Was he right?
Was he right?
Anglos are never right.
DaS2 is the worst Soulsborne but it's still pretty fun.
He was so wrong that one nerd made a 7 hour long analysis explaining how wrong he was.
No. His video was biased, contradictory, demeaning, and often incorrect. He deserved every single one of the 8 hours MauLer spent tearing him a new one.
>someone defending DS2
Dark Souls 1 was a cheeseburger
Dark Souls 2 was someone's attempt to make a better cheeseburger, but they fucked up halfway through and ran out of time so they just threw some raw beef on a plate and called it steak tartare
Dark Souls 3 was a cheeseburger with a different bun than the first one
Literally all he had to do to defend DS2 successfully was say three things:
>Best PvP
>Best build variety
>Better than Dark Souls 3
The video would've been flawless.
On the contrary. He was so wrong it took a 10 hour long video to explain all his wrongs.
based food analogy poster
>start watching MauLer video
DaS2 is the worst Souls but that guy is an autistic pseud.
No. Didn't even manage a coherent defense of the game that could stand up to any sort of scrutiny, had to resort to misrepresentation and strawmanning to even pretend to have an argument and then gave up making sense halfway through his own video.
When he says 'I just summon for Shrine of Amana, because I have friends lol,' after telling you to learn to play without lockon, the weight of his bullshit absolutely colapses on itself.
All three of those things are false.
Nope, i love DS2 but that retard was wrong and only make people who likes DS2 look worse.
DS2 is a bit clunkier, but with stronger RPG aspects, and there are people who like that. Look at the whole EuroJank RPG "genre"
For something to be false, it has to be wrong.
imagine being so fat you look at video games and see food
All of these are up for debate and at least would require some seriously proof. You'd have to actually examine the PvP in all 4 games, through multiple lens such as skill ceiling or floor, fluidity, responsiveness, etc. Then while proving this show off the build variety that occurs at each level meta in all 4 games. After that you'd have to go point by point to dismantle Ds3 and highlight the very few positives of Ds2 in comparison.
Hbomb is capable of none of that.
That video is some fine ASMR
>After that you'd have to go point by point to dismantle Ds3 and highlight the very few positives of Ds2 in comparison.
should be easy considering DS3 has no positives
No, he’s left
>Best PvP
you have to farm for orbs, half the covenants were dead within a week because they were fucking lame, and the netcode is so bad it makes DaS3 look like Skullgirls.
>Best build variety
it has the most build variety. best implies that the vast majority of the gear isn't actual dogshit in both looks and effectiveness.
>Better than Dark Souls 3
maybe this would be true if they decided to fix the giant glaring flaws with their game any of the two times they released it. as it stands it's fundamentally busted in just about every way it could be. it doesn't stand anywhere near DaS3, not because DaS3 is a good game, but because DaS3 was made by a competent team who can produce a game that doesn't look like its own chinese knockoff.
Dark Souls 1 was a delicious cheese burger with all the fixings, a little undercooked but otherwise perfect
Dark Souls 2 was two pieces of half-burnt toast with some dollar store meat, old tomatoes, and some mustard leaking out the sides whenever you took a bite, which they advertised as good because there's so much mustard, but never gave you any napkins so it's a chore to eat
Dark Souls 3 was a plain burger with some cheese, lettuce, maybe some bacon, but you forget you're eating anything halfway through and order something else
At least the movement works and no windmills lead to volcanos.
>DaS2 is the worst Souls but that guy is an autistic pseud.
Compared to bomberguy not at all. And if thats all you got from those videos then ur retarded.
At least DS2 isn't just DS1 but worse in every way
I hate DS3 for being a derivative shitstain as much or more than the next sperg but its a functional game, and while DS2 is just as much of a fanfiction-tier derivative shitstain, it isn't.
>no full orb
>have to farm to buy these cracked ones
>raises your fucking soul memory
>or farm some other enemy with the agape ring
>don't drop it super commonly
Yeah no fuck you faggots
>better than dark souls 3
Every fucking time with you faggots. Lets not forget ds2 is only playable on pc with the deadzone fix. Jesus christ the game was made by complete amateurs.
