you know it's true
You know it's true
It would be easier if they accepted they want to be treated like women.
If the character isn't a self-insert of the player then what's the problem?
treat my boy pussy like a woman user
Based and redpilled
Conan exiles is the only exception, those massive udders get me well hard
>play metroid
>everyone tells me to chop my penis off
being OP
Making shitty image macros
>inb4 that mental gymnastics pic
what else are you supposed to play as?
>90% of the cast is female
>If I play the best character, I'm gay
Fucking hate this meme
There's nothing wrong with playing a female, idiots. I am a healthy and masculine guy who is well respected in his work space and I enjoy playing as a female. I am also straight. It's not like I enjoy staring at guys butts all day.
>mfw unironically, exclusively play as femoids in video games (even first person games)
>call people discord/resetera trannies on 4channel whenever I see someone that disagrees with me
Femdom is gayer than either.
Fighting games are an always have been an exception. Or any game where gameplay is significantly different.
>liking women is gay now
what a world we live in
its okay to be mentally ill and have autogynephilia user
If these "guys" who only picked male characters were as manly in real life as they try to play themselves off as in a video game they would look visibly cut instead of looking like a flabby tub of lard who drinks pancake syrup with blended double baconators filled with diced doritos marinated with shitty "gamer fuel" instead of drinking real energy fuels like water and eating right and actually exercising I'd consider them a real threat instead of being scared that they can mash buttons with their fat fingers
Don't care if there's a gender option, but if you're actually modding your game to replace the main character with a girl you are pathetic. The Breath of the Wild mods that turn Link into a girl are "why" tier.
what happened to good old fashioned perverts?
mental illnesses are so demoralizing
All characters are self inserts of the player because you control them.
Yeah we know you’re a huge faggot already
No it isn't
Stop self inserting
is using mods to give the female player character giant tits and skimpy clothes "gay" then? a lot of times getting companions to wear the clothing you want is more of a hassle than it should be so it makes sense to choose a female as your main character so you can make sure the mod is working correctly
It is legitimately suspect with people that do.
I've had friends that have always done this, these are the same friends that have roleplayed as women online, and one of them I've gotten to admit to me that he wishes he was born a woman.
It's basically a cry for help. They're all eggs.
But most games that have you pick between playing a male or female are games with character options rather than creation options. This meme is retarded since it's based on a small sample of RPGs rather than the overwhelming majority of character selection based games.
i just want to be the little girl
You sound deeply insecure
>not making a cute girl character and thinking about fucking her
You're either gay or you're not. No amount of making male characters will fix that.
He said all this while quietly wishing in the back of his mind that he was born a woman.
Just admit it. Just admit you have literally gone through this exact thought process before:
>I'm not a tranny, gross, I find them ugly and I'd never fucking do that I'm a guy and I accept that HOWEVER if I got to choose I would have been born a woman
Just out with it.
yes its a mental illness called autogynephilia and it seems to be quite prevalent nowadays
i make the girl cute and jerk to it
gays in this thread dont @ me
There is nothing wrong with that, females are hot
Look at you projecting.
Heterosexual men don't look at men in that way. When they roleplay in RPGs they roleplay as fucking men, that's the whole point, it's a powerfantasy, you are a cool fucking man. Why do you think Arnold Scharznigger movies were popular? Why Rambo? Because men like being cool, they like admiring cool shit.
Faggots like you don't realize that, so you project your own repressed homosexuality on others and make it about sex when it isn't.
But good luck with your life "totally not gay, totally don't daydream every single day of my life that I had been born a woman, totally don't self insert as women, totally don't roleplay as little 2d girls all day online"
And what of it? Who cares if that "technically" makes me a tranny, I'm not gonna chop off my dick like some psycho
Do you self insert into your wife when you fuck her?
What if you pick the gender based on how good the design options are? Like I'll play a dude most of the time, but if I get to make a kick-ass tomboy, I'll go for that if the male options are shit.
