Why does the Yuzu emulator upset people?

Why does the Yuzu emulator upset people?

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Other urls found in this thread:

letmegooglethat.com/?q=list of modern pc games

Because PC and pirate chads always win

Can it play any other game beside Tetris yet?

>mighty gunvolt burst now playable
tick tock nintendies

Don't they have cemu anyways?

Why are you reposting shit from months ago? Are you that fucking desperate for replies to a thread?

>PCgamers settling for Switch emulation
Haha how pathetic

>more people get to play fun nintendo games
Nice. Stop paying attention to only retards

holy fuck I thought I was the biggest Nintendo cocksucker imaginable but these people need to be put out of their misery

>You're not allowed to talk about this

tendies BTFO

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Hahahahaha right? Having free games, sad!

Tendies have so much nostalgia for childhood Nintendo games that they treat Nintendo almost like a parent. Any offense to Nintendo is taken personally and defended harshly.

>t. PC and Switch owner

Also fuck SNOY for their censorship and movie games

Many of them simply think emulators are illegal, but even those who know they aren't don't want to see people creating opportunities for pirates, because they want video game to keep being made. Kind of obvious.


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imagine being smug about getting nintendo's filthy leftovers years after everyone else has already played them

Except the Switch is only two years old......

I just want the DOAX game to be playable

>emulating a portable system

lmao you're so desperate for switch to fail and yet it never will. Its just going from strength to strength.

How upset are you? I know you are. Its been fucking hilarious watching you meltdown for two years now.

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Wtf, when the DS emulators came out I don't remember any white knight bullshit, what the fuck is happening to people

>you don't win by playing games illegally
What kind of retard would come up with something like this ?
What is there to win ? I just have as much fun as you playing pirated games.

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must love product, must love brand

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More and more stupid people have internet access every day.

is it just me or does this switch emulator seem kinda pointless? the switch only has a bunch of games and even those are coming to pc(octopath). its the same reason no one bothered to make a vita emulator like ever, no one wanted to go through that trouble just for gravity rush and persona 4 golden

No one cares shill

OP's Mum here. Kind one of you kind lads please delete this post? My little didums is upset and throwing a tantrum. Thank you.

I'd prefer to play on an emulator over the default console just because I can speed it up.

>when you buy a 1000 dollar PC to play nintendo games

Your tears are delicious. God, I just love watching you get upset about Nintendo.

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are you implying 1000 dollars is a lot of money for a one time purchase

Emulation has always been a bonus lmao

No one wants the Switch to fail. We want it to succeed so we get more free games.

I dislike it because it can only play one game, but Pkeks pretend that the entire Switch library is emulatable at an acceptable framerate.

Not him user but obviously paying 1000 up front is a fools errand, paying 400 up front, another 60 for a controller, another 60 for each game, and 60 for every year I plan to use the internet connection I paid for is PEAK financial smarts

Have fun festering in your bedroom in your yellow cum-crusted underoos.

>when you buy a 1000 dollar PC to play ps1 ps2 ps3 switch wii ds and 3ds games on top of pc games
here, fixed for you

Don't worry, the Switch is on track to become one of the most successful consoles of all time. Isn't that great?

>its a bonus

feel free to name all those PC exclusives bro

in b4 decade(s) old rpgs


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choose one

There were the botw shrek mod memes but that's it, I don't think anyone is really interested in playing switch games other than ninties.

Holy fuck, the Switch train just won't stop.

It got ported a long time ago under a different name.

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are you implying exclusives are the only games that exist
and that games that you've never played but for some reason don't personally like also don't exist
Do you really expect me to believe you've never played a game that's not Bloodborne or God of War?

please explain how playing the definitive versions of the games for free is "settling." this should be good.

>upset people
>these "people" who are upset are virtue signaling twitter users
nice shitpost thread

Why is everyone so triggered about this? I'm not falseflagging I just want a legitimate answer why you mad about it?

