We're still here

We're still here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought you're all died already

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You're like a squatter.
You brought nothing but refuse to leave.

he based

Well, fuck off then.

Fist me, daddy

>clear throat
>sit up straight
>furrow lips and scowl
>deeper voice
>pleasant smile
>polite tone
"Fuck it!!"
>press Xbox button on controller
>console turns on
>smile triumphantly as I think "Now this is the Xbox One experience"
>controller flashes red like a rave
>double a batteries dead

They're the only console than can play Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 in the modern era, pretty based.

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>Xbone literally has only two games
How is this possible? Has there been any console with a more dismal library?

you can play both of those on PC though

They question is... why?

Yeah I'm thinking of xbox next gen.
Not supporting a company that censors its developers.

If you think I'm just in it for anime tits you're wrong. I'm more for creative freedom. How long till it goes from sexual content to any other content?

If you don't think microsoft limits what developers put on their console you are naive. The difference is that microsoft just doesn't let the game on their platform in the first place instead of censoring it

>my sony vore thread gets deleted in a matter of seconds
>this one is still alive


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Devil May Cry 5 on xbox is uncensored compared to ps4.

You have no idea what the fuck youre going on about.


I won't lie, the more I see Microsoft plans the more I'm willing to buy next box. I saw a halo follower (think that was his name) video a few days back and by the looks of it halo infinite is going back to the good old days of halo and I'm hyped. They seem to be bringing back their old IPs like fable, perfect dark, battletoads as well which could be good. Reboots like GoW reboot worked well for Sony.

>sits up straight
laughed harder than i should have

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I use my bone to play my cuhrayzee games. Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, DMC 1-5, MGR, and soon NG2
>Inb4 xbox controller is shit for DMC
Elite controller is the way to go

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That's completely wrong user

>Perfeckt Dark reboot

Ive heard this before, but what is the source?

xboxers in the houuuuse toniiiight
everybody just have good tiiiiime
and we gon play some xbox liiiiive
everybody just have a good tiiiiime

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>Finally get concrete PS5 details
>On the same day MS announces they're going to try and kill physical media again with a discless Bone
It's not looking good already

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DMC V is censored in the west only on PS4.

Xbox and PC are fully uncensored.
Please do some research.

feels good being on top

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What force keeps xbros going?

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I wish Sony and Nintendo didn't have to fight.
After owning the 360 I literally just want MS gone

This shit is allowed but not this kino...

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Man I really love our exclusives! have you beaten Scalebound yet user?

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Join the Xbox Revolution Yea Forums. together we will overthrow the Snoyboys.

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Just joined ya

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You and what games?

go back to your discord you drag tranny. trannies shouldnt be allowed to play video games.

Tranny? He didn't even post anything Nintendo related!

I think you mean exclusives you retard, we dont need those. the only thing thats even worth playing on PlayStation that isnt on xbox also is bloodborne but even that isnt enough, the other PS Exculsives are just Pandering to Trannies and Homos.

I can't support MS after they've disrespected me for 5 consecutive years.

*trannies shouldn't be allowed to live

So why does Microsoft offer Gold for $1 all the time but Sony with PS+ doesn't?

this, Xbox is the Chad Console, the PlayStation community is literally just NBA 2k Niggas and Trannies playing their homo games.


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Team mini
All spirit
No games

>Sigma 2

holy cringe

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>We don't need games
And that is why you will fail again. But it's not such a bad deal for Spencer an MS. Make a console, fund 0 games for it, and 30 million people buy it anyway for GTA or someshit. That's not a bad position to be in at all.
But you're not leaving 2nd (Soon to be 3rd) place, not anytime soon.

.t non-ballin people

Microshit will never recover from faceplanting in shit with the Xbox reveal at the start of this gen.
You'll be lucky to become third rate like the Atari console or the Ouya next gen.
You will never be able to shitpost like you did with the 360 lmao.
Might as well kill yourself lol

mods and jannies are known nintendies


Saw it in another thread and googled it. seems like it was a pretty big rumour a year ago but its died off now. Could still be in development through.

>No games

im playing RDR2 and AC3 Remastered right now on Xbox how can you say we have no games, sure you can also play it on a playstation but who wants to give money to a bunch of trannies.

>the mods are nintendies because they don't delete xbox threads
yeah sure

>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Ninja Theorys game
>Killer Instinct 2
>Fable from Playground
>Banjo from Playful
Yep, MS is gonna go BIG for this E3.