I always tought that you are a massive faggot if you play as a female in mmorps or singleplayer rpgs. However it's ok if you basically have no choice like in the Touhou games or in Perfect Dark. But even in beat em ups and games like OW I always prefer to play male fighters, even there with different gameplay it still feels wrong and gay to play as a female char.
Have you played ESO? There are SO MANY guys who play female chars and rp as female that it makes me sick, I can't play it.
I don't think you realize who you're talking to here.
>Accusing me of projecting
>When I did not say a single word about people who play male characters
I play both friendo. All I said was playing male characters will not make a gay man straight. Try to relax and not jump to conclusions.
Good for you, I'm not saying you should, I'm not even saying you should transition, in fact don't live life and try to be happy as a man.
Stop pretending that playing as women every chance you get isn't a suspect warning call. Stop pretending that normal men are gay because they wanna play as men. It's a retarded circlejerk.
Maybe perverted 40 year olds pick females to gawk at their bodies, but nobody grown up in the internet age will incessantly go for the female option every fucking time to "stare at their ass"
autogynephilia can produce very sick and perverted individuals like this user, dont fall for his indoctrination attempts to make you join his agp tranny cult
ok but post template
>Not making characters purely because they look cool
I'm sorry that you were traumatized.
I wish I was born a woman, but cutting off my dick and dressing in drag won't make me a woman.
So I play as women in video games instead.
>when the guys who play male characters hit on the female character you made and you tell them you're a guy
I just like to watch cute girls in action, trannies keep telling me it's because I'm an egg, but I find hard to buy that.
I think male chars look more badass and have a generally cooler presence btw, I don't know how you think female chars are cooler. They are not cooler, they are small and pathetic and I just can't force myself to pretend they are badass. I'm sorry you need to pretend to be a woman in videogames because you are too afraid to come out of the closet irl.
stop trying to create more ugly trannies please, god why cant all agps die already
This post was gayer than any of the actual gay shit in this thread, man
I prefer watching a female character perform the stunning feats which take place in video games.
so you like starin' at dudes
Holy shit Clarkson and May look young in this, is this from the original series?
Nothing is gayer than playing females in videogames instead of men because they "look cool".
It's ok being submissive fempc anons
Anyone else ITT masturbate to trannies sometimes and actually get a different kind of sensation from it than you would from hetero porn? There's a weird sadistic element to it--getting off to insecure skinnyfat 20yo olds that ruined their body from too much world of warcraft and estrogen pills. It's even better when they go all the way and get those horrible fake bolt on tits. It's so depraved and pathetic but that's also what makes it fascinating and fun. Watching it gives you this funny, dishonest sense of moral superiority and every time you ejaculate it never feels like you masturbated to a sexy woman, it feels like you masturbated to some liveleaks torture footage. It's hard to explain. It also feels like it boosts your test levels temporarily. It's a bit like jerking off to a cringe compilation and you get to have a nice laugh at the end.
CAn I be the gril user :(
Except gushing about how badass men are and how pathetic women are.
I want to be an anime girl because they're cute and sexy and graceful, but also I know I'm a dude with a dick that I enjoy beating off. Terribly sorry if this is a problem for anyone
You just perfectly described this weird sensation, it's like jerking to a trainwreck
>I don't know how you think female chars are cooler.
Never said that
>I'm sorry you need to pretend to be a woman in videogames because you are too afraid to come out of the closet irl.
Never said that either
Some times I just want a change of pace the same way I will play dex characters simply because it's not my usual playstyle. I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality that it does not matter what I play as in a video game and I'm sorry if that is not the case for you.
Low test cuck cope
>The Grand Tour is over
I'm just not a self-inserting roleplay faggot who thinks they are their character so if it's third person game i'll pick a female since i'd rather have to watch a woman's ass over a man's, unless of course theres a really cool looking dude.
First person: who gives a shit.
