Koikatu Banned from Steam

Is it because it's highschool related?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>removing incel weeb trash from their store
based steam

Fuck off, Billy.

>read OP as "Kotaku banned from steam"
>get excited

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it's because it's just straight up porn

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Koikatu was on steam?

I didn't even know koikatsu was on Steam in the first place.

There's lots of straight up porn on Steam already but for some reason if it's Western ugly garbage it's OK, but if it's anime? Nah fuck off incel that shit is banned.
Steam polices their store completely arbitrarily.

Good. This stuff is genuinely better on the dark corners of the internet where we can actually discuss what how and why you would fuck what you would fuck instead of getting it on a web storefront and just going "Game's great!"

>another anti-sjw whine thread about private companies removing actual pedo content
Keep bitching.

You don't know what pedophile means


Is this one banned for real or actually not banned and just being reviewed, like all the other games they've written an article about?

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Wait, Koikatsu was on Steam?

What's next, Honey Select was in there too?


it's up right now

How will pc cucks defend this?

Is somebody that is atracted to underage children so this is a pedo game,maybe you are desintetized to this shit but the majority of people call this games pedo.

A pedophile is someone who is attracted to small, prepubescent children. By your logic every high school boy who is attracted to a high school girl is a pedophile. Your logic is fucking retarded.

>underage children
This is where you're retarded, underage is a completely subjective term based on which country you're in. Just because someone happens to be in school doesn't make them underage you dumb faggot, you're over 16 for the last few years of high school and very legal in most of the world that isn't burgerland.

There are plenty of states in the US where the age of consent is under 18.

Based Gabe

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>im not pedophile,im hebephile, is totally different.
if you are adult and you are playing these games is obvious that you have interes in underage girls and you cant make porn with minor under 18 years old,so this is underage porn and steam will not allow this shit.

As long as you can buy it elsewhere, i don't see the problem. As long as they're not forcing censorship down their throats. don't you guys want to encourage competition by purchasing it elsewhere? And unlike with epic games, they could sell this game anywhere.

while they are at it fuck RPS spamming their low quality bait news on old games

for what reason? This game is so damn tame.

if you are adult and you are playing these games is obvious that you have interes in killing and you cant make snuff with, so this is gore and steam will not allow this shit.

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>Is it because it's highschool related?
It's because they know they own you. You'll support their puritanical platform no matter what they do to you.



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Why does that matter?

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Hope she sees this

It because the average man just can't handle an ass this dangerous

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Play AA2 instead.
It's free on /aa2g and only 2 gigs.

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gib cards now pls

I want to fuck the shit out of Kuro

Kuro is such a good girl

Noone actually has a solid rebuttal against why they shouldnt remove content like this and that's why I just assume everyone that defends this is your typical libertarian pedo

Imagine for a second if EGS just did 180 and accepted all those games and just made special category for that kind of stuff in their store?
What would steam do? Would that mean Valve is done?

What's wrong with having adult games on their store? Are they getting rid of all the other ones too? If not, then why just this?

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Can I make more than one man in Koikatsu yet? I played AA more for the shenanigans than the porn.

They've been arbitrarily removing games for over half a year now. There is no logic to the enforcement of the rules so don't try looking for any.

Confirmed for retard.

Underage porn isnt allowed in steam.

How do they know their ages?

Probably because it's possible to make characters that look younger than normal highschool students.

I didn't even know it was on Steam in the first place. It is to be expected though since they are trigger-happy when it comes to banning Japanese ero-games.

Chinese cartoon characters don't have ages.

the excuses pedos make is always amusing, that character that looks like a 10yo and referred to as one ''dont have ages'' keep it up

Steam and valve have a restarted flat org style. You are essentially seeing random fags at steam moderate half ass. However there is a flood of shit and shovelware hitting their databases each day so only the prominent tittle get knocked off .

steamcucks are worst the snoyggers

But they aren't real so why does it matter?

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is that the game? brb

Then explain Evenicle being on Steam.

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Plot twist: all this censorship is orchestrated by the Japanese government to improve Japan's public image before the Olympics

Good end: it all disappears afterwards
Bad end: it's also a plot to increase Japanese and white fertility rates and will never end, little do they understand it won't do anything of the sort


>illusion finally starting to come out of its shell
>actually interested in selling games internationally now that a tested marketplace exists
>spend time and money getting game ready for international release
>they get banned
Well good to know they will go back into their shell and never try to sell to the west again

Oh I know man, I mean seriously "FICTION IS HARMFUL AND AFFECTS REALITY" is fucking priceless when they get caught raping kids and setting up their own child prostitution rings. Absolutely side splitting that anyone would side with those "people" and say "Yeah, let's ban fiction and rape the real children!"
You make me sick you pedo defending whore

Stop cockblocking me, fucking 3DPD landwhales, holy shit. Fapping shouldn't be a crime.

>However there is a flood of shit and shovelware hitting their databases each day so only the prominent tittle get knocked off .
You have that backwards. If they were enforcing their rules properly there are dozens of prominent titles that should have been removed, like Evenicle, Senran Kagura, SG/ZH, Maitetsu, Meltys Quest, Treasure Hunter Claire, Meritocracy of the Oni & Blade. It's only the small titles that won't cause any significant backlash that get removed. Actually, Illusion's games are probably the most notable of any to be removed.

