Name a better unit in a RTS than the Mangudai. you can't btw

name a better unit in a RTS than the Mangudai. you can't btw

Attached: manguydais.png (400x251, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mamluk horse archer m2tw

Name a more over rated rts than this you can't btw

Zoom zoom so dum-dum.

no fair, ded genre

>stomps in your way

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>that's a nice sea-side city you've got there...

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Stronghold Crusader

>worships babies first rts
>calls me a zoomer

>blows up your entire army

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aww the zoomer got all defensive. What a cute little baby!

Where's the argument? How are those related?

this but unironically
cool castle building, awful combat

Cybran fucking shits

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>no u
Wow got me

Teutonic Knight

*Steals your buffs*
*Steals your summoned troops*
*Turns your mana from a valuable resource to a disadvantage*
>*Resists all your spells*
Well that was easy

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>watch gud people play
>no infantry except 3militia for drush and then only pikes and eagles
So many cool units that never get used

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Nothing personal

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Son of Osiris

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I liked the unit but honestly the kirov is shit. Its got the slowest fucking movement speed ever, can only attack units directly below it costs way too much for something conscripts could do.


noob af

For the longest time I was winning against my friends who were as bad as me by ignoring the artillery almost altogether and massing melee and archers. Needless to say, I was wrecked by any decent myth veteran, who could just dance around me doing fucking trick shots with the grenades all day.

The virgin AoE2 chanting vs The Chad AoE W O L O L O

this lil fucker

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*destroy your path and demolish you from fog of war*

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Are Mongols still one of the best civs in the game?


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asian civs with gunpowder technology were always the comfier ones

-Fast start (they hunt fast as fuck)
-All siege tech, and 50% faster siege (this is broken)
-Mangudai (mangudais kills everything fast, including cavalry and siege, the two weakness of archer units. And they moves fast too)

yeah, why not

Franks are now. They get two eco bonuses from their civ and cavalry will always be the best along with having trash options

Congratulations, you've figured out why "pro gaming" is the cancer that's killing the "hey, guys, wouldn't X be cool?" aspect of video games.

They could have just buffed the infantry, though.
It works in AoM.

Considering FoW is permanently cleared it's not that bad, but the computer player not having FoW at all makes for a shitty experience, indeed.

I was talking about the concept in general. "Professional gamers" lead to muh meta, which in turn leads to essentially 10% of the game remaining truly relevant as far as MP is concerned.


The thing about muh meta in most multiplayer games like rts is that its always 1v1, like on AoE2 its always based around muh 1v1 arabia no items fox only scenarios

Some civs dont cut it for those type of games, and theyre considered low tier or whatever because all these pro gamers dont play a lot of team games on different types of maps

Blizzard handles it with Starcraft, though.
Also, AoM seems to have rather diverse gameplay, even on top. Some gods get picked more often, but it's not like everyone goes for the same shit every time.
And even AoE 2 has different tactics for different civs. It's just that they almost never include shit like infantry, petards or scorpions.

They're up there. Franks and Slavs apparently wreck in 1v1s among average players but mongols are consistently top tier and the pro players all love to play them in tournaments.

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>Blizzard handles it with Starcraft, though
by simplifying the game to the point where it isn't interesting UNLESS you're playing competitively.
an RTS can and should be more than that

>he doesn't blob scorps in 1v1 Black Forrest
>he doesn't petard snipe in regicide
I'll grant you the pros never bother to play regicide because the king messes with their APM though.

they were nerfed into the ground in the hd edition on steam, rightfully so, and I say that as a former Mongols main, they were absolutely fucking stupid for many reasons that aren't apparent just looking at the unit stats, reasons the average player will never realize

>Blizzard handles it with Starcraft, though.
Rather poorly, unfortunately. If player involvement boils down to transitioning from phase 1 of build order X to phase 2 of build order Y or phase 2 of build order Z, then it's a not very good strategy game. Forge-fast-expand, hatch-first-something-all-in (stopped caring a long time ago, I hope you can forgive me for not knowing the latest and hottest mantras or blissfully forgetting the old ones), blah-blah-blah. I don't want to watch or, worse yet, aspire to become one of the biorobots who compete in which can execute one of the memorized routines the fastest.
Also discussions involving this game often attract the lowest of the low tier scum, so I won't risk mentioning it further.

cataphracts or tarkans desu

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dark age being figured out to a formula is far worse than anything in any blizzard game

what rts have been released in the last decade? i'm actually quite enjoying halo wars 2 though the unit collision can be a pain

>If player involvement boils down to transitioning from phase 1 of build order X to phase 2 of build order Y or phase 2 of build order Z, then it's a not very good strategy game.
If there are many cookie cutters to choose from, it's already something.
It's a heavily played game, it's expected that the locally optimal tactics will be found fast.
>Also discussions involving this game often attract the lowest of the low tier scum
Badplayers or bad people? E-celeb tier or worse? /pol/ tier? I won't believe they're Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /fit/ tier bad.

