ZTD thread

ZTD thread

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Is anyone looking forward to his next COMPLEX game?

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Too chuubi for me. I'll keep an eye out for it though.

No pun intended.

Just for the memes. Uchi has become the low budget Japanese version of Cage to me.

Same, I just miss the fun from the threads back then, but also just want another uchi ride.

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Why'd the serial Killer go free, and her murderous cuck boy-toy?

What the fuck is wrong with japan? Villain says sorry and it's NO JAIL TIME!

Mira goes to jail though. Sean breaks her out and takes her and Eric on a time travel adventure to change her ways in the past.

Is anyone keeping up with the A-Set ARG that ties in with the game? She uploaded this video today, looks like we're in for another mindfuck

>have to wait until july to see what the deal with this is

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Imposter A-set is hot.

Mira was so fucking stupid.


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It's your fault I am still a virgin!

The only problem with uchi is when fans get a clue of the story he'll go out of his way to change it to something more retarded.

>found with eye gouged out
mmmh I wonder what it means...

>TFW wondering where the fuck Kyle was all game
>Think Kyle is secretly the dog
>Later on find out that whole post game thing on VLR is allegedly non canon and Kyle was never meant to show up
I don't trust Uchi again after that shit. I refuse to play his new game.

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Who the fuck is Kyle?

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Kyle Klim, aka K, Sigma's clone. He's in the armor for half of the routes

Oh, him. I liked him for the most part.

Hahahaha Holy shit I was fucking dying in this scene. I don't even know how you could fix it.

This game had some cool stuff I fucking loved the choices and shit. I wish he went full on straight with the saw like shit and make the actual plot happen halfway in the game when they shift outta the game.

That must be devastating realizing you're out of budget and time to make your dream come true and just sitting there knowing you fucked up.

Holy shit rewatching the trailer and besides the awkward animations and a bit of voice acting there was so much fucking potential. I just want this type of game played straight with a bunch of routes without the time limey bullshit.

Please tell me there's a game out there with the same tone as this game.


The hidden ending teased his involvement in the sequel really hard.

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Not after ZTD.

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This boy is honestly best boy. Holy shit he's fucking amazing. I love this dude.

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>That must be devastating realizing you're out of budget and time to make your dream come true and just sitting there knowing you fucked up.
That's not even what happened, he had the script for ZTD for years and threw it out to make a new one because he was bored of it.

Mfw the snail analogy wasn't actually an analogy.

That was actually pretty fucking dumb.

Yeah but he still ran outta money and time despite throwing out the old script. I still have some faith he was a bit hesitant in giving the final okay.

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Exactly what said, it had nothing to do with time and money. He just decided "Fuck it" and made a darker script because his old one wasn't what he wanted. Again, never trusting the man again.

I'm still gonna play it but will this retroactively ruin 999 and VLR for me?

Kinda? I enjoyed it because the saw like theme was pretty fucking great.

Any answers you want to get from 999 and VLR are so fucking dumb though.

To add to this: After VLR Uchi got inspired by Telltale games and tried to copy their style. It's probably also when he got the idea for the camera twist.

And now Telltale is gone

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I honestly can't bring myself to hate ZTD, the shitposting was too much fun.
Also Carlos was an absolute madman and a fantastic character, genuinely one of my favorite in the whole franchise.

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>tfw predicted Phi was Sigma's daughter immediately in VLR because of the one night stand line and it ended up being true despite having nothing to do with the line

I didn't like him much but he was the most "normal" one of the bunch while everyone was busy SHIFTing and shit, his waifu was a serial killer and he was stuck there with these crazies not knowing what the fuck was going on.

What did you guys think about the delta twist. Going back at it, it's a good twist. I think the reveal was the main problem. They should've had two reveals. One for seeing delta and one for him exposing himself as Zero

If you go back to the Mexican standoff right after getting the future baby ending you get exactly that, it's the optimal way to play the game.

That's Eric. Carlos was the fireman. I love how he follows with Junpei's antics.

"The fuck?"

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my fucking blood pressure goes up every time I see that
what a cocksucker god I hate chinks so much

Fuck I am getting old I can't even remember who is who, friendship man was great yeah.

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Eh. I'd prefer if they actually show delta before it's revealed he's the bad guy. Maybe show his dead body in one of the routes.it was way too jarring going from the twins ending to suddenly OH ZERO IS THE BABY SIGMA SENT TO THE PAST. When I saw it I started going ??? Who the fuck is this bitch??? What???