No he wasn't. That said DS2 is still fat better than any game that came after it.
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
Dark Souls 2 objectively has more positive aspects to it than Dark Souls 3.
Prove it ass-pie
no it doesn't and its not what we're talking about. Deflection won't save you from accepting your game was made by abject amateur retards.
So you expect people to recognize youtubers from the thumbnail now? How did you let it get so bad, Yea Forums? You welcome these retards and encourage them to nest here. This stupid underage fuck probably has never played DS2, just watched his ebig tube hero play it.
This place was always shit, but until a couple of years ago it was at least browsable.
>You have to farm for orbs
You earn orbs by doing arena PvP, there were also designated dueling spots for Red Soapstone if you really didn't want to go to the arena. You never had to 'farm' enemies, you engaged in PvP and were rewarded with the ability to fuck with people who weren't seeking PvP.
It doesn't matter if Dark Souls 3 has full orbs because of how absolutely abysmal the PvP is in the first place, with hosts with phantoms being prioritized, rolling and healing being so quick that it's essentially unpunishable and the only real 'invasion meta' being parrying and 1-shotting with hornet ring. Astounding PvP shitlords. So what do you end up doing to avoid that, using the arena or soapstone summoning in designated arenas, exactly like in dark souls 2 but with infinite rolling and terrible weapon variety because Miyazaki wanted Soul Arts gimmick-shit?
Arranged pvp is for flaming fucking faggots. Invasions are the only pvp that matters. You meta pvp faggots are insufferable.
you do what you can to make the most of it or leave
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
Souls games are PVE games with drop in/ drop out pvp. This is where these interactions function best. If all you have is pure pvp you have a very bland multiplayer experience.
DS3 also has an arena and designated duel locations, but you can move in 360 degrees while pvping and don't have to spin in place to try to manipulate the netcode to land a stray running attack
Das3 is a literal masterpiece compared to das2
Kill yourself
>Designated duel locations
Fights clubs and muh honorable pvp are for niggers and faggots.
If invasions are the only pvp that matters, why are you defending Dark Souls 3, the game that killed invasions in any form other than area invasions? You might as well be fighting on the Iron Keep bridge considering how the only fucking place you get fights in that shit game is after Pontiff.
I agree, but that usually means that every fight is going to be a complete and utter stomp because you're facing PvE builds with a twinky PvP build.
I said this, also stop attempting to defend Dark Souls 3's terrible combat by attacking the standard phantom range issues that literally every souls game has. The game's pvp is trash, it's a purely pve game.
I've never watched the video, but as someone who has played all From souls game I can tell you that 2 is the worst. Not bad, just the worst. That E3 downgrade makes it painful though.
Who are you arguing against you fucking nigger did I say I used them
I like DaS2 not necessary for the game itself (it is the worst game in the series). But because of how interesting the making of the game was, the dropping of open world, the huge downgrade and the stiched together world. It feels (and looks sometimes) like an old N64 game. I think its more of a "what could have been" interest and that they originally wanted it to be very ambitious but it feel apart.
DS2 pvp feels like shit to play because the game feels like shit to play at all times. I don't like DS3 pvp (lmao 2hitstun), and while I don't like the pve the problem wasn't with how the game felt.
Heres the thing If I want to invade I don't make faggot build, I just invade on my character with whatever I have. Minmaxed pvp builds are cancer. Obviously invading someone and one shotting them when they don't even know I'm there is boring.
I thought he made some good points. Then I learned he was a soi boy so I hate Dark Souls 2 again.
Name literally one
>I agree, but that usually means that every fight is going to be a complete and utter stomp because you're facing PvE builds with a twinky PvP build.
>while yeah sure you're right but if you play in a way that makes it non fun for you, you won't have fun
Genius insight from the ds2 defense squad
I can understand how some people think that the game feels like shit to play, but generally past the piss poor, floaty animations there isn't much objectively wrong with the game. It has a slower pace and I see how that felt wrong with some people, but it definitely had a pvp community on par with Dark Souls 1 and that's something Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 lost very quickly. So clearly they were doing something right in that respect.
