Kotaku: SSBU P5 DLC Includes a Disability Slur


>... Part of the DLC pack's addition includes a number of Persona music tracks, which can be listened to in full outside of battle. However, one of these tracks caught our attention for all the wrong reasons.
>In the track 'Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There', if you skip to around 1:48 into the track, you'll reach a section of the song where words are softly spoken rather than sung. At around 1:57 it appears the term "retarded" is used, and followed up by the assertion that "I can say it." The official lyrics for the song, curiously enough, does not include this spoken word section.

>The official lyrics for the song, curiously enough, does not include this spoken word section.

Quality gaming journalism

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why make a big deal of it now instead of when Persona 5 originally came out

It's almost like Japanese people pronounce English words differently! What a shock!

so does the song actually say retarded but it's in the background so it's not in the lyrics or is the "journalist" literally retarded and misheard the vocalist's engrish as saying slurs?

this is the video the article linked, I'm unaware if it's identical to P5's version or not

It's "retort it"

holy shit this isn't a joke
christ if i were part of an organization famed for their blatantly false hot takes, i'd try as hard as i could to break that reputation.
instead they seem to play into it.

Should we start a campaign to have that journalist fired and black listed?

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The song is directly ripped from the game. It is the same song as it was 2 years ago.
"We've listened again and still don't quite hear it that way"
What an absolute disgrace of journalism.

These people are why we can't have nice things.

In the context of the song it doesn't make any sense, they might just be saying "Retort it" in their engrish. But it not like engrish in persona songs isn't common so they're being retarded themselves for assuming these japs can pronounce things in perfect english.

I’m retarded and I don’t see the big deal.

Aren't these the same people that would slam something with a joke accent as racist?

SJWs are the most oppressed group on earth

>making an article because they misheard some engrish

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This is the same guy btw

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No it says "Retort it"

This is what a vagina does to the brain

>assuming these japs can pronounce things in perfect english.
That's the real prejudice thing here.

Most trans people I know save the bottom surgery for the last thing. After hair removal.

OP, check the catalog next time

Someone post this book

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Sounds like most trans people you know aren’t really committed to the lifestyle.

Who cares that will 404 soon anyway

If they get this kino song pulled I will be slightly annoyed.

This song is years fucking old and they don't even know the lyrics, good lord.

lol no, its what happens when you lack a dick and balls, in this case he has none of the 3


Even if it was true, who the fuck cares?
I didn't hear anything like it. It's just a stupid attempt to gain relevancy on the coattails of something that is getting a lot of attention. Fucking parasite sjw "journalists".

>first comment calls the article racist against the japanese

He should rearrange his name to Dale Kate Laura, it's more fitting


What a drama whore. Arent all the bottom surgeons in asia too? Maybe shes just used to hearing her doctor talk about trans people

Retarded means to slow down. Did they forget that?

This, how often have they pulled this shit on Japanese games? Just default assumed they're operating with the worst intentions? Kotaku lead the Dragon's Crown smear campaign.

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>Feeling cute might post slanderous articles later idk

Doesn't make it right.

Is it "retard it" or "retort it"?

>laura kate dale
How do you fucking idiots not realize when you're being baited for attention at this point

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The lady didnt even say retarded. Tranny brain heard retarded because of the japanese accent and had to meet a deadline for a new clickbait article

Isn't this very racist?

Which one of those actually makes sense Laura Kate Dickless?

How the hell do you know multiple trannies? I've never even seen one in real life.

>gay trans woman
>not a mental illness

Has resetera caught hold of this yet?


>I'm a video game critic
>I'm a trans woman on the autism spectrum
I can't do this.
Make it stop.

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honk honk

>Gay trans woman
That means a man to female who like women right?

>An entire article dedicated to a retarded tranny on Kotaku misunderstanding engrish
This is a new low

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Yeah likewise a gay transman would be a female to male that likes man. Basically when reading tranny talk to understand what they mean remove trans from the sentence to understand what batshit they are claiming

that means someone who wants to have their cake and eat their cake

How the fuck can you even be a gay trans woman
How does that make even an ounce of fucking sense

So is this dude just playing his cards to try and sleep with little girls while being "innocent"

Holy shit it is, I thought you were bullshitting

>Laura Kate Dale

Yea Forums campaigns usually end with someone dead.

I gotta hand it to Nintendo. Leaving the word retarded in basically made all the SJW focus on the lyrics instead of all the shit coming out of the stage builder.

Thats the size dipshit

the hell are you talking about, newfag?

Based retard

Yea Forums campaigns lead to shit like chanology at best.

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What did i do?

its not you user, its this fucking world

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Not worth it, and it would be deflected on an attack against (women/trans/autists/whatever)

>Gay trans woman
So... basically...
A guy that couldn't get any girls, so they decided they'd try and be a girl so they could date women.
Or in other words...
A cis white male.

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Maybe (M) is an uncomfortable label that he often recieves. Stop being a brainlet and taking everything at face value.

These people figured it out
>write about bullshit
>still get paid

Fuck and they probably get support on patreon and shit too.

>Instead of playing the game they look for things for an excuse to get triggered
I bet they can't beat 'hard' games because they do shit like this, instead of playing the damn game.

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>Things I Learned From Mario's Butt
>Cover clearly shows Luigi
Not only is he gay, autistic and trans, but he's also color blind!

Are doctors actually calling people retarded? How are we still pretending it's a medical term? What doctor uses that "term"?

But why would they do that when being cis would make getting girls even easier due to shear numbers there are more straight chicks

You mean like the M on Mario's hat? What if mario is trans and is forced to wear a hat with an M which is also the first letter of the gender he no longer wants to be

Yeah they're functionally straight with extra steps.

