims is already a complete fucking retard, though.
Both the finger and the meme circle can easily be mapped already, it's just childish shit.
>What did you even use it for?
Every situation where a keyboard's limited movement becomes a hindrance.
It depends on what games you want to play. Most of my playtime I do from bed with the Rift and using the analogue stick for walking. All cockpit-type games should also work perfectly fine that way. Only a minority of VR games really require "room scale". It'd be better for some of them if you could at least stand up though.
not just boneworks, the knuckles skeletal pose tracking support is a generic feature which you get automatically with SteamVR apps.
>the quest is a bigger game-changer
Which was when? I'm seriously asking for examples. What game(s) made you want for a joystick that badly? Personally, I never had the urge, keyboard was always enough, but maybe we just played different games.
It's mostly on a game by game basis but two genres where it has the objective edge over every other control scheme are:
>GTA style games, because driving is best with analog movement, but there's still shooting that I'd rather have precision for. Really, any game with driving and shooting falls under this umbrella.
>3D Platformers because the buttons on the back of the controller allow you to use your jump and other abilities while still having control of the camera
Also fun fact, sometimes games have variation between mechanics depending on if you're using controller or keyboard (Like in the PC port of Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, on the controller you throw boomerangs in front of you, but on M+KB you throw the boomerang wherever your camera is facing) and you can have buttons registering as keyboard inputs and/or controller inputs on the Steam Controller so you can exploit that to your advantage.
I also used it for the PC port of Bayonetta because I could adjust the trigger sensitivity and make it so that I didn't have to press down the trigger a ton to dodge like in the 360 version.
Well yeah, it's a mobile all-in-one, it won't look as good as PC VR. That said, it's much easier to buy and much easier to set up. That one happens to be a particularly bad choice of software for comparison too, just because robo recall was specifically made to be a graphics showcase. Of course that kind of game is going to suffer when you port it to a low-end system.
Personally, I see it as having the kind of potential that the Game Boy realized, a low-cost device that still has the chops to run actual games, and with proper support can be a quality system in spite of its obvious hardware limitations. I for one have tried it, and am an avid convert, I just hope it lives up in commercial form.
Why is it a small niche? It's cutting edge entertainment.
That's interesting. I never played those kinds of games on PC (or at all even), so I never thought of the desire to do those kinds of control inputs on a PC game. The flexibility between emulating both controller and KBM input is also interesting, as I too have run into that problem once before. I guess I might have to grab a steam controller sometime. Thanks for the post user, you've shown me a different side of things and made me better able to appreciate the hardware.
Thanks familia I appreciate you taking time out of your day to listen
VR is the modern day light gun game. Locomotion will never be an option for most users, they'll get sick and throw their headset away.
They remade some things in Orbus and official release is in 4 days.
>Locomotion will never be an option for most users
I don't buy that. I'm sure most people could handle first person games as long as it was as slow as RE7 and the developers were creative in how they implemented vertigo-inducing effects (i.e. they didn't thrust them at players constantly and just peppered them in throughout the game). And then there's the entire realm of third person games which shouldn't be a problem.
por honesto senpai, VR has moved on from that "stand and shoot" element as of a few years ago. Tons of games have added normal joystick movement to them, even games that were originally teleport-only (Rec Room is a good example).
other than a few outliers the majority of people can overcome motion sickness enough to play for hours slowly adjusting after 2 weeks. Don't push yourself when you start feeling sick. Always stop and wait until it goes away and then a bit before going at it again. Took me two sessions and now nothing phases me, but i never really had that much trouble with motion sickness.
People started finding out that it only happens to most people very early on. Smooth double thumbstick locomotion/rotation is fine for most people that have played in VR for a week or more. Although personal experience will vary.
>it's much easier to buy
>much easier to set up
has always been nothing but a marketing meme
Quest has one selling point - the cheapest possible wireless VR. Unfortunately the trade-offs made for that are just insane and totally not worth it. The absurdly low powered hardware is fun to point out for how obvious and terrible it is even at a glance, but more importantly, it is going to severely limit what CAN be done for the system. Especially with PC VR moving firmly in the direction of ever more and more physics-based systems.