>exclusives dont matter

they dont matter when you've got none yeah

face it, you rely on emulation shitposting because you don't have any modern exclusives worth a shit

Everyone got over it, reposting something from over a year ago and claiming it's relevant make it so.

Nobody is. OP just wishes they were. Because he's a sad loser who is obsessed with hating Nintendo. The past few years have been rough on him.

Some people use console and having alternatives of playing its games is a no go for consoles.

a-are you saying the PC has no games? is this the new meme now? well, pc has games from all consoles mainly, however the main appeal of the PC is that you can actually run those games at playable speeds aka 60 frames plus while also being able to play a multitude of genres like rts games, moba games, shooter games with perfect accuracy due to mouse and keyboard, also having PC is a necesity these days, you can praise your switch all you want but you cant really shitpost with it on Yea Forums, can you?

>when you've got none
I mean, none that a casual like you would know about.
And again, I refuse to believe you've never played a shooter, a multiplat that would run better on PC, or any game that could be modded.

>Can you guys just please don't, hack the PS4 instead.

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>lists none

erry time

go on, dig up your lists of decades old RPGs

The only correct answer is that some people have an obsessive attachment to Nintendo, treating them like a friend or part of their families. Some poor fucks deluded themselves into thinking Nintendo is not just another corporation looking for maximum profit and think they are friends. It's actually quite sad because it shows the lack of friends/family in the life of these people.

Most people buy Switches for Smash and Kart, plus splatoon 2, also Mario maker right around the corner. Guess you won't be though, lol

>corporations shouldn't make money, they should just make products for free

sounds like something a poorfag would say

Okay I guess you can just ignore every argument.
I'm not going to bother bringing up a list of games that you're going to say don't count.
In the end you're never going to admit you're just salty because you're a poorfag.
I own a PS4. It is much cheaper than my PC. The only game I've ever played on it is Bloodborne But you'll never be able to buy a half decent PC without starving for the month.
Stay mad.

How about every single RTS/MMO/CRPG as well as 90% of indie games worth mentioning in the past decade? Is that not enough for you? I have consoles but acting like PC doesn't offer any exclusives is retarded.

No one is. More people get to play nintendo games, which is great. Hacking and piracy has an inverse effect on nintendo products. It's just PC fat shitposting

the PC doesn't need exclusives since its not a fucking console, how much of a zoomer are you? the PC is just a platform where you can play your games better(good framerates, mods, reshades etc), why the fuck would you want to play a game in 25 fps when you can play it in 120 fps on PC, call me when your basedtch can pull more than 20 frames you fucktard

>ignore every argument
>still no list of modern PC exclusives

>muh old gaems

pc gaming would be irrelevant without emulation and you can't prove that statement wrong

most people buy switches for bing bing wahoo, and bing bing wahoo is getting emulated. pretty soon it will be 140fps, 4k.


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That's not even what he implied retard

You missed the point entirely retard. The point is not that Nintendo is after profits. They are and that's fine, just like any other business. The point is that some people have deluded themselves into thinking that this is not Nintendo's purpose. They think that Nintendo makes their decisions based on what will make them happy, which is a retarded way of viewing things.

PC players can always downgrade, PS4 poorfags can't upgrade.

>pc 'masterrace'
>has to rely on other platforms for games

Emulation is great but I don't want to wait weeks/months for a functioning rom. Plus there's no online.

Too much casual.

streaming =/= emulation.

PCfags can wrap their heads around why the Switch is so successful. lmao incel for life.

>muh old gaems
But nothing in my post mentioned old games. There are new games being made for every genre I mentioned absolute retard.

>most family oriented, couch co-op, party brand in videogame history
>t-these are the people who lack friends and family!
I smell a projection

still no list of modern PC exclusives


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you do realise that most PC games get ported to consoles and not the other way around, do you?