It's a terrible twist because he should have either been visible or his shadow should have been visible in many scenes but they never are and it means they framed the cuts poorly so he had to be teleporting around to never be seen.


playing the leaked .cia early and solving alien calculus with Yea Forums was fun at least

Yeah I think it just needed a few more of the scenes like when Eric talks to him and it's implied he's talking to the dog. I think they just needed to outright show him a couple of times to make the twist good. It's so fucking weird just seeing a random dude outta nowhere

>newfags don't know why she was in the washing machine

Carlos was the absolute madman, Eric was the normalfag.

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Delta being there the whole time only really fucks with the player as all the characters are aware of his existence. 999 and VLR's perspective twists affect both the player and the characters in the story which make them much more impactful.
It also creates a bunch of inconsistencies, mainly during the study escape room, but also the beginning of the game and the VLR ending.

ZTD was retarded but in a very enjoyable sort of way.

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How'd you think of the other games?
Ever17 was okay. I liked the twist and stuff but it just felt really dull until the ending of every routes.

Remember11 was great but unsatisfying.

I liked never7 despite only having uchikoshi on one route. Saki best girl.

Root double relied on BC way too fucking much it was infruiating. Other then that it was pretty great.

I/O was the only one I couldn't finish. I know it's not an uchikoshi game but holy shit the technology infodumps had me put off pretty hard. The twists for the second route where pretty fucking great though.

Shit game. I don't know what it was with this and DRV3 where the third entry had to shit the bed. Completely killed my interest in their future projects. I don't even see anyone talking about Zanki Zero, so I guess they got what they deserved.

Well there were threads but it was about the censorship

I wish more people talked about Zanki Zero. It's all censorship shit which is fucking annoying to discuss with. Nobody likes censorship I don't know why people keep fucking bringing it up.

That being said if you see the plot over it, the twist was so fucking stupid I was fucking dying.

I could go for a chicken sandwich right now.

Zanki Zero has nothing to do with the DR team despite the misleading advertising, it's totally different people working on it. Spike Chunsoft killed off all interest in the western release by censoring it.

>like 999
>enjoy VLR somewhat; salty that Clover is dumb now
>ZTD winds up being shit

I should've stopped at the first one.

He was the only character in the game that I felt strongly about. Sure, he was a dick, but I felt bad for him and you can understand where he's coming from later when you think about how suspicious Sean really looks.

Everyone else is just a good person who never did anything wrong or a psychotic murderer.

The story didn't do well desu

>No one refers to Sean by name for the entire game
>After the reveal everyone is suddenly referring to him as Sean all the time
It's pretty contrived.

I was so disappointed by what they went for with Clover and Alice in VLR. Especially Clover, it's like she's a completely different character.

>"Dude, Zero was slightly offscreen the whole time, haha."

Even if it was alluded to, I don't like it. It makes no sense that none of the returning characters would question whether or not the old man who should be about Brother's age was Zero.

This. I thought I skipped a cutscene on accident.

>voiced by Greg Chun
My dicko

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Alice being a humongous bitch who has the nerve to try and tell you off after she tries to kill you shortly after you save her life pissed me off more than Dio.

At least he was mostly up-front about being a dick.

Is he going to repeat the ever17 plot twist?
Is he based enough?
We'll see

>Dio, wow he's such a dick he obviously won't be the bad guy.
>He is
>Carlos, wow he's such a nice guy with an obvious lawful backstory. He's totally not going to be brother.
>He isn't.

Mang the anti twists were kinda dumb. Carlos ended up being a massive brother anyway ;)


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I love this vid.
Carlos did nothing wrong in this game. He was too pure for this sinful entry

Sigma and Phi just went full retard for the entire story for no reason.

To be fair. The button was a fucking stupid choice.

Hey don't push the button or the place blows up xD. It should've screwed them but left them something they could take in the other timelines.

>Showing Sean as Q
Kinda ruins the plot twist if you put it like that

>Two of the game's core themes are eyes and "different types and expressions of love"
Ooooooooh boooooooooy

Greg Chun dubs give me chubs, don’t bully

*pfff* I'm done playing the action hero!

>Tesa going full psycho in the latest Lemniscate
Pls let me romance her

Junpei's was pretty great in all three of the games. I think the issue in ZTD is he didn't have a good enough reason to motivate such a change. His aloofness ad always bantering with Carlos was pretty fun.