>Especially with PC VR moving firmly in the direction of ever more and more physics-based systems.
Physics really doesn't have much of an overhead.
Honestly, these kinds of products are good for VR. They get the casuals in, and casuals mean money, which means better support for real devices because it's fucking easy to just port shit made for the Quest to the Vive.
>Physics really doesn't have much of an overhead.
You deserve to get fired for that level of incompetent ignorance, shill.
>You deserve to get fired for that level of incompetent ignorance, shill.
Fine, let me re-phrase. The kind of basic as fuck, object collisions that VR tends to focus on? They aren't computationally complex. Your rig has a harder time calculating your current position than it does working out how to do a bit of gravity. HL2-tier physics are not difficult.
>Well yeah, it's a mobile all-in-one, it won't look as good as PC VR.
It not only "won't look as good as PC VR", it also won't be able to play even half of the good/high-budget VR games out there e.g. Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Lone Echo 1/2, Stormland, Asgard's Wrath, Defector, ARKTIKA.1, Chronos, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Hellblade, Obduction, Robinson: The Journey, The Solus Project, Arizona Sunshine, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The Forest, Assetto Corsa, Project CARS, DCS World, IL-2 Sturmovik, Resident Evil 7 VR, Blood & Truth, Farpoint, The Persistence and a lot of others won't even run on it.
It will require a graphics style like this for games developed for it and pull the VR landscape down in a race to the bottom if it has any success: youtube.com
>basic as fuck object collisions aren't computationally complex
>that VR tends to focus on
No. Ever-increasingly more strongly "NOPE".
I don't know what's sadder, you thinking this is complex, or you being unable to see the blatant jumps they're using to make grabbing objects possible. See when he grabs the bar, how not only does its position jump, but it just does a tiny little waggle, as though the game is just taking a basic bitch velocity reading of the object and applying a bit of deform to it?
This is literally HL2 tier stuff. Shooting stuff with the gravity gun is more complex for physics calculations than this stuff is.
>that's not real!
LOL genuinely confirmed for shill.
What part of GAME DESIGN dictates that you can't move to enjoy a game?
How much of a game changer would foveated rendering be when they include it in the headset?
I mean there's already programs that track where you look right?
As in, you buy one thing and it's done. No PC involved at all. Setup is seriously easy in quest, takes maybe 10-15 seconds. Frankly, I'm tired of having my VR setup in one room that it can never leave without having to be torn down and reestablished every time you want to do so.
Sure, it will be difficult, but it will not be impossible to make games work for the system. We've done good work with far less before. Perhaps they won't look like AAA games graphically, but you would still be able to make those games you listed for a platform like quest. Would some of those games lose something due to the downgrade in presentation? Surely that is true. But at the same time, there is something to be said for delivering an experience which, even if not a graphical splendor, is still a fun and enjoyable experience. We have seen throughout gaming history that weaker, cheaper hardware, when given support in sales and software, will regularly outperform much more capable systems in the market, especially when they are more expensive, and ultimately, it is market performance which dictates a successful games platform. Personally, I think that quest has the potential to hit that market, and I challenge the notion that you need everything to look top of the line in order to do it.
it would greatly increase performance I guess
It could allow better graphics and greatly lower the minimum spec GPU.
It would also send pupil and interaction data directly to Facebook to analyze how long you looked at something and in what kind of mood you were and stuff.
big enough to call it 2nd gen of headsets
>there's already programs that track where you look right
pretty sure the problem with tracking eyes in hmds is headsets aren't literally glued to your face and might slide a little during intensive moments which fucks up calibration
I believe they won't ever be possible. You essentially need a machine that can analyze and predict a human's movement direction and speed before they move to not have them fall over. You then need it to also predict when they slow down/stop so they're not thrown over by their inertia. The computer can't assume what a person will always do.
>I mean there's already programs that track where you look right?
Only where your head is pointed. Eye tracking would let games know EXACTLY what you're looking at. Like there's demos where events happen when you read a specific line of text on something or things look different when they're in the corner of your eye.
