Best Game Soundtracks Ever

Well do you agree with their #1 selection Yea Forums?

Attached: Ico Ranked #1.jpg (1580x1410, 327K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ico literally has no music, how can you put it ahead of Shadow Of The Colossus?

Vidya music is usually so dumb to rank among each other because its not like commerical music. There are OST's that are absolutely perfect for a game by being atmospheric or whatever else the game needs, but may not actually be great pieces of music on its own which is what I think of with Ico. Even just going by a ranking list of personal taste, the ranking collapses on itself because of that fact.

Its better to just list 100 OST's you think are great instead of trying to rank it

The only people who like Ico are supreme faggots.

> Ocarina of Time not being #1
Into the Trash it goes

ico is good but sotc is better

No because SMT IV isn't on the list.

Attached: LNCM-1043_真・女神転生IV_OriginalSoundtrackJK.jpg (1977x2673, 1.04M)

>Touhou 11 or 8 not the best
Shit taste

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Ico's is definitely top tier

Moviefags ruined the industry,couldn't care less about their opinions.

What does this have to do with the thread?

Where the fuck is the list?
If there isn't at least 2 Ace Combat games, don't bother.

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Here was the list, just in case people were wondering
> 33: NiGHTS into Dreams…
> 32 Half-Life 2
> 31 Final Fantasy 7
> 30 Tetris
> 29 Goldeneye 007
> 28 Rez
> 27 Actraiser
> 26 Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
> 25 Metroid Prime
> 24 Shenmue
> 23 BioShock Infinite
> 22 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 21 Clock Tower
> 20 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
> 19 Super Mario Bros.
> 18 Journey
> 17 Jet Set Radio
> 16 Final Fantasy 6
> 15 Earthbound
> 14 Secret of Mana
> 13 Resident Evil 4
> 12 Donkey Kong Country 2 : Diddy Kong’s Quest
> 11 The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
> 10 Red Dead Redemption
> 9 Portal
> 8 Streets Of Rage 2
> 7 Katamari Damacy
> 6 Silent Hill 2
> 5 Super Metroid
> 4 Megaman 2
> 3 The Last Of Us: Remastered
> 2 Chrono Trigger
> 1 Ico

>re4 at 13
That's my favourite game of all time and I can safely say that it doesn't belong anywhere near the top of a soundtrack list

Why do so many people circlejerk Red Dead Redemption? It's a mediocre open world game

>Resident Evil 4 and not 2, CV, or 5
>Megaman 2 and not ANY of the X or Zero games
>Last of Us
>Chrono Trigger, which is half plagiarized, as number 2
>Ico as number 1
>No Ace Combat
At least Katamari and SH2 are in the top 10, but holy fuck

This. I'm baffled.

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>Bioshock Infinite
What fucking soundtrack did Bioshock Infinite even have other than the catchy barbershop quartet singing God Only Knows?

Super Mario Bros has three songs. Are they ranking it based on 1-1 being one of the most recognizable video game themes of all time?

Cause if so other Mario games have recreated that theme and better.


Because this is a soundtrack list and it has a good soundtrack

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> The Last of Us & Red Dead Redemption at the top again
When will this fucking meme end?

Name one good song from the game besides Compass

>no Spyro
At least they've put Jet Set Radio here.

Far Away

Not that user, but
>Exodus in America
>The shootist
>So Far Away
All come to mind. It's not top 10 material, but there is some good shit in there, on top of the great atmospheric shit

What the fuck is Clock Tower & why is it on this list?

Where is Persona 5, i don't get it.

zoom zoom

Sorry, but if Max Anarchy ain’t #1 on your list, your opinion is worthless

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Persona 5's music was trash

>no tropical freeze
It’s shit.

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I said good song

TLoU had a GOAT soundtrack, retard. Some of it was literally recorded in a bathroom with PVC pipes.

>No bloodborne
>no dark souls
>no halo
>no doom
>no soc

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>I'm not interesting, so I have to state an opinion that's unpopular
I don't like Persona, but P5's soundtrack is stellar.

>None of those are good
If I were deaf, I'd probably kill myself. Dunno how you've made it this far, user.

Many years of pure hatred

You are right about SoTC, Dark Souls & Bloodborne. But Doom has terrible music & most people under the age of 35 have never even played it, not sure why you are expecting casual journalists to care about

sounds shit lol

Imagine thinking TLOU didn't have amazing music, this song alone warrants a near 10/10

So, there is no Nier's music too. WTF

>There are OST's that are absolutely perfect for a game by being atmospheric or whatever else the game needs, but may not actually be great pieces of music on its own
My thoughts exactly. I know a lot of people say bloodborne music is amazing but it's only amazing while playing the game. Listening to it on it's own is a yawnfest.
But then stuff like sonic will always have really upbeat, catchy tracks that you can listen to wherever/whenever, but it won't reach the heights of bloodborne+playing bloodborne simultaneously, even though the sonic tracks are usually better tracks in general.

> 30 Tetris
It's literally just one song, a good one at that but did it really deserve to be on the list? I feel like everytime someone makes a list like this they have to hamfist in tetris for some reason

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I was surprised at how good the soundtrack in that game is

>No Chrono Cross
Mediocre game, amazing OST
>No Nier

I also thought Witcher III had really great music (II had a better story and some good songs too)

Sonic unleashed should be top 5. And no kingdom hearts is just wrong.
But then again this looks like a nostalgia list from someone who barely plays games.

Which one is better?

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It only has a few tracks but they're pretty good.
I don't even like ICO that much but the music is like one of the reasons why I don't regret playing it.
Just thinking about how boring/tedious the combat system was, makes me a bit angry. I mean it's one of the flaws the game has and its strong points lie elsewhere but they rub that shit in your face.