However, both decisions are secondary to what the character actually does i.e. moveset/abilities. Thinking otherwise makes you a gutter-dweller
As a man I want to be a badass dude who kicks ass in videogames. I wanna be able to project myself into the character and feel as if that's actually me, the hero, that's a big part of the fun in videogames. If you want to be a woman then it can't be helped, I guess. That's how it is.
I wanna be a man, you wanna be a woman, that's what it comes down to.
it made me realize i'm a sadist and I'm OK with that
No, I'm not a subhuman and I don't need to cope
I'm against their fucking cult movement, what are you guys talking about? I'm familiar with their dumb egg meme, which I don't think is untrue but I'm not fucking trying to recruit people.
I'm just tired of all these "totally not a tranny" posts, but it is probably harmful of me to bring up the egg concept and shit so I apologize for that.
No it's not. They're all going to be specials from now on though.
It depends on the game, but female characters usually have the bonus of being hot and cute, the eye candy makes the action more enjoyable as well.
I see no reason to pick the male character instead of the waifu, and I find hard to believe I'm a transexual because of it, particularly when it's a board like Yea Forums trying to convince me.
I hate how when everytime some retarded OP brings up this argument he sorely focus on the sexual implications of choosing a female character.
Especially when he's willing to ignore the possible desire to create a character with his story and personality who can be totally alien to the player's opinions and sexual orientation.
It's like shaming a writer for creating a murderous character and accusing him to be a serial killer, or saying that lara croft is a game for girls, when it's widely known that the appealed to a lot of young boys who were still developing their sexuality.
After this statement i can say that the opinion OP presented it's not only petty and ignorant, but also childish and tells a lot about OP lack of creativity and his personal fears of being accused of something of that he isn't.
After all, this thread wouldn't exist if it wasn't for OP's need to validate his faggy opinions.
quick rundown on this egg meme? didn't know trannies had their own memes
My favorite are the ones that make or pick a girl in first person RPGs or FPS.
>i-i-i dun wanna look at man's ass all gaym!!
There's definitely something wrong with you if you always pick a female character no matter what. Once in a while, sure, but every single game it's suspect as fuck.
You guys are weird. I'll never personally understand supposedly hating the thing you jerk off to. I mean you jerk off to it, you find it arousing so obviously you like it.
I find the feminization aspect of it hot, but I don't think of it as like a superiority thing, I just find dicks nice.
>niggas doing mental gymnastics to explain why they play what they play
for fucks sake, I only play as males and I never had to do this shit, why the fuck are y'all so insecure?
>When I kill people in videogames I think about those people being my parents
>therefore when others kill people in videogames I assume they are thinking about killing their parents
I understand that you have a disorder, but assuming that because you self insert, everyone does, just makes you look more mentally troubled than you already are.
the right can't meme
Why yes I do only play as a female. Got a problem with that?
I'm happely married and have 2 children and I still choose to play as the cutest girl I can
get fucked
Huwhite boys man
Suspect? Of what? Do tell, I come to Yea Forums to learn more about myself.
I doubt anyone here is particularly insecure or validation-seeking, you know this topic is evergreen shitposting fodder
lmao pathetic
It's not gay unless balls are touching.
but you wish you were born a all secretly do.
>this amount of projecting
Yeah, keep pretending you're any better by playing your loli child waifu or your huge titted slut, you massive autist.
Clarkson, May, don't be faggots.
trannies in denial are called eggs because they eventually come out of their shells and hatch into chicks
>shitposting by being ironically retarded
>not validation seeking
People who pretend to be upset and post obviously retarded arguments are the biggest attention whores on the board.
no, it's new top gear (2002), although james may was on old top gear (1977) from 1997-1999
Suspect of being a pathetic beta incel who needs to have a waifu in every single game he plays no matter what. The type that would probably roleplay as a woman in an MMO as well to get attention from other incels.
Of the things you mentioned I'm just a beta. Your theory could use some work
>roleplay as a woman in an MMO as well to get attention from other incels
I don't get how people can do this, I'd feel absolutely disgusted with myself
>if you're actually modding your game to replace the main character with a girl you are pathetic
It really is beyond pathetic if you do this. I hope none of you actually do this.