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That Dino Crisis rumor for Microsoft E3 conference better be real

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i mean nintendies are the ones going around sperging "WE ARE A TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!"

kill yourself, One X,Lockhart,Anaconda,and PC users are all going to be able to play with each other, meanwhile Snoy keeps you in a tranny prison by refusing crossplay.

>Playing AC3 remastered
Sasuga Xbot, 30iq as always

Nearly all of that shit he said was wrong or non-existent. Forza Horizon 4 did not take place in Japan, Crackdown 3 did not have 4-player co-op, and nothing was mentioned about Mechassault


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>tfw have yet to even try RDR2 or Sekiro because I have too many games to play

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can the one play ALL 360/original games or is it a select few

>It's the Xbot who dosen't space after commas again
I fucking knew it was like 3-4 people max. Take some pills dude

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I'm so sorry. How are you coping?

I once said we Xbros are Shinigami from Death Note; we're a bunch of skeletons who sit around all day in darkness rolling dice or in our case, playing FPSes. Every time we're about to expire we get one more good multiplat to add to our Death Box, for example I just added Sekiro to mine.
Interestingly enough Sea of Thieves is very similar, we just sail around a sea of the dead waiting for the next update.

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>Sony releases the same third-person action game over and over but with a different skin
>Microsoft releases the same low-quality games regardless of genre over and over again
When will someone do something new

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>its not every game
Sad, I wish consoles nowadays had backwards compatibility like the fat PS3 where it could play PS2 games under the hood along with PS1 (which i think all models can do now)

Like a quarter of 360 games but most of the big ones.

All the time on PC

There's a list that seems to update on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday on average about once a week

>its okay when we do it

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It's a select few, but some get enhancements (Resolution, framerate, etc). Like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fable, FFXIII & XIII-2, Ninja Gaiden II, & Halo.

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I'm unironically excited for the new halo, gears and fable. Played the 360 games to death and they made the xbox brand popular. I hope they don't fuck it up. I hope there is a new banjo game as well.
Never cared for killer instinct games or the ori games.

>Using a name is the same as an extremely specific and retarded typing tic
I don't know who Asher is but only one of these is identifying

Fable could be really good if it turns out to be real, but its contingent on Playground using Fable 1 or Fable 2 version of Albion and not the horrendous one in 3

>>Ninja Theorys game
>>Killer Instinct 2
>>Banjo from Playful
That's what I'm hyped for, also whatever else they have planned for their new studios.

Not for long

It's literally always the same person, he comes into a thread, starts shilling for PS4 and everyone who's posting in favor of Nintendo or Xbox is "horrorscene", "rscottyg", "Asher" or "Milgrau".

It's VERY identifying.

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Gears 5 is gonna bit lit! Can’t wait to play as a woman!

Switch fag here. Thanks for beta testing Cuphead

I recently remembered I had an xbone because of ninja gaiden 2 and got 1 month of gold and 3 months of game pass for $2, having a good time with crackdown 1 and halo. Still regret my purchase but not as much for now

Can you name an example from this or last year?

tendies get triggered by sony, not xbox. Xbox is irrelevant

Cuphead was on Steam from Day 1 and it could run on almost any toaster. You have zero excuse to just be playing it now

Yes, we know. Like a fart in a lift, or an inoperable brain tumour. You're still here, and you will be until we all eventually die.

lol no, that's just the xbox pajeets. No nintendo fan gives a shit about xbox outside of a few games like cuphead coming to their system


All this false flagging is simply tiring.

holy based

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Can you please be better? I hate Sony but Xbox is a mess.


>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Hellblade directed by Tameem) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen

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I can't remember the last time i was told for 5 years that the games are coming only for them to never come

It's honestly what the industry needs. Hard and fast competition.

Oh man if only you knew how wrong you are you seething leeching little faggot hahahahaha

>tfw Xswitch idort
It's pretty great, I played MCC for an hour last night waiting for Smash 3.0
Btw gud luck beating Cuphead, it's considerably harder than your BING BING WAHOO stuff

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sony are on life support right now by giving away the core specs and secret sauce of their upcoming system

That's just ACFag

The greatest action game of all time is now backwards compatible and runs like greased lightning on the xbox one x.

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This is weirdly accurate

>damage controlling for Eric

The Xbox One is the only console I've owned with a worse library than the PlayStation 3.

That’s not Bloodborne.