I would by a switch to jerk off to squids

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Based, underaged poorfags btfo

>most people buy switches for bing bing wahoo
Is that why Smash outsold Odyssey lifetime in three hours? Even a fucking Kart port outsold odyssey. Lonely friendless faggots like yourself play bing bing shit

Every single game in the genres mentioned. Now kys faggot.


Everyone seethes when PC starts emulating their console. Look at how badly Sonyiggers screeched when RPCS3 got off the ground.

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>all the seething switch incels ITT

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>definitive versions
Oh yes it's the definitive version when it's got bugs that don't exist in the real version

The absolute state of underaged kids whose moms won't buy them anything that costs more than $300


>most family oriented, couch co-op, party brand in videogame history
>actual playerbase is a bunch of smelly friendless autists who nobody can stand (see: smashfags at fgc events)
what did nintendo mean by this?


>when you have to (you) your own posts


All these games are mostly played by dirty(literally) losers. Look at smash for example.



What if i emulate it on my portable pc?




on a long enough time line, the amount of games not on pc... drops to zero.



Did you actually get triggered by my post lol?


did you see the shit psycrow did on emulated mario maker 1?

no of course not because you don't even love the video games you're talking about. you love a company like a faggot.








>>He pays for internet connectivity on a console on top of paying for internet.


lmao imagine sperging so bad over the fact that you got BTFOed in an argument that you have to use a bot to shit the thread

>Okay I guess you can just ignore every argument.
>I'm not going to bother bringing up a list of games that you're going to say don't count.
>In the end you're never going to admit you're just salty because you're a poorfag.
>I own a PS4. It is much cheaper than my PC. The only game I've ever played on it is Bloodborne But you'll never be able to buy a half decent PC without starving for the month.
>Stay mad.

Emulators are literally illegal.

>because they want video game to keep being made
They'll keep being made regardless.
Stop being a retard buddy. People emulating are not the same as people who will purchase, they are not an overlapping demographic.

>>emulating a portable system
Not sure what your point is. Portable isn't a factor for me, I'm not a dumb faggot who wants to walk about playing games, I play them at home on large screens with good audio systems in comfort. Emulation is the pinnacle, because it opens up a whole host of improvements to load times, graphics, gameplay speed, input methods and mods for games.

>all these posts
>still no list of modern PC exclusives

Not in the land of plenty!

no they aren't, can you prove they are? reverse engineering isn't illegal by any means


what do we do about this???

ask them for a list of modern pc exclusives

Seething poorfag


>PC exclusives
Everything above 60fps is PC exclusive.




>months ago
Try last year. Yes, they are that fucking autistic.

still no list of modern PC exclusives

Technically streaming can be a form of emulation.
By definition, emulation is the "reproduction of the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc." and as such there are no requirements for the game code to be ran locally. It's the "what" rather than the "how", and streaming services emulate the behavior of the console on the end user's machine.

keep coping loser, I'm sure you'll feel less pathetic that $1000 is a lot of money to you after a while.
No one's playing your game of "nuh uh"


still no list of modern PC exclusives


>admiting to be poor
you are only deluding yourself

That was a year ago

Why are you suddenly bringing that up, because Nintendo got attention again?

Are you this mad? lol

>a-at least the 5 fps game my mom bought me for my birthday is exclusive...

still no list of modern PC exclusives

letmegooglethat.com/?q=list of modern pc games

k y u mad tho

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still no list of games that can run at 60fps on consoles, playing on 60+ IS the exclusivity


People got over it
Nobody gives a shit about the emulator except people who want to use it as shitposting against the switch


fpbp as always

The thread isn't mainly about that fucking image seething autists.
Yuzu is still making people upset right now.

still no list of modern PC exclusives

>he doesn't know

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He based

You sound angry

Clearly not by true by this thread's reaction.
Just admit you don't want people posting about it in general Tendie.

Wew lad this guy is seriously jealous that no one in the thread is on his side

still no list of modern PC exclusives



Why do people go out of their way to find random fucking nobodies posting on twitter complaining or praising literally anything as if it makes their argument stronger? This is no better than looking at youtube comments to try and make yourself look better.