>game has a bad end where a girl gets sold as human goods
>dude did that singer just say the r word, oh my god

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There's an epidemic among transtrenders (AKA someone who becomes a tranny to be 'protected') where they essentially aren't actually trans. They say they're trans, and then continue to do what they were doing before as a way to deflect criticism and have the tranny defense force/politically correct crowd cover for them. You're going to start seeing steadily increasing amounts of articles about predator trannies. Just like those meme images of 40 year old balding fat dudes wearing a dress going 'please call me pretty' and shit like that.

There are people who will defend and protect these transtrenders JUSt because they're trans, regardless of what they do. They could run over a child and the white knights would find a way to spin it so it's not the trannies fault.

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>Implying bad ends are canon in any way, shape, or form
They literally can't happen, and it's just Joker being so drugged out that he forgets what happens.
Not to say your point doesn't still stand. Everyone's always going to look for some reason to be offended.

I mean they're not canon obviously but they still happen in the sense they're a fail state right? If you don't save people in 4 they certainly die, it's just the game gives you a do over.


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is kotaku running a daycare or something?

>Literal clickbait garbage

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We could DDoS them? Anyone got LOIC?

Seems like a good gig. Play video games and literally get paid to shit post.

>"Waaaaah, feel bad for me!!!"
>Say stupid shit
>Get called out for it
>"omg I just feel super attacked right now and can't deal with it..."
Bonus points for the shitty cartoon version of themselves as an avatar.

>"Niggers!" - Joker (2019)
How did Atlus got away with something like this??

I never did get the meme of picking on anime avatar people on twitter when there seems to a significant amount of trans that use cal-art caricatures of themselves on their profile.

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If they're in silicon valley they probably can barely afford the rent, thus why these scum of the earth congregate in dorms, community housing and on each other's couches. Unless their parents have money of course.

I hear re-target

Laura "those Japs are retarded ,my mangina just farted" Dale.

>listen to song
>very fucking obvious in context that its some weird engrish and not actually retarded

journos are the only retarded ones here


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the consequences will never be the same

Why can't these idiots ever own up to their mistakes? You screwed up, just fucking admit it, have a laugh, and move on. Stop making mountains out of God damn molehills.

Fuck I'm tired of this shit.

>wake up, get up, get out retard
how did sakurai get away with this?

>Use an anime avatar for most things
>But it's not of a human
>It's from a second long moment that happens in a twenty minute long episode of a show
>Have to actually tell people what it is
>Occasionally get a reaction out of them now that they know what it is and what it's a reference to

>Meanwhile these people just commission anime versions of themselves trying to make themselves look "cute"

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people with different mental conditions are generalized by some people into the group "retards"

Because they have no incentive to do so. All they have to do now is claim they're getting harassed and everyone will forget the article and start white knighting them against anyone who dared call them out.


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This is in the OST of P5, and I’m pretty sure it’s engrish. Dale is the fucking worst.

Pity points and virtue signallers. If you're a failed hetero cis white male you're still expected to ask women out, which is too hard for these bottom of the barrel retards

unironically yes because it's very easy to call them out on being bigoted against the Japanese

Surprised more people haven't trying Burch'ing it up and try and be gay instead.

I Am
Sofa King
We Todd Ed

Like the 40 million who died in the GamerGate war, RIP in peaces they only wanted to play games

It's canon in that the player can experience it, get triggered, and write a pissant article about it

A cis white make who cut his dick off to own the gamers, thank you very much.

>"STUPID FAGGOT LITTLE COCKSUCKER" -Yukari Takeba (Persona 3 [2006])
What the fuck was her problem?

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>longcat ion cannon
Now there's a name i haven't heard in a very long time. You ready for some stickam raids, senpai?

Less quality bait article than the usual pretending to be retarded thread on Yea Forums.

after getting called out for being a retard

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only retards get offended at the word retarded

oh good. For a moment i thought being retarded was just only America's problem.

I've wondered the same thing, what does Kotaku get out of having this person on their staff?
I guess if all they're looking for is clicks, it's working.

The Answer was weird

>A persona song has engrish that can be misheard

Surprised there's not a patreon link in there as well desu.

I thought they were complaining about "get up" for a second, lmao


Exactly like Chris Chan.

The difference is that Chris-chan is an actually mentally unstable autistic person raised in a really terrible household. I'm very much certain most people that decide to become trans and get all this surgery and shit come from very privileged households/families. Hell, you got that Revolution 60 faggot that bought like a $200,000-something motorcycle.

I don't know why you people use the journalist label on glorified bloggers like that. Just call them what they actually are, bloggers.

um sweetums

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They call themselves journalists.

Go outside more, faggot.

>complain about others being toxic
>then immediately start being toxic about something way more important than them
This is what's fucking hilarious about these people. They can't fucking take the heat but can't stop staying in the kitchen.

You're thinking of tumblr. At best we cause people to fuck themselves up.

Retarded tranny

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>makes a reactionary clickbait article with no research
but it's okay because it's a tranny so you can't expect any better.

Some turbo fag from a coastal city. Somewhere in California I bet, either that or internet (((friends)))

He goes the "the discord"

This guy gets it. There's way too many trans people doing it just to get the attention and protection from other trans people for being horrible in general. It needs to stop.

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>people calling retarded "the r-slur" like it's a word that would ruin lives
Help, get me off this ride

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Why is she so perfect?

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>I spent my life overanalyzing children's toys

Why would anyone take pride in that?

trigger incels?

video games are art, dude

someone get the burning van

>dedicate our lives to write about video games
no one fucking asked you to, you fucking faggot. how dare you act like a fucking martyr for doing exactly what you wanted to do.

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if it wasn't for them you wouldn't get a metacritic score to jack off to

Where do you think you are right now?

Not colorblind, just a really poor choice of illustration for the book cover.