Eye tracking info would have a lot of uses for rendering, depth effects and gameplay/social elements. I'm pretty hype that it's starting to reach the mainstream.
PC peripherals don't have generations, stop using this meme.
Game design ends where the limitations of the physical body begin. The full body stuff means substituting game design with the limitations of the physical body, which is not a proper substitute.
One of the hardest things to accomplish in VR will probably be DOF. I can't even fathom how it can be accomplished unless we get high level eye trackers in the future.
>rape simulator VR
You could simply set the focus distance to whatever your eyes are centered at, it wouldn't be 100% accurate but should be better than the current status of making everything focused.
No. 'limitation' implies that game characters that run 40mph must be the norm when in truth it's always been an exaggeration to compensate for the detachment of playing on a tiny screen. In VR, that isn't needed because things feel a lot faster then they seem on video.
As for fatigue; users just get better as they exercise. Mind fucking blown, I know.
>never tried vr
No cardboard phone doesn't count.
Yeah they do. Debate closed.
>'limitation' implies that game characters that run 40mph must be the norm when in truth it's always been an exaggeration to compensate for the detachment of playing on a tiny screen.
Not at all, because game designers had the option to make games where players could even run fast or walk slow when games were played on TV screens / monitors. Why did they more often choose running fast? Because it's more enjoyable, that's all.
But this is just movement speed we're talking about. How do you suppose full body can simulate stuff like combat in Devil May Cry? It will never be able to do this, which means the full body stuff limits game design.
performance, UI, gameplay, it's a huge new step forward in every way.
>big enough to call it 2nd gen of headsets
It will be the retrospectively realized division between the 'generations'. as soon as foveated rendering becomes broadly supported by middleware game engines (ie. Unity and UE4) and/or through injection by VR APIs (if that's even possible), all HMDs that don't support it are rendered immediately obsolete.
Computer vision based gaze tracking over any generic video feed is readily available (google search "eye tracking software"). Doing it in all the ways specifically useful for VR (high speed/latency/precision, from inside of an HMD, without appreciable computational overhead) is a significantly different problem, but also pretty much solved at this point, It's been in true enterprise HMDs for a while (eg. Varjo VR-1) and lots of 'prosumer' HMDs coming in the next year or so feature it (Vive Pro Eye, Pimax add-on, StarVR, Xtal, quite possibly the Index, etc.).
fuck these robots give me the anime girls with eye tracking
>crazy people still advocating for omni treadmills and thinking that they will some day be mainstream
fucking lol dudes. the right solution is the elimination of nausea through inner-ear manipulation via infrasonic bone transducers.
VRC is kino.
You realise all that's just animations, right? All you're doing is pressing buttons to trigger them at the right time.
Meanwhile Sairento VR, Blade & Sorcery, Gorn, etc have you actually using the weapons in your own hands and require accuracy to hit between armor and blocks.
It's so dumb, it's literally as dumb as saying you need a treadmill to play a console game. It's literally, unironically, the exact same thing. Just because there's a screen in your face doesn't mean joysticks are bad for movement now. Joysticks are fine.
PSVR's headset is capable of 360 positional tracking just fine, the issue comes in that any controllers you're holding are going to be occluded. Plus the narrow FOV of the cameras presents issues for stuff like the Aim Controller, where the tracking point is a fair distance in front of you.
This, all the faggots saying you'll get motion sick are just inexperienced dipshits. It's 100% not guaranteed to get you sick, and probably everybody can build up a tolerance to it.
>Meanwhile Sairento VR, Blade & Sorcery, Gorn, etc have you actually using the weapons in your own hands and require accuracy to hit between armor and blocks.
Are you seriously comparing the combat in those games to the combat of a Devil May Cry game? You can't pull off almost any of the moves or even half the speed of the combat in those games.
>and probably everybody can build up a tolerance to it.
this is a bad approach. no other successful, mainstream, consumer product expects you to go endure physical discomfort to able to use it.
it's statements like yours that make VR advocates sound like unreasonable cultists
>i know you feel like throwing up, but do it for a couple dozen more hours and you'll get used to it
the problem needs to be fixed with hardware
There is no problem with the hardware. People get motion sick because of regular video games, but they got used to it. Same with VR.