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k y u mad tho bro



still no list of modern PC exclusives



>by this thread's reaction
Not helping your argument desu


there's no "technically." streaming a game off a ps4 in a datacenter somewhere is not the same as actually having the game's file on your pc. at the end of the day, you're still playing bloodborne on a ps4, your pc is just a glorified monitor for it.

What the fuck is even worth playing on the switch? breathe of the wild? xenoblade 2? both are the worst in their respective series


Still more exclusives than the PC platform.


exclusives are anti-consumer




>What the fuck is even worth playing on the switch?
For me it's BotW, Smash and Kart


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because you have to buy shitty manchilds handheld for one game and then to find out the game is the worst in the franchise (xenoblade 2)


of course they are when you dont have any

How does that make it anti-consumer? You're not forced to play XC2.



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All these switch babies terrified of the idea they might have wasted money on an shitty underpowered console and that their purchase is now invalidated by the based yuzu devs. my sides


if it wasnt anti-consumer i could buy it on a respectable home console instead of a faggot handheld


>spend 1000 dollars on a PC to play nintendo games months, or even a year later
>claims everyone else is afraid they wasted their money

surely you were playing pc exclusives in the meantime right

botw is not a switch exclusive.

But it's their game, who are you to say they can't put it on what they want?

>spend 1000 dollars on a PC to play nintendo games months
>to play nintendo games
>to play
>As in "In order to play nintendo games and ONLY nintendo games"
Sick assumptions, retard!

Fine faggot, off the top of my head
>Rising Storm 2
>Total War
>Every PCVR game, such as Robo recall, Beat Saber, and Pavlov
>Escape from Tarkov
>Post Scriptum
>League of Legends
There's a lot more, but since you're being deliberately obtuse, I'm sure you're just going to say these don't count, because you're a baiting retard

Why are you getting so angry in this thread?

sure they can do what they want with it, but i am also able to correctly label it as an anti-consumer practice

People post this OP because it always, without fail, draws in a handful of super salty switchfags going on and on about exclusives even though PC has the most via indie games alone.

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Can't believe the guy who got btfo is seething so hard he's still in this thread replying to every post even when it doesn't make sense lol

>spending $3000 to play this shit



cringe and yikespilled
stop being poor

because a series i loved is forced onto a fucking handheld and suffered for it

>knows he's a b8ing retard who's never ever going to admit he's retarded
>replies to him anyway

>not a single game released in even 2018

what a platform


nuh uh it don't count because reasons

Why did you give in user? It's clearly an assblasted nintendo fanboy that has nothing to answer. You could've had an objectively perfect game that will be remembered for thousands of years as a PC exclusive and he would've said it's shit. Don't fall for it next time.


>I am entitled to the sweat of your brow
Go to bed, Marx

How good does your PC have to be to run Yuzu well? Would a GTX 1050 i3 6100 be sufficient?
Also where do you get Switch games? Spoonfeed please, frends

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where do you go to find the switch games to mount for this?

Based as fuck, feels good being a PChad

I thought PC and Nintenfags were bros?

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Not even that guy but what kind of dumb strawman is this?

>Implying that people are mad that you spent two years shitposting like an autist.
Can't wait for you faggots to kill yourselves.


we are, thanks for making sure these great games I'm playing continue to be made :)

Emulate it then. What's the problem?

yeah man just look at all these steam game of the year awards

i'd rely on emulation too if my platform didnt have any games worth playing

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consoletards literally FEAR the PCchad


the problem is that the game is the worst in the series


How does it feel knowing that my PC cost more than your consoles and all the games you've bought for them combined and that I honestly built it mostly because I could and like fucking with electronics.

I can't even imagine being a poorfag so destitute he can't even put up a few grand on his primary hobby.

bootlicking nintendies


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>tfw idort and don't have to argue about toys online because i'm rich

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how about you post your top 10 steam games played with that beastly rig user

you wont though


Sure user, whatever makes you cope with your inferiority complex.

