>game has overly difficult boss battles
Game has overly difficult boss battles
Other urls found in this thread:
>you can't win
That sounds like a challenge.
>even if you fight you can't win
Is that a challenge?
>boss battle is a scripted loss
>Level 5 Goose
Always gets me
It's probably just a weird translation, but if you did, people are gonna look at you weird for beating up a monkey and probably cry animal cruelty, that's hardly winning imo.
What's your point old chap?
If Bullfights were actually performed by bare handed men against full health bulls I'd voach for them, it would be the raddest things.
>you can fight the ng+ boss on a fresh playthrough
Brits can't even handle a level 5 goose, those should be a walk in the park compared to level 20 bears.
>level 20 bears
It's easy to cheese the goose, you just stay at the gate and spam acid attacks
You can just bait the goose into attacking you and retreat because he can't go through the door, but I don't know if that works after the patch
>game doesn't let you fight in the insides of buildings.
Now that's a relief
Oh thank goodness these waters are safe to swim in because there aren't any crocodiles!
>Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.jpg
Acid attacks are only available to the paki class though
>sign telling crocodiles not to swim there
Can crocodiles even read?
>optional minibosses
Damn that goose must have grinded some toddlers to get to level 5
This always sounded more like a racist proclamation more than anything
>Fuck off you scaled subhumans we don't serve your kind here
Japanese is truly a beautiful language.
Does that mean they card any white person that walks in?
A better time. A simpler time.
I still find it so hard to imagine that there was a time where saying "Whites only" was allowed in America.
And now it's starting to flip to other side where now you hear people say "whites aren't allowed here" and "fuck white people they must go extinct" and nobody bats an eye. People as a group don't have a fucking clue on how to solve problems I guess
>dont throw trash here in nip
>tell the americans just not to be stupid
bless them
This is usually for businesses that are advertising themselves as "health clinics" that engage in prostitution on the side, right?
Isn't that sign a little redundant?
Now I want to fight a monkey.
Go to South Africa dude, you'll have a fit
That one is completely justified though, underwater caves are deadlier than you think.
You wouldn't put such ominous sign if you weren't hiding something.
>"fuck white people they must go extinct" and nobody bats an eye
>things that don't happen
>high level zone.
I find it hard to imagine how fucking stupid they must have been to stop doing that.
Just shoot the fucking thing
I'll get that skelly gold yet
It literally happens. Now more so than ever before.
Not him, but have you perchance seen Twitter? Hostility toward white people (justly or unjustly due) isn’t even blinked at. They’ve even conviently redifined racism as something white people cant ever experience. So if you hate someone for being white it can never be racism. Seems strange.
fuck off skelly you can't hide your treasure from me
thats a relief
Adult Swim allowed a black man to rant about how White people are a parasite so we are not too far off.
You need a loicense for that before venturing forth
I actually meant it in the sense that I can't believe there was a time where whites were actually allowed to work in their own best interests. I'd be all for whites only establishments in the current year but there's no way that shit will happen.
>Shooting a level 5 goose
Great now it's just angry.
UK is a no gun server user.
White extinction/genocide is a dumbfuck /pol/tard conspiracy theory. For every instance of someone legitimately saying that about white people (and I suspect it's exceedingly rare), you can find 10 of stormfags calling for niggers to be lynched, jews to be exterminated, etc etc. Honestly wishing for the extinction of whites is most definitely not a remotely widespread sentiment.
I would prefer "had sex" only establishments myself
What if I'm Canadian? And/or Mexican?
>Bosses can be hurt emotionally
I remember years ago way back in the mid 2000s there was some black African Studies professor on C-SPAN who literally said at the end of his speech "That's why we've got to wipe white people off the face of the planet!" and he was applauded by the audience in the room. Until the clip got posted on Youtube over a year later no one cared, and ever then no one outside of Youtube vloggers cared.
>enemies multiply through government hand-outs
>t. Chaim
animal cruelty..... Why have people become so weak as to care for such things.
The difference is that one is supported by the media and the other is completely ridiculed.
>Fighting Schwann in ToV on hard.
>None of my allies block stupid status causing explosion
>AOE kills them cus they're retarded even if I tell them to avoid/heal.
>End up overleveling but then the next two bosses are piss babies.
Fuck you Raven.
>White extinction/genocide is a dumbfuck /pol/tard conspiracy theory
>he doesn’t know
>Boss is now a pale imitation of its former self
>For every instance of someone legitimately saying that about white people (and I suspect it's exceedingly rare), you can find 10 of stormfags calling for niggers to be lynched, jews to be exterminated, etc etc.
The difference is that non-whites can say that shit about whites with impunity and nothing will happen to them. If a "stormfag" says any of that shit about exerminating jews and lynching niggers it's immediately deleted and the person who posted it banned (and in some countries arrested).
Why do you suppose that is?
I've got family out in SA and I can assure you "whites only" still applies to communities and businesses in some areas. Conversely there are areas where being white will get you stabbed in the pancreas pretty sharpish
>boss hits like a truck while you barely do any damage or miss every second hit
>it must be scripted event
>it's not
nice try bonenigger, im not falling for your lies
im coming to take that treasure from
>tfw you saw a documentary about exploring Florida's super-aquifer
>tfw there was a point where the explorer team came dangerously close to drowning
>tfw you could end up drowning sandwiched under millions of tons of silty rock, just a few yards below a busy roadway
So all those demographics statistics are fake and America is actually still 90% white? Good to know
Because white people haven't actually been exterminated and lynched for their ethnicity like jews and blacks have been?
How do you verify someone's "had sex" status though?
>Whites who invaded in a black country being treated like the invaders they are is somehow "white genocide"
So if the Swedish/Dutch/Nord/French/English government started seizing property from Africans would that be "black genocide"?
Why did you post the same picture as the guy three posts above yours?