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We need to implement a new rule as a society: You are not allowed to accuse anyone or anything of being offense unless it directly relates to you. Did someone say "Nigger"? Are you black? No? Then shut the fuck up. Someone call someone else a fag? You bang chicks? Then shut the fuck up. Mind your own business.

>implying that ending can ever happen since Joker is explaining it between the events of chapter 6 and 7 and that takes place during chapter 3

>implying the child rape building is important

I laughed when it went up in flames

If you inject your opinion into your "journalism", then it's no longer "Journalism". It's an opinion piece. Letters to the editor. Dear Diary. NOT NEWS.


Retards are too retarded to know they should be offended by being called retarded.

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This is the i have a vagina guy right?

Based if true

>"Includes" in the title as if it was 100% confirmed
>article says "it appears", and its just nip engrish
the state of clickbait

I'm a para-pro. I work with special needs teens in a high school setting. I've never seen any of these kids give a fuck about being called retarded. Half of their parents use the word liberally. More often than other students. These kids don't care. They know they're not normal no one ever uses the word to be aggressively offensive. Even other kids.

If you're offended by something when offense isn't intended, you are a cancerous tumor on this planet. Please neck yourself. Or at least switch to decaf.

No because remember most of the game is in retrospect, Joker is talking to Sae. So when you fail before Akechi “kills” you, it’s joker just failing to recollect what happened

unrelated, but you're a good man, user

Best girl, best voice

I wonder if I could paint my face black and claim I am african.

hopefully he contributes to the suicide rate
what a shitshow

>tfw Amazon will never devour your meat stick

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Good label, high meme potential.

underrated brainlet

So what the fuck is the actual lyric??????

I wish

Because it still is a medical term you retard.

>Mustache is bushy, which is Mario's
>Luigi jumping on DK's head
Nothing about this picture is correct.

I'll admit I always heard the lyric as "retarded" whenever I listened to the song but how actually retarded do you have to be to write a fucking whole article about it without confirming anything? Does Kotaku just have a bone to pick with Atlus?

This article is racist as fuck against Japanese people.

I can guarentee that jornalist is baiting for clicks fucking easy just stay away from twitter for a while and rake in that money

Yeah, it's kind of ironic.

>anime versions of themselves trying to make themselves look "cute"
People usually do this when they're either NOT good looking irl or they've had bad relationships that ended because the other person found someone else attractive. YouTubers (mostly Let's Players) all fucking do this eventually because having a "character" version of yourself lends itself to merchandising.

We tried that with Gamergate.
It didn't work

Is it really okay to blame the journalist for her article when it's clearly Kotaku who made her do it? Like, I don't blame German soldiers for what happened in WWII, I blame Hitler.

is the article still up?

As sick as I am over these threads about literal nobodies this article is blatantly libellous at this point if they don't take it down.

Most of them don't actually commission anime stuff though, they commission their Tumblr friend who makes an awful Yea Forums adaptation

then shouldn't someone (kotaku US?) investigate that?

Kotaku is a pretty decently sized rag no matter how much we like to pretend it's not. There's probably much worse Twitter garbage on the catalog and Yea Forums isn't one of the boards that ban it.

Jesus, how can you wake up and look in the mirror while looking like this?

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>welfare fraud
so she is not black but she is sure is a nigger.

Someone spoonfeed me here, because I don't fucking know. Would it look bad on Kotaku if he apologized for publishing incorrect information and then deleted the article? It looks like he refuses to say he was WRONG, but instead wants you to think he was still right about something even though he wasn't.

If he came out and said "I messed up. That was false information and it won't happen again." would that get him in some kind of trouble?

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Kotaku didn't say "do an article about this". They said "do an article and get paid". Kotaku literally accepts meme compilations as """"""""""articles""""""""""". There's no excuse.

Yea Forums - Video Games & Video Game Articles

because it's better than the alternative

i doubt nintendo gives a shit

>If he came out and said "I messed up. That was false information and it won't happen again." would that get him in some kind of trouble?

>Does Kotaku just have a bone to pick with Atlus?
Kotaku has a bone to pick with the Japanese in general, especially when your “best” writer is Jason “Big Tits are a Lolicon Fantasy” Schreier. For a website that literally has the fucking word “otaku” in its name, everyone who works at that shitheap for some reason turns racist eventually.

>implying they play video games
>implying their knowledge doesn't come second hand from youtube videos.
Atlus telling let's players to not stream it was genius simply because it also deprived these people of their clickbait.

It might but that's the price of working for a shitrag like Kotaku and 90% of games journalism sites in the first place.

I mean, if I got paid shittons for writing retarded fake articles that take no effort or research, you can bet your balls I'd do it too, but these guys don't even make that much and have to beg on patreon to pay their rent.

>say something retarded or outright slanderous
>just go offline or private your profile if your mudslinging doesn't work
I fucking hate Twitter for enabling shit like this, these stupid hit and run tactics, either you bomb someone's good name or you hide and get away scot-free when people largely forget about this outside of saying "Oh well you know how bad Kotaku is"

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Do these people just sit around deeply analyzing everything to find something that offends them?

Songwriters generally don't write lyrics for freestyle vocals, so unless Lyn ever went on record stating what she was saying, there's no official word on it one way or another.

Both the songwriter and Lyn are English speakers, and Lyn's accent is not as thick as other Persona vocalists but has been cause for misheard lyrics in other tracks in the game. (IE: Her pronunciation of "dissolve" in Last Surprise, "tin man" in Rivers in the Desert) It's not impossible that she used the word retarded, but that's a huge assumption to make, especially with such an accusatory tone.

Only that time Yea Forums killed a man over Korra.