Sony is stuck in the past by making their games exclusive and not allowing cross play between systems. The games Sony offers are not good enough to warrant them being exclusive only titles. Microsoft is doing a good thing by allowing both console and PC to thrive by having Xbox games on both platforms.

with the exception of Bloodborne and Spider Man, what games are you actually legitimately excited to play by Sony?

I said greatest action game of all time, not dark souls for babies.

I wish my fat ps3 didn't die so I could install cfw and play ps2 games on it, someday I'll get a freemcboot card

>PS5 is GCN

pack it in folks, it's over.

Death Stranding
Team Ico’s Next game

Stuff by Sega in all honesty, like Yakuza & Judgment. I've been all in on AA tier games these days.

>Microsoft is doing a good thing by allowing both console and PC to thrive by having Xbox games on both platforms.
Not really because almost all of Microsoft's games are either devoid of content, buggy, made solely to dupe people into buying Game Pass subs, or all of the above.

>with the exception of Bloodborne and Spider Man, what games are you actually legitimately excited to play by Sony?
i actually can't think of any. list me what's coming out and i'll choose some. it's funny that i know more nintendo and xbox games coming out than sony ones. sony have been super quiet this last year.

Exactly, I'm an Xgod and I'm not dying until I decide to die.

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Very little of this sounds good

>consolecuck trying to act superior

xbox is stoopi

>Over 200+ games for 3 months for $1

Oh no I was dupped!!!!

I play PC and console. Why limit yourself to one platform like a fucking idiot.

forza horizon 4 is literally none of those. how mad are you?

>muh Eric

>Microsoft is doing a good thing by allowing both console and PC to thrive by having Xbox games on both platforms.
Too bad Forza Horizon 4 was a big step back compared to Forza Horizon 3, Sea of Thieves was basically Boredom: The Video Game, Crackdown 3 was unimpressive and tedious, and Gears 4 stale and run of the mill
>with the exception of Bloodborne and Spider Man, what games are you actually legitimately excited to play by Sony?
Spider-Man was a Batman Arkham game with a Spider-Man sticker slapped on it that didn't deserve the praise it got. Bloodborne, God of War, and Everybody's Golf are probably my favorite games on the platform

Beta versions: Tied to a stationary device. (Yikes)

Full release: Can be played anywhere at any time. Thank you based Nintendo.

>all of Microsoft's games are either devoid of content, buggy, made solely to dupe people into buying Game Pass subs
None of these points are correct. Most if not all M$ published games have a rather high standard of quality, MCC being the exception.

I really want the next Xbox to be good. Microsoft already proved they can make a good console with the Xbox 360. It's a shame the Xbox One is so bad.

>tfw this poster has put myself and everyone i know who posts here off the playstation brand

it's like Ifaggots shilling their shitty phone on twitter and insulting everyone else because they never have an argument. it puts people off. same as amdcucks on /g/.

You could call it gears of bore
>Laughs in idort

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i (Halo)
Been meh on Halo
>>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
Looking forward to the new IP
>>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
should be good
>>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
want to know more
>>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
no thanks
>>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
I'm done with zombies
>>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
still fun every now and then.
>>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
might be good
>>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Hellblade directed by Tameem) [3 teams]
might be good
>>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
need to see how it looks, but I'm looking forward to new Battletoads
>>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
should be fun
>>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
I need a new Killer Instinct & another game in tone with Sunset Overdrive
>>new Xbox Division in Asia
I'm interested
>>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
no thanks
>>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch)
Would be a huge get
>>the best versions of multiplats
>>native 4k 60fps
don't care
>>backwards compatibility
their team does a good job, but they need to make more teams for this to speed up development
good deal
>>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem
I don't use W10

you're joking right?
>Audio issues that persisted for a month after launch that still happen on console
>Online multiplayer that grouped you into teams, ensuring that you'll lose if one of your teammates sucks
>Shitty online that still disconnects you
>The current Horizon Playlist system requires you to complete nearly all challenges in a season, meaning if you miss a day or two you're fucked
>wheelspins are pointless because they're clogged with pointless cosmetics
>Game showers you with money, making car values trivial
>Long-standing Goliath bug allowed tons of people to rake in millions in credits which destroyed the auction house
>How high you can bid on cars is controlled by how high your customs level is, so the more liveries you make and sell the bigger your advantage

Dreams, Gravity Rush and MAYBE ghosts of whatever. the last few days I've been thinking of selling my original xbone and geting an xbonx for future multiplat games because playing through sekiro on ps4 was fun but jesus those frame drops

its gonna be absolutely chad when Switch,Lockhart,Anaconda,and PC users all play Xbox games together while Sony is stuck with Lesbians of Us.