I want her to step on me.

I want her to peg me.

That too.

The first game was crazy but it was still grounded to reality in some degree.
VLR & ZTD are just batshit insane. What went so wrong?

He's going to be revealed as the terrorist from the Zero Escape games, screencap this.

VLR was great though. I was a bit disappointed it got rid of the saw like theme into a more mystery like but it still ended up my favourite.

The fact it went batshit insane was pretty great. I initially thought that it wasn't going to be a sequel but just another group of people going through another "Zero" game.

Already did famila. I'm gonna see how dumb the twists are.

They also confirmed he's an alien.

What where?

Pre-release info and one of the A-Set videos:

Wait no, I misremembered. He was confirmed in pre-release info though.

Are you excited for Uchi's OTHER new game?

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whats this

literally aliens

Death March Club. Uchi and the Danganronpa guy are making it together at their new company.

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>children trapped in an underwater amusement park playing a death game including supernatural powers
Very creative.

I hope they work together on the story to not make it shit like the last game of both of them

>Uchi and the Danganronpa guy are making it together

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Is the artist the same that did the Kaiba anime?

>ZTD was 3 years ago
>can't remember shit even from 999
>can't even remember if i played on jap or eng

No, but the guy is responsible for the designs in Katanagatari.

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Oh I see, what's why it looked familiar
And that image is a huge bait

Come on, the fight was great.

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At least we saw his sister murdering 3 guys

Does anyone have that video of Yea Forums getting hyped for the announcement for ZTD?
I can't find it.


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gettin ever17 flashbacks here

Now tell me, who killed Mira...?

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It was (You)


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Him saying "Impossible!" to the response "Q" was actually pretty mind boggling in a good way

There's something like 40 odd bits of foreshadowing to the twist. Some user compiled a list of them. For example you can catch a glimpse of his shadow, usually poking out from an unassuming corner of the screen, in almost all Q team scenes

>its actually been 3 years

W-what?! *Shoots*
How could the dog do it?! *Shoots*

There was a point at the game where they ask him what to do. But the camera is fixated at gab so you think they're talking to the dog.

999 released almost a decade ago.

That part was bullshit where he literally crouches down in front of Gab

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>tfw kept trying everything I could think of to find the novelty ones but had to stop because I'm a pussy who got unnerved by seeing that over and over

There's also a part where Eric's brother is shown to have the dog's face, so I was the whole game thinking it as the plot twist.

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So where the fuck Kyle went after VLR ending?

He's everywhere.... You can be Kyle! I CAN BE KYLE! THE DOG CAN BE KYLE!

What do you guys think was the most fucked up trap? Acid shower was probably fucked.

Stayed in the doomed timeline like the rest of them.

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Uh, the secret ending in VLR was actually NON-canon, ok brainlet? :)

No... Don't tell me you didn't decipher Uchikoshi's genius message when you first played it? All of that foreshadowing, sequel-bait, and lead-up was actually not even real! He tricked you and had it planned all along, he didn't make it up at the last minute!

Delta was on a wheelchair, Eric would have to crouch to get on eye level

user I fucking choked on my water

Someone remind me why can Sean shift again? Isn't he a freaking computer?

Rewatch the scene again. It literally zooms in at the dog and almost hardly any space to indicate there was another person behind the dog.

The most fucked up trap would be the button. Seriously, imagine being Delta and your mindhacc informs you that this is the timeline where Sigma's going to go full retard and press the button. Imagine building your fortune over decades, and spending years putting together the facility and all the cool traps nobody will ever see, and it's all wasted because you drew the short straw and got the fucking button press self destruct ending.

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Quantum computers are magic. They can also make a blue soul or whatever appear so it's indistinguishable from actual shiting.

Uchikoshi trapping the player himself

I forget, did Mind Hackâ„¢ allow Delta to communicate with himself through separate timelines? You'd think he could come up with a better plan if he had infinite versions of himself coming up with ideas.

Why didn't he just train and recruit a SHIFTerâ„¢ to travel to different timelines and work with all the various Deltas, find out the best course of action through planning/trial-and-error, and then head back in time to let Delta know EXACTLY what to do?

Not really Kyle, but the dude inside Kyle. Who did absolutely nothing in ZTD. Uchi a hack

This fucker killed trillions say something nice to have m fast or you will die too

No, they are explicitly talking about Kyle in that scene.