Wouldn't it be good for him, as a journalist, to be honest and admit he published incorrect information? He's still going to be a piece of shit man with a party balloon for a penis, but it would be a baby step forward.

for liking it or hating it? if he liked it Yea Forums is based

fuck imagine being a gaming journalist the most easiest job around literelly just take a v shitpost and base your article around it instant clicks

I'll be honest., ever since I first heard the song back when the OST came out I heard it as retarded, but it was never a big enough deal to me to try to ask if it really was. I can't hear it as anything else and no lyrics that I've seen even acknowledge that muted section of the song. To everyone saying it's otherwise I have to ask, how do you hear that?

They know what they are doing. They are trying to create controversy for traffic. This is pretty much how all news media works. Everything is done for money, never forget that

the only retard here is the """"journalist""""

>or you hide and get away scot-free when people largely forget about this outside of saying "Oh well you know how bad Kotaku is"
This, he'll be fine by tomorrow night. People would have to constantly push to get anything done and it would take way too much effort for essentially nothing. I wish Twitter would just go offline forever.

Even if it DID say retarded, who cares? I bet these faggots love that old black eyed peas song that says it constantly.

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You know you wrote a shit article when even Trannyera is shitting on it.

good post user

WAAAAY too much going on here, holy shit. That thing's doing the most.

is there trasngender without mental issues? legit asking not trying to be rude

College campus at a liberal arts school.

Name one then you fag.

not anymore, got locked. not before a certain butthurt journalist started shitting on everyone though

Intersectionality at its finest.

He would have had better luck if he went after a song a white person performed.

fuck, I was hoping they'd double down on it, I know so many people who bought into the retardera catherine shit so the more ridiculous they appear the better

For withholding a copy of the premier prior to its official release. I don't remember too well. It's been a few years and I lost the post compilation that chronicles it. I bet someone still on Yea Forums has that image. It's an interesting story.

>I reject your reality and substitute my own

laura kate dale is a pedophile that has traded child porn with christopher goldberg.
this is not libel or slander.

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>all these seething incels
This woman is giving off interviews on renowned news broadcasting companies along with being a writer at one of the most famous gaming sites as well
How does that you feel?

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this is like demonic rock music from literally 50 years ago or so
holy shit everything is going to hell

Why did Kotaku hired this person?

>BBC associates with pedophiles
top of the pops jimmy boy

He isn't a woman, but if he's happy with his lie of a life, good for him.

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>This thread has veered into discussing the author rather than the article and does not seem to be producing good discussion. Thread locked.

I feel like calling her a retort.

>Even the comments on Kotaku are agreeing that it's a stupid article
You know you fucked up when even your target audience of the perpetually offended are telling you how retarded you are.


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>Epic logo
This is layered comedy

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>times when fucking Yea Forums(nel) seems like the last bastion of common sense

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Can we somehow turn this into "Racist game journalist mocks ESL speaker"?

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>Ann's VA dunking on Kotaku UK
True perfection

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Anyone know how to share mii fighter

Does anyone else hate resetera even more because they're shitting on the article (but of course defending the author because she's trans). It's like that scene in HxH where Gon finds out the Phantom Troupe are actually people with emotions and sympathy towards each other and he loses his shit because of the hypocrisy.

>Write slander
>It's okay, I can retract it later :)
Imagine being this much of a bootlicker.

>Game journo writes bad article
>Lots of people express their dislike of article
>Some take it too far
>Author assumes role of victim
>critics of article labeled as bad things

See you next Tuesday when we do this all over again

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So basically, another video game """"""""""""""""""""journalist"""""""""""""""""""" is being retort it. Nothing new there.

Fuck up cunt

Hell yeah

Don't be a retard (lol). It's not the same people posting every time. Despite the moderation staff being hardline liberals, quite a few Resetera users have differing opinions.

I have no idea why they bother posting there, though. Maybe they just like a challenge. Maybe getting banned by a tranny jannie makes them laugh because they know they did something right.

>soibeanie babies have gotten so upset over mueller report they've started attacking their own precious nintendo
>they're breaking their own toys in a fit of rage says local clown

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You can't "write slander", fucknut.

My friend is F2M and he's a normal, chill dude with a good job, loving wife and no mental issues

Kill yourself tranny


Even the left is dunking on this article, it’s that stupid

I'm not setting foot in that pisshole to ask them for it

>But this time for sure the leek is really real
come on user journalists don't lie on the web zones just for attention that's silly

My cousin’s FtM and is 100% fine, has a stable career and a wife, owns his own home and is generally doing much better than I am outside of being ostracized by my grandfather.

All MtF are genuine disasters.
Proof that MtF are suicides waiting to happen, while women are fine.

Hopefully "a while" turns into "forever" and that will be the end of it.

At some point you have to consider the moderation staff representative of the forum's beliefs especially when you get banned immediately and publicly for stepping out of line, even if opinions within that line differ. Even in the thread where they're all criticizing the article, the mods are defending it and as soon as the article author posted about crying over the bullies, they switch to white knight mode and lock the thread. You'd have to be a masochist to continue wanting to post there if you don't share their retardation

The """journalist""" in this case is a tranny so they can deflect all criticism as harassment.

I cant say retarded anymore? What in the nigger loving shit.

When retarded is a fine term

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Can this be an Engrish in vidya songs thread instead of kotaku tranny/twitter screencap thread #5213256?

I'll contribute

You never go full retard

I have another article for Kotaku. HOW DARE THEY ASSUME MY ORIENTATION

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Wow it's like people forget that the word retarded has used other than offending the mentally disabled

It's been that way for like 11 or 12 years now, thats about when I started seeing people generally not like it.

>If he came out and said "I messed up. That was false information and it won't happen again." would that get him in some kind of trouble?

not normally no but this person keeps fucking up over and over

It's very obviously saying "retarded". Don't know what the fuck these alt-right losers are doing commenting "THAT'S NOT WHAT IT SAYS!"