Loli is the depiction of children and if you sexualise this you are a pedo. You antisjw spergs need to direct your energy to something more important.

Like? Can't I fap to fictional shit in peace?

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sure, Im content with you pedos sitting on obscure chans and such but dont whine when normal people call you out and you sit there bewildered as to why and screaming free speech.

Look for a real gf: "no way i'd never date you"
look for a 2d waifu: "no these games are banned get a real gf you loser" WTF.

Like real children being raped by international government bodies who try to push the focus onto the banning fiction to keep their actions hidden from the public eye?
As an example

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Ok but it's all fictional and no one is getting hurt. Liking 2D doesn't make you a pedo.

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>sex, and anything related to sexuality, shouldn't be taboo or looked down upon
Not saying I agree or disagree with you, just that you're incredibly naive for not realizing this about human society.


>Early Access

whats up goldman?

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AA2 hunger games thread when? How well would that work even? I remember the old AA2 Yea Forums threads being a lot of fun.


in steamdb appears as an unknown app so pretty much it's true

/aa2g/ is the place where all AA2 content comes out these days other than 2chan/futaba channel.
They run all of the current versions of AA2 and AAU. go ask them.

That means nothing. Rape Day is still in there as Rape Day and that game is 100% banned.


Right answer, because they're not real.

You actually need mods for that, the game doesn't let you adjust male characters' heights at all without mods because it messes with the sex animations, and female characters similarly have restrictions on how small you can make them.

It's less than a year old on release you infantphile

Anyone got the paid dlc for this game?

Perhaps it's Illusions enablement of mods such as that that makes it bad? I dunno. Steam's prejudice seems to be entirely arbitrary.
It is a mystery.

Check /h/

i want it

Just did theyre not being helpful.

Amerishits just love calling random people pedophiles. Kys fatass

Man whenever I post this the people screaming pedo never respond to it...
I wonder why?

>koikatsu on steam

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The trannies are among us, anons; you're making it easier for them to censor.

>straight shota exhibitionism

is this the game? suddenly i'm very interested

>attracted to a 17yo girl is pedo
I know this is a troll but I don't understand the point of a word like "pedophile" if it applies to basically every male. Except the fags which are into 17yo boys instead

Everything you need should be in the OP

reeee incels reeeeee

The only "DLC" is the free dlc. Been looking around and can't find everything

You make your male character, you make 3 classrooms of waifus, fuck em all.

Shocker, progressive SJW turns out to be a pedo is the new christian conservative turns out to be gay.

same reason someone "on the sex offender list" could either be a child rapist or some dude who got wasted and pissed in public

it's fucking arbitrary nonsense perpetuated by power-hungry shitheads who use their supposed moral high ground to manipulate retards

I'm pretty sure their business partners are the ones who decide what cannot stay

You don't even try at this point. Faggots like you are boring af.

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Well as a side effect it also means there's no clear way to refer to actual kiddie diddlers. Who might want that I wonder.

>Max size tits look fucked in the base game.

Is AA2 still the most versatile? Or are there new ones since?

AA2 character creator is so lacking after having played Koikatsu.

>Koikatu - International Edition
Does it means there's an official translation somewhere?

People have been trying to get Evenicle banned from Steam ever since it was first released. Steam has decided they're not touching it, for whatever reason.

News ones since what? and more versatile compared to what?
AA2's big advantage is that it' still a highschool sim with multiple characters running around having relationships and interactions with one another.

AAU has come a long fucking way. A lot of things are possible now.
With a little bit of creativity and know how, you can make a lot of stuff.
Did you play the original AA2 or did you play the /aa2g/ version with AAU's expanded character maker?

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I thought AA2 was just a yandere simulator?

>b-b-ban pornography!!!!!
>f-for the children and the women!

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AA3 when

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>using steam for lewd games
fucking lol why tho? Steam is clearly going the Snoy route.

Just get your lewd games from dlsite, nutaku, or mangagamer like a rational human being.

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What? no. It's a highschool sim where you can play as any of the character in the class. Then you have relationships and eventually fuck them if you meet specific conditions preordained by their traits - or Modules as they are now in AAU.

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>ur an incel
>no ur an incel
>have sex
>no u have sex
every thread
The best part is you know they are all virgins because anyone who gets laid doesn't bring it up 24/7 like it's some magical thing lmao
Yea Forums: virgins calling virgins virgins

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Plus if anyone needs to have sex, it's the people who are vehemently anti-loli and anti-anime.

They clearly feel threatned and are lashing out.

>Find "Have sex" hilarious
>Find out other virgins fly into a catatonic rage over it
If you haven't come to grips with your own virginity that's the most pathetic cog in the equation, at least own it

good fuck pedos

I would complain but basically Koikatsu its not a real game.
I guess model simulators could count as games.