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Let's look at the bright side of the game.
youtu.be/Fpebh92NXR8 this scene was pretty great.

Sean and Zero's bonding was pretty adorable. The ending was also a lmao oh shit.

That being said, I'm still mad over the story about the snail and the coincidences. That was the most fucking stupid thing someone ever put in a story. What were they thinking????

>Remember11 was great but unsatisfying

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Can't get more explicit than this.

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Honestly I wish they had gone further, or at least been more unique from one another. I liked how they forced you to see through the ending after triggering it (at least from what I remember), but they really should've gone more graphics.

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Do you think maybe the Delta reveal was going to be a BW/Self type thing at one point? I just don't understand why it had to be so deceptive and cheap.

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This but unironically.

It fucks me up a little every time I look at this game again and notice how low budget it is. Like, low enough for Yea Forums to mock non-stop, yet it hasn't happened because of how low-key the series is.

Yes. When Sean points at the camera I thought it was going to be some dude in some metaphysical form. I honestly thought if they were going for the delta twist a better way is making you play as a self insert for the q team only to realize you're getting bamboozled and the guy you were playing as had full control the whole time.

I liked the Monty Python one.

You should have been here when ZTD leaked it was a non-stop memeposting madhouse


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The Delta twist also forced the characters to meet before the story even happens because the twist wouldn't work without it. That disappointed me because it robs the characters meeting for the first time without knowing each other, which I always find interesting in this type of scenario.

How did he plan to travel back in time with Eric and Mira when his mind is actually the quantum computer?

Ugh, calm down, Eric.

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so Kyle is in sigma body in ZTD or what?

No lmao.
Old sigma is in Sigma's body.

"Wut if humans l1ved in another uniiiivedse and sent information from thereeee???"
- Delta


so in what body in the past is Kyle on?

Don't try to make sense of it.

There is the prequel story from the art book.
It's pretty stupid.

I think knowing each other helps quite a bit.
Why would you sacrifice your life for someone you just met an hour ago vs someone you met a week ago. You'd be more inclined to help out people you know. The only issue is that they didn't mix up the teams which they should've done. I thought we were heading to another twist where these people were years apart. (...well I was kinda right)

If that would work Delta could just send Sean copies through time to find the terrorist. No need to train the retards.

The prequel story is pretty okay desu. Seeing sigma freak out over gab is hilarious.

VLR -> 3 routes.
>2 of the 3 routes he's in the armor
>1 of the 3 routes he's in a pod in the middle of a garden
>Non canon ending: wakes up and talks to everyone, Akane tells him he's gonna need him to help sigma.
"Who's Kyle?"

Should have freaked out over the deaf and blind grandpa with purple lizard eyes in a wheelchair.

Why did Uchikoshi wait 4 years to reveal that VLR another end wasn't canon? He even acknowledged it in the VLR Q&A as

They probably already did. It just wasn't "written".

It was canon. He just forgot about it. That's my headcanon at least

I'm sorry user.

Did I...

Subvert your expectations?

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J.J. directing a sequel to ZTD when?

VLR is J.J.'s zero escape
>muh mystery box

People bought in to ZTD as the conclusion to the trilogy where all their questions would be answered. Nobody would want to buy it if he said "actually, none of that will be addressed at all and the third game is essentially standalone". That's why he waited until people bought the game, played it, and started to grill him before coming clean. Maybe Spike Chunsoft made him keep his mouth shut or maybe it was his own decision, but either way it's pretty shitty.

Anyone else still trust Uchi? I've always been under the impression that ZTD was a dream game for him and he spread the budget too thin with his stupid "all cutscenes" idea. People have been calling him a hack for a few years now because of ZTD, but I'm willing to give him another chance with AI/Death March Club.

ZTD is literally non-canon.

>Alice wasn't an Egyptian queen

Thank you Rian Uchikochi for subverting my expectations

Every game is non-canon, the whole series is about infinite timelines. The point of the games is the character interactions, the puzzles, and figuring out WHY everything is happening.

ZTD had some really really good parts. It's only the ending that fucked everything up.
Something must've happened that made them fuck up that badly.

>ZTD had some really really good parts
name one

I was looking forward to punished junpei trying to outplot akane

>Every game is non-canon, the whole series is about infinite timelines
You know what I meant. Uchikoshi scrapped the original story and made something entirely new. The game that VLR was supposed to connect to was never made.