I wish the composers would get to do more work in vidya but that's just a stupid, uneducated opinion

>Sonic Unleashed should be top 5
It's not even top 5 Sonic soundtracks, my guy

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>No Deus Ex

>literally 13 tracks
>only 2 or 3 are actually good and not ambient shit
I'm impressed.
this so fucking much

It fucking is. Gameplay can be debated but it has the best soundtrack in the series. Day themes were all perfect and night themes were a good change of pace.
And 8-bit music shouldn't even be on the list. That shit isn't actually good. It's just nostalgia goggles.

This is how I know these people don't play videogames that are not the most mainstream ones

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Hey, I remember participating in these threads.
My suggestions were Third Strike and Katamari

No, not really. Unleashed has top 10 potential, and it probably has my favorite Vocal Theme in the series, but it has forgettable night time themes (Forgettable Jazz. How the fuck do you even do that?) and decent, but same-y Day time themes.

>No one has mentioned MGR

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>that top ten

man, i mean, that is a reason why the shootings exist

All FF's music has no identity, just generic orchestra music


What the fuck? Just because of Still Alive? But not like it matters when these "Best OST of All Time" lists usually rank only popular or AAA series.

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>NiGHTS that low...



>mysql lol
I love how these fuckups often fit just fine anyway.

I guess that one is mildly better but it still has a ton of indy meme shit on there where the games were ok but the music definitely fucking wasn't good enough to displace real gems.

For comparison, Here is a best soundtrack list chosen by actual gamers instead of Journalists
> 33. Chrono Cross
> 32 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
> 31 Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 30 Sonic the Hedgehog 2
> 29 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 28 Red Dead Redemption
> 27 EarthBound
> 26 Super Metroid
> 25 Mega Man 2
> 24 Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
> 23 Shadow of the Colossus
> 22. Donkey Kong Country
> 21 Halo: Combat Evolved
> 20 Metal Gear Solid
> 19 Super Mario Bros. 3
> 18 Super Mario Bros.
> 17 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
> 16 Super Mario Galaxy
> 15 Final Fantasy VIII
> 14 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
> 13 Super Smash Bros. Brawl
> 12 Final Fantasy VI
> 11 Final Fantasy VII
> 10 Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
> 9 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
> 8 Final Fantasy X
> 7 Kingdom Hearts (2002)
> 6 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
> 5 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 4 Super Mario 64
> 3 Super Mario World
> 2 Chrono Trigger
> 1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


>still no ace combat.

Much better, but three Sonic games being on there is bullshit

>No Katamari
>No Ace Combat
>Ocarina of Tatsuro as number 1
>Sonic 1 that high above Sonic 2 and 3
>Brawl, which is a compilation of other themes with minor arrangements
>5+ Zelda Games
Come on, dude.

>Made by actual gamers

But this is about music, you should have hired who know music theory if you want to be smug.

Zanarkand by itself is better than all of those soundtracks.

This is literally a best soundtrack list though

>no Falcom
Most of these soundtracks wouldn't even exist without them

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> Crying about OOT being #1
Nice job outing yourself, Gerudo Valley alone is better than anything else you named

>Ace Attorney so good it gets two spots

Hell yeah, there isn't an Ace Attorney game with bad music

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>All those Zeldas
>All those Marios
>All those Final Fantasy

These lists should actually limit to one game per franchise, this looks so bloated. Also, the list is shit too, maybe even worse than the one from the OP.

OoT is a good soundtrack. Maybe top 30. But not really.
>Gerudo Valley alone is better than anything else you named
Doubtful, but I'll pick a track that matches it in style:

No. Ico had inarguably good music, but SotC beats it out in refinement, variety, and consistency. It DEFINITELY loses to Chrono Trigger, even if CT is more primitive in what it had to work with.

Really it's a super easy way to instantly determine if a list like is worth a second thought. You can tell that they thought CT was the best, but that answer would be "too obvious" and they tried to find something people agree is good but was "obscure and surprising". It's click generator bullshit.

Really the main issue is that these lists just should never actually change much so there is no point in new ones more then once every 5 or 10 years. The mindblowing classics at this point are significant in number and unlike other aspects music is pretty timeless, so "newer" has no automatic advantage. Not that new can't sometimes be great, but it has an ever taller hill to climb because in principle to make a top list it would have to not merely be good, but beat out multiple decades worth of gold.

So forced frequent lists inevitably have to get away from purely what's good and try to mix in some novelty somehow. Better not to do it at all.

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>No Deus Ex
>No Xenoblade Chronicles X
>No Doom
Other than that, good list

lol? How old are you guys? I mean yeah, it's perfectly competent background music, but 10/10? Fuck off.

This is Japan's top 50 Vidya OSTs

50 - Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
49 - Cleopatra Fortune - Shinin Queen
48 - Ys 7 - Vacanat Interference
47 - Romancing SaGa 3 - Four Demons Noble Battle
46 - Mamatoto - Running to the Straight
45 - Sora no Kiseki - Light Feud
44 - Xenoblade - Gaul
43 - Wild Arms - To the End Of Wilderness
42 - Hello Goodbye - Shousha
41 - Nier - Song of Ancients
40 - Trauma Team - Bloody Rose
39 - Ys vs Sora no Kiseki - Get Over the Barrier - Roaring Version
38 - Battle Theme Part I - Last Armageddon
37 - Romancing Saga - Final Decisive Battle
36 - Ys Oath in Felghana - Valestein Castle
35 - Wild Arms (??) Blazer Battle
34 - Lost Odyssey - Departed Souls
33 - Ys VI - Mighty Obstacle
32 - Xenosaga - Final Battle
31 - Hello Goodbye - Encounter
30 - Tales of Legendia - Chasing Shirley
29 - Monster Hunter Tri - Bonus Song
28 - Ys Origin: Tension
27 - Tales of Vesperia - Cutting off the Amibition
26 - Shadow Hearts Covenant
25 - Dragon Slayer - Stopper
24 - Legend of Heroes - Silver Will
23 - Mana Khemia
22 - Baten Kaitos Origins - The Valedictory Elegy
21 - God Eater - Merciless Lord
20 - Tekken 6
19 - Darius Burst - The World of Spirit
18 - Ace Combat X2 - Fire Youngman
17 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickerbrush Symphony
16 - Mamoru-kun wa Norowarate Shimatta! - Yokai Disco
15 - Ys Origin (Super Arrange??)
14 - Persona 3 - Battle for All People's Souls
13 - Space Invaders Extreme 2
12 - Sengoku Rance - Battle on Edge
11 - Ys II Chronicles - To Make an End to Battle
10 - Venus and Braves - Waltz for Aria
9 - Legend of Heroes - JDK Band album (??)
8 - Xenoblade - Mechanical Rhythm
7 - Ninja Warriors - Daddy Mulk (Mega CD)
6 - Halo 3 - Finish the Fight
5 - Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon
4 - Ace Combat Zero
3 - Ys Seven - Legend of Dragons
2 - Ys Seven - Final Boss
1 - Okami