The Xbox One Is already a good console with a lot of great options.

It just needs games, and their working on that. They didn’t add 7 studios to their first party last year for nothing right?

I think that's a little harsh. PlayStation has annoying fans (every platform does) but I don't think the fans make the platforms themselves less good. If they did I wouldn't own any platform, except maybe Xbox.

Technically the Xbox One is a great console. Great specs, controller, BC, Game Pass, but the reason I don't like the console is just because of its small library.

All joking aside, TLOU2 is probably going to be a good movie game.

i've literally never played it online and it's fine offline and not some gamepass thing or always online. i haven't had any bugs in 4 months of ownership either. go back to redd*t.

>Sea of Thieves
Why do people act like this game is finished when Rare's made it very obvious they have it on an MMO dev model, albeit a poor one. I mean it's been a year and they keep saying "we're just getting started", plus I can confirm as an Insider that the Anniversary update addresses a lot of complaints from release (no fishing, quests are boring, no endgame, can't open chests, etc)

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>Forza Horizon 2 and 3
>Quantum Break
Lame movie game that's only remembered because of CIA and almost killing Remedy
>Gears of War 4
Stale sequel nobody asked for
>Halo 5
Good multiplayer but poor reputation because it has the worst campaign ever in Halo
>Sea of Thieves
Boring streamer-bait game with zero content or progression
>Crackdown 3
Inferior campaign structure compared to Crackdown 1 combined with underwhelming destruction and a tacked-on multiplayer with only two modes that didn't let you play with friend until two months after launch = bad game. Oh and it took 5.5 years to make.

At this point the new IPs will probably come out on the Xbox Two, it's too late in this generation by now.

Try to calm down, lad, you quoted the wrong post there.

all future xbox games are gonna be forward and backwards compatible as long as your specific model is powerful enough it will run it, so really the only ones who need to upgrade soon will be Fat OG Xbox One users (which is me so i will probably get an Anaconda once it comes out)

GaaS model is incredibly lazy because devs shit out a bad game then excuse it by saying it will "evolve over time" or that "you make your own fun!". Destiny did it, Fallout 76 did it, Anthem did it, Sea of Thieves did it. If the game wasn't going to be good for another year, why release it a year early?

needed more money probably

Yeah, I have the OG Xbox One as well so I'm gonna need to upgrade.

Let's be honest. In 2019, there's really no reason not to get an Xbox one since it's the best deal out of all three consoles. Sure if you have a bad ass PC there's no reason, but not everyone has 2k+ to shell out for a decent PC.

Sounds like bullshit to me. The laptop CPU’s of the One family are too much of a bottle neck to allow for that. The best you’re going to get is using xCloud to stream new games on your One.

>last exclusive game was that one terrible gears of war 4 game

jesus christ why suffer. jump ship, come to Switch.

Oh yeah, grainy looking 480p ports of multiplats and some muhrio. How can anyone resist?

damn, horizon is max comfy

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>GoW was terrible

It was decent at worst and solid at best. You either didnt play or dont like the genre. Also it looked stunning in 4K

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you do know you can own and enjoy more than one platform right?

I agree but I have to admit it really looks like Rare wants to stand apart from the other GaS devs, apparently they insisted on every SoT update and content release to be free. Something along the lines of "if we charge 60$ then we're working on it until its a 60$ game"

Nice fanfic, Xnig.

I wish more of Yea Forums thought this way.

Gears 4 was better than 3

Okay XBros, you get to choose 1 Rare IP to get revived and get new games. It can't be Banjo, Battletoads, Perfect Dark, or Killer Instinct because they've all had recent games.
What do you choose?

>mfw everytime someone asks what went wrong with the racing genre you can tell it's a soinigga

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Are the games from those new studios going to be exclusives? They gave Cuphead to Nintendo, no?

Monster hunter world on the game pass
made my day

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RC pro am would be fun

Xbots wish they had games as good as The Quiet Man, Dissida NT, and Left Alive!

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>One Wired article completely destroyed years of Xcuck posturing and preening in a single morning

Gears of War 4 is the worst mainline Gears game, but it's still pretty solid.

Top tier co op game ever since they released Dread and Nightmare difficulty modes last month. Unlike many console co op games, it handles high latency well enough to be playable. I play online co op with an Australian friend and many games are unplayable because of the way they handle what is affected by the connection. Gears and all of the Halos (except 5) are unplayable for example. The controls in Halo games are hosted on the host system. Even the guests controls... Fucking morons, not everyone you'd want to play with lives across the street.