>who invaded in a black country
South africa was unpopulated, mr retard.
Are you trying to make a joke that Americans are rats?
its 3 dots for an ellipses you fucking retard, don't bring that facebook tier shit here.
The original tribe of the area has allied themselves with the white farmers you fucking dummy
Look up the history of Greece, Italy, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and much of Northern Africa. Plenty of people were killed for being white.
As for jews and blacks, if they were "exterminated" then why are there so many of them? Hell blacks have always greatly outnumbered whites on this planet and still do.
lmao, africans didnt even knew how to farm
>implying I haven't got my great-grandads ww1 service pistol tucked away where plod can't find it
>South africa was unpopulated, mr retard.
It's still Africa. If God wanted Whites in Africa he would have put them there.
Whites belong in Europe, Blacks belong in Africa. Anything else is a defiance of God and they'll rightfully get what's coming to them.
Not only is that untrue, there was a century-long war with a native kingdom to colonize South Africa
>it doesn't happen, stop saying nobody bats an eye at it
>ok so it happens but there's no reason to bat an eye at it
Ok user.
Vast swaths of North America are unpopulated as we speak. If a bunch of Muslims or Mexicans decide to come in, set up camp on it and say it's theirs, are they not invaders? Would Canadians or Americans be wrong to drive them out?
>when the raidboss is up
This thread just keeps getting weirder
>believing babby's first jewish lies
Why does reddit keep coming back?
That's just a conspiracy theory. Don't be so paranoid.
no it said americans
>Using a gun on a level 5 Goose
>there are American counties with 0% white populations now
>>This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
>>What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
>>The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.
>>The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
>>The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
God did put whites there. They migrated north then developed their white skin in response to the different climate.
This is misleading because until the 70s spics were considered White by the census bureau. There was no "Hispanic/Latino" option, nor was there an option for Arabs. If you weren't Black, Asian, or Native American you got counted as White, which is why in the 1940 pic the southern border is so overwhelmingly "White".
>sunibee poster in background
based Sadiq
If it's a roastie, you stick a hand up her cunt.
If it's a human, you ask him for his fetish. If it's weird, he's a virgin. If it's normal, he's a virgin who hides power levels. If he says something non-virginal and bantzy, he's not a virgin.
>people who have never been to maplestan think they're joking about fucking geese
They are giga dickasses of the animal world. They pull this crap, and then they leave enormous piles of actual crap everywhere and then spend time practicing bombing runs while honking loud enough to go through multiple floors right over your house at 2am.
so you're saying it was always much worse than the census data suggested? great!
I'm genuinely curious as to how a goose even got into the underground in the first place
>San Diego County
>90%+ White
Yeah I'm calling bullshit.
same way horses get in there
I'm putting you on door duty
>game has stamina mechanic for swimming
Don't even bother, this is obvious but in the echo chamber you'll just get a bunch of asshurt replies
>they pretend to be friendly neighborly northerners
>but that's only because their infinite vortex of hate and rage is fed into their birds
I really miss Brass Eye, the pedo episode was legit kino
If a goose ever came right at me I'd try to grab its big dumb neck and swing it around like a sack of potatoes, make an example of it for its friends.
that's the day today m8 but yeah me too
>Attack Level 5 Goose
>In front of more Geese
>Aggro all of them
Why don't people just give them a hard kick in the chest when they charge? Or grab them by the neck and toss 'em.
>drowning for a nigger
if this a metaphor for western civilization
oi you got a 'propriately leveled loicense for that there goosey, gov'na?
Except that's chinese text.
>if you kill the monkeys they win
The goose has already started charging right before it registers in your head that it's on attack mode since most people consider them harmless. Better hope you roll well for initiative because those goose bites can hurt.
Because they aren't prepared.
Don't think you'd pull off any ninja jutsu paizuri katamari, you'd flail just like them
>this a metaphor for western civilization
Huh, forgot that was a thing, now I feel old
>those goose bites can hurt
Maybe it'll leave a bruise but it's not like it can seriously injure you. So the goose gets one good bite in and then you curb stomp it.
>Tokyo Jungle
Talk about the worst imaginable technique for lifesaving. If you found yourself in a position where you actually had to go instead of having some kind of preserver or rope, you never just swim right up to them and let them grab you. That'll just drown you both.
Always come up from behind, so they can't even see you coming. You put your arm across their chest from behind from their shoulder down to their opposite armpit where you just grab tight. Then sideswim with your free arm to where you need to go. It's exhausting shit, but that's how you do it.
t. Eagle Scout who had to do it.
damn they're ballsy lil fuckers. Im surprised the gorilla didnt just grab one and tear it in half
Never try to rescue a panicked person drowning on your own if you don't have professional training.
It's not like you'd only have one chance to land a hit, the fuckers never give up that quickly
Because where there is one goose, there are secretly more geese. If you kill the scout you'll aggro the whole infantry.
Now do you want to
>Be up against one goose and flee
>Be up against many geese and die
They're like roaches man, DON'T FUCK WITH THEM
Untrained, not-in-great-shape white man tries to save drowning black man. Blackman is spastic (to some degree expectedly so, since he's drowning) and tires the white guy out with his flailing, leading both to drown.
>maybe just leave a bruise
Did he want the area to be completely empty?
>boss assumes his final form
>Maybe it'll leave a bruise but it's not like it can seriously injure you
Dude, a large goose can have a six foot wingspan. They are powerful enough that they can break your nose with a wing flap. They have nasty teeth and pretty powerful bites that can slash, break fingers and generally really fucking hurt. And there are always a lot of them.
They would just walk down there or fly down through the entrance.
Geese don't give a fuck. They go where they want and they do what they want and if they decide they don't like you, they'll try to fuck you up.