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I wanna counterpoint you but honestly have no examples.

To tell the truth I think it’s more of a “MtFs are sometimes the result of walking disasters desperately seeking their place in the world” and not “MtFs become walking disasters” though. I know people who are pretty normal and adjusted but consider themselves non-binary.

But yeah every full-blown MtF I know except one has lost a grip on their sanity.

>thought that too when I first heard the song a few years ago
>came to the conclusion that it wasn't actually the word retarded because they wouldn't get away with it
>also because the singer isn't fluent in english

I fucking hate game journalism

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I swear Yea Forums is the only place where you retards are dumb enough to fall for clickbait like this. Not even Twitter fell for this.

"retarded" is what got john it trouble years ago shits retarded

Nice bait, twitter was all over it.

>My friend is F2M
those exist? who would want to be a male?

also have a ftm friend and he's stable with a good job, own house, etc. now that his dysphoria is under control. never met a mtf with their shit together

Someone actually died over it? I call bullshit, a death would at least be Google-able and would come up on ED or something.

Can confirm, F2M are usually sane individuals

>mii fighter holding a dilation wand

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ya theyre called tomboys

>try out
It's not like there's anything fucking special to it, all he did was give the generic Gunner face some blue hair.

Laura here, I trolled u all :^)

I knew a guy who became trans so I stopped talking to him.

Im male and i love being a male, i don’t have to worry about shit like menstruation or emotions also my body can resist a lot of stuff , i honestly don’t get why trannies wanna be girls so bad

TERF scum are the worst type of people in our community.

>twitter tearing him apart for being racist

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>i honestly don’t get why trannies wanna be girls so bad

90% are just delusional bottoms who can't accept that you can be male and still have feminine traits


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Are Yea Forums campaigns like Unfriended Dark Web? :O

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>the word retarded is a slur
That's the most retarded part of all of this. Get your retarded shit together, America.

He transitioned about ten years ago, from talking to him he just felt like he'd been born in the wrong body, was attracted to women, didn't like girly stuff. Started out by going lez and then paid for his own hormone treatment when he left home, currently waiting for breast reduction surgery

>wtf why are people upset about fake news??? eat it up goys

Do these people forget that they're living in the real world and that this shit has real consequences?

Revenge for the trans character in the catherine rerelease


She was pissed you saved a tiny version of the picture.

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Keep it up user

ya you might become president

>>"STUPID FAGGOT LITTLE COCKSUCKER" -Yukari Takeba (Persona 3 [2006])


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Well Yea Forums, would you?

you mispelled dykes.
Who would want to be a white male in this current environment? White women are the most pandered to among all race and genders, no wonder why men want to be women.

>that joker avatar
So that's the kind of people that posts gamers rise up memes, fucking tranny whiteknights

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>not shaving for your SRS

>i honestly don’t get why trannies wanna be girls so bad

>I like this girl!
>This girl doesn't like me OR this girl only likes girls
>But that's okay! If I become a girl, that means they'll have to like me or I can keep going for other girls. Or if I end up gay for another man, I won't REALLY be gay because I'll be a girl!

It's basically a man who thinks he has shit all figured out and doesn't. Like a Daffy Duck get-rich-quick scheme in real life.

Operation Hide Behind the Trannies

Shoo troll

The tranny doesn't play persona, but "she" plays smash.

It seems like it, yeah. It seems like these people think that just because it was on the internet and that a "delete" option exists, everything can just go away UNLESS it involves something they personally dislike, in which case deleting it is hiding shit.

No, but we're talking about someone who cut off their own dick and still insists they were right to do so. You really think you'll get them to admit to being wrong about something this petty?

The vocalist is an old Japanese lady, what do you think, faggot?

not in this modern age. you aren't allowed to make mistakes. Just look at regular media, person a makes a mistake, apologizes for it and tries to seek redemption, opposing party b says the apology is fake or insincere because they say so and nothing they do will make it up.

admitting you made a mistake is career suicide to them

No, because the info wasn't wrong lol

Larry Kevin Dale really fucked up this time. Could this be the time to join the 40%?

Now that would have been a click baity article that required at least 10 minutes of research (instead of none at all) and wouldn't have pissed people off. "Top 10 Misheard Persona Lyrics"


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These people unironically think they are on the right side of history. They think they are right about everything that say and do. They can apologize or even admit that they made a mistake because they think their heart is in the right place. It's never wrong to fight for social justice. Who care who gets fucked over in the process?

>Kotaku: Mario says a slur in Super Mario 64 "So long gay bowser".

>MtF trans is drastically increasing around the same time women are getting more power

I don't think it's just a coincidence

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Imagine being so "offended" by something that doesn't actually offend you that you feel the need to publish an incorrect article about said thing.

not many, but
>many years ago
>go gamestop cheap used PS3/wii/DS/3DS
>waiting in line
>thin girl, but voice way too deep; unusually longer line
>line gets shorter
>it's a clear tranny
>while buying game, "oh, i remember you, and i know you have a rewards card number"
>give it to him; walk out after purchase


Attached: 1555491321347.png (1480x1156, 1.54M)

to think, she could have spent this time learning how to code rather than spreading misinformation.

But I'm offended I feel important, and as a straight able-bodied white person I'm not allowed to be offended for myself! How am I supposed to get that rush of righteousness if I can't be offended on someone else's behalf?

Seems like its quite rare, but does occasionally happen.


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I have to let people know I'm offended

Jesus Christ, not even ResetEra will swallow this bullshit.

Tonight 40% finally gets pushed to 41%

they're defending it just like they always have.

Enough people called her out on her bullshit that they had to lock the thread because banning all of them would have looked really bad for them.

Someone should inform this mod that their description of "Stuck in the Thanus" is a frankly disgusting allusion to anal rape and they are literally advocating brutal rape and murder every time they post.