Anyway, it's become my go to game for chilling out and listening to music or whatever. They've released several free content updates and are adding some WW2 weapons to it soon as well.

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Jet Force Gemini or Kameo if that counts.

not really. would you be more inclined to think favourably about something knowing the fanbase for it will do anything to paint it in a good light even if there's some bad things about it? sometimes you just want to have a nice thread but if there's always some people from a specific fanbase coming into do everything they can to shitpost and ruin a nice thread to shill their own brand whilst insulting others then you will think unfavourably of that brand based on that. it's how the media works irl.

Eventually when the next console is popular, they will be making exclusive games. For now, they’re just trying to maximize profit.

For me, it's Onrush on Gamepass
Made by the Motorstorm guys and runs ar a solod 60fps

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I completely forgot about R.C. Pro-Am, holy shit that'd be great

cuphead isn't owned by microsoft. neither is the studio who made it.

>same old rehashed casual shit every two years
that's what went wrong. fuck off, mr fulton. your studio sucks.

>Gamepass i paid $2 for two months expired
>jump right into $1 for three months promo
Bout to start Prey. Looking forward to monster hunter

My thought process is just that all platform fanboys are autistic and you can seperate that from the thing they're a fan of. That said, PlayStation is the platform with the worst fans, well that or PC.

lol cope

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Yeah, that makes sense actually. I'd like to see what Microsoft can do with the new studios. The Xbox and the Xbox 360 had very good libraries.

Wow the /r/XboxOne shills sure crawled in here
>M-make sure you're subscribed to Based Pass user!!!!!!!
Fuck off

I wish this game was on PC. I tried play the open beta on my Xbone but it didn't work


>people talking about something in a thread about that thing must be shills

by that logic this board is 90% sony shills seeing as the ps5 threads have all reached bump limit

No need to start console wars, we're just minding our own business here.

Well what would you for each revision besides a brand new map, new cars and slight gameplay changes? You want them to introduce car combat like Twisted metal and romance options with female NPCs that you take on rides in your souped up car?
That would be actually kinda dope desu...

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The most hilariously patheitc console in history.

Now NG2 is backwards compatible which might curb any possible intent of Team Ninja releasing some sort of HD port of the games that maybe finally makes a definite version of that game that includes all the relevant content from all versions and fixex all of it's glaring issues like Sigma 1. So the console is actively hurting something i like now, it won't introduce anyone to to the series since the only people dumb enough to have bought that console were Xdrones to begin with. Just great.

Attached: Not this shit again.jpg (1244x700, 104K)

Already confirmed fake. Xbone is so sparse an Xtard took a list of predictions and turned them into an E3 leak.

You think it won't? Nintendo and PC are in different niches than PlayStation and Xbox, and people are getting mad at Sony for no cross play, censorship, no BC, etc.

Tbh it's the kind of game that's a 7.5/10 but with fun factor at 10/10. It flopped pretty bad too

didn't realize someone could be so jealous over xbox

get an xbox then, scrub

>reasoning with sub 50 IQ morons

Is it worth it to buy a Xbone just so I can play 360 and Xbox games?

I enjoyed the game desu especially the multiplayer. I think people believe the garbage and blind shitty opinions parroted on here. That's the problem, especially when it comes to xbox.

For what retard? To play 2 games i already played years ago?

Nice list of PC games

This place is full of kids that literally think they're on a team or in some exclusive club by owning a piece of electronics. It's fucking pathetic.

xbone games are pretty fun too

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Xbone is legit a waste of money though

Speaking as someone who defended Gran Turismo to the death when GT 5 came out and GT6 youre fucking wrong.

Forza absolutely beats it. Both Motorsport and Horizon. GT Sport doesnt even come close to modern gen racing.

to play games you want to play but can't because you're a non-idort pleb.
>ecksbawks has no scoosives! a shit!
>fuck ecksbawks for having this thing i can't get elsewhere! a bloobloo!

I mean, I guess, if you want to spend money on 360/original games that you can just emulate on PC. Literally the only worthwhile Xbox One exclusive just got announced for a PC release, so I’d say buying a bone is a pretty retarded move as of now.

