Genesis does what Nintendon't

Sega announced 10 more games for the Genesis mini, they are:

Earthworm Jim
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Contra: Hard Corps
Streets of Rage 2
Thunder Force 3
Super Fantasy Zone
Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master

Those titles join the following previously confirmed games:

Sonic the Hedgehog
Ecco the Dolphin
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Space Harrier 2
Shining Force
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
ToeJam & Earl
Comix Zone
Altered Beast
Gunstar Heroes

And they plan on adding 20 more games. SNES mini only got 21 games total.

Face it, Sega won.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck....there a price on this one yet?


I am very interested in this. I am afraid the emulation is going to be shit. Only the first generation Genesis had the good sound chip. Give me a fighting game SEGA

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Pretty sure Sega aren't going to fuck this up given they have spent like 2 years on getting this right rather than rushing and all the effort they've made to get good 3rd party titles.

Nintendo would NEVER release a mini version of their old consoles bundled with games

$80 USD, same as the SNES mini. It also has a headphone jack I believe.

>I am afraid the emulation is going to be shit.
M2 is doing the emulation, and they haven't fucked up with it yet.

I've read the emulations being handheld by M2. The people behind all the Sega Ages ports and the god like 3D classics on 3DS series. So it should be fine.

>Hey guys we repurposed a bunch of calculators to run emulators and put them inside plastic cases that look vaguely like old consoles
>And normies buy it
>Not only do they buy it, they consider some of them better than others
What the fuck is happening to the world

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haha that represents the people that like these consoles, LOL, good one

Thanks that makes me feel better. The Japanese version has 6 button controllers I hope it's not region locked. Either way I assume it will take any direct input controller

>paying for roms

Sega copying Nintendo. Just like old times.

Listen, I love Sega. And I love my Sega Megadrive. But while Sega's console had some fantastic games, the Super Nintendo had some of the finest video games ever coded by man. There's no contest.

I regretted not pre-ordering the Nintendo ones but I was glad I didn't pre-order the Sony, what do you lads think of this one?

Genesis mini games absolutely fucking BTFO the SNES mini games


It's non-functional.

>Shinobi 3


I've preordered, I see it being a decent product but think availability will be better than Nintendo's consoles.

Six-buttons will be sold separate in the US, but they'll be available. And M2 usually puts both the US and Japan version of games out, so region likely won't matter beyond which design you prefer.

Once hacking is taken into account, I'd say both are about even.

The Nintendo ones are back in stock and easy to find. Just get one of those and hack it and load with what ever you want. My SNES mini is packed with NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Master System, Megadrive, PC Engine and Arcade games.

Name a more kino console than the SEGA MEGADRIVE

It didn't even have a good mario game
SMW was rushed and a step down from SMB3
Yoshi's Island was a horrible glimpse into Nintendo's future as a goo goo gaa gaa baby company

SEGA was always the cool slightly sketchy uncle of video games


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Now does it not play or work like complete shit.
That's the question. Because Sega funded like 12 of these fucking things long before Nintendo started shoveling Mini's out and they were all Chink garbage.

I'm honestly really looking forward to this.

>It didn't even have a good mario game
>SMW was rushed and a step down from SMB3
>Yoshi's Island was a horrible glimpse into Nintendo's future as a goo goo gaa gaa baby company

Holy fuck, everybody look at this post and laugh. Jesus.

Plus mutherfuckin Super Metroid

But.... I had a model 2. With red buttons.

Game list is perfect so far, especially considering it's only halfway revealed. I'm considering getting this and I actually have a real Genesis that I still play just because games like Hard Corps and Gunstar Heroes can be really expensive and hard to find.

>Genesis mini games absolutely fucking BTFO the SNES mini games

Segafags still fucking seething 30 years later lmao

>they plan on adding 20 more games
Alien Soldier better be in that twenty

I just want a non-PC option for Sonic 3 & Knuckles, damn it

Again, It'll no doubt be nigh-perfect and not a slapped-together piece of trash.

road rash 2 and sonic 3 or this console is shit

I'm so excited, bros.

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Like my dick

Not him, but I honestly don't understand all the "love" for Super Mario World.

t. guy that doesn’t understand that these are just a fun novelty. Imagine being offended by this.