I don't think it is me who has a disorder. I think guys like you really don't get what is happenening to them, or done to them, on a large scale. Female-avatar playing dudes are only one step away from fapping to futa and eventually becoming traps themselves. Every single dude I knew who prefered to play females in videogames was either mentally troubled or a closet faggot. Raised by a single mother most likely.
But what if you have no choice because there are only playable females in the game? Well you have always the choice to not play faggot shit and switch to a different game.
>I wanna be a man, you wanna be a woman, that's what it comes down to.
I wanna play whatever character has the more fun move-sets and designs
100% this.
I've never understood why anyone would ever want to be a real woman. Like a cute anime girl I could understand, but real women are mostly gross.
Even if there were the option to become a real woman without any strings attached, you still end up as this weird menstruating thing that takes a lot of maintenance to look anywhere near presentable. If you're an ugly guy, you'd probably be an ugly women as well, in which case why would you even want to exist?
lmao that's exactly it, men look up to other men. Always have. Always will. As it should be with anyone that has testosterone. Rocky movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. Only low test beta males look up to women or think they are in any way shape or form "cool" or "badass."
God they used to be so not so old.
>He has to "Look up" to characters in a movie or video games
That sounds like you're missing a father figure in your life more than anything high test. I dunno, man. Alien and Kill Bill are pretty cool.
So who's the Black Stig of videogaems, Yea Forumsee?
"I wanna play what's most fun, and that happens to be a woman."
"I don't self insert so I am a chick in a videogames for some reason."
"I like to stare at the chicks ass, dude."
Yeah all that sounds good but we all know what truely is behind this. You're being slowly feminized and turned into a onions tranny. You may think this is harmless but it goes deeper than you realize. You have no male rolemodels and slowly you are made comfortable with being a woman instead of a man. Look at all the weebs who play their stupid ass waifu/anime/hentai games, they are practically women themselves already.
DMC1 Dante
Based filter raping this jabroni into whimpering submission while he crytypes some projection.
>Female-avatar playing dudes are only one step away from fapping to futa and eventually becoming traps themselves.
Don't project your insecurities onto me. If you're terrified that you'll start sucking dick by looking at the back of female, I feel for you. If your only argument is that you personally think playing video games will cause people to lose all sense of right and wrong, that only speaks volumes about your self.
But hey, some people think that playing violent video games will magically transform normal people into serial killers. You're not alone.
>I've never understood why anyone would ever want to be a real woman.
Plenty of reasons:
>automatic social points in every category
>on average considered much more attractive, you aren't in top 10% of men so you'd be better off as woman here
>genuinely wanted for all sorts of companionship
>guaranteed "social value", never considered useless or cannon fodder
Woman gets for free what man has to fight for or be lucky to get.
It's life on autopilot.
>I really see myself in the Joker
Besides, most of my favorite characters are male. What's your excuse now?
It's called having an average male teenage life, retard. Sad that the absolute state of limp wristed weak men think that somehow equates to not having a father figure. If anything, your father is who would get you into that shit; Die hard movies, Bond, Clint Eastwood, cars, sports, and other shit. Only weak men raised by single mothers would deny this or call it "gender stereotypes." Of course you would name the couple exceptions of "badass" women. I'm sure you had posters of Sarah Connor growing up. Playing as a girl is only the first step, sissy.
It's perfect for the weakling faggots in this thread, that's why they all secretly wish to be women. Life seems to hard for modern "men"...well there are barely any actual men left aren't there.
But this is selling your soul right here. If you want to be a woman just for the life easy mode then you sell your soul...becoming a gross and soulless woman is what you actually deserve then.
I like Bond and Clint Eastwood, user. As I said in the post above yours, most of my favorite characters are male. But you're acting like it's some sort of badge of honor. It's not that special.
james may the only proper bloke among the trio would probably play as a girl
you are literally this post body
>hurr durr fight for everything durrfffff grug smash
One day you'll grow up and realize that getting shit for free beats masturbating to own pointless conquests of nothing worth noting.