So many zoomers in one thread.

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>tfw own switch for Mario/zelda, a PS4 for Bloodborne, and a PC for the plethora of India's/classics while pirating the AAA's
Feels good man

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>I am angry that I don't want to play a game that I don't like
Even aside from the fact that you actually play JRPGs, you are a massive whiny faggot

>ITT: PC fat samefagging: The Thread
>So desperate for attention that you make multiple proxies and reply to your own posts.
Pclucks are so pathetic LMAO. Enjoy the ban faggots.

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No one pirates to hurt the epic store, they pirate to get free shit. You wouldn't understand console cuck.

>cherry picking
>the decisions of millions of steam users

I don't know why. You need a very high end processor to have yuzu run at half speed. You won't get it to playable status anytime soon, and even if it does you will still need a expensive pc. Getting a hackable switch was a better investment.

no i am angry because a game that couldve been great was shafted by retarded handheld hardware

>124 IPs
Yeah keep telling yourself that my man, it's just people having a discussion and making fun of bsoibies


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opinion discarded

sure bro

>i am angry
We know

If you're implying that they must be some sort of extremely powerful and impressive games then they're not. My two most played games are Warframe and EU4.


>Yeah that's right fuckfaces, did I mention I'm on the wrong site?

they dont pirate to hurt epic, they pirate to not be hurt by epic

>getting a hackable switch
you still have nothing to play on it kek

so you bought a 1000 dollar PC to play nintendo games



No, I built an $1800 PC to play whatever I want.

>Damage control
Most of the IP's are replying to the same comment (). There is no discussion, there's only shitposting.

based based BASED


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You could have at least lied instead of making yourself look like a retard.

can't help shit taste

You're right bro! It's only shitposting when ndronesdo get btfo

can you say based

>to play whatever I want
Play RDR2


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Not an argument.

Remember to always report and sage consolewar shitposts. :^)

>262 replies
>127 posters
really activates my synapses

Sick spacing bro.

the quality of discussion in this thread is fucking non-existent, nice thread retards

Your two most played games are a free to play grindfest that is on a Nintendo console and a game with dead playerbase. You paid for nothing.

Call me when it's actually playable

Not that guy but is it so hard to understand that some games just don't appeal to everyone? I have a PS4 and I got RDR2 and I didn't like it much, dropped it around the time you get to the place with hillbillies that can't accept they lost the civil war.

All you have to do is point out without emulation the PC platform is completely worthless and the PC "masterrace" absolutely loses it.

because faggots on here overhype a barely functioning emulator

>playerbase equates to quality
Nintendies everyone.

It's one autist and his autist friends using proxies. This thread was cancer from the OP down.

>MMOs, RTS, CRPGs, grand strat

Nice HTML edit, also what's your argument?

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Why be mad about emulators? I literally don't give a shit that PC nerds can play my Switch games. I'd be doing the same shit If I had a decent PC but I can't really justify saving up such a large amount of money with my current income.

Not an argument.

>we should all play games at 14 fps like dark souls runs on switch
some of us actually like to play our games with triple digit frames, also free mods, i'd like to see modding on anything else really

And how old are your examples of these games?

Because yes, everyone knows about how you always list your Deus Ex's and your Balder Gate's.

>when you buy $1000 hardware to emulate $300 hardware

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all these non-idiot consolewar poorfags itt holy fucking shit hahahaha

You do realize games in these genres are released every year right zoomer?

I don't get it. I buy almost exclusively Nintendo consoles to the point where I own only 2 non Nintendo consoles, the Dreamcast and the PS3 and no non nintendo handhelds, and I think Switch emulation is cool. The switch is on fire right now and has been since the amazing launch with the Zelda game people had been waiting years for on day 1. I don't think a couple crappy emulators are gonna be blowing the switch out of the water any time soon. It probably won't be too great until after the switch's lifespan anyway given the compatability issues. Even if it does become widely used and really well optimized to the point of something like Dolphin it doesn't really matter because game companies, especially Nintendo, are pretty cutthroat about piracy, see Emuparadise and Coolrom. I think Switch emulation is awesome being the collector I am and having such a great library able to be preserved for a lot longer.