In other news, doesn't this sound system at a stadium kinda look like Glados from Portal???

I don't get what's so terrible about that story

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Unless your friend can be called a faggot and a bunch of other offensive terms without them being legit offended, they will always be a girl, even disregarding their biology.

Jesus christ that smelling their own farts reply from Kotaku

I know it will never happen, but I really want this to be a new wordfilter.

Kek parsing through that thread it was only the mods that defended that bullshit, they ended up locking the thread for too much independent thinking.

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>it not like engrish in persona songs isn't common
This. Burn my Dread without the Engrish wouldn't be the same desu

How did Nintendo get away with it?

i didn't find it terrible. the fact that it used to be a guy who works there who remembered me should be hilarious to anyone. didn't you see all the dubyas i posted?

what happened to ninja?

They assume everyone is as much of a degenerate as they are.

>Bushy moustache
>Fat round nose
>Head and body shape
That's literally just Mario in Luigi-colored clothes, jesus christ.

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>someone took time to make this gem
Wasnt this the same faggot who made those totally legit insider leaks too and constantly gets proven wrong time and time again? Trannies are attention whores, more news at 11.

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Why is everyone saying 40%, I think I knew a /jp/er tripfag called 40% once

Nah, e-activist normalfags should be gutted though.

40% of trannies kill themselve
other anons are implying Laura will commit suicide.

lurk more newfag

He probably just thought it sounded close enough to retarded for their to be confusion and do a story on it and then get clicks when everybody goes over to kotaku to gawk at his "stupidity." Journalists have always been slime, post internet "journalist" are something worse and far more nefarious.

It was wrong, though. There's no slur in the song.

Baton Pass to Futaba's VA

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I fucking love whoever dubbed this show.
>Look at the size of that ass. And she thinks her shit doesn't stink like everybody else's. Well I've got news for this bitch. Her shit ain't any more fragrant than the rest of ours. And I'm gonna prove it to her when I make her lick it off the end of my dick.

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Well duh.

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>Actual women are actually talking shit about a tranny on Twitter about the tranny's fuck up
>in 2019
Someone slap me because I must be dreaming.

>fired and blacked
I'm on board for this

It happens more often than you think.

What the hell ever happened to "sticks and stones?"

Probably not, but this person would never actually admit to being wrong anyway.

We discovered words are, in fact, damaging

Based, call that hacker known as Yea Forums and his hacker friend known as anonymous to hack them

He said he got an email from someone and based his article on that. Great fucking source, right?

Excellent follow-up

Attached: sending support 2.png (636x233, 33K)

Too masculine.

Certain words cause psychological violence and sometimes people say them when they commit crimes, so they should be illegal.

Does this mean I can report you for assault? Is this online violence?

That's Retorted


Just dont

Based Erica Lindbeck. Magilou dabbin on thr mentally ill. MAGIKAZAM!

Attached: Magilou_MA.jpg (1920x1768, 347K)


Nah, I’m anonymous anyway you chinless faggot

Why don't these forty-percenters ever just take the L and move on?

I can't tell if they actually care about the game/series because "if this has bad rep then my paycheck is fucked" or if they genuinely care about the game getting shit on for false news, since the song has nothing to do with them personally but could give P5 bad press overall.

Dude, you just called yourself dickless.

Considering all the related posting and cosplaying and this king of shit, I think it's pretty genuine. Makes me smile to have a VA actually care about their stuff. If not, hey, that's at least some dedication to your work that can't be said about these "journalists"

that'd be even better

though trannies usually off themselves (40%)


Attached: SmartSelect_20190418-222930_Twitter.jpg (1440x988, 333K)

The very fact that you're afraid you'll sound rude by asking a legit question shows how the Left needs to be executed.

4 hours ago, that's 3 hours and 59 minutes longer than most "I'm going offline for now" shit lasts.

>My friend is F2M and he's a normal, chill girl

what is this 40% shit?

Dude, thank you for posting this, i didn't see it the 10 times it was posted in this thread already.

>"see you tomorrow user"
>last online: two years ago

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It's highly unlikely that they're just doing this for reputation's sake. Even IF this was actually a legit case of the song mentioning retards (which it isn't), it doesn't relate to them at all. If anything, it'd be Shoji Meguro's reputation on the line.

Just take it for what it is; people using their higher level of relevancy on Persona 5 to just shit on fake news.

What did he mean by this

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The most important thing seems to be detaching yourself from taking it super seriously and moving on. Staying hung up on changing your identity just keeps your brain dwelling on the transition itself rather than the new identity. This includes things like vocally yelling on Twitter how you're trans. Just be trans and try to be happy if that's your bag, man.

live in Seattle, Portland, or any city

That's actually what you're supposed to do. But thanks to the Internet, retractions are as simple as deleting or editing the existing article, and only goodie-two-shoes print their mistakes.

I'm actually a journalism major, and shit like this is why I declined my "dream" job at IGN. I make good money elsewhere not doing journalism now.


and all he had to do was have life altering eunuch surgery and take medication while dilating hourly for the rest of his life. fucking lucky

>it'd be Shoji Meguro's reputation on the line.
I would assume they have no fucking idea whatsoever that any of this is even going on. None whatsoever.


So who exactly is that Ricky Berwick guy that replied?
I've seen him around a few times but is he just a meme because of whatever fucking condition he has or does he do stuff on Youtube or what?

I’ve seen world news pages post apologies plenty of times for incorrect reports, no reason a video game news site can’t do the same

Incredibly underrated post, good job man

>Gay trans woman

Does this mean shes a lesbian?

You could've worked IGN without having to succumb to sucking SJW dicks, at least for a few years. I can't imagine Kotaku and the like actually FORCE their employees to turn into the spineless, cuck-loving, trans-fucking, quinn-humping pieces of shit they are now.