>Still projecting
I'm sorry that you feel the need to make baseless assumptions about others
All of that requires being social though. I was usually under the impression that people on here are similar to me and would rather play videogames than socialise. Being a woman doesn't help that at all in fact it hinders it.
And also I'd argue that the majority of women are plain and not really attractive at best. This is getting off topic but I always find it surprising when browsing /s/ occasionally that the majority of women being posted on there aren't very attractive. Maybe they have alright bits, but they're not facially attractive. But people seem to act like they're hot. It's weird.
>Playing as a girl is only the first step, sissy.
Exactly. But actually it may be already the second step. But don't bother, I figure you can't explain that to someone who is already lost. They are already women so whatever.
In 1st person games I play as a guy
In 3rd person games I play as a girl and install nude mods
somehow according to anonymous this makes me gay
Yeah, and my reply was to someone making the implication that "gushing" over men is gayer than playing as some dumb weak woman in a game or somehow lacking in a father figure. You said it yourself, it isn't special. It's basic male nature to look up to men, not women. Read the context and reply chain.
Those calling others who play as the opposite sex in video games are no worse than trannies. It's the same exact mindset.
>Oh he likes to play with dolls and likes fashion
>oh he wants to play as a female in a video game
>oh he played with matches a few times
you're just as deranged as all the psychos you demonize.
>And also I'd argue that the majority of women are plain and not really attractive at best.
Compare to men, where it's socially acceptable to say that most men are ugly or even disgusting.
Women win, most men are cucks who will give them free win for a chance to grovel before a vagina.
No. I still think having to defend your fascination with men by projecting all these insecurities against other people for liking female characters is gay as fuck. If you were really secure, you wouldn't care and you'd have fun with your Male role models like most people without getting preachy like some sort of faggot.
Yupp. Look at you roleplaying as a girl here on Yea Forums as well.
Why are his eyes so feminine?
>play with dolls
>likes fashion
lmao, massive oof
I think with this post we have reached a new low point. This is so twisted that I can't even find the right words to say anything against this. This is the hell of being a feminized, weak cuckshell devoid of any spirit.
So do I secretly want to be a car when I take control of my vehicle? Am I a tranny sexual everytime I drive?
>yeah i exclusively play male characters because unlike all of those betas im a prime alpha male
Nah, you definitely have mental issues for sure if you always feel compelled to pick a female character no matter what. Tranny tier.
Watch William's Doll you homo.
nice cope.
you too wish you were born a woman, right?
Keep stomping on the ground achieving nothing but pretending you're fighting.
post body
>If you always feel
I don't? Again. Most of my favorite characters are male. What are you fucking missing?
nice cope.
you too wish you were born a woman, right?
Then you aren't part of the issue, faggot. Stop replying to me.
>This entire thread
What does anyone get out of pretending to be stupid? I really do not understand what the purpose of these posts are meant to be
I would say that when I do pick robot characters it's because I would rather be a robot than a human. Robots have it easier, they don't have to be disgusting blobs of flesh and hair.
>posting a reaction picture means you are roleplaying as the person in the picture
guess I'm balding now thanks to this picture
post body then if youre a supposed alpha male
>reply chain is explicitly about playing female characters period
>stop responding with something I cannot argue
retards talking with retards
>self inserting
fucking losers
>the gender that is most appropriate to the lore, class and situation your character is in
THIS is how you play
i wouldn't care if he thinks i'm gay, i'd rape his ass sexually if he wants me to be gay
Looks like ERP but with hateboners instead.
Not him but I want to be a man in a female shaped body
I want to think as I do now (like a man)
I want to keep my male strength
I dont want to act like a woman
Im not interested in female hobbys
I still want to have my dick to fuck women
But I want a female body shape, a cute face and tits that I can play with while looking in the mirror
would be the best of both worlds, all the advantages of being a man, none of the downsides of being a woman, and a smoking hot body
I cant be the only one right?