The ending wasn't the only thing that sucked. Introducing aliens/physical time travel for no reason, having separate writers, cutting back on old-series character interactions to appeal more to new players, insisting on having everything be a cutscene, the list can go on forever.

ZTD was a step down in general, that's why people are nervous about Uchi's future shit.

>Uchikoshi scrapped the original story

Is that confirmed anywhere? I always assumed he gave VLR a cliffhanger and never wrote a followup until he knew he'd be allowed to make a third game.

Sean finding out he's a robot. Most of the death choices. Read the thread. I've mentioned a few.

I didn't actually mind the aliens. I just honestly thought once they all meet up it was the halfway point. I honestly think the developers thought so too.

No, he said in an interview he got bored of the original Zero Escape 3 story and changed it all.


>When Uchikoshi was developing the second and third games simultaneously, he had the plot skeleton for the third game which was left intact, but the rest of the game became totally different. It’s because when he was writing the plot, he already knew what the outcome was going to be, so he might end up getting bored in writing the scenario. In order to avoid that, he had a suggestion to ‘surprise himself even more’, which resulted in the story getting changed.

I want to fuck his eyeball.

Like literally.

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Should I bother finishing ZTD?
I did the first round of stuff with every group and then got to the Chainsaw scene and I'm not sure if I can go on. I nearly died laughing

>Uchi and the Danganronpa guy are making it together at their new company.

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VLR was the mistake that created ZTD
999 should've been left alone

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Had some good threads though and replaying it is fun to see all the subtle clues

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What's wrong, user? I thought you LOVED the ZE and Danganronpa series. Why would you be nervous about their next game?

Yeah. It's a weird goofy sequel it does have some good points. The ending is massively disappointing though. Lots of hilarious stuff in the game though.
No, both games had their high points. Enough time has passed so the disappointment is gone.

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Try this game, user.

...or you could die.

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>tfw I thought the snail was just a meme at first

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>That news report about a snail getting someone killed the release date of the game

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You HAVE played 999 0.5 right?

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maybe if the dev could afford good art i would give it a try

Zero Escape 4 is announced out of nowhere, with no warning. How do you react?

Oh hey, I remember playing that. It was pretty damn good.

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>with no warning
Sounds like there's some complex motives at work here.

Aw, this meme is wrong, it was Eric's mom who turned because of the snail.

Who, exactly, do you think he'd shift into?

Sean. Lmao

The point is that the snail is making her inadvertently kill six billion people.

Explain me this image.

Sean or Carlos.
IIRC Uchi has off handily mentioned that Kyle is gonna shift into someone in our timeline

Cautiously cautious.

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Ever17 you can either play as some teenager named takeshi or a kid with memory loss. They still meet up and intersect and try to figure out how to get out of the underwater theme park.

Note: you never get to see how your point of view character looks like.
After you play all of takeshi's route and kid's route this shit happens. You see kid look at himself in the mirror and he doesn't look ANYTHING like the kid in Takeshi route. There's a two more twists but I won't tell you that one.

She's pretty cute.

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This image still makes me angry.

>After you play all of takeshi's route and kid's route this shit happens. You see kid look at himself in the mirror and he doesn't look ANYTHING like the kid in Takeshi route
That's just confusing why don't you spoonfeed me. I doubt I'll ever play it.

>Kyle could be in my body by 2028
I'm just gonna leave out my 3DS with copies of 999, VLR and ZTD out and a note that says "play these"
Then write down criticism about each game

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>Uchikoshi and Kodaka collaborate on a new game
>it involves a group of children
>being trapped in an underwater themepark
>where they are forced to kill each other

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>You will be in Kyle's body in a video game

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Mother fucker how is it confusing?
I literally just said the twist. The point of view character doesn't look anything like he was portrayed in the other route.

Fuck you user take your spoonfeeding ass outta here.

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Try this

I just got spoonfed from another website and I must say it really is dumb.
Dumb game for dumb people.

Oh already played it. It was pretty good. I wasn't too sold on the twist but hey if it works it works.

I really liked being able to type in choices, reminds me of older PC games. More adventure games should have that mechanic. The secret ending is especially brilliant and I wish there was more of that.

I'm not giving those bastards another dime.

>"Where the fuck am I, Uchi?"

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I see this mentioned all the time so I finally tried it

underwhelming to be quite honest with you

Dumping assuming people haven't seen them.