Is in fact what? WHAT IS IT

GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.

who would translate that line like that?

i liked illusion back when they didn't cater to normies. I think its a good thing its not on steam

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>simulating crime in a game
Games inspire real life crime, they aren't just games! Unless they are violent, then they definitely had no influence on the crimes being committed hehe

Think of it this way, it might be economics at work. With rape, there's not a lot of money to be made if the rapist has weak seed or rapes so hard he damages the womb, so condom/morning after pill sellers don't get a stable share of the pie. Therapists and Psychiatrists are also the same since rape victims tend to have a wide range of ways to deal with it so their pay is not assured. On the other hand, violence will almost always result in the purchasing of guns from citizens who normally would not be part of the target market, thus expanding said market. And as we all know, bad press is better than no press, so what better advertising for guns than shootings? Especially when you can justify it to both sides, where crazy people and terrorists get to see how well your guns are in case they wanna pull some stupid shit, as well as everyone else who will naturally need to level the playing field. Doing this, so long as gun corporations can suppress the idea of banning guns (and it's easy cause even in the most extreme cases they just have to leak some guns to some freaks ready to go on a spree through a complicated cookie crumb trail) and voila, it's a permanent market.

Play AA2 and fuck your teacher.

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cards fampais

Two are from AA2. The others are from Koikatu.

Play AA2

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It's because valve are retarded cucks now.

>being against pedos is bad
anti-sjw mindset, pure retard.

Based steam. To all incels: have sex

Name 5 games that straight up porn on steam that not require an extra separate H-patch

Play AA2.

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Nah, I'd say anti-anime and anti-loli people need to have sex.

Maybe then they wouldn't feel so threatned and need to censor anime or ban loli.

Anti-loli people shouldn't have sex. those people always end up being closet pedophiles

Isn’t that everyone?

What do you trannies have against that site?

>OAG posted as a reputable source for anything.


Bring em young and bring em plenty.

Fakku will save us.

>Paying for Illusion games

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>Inb4 Discord Tranny.

Lol “anti-sjw”
Is this some new thing the salt left is pushing because you get tired of everyone bashing you? Everyone same is anti sjw. Hell even sjws are anti sjw these days

She looks better in KK though, user.

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card pls

Fuck off


Everyone is anti sjw. You people are cancer and it’s always the sjws that end up being pedos and rapists.

What happened to Steam saying they wouldn't be moral arbiters?

>International version
Wait are they translating it?


Please treat her kindly.

He always does. You sjw trannies lost the culture war.

jesus christ can u sahre that

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yeah but I get to have fun in AA2 though
also what's wrong with he bob?

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Thank you

They reneged on that pretty quickly. Or rather they never stopped the small amount of people that took it upon themselves to start banning shit even though they said they wouldn't.

What do you trannies have against him?

What? anti-sjw love pedo shit and defend loli trash rabidly.

>meanwhile you can still play a game featured around fucking your loli train waifus
What did they mean by this

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really hoping she sees this dude, you are in need of sex

Good thing I am making the ultimate filter list.


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remember: gyarus are for creampies.

>everyone is a tranny now

Because they are making money out of gullible idiots like you. Idiots that then come pollute this place. You all are no better than anxivaxxers, living delusions and lowering the IQ of the human race.

>Discord Tranny
Well If the shoe fits.

Nobody wants you here incel tranny.

Why are roasties so threatened by anime?

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Gyarus are for creampies
Idols are for anal
Childhood friends are for cheating
Tomboys are for loving and marriage
Monster girls are for slaying

It should be in the mega link under "All-in-One DLC, Mods & Translation Pack" though I'm not sure if that file includes the outfits that are exclusive to certain stores

You Snoy cucks and resetera fags don’t belong on here. We don’t want you here. Go watch some YouTube tranny that feeds you your ideology and stay away from here.

There is nothing wrong with her bob.

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Wait, isn't Fakku getting the money for this?

It’s fags, trannies and sailings.

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have sex

Look at this post-election reddit tourist telling someone who belongs here

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Hurry up, suicide statistic.

LMAO . Yeah cool story bro

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Koikatsu is actually pretty fun. It's got great replay value.

>"We must defend steam's profits against the epic store!"
Where your gaben now virgins? Tut tut.

You need to understand you are in the minority even as far as Yea Forums goes. We all see you as human garbage leaking from a board full of shitters that only came here because they believed that a bunch of autists talking about meme magic or whatever would somehow change the world.

You are filth beneath our shoes.

A gay redditard calling someone else reddit.

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It has no value outside of being a masturbatory aid.

Why do basement bolsheviks and rosaries hate sex games. Thought all you lefties were “sex positive”?

What mods does she need? Post sideloader content.

Not them but you are wrong. Your kind are definitely not welcome here while they are ok.

Who is we? Is we your preferred pronoun?

People paid for Koikatu?

because were getting rl puss while you incels beat off to drawings of kids lmao

Oh no, I don't get to give my money to Valve, whatever will I do?

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why is her bra printed on her bobs?

>and sailings.

It takes away what little power they think they have socially.

Most of those types are from /int/ they have a distinct posting style. They usually roam around the board to start up shit politics wise and pretend they are from other sites.

There we go again

>e-everyone that disagrees with me is a tranny or a cück or a söyboy

How sad it must be, living your life constantly paranoid. Try not to shoot up a church before you die.

>because were getting rl puss

I came to post this exact thing is what I thought it this was about.