The deadzone is objectively fucked unless you download a mod to fix it
fucking kek
I played with KB+M :^)
Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls II > Sekirou >> Dark Souls 3
Bloodborne has a pvp community, it was written off quickly but it never died, just got left behind by all the epic youtube cancer, out of all the janky souls pvp it's probably my favorite.
>dark souls 2 is bad
>no it's not because dark souls 3 is bad
Dark Souls 3 is objectively the wrost game in the series.
Dark souls 3 is the worst souls game by far. You have to have been a DaS:PTD starter to consider it better than 2.
Poise being nonexistant and weapon/spell balance being so bad that only one build feels good the whole way through made the game practically non-replayable.
2 had a shit ton of build variety that felt good in both PvP and PvE. the only real complaint is soul memory.
Still not an argument in favor in DS2.
This guy gets it, the game has you go through some of the dullest most uninspired levels on a sleigh ride that just gets worse and worse. While DS2 isn't the best and has glaring flaws, it is in no way as shit as DS3.
I unironically love the atmosphere of DS2 after using mods that restore the proper lighting. The undead crypt is my favorite area in the game as a result.
heh, you're right.
>waaaah soul memory
>waaaaaaaah this world map contradicts intself at points
>WAAAAAHHH this very early boss is multiple similar automatons that can be found as normal enemies later.
I hate how popular souls got with the PC release. All the shitters and onlyafro memers worship DAS1 because they never played the pre major patch version.
Yeah definitely.
>instead of defending DS2
But I did? It has the most viable build variety in the franchise and arguably the best PvP
>TFW tried a bow in 3 after 2 and it felt like crap
I swear they balanced 3 around R1 an low-stamina roll spam...
>cant respond with any argument because his entire understanding of the franchise is through e-celebs and other Yea Forums memespouters
You've missed the point of my post like 3 times in a row. I don't care what you have to say
>Youtube video essay
Haven't even seen it but I can tell you he was wrong, is a retard, and everyone who watched it should fuck off a cliff.
As someone who likes Dark Souls 2, no, he was not right. He was so wrong some autist made a 7 hour reply video
I stopped watching when he started misusing the footage of Matthewmatosis to prove his points while being a smug fuck. The DSII video of his is my least favorite and I don't agree with many of his points. but this bomber guy played it really low.
Nothing fucking works in 3 beyond daggers, UGS/GH/CGS, and Straight Swords. Everything else is some degree of bad or terrible.
>Mfw played 2 with a Faith/Dex build stinging targets with a Lightning Estoc and periodic offhand Miracles
>Mfw twin Avelyn machinegunner
>Mfw Crossbow sniper
>Mfw invisible Greatscythes
>Mfw this literally is a useless effort in 3, and was almost impossible to use in 1 outside of the outright endgame
You mean the best version?
The best version of the game was PS3 vanilla prepatch.
was his analogy not good enough for you so you had to make a pointlessly longer variation of what was already said? Are you autistic?
Don't know what you're talking about but DS2 is the GOAT. Brainlets and noobs think otherwise.
I would have fucking loved to powerstance Gael's Repeating Crossbow, but alas, no fun is allowed in DS3
That video was just as bad as his hairline
Hbomberguy, like Contrapoints and much of leftyoutube is a pseudointellectual fraud. He only engages with incredibly low hanging fruit for content. The few times he might engage with the risque or toxic elements of faux-progressives is when he carefully redefines every word, so that he might weasel his way out of any controversy.
Remeber when he protected his sex predator friend? Funny how he doesnt talk about or apologize for it, after they were prosecuted.
>but I did
>[reaction image] you missed the point im not replying to you
at least try to pretend that you can formulate your own opinions; or, you can keep posting reaction images with no argument to stand on.
Pre patch was so broken that it was fun. Iron skin bouncing everything, Izalith dragon asses aggroing before you leave the centipede pit.
Is Dark Souls 2 the New Vegas of Dark Souls?