>13 Falcom tracks

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Oh yeah but 5 Zelda games two of which share a majority of their soundtrack is fine

There's more Yea Forums cred to suck off Zelda then there is to enjoy Sonic's music.

>Just Okami

I assume it's this pure kino track:

>Fire Youngman
Based Japan

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This reads more like a mix of some decent music and games people really liked or felt were "iconic". Like MGS, yeah it really kicked off a legend, but the soundtrack wasn't better then MGS 3. 3x Sonic, zero Ace Combat? Terranigma? Deus Ex? Guilty Gear? Ghost Trick? Okami? SaGa? Xenogears/Xenosaga?

I think most people either don't play much variety or can't separate out soundtracks that stand alone well regardless of the game (not that the above were bad games).

>46 - Mamatoto - Running to the Straight
>12 - Sengoku Rance - Battle on Edge
Based nips

>Halo 3 in the top 6
>in a japanese best of list

Now that's surprising.

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why do Sega games have such based Soundtracks?

Not that I agree with everything there but that's a much fucking better list, and less packed with nostalgia.

>32 - Xenosaga - Final Battle
Escape was better. Are you sure that's "Top 50 Vidya OSTs" user because it looks more like battle music or something.

based and adventurepilled


>43 - Wild Arms - To the End Of Wilderness
>35 - Wild Arms (??) Blazer Battle

Among all the Japanese polls, the few times they don't have shit taste are the best times.
Funny how even the shittiest sega games have an amazing soundtrack

Sega has always had good stylish flair to their aesthetic, great at keeping up with up-to-date style and trend without creating a dated product, even if it led to a "Style over substance" approach to a lot of it. There's a lack of Yakuza on your list though.

>nobody has even mentioned killer instinct yet

It's sad that Reddit manages to have better taste then all of these
> 1. Billie Jean (GTA: Vice City)
> 2. Still Alive (Portal)
> 3. Song of Healing (Majora's Mask)
> 4. Someday the Dream will End (FFX)
> 5. To Zanarkand (FFX)
> 6. Moonlight Sonata (REmake)
> 7. Corridor's Of Time (Chrono Trigger)
> 8. The "Star Stealing Girl" (Chrono Cross)
> 9. Silver Will (Trails in the Sky)
> 10. Gerudo Valley (Zelda: OOT)
> 11. Dancing Mad (FF6)
> 12. Kaine Salvation (NieR)
> 13. Radical Dreamers (Chrono Cross)
> 14. Flowering Night (Touhou)
> 15. Septette of the Dead Princess (Touhou)
> 16. Stickerbrush Symphony
> 17. Credits Theme (Wind Waker)
> 18. Locked Girl, Secret Room (Touhou)
> 19. Love Theme (Mother 3)
> 20. Time's Scar (Chrono Cross)
> 21. Terra's Theme (FF6)
> 22. The Wind Scene (Chrono Trigger)
> 23. Artolia Mountain Ruins (Valkyrie Profile)
> 24. End of the World (Majora's Mask)
> 25. Lost Woods (Zelda: OOT)
> 26. Wandering Ghosts (Castlevania: SOTN)
> 27. Esperanto (Mega Man Zero 4)
> 28. Love Theme (MOTHER 3)
> 29. Lunar Clock, Luna Dial (Touhou)
> 30. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2)
> 31. Fateful Confrontation (Trails in the Sky SC)
> 32. Hitler Boss Fight (Persona 2)
> 33. Oath To Order (Majora's Mask)
> 34. Life Faraway Promise (Chrono Cross)
> 35. Heroic Battle (Digital Devil Saga 2)
> 36. Title Theme (Zelda: OOT)
> 37. Vampire Killer (Castlevania SOTN)
> 38. One Winged Angel (FF7)
> 39. The Almighty (Persona 4)
> 40. Zelda's Llullaby (Zelda: OOT)
> 41. Castle (ALTTP)
> 42. Main Theme (Halo CE)
> 43. Still Alive (Mirror's Edge)
> 44. Main Theme (Morrowind)
> 45. Fairy Fountain (Zelda)
> 46. Simple & Clean (KH1)
> 47. Risk of Rain (Entire game OST)
> 48. Main Theme (Plants/Zombies)
> 49. Snake Eater (MGS3)
> 50. Descent Into Vice (Tales of Destiny)

Are you joking? It's an incredible experimental soundtrack that complements everything in the game.

>tekken 6
mah niggas

> Still Alive at fucking #2
Goddamnit Reddit

>billie jean at the top of a videogame music list
sure is reddit

For me it's The Silver Case. Any of Masafumi Takada's soundtracks are worthy contenders too, especially k7 and NMH1.

Agreed. I really, really wanted to like Ico but the combat and puzzles were too tedious for me. I respect it but I never want to play it again. SotC and TLG are both far more enjoyable.

Literally almost a fourth of it is blatant Falcom Sound Team circlejerk, why is this allowed?