Even if it did say retarded, literally who gives a fuck. There isn't enough time in the day to care about this

As he should; it's just inflammatory bullshit that's frankly disrespectful to a man of his talent. It'd be better if he never finds out about it and draws the wrong conclusions.

It means its a man who convinced himself he's a woman, but is also sexually attracted to women, and presumably not himself.

>openly incriminate two companies of racism purely based on a minor misunderstanding
Jesus Christ. I get that trannies love the Antifa vigilante mentality but at least check before you shoot.

I remember TERFs being a twitter term for girls that didn't recognize trans as real girls or something, so it's more common than not.

>"dream" job at IGN
the fuck

This line in Persona 5 makes me laugh.

>"Truth is the highest art for a journalist. To think someone would be so imprudent as to impede it..."

I wish I had a screencap of Yusuke saying this because I'd slap it all fucking over Twitter. He says it during the Mementos overview for Ohya's boss, if anyone can be assed to screencap it.

She was always my favorite english VA. Very underrated. DUAL MOONS ONE BLADE!

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He's a cripple that memes a lot.

Why are trans people so lazy and retarded when it comes to actually looking like a girl? Is it so hard to fucking try?

Fuck it, I’ll just take a picture.

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enjoy being sued


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Hope he kills himself

wtf i love dubs now

Not hard so much as it is really, really expensive if you want to actually look passable.


>gay autism trans women
hello chris chan


>Tranny lore is considered a part of board culture
God truly has abandoned us.

It's libel if it's written, slander if spoken.

If I wanted to read about the life of an autistic faggot I'd read my life stories

>"We're not gonna say we're wrong but fuck you if you think we're gonna say you're right."

Sad thing is that journalism currently revolves around not saying the truth but saying what people want to believe so they can feel validated, also baiting opinion wars because people love to fight the bad guy of the month and act ethically superior or at least correct others

why don't they just pull the story?

Why would they ever? Seemingly there is almost never any blowback for saying the wrong thing and infinitely more to gain (in terms of potentially creating a viral/clickbait article) its the current state, i really wish there was some way to create a rule or law that would force these chucklefucks to study their shit before dog whistling but then youd be incriminating people for "being wrong" and while thats something youd lose your job for if you were an architect or engineer or doctor sometimes these people dont have all the details of the stories yet and they also need to write something so here we are i guess.

As an inside thing, they only hire people who are like that. Reason is outrage culture makes them far more money than honest reporting does - and its cheap, because most of these crybaby dumbasses can't find work doing anything but writing clickbait.

I was offered $.20 a word to work at IGN, which is four times what Kotaku pays their writers.

Maybe a bit of both. Defend your proud work, but also stick up against bullshit.

the sad part is that it's not just video game journalism but journalism in general

>The actual autist is dunking on Kotaku through time and space
Oh my god, Yusuke's a madman

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im hearing retort

If I was a normalfag with a Twitter account, I'd definitely post this in that thread.

I've met one through a friend, and let me tell you: they were actually really chill, but the orbiters around him were fucking unbearable. Probably because I kept saying 'him', but he didn't seem to mind as much as these fucking zealots did.

Where were they when the whole Broly shit was going down?

I'll do it



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Admitting you're wrong on the internet is a death sentence.

Yeah, ResetEra the past year has gotten away with doxxing, death threats to entire families, and trying to coerce people into suicide. If someone on Yea Forums did that they fucking FBI would probably destroy him.

40% of trannies end up suiciding.

5 and he goes offlive forever

Persona doesn't print clicks, Smash does.

Attached: kek.gif (322x324, 91K)

>look it up
>looks like this

It’ll walk away unharmed and continue to write garbage forever

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Why is there just a link to give them money? Why would a "serious journalist" need a fucking tip jar?

You clearly have absolutely no idea how to use the internet, it's not even hard to find you fucking moron

>there may be an innocent explanation
Jesus Christ, those people are fucking morons.

underrated, kekk

"I don't want to admit I'm wrong but if I wait long enough, some random person on the internet will say something offensive about me being trans and I can deflect everything onto them."

> prejudice
Moron. That's literally how Japanese speak and are taught to speak. Modern Katakana Is literally "English but broken".

Yusuke in general was one of the best parts of P5. The shit with Madarame was fantastically done.

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What could their endgame even be? They're making themselves look like retards and they're making a low shot at the Japanese.

Is that worth it just for some outrage clicks?

The patients are in charge of the asylum. Fucking trash world.


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>average SD on 5-stock match: 2
No thanks

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My pubes look better than his dead ass blue hair lmao

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>3 fucking years later and you still can't screencap P5 on the console
Jesus Christ.

>using that shitty interview on bbc about risks of gaems that even fucking The Sun mocked about it
holy fucking kek I can't get enough of yall mental illness kind, please don't kys yet

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What is katakana?

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>Laura Kate Dale
stop giving this thing attention

>smash autism are literal tranny

>The Sun

Probably didn't want to get caught up in shit unrelated to them and risk having their reputations get fucked.

Wow i really didn't see that (it) coming

All the other "popular" stages are cool shit like Meta Crystal, Tetris and the Smash 64 room stage. The trannies all liked the flag stage en masse.

>implying any of that sentence is true

Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 12K)

Same. It sounds like it, but c'mon, Atlus is a little smarter than that.


A lot of them did get caught up in it, though. The smart ones kept quiet, but some others...

Attached: D4Pxw3gVUAAxNev.jpg (1053x1200, 114K)

its a UK tabloid that makes some nice shitposts

>Laura Kate Male
Probably just another lie.