Pros of Dark Souls 2:
>NG+ adding new shit
>Bonfire Ascetics
>Great build variety
>Plenty of unique weapons that are actually viable
>DLC is really good
>Good balance after patches
>Best iteration of poise
>Soul Vessels for respeccing
>No useless stats for once
>Best PvP if you care about that
>Made a step in the right direction by keeping roll speed constant and having equip load change roll distance (kind of subjective though)
Cons of Dark Souls 2:
>ADP and agility is a shitty mechanic and immediately took a step back from the roll speed change
>Game is clearly unfinished
>A lot of filler bosses that just suck
>Shitty textures galore
>Awful downgrade
>Final Boss is the worst in the series
>Omni-directional movement for some fucking reason instead of full analog movement
Can't really think of anything else, sure i'm missing a bunch.
All the fallout games have shit gameplay, so I'm not seeing the correlation.
That is an absolutely fucking disgusting insult to new vegas
Shitty enemies, shitty bosses, shitty level design, shitty music, shitty atmosphere, combat is floaty and slow with bad animations.
>dark souls 2
>good pvp
It is literally the opposite. DS2 was made by commitee, and tried to emulate the past. New Vegas was the original team coming back to try to make something new using an old engine.
The DLC fundamentally changed the meta due to new broken or powerful equipment.
No, people actually like NV.
Floaty is a nonsense term you Kiddie Hearts faggot
You could add how every single DLC had a super shit part of it worth of being
>worst part of the series
That said, most of Das2 is THAT part, fuck it's annoying to just remember it.
Even if DS2 was a good game, his video is still astoundingly bad. Full of contradictions, misinformation and opinions based purely on biased feelings.
>turtlers punished
>iframes less forgiving
>more than just stacking health/endurance
>weapon sweet spots and hitboxes that can be used to edge around blocks
Yeah I sure prefer parry fishing and r1 spam
Dark Souls 2 has the best fashion out of the Souls series (not including bloodborne)
Dark Souls 3 is even worse than DeS due to the fact that the mesh is fucked up and as a result everything but a few sets make you look fat
Was she right?
I remember this one time I decided to do the arena after I was pretty much the highest level in the game and had the best equipment, literal Havel tier and this poor fucker at level 10 kept trying to fight me with his 10 eye orbs
It was just sad, to the point of him just running away from me in my poison butterfly of death build
The PvP in DS2 was shit and soul memory was a retarded idea, I'm actually surprised they didn't patch it out it was that bad
Add all of this here The soundtrack is fucking shit and the bosses are generic big guys in armor.
Animations are disgusting. Whoever thought mocap was a good idea should be shot.
Obligatory post
Based vanilla with that crazy op throwing shield. Also the Infinite souls dragon head glitch. Good times.
>gay marxist loves dark souls 2
I wonder if there's a connection here
actually watch the video, it was pretty good.
I get that you guys don't like the game but literally what is wrong with the Soundtrack? That just sounds like the usual parroting bullshit Yea Forums is known for, just call everything in the game shit because that's the popular opinion.
>the main branch is locked by a BUNCH OF ROCKS
Oh das2, you don't get nearly enough hate.
Yes but only because Mathwhomatosis is a gigantic faggot
There is no game in Fromsoft's history that receives as much reactionary hate as 2, you faggot.
How many barred doors that can only be opened from one side are there across the series? Having just played DaS2 and 3 I can say that there's zero in DaS2 and five in DaS3, but I can't remember DaS1.
Quality over quantity.
My boyfriend has something to say on this matter
uh dark souls is a series of videogames not food dumbass lmao
This. I dont know when the hate train started, probably people had extremely high expectations after DaS1 and wanted that fully surpasses it. It would have probably happened if it wasn't for the troubled development it went through and the first director getting replaced.
That’s not the point of the image
It's not the exact same, are you illiterate? Fuck off and die.
Oh boy I'm certain this streamer has phenomenal opinions.
>I dont know when the hate train started
It definitely wasn’t on release, that’s what gets me.
he had some good point but fighting multiple enemies at the same time is wrong because the control scheme doesn't allow moving and pointing the camera at the same time or ensuring that shields, blocks and attack go in the right direction
Better than the ds3 slog
> he wasn’t here on release
Ds2 problem was being pointed out on release. However, I agreed that the game wasn’t bad overall and had some good point but it is still the worst among all soulborne game
>if i say i actually like all the bad things in the game, then it isnt a bad game anymore
Dark Souls 1 was a masterpiece overall. A sequel to a game that wasn't expected to sell that well but got a huge cult following and DaS1 took off taking gamers by a new front that has still inspiring elements today that companies are trying to find ways to replicate.