>6. Moonlight Sonata (REmake)

You have to be fucking kidding me.

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>A licensed track topping an OST list
>Still Alive as number 2
Please go back to where you found this list and stay there.

Jesus, have of these are garbage and def aren't top 100 worthy

Wrong, NieR has the greatest video game soundtrack of all time (and I don't mean Automata)

1. Which ones?
2. How old are you?

> Portal meme song
Into the Trash

yeaah but
>JFAs soundtrack is better than the first

I liked the 25th Ward OST better, even though it wasn't as good of a game.
and a bonus:

>and I don't mean Automata
Good man, but I'm more of a Drakengard type of guy myself. The OST really adds to that feeling of slowly going insane.

Attached: papa nier.jpg (700x700, 129K)


>The Last of Us
>Deus Ex
>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
>Max Payne 3
These are the only good video game soundtracks. It's useless to argue.

Attached: 1555598499991.png (645x773, 49K)

>Last of Us
>BioShock Infinite
>No Touhou
Haha holy shit what is this garbage fucking taste?

Here is the real number #1 game series OST

I still haven't gotten around to The 25th Ward yet, I was kind of waiting for the TSA DLC to wrap up before I jumped into anymore Suda games. I just beat it a little while go so I should get on that.

>Flowering Night is their favorite Touhou song
>Two others are from Embodiment of Scarlet Meme
Fuck those meme lords.

here are some Tracks from both of those games

Explain to me why The Last of Us' OST doesn't deserve to be on this list.

These lists turn out a lot better if you stick to a 1-game-per-series rule, stick an asterisk next to it if you want but every actual gamer will recognize that some series always have fantastic music but it's dumb to try to pack them all in at the expense of glorious 1-offs. So series like
Ace Combat
Final Fantasy
Guilty Gear

Pick a top example from each, people can spend ages arguing within one single series but it's just a matter of degrees, everyone knows they're good. Then you have room for one shot games more easily.

Attached: terranigma.jpg (1600x1000, 198K)

Generic samey western trash.

This is not a best OST list, it's a best main/popular theme list, and if you consider that, is not that bad.

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Good taste, but you're missing out on some of the classic soundtracks

The only thing from the OST that I remember about it is the main theme

FFX should literally be #1 then since To Zanarkand is one of the 10 best songs of all time

>Ace Combat
>Final Fantasy
>Guilty Gear
Galaxy 2
Code Veronica
Don't play that shit
Wind Waker

>including Farbanti but not ADFX-10, Twin Pairs, Dual Wielder, or 444

I don't know if Kota Hoshino (and by extension FreQuency) is a genius or a madman

But NONE of those are Magic Spear or Siren's Song
God DAMN! How is this soundtrack so fucking good? I think it might be my overall favorite.

NIER > all

To be fair, some tracks aren't that good. My only real favorites were Objection, Pursuit, and Dick Gumshoe's Theme.

Meanwhile JFA had Shelly Dr Killer's Theme, Core - Investigation, and of course Great Revival, which was so good they used it EVERYWHERE in the Investigations games and in DD and SoJ.

It's sad how underrated Team Fortress 2's OST is.

This seems to be more of a popular game list that happens to have good soundtracks, than it is just a list of games that have great soundtracks.

What are some games that you will never play but still listen to its OST because it's so good?

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>ctrl+f "Ar Tonelico"
>Phrase not found
I don't have to read any more. I already know everything about this list is bullshit.

The songs from the games themselves are fucking outstanding, but they're heavily integrated into the plot and can involve major spoilers. So instead here are some samples from a bonus album created to elucidate some of the world's legends and mythology they're not quite as good, but I don't want people to be spoiled the way I was:

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New Mirror's Edge.

>No some seems to mention C&C Kino OSTs

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I already had a long list

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Decent taste, my only disagreement really is that The Midnight Carnival was too full of awesome stuff and is my pick. Or as a twist, #Reload by N.EX.T had some pretty fucking pounding metal versions and was well put together. I think it's still my favorite final boss theme of the series:

Potemkin's theme was also fucking glorious in that version.

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>generic, samey Western trash
So you've never heard it and just basically took a guess, right? Because it's objectively neither of those things.

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Xenoblade 2, I have no interest in playing this game but I can't stop listening to the battle themes

Ico isn't popular. It's not even popularity list, it's a hipster list.

Different user.
It's good but I wouldn't put it in some top list. The main theme is great, everything else is kinda forgettable. That guitar twang only goes so far.

Well first of all 100 is way to many. Top 10. Maybe top 20. There are less than 100 truly good games in general, let alone games with good music.

I dont know if Mario being on that header is just because video games, but literally no Mario game would ever be on a list of greatest "soundtracks." It might show up on a list of simply iconic tracks in general, but not ever greatest soundtracks overall.

But as far as soundtracks, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim would be the top 3, in really any order. Fourth would be Fable and fifth is Journey. Every other game can line up after that.

>Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim would be the top 3
Sure thing, Todd.

>listen for a a few mins while jerking off
>song keeps getting better
>cum as the beat drops

Fire song, my man. I didn't know that game has such tunes

Why does everyone have such shit taste when it comes to game OSTs?

Whether you like TES in general or not, the music is great. This isnt a list of the best games, its soundtracks, Soule is fantastic.

>>Final Fantasy
Mah nigga. Just about every note in that ost has been with me for the past nearly 20 years.

Says a fucking socially-inept virgin weeb with shit taste in existence.

I'm sorry user that's just not very impressive. It's ok background music, certainly competently done. But it doesn't resonate and stand out, during the game the music itself never leapt out to me and it's not the sort of tracks where 10 or 20 years from now I could hear a snippet and instantly recognize it and be taken back to the game and those times of my life.

Please understand that saying "This isn't top 50 or top 100 of 35+ years of works worldwide" is NOT saying it's "bad". TLoU music isn't bad. But no, it doesn't belong on a top 50/100 OST list either.