Don’t get why EA is being so weird about this sort of thing. It’s free money and might get people interested in Road Road and the Strike games again. It doesn’t compete with their current games either

EA Hockey would be nice too

Baby's first video game

Why aren't you posting music?

>I honestly don't understand all the "love" for Super Mario World.

Saved up my pocket money when I was a kid just to buy a brand SNES on launch day.

Played Super Mario World so much I got a blister on my thumb. No other game has ever done that.

That’s because you weren’t even born yet when it was popular. I assure you, it was a big deal, and very popular.

>haha that represents the people that like these consoles, LOL, good one
>like these consoles

Actually it does, you must be a retard considering you think these "mini consoles" are actually consoles. They are not consoles, they are emulators with a handful of roms bundled.

You can go online and download the emulator and the roms and just play it for free, except you can customize the free emulator and play any game you want on it, not just a small handful.

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>Earthworm Jim

Damn, nice. Wonder who they went to for permission...


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NHL ‘92...
or ‘93....
or ‘94....
Why can’t a new generation of kids learn how to decimate their opponent with the Blackhawks #27 Jeremy Roenick?

95% of EA games are licence games.
They would have to pay money and shit just to redistribute those old titles.
It's a net loss and EA likes money too much.

Fuck off you dumb pleb, do you think the people buying these don't know that?

>no golden axe
c'mon son, rest of the list is pretty based tho

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Theres still another 20 to go. Theres no way it won't have at least one of them.

We're getting Sonic 3 THIS time, right?...

He was on stream mentioning they were in talks to get it on there and that he was getting big bucks for it

As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, SEGA will put the Sonic Genesis games on anything Genesis related. I think it’s a safe bet.

>>Super Fantasy Zone


SoR 2 Soundtrack is GOAT

All of them EXCEPT Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles.

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>paying for roms on the easiest console to emulate

Does any other game company have a game featuring Terminator,Godzilla,Spiderman and Batman as bosses?

I just wanna know who has the rights to the IP now.

No buy

No, because they removed those bosses and replaced them with lawyer-friendly lookalikes.
>Godzilla is now a zombie dinosaur
>Spider-Man now wears pink
>Batman is now a helldemon

Well I was born but I was only a year old at the time it was released. I started playing videogames with a Genesis at like 5 years old. Actually never even had a Nintendo system until the 64, even though I did play them at other people's houses.

What;s your wishlist for the remaining 20 games Yea Forums?

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I have the Genesis Collection on PS3, all the Sonic games are on there, what did they leave Sonic 3 off of?

No Ecco 2 despite it being the superior Ecco game? What?

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Where have you been? S3&K has been missing from the last couple Sega collections.

Any collection made since then. The Sega Ages remakes, the Genesis Classic compilation from last year...

I hope zero tolerance is on there. That's my first videogame.

Why do you regret not pre-ordering? You could just go buy 'em now.

If you were a kid back then, and played Super Mario 3 to death, I promise your mind would have been blown when you got your hands on Super Mario World. Playing it today with 30 years of hindsight can’t replicate it.

We know. That's not what's being sold here. It's the appeal of playing on the "real" console with the proper controller at your TV.

>Not a single Phantasy Star title on the list
>Not a single Phantasy Star mention in the thread
I am displeased. At least add PSIV on there.

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Pretty based selection so far. I'm expecting Rocket Knight Adventures and Alien Soldier in the next announcement though

Oh damn. I didn’t know that. Wtf is that about

And then this was a boss in 3.

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I can appreciate what you're saying. I know it won't be the same for me because I didn't grow up with early Nintendo systems despite occasionally playing them, but at the same time I still feel like raing SMB3 more highly. You're right about the whole 30 years of hindsight though thing in relation to everything else.

Legal issues. Most likely involving the estate of Michael Jackson.

I'd love an actual complete PS collection. I was never able to find the GBA one, and everything since omits the first game.

what kind of retarded name is mega drive?

why the fuck is it included on those ones but not the newer ones?

Americans are fat.

I dont think we've been given a straight answer, but rumor is there is copyright shenanigans with the music because Michael Jackson was involved in making some of the songs.

If Sega wants to include 3 & Knuckles, they need to pay royalties to one of the composers (Brad Buxer) and/or the estate of Michael Jackson.

dios mio..

They should just get the guy who did music for Sonic Mania to compose new songs.