I fucking don't even like anime but the censorship on every level is getting insane now. And the irony is that if it were Vhrtians doing it, the same Jews who screeched until it got taken down would be screeching for it to stay up. Also, reminder these are the same faggot pesos who think it's just fine for a 9 year old drag queen to dance on stage in an adult bar for faggot men...

Check nyaa.

aright you clarlly have no idea of whats in this game . next time do some of research before shitpostring

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>I-I'm not the one riddled with mental illnesses bound to snap and kill myself and potentially others by my mid 20s, everyone else is!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, aberration.

Have sex (with children)

All the tension from AA2 is removed. No longer do I have to spread nasty rumors or get in fights to keep myself from being cucked.

>I made myself
>I made myself a copy of the opposite sex
>I watched them bone

It's because they use shitty romanisation.

so sony are censoring games due to #metoo, why are steam censoring/removing games then? It's retarded how radio silent they are on everything.

Meanwhile SJWs bash loli drawings and love real paedo shit. Like Alison Rapp.

You lefties are so easy to trigger. The cat that you lash out daily shows us how much anxiety you suffer from.

>i just want everything to be easy all the time
why not just play with an all girl class and one dude if you don't want to be cucked? also
>he doesn't have a waifu that will love him unconditionally
what kind of waifus were you making?

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Was there an english patch?

Wtf is “anti-sjw”? Is that like everyone who’s not a faggot and tranny? Also just about all pedos are lefties.

Thank you AgainstHateSubreddits, keep up the good work

anti-sjw is like calling someone cis. it's an "insult" sjws use to classify normal people



Go away reddit.

Is it gonna be sold elsewhere?

why would I
I wouldn't be an incel anymore lol

Look at this faggot.

meant for

Wait Koikatu is getting TLed?

You can just go back to your own site.

I need that Kuro...

Post card

>getting pussy
You don’t get anything but severe anxiety attacks
No there is no we, just you.


I mean everyone is anti sjw and cis. Those who aren’t are he problem.

Anyone know why leftypol/resetera is extra salty today? Something happen?

HNNNNG this bitch is hot af

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They can't tell the difference between fiction and reality

/pol/ is sensitive and falseflagging a lot because people are calling for orange man's blood.

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... so?

Kotaku tranny is being called racist because he made an article about Persona songs saying racial slurs when in reality he just misheard what the singer was saying

Just search it if F95.

ResetEra is imploding over mod drama and like 4 mods have rage quit the place.

It's porn involving underage characters at that. Valve is careful because they also operate in jurisdictions where that's illegal and they don't want to spend fucktons on having lawyers determine the point of illegalitiy in every country.

I wish I could download a batch of good looking characters for Koikatsu. I'm too lazy to look up each girl then trawl around for the best version of her.

They also call porn degenerate despite having lolli's as their posts or avatars which i find ironic.

Ask nicely

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Now that epic store is a thing steam will cuck more than ever, we all know that if they allowed it journos wouldn't even need to be paid by epic to create articles like: "steam allow game that lets you create and fuck children".

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Who could have seen it coming. Wonder what they'll name the next even more extremist bubble.

I fucking despise RPS for this alone. I see a news update for an old game and I get excited only for it to be some "top 27 games you wish you could jerk off to" shit

4 hours, still no card. Jesus christ.

Kill yourself.

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>You don't like social media, which is designed to exploit your dopamine system with the consequences of your identity preying on anxieties of such
>Well Yea Forums is social media too!
No it's not nigger, fuck off

>exploit your dopamine system
fuck this gay meme, retards talking about dopamine like they know anything
other than that you're right

but killing people brutally is ok

Wait really? Link that shit please.

Wait, so it's not inclusive enough? What the fuck

Pretty please, user?


Attached: Beach Bear.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Link link link

Nobody asked for it


>here's a graphic proving you right

Shouldn't have bothered but thanks.

Whats this called again

I'm actually surprised with how well you could make western characters in this game

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Thank you user, you're awesome

>human race
there's only one race that's human(and no, it's not the chosen ones in Israel)

She really doesn't look like that character. /r/ing where it comes from by the way.

Missing the point like when you read the full report earlier today: only a liberal faggot would bother using "normie" on Yea Forums instead of normalFAG.

I don't really know the origin, i just grabbed it from the card booru

It is gay and pathetic but I changed my mind recently, I can see how women and beta males could succomb to bouncy noises and flashing colourful lights reinforcing a system that exploits anxiety
Still I think it's very telling how Yea Forums is conflated with literally any platform you can talk to someone on
>How dare you criticise us, you can talk to people on Yea Forums too
so clearly there's nothing wrong with twitter or facebook because we call each other nigger and faggot

Isnt that a Illusion game?
Are they seriously trying to sell it on Steam?

sometimes a word gets picked up and used by everyone because of how much it is used


I'm just saying it's wrong because that's not what dopamine does or feels like or anything. There's a reward system but it doesn't fuck with your dopamine slevels

The article is by Laura Kate Dale

LMAO @ your life, resetera

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Some of their games are already available on Steam

I mean he is kind of cringy, especially his falling for the npc meme.
But they attack every thread with an article from it because if you can't dispute the information attacking the source is the next best thing.

