Now that the dust has settled, we all agree this was GOTY for 2018, right?

Now that the dust has settled, we all agree this was GOTY for 2018, right?

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nah nice digits tho

Only thing this game is best at is wasting your time and charging money for everything possible.

It was for me because it came out the time a very close person to me passed and it helped take my mind off it because there was so much content and the story was so engrossing, I'll never for that experience.

Actually on retrospect, it's worse than I thought, and I probably should've spent less time on it.

Yup, most relevant game in years. Everything in 2018 is dead besides it. It's also the best selling retail game of 2019 so far

My GOTY in 2018 is unironically Smash though.

yeah it's 2018 GOTY

RDR2 was a decent game that people over hyped way too much. Expect most people to 180 on it with in the next year and talk about how they always thought it sucked.

Hate to burst your bubble but 2018 GOTY was Fornite no matter the quality it was the biggest and most iconic game of that year
Quality wise yes it would be RDR2

No game touches it's quality right now, so yeah.

RDR2 wasn't as good as RDR1 in my opinion. They made it too cinematic and over realistic. The fact it's actually one of the better games of 2018 is very telling, it was a down year.

>They made it too cinematic and over realistic
There's literally more content than in 2 than 1. So nah, not too cinematic

Yes, easily.

Yes. It's unironically zoomer filter

RDR2 almost felt like an experiment in art to see how much budget and life could be pumped into any one single virtual world and it succeeded in that. As a fun video game though? No, definitely not GOTY. I'm not going to give you game of the year because you're impressively beautiful and atmospheric. I'll give it to a game that I wake up every morning think "oh shit, I really need to hop on that and play all day."

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RDR2 had much more cutscenes. Also the style of gameplay (sluggish controls, slow animations) was made to make the game feel more cinematic and realistic.

GOTY is determined by quality dumbass

Why does the online suck? Story was good, really good, but I play online to lv.8 and have zero interest in it now. Does it really need poker?

Rockstar have not made a great game since San Andreas desu

they are so anti-fun now, save for Chinatown Wars, which is a shame since nintendofags only play the same games since the 80s

that's the new hitman.

>Rockstar have not made a great game since San Andreas desu
lmao fuck off you 35 year old faggot

I'm 23

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I think Rockstar's last truly great game was RDR1, though GTA V isn't as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be.

nice sony marketing push for relevancy there Kratos

also you can't change my mind, imho the whole vibe has never been the same since GTA SA, going back to it, it feels like they completely changed studios

RDR2 is RDR1 but better.

>dem quads
Yes it’s easily the best of the year, possibly the decade.
Just because you didn’t melt it down and inject it into your veins doesn’t mean it wasn’t GOTY, it just means you don’t play games as much.

>imho the whole vibe has never been the same since GTA SA,
They left behind that "vibe" becasue Saints Row, Just Casue and all that other peasant shit jumped on it's bandwagon. They didn't want to get lost in the wave of clones.

Yes, because Sony definitely had more marketing money than fucking Rockstar user. You retard

To me I liked RDR1 better because of the little shit they added, like the horses tripping, manual gun cocking, slow pick-up animations, etc. Also RDR1 had FAR fewer cutscenes. I don't think RDR2 is a piece of shit but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece like I would 1.

gotta agree, although RDR wasn't quite for me, it atleast had better memorable moments than RDR2 with that ride to Mexico, I guess the big moment for RDR2 was that house raid on that plantation lady but idk that just fell flat to me, was the best chapter in that game though

The part when you arrive in Mexico in RDR1 and the song plays was one of the best moments in the game. You could really feel the soul they put into the game.

>Yes, because Sony definitely had more marketing money than fucking Rockstar user. You retard
Are you fucking dumb? Sony has much more Money than Rockstar and Take Two. They just don't spend it on one game. Also, GoW was clearly marketed and bought out to be a lot "better" than it was. It's a soulless naughty dog clone that didn't do anything interesting or new.


>Also RDR1 had FAR fewer cutscenes
Also had FAR less money put into it. But nah, RDR1 is great but RDR2 is a technical marvel that will take the industry quite a while to catch up to.

This. GoW used to be an exciting, action packed game, now it's just another pic related.

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>th-they just bought those awards, thats why it beat Red Dead

Holy fucking pathetic

Yes, from a technical perspective RDR2 is objectively much better. Best graphics I've seen on a console. I just couldn't enjoy it as much as RDR1.

This game wasn't even the best game released in the last six months of 2018.

Motherfucker you could PRICE is RIGHT that shit and give it the six earlier months of 2018 and it wouldn't be the game of the year.

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I can't really remember any other 2018 game I enjoyed so yeah. It went to my #2 fav game ever.

It's not even the best open world game that came out that month

Came to post this.

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What is?

I think you are going to find that when asked most people didn't find slowly dying of tuberculosis fun.

t. Rockstar drone

I stopped giving a shit about the series for years until Origins and Odyssey came out. I like that they finally changed it up a little, the series was beginning to feel very stale.

Everytime I see this game mentioned I hope people are just trolling. I pirated this and ho lee fuck. It's literally the most soulless trash I've ever had the displeasure of playing. It's every modern vidya trend pasted together and shat out. Quest/world/combat structure of witcher 3 because that game was popular, mercenary system from shadow of mordor, mixed with AC's garbage story no one cares about and Division's loot system.

The fact that Odyssey is one of the best AC games says a lot about the series.

unironically yes

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