>Stage Song: Snake Eater
genius, whoever made this is surely taking the piss

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It's our word

There are cliques within the english VA industry. Some just wanted to mind their own business. Its usually the unionized types that bother to get entrenched in those kinds of drama. Not sure if Erica is unionized though.

true if big

>Neo Yea Forums doesn't even know who Laura K Buzz is anymore

Yusuke really is the best boy in the series.

it's ritardando you fucking retards

Even he doesn't know who he is why should we?

>along with being a writer at one of the most famous gaming sites
you mean the site that's been in financial ruin for years and is constantly on the verge of shutting down for good?

Apparently it wasn't quite a murder

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you fool, check this 5

Attached: check em.png (500x500, 99K)

Nothing related to video games has real consequences.

He has some pretty good competition like Japan's No. 1, Eikichi, Da Man and Kanji but yeah, he's definitely one of the best.

>Stops being relevant for a long time after the Switch/Rabbids shit
>Oh fuck, I desperately need attention, better say something completely fucking stupid

>song: snake eater
They don't realise that it's making fun of them.

>This woman

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All those people demanding a Japanese dub. Atlus eventually offers it as a free download. Virtually nobody actually installs it.

Attached: Futaba and Ann.jpg (612x504, 68K)

I dont get it

The first and last time I ever heard about Laura was the Superbestfriendcast.

I noticed that a lot of the VA's based in Texas turned on Vic, which is disturbing.

>tfw kotaku made a racist article about a Japanese singer unable to pronounce English words properly

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I'm assuming he's playing on PS3.

I'm sure it was Matt's idea to invite a literal fucking piece of shit liar onto the podcast.

Literally not even my screenshot, calm down.

The Persona dub actors are great. The P5 English voice director needs to be shot.

That and that strange Persona 5 review for me. It's a shame too because that episode was pretty good otherwise, just that nasally voice kept bugging me with hot takes and anti-charisma

As much as I prefer English subs to dubs, Persona 4/5 and Nier: Automata have such great English dubs that I swear by them. After all, the whole issue behind subs over dubs is that I want the one that sounds better. Just because the Japanese dub usually sounds better, doesn't mean you always choose it.

>Finally includes a Archive.is link than giving these fuckers ad-revenue through ads.
Oh thank the fucking heavens. Someone did it right on Yea Forums for once.


Funnily enough Pat is shitting on the article as well so I guess that was a fluke

I know who they are, I'm still going to call them a retard even if they will inevitably whine about it.

Attached: 1478271350310.jpg (640x360, 37K)

They're VIZ

Broly was Funimation's problem

I think the last time I actually couldn't stand to listen to a game dub was Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It's weird because both Breath of the Wild and that released the same year and both of them had really shit dubs.

Pat has no reason to associate with the same people that Matt associated with now that they're broken up. Meanwhile Liam apologizes for dead-naming someone in a dream.

The English dubs are solid, but P5 is so fucking animu that I had to put the Japanese dub on.

that's basically because it is. I know when I looked up the lyrics for persona 4 songs for the first time I was pretty shocked i had misheard so much, but it's not surprising given how different japanese is to english, and primary japanese speakers trying to sing a secondary language like english, things are going to sound different

doesn't make the songs any less good at all

Of course we know, but why should we fucking care?

Why are these mentally deficient fucktards allowed to speak still? I've never seen or heard anything from a tranny that wasn't absolutely batshit insane. Any of you want to open a transgender operation clinic with me but instead of buying all the tools and such we'll just buy an oven.

If I had to take a lowball guess, it's about eating dick.

He also apologized for the Cloud Niggers joke, which was one of the best parts of that LP

I'm talking about the people ITT "discovering" his Twitter. Anyone that has been here for any period of time should know about him already, considering how often Yea Forums gets triggered by trannies.

>Make a thread about a sort-of-old Video Game on Yea Forums - Video Games
>saged, shitposted, called a shill, reported to mods police and FBI

>make a thread about some literal who clickbait "journalist" article on Yea Forums-Video Games
>thread 100x longer than actual article. 490 replies and 98 images omitted. Click here to view.

Yea Forums should be renamed to /ts/-Transsexuals. it would unironically be more accurate

Ever since Liam left SBFP he's become more and more of a bitch. I fucking hate how passive aggressive as fuck he gets during his streams and starts treating chat like shit. There are nights when one little thing will completely destroy his mood and he'll act like a sourpuss the rest of the night. He's such a little fucking baby.

And God will laugh when you're up in flames in Hell, faggot.

Meanwhile Pat is rolling around in trash and throwing it at Cliffy B until the guy has to sockpuppet against a literally who from Canada. We made the right choice in which Best Friend to support. Woolie's pretty cool too

Attached: Pat Vira 1.png (96x194, 28K)

I envy the people that have been oblivious to this idiotic prima donna's ramblings for this long.

i hate to break it to you, but it's more fun to dab on trannies doing stupid shit than to talk about some boomer game that's had 20 years of discussion

My only experience with Liam since he quit SBFP was the Automata playthrough. At first I was like, "Oh man, I miss Liam!" but then they got to the second or third recording session after seeing YouTube and Twitter comments and Liam was an unsufferable little shit for the rest of the LP.

Everything in Persona songs sounds stupid. Just listening to P4 and hearing Lotus Juice struggling to pronounce anything with an R in it is hilarious.

>tfw 2B used to troll Ghost on daily basis with pony calls

Attached: Ghost.jpg (180x199, 6K)

The issue with Pat is that his streams are downright terrible and the VODs are even worse because he doesn't edit them at all and it's always 10 minutes of gameplay mixed with several hours of reading donations and cracking jokes to Paige. I honestly haven't watched any of what they do in months.

Basically Liam will act like a passive aggressive cunt in his streams if you start talking about anything other than the game he's playing. He also blocked Pat's name on his stream chat because of how hurt his precious fee-fees were.