Geese and Swans are total asshole birds. They have no real sense of fear. Animal control often struggle to catch them because they are so aggressive and wily.
literally just grab its head and crush it with your hands pussy
Man that's unfortunate, feels weird that the black guy was having so much issue swimming though, shit is easy as fuck he could've tried to float as well, was it open sea or something?
Supreme Champ is a gud boi dindu nuffin he's not some evil gooz
Honkie got dunked on
More like
>unholster gun
>shoot downing nog
>crack open a cold one with the boys
99% sure the white guy who died was part of an NGO. Good riddance to that race traitor faggot.
Reach, Throw, Row, Go. Jumping in to personally save a drowning person is asking for two funerals instead of one.
Under the North American migratory bird act, harming geese in any way is illegal, and if anyone called the police on you, you would at best get fined, at worst go to jail.
for chinese tourists
the sign is in kyoto
Thankfully we are not in the universe where we reached Level 10 Goose warning and they took over civilization. Soon.
You're right, I shouldn't have tired to argue with a professional badass like you
>that blue spot in ND
What is that place?
i actually got some good advice from Yea Forums today, thanks user
I'm sure there's an exception for defending yourself from unprovoked attacks. And even if there isn't, what kind of pussy just lets themselves be beat up by a bird because of "the law"?
Human skin is pretty tough and those teeth are tiny.
Just protect vulnerable body parts like face and hands and the worst you'd get would be a scratch and a bruise.
It's more shocking than damaging.
The gorilla got spooked because it didn't know what's up.
Just like humans get spooked by those annoying tiny dogs that get loud suddenly.
what a happy duck!
>he unironically thinks this post makes him sound cool and "redpilled"
i dunno what ND means but some of the spots are indian reservations
you sound like someone who's never been in a fight describing how to fight
>lol just dodge bro it's easy
I could totally beat a goose in a boxing match.
>Man that's unfortunate, feels weird that the black guy was having so much issue swimming though, shit is easy as fuck he could've tried to float as well, was it open sea or something?
Serious reply: swimming is not natural for humans and people who have never learned really cannot do it or just somehow pick it up on the fly or even know how to float. And it's known to trigger a ton of involuntary panic reflexes, drowning is one of the most auto freak out things there is (which is why burgers and many before them used it for torture).
Seriously NEVER EVER TRY TO SAVE A DROWNING PERSON BY SWIMMING IF YOU DON'T HAVE TONS OF TRAINING. You will almost 100% certainly drown too. This has been well studied. People drowning are not rational, and the adrenaline makes them surprisingly strong. The first thing they encounter they will latch onto like a head crab. If you aren't in super good shape and a strong swimmer AND trained to go in behind them the only thing you should try to do is throw them something that floats or give them something to grab onto that you can immediately get out of the water (so not a long rope for example).
Adults shouldn't be using ellipses in informal posts anyway like some deviantart faggot, which I'm more than suspicious about considering how edgy that post was.
What's the trick/technique to floating in water?
I know some people that can just float and have a conversation while others sink like a rock
>animal cruelty
>literally any country in asia
Asians lack souls and thus empathy, user.
>it's a fat Yea Forumsirgin armchair warriors channeling their inner dota to fight "cute little birdies that don't look so tough" thread
This is the most efficient way of dealing with the problem and nobody can deny it
lol I appreciate your humor, but you know it was just a typo between B and P. Still a good typo though.
I don't give a shit what I sound like on some Mongolian basket weaving forum. Fuck "migrants" and fuck (((NGOs)))
North Dakota
It’s one of the 50 states
It’s abbreviation is ND
I’m assuming your state is probably CA or NY.
Pretty sure Japan is an exception and has laws in line with most Western countries.
just a hehehaha funny post lad, got 2 semi serious (you)s from it atleast
That's interesting, I was born and live near a cost so swimming doesn't seem a big issue for me and it's hard to relate. That's good advice regardless. Unfortunate for those two guys I don't think they had any fault.
>Florida's super-aquifer
What's the movie?
Don't act like you're superior, because that blue square isn't even in North Dakota
>game has world PvP
Assuming the water is relatively calm, stay relaxed and tilt your body backwards. Humans are (mostly) naturally buoyant. People who drown very quickly do so because they freak out, because the water is choppy, because of an undertow, etc. It's basically impossible for a calm person with an understanding of flotation to drown in, say, a pool of water, barring intoxication or something similar.
>swimming is not natural for humans and people who have never learned really cannot do it or just somehow pick it up on the fly or even know how to float.
Then why can you throw babies into pools and they instinctually hold their breath and instinctually go face up and float and chill? And by chill they scream until someone notices them but they really are alright.
Lay back and breath deep. The ones who can't float are people with like 6% body fat.
I could always do it by being really quiet and just laying on my belly or back, it seems to happen naturally.
>About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered.
>Can't swim
>Can't even float
>american education
Japan is OK in some respects, but practices pretty barbaric things like Dolphin killing. Look up Taiji Dolphin Hunt.
>The first thing they encounter they will latch onto like a head crab
I remember nearly drowning as a kid because of that.
Learning to swim, not enough floating planks for everyone, teacher pair me with another kid, turns out two kids holding a plank makes it sink. Other kid start panicking and latch unto me, keeping my head below the water, I didn't got the time to catch my breath so I'm running low on air, I remember punching him several times so he stopped holding me, sink myself at the bottom and push myself from there to the edge of the pool.
Does this apply to Mexicans?
monkies literally cannot swim
nothing to be suprised about
>those teeth are tiny
user, Saw blade teeth are tiny
You know what happens when your skin meets contact with a saw? You get CUT often times badly especially if its a machine and not a manual one since it takes time for it to stop.