Imagine having a bloodline so weak that you get sick because of a cell phone a few inches closer to your face than usual
Or for a better comparison, think fighting games, where every move is actually very different and not merely a different animation.
And we're talking about full body here, not just headsets / controllers. My complaint is with the full body shit.
It 'limits game design' in the same way that a controller does. It's a different approach to the medium. You can't make a DMC-style game in VR in the same way you can't make a Contractors-style shooter on a traditional console.
>It 'limits game design' in the same way that a controller does.
Hand-eye coordination exercises aren't the same as full body exercises. How do you suppose you'd even play a game like Sairento with full body VR?
Regardless if the animations have different statistics, it's still just pushing buttons to do preset actions. It's obsolete when you can do the moves yourself in VR.
Again, it feels like people are suffering some sort of stockholm syndrome with the old standards of video games.
this game is fun as fuck
>It's obsolete when you can do the moves yourself in VR.
See The thing is that you can't do the moves yourself in full body VR.
Animations aren't 'moves'.
Still simply another tech demo.
Anyone doubting VR really needs to check out Boneworks.
It's like all the other VR games but ACTUALLY good and ACTUALLY designed
This video SOLELY has made me decide to buy a VR headset.
Again, please explain how you could even play Sareinto in full body VR. Or do you not know what full body means? It means using your legs to play as well.
That's fun to play.
Designed primarily as a tech demo.
I wanna fuck him.
You're missing the point.
Labo isn't really going to facilitate discussion. It's more of an arts and crafts thing than it is video games.
In that logic, Half Life 2 should be considered a Tech demo too.
And Portal.
YOU'RE missing the point, dude. This reply chain started here I was never, once, complaining about VR itself. Just the full body crap aka the desire to have treadmills, knee pad detectors and backpacks and whatever the fuck other retarded peripherals.
You keep using that phase like it matters. Maybe good games were tech demos and people still enjoyed them.
As long its fully compatible with old VR games, sure i will get one.
Debate reopened.
No they don't.
Debate locked and key thrown into the sea.
They are considered that. In fact, people who know their shit usually consider those games to be crap.
They're crap because FPS is a trash genre for brainlets
Portal is a puzzle game though.
That's complete bullshit and you know it.
Nah. Half Life 2 is fucking boring and Portal is clearly a fucking tech demo. You can beat it in like an hour. Good puzzle games can last tens of hours.
With a vive you get leg tracking.
it's still in the early adoption state so it's fine for now
Having a screen near your face is not a problem since CRTs stopped being a thing, now you have to worry about PWM backlight fucking up your brain and eyes and blue light making you go insane.
Now all we have to do is wait for Bannerlord to come out, so talesworlds can start working on Mount and Blade VR.
Would be lying if I said I never thought of the old addage "If you sit too close to the tv/monitor, you're eyes will go buggy" but not a lot of people seem to apply it to VR now. I'm a VR enthusiast, but the idea of having basically two lenses right up against my eyes does give me pause frequently.
when my sister said having huge breasts was cumbersome I didn't understand and told her to get fit.
Looking at this webm I can now sympathize for her. Glad shes gettinga reduction now
Hell yea, user.
I don't care much about the Index headset itself as I've already got a Vive and it uses the same tracking tech. What I'm really looking forward to is the controllers
The only eye related problems VR headsets have is that they get dry as fuck because people forget to blink.
>not wanting to read what's on items and panels or see ironsights and distant details
I get so wild at cunts like this primarily because I wasn't allowed to be soft, it's no fair.
why not just fast
Vive twink actually lurks here and dropped in the other day and shot the shit with anons. Nice as hell. If he were here I'm sure he'd send all the softness your way, user.
All it needs is at least one great game at launch
L4D VR when?
Portal VR when?
Half life VR when?
>click link
>instantly see I have it already bookmarked specifically to post in VR threads
>what is my life even
I get the desire to be as soft as Brad, but what's wrong with being a lil thicc? If pic is you then you wear it well.