>Buy 1000$ hardware to emulate EVERY single other piece of hardware AND get exclusives
How's it feel being poor?

>I can play any game on PC!
>>"can you play this game?"
>He fell for my trap! Surely a peasant like you lacks the mental capacity to consider the possibility that I do not find such a game worth the effort. Any nobleman such as myself knows that such a game does not in fact count

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>omitting half of the sentence to fit your argument
PClucks everyone.

>have 1000 dollar hardware
>can emulate all three consoles and the entire PC library
>actually own your games and not be beholden to disgusting DRM like playstation network or Nintendo online (assuming you sail the high seas and don't buy into DRM stores)
>actually allowed to customize your hardware and software, instead of being locked down

I don't know. It sounds like a good deal to me.

So show off your steams most played, boomer.

>Whatever I want HAS to include your shitty game
No user, not everyone wants to play the games you enjoy you absolute fucking retard.

That pic and link have absolutely nothing to do with your argument

Maybe because I agree that warframe is shit? Doesn't mean EU4 is not a masterpiece. Fucking retard.

Because you can't play it, lol

>YoU JuSt PoOr!!1!1!1
You probably own an Iphone too, faggot.

No one is at the fact that people pirate. Calling out someone for using emulation to shitpost/ make a consolewar thread doesn't mean that they are upset. Why are PClucks so insecure?

Epic ReDd/t May-May! Upvoted!:^)

>>can emulate all three consoles
NES, SNES, whats the third?

>snoylent tries to get in on pirate thread
>posts wario copy wojak to desperately get in on it

You wanna find another meme already or

>Your most played games HAVE to be recent
What part of older games being played for longer is hard to grasp for you? What are your most played games on the switch user? You best come up with some 2019 titles faggot.

What part of "I have a PS4 and I got RDR2" is too hard to understand for you retard?

Because most games are still in "Bad" or worse compatibility. Even Odyssey, their "flagship" that they always post here, is still in Bad

Please don't emulate smash and make cool mods please pirates

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Dragon Marked for Death. Exclusive too I might add,

Now you are just getting angry. Why is that? :)

reminder that all consolekeks have to play their corporate masters in order to use the internet they've already paid for

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Congratulation, you played yourself.

Hpmh. Why buy games when I can emulate?

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Because you can't read. Idiots tend to annoy me.

6 games plus all that other shit leaves you at 1000 with the console purchase Bro.


guess you thought sekiro was too hard too

You won't be winning when the feds break down your door, raid your shit, and throw your ass in federal prison.

seething poorfag
u mad bro yeah u mad
get a job

Why are you suddenly pretending you don't own a console?

Man, I hate how piracy threads are just used for sonyfag shitposting these days. We used to have good dolphin threads (for a short time before they were deleted) back in the day.

It doesn't anymore than other emulators. This is just what you get when you cherry pick what fills your agenda.


>switch already getting emulated
PC always wins baby

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hey you're the one that cares about their opinions not me

because i don't own one? are you mistaking me for another user? you do know that multiple people can be in the same thread, right?

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I;m not mad and I have a job. I'm laughing at you autists needing to justify your purchases every 5 minutes.


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Keep posting Redditjacks. They are comedy gold.

>mfw I'm a poorfag and I still paid $1300 for my self built computer
literally what's your excuse, poorfags?
stop drinking alcohol and driving around so much and save up (assuming you're even adults)

"Keep posting Redditjacks. They are comedy gold."

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The absolute state of Yea Forums

This is unironically my stance.

I'm very pro-emulation and I think it's important for video game preservation. There's plenty of games now that can ONLY be played on emulators, and anytime someone (especially Nintendo) cracks down on that, we all lose.