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I'd be happy, the franchise still has a lot of potential. I think the biggest issue with ZTD was the presentation (hard to know how much was his idea and how much was Spike Chunsoft's desire to jump on the Telltale bandwagon), if they went back to the 999/VLR style it would be good. Alternatively they could replace all of the modelers/animators and put some actual budget into it.

So do you guys forgive Delta?


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Sure, in that timeline nothing bad happened

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>20 hours of fun build up an zanny story telling
>2 hours of a disappointing ending
>Yea Forums

So are these kids gonna kill each other, too?

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You are mentally challenged if you think the only underwhelming aspect of ZTD is the last 2 hours.

The sensible reason for Kyle not being in ZTD is that they had to wait to secure the alien fax machine. Something that could have been resolved in the epilogue, but Team D doesn't even get one (which is very suspicious).

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>20 hours of fun build up an zanny story telling
You can't even spell the word "zany", which isn't an appropriate fucking term to use in the first place for Zero Time Dilemma of all games, and you think you have the qualifications to come in and mock everyone who rightfully tosses this garbage game into the dumpster? How about you get lost, idiot? It's one of the sorriest excuses of a narrative that's been pushed out into the mainstream in recent years. Plot holes everywhere, even WITHOUT the lingering ones from VLR, horrific and inconsistent characterization, conveniences out the ass to justify all the holes (which are left anyway), and a complete and flagrant disregard for any player respect. Disgusting, and so are you for defending it.

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Not that user, but dang dude.
Lotsa red flags here. Please don't shit up this thread.

ZTD wasn't all bad.

That's it? What's the point of it other than shock value to the players? What a dumb twist.

It's not letting me save the final render, so:

The last minute of the game is kino.

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These designs are unfappable and dumb. 90% of why people play danganronpa are the god tier designs. This game will probably bomb.

user. You haven't read the game. I literally said I covered 2 of the other twists. Come on dude, don't be a faggot and say things you know nothing about.

It was 90% bad at the most generous measure. There is next to nothing of quality present in it, and this is compounded even further by the choice to ignore everything that came before it. The context of 999 and VLR is entirely shafted in favor of creating a "new" experience that sacrifices all quality. I will never back down from this stance. ZTD is unforgivable.

No, fuck him. He made the deaths as painful as he possibly could. He's not the slightest bit sympathetic.

Honestly not sold on the aesthetic/theme, I get it's supposed to be a contrast for the constant death but I wonder how far they'll go with it. Would they really show these kids suffering gruesome deaths? And how "cutesy" is the dialogue going to be? Hard to say.

It's supposed to be more cutesy than fappable. Also, the new villian this time around is a clown instead of a bear.

Just please I'm begging you. Get out or tone it down. We've had some comfy talk over the game I don't want you to keep flinging shit everywhere to make yourself feel right.

Villain* Sorry, tired.

Wow, 20 hours of random bullshit that drops most of the sequel hooks and plot threads from the previous two games in the series. How could I not eat the game up like candy?

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Kyle using the AFM in the epilogue wouldn't address and would only create a copy of him in the good timeline, while the original is still stuck on the moon.

cute and Thicc thighs
So probably the first to die

This kid looks like some rival trainer from Pokemon

I will not tolerate some retard rolling in here to insult everyone who actually has a critical eye when it comes to ZTD. Do not tell me what to do. If you want to discuss things, then discuss them, but you should be well aware that your "comfy talk" from earlier is still everyone lambasting the game, just more casually.

You didn't play the other games and started with this one because "muh epic saw games" right?

the characters are based off the animals of the chinese zodiac, curious what the last two will look like.

who /stream/ here?

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I'm not gay but there's something about Carlos' cu-

Aww fuck it

A shame, really.

man I was SO HYPED for ZTD.

Solid little game, but short.

Immediately buy the watch edition so I can go through the fun of having it delayed and getting a broken watch again. I need constant reminders at how unfair life simply is.

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Man after playing 999 and VLR I was ready for ZTD. Then I went online to check the general consensus and everyone was just thrashing it and I thought ya'll be just exaggerating since it be like that sometimes but naaaaaaaw I dropped that shit so fast.

The watch thing was a shitshow

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Good game that helped with the ZE fix before ZTD's announcement.
I honestly hope the creator as well as the person who did the music are doing well.
>Tfw it was Christina who started the fire

You guys just didn't get it.