Tiny != Blunt
Water is artificial difficulty
>harming geese in any way is illegal
Except for them being one of the most commonly hunted waterfowl
>being afraid of geese
fucking brits
>implying you wouldn't get pecked in the dick 10 seconds in, that shit hurts like a bastard
T. Neighbour had one as a "pet"
Wait for it that we reach level 6 goose and you won't be laughing mate!
oh right, i don't really know any states apart from california and new york
top kek
watch the video with your eyes
Swimming is natural for all mammals, the issue that humans run into is fear and panic because they overthink it.
They can't because they're more muscle than fat and muscle is heavy and makes them sink.
The nigger is still human and thus could have floated.
>using your friend as a human shield
damn niggers are smarter than I thought
I can't remeber which one but I saw a doc about a cave where if you kick too much the amount of dust would absolutely blind you with no hope of getting out.
>nigger is still human
But who was camera?
Jesus christ what the fuck is that tongue
Monkeys are incredibly strong, large ones can tear your face and limbs off. They also love to rip off balls and dicks for some reason. Don't fuck with primates
Just barely but it's true.
I somehow doubt a gooses jaw can exert a fraction of the force of a power saw.
geese are the wasps of ducks
You're right, I just looked it up. You need a proper licence though, and it has to be done in a designated area, so mercing a goose in front of an office building would still get you in trouble, at least if anyone cared to report it.
The lesson here is to spread word about the evils of geese, so we can stand united against these foul fowl, and the bullshit laws that protect them.
They can exert 5000 PSI. You don't know how powerful they can mess you up.
what is the cave training and cave equipment
The Chinese literally doesn't say anything about fighting. It just says that feeding "wild and violent" monkeys is forbidden.
what the fuck happened here?
to a european it's like asking an american about lichenstein or latvia or something, it's part of a larger important entity but by itself utterly irrelevant
Then who was hornets?
>Silent Hill 2, at the Historical Society
>he doesn't know what cave training and cave equipment is
aussie magpie
>Crocodiles do! Not swim here!
Good job missing the point retard
It's almost like they're people or something you fucking edgelord.
tell me the secrets, tell me the Cave Gear
get a handful of this unga
>gets on a dinky raft with 50 other people and no supplies
>expects to be rescued by whitey working with an NGO
They're only sending their best though!
World PVP
>imagine being so fat
>Level 5 goose warning
I fucking love this image, I always picture it as an stupidly overpowered world boss and the bloody remains of football jerseys litter platform 2. Sad that the goose probably doesn't have a license to be level 5 and was kicked out of britbong land
>Sad that the goose probably doesn't have a license to be level 5 and was kicked out of britbong land
Ban assault geese
Those "teeth" are made of cartilage, not bone. They're used to help grip food. They're not capable of puncturing or tearing your skin.
a run by fruiting
Is this the same monkey that raped 5 men? Or at the very least is it related to the Gay Baboon's raid?
Who would kick it out? What army could do that? Have you seen british police handle threats?
I'd sooner expect a dark antihero wielding an illegal butter knife or even a bicycle wheel to slay the beast.
Based norther states keeping the dark scum out
I thought Minnesota was full of Somalians by now?
How did the sign get there?
>a child replies to an adult
It makes me kinda sad knowing that duck will never understand that he won a competition.
>boss dodges all your attacks and OHKOs you
>level 5 woman against level 50 man
Nigger gay scares are fucking magic.
Like that one where some kid watched porn and then entire school of male niglets started fucking each other after two weeks.
Or "dey eat da poo poo"
They're weirdly creative with this, like it's their fetish
It's at the very entrance to the cave so probably just a diver. I want to know what took a bite out of it.
you just know that he got fucked over after this
This is a pretty obviously fake story, being raped doesn't give you cancer.
Only in the 2 big cities. They can't survive anywhere else without government gibs.
How do you float again? It's been a decade and a half since I've last been to a beach
You won't trick me Skellington, I know you put that sign in front of your secret stash!
What if the person drowning is someone i love?
Very few animals fuck with a rhino, even other rhinos. Why are eating their livers instead of their brass balls?
There are always exceptions for self defense as long as its rational in case law rather than statute against animals.
Lay on your back nigga
Just lay back and relax
Not really? She initiated the conflict, not his fault she has shit aim. He had every right lmao
>being raped doesn't give you cancer
How can you tell? Have you been anally raped before? I don't think so!
Fuck water.
Hilarious, but probably not worth the 45 days he ended up serving in jail for the battery charge.
>game lets you create your own vehicles
This isn't an echo chamber because people like you are allowed to spew your bullshit without getting banned. Also, the only asshurt is some brown leftists upset at Europeans not liking being replaced or attack.Stop promoting white replacement.
>supreme champion
Is this the Pathetic duck?
Imagine the sore bum you get after riding that for 15 minutes.
Oh that's that sign at Jacobs well in Texas. It's a pretty neat place to go to
Nigga if you love them and didnt teach them to swim you're a shit parent/lover. My parents had me in a pool as young as they possibly could to teach me, and I took swimming lessons basically every year of my life. You can sure as hell the moment my kid is born that fucker is going swimming as soon as possible.
Is this video edited? One second they are at the surface the next they just vanish.
You'll still die.
There is no afterlife.
Elephants flip over charging rhinos. People consume elephants for more power to this day.
Would a hippo run away from a goose?
Someone smart enough to know that you don't jump in to save a drowning person.
This a thousand times over. Wild animals causing that much trouble need to be put down and do it as effectivly as possible.
This is how they did it before we built great towns and cities and shit. Kill off problem animals so they don't keep wrecking shit. Pretty fucking basic stuff.
Drowning isn't a joke user.