>Not having a panic attack if you're playing a game where the character is anything but a beefcake
I feel like even if a man is unattractive he can still be handsome in an ugly way. Or, I don't know quite how to put it, the deeds a guy does feel like they can justify a man being attractive even when they aren't.
Honestly, I don't know if my opinions really count for much on matters of what makes someone attractive. I have a fetish that means I'm less interested in sex in itself so I'm kind of at the point in my life where I could take or leave it. So maybe my lack of interest in being more attractive (whether as a man or a woman) is down to that.
I'm not an alpha male, lol. Where did I say I was?
Unlike you however, I don't wish I was born as a woman, I can tell you that much.
No dude. You're not.
The "men" in these threads are hilarious. The mental gymnastics the perform to say they aren't secrectly trannies deserves a gold medal. Yes your gay if you pick a female and install nude mods to prance around as a bimbo. Yes your gay if you pick a girl in a fighting because you "like their character". You also suck at that game like all waifufags. Keep posting your anime girls and non-arguments. I'll be over here being a non-tranny. It may not be a conscious self insertion but what you play as reflects you as a person. Cope.
You suffer from autogynephilia. Stop watching porn and get some help, otherwise you might turn into a 40%er down the line
Every girl I knew, except for a lesbian one, thought it's weird for a guy to play as female characters. Both my exes even told me that it's a turn off that I played as females in some mmorpgs and skyrim. And those chars were only my alts, my mains were all mains of course.
It's perfectly natural tho, of course a girl will be confused and turned off by a faggot. Only those low IQ balding 40-50 years old cuckold play female chars and their wifes, who also play with them, are okay with it, but those people are so far gone, especially the men that it's pointless to even think about it.
Even in videogames girls want a man. Why do girls see you as a woman when you play a female and get turned off by it? Well because inside you are a woman.
>reply chain is explicitly about playing female characters period
Read it again you dumb fuck. Somehow this got turned to include your faggot ass feeling defensive over you "sometimes" picking a female character. I'm taking it back. You're a pathetic tranny for ever picking a girl character ever. Period.
I don't get this at all. I wanna look manlier not girlier. I'm a pathetic beta with low self-esteem, but I don't wanna become weaker.
I don't get it, man, I don't get you. I guess I sympathize with the shit hand you were dealt. I do jerk off to traps tho.
>Compare to men, where it's socially acceptable to say that most men are ugly or even disgusting.
Because most men don't even try.
Women use make up, clothing, etc to actually look attractive, you're not just magically born pristine and attractive forever, it takes effort, which can be minor or substantial depending on how you look.
Looking better makes you feel better, which makes you act better.
Most men get out of bed, maybe shower, use a shitty shampoo they use everyday, wash teeth, grab random ill fitted clothes and go out.
Almost every normal person can look good and presentable if they actually try to do so.
>what you play as reflects you as a person.
>my mains were all males of course.
fixed that typo. All this faggotry itt makes me tired I guess. I'm out
It's almost always weak men that do it, so it's no surprise a real woman would get turned off by it.
That wasn't me, user. The fact that you're so insecure that anybody having a different opinion than you is immediately a tranny says a lot about your self-confidence.
Finally somebody btfo this gay argument. Stay based Arnieposter
I dont want to be a tranny, I dont want female hormones or female thought patterns or that gay shit
I just think women have the better aesthetics, Im not mentally ill, I dont want to be a woman
I want to be a man that looks like a girl has some tits I can play with while I fuck a hot girl
Just saying if I was to go full ghost in the shell id get a female shaped body, but id never take hrt
>I'll be over here being a non-tranny
I don't know why that made me laugh so hard
Congrats you have AGP. Lay off the porn and hope it doesn't get worse with age, or you'll end up as one of those 50 year old hons.
also see
What are you getting out of purposefully making shitty arguments and pretending to be upset? I don't understand what pretending to be retarded accomplishes besides getting equally exaggerated responses
>I feel like even if a man is unattractive he can still be handsome in an ugly way.