Dark Souls 2 was the sequel to this game previously mentioned without the executive director 100% overseeing things. Its essentially a DaS1 fanfic. The only thing that mattered about making it DaS in a story/theming sense is it still stole/robbed basically everything from berserk for influence, god bless. Gameplay wise it was basically ruined because its not a dungeon crawler anymore since you have teleport the moment the game starts. There is no more objective difficulty to going to an area and traveling deeper. The consequence is gone AKA it is now objectively a more casual experience.
Dark Souls 3 was the sequel to the aforementioned product and it made combat as smooth as possible, but messed up by making iframes too apparent. Terrible level design just like 2 due to instant teleport. Once again retains all influences and story from berserk, god bless.
Lastly, dark souls isn't food zoomer.
He's cute
It's easily the game that got the longest dev cycle and from's expectations were really high as well. Everything about the beta versions of the levels sounded amazing and exactly how the concept arts pictured it. The Iron keep's original version was completely different than what we got.
Then again, this has been a trend for From games, even Sekiro has cut content. Demon's Souls supposedly has the least cut content and it was still missing the beta snow level.
You do realize that Dark Souls 1 is the literal only game in the franchise to not have hub connection right from the get-go, right?
>Demon's Souls
>Return to Nexus
>Dark Souls 2
>Return to Dream
>Dark Souls 3
Even Dark Souls 1 has teleport after getting your hand on the Lordvessel. People treat this like it was some virtue that no other game in the series seemed to get as correct because of 2, when it's literally only relevant in 1, and even then, only half of the game.
Have Sex.
hnmnng why does souls cut content feel so special
Have sex.
He’s stating his changed opinion. Your post is fucking retarded
Dark souls II is still the HARDEST From Software game to date.
A grass is greener kind of thing. The cut/changed content sounds better then what we actually got when in reality if it was in the game it'd have its own issues people would complain about.
The super shit parts were zone that were designed for MULTIPLAYER, if you play them with summons those are fun, but if you try to force your way solo they are going to rip you a new one (its still soloable, tho)
Wow what an amazing fight!
You literally fight the Bell Gargoyles with literally the Bell Gargoyles music playing but there's a half dozen of them.
They have different attacks though.
Yea it’s almost like not level makes the significantly more difficult due to a certain stat hmmm
You haven't played many From games then, brainlet babby
Because they somehow cut it at the last minute. Bloodborne had a finished snake boss taken out.
So is there any point to playing DS3 if it doesn't do anything better than he other Soulsborne games.
what the fuck why havent i see nthis
I laughed too hard at this
>Dark Souls 2 has the best fashion out of the Souls series
It's hard to have the best fashion in the series when you look like a PS1 game dipped in shit. DeS looks much better than DaS2 even.
SL1 CoC NG7 DaS2 is harder than SL1/BL4/Beadless+Charmless+Bell DeS/DaS/DaS3/Sekiro
This is fact.
I was super late to the Soulsborne party. I played DeS first like 4 years ago, then took a break, played some DS1. I stopped at O&S, took a break, got a hold of Bloodborne and loved it so much I platinumed it over 3 playthroughs. Then like another year or two passed and I started DS1 over.
I loved Dark Souls. I liked exploring in it, trying out weapons until I found the one I liked, fucking up and getting all my NPCs killed. I beat Anor Londo before I beat Pinwheel, but I had a great time. It had the atmosphere of DeS, but a lot better gameplay.