I don't think they cater to normalfags
one of the personalities calls westerners annoying after all

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Why wouldn't they, weeaboos love getting put into watchlists to display their eroge on Steam.


Read the thread dumb ass

Lmao i can't believe this maybe they are retarded.

The character creator in this is game surprisingly really well done

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retort it*

No. No. A thousand times No. DELET

AA2 threads are the best

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You will have your weird looking cartoon characters and you will like it!

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This is horse shit, koikatu looks like dog shit. How the fuck do you get to look anywhere like that?

Gwen is too cute. It's probably her eyes.

good point, you should explain this to everyone you ever meet right off the bat and police/parents too.

Who gives a shit if porn games get accepted on steam?


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Not everyone has autism like you

>asks the question
>answers it herself
I dont get it

bruh I need that card right the fuck NOW

Shitloads of mods and lighting effects.

Even if they were real, Etna is an adult and Gears are bioweapons that reach maturity absurdly fast so they can start the whole mass murder thing.

alright alright.
don't get your panties in a knot

Yes, pedos that think this is normal go and tell your parents. They shouldnt overreact or anything, it's just 2d pictures of naked children after all.

Will do after you go explain to your parents how you like cuck porn

No one said normal. You wouldn't tell people about any sexually deviant behaviour unless you're autistic AF. Talk about TMI.
What we say is that it's not harmful.

Reminder that on the 26th, we'll be getting a new paid DLC that allows us to create our own stories and h animations. Supposedly those who preorder it will get access to Koikatsu Darkness which adds dark content such as BDSM and Male x Male x Female

Amen brotha, they are our only hope

>Male x Male x Female
does that mean the school will stop being an all girls establishment aside from protagonist kun?

anyone downloaded it before the ban? how is the translation?

There's no ban you gullible pleb.

People are sadly biased

If you play a porn game and spend time interacting with the characters unironically you should research how to not be a complete fucking faggot.

It was never on Steam, it just had some metadata mined from Steam.

Forgot to also mention we'll be able to make our own H maps too

Not sure but it's more than likely we'll be getting that stuff in free H mode and through the visual novel creator.

got a link to all the mods for these cards?


Just screenshot that shit, no links fuck this shilling fake news faggot

>watching your crush get fucked by other men

Attached: erica sakurai.jpg (357x357, 39K)

>new paid DLC
Not a DLC. It's a standalone VN editor using Koikatsu assets.

I just got my shit from /h/

Any idea why if I load the cards there's no eyebrows?

Attached: BXdh1dS.png (463x933, 68K)

How big are the orgies for Koikatsu anyways at this point? I'd swear AA2 allowed MMF ages ago, but maybe I remembered wrong. I mean damn even Skyrim can do shit like 8 people orgies/gangbangs and that includes monsters.

What about Honey Select? Do they got stories and custom animations? How many people can they include?

/pol/ is Yea Forums and the orange man was vindicated today.

his graphic is more correct that yours.

At the moment, Koikatsu only lets you have threesomes. H Animation Creator looks like it will allow more girls to engage in sex with you though I'm not sure if you'll be able to put it to use in the main game or not.

Guess I'll wait a bit more and see if it'll get better, that way I won't get burned out as fast while stock piling cards.

AA2 had no actual 3P. The closest thing to it was when you were doing public H and then a 3rd character (or you) interrupts them, which then triggers only a cutscene.

Oh yes now I remember. It was more like all we had was students having sex in the background or some shit. And at the time new animations and clothes/hair/etc weren't coming out fast enough so I just said fuck it.

How's Honey Select? That's the other popular hentai game that I always see getting posted. I don't seem to recall how it compares to Koikatsu though I know both games are different aesthetically.

It's already available to people through other means. It's good but fuck off.

Attached: koikatu grill 2.png (346x994, 329K)

I didn't even know that Koikatsu was on steam in the first place.

These companies who want to make high school VNs could save themselves a lot of trouble by just doing a find+replace of "high school" with "college." Nothing else would change.

Good, if you want to get girls and have a romance go outside and start talking to people, you dont get practice by playing this weeb shit

College stuff is also off-limits.

You people have issues

>n sheet

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hating social media.

How does Koikatu manage to be able to emulate the artstyle of so many anime? What did the creator got right compared to CM3D2?

>There are people right now who don't use Yea Forums x and filter out cancer
Kill yourselves


Attached: 514312311.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

Steam is shit.
Every launcher is shit.

So what you're saying is, OneAngryGamer getting support and money literally hurts you?
Good. Eat shit and die.

Wtf, i kinda want to buy Koikatsu, but i don't want to let my friends know i spend only 5 minutes in it

Nu-illusions is always doll making simulator first instead of gameplay.
I missed their old game where it actually got gameplay.

Attached: 298085-biko-3-windows-screenshot-a-police-officer-spells-trouble.jpg (1024x768, 94K)


Are the ones saying "incel" and "have sex" falseflagging or are we really invaded by retardera and trannies?

иcкaть coлнeчный cвeт


You're such a fucking idiot

Looks like you're missing some mods there, buddy guy.

