Why do people hate her?

Why do people hate her?

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She is a Lesbian which is a sin

dumb, feminist, anti gun

I don't so much hate the character as the psychotic faggotry-laden fanbase that grew around her. These people make Undertale autists look like functional members of society.

>anti gun
>carries a gun

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These. Also snowflake hair.

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What this user means to say is that he hates everyone who has different opinions to himself like a child

She's hella cunt

You can't hate fuck someone if you don't hate them.

She's just plainly a shithead.

I don't hate her, I hate the fact that people unironically like her as a character.

I like her, she's cute.

Because she's an unlikeable character. She never takes responsability for her actions and constantly shifts the blame on everyone else and on Max. It makes it even worse that at the end you either make everything you did mean nothing or you save this cunt from dying.

Bad Videogame


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She's difficult. In the end I did care about her but not because I actually liked her but because Max did.

your MC was a Nice guy going for the girl next door girl that just lost her lover. jesus user the MC or as i call it "crusty thirsty nigga" even had the balls to cry on top of her blue hair girlfriend over the body of her blue hair girlfriends lover who disappeared. The fucking comic had her leave the blue bitch to go to another reality and fucking hit on her blue hair girl while her NOT fucking dead in this reality girl was there

What this user meant to say is that he's a projecting faggot

Yea Forums made me fall for the life is trumblr meme but i actually enjoyed it when i played it

>Filthy dyke
>Meme tumblr hair
>Retarded as hell
Took me exactly 1.7 seconds to decide to kill her at the end. I regret playing this """""game""""".
At least they managed to make Max cute, but she didn't deserve to be in this western garbage.

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>anime picture
>shitty opinion

just like pottery