A great deal of men can't be that.
A female mutant is still more attractive to average person than a man who is just ugly.
And nothing really prohibits ugly women from doing what men are expected to do.
The whole male/female attractiveness thing is a giant mess that will crash sooner or later. Strict religious marriage kept it hidden, but never fixed it.
So do you jerk off to this stuff? shemales fucking women or doujins or whatever?
My gf exclusively plays males in vidya. i ask her why and she says because she'd rather look at a male.
Jokes on you I'm gay
Double jokes I'm a Virgin
I unironically want more good games with female protagonists as long it doesn't come with political agenda bullshit attached.
Love playing as badass qts. You have to be pretty fucking insecure to have issues with it, especially when it's been a male fantasy for millennia.
only 2d ones
I cant get off to 3d shemales dominating chicks because they are all ugly and dont look like girls
Futa on girl is fucking hot tho
Really its only a feasable fantasy with magic or a cyborg body
Yes. And you are secretly a woman. And most of the disingenuous shitposters with over 9000 levels of post-post-post-irony in the thread are secretly shitposters with over 9000 levels of post-post-post-irony.
This is a good point, does it really matter if you never have sex or get into relationships what manner of degeneracy you're into? You're still not propagating anything or continuing any genetic line so that point it doesn't make a difference.
It's like being gay when you're a monk.
You're the only person sperging out this hard and backing down from any argument you can't handle. Nice delete, by the way. The ultimate backdown.
see 2d doesn't do it for me, it has to be real for me. I can jerk off to 2d a couple of times a month but I quickly bore of it.
I've jerked off to so much tranny porn dude.
>tfw a tranny who plays as a male because I want to stare at a man's ass
I just play multiple times alternating the gender of the character.
Based future suicide victim
Female characters usually look aesthetically better and have better fashion options, or at least more polished.
I have no problems playing male chars tho, usually I choose gender depending on class, if I'm playing a Mage, priest or spellcaster, usually woman, going for berserkers, warriors, etc, always the buffiest male I can find.
>Femdom is gayer than either.
You've clearly never had a woman sit on your face.
Bad reasons to play as a girl
>I dont want to stare at a mans ass
Good reasons to play as a girl
>I want to stare at a girls ass
>tfw mentally ill
>tfw always play as a cute girl
>tfw I wish I could have been born as a cute little girl
>tfw I'm a hot guy and a pedo and has absolutely no reason to ever become a tranny because I can fuck cute little girls
döda dig själv.
reported to interpol
>You're the only person sperging out this hard and backing down from any argument you can't handle.
You must be so upset people think you're a tranny for playing as a female.
>i-i-i only do it sometimes
The fact you had to tell me this when my original comment had nothing to do with it is incredibly insecure.
>Nice delete, by the way. The ultimate backdown.
>delete a comment because I replied to someone who seems to have made a reference to my post and not part of the argument
Simpy epic.
>being so distracted by a man's ass you can't play male characters
user, I...
du först
>hatch into dudes with their dicks cut off.
>tfw secure enough that I don't have to make arguments defending or attacking reasons to pick a specific sex in a video game
Why do I pick a guy? Because I fucking want to.
Why do I pick a girl? Because I fucking want to.
>wanting to look at the backside of a man for 30-60 hours
Nah, I like calling retards retards. It's the only fun thing to do on Yea Forums anyway. You're just actively melting down because people pick a girl in a fighting game or some shit and you try to go on this psychoanalysis tangent that nobody buys.
And no, you posting from your phone with the same language and typing patterns doesn't convince anybody that someone else is agreeing with you.
Based and objectively correct.
>being so retarded that you cant understand the post
Saying you want to play as a girl because you dont want to stare at a mans ass implys you are gay and cant stop looking at it, I labeled this as a BAD reason
Saying you want to stare at a womans ass just means you want to look at a womans ass so its a GOOD reason
Cant believe some people are so retarded that I had to explain what my post meant dumb low iq nigger
You may be a psychopath my friend
I have, and I much preferred choking her.