>but literally no Mario game would ever be on a list of greatest "soundtracks."

I beg to differ the Super Mario Galaxy games have by far some of the best songs in the series. I'd agree that maybe it shouldn't be near the Top 20, but overall they have amazing music.

not even good bait. go back where you came from and stay there.

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have sex incel

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Want You Gone is unironically better

Absolutely garbage list. The complete lack of Masafumi Takada alone makes it worthless, pushing dogshit soundtracks like LoU makes it worse than worthless.

>Chrono Trigger, which is half plagiarized, as number 2
Robo's Theme aside, what exactly?

>sperg out about weebs unprovoked
This is how you know it's westcuck retards making this garbage

Not really. Skyrim's main theme is great, won't deny, the occasional track in Oblivion and Morrowind are good but nothing else is memorable. They do their job well enough but it's too generic medieval fantasy. The main theme for Oblivion is a near ripoff of Pirates of the Caribbean.

I agree and still it shouldn't be near the 100 at all.

Forgot about that track, goddamn. I still don't think it's no. 1 worthy.

True. The songs in Warioland 4 are nailed to be played with the stages, otherwise they kind of drag too much to be enjoyable as just music. Not to mention the music is dynamic to the power-ups in the game.

Max Payne deserve a spot.

>Little Nightmares, Spore, HL1

I take it back, after skimming through it for the first time in years, it can be no. 1 if it wants to be.

>Ace Combat
4 (Megalith -Agnus Dei- still blows my mind)
>Final Fantasy
7. sorry X friends
>Guilty Gear
galaxy 2
saga 1
ocarina of time

>Yea Forums has gone so far down the shitter they think boring flight sim music is good

You'll never get a wide diversity of people to ever agree on music. It's one of the art forms that people will most likely disagree. For example, I still stand by the idea that the most beautiful sound ever made is an orchestra tuning. That shit, for me, is the greatest sound mankind can produce. I can't really explain why, it's just what it is.

>no mention of Quake

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>no neo contra or shattered soldier
List is bullshit

You would have to define a genre to rank first, and it wouldn't be much relevant even then because music is almost entirely subjective. Not to mention how vidya has a wild range of approaches to music genre.

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>no Warcraft 3

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Literal Who boomer garbage, why are you surprised that it's not relevant enough to make these mainstream lists?

>during the game the music itself never leapt out to me
That was precisely the goal of the soundtrack, though: to be sparse and subtle and to accentuate rather than distract. Taking the "video game" part out of consideration when rating a "video game soundtrack" doesn't make any sense. You're looking at these as a standalone album of songs instead of as something that complements the atmosphere, immersion, gameplay, art design, and overall whole of the video game in which they're used.

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At least there's no U.N.Owen Was Her
Shanghai Tea is the best song in EoSD

Everybody talks about the cute girls but it's the music that made me the hardest

When you explore the sunken ship way at the beginning of the game and this track played you just know the entire soundtrack is going to be a delight

And then in the final cutscene when this track played with all that was going on was breathtaking, especially when 1:50 kicks in. rip pneuma

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>> 4 Megaman 2
What the fuck
Not even the best Megaman soundtrack

> 1. Billie Jean (GTA: Vice City)
> 2. Still Alive (Portal)
stopped reading there

blackpill time
Most of the good doom songs are stolen midis of rock and metal songs

>All this Touhou
>Almost exclusively EoSD
>No Voyage 1969

Fucking secondaries.

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Not that I completely disagree but that argument doesn't amount to much. That's like saying Avengers actually has a great soundtrack despite them being as generic as they can be but they serve their purpose, while everyone can hum just about any Star Wars song.
A good soundtrack doesn't mean that it just serves their purpose within the medium. It means that it can stand on its own merit. And Last Of Us, outside of the game, doesn't stand on its own merit.

>That was precisely the goal of the soundtrack, though: to be sparse and subtle and to accentuate rather than distract.
That's nice, but it doesn't make for an interesting soundtrack. There are some games where "the goal" would be to have most silence and nature sounds with maybe a bit of light flutework every once in a while and it'd "fit" perfectly. Doesn't mean it's a good soundtrack on a top soundtrack list.

>Taking the "video game" part out of consideration when rating a "video game soundtrack" doesn't make any sense.
No, it's the only way it makes sense. Not every good game leans on the soundtrack aspect. But lots of great games do. By your measure literally dead silence could be a "great soundtrack" if it fit the game.

>You're looking at these as a standalone album of songs instead of as something that complements the atmosphere, immersion, gameplay, art design, and overall whole of the video game in which they're used.
Wrong, all the good soundtracks complement the games they're in. It's just the soundtracks themselves are being called on as part of the emotion, atmosphere and immersion far more heavily. There is nothing wrong per se with depending more on visuals and such and having the sound be minimal and background, but such a game doesn't deserve to be on a soundtrack list vs equally good games that use the music much more dynamically.

Again, this isn't a "wholistic top game list". There are lots of those too.

Because MUH WILY CASTLE 1. Megaman 3 and 9 overall have way better soundtracks.

And that's exactly why they're good

Terrible. There should be a condition of no licensed music, otherwise most of Brutal Legend would be on here, or any game that has classical music.

t. brain fucked by memes

Right. Measure of a great soundtrack is if someone can hear a song years/decades later and be transported right back to the game, if the music itself both worked in the game and evokes memories. It's audio activating visual portions of your brain, you hear it and it all comes flooding back.

Micheal Jackson is my favorite musician

But putting him in a video game music list is unfair. now you have to include every licensed irl song to ever be in a video game. Fuck them.

Least they could have done was Ice Cap Zone instead, fucks.

>No Ace Combat

Even AC:AH had a great soundtrack

>There should be a condition of no licensed music
yeah that should be absolutely bare minimum condition for a "videogame soundtrack list" or what's the fucking point, yes faggots we know bach and beethoven are still amazing centuries later

What's some top tier YOOOOOOOO bait?