Not him. And I don't want to dispute the idea of the article because I actually genuinely believe that Koitatsu being banned from Steam fucking sucks and is awful.
That doesn't mean I am a fan of oneangrygamer though, nor do I approve of the excessive and extremely direct shilling done here on Yea Forums, with close to every article being posted. Often multiple times over each time even.

And that is not to say all the times the articles are actually flat out wrong, which is not all that uncommon. Or the times the articles take something that is incorrect, but takes it out of proportion or misrepresents parts of it.

Of course every single time you criticize oneangrygamer even a little, responses calling you a tranny or some such thing come immediately. Always in these threads. No matter how justified the criticism is. Even when / if the article is complete bullshit. It makes it pretty damn hard to see the site as anything other than a clickbait farm.

But of course, this is far from the only time I have explained this, and the responses were always the same.
I would unironically support oneangrygamer if the site just wasn't so awful, and as explained my problems with the site is not its topics but how it handles them.
But honestly, even if it did handle the topics well, the relentless shilling is offputting in itself. Like there was a time when the majority of all sankaku complex articles were posted on Yea Forums all the time, and that was enough for people to dislike sankaku complex. In spite of the articles being on topic.


A combination of both. No one lurks anymore and people continuously pretend to be retarded for (You)s. Be mindful the latter invited the former.

Yeah user. A statistically insignificant portion of the population is coming after YOU! Hide, hide from the trannies!

So we should just straight up post Kotaku and Polygon articles instead? Fuck off, tranny.

Ironic shitposting is chan culture, remember?


shit tons of sliders that actually work

I see you're a man of culture like me.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-04-08-12-23-23.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Trannies and Resetera might be 1% of Yea Forums's userbase which includes the thousands of lurkers that come here every day and don't post, but they make almost half of the low quality shitposts on this website. Same shit with /pol/tards btw, only they could be larger than 1%

Can we just make /vc/ - censorship discussion already?

Attached: D3wO0lMUcAA1llN.jpg (850x570, 54K)

This just proves more and more that Justice is a myth. You can't secure cunny with the objective truth that cunny is a top tier fetish, thus good in quality, and a counterbalance to roasties, thus good morally.
Instead, people with power do not care about what's Good. They enforce their own anti-cunny biases, with anti-cunny laws enforced by anti-cunny judges, and if you resist as is your rightful duty, they have the fucking audacity to send anti-cunny police at you. When you're just defending the Good that is cunny from dictatorial evil.
They only get away with it because they have more firepower. That's all morality is. Whoever has the most guns.
That's what lets people say that letting 22 year old whores who are "just trying to find themselves" and can't even keep a fucking 8:00pm appointment, much less fulfil their duties in a relationship, as capable of enough rational thinking to provide consent.
But when you get a literal child, who doesn't even know what "trying to find myself" even means, who can show up at 8:00pm for merely a handful of candy, and who can be disciplined into performing their duties rather than whinging about having responsibilities, and they can't consent?
Madness. Madness and bullshit.
But society as a whole has decided that they don't care about Justice. They don't care about what's Good. They don't even care about bringing the roasties in line. All they know is that they were told to hate cunny by some jealous bitter old cunt, and they blindly follow the hatred.
And they can only get away with it because they think their courts and police give them the right to do as they please.
I say No.
Pedos, arm up and resist the injustice. Because the only Justice that exists in the world is justice that you have the firepower to protect. Protect the cunny, and punish the old hags.

Attached: PSA-5.jpg (1024x680, 159K)

You're on it. Yea Forums is the leftover vidya board, all the real topics happens elsewhere


Attached: Koikatsu-2019-03-25-00-57-04.png (1600x900, 852K)

Can I delete the whole game and just keep the things necessary to run the Free H mode and character creators?


/pol/ is Yea Forums.

Don't forget the fact he keeps calling "all age" games that are clearly hentai games.

oh look a tranny.
You sound like one too.
Btw This isnt the general population. This is Yea Forums/gaming culture and as we've seen from speedrunning convention trannies are much larger than 1% of the population. Just go on resetera and see all the trannies and tranny enablers who put pronouns in thier posts.

Yea Forums is older than /pol/ newfriend

>/pol/ is the 2008-2010 Yea Forums

>I have no idea where "have sex" is from but let me tell you my opinion
The best part is it triggers you faggots so much and it's GREAT

And yet they're still an extremely small but obnoxiously vocal minority of the entire gaming community. You're honestly underestimating the amount of people who don't voice themselves on the Internet. I doubt people want to be in the company of idiots regardless.

>if you can't dispute the information attacking the source is the next best thing.
OneAngryGamer has posted several false news because he doesn't bother verifying shit. Like calling Hello Goodbye hentai version a all age game or Victory project a all age game when it's hentai YET AGAIN. If he didn't spread fake informations maybe people would stop getting annoyed at the shit he writes. He DOES NOT VERIFY SHIT. And that's the issue. He just assumes what he writes is right and 50% of the case, he's wrong.

pretty pissed this wasn't it

Attached: 56915081_2080000695387392_5924996518288293888_n.jpg (134x139, 3K)


outdated and ugly
what do you even like about this ant simulator

Attached: 1554942122120.jpg (652x680, 138K)

you can't hurt cartoon


Attached: 7617c34cd685712866e190b2ea58739c3f55644a_hq.jpg (849x960, 71K)

Yeah at this point I can spot OneAngryGamer's fucking articles from a mile away just by the font. And of course it's to do with loli shit. Y'know loads of people go on about how gamergate was a practise run/the begining/whatever of the alt-right but as far as I can tell they all became anime pedo apologists. I can't tell which one's worse, actually no being anime pedo apologists is worse.