>In Japan, the hunting is done by a select group of fishermen.[15] When a pod of dolphins has been spotted, fishing boats move into position. One end of a steel pipe is lowered into the water, and the fisherman aboard the boats strike the pipe with mallets.[16] This is done at strategic points around the pod, in an effort to herd them toward land. The clamor disrupts the dolphins' sonar throwing off their navigation and herds them towards the bay which leads to a sheltered cove. There, the fishermen quickly close off the area with nets to prevent the dolphins' escape.[16] As the dolphins are initially quite agitated, they are left to calm down over night. The following day, fishermen enter the bay in small boats, and the dolphins are caught one at a time. Some are selected for live capture and are sold to dolphinariums. Others are slaughtered for their meat. Many protesters object to both uses.
>The killing of the animals used to be done by slitting their throats, but the Japanese government banned this method and now dolphins may officially only be killed by driving a metal pin into the neck of the dolphin, which causes them to die within seconds according to a memo from Senzo Uchida, the executive secretary of the Japan Cetacean Conference on Zoological Gardens and Aquariums.[17]
What's the problem?
Those nails are so fucking gross. Every single time I see a variant of these meme that's all I can think of.
Stop throwing babies into pools, user.
I took "swimming lessons" for like 3 years and i can almost grantee that i would drown if i found myself in the open sea.
But also apparently someone heartless enough to keep filming instead of trying to find a rope or something to throw them?
Cancer means your own cells are broken, you cant 'get' cancer from someone else. A foreign cell invading is an infection.
>boss is easily tricked by intimidation
>that one speck of green in Missouri
yep, that's St Louis alright
I know it's not, it's one of my deepest fears. Well, the open ocean as a whole is my deepest fear.
0-10 learn to read. I get your point though.
>Living your life with a massive fucking risk of dying in one of the worst ways possible
Jesus christ user go learn how to swim its not that hard.
The chinese probably know better but the americans want to be macho and beat it up
You can get cancer from someone else via transplant.
I honestly can't understand how people CAN'T swim.
It's the easiest most natural thing ever.
I-im not turned on or anything...
No one's going to jail for that you fucking square.
Or he could not enter the ocean or any body of water that isn't a pool.
I can't believe you just gave a serious reply to somebody who is clearly trying to act retarded
If a berserk monkey comes out of nowhere to fuck you up nobody is going to give a shit if you defend yourself. Unless you're going to count all the stories of people defending themselves against pitbulls to actually be animal cruelty
>but user they're just a bird
This has been a message from the Australian board of Don't Fuck With The Wildlife Or They'll Fucking Kill You Organization.
They got us boys.
if this was in america, he's getting jail time for sure. you can tell. just look at how the worker approaches him. that's 100% confrontational body language he's got.
>Tfw I'm part of the reason South Texas is purple
We should just nuke Australia. The wildlife loss would be acceptable.
That is an extreme situation where an entire organ is replaced, technically that is not 'your' cells getting cancer, its someone elses already cancerous cells spreading through your body. Thats why you take medications to stop organ rejections but yes you are fucked if 'your' new organ has cancerous cells.
You're not going to get cancer from someones sexual fluids.
Not me user, the crazy free divers and spear fishermen do it.
There was a shadow of a stick.
>throwing food in someones face that was trying to smack it out of your hand
Want to know how I know you're a dumb NEET?
I know hes joking but its an interesting topic el faggoreno.
>caring what the nip equivalent of Yea Forums thinks
>bad game runescape
alright chang, you've gone too far this time
Fucking terrible idea. The survivors would mutate and the world would be overrun by radioactive kangaroos
He was charged with public drunkeness. This is a well known video from 2017. The woman in the .webm was his girlfriend. Took place in California.
>live in socal
>be white
>be a literal objective factual minority
>still get treated like a majority oppressor who has all the power
btw LA and san francisco are now both complete shitholes overrun with crime homelessness and drug abuse
>implying i won't drown in my cholesterol before i ever get a chance to drown in water
pffff i've got bigger fish to fry and die from user
Japan got nuked twice and now we got anime, do you really want to take that bet with Australia?
I'm a manager at a fucking restaurant you sped. Just as said, despite video evidence of the contrary, they'll pin him for this. Even though he was drunk, if the chick did this, they wouldn't have done shit.
>public drunkeness
Such a bullshit crime. Do they expect me to drink at home?
hey retard, water stop bullets.
Yes. You're pathetic and drinking will never fix your life.
Just throw a grenade in there
>I'm a manager at a fucking restaurant you sped.
my condolences
kek, with that logic african-american Navy SEALS shouldn't exists. Niggers drown because most niggers are dumb.
>Such a fucking scrub of a dungeon that a level 5 goose and claim a room as it's own
Fuck you do you think i don't know that? I pay my taxes I can go to the bar and have some fun.
Yeah it's almost like we adapted to live on land or something lol
What that user meant was that that's how quick it happens. When you go under, unless someone saves you and gives you CPR. That's it. You're gone. The act of drowning is terrifying but its more terrifying that once you lose all stamina, pass out and go under that you won't be visible anymore.
>t. almost went down a waterfall in Laos at 12 years old and got saved by a random local
Currents are also not to be fucked with, ensure you wear proper footware and ALWAYS be sure of your footing when walking in water.
friendship ended
Or you know, they drown because they've been historically denied access to public swimming facilities and thus don't have a culture of swimming or teaching their children to swim.
at this point we (argetina) are right now or will be more white in a few decades than burguerland outside of memes hoiw tf fuckdid you let in many trhirdworlders like us and the massive nigger infestation how can your "white " population be soooooooo C U C K i really dont understand
dolphins are cunts. Good job japan
Sounds like you'll get locked up soon.
Don't worry. When you're in jail there's no magic potion. Just exercise and less fun exercise. You'll shape up.
Do bears not realise how strong they are?
Imagine thinking a pool is the only place people would swim in olden days, Lmaoing at ur life
>Mutate the current lifeforms further
Mate Dropbears aren't real, they're a prank we play on tourists by telling them they're real, they're just Koalas who didn't eat Eucalyptus for a while and are in withdrawal. DON'T MAKE THEM REAL!
fragmentation doesn't expand and the explosion is to small to kill by pressure.