The mega drive was only sold in EU.

Sega has released multiple classic collections with 50 games already. Why even buy this?

And Japan.

But not as well as the Genesis sold in America, and Sega of Japan has hated the American branch for it ever since.

>no sonic 3&k
>no aladdin
>no golden axe
> no shining force ii

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The others will come, but probably not 3&K.

Nobody wants new songs, and SEGA won't pay for the old songs. It's never happening.

Still 20 games to come.
Also Sonic 3/K and Aladdin will have legal issues to work out with the music and Disney licence.

they didn't have thrid party games, including the first rerelease of Castlevania and Contra since 1994.

>Disney licence.
We got two Mickey games, Disney is apparently cool with it.

They added 2 Mickey Mouse games, why the fuck can't they add Aladdin?

Mickey Mouse games aren't tied to a movie that Disney has long since considered outdated.

>solid selection of games
>power supply
If the UI isn't shit sega might just win.

wot dod you jost onions?

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A movie thats also (regrettably) getting a live action remake this year. Slap the original on here, use this to cross promote the DVD release, watch the cash roll in.

Ain’t getting anything licensed or that directly competes with current titles

Strike, Road Rash, the zillion Amiga ports and EA Hockey have no licenses. Probably just EA being greedy

jesus christ what the fuck is that

Like I said, the original movie is considered outdated. Why else is Disney remaking it?

>will smith comes out of the lamp
>robin williams comes out of his grave

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Disney doesn't do "outdated". They milk their shit until the heat death of the universe.

I imagine/hope they’re just waiting to announce Aladdin to maximise hype. It was one of the biggest Sega games and hasn’t ever had a proper rerelease

The live action remakes are low-risk and have made zillions.

Why are PCfags so insecure? I do everything you do yet understand the appeal is an actual console with the actual controller or something similar. I have a NASA-tier PC yet enjoy both consoles and PCs christ get over yourself.

You are poor and do not own a good pc. You're also retarded.

The people who made that Aladdin game went on to make Earthworm Jim, and that's already confirmed. As far as I'm concerned, Aladdin is the inferior product.

Fuck it I'm preordering, no way this could be as bad as the PlayStation classic.

My 486 could play most Genesis games flawlessly. This is about paying a small amount for a nice user experience. That’s a big deal for people with jobs

Oh boy the exact same games Sega offers in every single collection and a couple licensed games.

>I'm a normie retard faggot so I will pay money for a shitty emulator with a limited selection instead of just emulating it myself for a better experience!

glad to finally see the MD konami games getting some official re-releases. all it needs now is rocket knight.

But the reason most of those games are in every Genesis collection is because they are great.

Or they’re Altered Beast.

>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
>Contra: Hard Corps
>Streets of Rage 2
>Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master
>Gunstar Heroes
>Shining Force
>Thunder Force 3
>Super Fantasy Zone
>Earthworm Jim
>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Ecco the Dolphin
>Castlevania: Bloodlines
>Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
>World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
>Comix Zone
Puyo Puyo was better
>Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
>Space Harrier 2
>Altered Beast
>ToeJam & Earl

>Ecco the Dolphin
actually my mistake, it does under the "passable"

>Altered Beast

No. It was pretty technically impressive in its day but a really bad game

>Not even the arcade version

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Console warring shitters need to GTFO this thread.
Thus said, the revealed games so far have all been extremely solid. Altered Beast could have been easily dropped though, so we would have gotten a better game in exchange. Also them going with Thunderforce 3 instead of IV is a bummer.
This is all subjective of course and you will never be able to please everyone.

I just hope they will include more niche, exotic and hidden gems.
If I could I would add:

Phantasy Star IV - one of the absolute best jrpgs of all time
Quack Shot
Alisia Dragoon
Panorama Cotton
Alien Soldier
The Adventures of Batman and Robin
Battle Mania: Daiginjō
Strider 1
Monster World IV
Some Mega Drive OST KINO:

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Controller needs to be usb so i can use on my PC and play every genesis rom.

This. NHL 94 was the first game I bought and pretty sure it's when Canadian dollar was shit so $80. 93 had graphic injuries though

It’s not even a good arcade game.

There’s quite a few similar-ish titles on the platform that are a billion times better.

>Puyo Puyo was better
>>Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

No way. Pingas: Mean Bean Machine is a way better version of Puyo Puyo.

