I've tried gaming on PS4, it's fucking AWFUL
>sub 30 fps
>Blurry images
>Input lag (making games like Sekiro and DMC near unplayable)
>Overly expensive games
>Can't ALT-TAB out and browse Yea Forums

WHY, why did I sell my PC?
Greatest mistake of my life

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Other urls found in this thread:


I main BoneX with a good 4K TV
Falling for the BB machine meme was a mistake. The console is underpowered and the controller is garbage

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>Spends twice as much on a decent PC than what a PS4 costs. PC ends up being better.
Oh my god it must suck to be a console peasant!

>Games on PC are 5x cheaper
>PC lasts 5x longer
>PC gets most multiplates
You save on it in the long run
The pricing on console games these days is atrocious

>implying you couldn't build a $300 pc that is twice as powerful

>The pricing on console games these days is atrocious

That is true, you gotta wait for sales imo.
I rarely buy games full price, I'd rather wait 3 months and get it 50% off

Gaming PC, Ps4 and Switch owner here

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because you're poor

man look at all these games you can play on PC

Consoles are sold at a loss, so it's basically impossible. At best, you could find a used PC that is roughly comparable. You have to spend roughly $200 on a video card to match performance, and $100 is just not enough to pay for everything else

if you sold your only PC then I doubt you had one decent enough that performance wasn't an issue.

Press “X” to doubt... we’ll, literally everything here. Want me to prove it? Is OP even in this thread anymore? Try asking him some questions about his sold PC.

Just as a hint: input lag is often the result of shitty TVs (as they go for image quality over response time since this isn't all too important for movies). Look if your TV has a low latency/Game mode to improve that.

In the past two weeks I've pirated:

>Ace Combat 7
>Yakuza 0 + Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Dark Souls 3
>Nier Automata
>Metro Exodus
>Total War Warhammer 2 + DLC

I got $600 of value because of how easy it is to pirate on PC. I could literally buy two PS4s if I wanted with the money I saved. That's the strength of PC gaming. It may have a higher fixed cost but in the long run it's cheaper and better performance.

>You have to spend roughly $200 on a video card to match performance
nigga what? an RX 460, which is equal in power to PS4, costs $80


Attached: Untitled.png (696x417, 39K)

Input lag comes from your TV. Buy a gaming monitor, poof, no inlut lag. Techlets, I swear. Even game mode on tvs have some input lag. Game mode is a meme.

I'm sorry, retard phoneposter. I hope you can get a new PC.

You get what you pay for with consoles. Worse framerates, worse graphics, no customization, no mods, no tweaks, closed market where one company controls all online sales, have to count on a demo if you want to try before you buy, stuck with a controller, have to rebuy your games when a new console comes out.

not one game is good on this list you are pathetic pirate cuck.

How intercompatible are the components with PCs?
The manufacturers obviously don't want them to be, but at the same time, I'd assume it'd cost a lot more to go fully custom with something like a GPU.

>It's a classic shit on someone else's taste but too much of a pussy to show your own

seething paypig, enjoy begging permission from your corporate masters to play an uncensored game on your locked down hardware

sorry, I was too busy orgasming while playing RDR2

>Input lag (making games like Sekiro and DMC near unplayable)

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Do you just play the exclusives on the PS4, or do you prefer it to the PC for multiplatform games?

I mainly play on PC for piracy and emulation graphical options and framerate is just a bonus. Consoles are way more comfy and I like the "it just werks" aspect. Also I tend to get distracted with Yea Forums and porn and end up browsing till late night playing nothing at all.

>new ryzen apu with vega memes is better than console.

Proud to be a PC gamer

Attached: REmake 2 mod.webm (720x720, 2.98M)

>proud to be a consumerist whore

I bet you "proudly" paypig for valve too.

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30fps lock is the worst, especially when most devs still cant optimize and it dips even lower and of course there are barely any video options so you cant improve anything
but instead we got upscaled 4k wow!

Also don't forget, backwards compatible, so if you buy a game on PC, in ten years, you'll still be able to play it without having to buy it again

Honestly don't understand the appeal of consoles when you compare them to PC except Nintendo consoles. They at least try to make unique ways for their games to be played that can't be imitated by PC.