You dumb retard.
Protip: if you hold your arms outstretched it freaks them the fuck out.
black bears have so much food that they can find that has 0 chance of hurting them that they aren't willing to take a risk on literally anything that actually fights back.
They're not bothering to learn today. Does that tell you anything? It doesn't ring a bell?
They aren't going to send me to jail because I drink dude. This isn't the 1930's.
i imagine it works the same way humans get scared by spiders and rats
Geese have massive bonuses to intimidation rolls
In that gorilla's eyes, if this tiny ass bird is rushing it, then it must be confident beyond measure in its victory and should not be fucked with
some parts of the US legit look like the 3rd world, it's insane
yeah because they were all totally welcome at the nice public beaches and they definitely had the disposable income to have vehicles and spare time to go out to beaches in the middle of nowhere.
I forgot.
I just sink now.
Please, like any cop's going to do an investigation over a goose
Take as big a breaths you can and lie on your back. The air in your lungs will keep you afloat
We must pit the goose against the monkey, only then may we crown a champion.
What about five grenades?
It's not worth the risk.
Same reason why sane people don't fight physically: even if your chance to win is 99%, you win nothing and can lose a lot.
It knows exactly how strong it is. What it doesn't know is what the cat is capable of, and how much pain, poison, or other forms of damage the cat is ready to inflict. Imagine if you had no access to any kind of medical care of any kind and saw some strange creature that was openly hostile to you. Would you fuck with it out of pride, or back off and avoid unnecessary conflict?
big animals dont like fucking with small aggressive animals, especially birds. soft targets like eyes, testicles, tongues are what the smaller animals go for, and in the animal world youre fucked if some shithead goose plucks an eye out
showing your white pride ain't easy, son
I use to keep geese on my property and honestly, they're total bitches. It's all a show, but boy do they put on a big one. Swans, now they can actually back up all that hissing.
if multiple of them are attacking you and you start hitting them you won't get in trouble. However, if you run up to them and piss them off just to stomp their guts in when they attack, you will get in trouble.
Geese used to block pathways in large groups at my old CC. if you just slowly walk through them they part ways usually just hissing at you. I've done it a few times
Does this work for people too? If I confidently stare down an angry bull will it hesitate mid-charge and back off? What if I rush a gorilla?
it could work but it will be easier just turning 360 degrees and leave.
You really are grasping at straws here, friend. Why does it need to be a nice public beach? What's wrong with a river or lake? I could understand some not swimming, but many people live near bodies of water. No less, there was a law for separate but equal facilities, i.e. black swimming pools. No more mental gymnastics, don't want you twisting your ankle
that's what I said, nigger is too dumb and don't care about learning. If they go to Navy or Marines they will teach them, for free!
I actually almost drowned in a public pool when i was a child. I was pushed into a deep part and i went under, i had no idea how to swim so i started flailing around just like that guy and quickly tired myself out. I actually thought "this is it, i'm done" and stopped moving until someone that to this day i have no idea who it was grabbed me by the shorts and pulled me up. There were a lot of people around me but kids die in public pools all the time.
Depends on the animal in question. Won't work if it's been around passive humans.
>shitting up the place they live in by throwing trash everywhere and leaving it
its the white oppressors fault
lmao what an absolutely ridiculous scenario
Humans don't have the intimidation passive unfortunately
Yeah, actually. If you stretch out your arms and scream it will freak 99% of animals out.
Spics swim across the Rio Grande everyday. Its why we call them wetbacks.
this sign should be the replacement honestly, if you're dumb enough to think this or scuba dive in closed caves that are obviously dangerous.
user, geese have straining teeth for extracting aquatic plants and insects out of mud, they're not sharp. Many species don't even have hard bone like teeth, they're more like hair fibers.
the abo's already did that 50k years ago. It did absolutely nothing except turn them into petrol huffing welfare queens and the wildlife is now mostly shit you can't see easily that can one shot your arse.
The fuck do you expect them to do? It's not like they can afford waste management services. Even if they could the city probably wouldn't even do business with them without a valid address.
Bears have an instinctual awareness that even minor scratches can get infected and kill them. An instinct we have lost as a species.
They are also aware that cats are apex predators, and that if a small one is there, its parent might be nearby. Bears don't fuck with mountain lions.
If it's not okay for us to do it, it's not okay for them to do it.
"The water looks peaceful, but people don’t realize that due to the amount of water entering this narrow channel, the undercurrent runs about 15 mph."
>The WILD MONKEY bites brutality.
>kids die in public pools all the time.
Not public pools. Usually there's a life guard in public pools. Most deaths and injuries come from private pools like the ones in apartment complexes or back yards.
>Whites who invaded in a black country
south africa was founded by the dutch you dumbshit. there was no civilization there before the dutch arrived and all the blacks in south africa came from other parts of africa to live next to whitey despite WAAH APARTHEID IM BEING OPPRESSED BECAUSE THOSE WHITE PEOPLE WONT GIVE ME EVERYTHING.
nigga, the world is a big place and this was almost 30 years ago
lol those teens ain't shit
people die
>Most deaths and injuries come from private pools like the ones in apartment complexes or back yards.
I remember that my old neighborhood had all the houses have grids for the pools to prevent kids from running into other people backyard and drowning themselves in pools because it's actually fucking happened several times.
what a mad cunt!
>"separate but equal" was actually equal
To think everything back then was much easier because everything was in black and white.
i live in a relatively rich city with a small area set up for the homeless to live in with their tents. they have easy access to public trash cans. they do not use them, and choose to shit up the place they live in instead.
