GarfieldRPG battle system brainstorm

I'm making a Garfield RPG, and the next major thing i'm implementing is the battle system.

I know i want it to be turn based similar to Undertale/Deltarune, in the sense that you play a small game whenever the enemy attacks, so it's more interesting.

But i don't want to just rip off their bullethell idea. Shoot good ideas for alternatives.

Or shoot me questions about other aspects

Attached: player_garfield_walking_walking_twitter.gif (245x385, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I made the gif play once cause i'm an idiot. here's the actual sprite file

Attached: player_garfield_walking_right.gif (35x55, 4K)

>lol garfield

fuck off back to twitter

Attached: 146578968576985.png (269x129, 24K)

An actual game. Why don't you go fuck off yourself

Based I love your sprite work

I've always wanted a really good Garfield video game

Maybe make the combat about giving WITTY REPARTEES and stringing together ones kind of akin to that Garfield comic randomizer website? Of course you could just make it a standard FF4-6 system


Make it minigames ala warioware. Maybe like catch the lasagna with Garfields mouth, bone throwing at a target, pipe smoking rythym game etc.

I actually like Garfield unironically - not everything is irony bro autism


I was deadass jus talking with a friend about that idea as an attack. Also i'm converting a webm of a test room i have so far


Would a Dilbert game be better?

This sounds based but maybe a little complicated

Only in the 90's with the voice acting cast from the cartoon

This is just a test-room going through interacting with the text-box and walking around, but you get an idea for the look.

Attached: h54EhTcRPY.webm (1246x706, 2.87M)

HOLY SHIT I swear to god I remember your threads from before and I just thought you were kidding. This is awesome.

that back sprite is uncomfortable to look at

Yeah it's a side of Garfield I'm not used to but I could get used to it.

this unironically looks good user. GL to you and I will definitely play this when its done
if it's free.
Also give us some story to the game, any ideas for bosses?

Attached: DxPqo-NWkAAd9t9.jpg (678x470, 104K)

I've redrawn that back plenty of times already. It's hard to do that stripe pattern in pixel-art. If any of you are cool good pixel-artists or got reference i could use. show me and i'll try and redo em

Attached: player_garfield_idle_back.gif (35x55, 8K)

You just nay nay'd on all the naysayers in this thread. This looks legit.

Attached: garfield-clipart-head-617444-4392073.jpg (444x444, 45K)

honestly just making it slightly lighter would work, or make them look drawn intead of solid jagged black lines

Attached: garfield-transparent-back-3.gif (198x220, 4K)

>I'm gonna do it Jon - I'm gonna say the M word

Did you create other sprites?

The story planned so far. And all of this can change of course.

>Garfield is living out his everyday life being a bigger asshole than anyone wants to deal with

>and in a fit of irony, his bullshit ends up accidentally getting his best teddybear Pookie destroyed.

>Garfield is now emotionally destroyed, but that's when Nermal shows up.

>he says to Garfield. "I can help you, but you gotta admit that i'm the cutest kitty-cat!"

>Garfield reluctantly agrees to the terms, and "admits he's the cutest, most punchable, kitty-cat"

>and Nermal opens up a portal to purgatory for them to use.

>now Garfield Nermal, and Odie, travels through purgatory, battling lost souls, dead people and characters, and monsters, on their way to find Pookie and retrieve him from the dead!

Attached: icon-export.png (256x256, 3K)

let me guess, Jon is the final boss

"It's a FUCKING oven!!!1!1!"
Cringe and Odiepilled

I hate to ask for a normal world overworld, but I'd love that. Akin to something like the ending of Earthbound, just a safe area to hang around at or something.

I've yet to finish the animations for Nermal, but i mocked him up here side by side

Attached: D2cRgQbWoAE3h1P.png (664x482, 12K)


How do you make pixel art like this? Any guides? Programs? Aseprite perhaps?