I don't understand it, it's so easy to get used to, when I first used it after I bought after maybe half an hour that weird feeling was gone, now the locomotion movement in every game it doesn't feel much worse than driving a car or something
even then, almost every game out there has some sort of comfort features where you can lower the fov when you move or teleport, you have to be the absolute weakest subhuman to feel sick from it to the point where you have to take off the headset
>all you have to do to farm (You)s is come into a VR thread and start calling every mentioned game shit
>everyone gets super defensive about it, keeps trying to change your mind, explain why it's not
>you just ignore them, don't even read their posts, call any mentioned game comparison also shit
You guys need to stop replying already.
he's cute
It's not and it's a shame that you can't see the utility.
Replying is a meme gimmick tech demo that is already dead that I can do just fine in real life
Everyone knows that real life is garbage, and you are a faggot for ever bringing it up.
Now Real Life 3, that's a much better game and doesn't have any replying mechanics, for good reason.
Mods, mods and mods
Did you ever play it lately? the original Half Life 2 was the shittest kind of tech demo though, there was so many "wow physics" moments in the game, it certainly wanted to be kind of both a techdemo and a game. it was a neat techdemo for the source engine at the time, but it just wasn't a very fun game because of shitty level design. they kinda got their shit together in the sequel episodes though
The same applies to Portal and Portal 2. Portal was an experiment. Portal 2 was a game.
Fucking hell how old is this weebum? I remember Yea Forums exploding about this back when it was first released.
Gotta wonder he does with them knuckles when the cameras are off youtube.com
>>The same applies to Portal and Portal 2. Portal was an experiment. Portal 2 was a game.
Wrong. Portal 1 was a game, portal 2 was a dumbed down pile of shit.
You can see the same thing with episode 1 and 2. They were designed for braindead beta testers, and they play that way too. HL2 has some problems, but it's easily the one with the most soul.
imagine the smell
>having this much shit taste
How is anyone supposed to jerk off with these controllers? It's easy enough to just drop a vive wand and start jerking off, but these? You have to loosen the fucking strap every time.
>HL2 has some problems, but it's easily the one with the most soul.
you spelled HL1 wrong
>Mount and Blade VR
This right here is what would make me buy a headset.
If you'll settle for low poly this is a game idea I'd actually make
t. vr dev
>This right here is what would make me buy a headset.
This is why I bought mine, tho I admit better have come along.
Not bad, user. Moar? What got you into VR dev'ing? What else you working on?
Refresh key for browsers
oot navi song started playing in my head. Yeah, guess you could say I'm a true gamer...
That's pretty sad.
>I've been using the brainwash waves to get smarter.
>And soon valve will be able to use their headsets to fix people's brains without them noticing.
On the one side, I'm pretty sure that shit doesn't work, because if the waves had actually made him smarter he would've realized how bad all of that sounded.
But on the other hand, maybe he's so smart now he's become a robot with zero common sense and can only reach blindly towards the goal.
Hmmmm, I don't know which explanation I like the most.
That's awesome. Low poly is wonderful. Any skills you could use? I enjoy literature and studying game design and theory. I'm also beginning to practice digital audio composition (though I'm a newbie so it'll be a while before I have anything to show for it). I'd love to just be part of a VR project, even in the simplest way.
>with eye tracking drops
There's that new Vive one thats probably overly expensive that has eye tracking, thats coming fairly soon-ish. Honestly don't see how THAT could revitalize VR though.
is that a boomer thing
Basic knowledge of computers is a 'boomer thing' now?
How is that relevant?
>no Zone of the Enders 2 MARS
>no Gungrave VR
>no Gungrave VR UN
>no Overload
>no Neptunia VIIR
>no Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
>no Trover Saves the Universe
Mine's outdated, but user who makes them updates em every day.
That's what the sex toys are for
VR porn will be a meme until a complementary device is jerking my dick off for me
>You can play every Oculus 'exclusive' with OpenVR using revive
Actually they're making a OpenXR version of Revive.
if you have friends and enjoy WWII and/or submarines, try Iron Wolf.