That reminds me, will this come with a 3 or a 6 button controller?

Get the M30.

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Why they keep whoring the genesis!? Make a Saturn or Dreamcast mini already! Or At least make a compilation for consoles and PC

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I absolutely do not care for these consoles in concept, but M2 always does such a great job with their software that I might just consider it.
Still I'd rather just have it on steam or something, I already have 3 Mega Drives, and outputting to HDMI holds no interest to me.


Have fun with that Dpad

I'm still waiting for the N64 mini with Wave Race and Cruis'n USA

I don't know what you're trying to say. The D-pad is fucking perfect on this thing.

I wish I had more money when Sega still sold DRM-free versions of their older titles in DotEmu and GamersGate.

>No way. Pingas: Mean Bean Machine is a way better version of Puyo Puyo.

I like both versions for different reasons. But Mean Bean Machine amuses me for using the DIC Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon aesthetic. I also like the remixed music in Mean Bean Machine.

Is this even up to discussion?
NHL '94 was a fucking revolution and even later iterations could never quite reach it in handling and balance.
Seriously, '94 is the go ice hockey game. It's the golden standard. There is a reason there are still active players and tournaments held to this very day with NHL '94 and '94 only, because it was that fucking good.

Puyo Puyo had better OST

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What are the chances of them maybe making a Sega CD mini if this is successful? Or it wouldn't be feasible?

Not feasible, but the hackers will only need five minutes once they train the right monkey.

>Puyo Puyo had better OST

Puyo Puyo's soundtrack is good. But I really do like Mean Bean Machine's alternate soundtrack

>that Musha track

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Musha is on the JP version of the megadrive mini. It was announced yesterday. On a live stream at the same time as the Genesis ones. I think it's on the JP version instead of Earthworm Jim. Honestly that's enough to probably make me get a JP mini over the US one.

I will never get these full retard decisions
Musha is a vastly superior game to Earthworm Jim. Who the fuck asked for Earthworm Jim anyway?
I could understand if it was some obscure never released JP only text adventure game or some shit, but Musha is a shootem-up. It has universal appeal and is one of the finest games of the 16-Bit era.

If even half the remaining 20 games are good this is as good if not better than the Super Nintendo Classic.

These consoles don't exist for good games, they exist for nostalgia. They want people who played in childhood to be nostalgic and share with their kids and shit.
Do you honestly not know that, or do you really think anyone who played Beavis and Butthead while high as fuck in the 90s really gives a shit about an obscure Japanese shooter they've never heard of?

>Who the fuck asked for Earthworm Jim anyway?

Nostalgia asked for it. Western audiences are going to remember Earthworm Jim moreso than some obscure shooter.

Based on the livestream for the JP mini it seems that the collections have different goals. Genesis mini seems to be more of a greatest hits/nostalgia collection as where a lot of the titles on the JP version seem to be more of a collection of more obscure titles and oddities. There's a few Sega Channel excusives and stuff like that bring put on the JP one. More obscure things like the strategy game Hybrid Front too.

Anybody else collect these?

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imagine thinking an overpriced emulator is worth defending

lads i cant believe i might actually end up buying one of these retarded mini systems. the ability to play the mickey mouse games co op with my brother again is literally a system seller for me. mickey mouse is a game changer. is flashback on this as well?

The first goddamn post that you theoretically read has all the announced games. Take another look my guy.

When I was a little kid, I only had 4 Sega genesis games. Sonic 2, Street fighter 2, Toe Jam and Earl, and Wimbledon.

I’m really excited to finally have a chance to see everything the genesis has to offer. I grew up able to know PlayStations games like the back of my hands but not the genesis.

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>twang twang twang

Oh, thought they stopped production on those. Neat

My uncle doesn’t know Jack shit about video games and have me a random ps2 game he found at a flea market he goes to by parts for his motorcycle

To this very day, Okage Shadow King is my favourite video game

Toejam and earl are more than just passable good Sir

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The dudes making the calls were kids when it came out and are terrified of the game cause of the theme and losing your water breathing at the same time sharks show up.

Throw on Sonic 3, vector man and alladin and you've got yourself a deal

No s3nk no deal
Plus I still have a working mega drive with most of those games.