>waaaaah i hate that i can't play this game again (allegedly)
>what!! why would i want to play this old game again!

make your mind up

read my post again you dumb fuck

wired.com/story/exclusive-sony-next-gen-console/ :)

>this faggot actually waited out the clock to samefag

isn't Xbox emulation ass?

nothing is a waste of money and the fact it's sold nearly 50m means that many people have found a reason to buy one. anything from price to convenience to what your friends are playing on to games are are different reasons to own something. my xbox when i got it was used pretty much solely as a halo: mcc machine and will continue to do so as long as my friends are on this platform.


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oh you think so

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I hope so, otherwise it means there's 2 mongoloids who can't read trying to talk to me.

two-hundredth third post best post

>Sea of Thieves is pretty fun now


you seem lost

Why are these Xbox threads the most comfy threads on this board? The conversations are usually mature and you can actually talk about games without the low quality memes getting in the way.

how the fuck does having backwards compatibility support mean they won't make new games or remasters you retard?

You fail to see something that's obvious but call others retards. Stop projecting.

Xbox doesn’t have many memes to use, and few games to shit on.


You can tell xbox is turning it around by the way fags here are sweating itm next gen is gonna be fun here

There’s definitely some retarded arguments in these threads, but I think it’s mostly civil because Xbox owners are under the stigma that their console is the worst console in this generation, so Sony/Nintendo fanboys steer clear of these threads as to not be seen as an Xbox fanboy. Therefore there is a lack of retarded console war memes. This means that there is generally more wholesome discussions.

what planet do you even live in? The prospect of someone even considering saying this is hilarious. Xbox has never been deader

>OP is literally console wars faggotry

Oh you think games on pc = dead

nintendo and sony threads are filled with children. only adults buy an xbox.

But the general makeup of the thread consists of decent discussion. Take a look, it’s not that bad.

all i see is mostly literal, unironic shill posts

xbox has never been this low but it also has never had a future this bright either. we know for a fact that the next gen of xbox won't only provide the best hardware they've ever had (compared to this gen for example with underpowered trash and kinect) and also possibly the best game line up they've ever had like big budget halo, gears, fable, obsidians unannounced games, that new santa monica studio etc. unless you're a complete shill who hates to see other brands doing good, you'd be excited for the next few months to a year from now when we learn more about these new games and consoles. e3 is going to be huge for microsoft. the general mood towards xbox brand by the big journos like ign and stuff is really positive. read their stuff from 2013-2016 and it was very negative.


How much would you guys be willing to pay for xCloud, if at all?

No, I don’t work at Microsoft.

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show me any shill posts. lets see if they really do come across as shill posts or just people having a good, positive discussion about some games.

it should be free. i don't mind buying a gamepass sub but i own the sub and i should be able to use xcloud for free to play those games i'm paying for. as far as we know google won't be charging for stadia. you buy the game from them and they let you stream it using their servers for free. MS should do something similar or at least make it free if you have an xbl sub.

>Bbbbut those games will be on pc most likely at some point probably
Thats all the faggots here have to say. That and disgracefully saying unreleased games are shit.

Not yet but it's close, the Anniversary update will help a lot
>fishing and cooking, with accompanying guild
>harpoon swivel guns mounted near the prow of every ship
>an actual campaign of voyages that culminates in discovering a new island beyond the map's edge
>you can finally discover gold chests you can open, plus you can hold 3 skull/relic/gem/etc in them
>arena to filter out the BR kiddies, mite b cool if they add some islands tailored for PvP
honestly beyond these they really just need to add 2 things; more AI threats like the cave paintings suggest and a gold-driven economy that allows you to trade gold for supply items from both NPCs and players.

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Based and greenpilled.

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I was gonna make a joke but it's not even funny when they don't even try

True, Xbox has never been deader, but the future looks pretty good. Sony is pissing off fans with the censorship, no cross play and no BC. Microsoft bought 7 or 8 game studios last year.

It's hard to take criticism of xbox games seriously here because it's obvious when they've never played the game but I guess that's par for the course on Yea Forums in every thread.

how is that a shill post. explain in detail. the fact you're even taking offence to any post that talks about this brand you clearly don't like means you're the real shill here. go back to playstation universe or wherever you came from.

Nigga, get some fucking self awareness, you're a joke

still waiting for an explanation on how that's a shill post.

I like how Xbox is so dead and irrelevant yet any post or mention of it sends some posters here into an autistic frenzy.

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It's just Xboners and Xboner false flaggers creating an echo chamber.

>51 posters
>238+ posts

how so?


I might come back if Gears 5 doesn't come to PC, but we all know it is.