Attached: wha.png (420x424, 393K)

>look at all these games you can play on PC

Cool, I'm glad we get to enjoy the same games user

This is your brain on consoles.

>spend roughly $200 on a video card to match performance

Senpai, it's not 2013 anymore. You can get a GPU that's MORE powerful than the PS4 for like $70-99, sometimes cheaper on sale.

>lost the disk
>hard drive broke
>Valve went bankrupt
>lol just pirate it and play it anyway
PC is truly the best.

i miss playing games before getting into pc game
>get a game on console
>enjoy it
post pc gamer world
>get a game
>frame rate dips under 59fps
>instantly dropped

>dude you need a 800 dollar pc to get something as powerful as my 5 year old 300 dollar shitbox
Why are consolefags to tech illiterate?

my brother is a sonytard and he spent 280 dollars on one go for only 3 games

thats fucking insane to me

What games cost $90?

Unironically this. I play all my games in ~30fps because I have to play in ultra with reshade, tweaks and over 4k (I've been playing 5k lately). There are some games I'm holding off from playing because I know my computer can't handle it. But, hey, I get pretty screenshots.

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Deluxe editions or game + season pass, I'm guessing.

my b
using a small phone and press 2 instead of 1

still almost 200 dollars for fucking 3 video games is nutty

It's true and so you'll never convince people otherwise.

50%? that's literally a bad random weekly sale on steam.

I bought dark souls 3 for $25 bucks on ps4 and felt like an idiot because a month later it was $15 on steam

I'll never fall for that again

based falseflagging consolewarrior frognigger cocktard trying to stir up shit.

I spent almost 200USD on just a board game and organizer set.
But the enjoyment I get with it while playing with friends on game night is well worth the price.

And This is coming from a college student who works a shitty wage job so I don't make much to begin with.

Attached: Gloomhaven.jpg (1920x1080, 789K)

>can't ALT-TAB out and browse Yea Forums
Nigga use a 2nd monitor

It's like you're jacking off with steel wool.

>the strength of PC gaming is that I can be thieving scum and not give devs any reason to support my platform
This is why we need less PC ports, not more, to make you subhumans seethe and plead like the beggars you are, because you deserve nothing.

>not getting dirt cheap preowned games
>not playing console games with a laptop on your lap

thanks for beta testing, console cuck


Games are $80 in leafland which comes up to $90 from taxes

Attached: 1467821270706.gif (400x225, 950K)

what game is this?

Dragon Quest XI

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI 2018-10-04 01-41-06.jpg (2560x1440, 968K)

Display lag inherent to TVs are only a relatively minor part of input lag, you goof. Quite a few TVs adds only 15-30 ms of lag. Game code and v-sync will typically add up to 100 ms and sometimes even 200 ms before display lag. You will simply not notice the difference between the 15 ms of the Samsung TV in game mode vs the 8-10 ms of your gayman monitor if the game will have 100 ms with v-sync anyway. With v-sync off and 144 fps you will notice a huge difference in lag vs 60 fps v-sync, though, but hardly at all because of the difference in display lag between the TV and monitor in itself.

TV lag is indeed just one factor but don't act like it isn't the biggest and most noticable part of the chain. Games are designed with controller lag, v-sync, engine lag etc in mind. The developers have no control over people's monitors and most TV's are around 100ms not 30.

Piratefags who argue the value of PC gaming based on the fact that they pirate deserve to be hanged. Especially when they pirate all the newest based nip shit like DMC5, RE2, AC7, Yakuza and Sekiro. I don't care if you pirate EA trash, but taking a dump all over the nip ports PC cuck Yea Forumsirgins have been begging for for years makes you a scummy piece of shit.

I wasn't going to buy it anyways, the devs lose absolutely nothing

You're pretty shit if you can't spend $15 on a 50 hour game like Yakuza

>100 ms
What the hell kind of a TV are you using? 50 ms outside of game mode is not uncommon but a flat 100 ms is absurd. Most TVs worth buying for the last 5+ years, from el cheapo chinkware to the best TVs from reputable brands, have perfectly acceptable display lag in game mode. If you prefer a big screen and better image quality you can definitely have your cake and eat it too with TVs these days. The only exception is really competitive gaming where every piece of advantage must take priority over image quality and comfort.