>I'm not insecure about being gay therefore I'm not gay!
Just because you like it doesn't mean you aren't fag.
If you ever have the desire to pick any female character you're a homo, that simple.
Well, that is the bad reason that user pointed.
The other is a perfectly good reason to pick a female character to play as, you get the action with some eye candy, which is nice.
See you in the whataburger parking lot, I'll make you feel like a cheap slut, wear something cute.
Stay mad faggot
Yea a homosapien unlike you nigger subhuman lmao
>implys you are gay and cant stop looking at it
No it doesn't. that's not how logic works, you made several fallacies in just one statement.
Just because I don't want to look at shit doesn't mean I feel attracted to shit, you fucking retard.
Nice reddit spacing btw, people got what you were trying to say, it just turns out you are saying retarded stuff.
>Make game with hot female being bad ass
>Feminists praise it for being empowering and cool
>Nerds praise it for being sexy and cool
>Feminists bash it for being misogynist and lame
>Nerds bash it for being feminist and lame
I want to go back
Sök hjälp, begrip dig aldrig på ett riktigt barn, du förstör liv om du gör det.
Nice backpeddling retard
>mfw i make female characters more than male characters
>mfw i get to stare at a woman the whole time instead of a man
>mfw i can create a backstory for the female and make her a pure lesbian virgin
it's like none of you are even trying
>you posting from your phone
>same language
>typing pattern
>convince anybody that someone else is agreeing with you.
HAHAHA, holy shit you must be absolutely seething if you're now going the samefag route. The delusion required to deny you're a closet discord tranny when IPs are clearly visible is amazing too. lmao
>Sök hjälp
If this really means "seek help" in english, you guys should get a real language and stop being cucked by english like the Germans.
First post I make in this thread, just wached your exchange with the other guy and wanted to intervene to clarify how fucking stupid you're.
Don't mind me, keep at it with the other guy.
Just dont stare at the shit then, that user is right
Also you're a faggot
>choose character you don't find atractive and actively avoid looking at it
>choose attractive character and look at it at your hearts content
Are you retarded?
What about when you're making a specific character from something else in the character creator?
Or when you're playing a game where you arent given a choice and your playable character is a girl?
Truly based
Eh det är ok. Jag överdriver för att det är roligt. Är attraherad av tjejer i alla åldrar men tittar bara på loli och knullar inte tjejer under 15 även om det skulle vart jävligt kul.
Orka skaffa hjälp, jag trivs med mig själv. Det är inte mitt fel att resten av världen har blivit galen.
>Or when you're playing a game where you arent given a choice and your playable character is a girl?
Acceptable. I don't think anyone here has said otherwise. What can absolutely be agreed on is that you're beyond pathetic if you feel the need to mod in a female. That's basically fact.
>trying to rationalize in a bait thread
you missed the entire point of the post
>Good reasons to play as a girl
>I want to stare at a girls ass
The point is that avoiding playing as a man because you dont want to look at his ass means you're a fag, because you cant stop staring at it, you can just not stare at the ass
But choosing to play as a girl because you want to look at her ass is a good reason to play as one
Im not explaining it again, if you still dont understand then just neck yourself
You dont even seem to be disagreeing with him, you're just being an idiot who cant read
This whole argument falls apart considering I exclusively play male characters and I still want to be femenized, forced to wear girly clothes, and be dominated.
imagine thinking your playable character has to be related to you
imagine thinking wanting to look at a character you design to look like your perfect female wife is gay
its just trannys projecting their desire to be another gender onto straight people who just wanna look at some hot ass
Its because they want to be girls that they accuse you of wanting to be one
This is like those image macros saying that shemale on female porn is ackchyually a "straighter" choice than vanilla. Logically it makes sense but you know for a fact they're closet fags.