I gotta double down with the anons going with SMT. Absolutely fantastic songs from the series. I generally don't even like the Persona ones. - Reunion With Master - Reincarnation - Recovery Spring

Another series I didn't even see mentioned is Suikoden which absolutely nails some songs with its mood and tone in game. - Scar of Destruction (Suikoden V) - Rune of Punishment (Suikoden IV)

Finally, everyone forgets Golden Sun. Some of the best music you can find in an RPG at all levels - in battle, on the overworld, when you enter towns, everywhere. It's all memorable. Walking Forward with Determination The Elemental Stars Isaac's Theme

I love this particular glitch, because you think you are looking at an ass but no, its a confused anime girl, this is what makes it good

Exactly. If we say licensed music is allowed than it's likely that any list is not going to have actual vidya music.

Having just replayed them all, if you forced me to put one of the big 3 Sony survival/adventure/open world series on a soundtrack list user (I wouldn't otherwise) I'd probably lean towards HZD and then Dad of War before getting to TLoU. They both meet your criteria of meeting "the goals of the soundtrack" too except then do better on their own or for mood too.

>If we say licensed music is allowed than it's likely that any list is not going to have actual vidya music.
well probably enough of us neckbeards who would actually choose vidya music over a lot of "classic" stuff that something might make it in but mostly yeah

#1 isn't a SNK game so it's void

Best soundtrack is Nier Automata, and the second best OST isn’t even close.

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Exactly. If I can just put the soundtrack and enjoy it for what it is, that's good. If I have to be playing the game to enjoy it, that's not bad since it's doing its job, it's just not great.
It's actually my biggest complain for the new God of War. It's decent, it sets the mood but I'll always come back to those iconic choirs from the first God of War.

Ace Combat
Final Fantasy
Guilty Gear

should also include
Mana series
Shin Megami/Persona series (maybe those should count separately)
something from NIS (Disgaea, Phantom Brave, whatever)
sommething from CAVE (Espgaluda, DoDonPachi, something)

if we touch on VNs that's another big expansion, tho queue debate on whether they count as vidya.

If everything was allowed I'd end up trying to find games that have classical songs, since those stood the test of time. You'd need to very blatantly say "No licensed music allowed, only music that was made specifically for the game"

Okami is the definitive YOOOOOOOO soundtrack

>It's actually my biggest complain for the new God of War. It's decent, it sets the mood but I'll always come back to those iconic choirs from the first God of War.
Yeah, I just take that as another part of the series changing to just be comfortable as a "cinematic experience", and I don't mean that in a negative way even. GoW1 was the pinnacle of the most fun gameplay as a "DMC lite" type of thing and really nailed the greek feel, not merely in setting but in the whole cycle and arc. But then they started trying to have things all over in HD, GoW3 was this awkward hybrid that didn't really do anything right. GoW4 was genuinely enjoyable overall, just not as its own thing and the music is like that too I guess, it was a good match for what you were seeing like a well made hollywood flick but can't evoke things on its own really, whereas what you linked immediately brought me back to the moment on the cliff and "the gods of olympus have forsaken me."

very nice
now I want to play okami again

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I'm such a sucker for even minimal dynamism in great music matching gameplay. I still remember the moment after going to the past and helping the ancestor begin it all and confidently using your brush at the key perfect moment you'd built up to the whole game and then literally The Time Has Come

pure kino

god me too.
>I'll have to face this faggot again for the 100 bead
>it's just a few extra taps bro haha

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It's a shame really. Even in movies it seems like they're afraid to just have a good song play out or they use so much temporary music during editing that when it comes to actually using proper music, they end up not going for it.
This is a great video of what I mean.

A soundtrack designed to be heard while playing a video game cannot be accurately judged outside of that context. It's literally not designed to "work on its own," and any argument to be had at that point is just a pointless, shallow exchange of "this piece of music is better than this other piece of music because I personally like it more." You might as well try to debate what is the best layer in painting, or the best word in literature. This is meaningless without context.

>was about to finally get around to bloodborne for the first time
>now I'll just replay okami in HD for the first time instead
t-thanks tho I heard they removed all credits to clover in later versions which if true will make me hate capcom all over again

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Good soundtracks can work on their own. They both serve the mood of the game as well as being able to be listened by itself.
I won't fault a musician for simply doing its job and making a song that fits the mood of that particular area, but no one outside of that will enjoy it.
While I can listen to Silent Hill's soundtrack for a week straight and never stop enjoying it.

Halo CE being on the list but not 3 or ODST is all the evidence you need to know the author doesn't know shit

The game is pretty meh but ost is fucking amazing. Yes, in both of them.

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>No Killer Instinct 64 soundtrack
List is trash

Megaman X? Nobody?

>5 - Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon
Finally some goddamn taste

>No Doom
>actual gamers

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No because I prefer my vidya compositions to be more dynamic, like Doom 4/Eternal's, or Payday 2, shit like that. My taste is more varied than shooters, those are just examples that come to mind. Tracks that don't react to your actions can be great, but will just never compare.

>A soundtrack designed to be heard while playing a video game cannot be accurately judged outside of that context
Then it doesn't belong in a thread devoted to soundtracks that are both designed to be heard while playing a video game AND stand alone as symbols of the game, just like a screenshot or character design.

>You might as well try to debate what is the best layer in painting, or the best word in literature
user you are really confused here, these are not equivalent. A game is complex multimedia composite made up of subelements that are ALSO complex, getting as reductionist as you say is like talking about "the best C note". The equivalent for painting would be like "What painting has the best human face" or "the best animal" or "most evocative night sky". Lots of fantastic paintings don't have any of these things, but that doesn't mean someone couldn't be interested in one of these elements specifically.