Not 10. Stop posting old hags.

What the fuck is this weird logic anti-loli people use? Do you autists seriously explain all your fetishes in-depth when you meet someone?

That's how trannies think it works.

>you can still get from a different store

There is literally nothing more important than lolis

gain height

super based

said the furfag that jerks off to furry porn but that shouldn't be considered zoophilia


>just import it from Japan lmao

who fucking cares? what retard is seriously playing this on steam? you can more easily download it for free outside of steam

Funny how you are the only one replying to the "minority" while you consistently get lots of replies calling you a stupid retard.

The same could be said of every other game, I hope you don't have anything on your library.

resetera the post

Attached: 1546387441480.jpg (710x1002, 475K)

but it's a porn game people had been playing off of steam for years. who gives a fuck if the shitty censored version isn't on steam lmao

"import" is a big word for clicking "download"

>quoting a post that quotes posts with multiple replies
>y-you are the only one

Damn that is one puffy c***y.

>fantasizing about kids doesn't make you a pedo
Yeah uhh

The point is bypassing censorship doesn't stop censorship from being censorship.

>nobody replying to me

steam is not even the original store

Attached: 2019-04-19 00_33_01-Steam.png (256x48, 7K)

>Yeah at this point I can spot OneAngryGamer's fucking articles from a mile away just by the font
Then I'd say you're officially obsessed.

Attached: 1532294085465.jpg (838x1046, 391K)


not him but it doesn't really take an obsession to notice the forced "humor"

I'd love them to put some of the older titles (Sexy Beach 3, Homemate or AG3) in there. they shouldn't have no problems with Valve with them.

I remember it happened once and that got shut down too.

But /pol/ ideology has always been Yea Forums.

lol it seems to trigger you.

quality bait

and censorship is losing content?

the only people who believe in the so-called "alt-right" existing are twitter lefties and redditards.

not him but Yea Forums has always been racist and offensive

He's going to try to claim it was all ironic.

this has nothing to do with what /pol/ is today or has been for the past few years
lurk more

I'm at work but I hope it stays until tomorrow.

stop being a pedophile.
If you say you are a pedophile because being a pedophile "is board culture" you have massive mentalhealth problems.

You will never be a real woman.

Oh shit, buying now.

>this pathetic cope
the entire society hates you wherever you go

Why would censoring Japanese games increase "white" reproduction rates?
Are you high on /pol/?

If you dont like it make your own game store.
No Im serious.

Attached: anime is for pedos2.jpg (2465x2285, 1020K)

actually it's reality.

So fake news then?

actually it is. /pol is and always has been the Yea Forums ideology.

You can do that.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-04-19-01-55-56.png (2560x1440, 1.45M)

fun fact, Yea Forums existed before your election

why do you want to fuck virtual children you creep?
Is it because you want to do that with real children too?

Different game from different publisher. Plus, it has zero sexual content.

Attached: pedo.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

you are an weakminded idiot who cant think for himself. Have your own opinion, dont just act racist, sexist, pedolike because "its board culture"

Do you feel in charge?

Attached: do you feel in charge.jpg (535x364, 26K)

Uh. Isn't it available in DMM? If it isn't, just pirate it, who cares. Illusion shouldn't be even trying to sell their stuff to the west, carebears and SJWs will never allow it.

I honestly wouldn't mind, if steam had a remotely fucking consistant or clear policy. But they seem to making it up as they fucking go. They change it every five fucking seconds.

stop sending Yea Forums to aa2, do you have any idea how hard it is to help retort its each time they screw up the installation guide?

Attached: 2019_0418_0052_27600.png (1600x900, 1.36M)

>Yea Forums is politically correct

>still GG posting
Move on Milo.

/pol/ is not even that old of a board. But nice try newfag.


Attached: oneangryfakenews.jpg (1673x840, 281K)

Attached: anime is for pedos.jpg (2048x1386, 257K)


Attached: 1548146766195.png (800x839, 317K)

actually it's 4.06 if you use the pp2 packer to save space by packing them up neatly. this is my setup with all current clothes from the spreadsheet

Attached: actually its 4 point 06.png (1571x831, 69K)

She literally defends loli being censored mate. Blocked this whore as a result.

>only 2 gigs.

Attached: 325346.png (248x86, 3K)

>uwu by posting my old gg pics I can have my pedophile hardcore VR games on steam. owo

textbook cope
there's no shame in admitting it you know


How is this an issue?
There are other stores you can buy it from.

well the game was released in china and porn is illegal in china
but i guess steam is more strict than the chinese government

You can rape in it right? All good games have rape

Inconsistent application of rules.
Sex is okay when it's in GTA V.
School settings are okay when it's in Bully.
Basically if you're a AAA publisher you can do what you want.
If you're too weak to defend yourself you get cucked.

it's funny how you people always turn out to be actual child molesters

>implying chinks care
At worst they'll make porn patch.

the pedos want all their steamfriends to know they are raping someone virtually

oh but didn't you just say lolicons aren't actual child molesters?
make up your mind

Whats wrong with gamergate?