Keep making excuses for them though amigo
europe is technically just an extension of asia.
dude just lay on your back and float...
Shit's fucked man, People take things like swimming for granted and don't realize just how dangerous water is. You could be the biggest buffest, strongest motherfucker in the world but if you can't swim, you're done the second your in the middle of a pool, ocean, river, etc. all alone.
People don't realize how easy it is to just up and die that they take something like what happened to you as nothing important because to them "it's just water".
Its horrifying when you look into it.
Personally I believe that from a young age children shouldn't just be taught to swim but they should absolutely be taught about how important water safety is.
It sounds trivial and childish but that's why its so important. Forgetting this kind of information is how people die.
Oh no! Their drinking fountain is smaller!! INEQUALITY THEY DON'T LOOK THE EXACT SAME
Whats even better is that when they gave away the white farmers land they all started starving since they couldn't figure out how to farm for shit.
>company tries to save money on forced government water fountain additions
>Gwyn, Lord of Cinder starts playing
Yes, that is what inequality means.
>crowd of people watches two people drown
They didn't actually "give it away" all that much, they mostly gave it to political friends.
Wasn't this the guy who was begging white farmers to come back a year later because all the black people he gave the farms to didn't do jack shit with them?
Is it bad that I think this is terrifying
>no context for any of the images
manipulative as fuck
>People don't realize how easy it is to just up and die that they take something like what happened to you as nothing important because to them "it's just water"
No shit, when i ran back to my family and told them i almost drowned they completely brushed me off and said i was making a scene. I get pissed when i think about it to this day
>implying we're going to fix Californian cities so that they can take credit for it
That's a real nice "sanctuary city" you have there, LA.
>stomping out smaller animals to grind and become strong enough to fight the monkey
the black ones were prolly made by niggers kek
Where? There usually isn't just magical free trashcans that exist in the wild. You got to pay for that shit. They would have to throw all their shit into someone else's dumpster, which actually happens a lot, is illegal and why you often see dumpsters locked up.
It's almost always not easy access when they set stuff like that up. It's almost always in shelters or far off from their tents.
probably mad you came back up
>monkey has been stomping out humans stronger than you for longer
Just give up
>San Francisco was ranked the most livable city in the U.S. in 2019
Nah only one person died, the other thing in the water was a nigger.
>crowd of people drowns trying to save two people from drowning
the tents are literally right behind the local petsmart right outside of downtown, there's plenty of fucking trashcans
the homeless are also largely responsible for almost burning down norcal by smoking crack in the woods btw
>most livable city
That's like saying "tastiest piece of dung."
Ranked by who, Goldberg?
Go back to your farm, your horse just shat all over the place again.
>believing manipulative statistics created by the shitheads responsible for the situation
believe what you like bud, get back to me if you manage to visit without stepping in literal human shit on the sidewalk
Animals don't have a stupid human sense of pride to fight for no reason and "look tough" when running is safer.
i already have
in fact, last night i bond burgered your sister
now stop spamming have sex you fucking redditor
Most livable on the street? Fuck paying $4100 a month for a studio apt or living in a burb 50 miles away. The only way in San Fran is living with a bunch of people or roughing it
Go get laid lmao
I've visited multiple times before and I can't say I've ever stepped in human feces there before.
>Both schools got the same funding
>White school spends it on the children
>Black school embezzles the money
>game has random crits
>Both schools got the same funding
Not even in your wildest dreams, retard. Read a fucking book, there are Supreme Court cases on this shit.
god i love china wreck threads
Level 26 Canadian here,
Just grab em by the neck and snap it. no big deal
Yes, you tend to say "before" when referencing events in the past. I'm not there at this very moment, so the last time I visited was in the past. Learn English, you third-world retard.
>black schools getting equal funding as huwhite
No, this is what the proliferation of nignorance does.
>get the same funding
That shit's stratified to shit now, imagine then.
>croco do not
>diles swim here
my point was that you didnt specify when and im pretty sure youre deliberately obfuscating the fact because otherwise you would have simply stated it from the beginning
typical liberal arguing tactics lmao
Didn't anyone ever tell that dude about stop, drop, and roll.
He's already got two of three but he's just flailing instead of rolling.
Why didnt he just turn?
Man, my mum thought at the time I wasn't nearing my death as I went down, I have my fucking near death experience on DVD. It wasn't until like 2 minutes of clinging to a rock anyone realized I was in trouble so until then they were thinking I was just having fun so they were laughing.
There's fucking laughter in the video while I'm nearing my death.
Shits hard to get over, I feel ya man.
Why are you assuming I'm a liberal?
*blocks your path*
i'm not, i just laughed at your typical liberal arguing tactics. i hope you can see the difference.
That's fucked. Take the DVD and make copies of it. It's not pretty but that's some hard truth people need to see. Or be reminded of.
Losing consciousness isn't instadeath.
Drowning takes a while.
>behind the local petsmart
It's illegal to use a companies trashcans without their permission, and like hell they'll give them that.
>almost burning down norcal by smoking crack
Are you going to blame them for every forest fire caused by dumb asshole campers too?
fun fact: blacks are a tax deficit for the US. they consume more taxes in social services than they contribute.
What kinds of things?
According to alt right extremists probably.
>when you realize that someday soon these are going to come back. Except it's going to be whites drinking out of the smaller fountain.
have some nice moowalking then
i warned you
No, it's basically any store that doesn't want to deal with people who don't speak Japanese because they either don't have the staff for it or don't have the options to provide the language like in a menu for instance. Usually it's some onsens and certain restaurants will put it up (Because they don't have the menus or people who know the language), but other than that it's a rarity to see such a thing.
Fug, I'll just be leaving then shall I?
You underestimate how incredibly easy it is to grab a gooses neck, it's like 60% of their body.
Whites will be bred out by that time
Now I want to kill a Goose.