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>tfw the only watch you have is the VLR one
I didn't even get the pre-ordered one I got the "Hurricane fund" one
That Hurricane may have screw others but it gave me a second chance

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I still don't get what his problem was in VLR.

>tfw missed all the threads on ZTD because i was a faggot who got sidetracked off VLR
>copy of ZTD is still in its packaging cause I had that shit preordered
anyways is the steam version good?

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I think there were a lot of details that went over people's heads. ZTD isn't the best one by far but it's still a solid game

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ZTD is literally 2deep4u

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My memory is hazy on it, but it freaked me the fuck out at one point when the shipping on it on Amazon jumped to like $300 but the order somehow canceled it out. Gave me a micro heart attack at the time.

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>its flawed but the damage isn't massive
jesus christ someone shoot these people

From what I recall, I had preordered the watch version. Like a couple of days before release date it got cancelled, and turned out like an entire truck of the watch editions had been damaged. I ended up just ordering the regular version and gave up on the watch

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I'd message Uchikoshi what he's up to

Yeah but amazon gave you free money for the watch shitshow
Pretty based desu

The real question is why did he bother adding a shit addition to the rules of shifting out of nowhere just to save two unlikable characters?

I forgot all about that. Amazon sent out an email instructing people to buy the watch separately after a month or two. After checking email the link for it still exists: amazon.com/dp/B01GW9ALUG

The ZTD watch was pretty flimsy when I actually got it, never had a chance to get the other two since I was late on the series. The other watches looked way better, more colorful, big, and round.

Attached: 999 watch.jpg (466x350, 12K)

I know everybody hates ZTD but it was a really fun ride. Seeing the memes in threads when it got released made it better. Honestly ZTD is better than 999 if you think about it.

>Zero Time Dilemma is the dark, enthralling conclusion the Zero Escape trilogy deserves.
Now that's just rude.

Yeah, it wasn't perfect but I think the overall experience (especially the threads) was fun

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Why the fuck is Sigma so normal in ZTD? I was expecting the same twisted old man who gave the termite speech in VLR but instead its literally just Sigma but not as horny.

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uchikoshi was actually incapable of doing anything but the status quo

J Jameson, Mega Man's creator, and Professor X

So what will twist will Uchikoshi pull with Ai?

My experience with preordering it (plus buying it from overseas since you couldn't get the watch here in Australia) was frustrating, took ages, and I never even got the watch or a refund. In fact, I ended up paying extra and getting nothing. Second time I've ever preordered anything and it only solidified my dislike of preorders. The way they handled the amazon order after the truck of watches got fucked was completely retarded and I have no clue why they did it in such a way.
Instead of delaying the watch and sending it seperately with the game being send ASAP, they decided to ship the game, decide the watch suddenly wasn't a part of it, then list the watch seperately for $500 while giving everyone who didn't get their watch a $500 coupon for it. Since I was buying from overseas, I was going to have to pay $50 in fucking import tax because the value of it was now set at $500, as well as extra shipping since it was now two seperate items.
They ended up changing it somehow (can't remember this part too well) and I paid for it without getting charged import tax (still had to pay extra shipping since the shipping from America to here wasn't covered), and then it never even got sent. When I rung up to get a new one sent, they didn't have any. When I asked for a refund instead so I can buy the watch that I should have recieved, they said only the person who gave out the refund coupon could give a refund, and when I asked for a name so I could contact them, I found out that the name that they gave the coupon under was just the name of the fucking game. After a second attempt to at least get an idea on who to contact, they decided to give me a refund, which just straight up never came.

>playing games localized by crazy SJWs

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>They ended up changing it somehow (can't remember this part too well) and I paid for it without getting charged import tax
Oh, I remember now. They changed it to $150 so I still ended up paying an extra $22 total for the watch that never got sent.

So what happened to Santa?

never existed lmao


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Santa, Snake, and Kyle all teamed up to destroy all life on Earth, they're the ones that Delta is after.

Attached: 999 fashion.jpg (827x727, 601K)

Kill yourself nigga.


This is my new headcanon

>Clover will never sit on my face

I was happy today until you reminded me about the existence of ZTD and that I'll never get that time back. The memes don't make it worth it in my opinion and I'm envious of anons who think so.

>Clover will never handcuff you to a desk while she tortures you slowly

>not liking Delta memes


>Honestly ZTD is better than 999 if you think about it.
Sorry, but absolutely not.