>a fucking hussar with extra building damage
Huns are pretty based but tarkans are only ever useful for trying to faceroll a badly defended base.
Cataphracts are beast tho. Halbardier-resistant cavalry lmao

You didn't even post the best unit in aoe2
>This guy slaps your Mangudai's ass
>He has Anarchy, maxed pierce and 10 barracks built just outside your fog of war.
what do?

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any blizzard rts

To be fair, petards aren't generally useful unless you're really willing to sacrifice cost-effectiveness for a break in the opponent's tempo.


spam pikes and skirms out of your own barracks until he runs out of gold like an idiot

I don't get these threads, have any of you ever played a game above the starting elo? any unit that costs gold is horrible late game, it's one of the biggest weaknesses of competitive AoE

Fully upgraded Aztec Monk.

But why can't they be?
They're really bad for some reason. Why haven't the devs decided to make them do something worthwhile?

If you can get a good huscarl spam going from your barracks you can easily faceroll trash spam. Huscarls train insanely fast and way outclass your pikes. Skirms would also be hitting for only 1 damage so they'd be worthless since you can't outspam huscarls.

C&C Generals
Humvee here
I've got room for five

>spam pikes and skirms out of your own barracks
but user Goths can do that too and mangudais cost almost 3 times as much gold whilst getting directly countered by them.

magyar haszur best cav unit
they also get good paladins and bitching cav archers

If someone made this and it's uncontested then you basicly lost the game. Just GG now.
Unless you have acess to your enemy base via land there's no way your going to do significant damage. Even then your fucking bases are fucked and you've got nothing that can effectively take that down.

Teutonic knights.

Imagine being infantrylet...

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>But why can't they be?
Make a unit too generally useful and you get shit like Brawl Meta Knight or 1v1 Arabia mangudai
petards really could use more of a buff though, they're by far the worst suicide units in an RTS that I've played
>Why haven't the devs decided to make them do something worthwhile?
>implying tempo breaks aren't worthwhile
They also got a bit cheaper in the new expansions, but they're still far behind their explosive compatriots in other RTS games.

*kills an entire rifleman squad in seconds*

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This is the big problem I see with multiplayer RTS, or indeed most kinds of multiplayer where there exists "variance" on what playstyle or character build you can go for.
I think in my mind the best multiplayer environment is one where the are people that are great at the game, but nobody is QUITE great enough to figure out what the optimal number-crunching 10/10 super strategy is, so that everybody plays in diverse ways.

Is this the strategy game thread? The spiritual successor to Majesty is out, and it's bretty gud.

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But do they have tax collectors?

sup bitches

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>reasons the average player will never realize

>mfw baiting one into range of an anti-tank cannon

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>locks on you thanks to advanced radar tower
Nuffin personnel, kiddo.

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>mfw double Defensive veterancy
oh sorry that shot missed :^)

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Now I'm reminded about that video with a Doomsday wrecking shit non-stop for like 15 minutes or so.

have a nice monkeylord video instead

the fug are these

No, for better or worse.

The Fatboy is a castle-sized amphibious tank with multiple warship guns mounted on it that also has an internal factory capable of building and repairing smaller, regular-sized tanks. It may also be able to serve as a refueling platform for aircraft but I'm not 100% certain on that.
The other one is a retarded-looking spidertank boat maybe by dumb and smelly space communists.
Play Supreme Commander, user.

>have a nice monkeylord video instead

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Conquistadors are the best unit

Eh, I see it's on Steam, too busy with work these days, might give it a go during summer.
Time to go to bed.
Good-night, Yea Forums

Yea Forums's kindergarten level understanding of rts will never not baffle me

Have none of you ever gotten out of bronze?

>*Resists all your spells*
The Blood Elf Spellbreaker doesn't resist spells, he's IMMUNE to all negative spells.

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I played sup com 2 and felt it was legos and sucked ass. is the original one that much better?

Don't tell me how to live my life cunt.

Oh you poor user. Do yourself a favor, play the first one, it's like light and day. Be sure to start with the base game, too, it has a different campaign from the expansion, which is standalone.


Yes. Supcom 2 is like star wars with no war, or Terminator with no terminations.