Is that normal?
strength means nothing if your opponent manages one lucky strike to your eye
people's personal posts on twitter are the same as government enforced laws
The Supreme Court has had more anti-white cases than anti-black cases desu, and they never uphold it. It won't happen.
Moving goalposts doesn't further your point. You said there were no facilities, I proved there were. Now they just weren't good enough, who knows where you'll jump to next
Of course not. Those campers don't do shit.
You're underestimating the power of a junkie homeless army. One that needs its next fix and will disregard everything just to get a hit.
Since everyone is suddenly a combat expert, how the fuck do I fight a wild dog? like do I just take the bite and start wailing on it?
make a webm and post it.
I'm American, I'll eat the little bastard.
Why are you faggots talking about niggers when no one has figured out how to beat the Level 5 Goose
I'd be pleasantly surprised if you could source that claim user.
nobody fucking said the government made a law to kill all whites dumbfuck
just that the sentiment is there and many people agree with it
Shove something in it's mouth and try to choke it.
If that doesn't work then run and run fast. This is why you carry guns.
Pigeon things...
Try and bite it on the back of the neck, this will assert your dominance
That's bullshit, but there's a grain of truth to the implication that we should get rid of dead weight. Let's start with your retarded ass.
you aren't reading what i'm saying so you can cling to your delusions
they're right outside of downtown meaning they have access to literal public trashcans that don't belong to any companies. they're a short walk away from the local recycling place where they can get COMPENSATED for their recycling and yet only a small minority choose to actually use this facility.
need I go on?
Give it an arm (yes you will get bit) then use your free hand to for its eyes/throat, use your legs to sweep its feet, etc.
If it's 1, you can probably just kick the bastard til he backs off or dies. If it's more than 1, I hope you're good at jumping fences, you'll need to be
I'm no combat expert but I fought against dogs before. Definitely go for the eyes cause their skulls are damn tough. Would highly recommend having a weapon like something sharp.
just say "its coming right for us" and youre in the clear
>want to commit suicide to get rid of my own dead weight
>its fucking illegal
im just trying to help.
>there's a grain of truth to the implication that we should get rid of dead weight
First grain is that, it becomes mass euthanasia for the elderly as a way to unfuck the pension system later.
If you are unarmed you're gonna have to take the bite. Nothing is gonna stop a large size dog intent on biting you, try to take the bite in the arm and then the best thing you can hope to do is try and gouge it's eyes out. If it's summer and you don't have thick clothing it gets significantly worse.
Source: not a combat expert
>Hypocrite thinks it's bad to hate a race
Move to Greenland, faggot.
why do you think every black majority area of the world is an impoverished dump?
Black people really struggle with it for some reason.
Get a pet Goose and sick him on the dog
The elderly are at least cute. That user has nothing going for him
Man I don't even know where the disc is. This is from 2006-2007 at least. I know I still have it but I haven't looked at it for so long. That shit's just engraved in my memory.
Don't try to physically injure them. Do everything in your power to get them on the ground and fuck their ass.
>That kid who never learned how to i-frame
Never gonna make it in the real world, user.
I want an MMO like this. like super realistic graphics, goal is to be like a normal person but there's levels and creatures and shit. but you can get arrested if you try to fight it in the daylight so you gotta sneak in at night.
maybe even super super rare mythical creature spawns so it's just like myths and shit if you go exploring.
there are a ton of nazis on twitter too why don't you complain about that?
Oh, it's your retarded ass again. Ready to prove you paid to look at the sources? The most important ones are paygated and probably fake as fuck.
Just be careful
>be dumbass gaijin
>japs tell you to not be dumb
>huh yeah fuck you Americans
Euros, everyones.
typical pussy white crusader who holds thought crime as the #1 threat while entire countries are being slammed by the biological weapon known as the third world horde. move to haiti please. they need your help there.
>Canada Goose, a water fowl
>WATER fowl
>is somehow the only one of that entire group to not give a shit about nesting near water, and will make nests on the sides of busy highways or directly in the middle of parking lots
Oh I thought you said how to fight LIKE a wild dog. For fighting wild dogs you just kick them in the jaw while they're not biting you, and if they're biting you, just fuck with their ears. Yank on 'em, bite them off, do something like that. Their ears are super sensitive.
Fuck man I didn't mean we needed to see it. I meant show it to family or retards.
I already know that water safety is important.
There were no black people in south africa when whitey came. The nearest tribe was well over 100 milse north of the border.
It's not thought crime. You're being racist outside of Yea Forums, which is a punishable offense where I'm from. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Less sore than riding my mum for 15 minutes
it's kind of amazing really, a perfect storm of a underdeveloped country that has cameras literally fucking everywhere
Nope. Had to drive around Baltimore once, looked somewhat like that. Six guys just stood in the middle of the street and I've never noped out of an area so fast before, I knew if I had gone down that road I would have been robbed.
You’re becoming Canadian
they both survived and got married
It's always fresh off the boat chinks and apus that feed them, without fail.
>Losing consciousness isn't instadeath.
What about falling off a waterfall onto sharp rocks?
You're thinking of Mugabe. What a guy.
stick your hand up their ass unironically
Hold on there partner. Did you just tell user to kill himself? That's quite a thing to say.
You got a license for that?
Oh, yeah that isn't a bad idea. But still I'd need to find the disc.
again? this is the first time i've posted this. go live in a black neighborhood for a year. you'll figure it out.
>You're being racist outside of Yea Forums, which is a punishable offense where I'm from.
i'm sure there are some racist stores but the vast majority of it is usually they don't have the trained staff that speak english
>nignogs begging for billions in food aid again
they're literally a constant resource sink for the developed world. ever since the 70s when people stared giving a fuck about them and trying to help; yet they still haven't managed to make any significant improvements in self-sufficiency
>DLC gun