I actually like it - like when adventure games had multiple interactions for a single object or even something like Starcraft when you keep clicking on a unit


Also here's an Odie

Attached: player_odie_left_idle.gif (270x330, 125K)

>no skills

Reference Lasagna Cat pls

Attached: NjccMC8.gif (1243x304, 847K)

Make the battles play out in quick side scrolling sessions that are a reference to the horrible NES game. Make sure you include all the jank, like having no i-frames on Garfield and his main attack being a tiny kick that barely reaches out from his hurtbox.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 15K)

Holy shit BASED

Make it so that there’s a 3-panel comic strip at the top. Both the player and the enemy insert their actions into that turns strip. At the end of the turn the strip plays out

I know Garfield is like an ironic joke, for most people, but i'd actually want people to enjoy playing it

Damn, Lasana is OP as fuck

A little too Undertale for my tastes (a personal thing) but I love it - lots of personality.

Also if you watch that gif set to Hotline Miami music, it's fucking awesome

I drew out a bad sketch, of an idea i had for the battle system. Like someone else mentioned, a kind of warioware thing. Where your attacks, and enemies attacks play out as small mini-games.

Though i'm worried it'll be annoying when you need to keep learning new rules for a small mini-game

Undertale already took the cake with it's Simple bullethell. If there's something like that, that would be perfect for an RPG i'm dying to know

Attached: D2gn4_-XQAUZB2v.png (1022x1199, 1.02M)

Give garfield a road roller attack.

Attached: ROAD ROLLER DOH!.gif (493x480, 618K)

Maybe a reverse bullet hell? I'm thinking in the way that Garfield would need to eat bullets except the bullets would be food, cause you know Garfield's known for eatting. Have him lose health for each "bullet" he misses. I could see him being in the bottom of the screen with his mouth open and you moving him left to right to catch the food (having a Garfield image from a birds eye perspective move left and right would probably be easy to animate as well. Just shooting ideas.

No, give odie that just so we can call him odio.

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Smash TV but with garfield?

Super Off Road Garfield?

make it a giant fridge instead

What you have there are literally Undertale/Deltarune mechanics. As in, exactly those ideas have already been used practically point for point.

If you're looking for something different maybe think of another quick quarter munching arcade genre you can ape for battles. Beat-Em-Ups? Rhythm games? Otherwise just fully embrace the Undertale ripoff vibe of your game. Make references to it, shamelessly flaunt that you're making Undertale:Garfield edition. Either go all in or find something way different, otherwise the comparisons will sink your idea.

So Kaboom?

Imagine how crazy Garfield could get - with Nermal and Odie as back up catchers (the way Kaboom works)

If lyemans in I'll buy it.

Something like this where the game fundamentally changes each fight, might not be bad. But it's also a hell of a lot of work, to make each game work.

Plus it's also best if i could somehow get a silver thread going, like a fundamental mechanic. Good ideas though!

Are you familiar with Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden? Its battle system might be a good point of reference for something like this.

Attached: barkley-shut-up-and-jam-gaiden-battle[1].jpg (640x479, 62K)

He died after enlisting in the army. He'll be found down there.

>O hey Garfield.

>O so you're down here to retrieve a friend?

>Can i come?

>no... Okay... I understand

I think reverse shmup is the best idea - maybe have it like Ikaruga with being able to switch to Odie and Nermal (if it's party based) to catch specific items for them - vegetables for Nermal and bones for Odie

holy shit I want to play this

Threads like these are why I still come this shithole. Keep us updated, OP. Your sprites are fantastic.

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I don't know shit about making a good rpg, but you must reference lasagnacat, specifically this video:

OP I want to play your game when it's finished but I'm afraid I'll miss it if it's only talked about on Yea Forums. Do you have like a website or twitter or something I could follow for updates

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Hey OP, professional game developer here. I really like your game art and mechanics, and I have some ideas of my own.

Firstly, for battles I'd much rather you actually "play out" various garfield comics. An user suggested sorta Warioware Microgames, and it'd especially be like that. An example would be the classic pipe strip, with the "minigame" involving Jon finding his pipe.

unironically based op

@stann_co don't go doxxing me now

Well at least this means it'll be "genuine" instead of "dude ironic garfield gets on chapo hahaha XDD"

I think that could definitely be used. As like one off segments, to break the pace. Or like maybe one off mini-bosses. But i don't think i could incorporate that into the main Battle-system. I might be picturing it wrong though

Yeah that's a way better starting point than Undertale

Well of course not every comic would be used, but specifically comics where an action occurs as part of the punchline. Referencing the different comics in the lasagna cat style would also be able to act as a homage to that as well.

