Opinions on Nioh?

Opinions on Nioh?

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Have s_x

Not enough porn.

i want that spunk sipper to slob on my knob like corn on the cobb, then go on sale at an affordable price for a simple sandwich slapper like myself

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Thoroughly enjoyed it, the variety of builds from ridiculously overpowered to stupid meme tier was a huge selling point. Excellent fashion ability as well. The levels themselves were unfortunately the weakest part, that should be the main thing they focus on in the sequel, better level design.

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lewd wideposter

How come you think the levels are weak? Too easy to beat quickly once you know the way?

Better than Sekiro.

Shit compared to Sekiro.

Briddygud, hopefully Nioh 2 is even better. I would love more choices between main missions instead of being strictly linear, or maybe multiple open ways of finishing a level which could lead to secret missions.

Best girl.

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eventually got bored and uninstalled waiting for a common enemy to finish its 8 hour long combo

Are you talking about Nioh, DaS3 or BB?

actually yes
fucking tragic

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virgin bait

Can I do a magic build or are there not enough casts

Not him, but mostly they're just uninteresting and straightforward. It would be cool to see more puzzles, optional areas, and some intertwining design like a Castlevania game.

loved it, combat system carries the shit parts

You get more and more casts over time, there are items to replenish your casts and there are stats to boost your spells or have a chance to not use a charge when casting one. Most spells aren't really that strong in damage output compared to melee (still decent) unless you really build for it where they can become broken, they're more situational.

Just started,having fun with spear but I have 0 idea on what to do

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Odachi is more fun than spear and nearly as useful, IMO.



Have this 6

Hit a lot, use the spins to your advantage

>read about Otani Yoshitsugu
actually sad, basically a Sengoku-era frenposter

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Great game, must play

>good combat
>going back to map screen after every mission feels like going home after a while
>likeable music, even if its just a few tracks
>shit loot and craft system. fuck everything about it

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>shit loot and craft system

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Who humiliated every single boss with sloth + weaken?

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The last Ninjutsu and Onmyo missions in the dojo have made me realized I'm actually garbage.

I guess the comment did hit close to home huh

Good but longer than it deserved to be.

Literally nobody needs a shitty recreation of diablo loot in a game like that

That's the game. That's how the game works. It's a core component of the game. If you don't like the loot you don't like Nioh. You want a game similar to Nioh but you don't want Nioh.

t. virgin

True I dropped the game twice lmao


Youre telling me you actually enjoy sitting there and pressing "reroll" button until you get a trait on your weapon thats not terrible?

When you understand how it works you don't spend a lot of time on it. The only time you'll end up rerolling a lot is at the end game when you have a potentially best in slot piece that can be maximized. Other than that you'll be just fine with one or two affixes that work.

>she dies during the time skip

only way to make it bearable
>whack whack whack whack
>time for next level of doors locked from the other side next to shrines
>finish game and shitty DLCs full of interesting new enemies like taller yoki and yoki with four arms and human bosses in a game about killing youkai
>fuck your next difficulties and fuck K-T

My opinion is MOMMY!

>have six

Okay i will

I agree

Bootleg Momiji > Bootleg Regent > Omnyo Thot > Bootleg Kasumi > Icy Ambition > Mothfu > Punished Smith > Bird Fish.

i don't, it's completely dead down there

You have to be an absolute faggot to defend the loot system in Nioh.

yeah, i want a good game