Maybe it'd help you if you switched gears to another element of vidya, like gameplay or graphics. A "top 50 best gameplay" or "top 50 best graphics" list would look dramatically different from these ones, because different devs utilize subelements in different ways and to different extents. Would you be here arguing that we couldn't say Dwarf Fortress shouldn't be on a Top 50 Best Graphics because "the ASCII art is designed to be seen while playing and cannot be accurately judged outside of that context"? Do you see how silly that is? Or how about Touhou? Arguably in both cases the very minimalness has been a great aid in "fans create their own stories and interpretations", but that doesn't mean they have "great graphics" ffs.

>Ctrl+f "ace c-"
>44 results

I don't even care about that shitty list but that's all that matters.

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reactive soundtracks are one of my favorite things ever but
>will just never compare
even for shooters I just cannot put doom 4/eternal above deus ex user.

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Music can definitely be judged outside of context, user. There are tons of Vidya that hit really strong OSTs, regardless of being in context or out of it.

>no splatoon(1)

user if you're looking for a "wholistic look at the entire game" you just fucking want a PLAIN OLD TOP GAMES LIST. Shit there is no shortage of that, and "how the sound mixes in in context" is a totally valid criteria there..

>9 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Nope that's just plainly wrong.

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Pretty bad all around.
One of the worst lists I've ever seen.

didn't list chu chu rocket their best OST

We're gonna make it bros

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absolutely fucking based and the only redpilled post in this thread

anyone remember lufia 2? soundtrack wasn't the greatest overall and it gets lost amongst other snes jrpg titans but one of the battle themes has always stuck with me


discarded lol

IDk man.
I'd put windwaker right up there with it.
kiji kondo really is a music god.

>the last of us
>red dead re
>fallout 3
>best game soundtracks
What is this.

Not my favourite but it's very likely it would be on a top 100 list.

You've never heard a good soundtrack in your life if you think that's a good soundtrack.

For a change of pace, MMOs are mostly all shit but Garanado Espada at least wasn't yet another fantasy and some of the soundtrack was pretty great.

>no The World Ends with You
>no Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
>no Metal Gear Rising
>no Persona
>no SMT
>no Blazblue
>no Danganronpa
>no Fire Emblem
>no Ace Combat
>no Xenoblade
>no Jet Set Radio
>no NieR
>no Mother 3/Earthbound
>no Guilty Gear
>no Kingdom Hearts

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I don't understand why he was so gung ho about it. I mean, it was "good" in that yeah nothing wrong with it, a few decent spots, and it fits the game ok, but it's nothing inspiring either.

I actually really hate to throw around the "you must be young" shit, it's way overdone and often wrong or meaningless. But in this case I wonder, because I thought TLoU was fine, I was glad I played it, but looking back over my 30 years of vidya it really doesn't stand out that much and the soundtrack definitely doesn't even register beyond "competent". Which often is fine, I don't expect every game or show or whatever to nail that anymore then anything else. But there are tons of games with competent mood music, and more variety too.

all those are shit, kill yourself weeb

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stand aside for the true #1 ya fucking plebs

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Add in some RTS, what about Starcraft or Warcraft or Command & Conquer? No real effort went into that list it was just like "whatever you remember lol"

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>ctrl-f panzer
>0 results
I know it's a dead series

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vtmb's score is great

>Ace Combat
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner
maximum faggotry

smb 3, world and most of all 64 had waaay better music.
hell, metroid 1 had better music.
>WW below SMB64

Would normally agree, especially since FF is a shit series overall but FFCC had a very consistent soundtrack adhering to a folk/celtic theme. nor dramatic latin chanting shit from that one winged one trick hack this time.
Shit felt so out of place in brawl.

>click generator bullshit
If it was being more genuine then nintendo games would be all the top, with multiple zelda games.
it'd be the same popular obvious crap so they had to walk on egshells and include other stuff for diversity and fairness.

I'm almost positive Deus Ex does a similar thing, just not as refined. Good fuckin' taste though dude.

>All FF's music has no identity
What the shit dose that even mean? They're full of character and most are very recognizable. I can hear FF7's main theme and Sephiroth's in my head on command and I haven't touched the game in like 15 years.

can we include something from type moon? even if you don't count vns they've had psp vidya

What a legitimately shit list.
The Sense of foreboding this theme gives is amazing, I wouldn't call this the greatest piece from any game but to dismiss it is to acknowledge that you are partially retarded, it is not only a good listen but it's relevant to the core themes and narrative of the game. The rest of the soundtrack has good tracks too.
Sonic Mania's feels perfectly natural, as if it was made in the 90s and locked away, and then touched up for a release in the late 2010s, and this is true of every single aspect of the game including it's amazing soundtrack.
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodline's soundtrack is good, it perfectly encapsulates the games atmosphere, and manages to be good for a listen to just by itself, this is almost always a rarity for story driven western games.
The soundtrack for Arcanum is done entirely with a string quartet, but with such a small range it manages to suit all the situations found throughout the game, while not one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, it's better than a vast majority of the trash on that list.
Motoi Sakuraba is a composer who receives nowhere near the recognition for his excellent work, the most praise I've ever seen for him has been for his work on the souls series, and it's legitimately the worst of his work I've heard.
Baten Kaitos Origins, and Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, both have stellar soundtracks that will never receive the recognition they deserve, entirely due to how niche the titles themselves are. Monolith have mentioned a desire to return to the series, real shame that Bamco own the IP.

end your life zoomer

>Journey #18
>No Gitaroo Man
>Chrono Trigger #2
>Not Chrono Cross
Confirmed for not knowing shit about vidya OSTs, holy fucking shit fuck

CC had one of the greatest OSTs of all time but I'd still have to think hard about whether to still put CT higher. Strong arguments both ways.

>surprised its good
>composed by david wise
pick one. david wise is based af

I thought it was generally agreed that while CC is undeniably the inferior game, it has a better OST than CT

>ace combat
Sure fire way to tell when someone has never played it.