I think adding a bunch of mini games could be a bad idea just because of how much programming and art you might have to do (of course you might like the challenge so idk) - your inspiration is Undertale, and why does Undertale do the shmup thing? Consistency and hyping it up to make the final boss scary

Going fulltilt into something like this runs the risk of making the game too much of a novelty and making the full game tiresome. Like people would just boot it up like "wow someone made this, that's crazy" play it for five minutes then drop it.

There should be at least a little bit of Borf Star influence.

You're right in that. Part of the reason i'm scared of the mini-game route, is mainly that there's a lack of consistency. I could have one off segments for sure. Just building on top of an underlying mechanic.

I think "eating" pellets instead of avoiding them, might be the best, and also the one that makes most sense with Garfield. Let's try to think about that more!

I think that'll happen no matter what considering its a fucking Garfield RPG

How many variations on eating/collecting pellets could you create?

I'd wanna keep it fresh throughout. So making each enemy slightly unique in the way they deliver pellets i guess

desu this reminds me of the LasagnaCat skit that ended with the FFVI parody and how that always made me think how willing I'd be to play a pretty standard JRPG starring the Garfield cast

Ripping off Undertale wholesale with nothing but a minor tweak (i.e. keeping "pellets" as a mechanic at all) would be stupid.

The thing with that, is that i think normal JRPG play really boring.

And having a little bullet-hell, or something else was much more fun to me personally.

That's why it's my main inspiration

Undertale is the wrong route to go. Whoever brought up Barkley had it right, it's more in the vein of Paper Mario. It's normal turn based but every character has a unique action/HUD mechanic reflecting the theme behind the character. IT'd be pretty easy to spitball what those motifs could be for each character and figure out how those would reflect in a turn-based battle system.

With Garfield trying to catch pellets, maybe it could be like him going upwards, avoiding walls as well as having multiple paths - as the game progresses, maybe more lines and tighter grids, and they do damage if you touch them akin to hitting the wall in a racer

Attached: ECCO-The-Tides-of-Time-U-_001.png (1920x1338, 44K)

What engine are you using to make this thing?
If it's an engine made from the ground up what language are you using?

The question is there, what genre could be mixed with an RPG hub and what would fit with Garfield? If Undertale is going to stay the premise then maybe it'd be interesting to flip it around--Undertale is played passively in the bullet hell aspect, so maybe if you did something where it's played actively in the realtime combat sense but still arcade-y, and defense is where the RPG flavors come in with things like buff/debuff or some kind of formation system.

I ain't nearly smart enough for that.
It's game maker studio 2. And it's using it's own Game maker language. But it's very similar to C#

It also has drag n' drop features. But i don't like to use that kind of stuff

Let's list a bunch of game genres/ideas and see if there's anything that might be interesting to delve deeper into aight?

-Super Hexagon
-DDR (but with keyboard of course)
-Guitar hero (same shit i guess)

nailed it

This might be fodder for inspiration. For the longest time. I've had music like this in my head, when thinking about the battles.

Imagine something in this style playing while you're battling enemies. What kind of gameplay do you think of in an RPG sense?

What would be the eventual ramp up with Pacfield?

Shmup in undertale worked because of the ramp up

Mix up the RPG system by having a River City Ransom stats system.
Food permanently increases your attributes, and you can buy food items from shops without limit. Different food items affect different stats in different amounts (up to a point), and all the shops sell a unique assortment.

How does Undertale handle items? Making combat a mini game, how much influence would items have? Would there even be equipment?

Items in undertale is mainly just boosting your health. But a very few select items had an extra influence.

A bone, would insta-win any fight with a dog-monster.

A pie you get at the start of the game by the queen. Weakens the king when you battle him at the end of the game, if you eat it mid-battle

Ding dong diddly based