SEGA please please please if you include virtua racing make it the 32X version

You both are right of course, but this is why we can't have nice things.
Fuck mankind. I hope earth gets hit by an asteroid and wipes out all of these subhuman shit gobbling apes called humans, myself included.

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So why have different versions for the US and JP? Would either side not want to see both on the same console and see what they missed out on years ago?

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>saturn or dreamcast emulation on ARM

It's because Mega Drive wasn't a big mainstream hit in Japan like it was in the West.

Japs also get the infinitely superior 6 button controllers.
It's clear that SEGA just wants to make a quick buck off the baka gaijins with the half-assed games collection and inferior controllers, treating the west like a fucking unwanted step-child.
Nips always, ALWAYS pull this shit. Two nukes were 8 short of 10

Holy shit guys Sonic 2! I would've never guessed!

Alright, time for some GOD-tier Genesis tunes

The same games weren't popular everywhere, and Japan has a bunch of titles that weren't translated.

Remember that Japan doesn't even care much for Sonic, but releasing a US/EU version without most of the Sonic games would be crazy.

If Vectorman didn't have that awful second stage it'd rank way higher for me. I still hope its included though.

It doesn't have a 6-button controller because it's most Mega Drives/Genesis didn't come with a six button controller, a ton of games didn't use it, and it's closely associated with shit clones from AtGames.

Faggots liek you just like to whine.


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Yes, but I'd have liked to use the 6-button controller for my fightan games on other consoles

choke on a dick. the nips are getting the 6 button controller - which is vastly superior and that is a fact. You should already kill yourself for pulling the AtGames strawman.


Came here to post this

Hmm. That’s a shame but understable

What’s it chance of getting in?

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It's like 20 seconds long?

i prefer playing as the aryan arabian.

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It's a disney licensed game so I'd say no percent. Which is sad cause its a really good game otherwise.

Everyone owned a three-button pad back in the day and these things trade on nostalgia. People will more closely associate it with the cheap clones than the original console.

And barely any games used the six-button pad and this console is going to contain even fewer games that actually did. Do you really want to play a shit 16-bit port of Street Fighter 2 in 2019?

And the six button genesis pad is tiny and has horrible ergonomics. It's not the Japan Saturn pad.

aren't the mickey mouse games confirmed though?

>It's a disney licensed game so I'd say no percent
They've literally announced 2 Disney games already, and the DOS port of the same game is on GOG/Steam. I would be very surprised if it wasn't.

>sega about to embarrass sony in the classic market with blast processing
can't wait

>putting streets of rage 2 and not 3

(And, yes, I literally owned 2 of them back in the day. And a fucking multitap for that matter, and I'm pretty sure I owned the late one that has compatibility with EA titles)

>fuck sega for making an intelligent decision

shit you are right, was Aladdin made by capcom?

those "fun novelties" becoming successful is what emboldened nintendo to get rid of virtual console and shut down rom sites.
"classic consoles" are cash grabs that do nothing but hurt game preservation.

Sega and EA should partner and release a version that focused on classic licensed classic sports games.

FIFA/NHL/NBA Jam/NBA Live/Madden would probably sell decently. Throw in some other EA titles too and you'd have yourself a winner.

No, that was the SNES version.

The Genesis version was made by Virgin which is owned by EA now and published by Sega, but I think Disney owns all the rights to it.

Sadly yes

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only on snes. virgin made genesis and funny enough on gameboy original and color.

Now post the superior Aladdin game.

The first game has a really good port on Switch with a few added features like a minimap and a bestiary. If you're fine with buying it separately, definitely consider that port.

I think the reason Mickey is in is because those games were both developed first party by sega and pubished by them so there's right leniency.

But I did. I’m the one who asked if Genesis version was coming

Super hang-on music just straight made me tear up from nostalgia. Nothing better than playing Sega at the rainy day.

Only causal fucks like you think it's better. It's like putting Mega Man 2 over any other mega man on the NES Classic. Good thing it will be able to be hacked.

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Fuck Aladdin. Where's Jungle Book?

How did they get rights to licensed Disney games? If they can pull that off they should get the batman and robin game on Genesis

>me an intellectual

>Give me a fighting game SEGA
Give me 2, MK with the blood cheat enabled and SF2 championship edition

He's right though.

Originally a Master System game, so it'll be on the Master System classic.