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Here's OP's list

That and calling it a simulator. Those are the two.

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I've always seen it in discussions as it being more complicated. CC is godly at its orchestral usage, and it has depth in many songs that CT doesn't. But CT had a wider range of in-game settings and the music matched that well, more variety and some of the most iconic core melodies ever.

Personally I genuinely just consider them both 10/10s with different strengths, I cannot choose. I think of one song and it's like "yeah that one puts it over the top" but then I think of another in the other OST that flips the balance again. Feelings like the hydra from CC and the sheer ambience is amazing, yet then Schala's Theme or To Far Away Times comes to mind and I can play the entire damn thing in my head. Granted I liked both games too.


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Apotheosis is smooth hot chocolate to my ears

It's not even top 100 material. There are NES games with better soundtracks.

I suppose you're right, given that the game is a combination of brick-throwing simulator and press X to Jason.


>Wild Arms
>Trauma Team
>Ace Combat
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Some fucking stellar taste.

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>modern western music
What soibois were behind this list?
Why are there so many sissy faggots in videogames?

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Baroque may not be the best game but it is fucking insane and I respect it for that.

Terranigma has the best soundtrack in the entire SNES library, prove me wrong.

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everyone knows ff6 will always be king you dont need to try to be cool with some second string obscure game no one has played

just googled it because this is the first game in a while that I've never heard of, had a really really nice OST. Ty for showing me user :)

FF6's OST isn't even as good as FF5's. FF3 actually has my favorite soundtrack of the series, but that's not a very popular opinion.

>It's a "Game will have 10/10 soundtrack" episode

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What are they up to these days? The newest games I've played with Zuntata music are Wizrogue and Dariusburst.

idk why so many people like ff6 ost. feels like uematsu really gave up on the snes at that point.

Ocarina of Time is a great game, but best music? Nah.

whats up with Yea Forums hating quieter, more instrumentally sparse soundtracks? everything getting praised ITT is max volume hyper energetic bombastic 100% of the game.

Because energetic music is easier to remember and grow an attachement for since it accompanies gameplay-heavy moments in a game, such as hard platforming sections, hard schmups or boss fights. Doesn't mean that calmer songs are bad, but they really need to be catchy and with really good instrumental to be mentioned and be considered as memorable. Super Mario Galaxy's Observatory always comes to mind when we talk about more quieter songs, along many of the stratum songs in the Etrian Odyssey series:

based and yspilled

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>SMB1 that high
>with having all of 5 songs
>one that's a 5 second loop and another that's a 10 second loop

Why do people put shit like this so high?

>whats up with Yea Forums hating quieter, more instrumentally sparse soundtracks? everything getting praised ITT is max volume hyper energetic bombastic 100% of the game.
But that's literally not the case you dumb faggot. Thread is full of games that have quieter and more atmospheric music.

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>just googled it because this is the first game in a while that I've never heard of, had a really really nice OST. Ty for showing me user :)
You're welcome. Panzer Dragoon was a pretty great series overall. It's too bad the final one was on the Xbox HUEG and thus even more obscure then it might have been otherwise and never got a port to something more modern, it's a pretty fun game.

>no nier or nier:automata
What a joke of a list.

neither of those are quiet at all. they're just as dense and loud, just a bit slower.

Now we're talking

>no ape escape

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What do you consider quiet?

>Ffxiv not objectively being the best soundtrack
Okay, now I know this is bullshit.

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Because it had a few good vocal tracks and that makes it amazing apparently

Halo has some amazing music, which pretty much carried the series. I don't think it would be anywhere near as popular without it.

Probably because the Falcom Sound Team are leading in the field and are the ones that inspired the majority of the Japanese soundtracks on every one of these lists?

It's not the best soundtrack and definitely has some weak songs, but it's still one of my favorites. It's really unique in just how tense the majority of it feels.
The opening theme and ending theme are my favorite parts, though.
The ending theme in particular never fails to send chills down my spine at the finale.

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where kirby

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I can't even remember RE4 having music

*angry xylophones at u*

Post 10 examples why ico has best music

Really? Fucking Tetris?

>original super mario bros
>last of us
>>>last of us
>>>>last of us at number 3 what the FUCK
>chrono meme
jesus fucking christ

>no kirby
>no hotline miami
>no tf2

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ICO good, Shadow better. But they're also entirely different themes and scopes.

1. Shadow of the Colossus
2. Ico
3. Journey
4. Chrono Cross
5. Dunno.

Don't be that fag

If you dislike Chrono Cross' OST, nobody who's heard it would ever take your opinion on music seriously

>my generic jrpg shit is good guys, i swear

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What the fuck? Shit was instantly forgettable.

Post vidya music you like so your bad opinion can be redeemed

He just said he only likes western garbage, so he'll just post either
>generic orchestrated music
>music blatantly copying Japanese OST styles
>Deus Ex

Oh one of those lmao
>JRPGs are shit
ya they bore me now, but the music in Cross and Trigger fit the gameplay, environments and story very well; and Cross' OST is well orchestrated, so it's a good lsiten outside the context of the game.

The major downside of Cross' OST is the length of most of the tracks. Way too short, and some of their loops makes them repetitive.

>but damn the halo theme is really good guys

>nothing from Jesper Kyd on the list

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Which website is this?

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As if anybody else, let alone a hack critic or journalist, is ever going to tell me what music is good. Rankings are such a waste.
Fuck you, have some evil bagpipes.

>Sega games
>No Burning Rangers
How did you forget about these??

Unironically Persona 5's soundtrack is perfect to me. It's calming or intense and upbeat when it needs to be, the songs are catchy as all fuck and it really suits the aesthetic of the game so perfectly it makes replaying the game a joy.

I'm not a big music lover either so I normally don't remember videogame music very often.


fucking THIS

Edgelord outcast special nigger behavior like this will not be tolerated

Nah, these are better.

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