But an emulator for a currently live system is just piracy and it's only encouraging companies to crack down, even harder, on the entire ecosystem.

Unironic shill.

So much asshurt over a emulator

>we shouldn't emulate live systems becaus3e companies might crack down
>because they're happy to let piracy thrive on dead systems

oh wait.

super Mario Galaxy and the new garbage Pokemon,cry more nintentard

>how do you do, fellow emulator devs? cease and desist at once!

Nope, it's just a meme perpetuated by Nintendies. Most of them don't even own a PC but in order to justify their shit purchase, they just hide behind "I-I own a PC and Switch is a c-comfy side bitch console!"

t. PCbro who also bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and a Switch for MHGU

Attached: Ninturdo x PC meme.png (670x869, 22K)

emulation this early is only possible because of the crappy hardware

how much is nintendo paying you to shill like this?

Thanks doc.

>how do you do fellow emulator players

why the fuck do you retards care about people emulating, OP literally asked why people got mad over it and you retards got mad over it.

There is a vita emulator

yeah nintendie is paying people to shill against emulators on 4 fucking chan
braindead niggers

>he does it for free
even worse


are you capable of debating the original point or are you here just to shitpost? I'm not even the first guy. I just want it to be discussed.

Why wouldn't they, considering how they blatantly lie about copyright law.

>[united states/european consumer protection laws intensify]

>Notice how the shill recoils when exposed as a shill.

People keep asking if this is based, and I haven't really had an answer. But now yeah, I'm thinking it's based!

I wouldn't call those bugmen 'people'

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Emulation means piracy. Piracy while software is being release means reduced sales during launch windows. Lower launch window sales means less developers are going to be interested in taking the risk of putting games on there. Sure, Nintendo's first party shit is going to sell fine, but this will really hurt third party support.

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Then why do they attack piracy of games no longer on sale, like Lufia or Skies of Arcadia? Mind you, any reason you could give will simultaneously condemn your argument.

cool story, paid nintendo shill.

>pays several hundred extra to play nintendo's sloppy seconds years later
>not even portable

>you want new game?
>what about old game?
What does that have to do with my own argument?

You're attacking all of emulation software because new games could be hurt, even though sales and reports and studies all indicate otherwise.

>You're attacking all of emulation software
What? No I'm not. I replied to the OP which specifically talked about Yuzu.


Seriously, I'm the biggest Nintenfag around and even I want to smack the shit out of those dumbasses for whining so hard over an emulator that they may not be able to run at full speed. As long as the devs don't do anything retarded to trigger the lawyers like shove it in Nintendo's face and taunt them over getting free games then it's all good.


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I think that cracking down on Emulation as has been done is fucking bullshit and it pissed me off a lot, it's not okay to just hope that those games will go into some eStore or similar, it's bullshit.

But emulation existed for years before the crackdown and the only time I can recall it happening for a live system like now was for the DS. If you don't think this will make companies (especially Nintendo) crack down even harder, then you're dreaming. And you're gonna be really upset when you get woken up.

>I can't argue against his logic, I'll call him a shill

I've been pirating and emulating games for most of my life. I unironically agree with Gaben's statement that piracy is largely a service issue. I pirated Witcher 1 and loved it so much I brought 2 and 3 on release.

I've never played a proper SNES and I don't even want to think about how much it would cost me to get one and the games I enjoy on it legit, but I've played almost all the good games in the library. I owned a modded PS2 I used to constantly rent games out for, burn them, and return them. I brought maybe 5 games total for the system and played almost everything that was good on it. I had a flash cart for my DS, it's actually wedged in there now, so you can't put any other cartridge in, can only use it to pirate games.

I'm pro emulation, and I'm not even all that anti-piracy. But emulation is being targetted more and more lately and I don't want to draw any extra heat.

I mean, nintendo was asking for it. It's a weak fucking system, of course emulation would be easy.

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