Awesome, will do

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Go Jap champs, or Malay Two-handed swordsman then

Playing a second game in a "series" is generally a bad idea. SupCom is good, SupCom 2 is something the fans pretend doesn't exist.

>name a better unit

Meant to say "starting with the second game in a series".

Poor guy probably can't wrangle new players anymore ever since getting popular.

I haven't seen anyone pull off successful jap champ anything.
I've seen malay 2h in trash war stage.

I'd prefer it if it was more like archers: both skirmishers and archers do exist and actually are used.

>tfw only 800 rank on forged alliance

>thinking that pointy bois can handle mangudais
surely you jest

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Starcraft 2 and Brood War and Red Alert 2
Supreme Commander 1 is way better than 2 in almost every way. Play the Forged Alliance campaign and you'll see why. The scale of war is wayyyyy bigger than SC2 and the economy isn't shit. Experimentals in SC1 are much more expensive than T3, but much more epic as well. Seriously, get it right now

My highest rating was 1700. Haven't played FAF in 2 years. Cybran is no longer OP af from what I've read.

Pretty impressive. I only started playing recently. I played a bit of Total Annihilation in the past. Still not having a proper feeling for for the supcom economy yet.

>admits meta changes
>still cries it's not strategic enough
someone won last night with greater spire play

While you ARE correct, thats a hero unit restricted to campaign and custom maps. I'm going to disregard that answer just because I want the discussion to be more about units you can utilize in standard games.

Ajax is the absolute madman, based as fuck in the campaign and above his power curve whenever he's available

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>jap champ
desu it's the best trash shredder, but dies fast to arbs
Infantry just isn't as viable when archers and horse archers are more efficient at taking engagements and raiding.

The problem isn't pros. It's for everyone, that infantry was more popular when lag was more prevalent and micro less viable.

>trying to outspam goths
>with halbs and skirms

yeah good luck with that

I wasn't amazed with Company of Heroes 2 like I was with 1 but I think it was pretty okay. I liked spamming russian infantry into MG fire while doing the hurrah charge. Something very satisfying about that.

You rush the Goth player before it enters Zerg rush mode.

Son of Osiris is a god power though

Hands off my homeboy, bitch-ass nigga

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>knights of the holy roman empire
>defending the mongols
is this supposed to be a joke?

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You won't even get 5 Teutonic knights out in the time he hits you with 60 huscarls though.

>10+x armor
is the cloak really that good

they're afraid to hit her because of the social implications

no, german lolis are just that strong. That's why only Saracen dick is strong enough to satisfy them

Don't mind me, just being a better Teutonic Knight with the speed of cavalry.

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>*halberds u*

We shared common things, such as hating Muslims and everyone else in between. They attack Baghdad while we strike for Alexandria. Had logistics been better back then and King Louis didn't die of illness in the 7th (8th?) crusade, The Mongol horde may have found companionship rather than rivalry and perhaps may even have adopted the light of Christ as well

All you need are 5 Teutons :^)

Halberds and camels are nowhere near as bad as being weak to all ranged units tbqh

>Teutonic Knight that trades some stats for movement speed
>can retreat properly
>the perfect meat shield against melee
based Boyar

I'm really surprised the AoE2 HD expansions actually turned out well, just as weird as AoK and Conquerors, too.

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>Brute-forces through your strength

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Handcannoneers and Huscarls counter each other, though.

PE was such a fun faction
>booby trap everything
>snubby panzer IV to deal with infantry spam
>raising vehicles back from the death
>the AT halftrack that became basically a sniper against infantry with the take aim active

The counter bonus against infantry is a nice bonus in addition to the already armor-piercing capability of their guns. Janissaries without their bonus aren't far behind in terms of damage throughput.

i-i like cataphracts. i just like how they trample shit and how they look. plus the byzantine start game sound clip is easiest the best in game.

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this, I really love them. Don't forget Panther Battle group for 1000 manpower and Hummel arty that one shot most units across the map

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It sure is awkward to suddenly take a lot of damage from archers when you are used to knights, though.

>go cav
>enemy pulls pikes
>too expensive for you to retech
>go cataphract
>pikefag can't understand why he is getting fucked by your cav

but user....

Ethiopian is best.

>just retreat them and make some knights
cavalry always has the tactical advantage, unless you're cornered or tryint to defend without any defensive buildings

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Use the Cataphract Reskin.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend

in Age of Empire 2 the Saracen Mameluke beats every other unit in the game in gold efficiency if you do minimal micro-management (attacking and retreating)

looks nice. link?
sorry dude, doesn't top this;

That’s a weird way of saying he bomb truck from C&C generals

Why do you say auccessor to majesty when i see some floating islands shit? Where is the majesty in this????????