When I went to play DS2, I'd heard bad things. I was told by a friend though that it was the weakest of the Souls games, but still good. And that's about what it was for me. I had an okay time playing it, but it didn't click like DS1 or BB did. It felt like a cheap knockoff of Dark Souls. Powerstancing was awesome, but so much of that game was just... bleh. Adaptanility, dealing with Soul Memory, Titanite Slabs being passed out like candy while Chunks were hidden away. All the bonfires hidden by invisible walls. Enemies with infinite poise despite me powerstancing two Greatswords. Being able to make enemies stop respawning. The weak story, grindy covenants, stuff like the hellavator, it all just added up to a meh time. I don't feel like I wasted the time I spent playing it, but when I think about having to go through NG+ with the stupid addition of lolsorandumb red phantom spawns, I play something else.
I'd avoided most stuff Dark Souls for a while. I wanted to play them blind, and ignored the hype when they were new. I had almost no real preconceptions of Dark Souls 2, but after having beat it and talked to people about it, I can see why people were let down by it.
Have sex.
>character gets stronger the more they level
Wow, I think you might be on to something user.
I don't know why people say DS3 is the hardest, ended my first run some days ago and aside from Sulyvahn, Nameless King and 2-3 from the DLCs all the bosses were piss easy
U fucking tranny, where is the link to the video!???
Dark Souls 3 is unplayable garbage. It's the only game in the series I dropped. It's just trash in every way, from the level design to the combat to the balancing.
Yes there is. At the end of the day it blows every other arpg out of the park. Youd be stupid to miss out on more souls.
it was a fucking terrible video but the intent was correct mostly
>he hasnt played a 66 str hypermode morion/rtsr heavy ecgs w/ blessed weapon build
shame, yer missin out
even if the game played like it was made by god, it would still be massively held back by the bonehead decisions of soul memory and no red eye orb.
If rather have soul memory over weapons memory
chaotic dried finger runs
then you're either a moronic fanboy or you didn't invade regularly.
From made other games besides Souls, brainlet babby
SL1 is solely more difficult in ds2 because low adp level
Soul Memory didn't ruin my jolly cooperation
weapons memory did
>not leveling a stat is worse than leveling a stat
Tell me more. I'm intrigued
it objectively does ruin your co-op because eventually that character will move out of your desired soul memory bracket, forcing you to make a new character. with weapon memory you can keep a character at whatever appropriate level/wm you want for invasions and co-oping.
Literally nobody had heard of From before Demons Souls, fuck off casual.
>Literally nobody had heard of From before Demons Souls, fuck off casual.
False. Their games had a cult following in Japan and Armored Core was popular worldwide
Agape ring existed. I could stay in ruin sentinels forever farming medals and having fun.
With weapon memory, I have to play a gimped character by not upgrading to stay within a bracket, severely limiting my pool of players
Why do most encounters in 3 feel cheap?
Literally false, casual newfag. I was born in 1998 and I had never heard of armored core until after demons souls came out
agape ring exists as an admission that soul memory was a massive mistake you retard. and it still takes up a ring slot, gimping your character.
Equipment upgrades gimp you more than a ring slot
>acts like its a badge of honor
3's encounters were fine
>anything with dogs, but that's a staple of any from game
>some attacks with little to no startup
>ambushes that aren't really surprising every couple rooms
That's the entirety of Dark Souls 2.
if they're not really surprising how are you getting ambushed
No, like always DaS2 is only defended by people who are shit at souls games but love looking up easy ways to beat them online via easy mode builds and op items to use.
You forgot the combos that go on and on forever
>Game is when Dodge is non functional
It's absurd that people waste time defending such a trash game
>Best PVP
Objectively false, there is no variety in how you actually face off against other players. It has to be dumb tryhard arena, Bell Towers within certain soul memory ranges, or hope someone summons your red sign. Have to edit in red eye orbs if you want to do anything else at all. As a result of this, stuff like blue sentinals also suffer, and while the game was at its apex (at release) the actual balance of PVP was so abhorrent that the cooler shit didnt even matter, armor was useless, and it was all mundane washingpoles that were built to one shot, or power stanced avelynns to cheese
>Best build variety
This is true, because power stancing adds a lot and there were a lot of neat things.
