Liu Kang is back mother fuckers

Liu Kang is back mother fuckers.

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and naked as usual. He wishes he was a cute girl so he could get all covered.

>censors female nudity

>half-naked men all over the place


No, that's definitely Nightwolf

>gets to fuck the hottest girl in the game for eternity
I’m jealous famalam

liu is god of thunder now, bitch

>jade comes back
>could easily get with Kung Lao knowing his best friend and her best friend are together
>gets with Kotal Khan
Life is pain for Lao.

that's hornbuckle

Liu Kang Blanco Compledado.

Nice nipples

He must win.


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This is a blue board please cover those nipples up sir.


IT's immature and degrading to show female skin.

>Liu Kang becomes a god
Absolutely based. Liu Kang achieved his endgame before Ryu.

No wonder Shaggy is not in the game Liu Kang Blanco would wreck his shit.

yeah because women who enjoy showing skin don't exist

Shaggy and Liu Kango Blanco should be in Injustice 3 where they would team up against Brainiac Superman.

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really thought jade and smoke were a thing, oh well

Just repeating what the character designer for MK11 said.

Holy kek true.
>Liu Kang kicked ass,died,become a zombie,kicked ass,lives,died again,becomes evil,becomes good again,becomes God and can fuck his waifu fornecer.
>Ryu after all these years still struggles with Dark hadou
>Didnt even taped Sakura ass
Top kek

>Implying next gen consoles could handle such power.
Injustice 3 PC exclusive?

I wish Liu was leaner and generally more attractive

have se- ah who I'm a kidding, you guys are right.

Street Fighter’s story can’t go past 3 for some reason.

Male chests arent sexualized are you fuckin retarded?

MK has been rebooted 3 times ans is now doing a multiverse gimmicks so they can have reboot characters without having to reboot.
Ed Boon can't seem to get over retelling the first MK over and over

>another franchise ruined for incels
siws are the best thing to happen to videogames in a long time and I couldn't be happier

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Oh my God go outside, they absolutely are you moron

Incels and Incelbaiters are killing board quality

Is this supposed to be ironic?

it's a low quality shitpost that is guaranteed to get (you)s based on the state of the board

>MK12 has God Kang with fire and lightning
>Human Raiden now relies heavily on basic martial arts and his staff
>Liu Kang gets the torpedo while Raiden pole vaults into a bicycle kick
would be fun

Haha lol!
I have to admit! That was pretty funny lmao! Hahahaa oh man

>love kotal kahn's design
>was a punk bitch in mkx, couldn't get shit done as kahn and got beat up constantly
>gets whipped by shao kahn in mk11
Why does Boon hate him, lads?

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wow, they not only went from making the women look like men but now the men look like faggots
fuck mortal kombat

>Lui becomes a god
>erases those with "proclivities"
WTF I love the Way of Shaolin now

>what are women
>what are gay men

Yes, but unlike women's breasts men's pecs aren't seen as things created by Satan to turn men from God and make children into sexually-depraved beasts.

speak for yourself

Have gay sex

Is it going to be a good fighting game?
Never been into NRS fighting games but this is looking a lot more polished/fluid

The new DOA is proof of this. Waifu fags are cancer. That is why they are charging these morons $100 for a season pass that is nothing but costumes. So these fags can play dress up with their waifu of choice.

Who cares? How many times do they take out characters only to bring them back as a "surprise"
>whoa SUBZERO IS HERE holy shit!!!

Played the beta, I enjoyed it. In terms of gameplay its solid, slower than the last two games. But that was the plan to focus more on footsies and midrange game.

It's funny how much you people support censorship because someone else likes women.

>Ed Boon can't seem to get over retelling the first MK over and over

He really seem to love the whole tournament stuff.

>magic mike was big strictly for the story
Are you retarded user?