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Son of Osiris

Canadian Laser Bear

Are there any good graphics mods for Age of Empires II? I remember using one in the past, but it was never updated. It have way cooler-looking knights than the vanilla game.

Based. I played through the whole campaign on expert doing this, it's a shit load of fun. Nothing but conscripts, courage and stolen German weapons between you and defeat.

Nothing stops the mail

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>Can literally create them instantly after researching the French home city techs
>They deal massive trample damage
>Pikemen are useless against them
About the only thing that can counter them are Doppelsoldners.

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Absolutely based.
>this isn't the first post
>not even second post
>more than 10 posts before it was posted
Has Yea Forums finally reached its peak of cringe and bluepillednees?

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Imagine playing the Britons against the goths.

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Thank you user!

The fact that Kirov didn't immediately jump to my mind the moment the thread started makes me feel ashamed of myself.

i played supcom forged alliance and hated it. like the other user, it felt like playing with legos. nothing seemed to matter since every unit was so tiny and spammable. idk maybe i played it wrong. i played the coop with 3 other buddies too.

>Also discussions involving this game often attract the lowest of the low tier scum
Like a clockwork.

RTS is by far the most hardcore genre out there, what did you expect?

>nothing seemed to matter since every unit was so tiny and spammable.
As opposed to what? Every unit having at least two manual abilities?

It's true that regular infantry aren't used too much, but I've seen them. Just about every unit in AoE2 has a use.

Mammoth tank, user.

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Not true, a lot of pros chose Regicide Arabia as their home map in Hidden Cup 2.

Heh..... Thought you had me there for a second kid

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You mean the same unit that dies to a single missile squad if you keep moving it away after each volley?

Does anyone remember this gem? Used to play the SHIT outta this. Too bad I never got to play Multiplayer.

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Star craft
Command and conquer
Heros of might and magic

Unit Reporting

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What RTSes will satisfy my autistic desire to build a functional and aesthetically pleasing base?

I’ve heard good things about Stronghold 1 and Ymir

Is that 7th Legion? I remember frustrating me to no end so I just gave up. I think it was too buggy, probably even crashing often. It was a long time ago.

Ready to sting

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Pic related. Also Submarine Titans to a lesser extent, I guess.

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Yeah. It is admittedly buggy and quite frankly broken, but it's playable. It has a lot of kick ass things about it though, like the campaign, the soundtrack, and its card system (which is imbalanced as fuck, but since this is pretty much a singleplayer exclusive game nowadays, it doesn't really matter).

Mmmm drobes

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>but since this is pretty much a singleplayer exclusive game nowadays, it doesn't really matter
IPX? I bet I could set it up under a VM and then route it through a host's VPN either way.

No idea. I don't usually play older games online, and when I do, I use Gameranger. Doesn't seem like it supports it, though.

Goon is better

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Regular infantry are mostly used for securing feudal aggression (they're the only feudal military units that hurt buildings much) and then they come into late game as an answer to trash.

If you want to make good use of basic infantry, try out malians and their pseudo huskarls.

Petards are useful for one thing: lightning fast breaches. Send a bunch of petards at your enemy's gates and walls and just demolish them all at once in an eyeblink so you can pour your troops in and take out his other defences before your opponent can muster a response.

Armageddon is here

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Zoomer pls

What's your favourite post-Conquerors civ? Mine is Malians. Love their extremely flexible bonuses.

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Lol. I'll make you waste your gold on petards to waste on my cheap units.

This, Pertards are really good with Cavalry so you can hide the horses outside of the enemy's range and then quickly get in

you take that back

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Why do you reply to blatant bait?

The first AoE had the best cheat units hands down desu
The cobra car is just lame in comparison.

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>sup com 2
One of the most disgusting and depressing examples of WE WANT THE ACTIBLIZZ MASS AUDIENCE in vidya history. Yes, even more then all the endless le wow killahs.

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You're right I can't there is no unit here after all haha you all come right on through it's fine

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A new comrade joins us.

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the fuck are you going on about

>I liked the unit but honestly the kirov is shit. Its got the slowest fucking movement speed ever, can only attack units directly below it costs way too much for something conscripts could do.
seriously it's cool but nearly worthless in actual play except maybe dicking around with the ai and even then I rarely bothered

>max damage of units is 13
>deal 40

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

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They solve EVERYTHING!

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Yuri was based. There was a lot of potential for more unique units with that faction. Some people acclaim Mental Omega, but I feel like it homogenizes a lot of things between the factions.

They dissolve everything too. Trust me.