Yea Forums needs more positive trans representation.
we are people too.
Yea Forums needs more positive trans representation
You have a mental disorder. You are not a female.
Fuck off
post pic faggot
Low effort bait do better.
yes, obnoxious as fuck people
kill yourself
No you're not.
Honest question: Doesn't calling yourself trans defeat the purpose of what you're trying to accomplish?
i'm sick of people using that guy's twitter to shitpost
people like OP are more mentally deranged than actual full-blown postop trannies
Cute pic, OP.
You have your own containment board. It's called /gif/
>draw a flat girl
>call her a trap/male
why the FUCK is this allowed?
Aaaand here comes the brigade. Fuck off. This is 4channel, not Yea Forums. Bigotry is not tolerated here.
>just say that I'm trans and not specify which kind
>get told by everyone that I was born a man and will always be one
Thanks friends
Nice bait
Loved this movie. This one scene in particular
Broken people
Kill urself
Literal less than 1% the population
U don’t need any representation ever
GO BACK TO DISCORD ! like seriously back in the day if you said you wanted to cut your dick off and become a woman youd be sent to a mental hospital.
>cute anime traps = ok
>3D mentally ill discord trannies = fucking gross
Id rather they be honest and call themselves trans than trying to call themselves real biological women.
and this is not /lgbt/ either, kindly kys, faggotry is not tolerated here
>have milk
Transwomen ARE women.
fuck trannies and fuck niggers
become part of the 50% you ill minded retard
Ftm can be done, but not the reverse. Effects of masculinization is permanent.
Fuck it
Why aren't there 25-64 age groups?
I'll drink your cum only because I'm secretly a faggot