>Better than Dark Souls 3
lol no. The bosses were shit, they even went as far as to recycle Orestein to try and salvage some of those disasters. I am not going to pretend like Dark Souls 3 had amazing ones either or didn't try to recycle shit (because it certainly did) but I can safely say that the abyss watches shit on 90% of anything Dark Souls 2 bosses were. Dark Souls 3 PVP might have been a mess, but at least I could invade, and have varying objectives while doing so, in basically any area in the fucking game, they even had the "Player as a boss" gimmick from Demon's Souls is one of the DLCs. The initial balance, while still awful, was significantly better than fucking Dark Souls 2.
Bloodborne had objectively the best pvp, dark souls 2 is shit
This game is devil may cry. Not a souls game.
I love the agape ring. Invading noobs is comfy as fuck.
Why didn't he tried to kill it frist?
he tried too hard to be contrarian and defend the game against every single common criticism instead of just sincerely talking about what he liked
his contrarianism didn't lead him down any interesting paths, it was just boring and transparent
honestly this guy sucks, his videos are just dull and they're bloated with too much time wasting shit, his bloodborne video took him 40 minutes to say that "bloodborne encourages aggressive play because you don't have a shield", which is an extremely common thing for people to say about the game and isn't even true
>DLC is really good
>2 of the DLC's have the two worst boss runs in the series, those being the run to Alonne and the run to lmao2cat
>one of the DLC bosses is Smelter Demon Cool Ranch flavour
>the other boss that everybody jerks off over, Fume Knight, is easy to read and has low move variety and thus challenge.
Are they actually really good or are they only perceived as good because the base they are working from is so low quality? They certainly aren't as good as Artorias of the Abyss, Ashes of Ariandel or The Ringed City. An 'okay to decent' DLC feels better when compared to the disappointing and mediocre base game, but if you took the same quality and had it try to build upon a better game to begin with they're really nothing to write home about.
>There is no variety in how you face against other players
What the fuck is rat covenant? That was easily one of the most original covenants in the series, and aside from that you could invade in most zones without trouble
>Having to edit red eye orbs
You can get those by the loads by killing torturers, pvping in the arena or buying them from Ren, a whole orb would have been much better but it shit sucks
>All mundane washingpoles or power stanced avelyns
You must have played very early near release date because if i recall correctly avelyn got nerfed hard. I must have +30 hours just in online fights in DS2 and its by far the souls game with the most build variety ive seen, washingpoles werent even that common
He was right in having his own opinon. Hes still a huge faggot and i disagree with him but i can say he was wrong.
>eheh look at this two pump chump thinking he's going to get past this area running
Is this a man with long hair or a mentally ill man who thinks he's a girl
>right about anything
You're supposed to be seething you dumb faggot, isn't it SOULSBORNE you can't escape the whattaboutism that the ds3 comparison has invited
I never understood all the bitching about Adaptability considering the game is an RPG. Not tying rolls to a stat is an obvious misstep.
They got used to using DWGR to roll through attacks rather than actually avoid getting hit, so they are now crying about muh i-frames.
the execution was poor, they cut the base i-frames from previous games without investment and force you to invest to not only attain but exceed the previous base i-frames with no visual roll animation changes
No, he picked the worst points to defend it on. This was a terrible fucking video.
The video is flawed unlike Dark Souls 2
My real question is why has no other soulsborne game seemed to be able to capture the atmosphere that demon’s souls and ds1 had?
I don’t know how to explain it but something about those two seems so much more immersive than the later instalments
his forehead is enough
Food analogies are simple, thats why they work
They were already tied to your equip limit in the other games. Adaptability gives you no visual difference and it's just lazy.
>Scorpioness Najka cutscenes never ever
That's a puzzling cut, given that these scenes were fully animated and polished, but I guess at the end of the day they were deemed too minor of characters to have a scene like this.
The entire young Shanalotte questline being cut is infuriating though. The game expects you to care about her and acts like you've somehow bonded over the course of the main quest but you literally don't, she is just there, there's no character development. This quest was like the entirety of her character development and would have given you a reason to actually care about her as more than a vital service-giving NPC.
ds2 wasn't as good as the other games but its not like it was garbage
Bloodborne had terrible fucking PvP. Also, what kind of endgame 99 in every stats build is that
>bloodtinge and arcane