Its just a vr demo of koikatsu, ivr is Illusion.
No, it wasnt, Illusion sent koikatsu for approval, Valve refused.

a lot. But it being against the rules should be enough for you to kindly fuck off back to cripplechan.

Elaborate on this a lot.

Good. I really didn't want braindead steam fags to flood /kkg/ and complain that they can't figure out how to drag and drop mod files

Attached: 57429.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Go be a pedo somewhere else, lolihaters!

What that moot banned the threads and you all went to some thirdrate imageboard and made Yea Forums actually stomachable for a few months before you came back? or the cringey movement perpetuated by grifters who dont even play games, that thought to correct the mass injustice of videogame blogs being crap because jim made video for once?

OAG apologists BTFO

But you really are too weak to defend yourself. There is nothing you can do about this.
Just buy it on dlsite or something. It's already available there. Who cares if this one store doesn't want to sell it?
PC is supposed to be an open platform and yet people want to be tied to one store. It's baffling.

I agree that moot banning the threads was wrong. I don't recognize your eceleb babble though.

>The weak suffer what they must
>This is okay

koikatsu has no rape
it also has no loli, unless you go out of your way to make a loli character
which obviously you would, because you're a pedo

>moot forcing redditifuges off the board for offtopic bullshit was wrong
nicetry GG newfag.
>griftee doesn't recognize that he was grifted
sounds about right

Is this the same card?

You keep trying to make this about some eceleb you love, I can't keep up with your reddit nigger babble.

can you prove the game has sexual content
being rated 18+ doesnt mean it's sexual

on the artists pixiv for example the only sexual content is gay stuff like this, which would be allowed in the west

Attached: here's your loli porn.jpg (2105x1308, 786K)

I didn't even know it was on Steam.

Can't post them on a christian board.

Attached: 534d.png (2560x1440, 3.48M)

>he doesn't know his entire """Culture war""" LARP was just to promote random D-list opinion writers and Breitbart.
lmao. Ethics in gaming journalism amirite my duder? what are you from REDDIT!
The new hip term is discord tranny silly.

His Amagami article from the other day was close to being entirely bullshit.

>having to use another store is suffering
Alright then.

have sex incel

>I'm a retard the post
It literally says it's a h-game on dlsite. Just admit it, your beloved Billy doesn't verify shit.

Right, tell me more about your (((alt-right))) boogeymen.

Not even discord trannies are clueless enough to unironically use the term cringe, stupid reddit nigger.

stop being cringe m8

This poster reeks of this being his first year on the site

Attached: 1548044257873.png (416x390, 103K)

Yes because everyone talks about what turns them on to their parents, stop being a retard

what are you?

It's mostly shitposting

Well, fuck you too, I recalled having these cards saved before.


My Gwen folder grows stronger

sorry but there is no more Yea Forums on Yea Forums
instead we are forced to live on this mess called 4channel

If they consistently enforced the loli ban and didn't veer into censoring old fashioned tna I could respect Gaben on this issue.

Almost makes me want to redownload koikatsu, fucking nice

where does it say that?

I updated them with lewd background too illegal to post here.

Attached: haydeesplat.png (2560x1440, 1.42M)

It's literally in the fucking picture. It's a HENTAI GAME. While it's retarded of Valve to ban it, it's disinformation to actually say it's an "all age game".

that doesnt mean it's a hentai game you retard
it's just rated 18+

You're literally fucking retarded mate. When a game is rated 18+ on dlsite it means it's fucking porn. Just fucking stop acting like a retard. DLsite has a all age section, if it was all age it wouldn't be in the porn section for fuck sake.

i guess mgs4 is a hentai game

Attached: mgs4.jpg (2000x1080, 739K)

>he doesn't know

You're either a fucking retard or trolling. When a game is in the hentai section of dlsite it means it's a hentai game.

gyarus are for slaying
idols are for anal
childhood friends are for cheating
tomboys are for loving and marriage
monster girls are for creampies

Wtf, are they fucking crazy? Why do they think everyone is going to believe them when they put a shitty clickbait article up?

so you have no actual proof of it being a hentai game
got it

if you go to the store and put some bread in the video game section, the bread doesnt become a video game

>"I agree with the censoring pedo shit but-"

Attached: soy.jpg (700x734, 163K)

Thanks for proving you're a retard.
You clearly don't use dlsite.

Are you ok with child rapists playing pedo games?

Everything banned so far as being porn games with girls who could pass as underage. So you can respect Gaben now.


no it's highly condescending way of complaining about censorship, implying that it shouldn't touch stuff you personally like such as Mortal Kombat which is being in recent days increasingly presented as game that shouldn't be sold to kids instead of shitty anime games nobody cares about except Yea Forums or resetera

it's all gonna bite your ass soon

top lel

reminder all the devs publish on epic now because they dont like what a trash-store Steam has become

would you rather have them going outside raping real children?

because they get bribed* ftfy

reminder epic doesn't allow any adult games and no publisher is releasing on epic without getting paid for it beforehand