It's fucking awesome
I admire his dedication
it's going to be more for mocap stuff like if you want to work over a veiny uncut cock in VRchat and have the fingers in the right spots as you tug on the foreskin
you can tell this product works because of that guy they have demonstrating it
that guy is a 100% smell imaginer i can tell
>>VR porn will be a meme until a complementary device is jerking my dick off for me
You're not getting that until we have 6DOF robot arms that can be installed in homes for sub 100k price points.
What's your discord?
Why, just strap a sucky boy onto your waist
if its not fake
then its p cool and he's p cool i wanna be like him
>laying in comfy bed with a soft, warm blanket
>onahole and VR headset, watching a qt ride me
>after achieving release, pass out in pure bliss
How do I achieve this feel? What tech will I need to buy?
I've never been interested in the more sensual and sexual aspects or applications of VR. I must say the more primal aspects are far more fascinating. youtube.com
Why don't you just get a girlfriend?
Why get one when you can create one?
Make a sailing sim adventure game set in a detailed caribbean style archipelago
Small 1-3 person ships are perfect for room scale VR since they're all about simple object interactions having large scale effects. Lots of rope manipulation, raising/lowering sails, tying off lines in cleats, controlling the tiller/wheel, funny stuff like people getting smacked by the boom if they don't duck etc. Sailing in games is always way too arcade-y, understandable with a controller since it would just be annoying to try to manage all the details through context buttons and shit, but in VR it could be really interesting and extremely comfy once you got the hang of it.
*new games
I don't know what's wrong with you fags. I just want to sit down at my desk and be able to look around with my head instead of a mouse. I don't know why that's so hard. I definitely don't want to fucking actually walk and run when gaming.
his body is shit, he has small bitch boobs.
>can literally only turn 180 degrees before wires strangle your every flab
Do you consider Atari Joysticks and a Warthog Hotas same group of hardware?
what incel anime is this?
then do so, nothing is stopping you
>Gimmick in the '80s
>A gimmick a good 40 years later
>Mfw retards think VR will surely lift off now
>It's dead!
>Meanwhile in reality VR grew last year
It's almost like technology progressed over the years and made it viable or something.
>seething at white girls poster is poor with fomo
wow big surprise
Related and on topic
>Just ordered a 35$ VR headset from Amazon
>Just got it today
>Holy shit VR
>Download apps
>Plug phone in
>Everything is fucking blurry
>Adjust lenses
>Less blurry but still kinda blurry
>Load up some porn
>Slight 3d effect
>Can see the fucking phone borders
>After an hour of fiddling with it and realizing that it only looks semi clear when I put on my glasses and look through the VR lenses
>Hard to find VR full length porn
>got Headache from using it
>Feel like I just wasted my money
What the fuck.
>35$ VR """headset"""
lmao you get what you pay for user
But I'm curious. If someone has shit eyesight will VR headset not work well for that?
Ehh... there needs to be gloves and map finger movement and hand gestures. You're in this "virtual immersive world" holding a godamn controller the whole time. Doesn't make sense.
he baited you user
that entire post was carefully designed bait all the way down to the IPD
>Pays shitty price for a shitty product
>Complains it is shitty
This is why we don't take you seriously user.
Fuck you it's not bait. I wanted to see what VR was all about
All that shit looks expensive as fuck.
I don't think there would be many arcades willing to put in the investment.
It would still kick ass thou.
nice try baity boy, I don't have a folder of all those reaction fish with the black background so just imagine a really spicy one that troubles your tailhole attached to this post
New Valve patent submitted 2017 and published yesterday adds a ton more evidence Index will have eye tracking. The patent is about something else (basically an HMDR like effect varying the intensity of the r/g/b channels in a panel) but talks almost entirely in terms of its application to an eye-tracking HMD.
This, people often forget that the newer consoles were sold at a loss. They get their investment back from game sales.
The robot arm looks expensive (and a head/leg injury lawsuit waiting to happen) but the roaming VR thing is gaining traction. All you need is a big empty space and some laptop backpacks with headsets.
There's one just an hour's drive from me and I've been thinking of booking a session.
Will the index be the cheapest/best way to get into VR?
What are my options?
It's doubtful. Cheapest might be a second hand Rift or Vive when the newer models are out.