I got it for free but I still want to return it because it crashes every 15 minutes, I've tried every fix I could but it still won't work
How is this game still broken after 5 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
because its abandonware
ubi tried to fix some shit, but left it out to dry because it wasnt selling plus it had shit repuation so it wouldnt ever sold as much as it could upon release
>hurried cash grab asset flip not catered to 4 games later
Imagine my surprise.
>trying to run demanding game with outdated hardware
baka desu senpai
I just wish they fixed the broken LOD
I played it on my ps4 when it came out and I thought it was okay. I just stopped playing it because I fucking hate controllers and I dont know why I didnt just get it on pc instead.
I ran it last year on my i5 6500 and 1070 and it run just fine on almost ultra.
Are you just using old ass hardware on a game that's really cpu intensive?
AC is just build on a shitty gameplay design
i'm running it at smooth 20 (twenty) FPS with an i3 4170 and a GT640
I have an AMD FX 8350 8 core processor 4.01 GHz with a gtx780, that's above recommended specs
>fx anything
>in fucking 2019
user please get a fucking ryzen or something, that processor is old as shit.
Also ya it doesn't run on that hardware well at all, that recommended shit is so wrong it's painful.
Let me just pick some Benjamin's off of my money tree and I'll go pick one up
Playing it rn 1060 6gb + i7 4770k 60 fps stable on ultra + fxaa game is really good, graphics are insane like rdr2 lvl but 60 fps smooth, music is great and the story too, i'd rexommend using french audio with subs very immersive
That's not even the half of it. At some point the game was so fucking broken they had to release a patch which replaced a shitload of assets, like 6 GB big. And it was STILL fucking broken, between the glitched detection system, the dogshit combat and literal thousands of small glitches and bugs, Ubisoft had the balls to give away some dlcs and admitted their game was an absolute masterclass of incompetence. Man, what a piece of shit of a game. The best part is that I bought it at launch.
Who's Benjamin?
>i'd rexommend using french audio with subs very immersive
it's been in my backlog for years, thanks for the tip user
>t. bought it on sale
The saddest part is that this is the coolest fucking setting with the coolest fucking weapons and the coolest fucking clothing and the coolest fucking motivations...
And now it will never be revisited for another decade at least, because "Ubisoft already did a AAA French revolution game".
I'm sad because those trailers with the co-op gameplay looked so fucking cool and shit.
Is the processor really that bad?
maybe they'll make up for it when they do their russian revolution game?
it's not quite french revolution but it's close
It was never intended for playing games, so yes
But why though
I got it for free and noticed that I have Black Flag also, I haven't played it and I don't remember ever buying it. I haven't played an AC game since the very first one and I wasn't too crazy about it at the time but I feel like I remember hearing that Black Flag was fun. I guess what I want to know is - should I play Black Flag or Unity?
Black Flag for SURE
Much better game all around
Unity if you want to play an AC game.
Black Flag is you want to play a watered down pirate experience dragged down by the AC story.
Fuggit I guess I'm playing Black Flag, I want to be a pirate.
Unity is a stealth game like the first one with a lot of parkour, city is not very big but you can enter almost every building, best animations/graphics in the series, story driven game many kino moments
Black Flag has no stealth, no parkour its really just an action rpg like Batman with pirate style and almost every mission is to follow someone fun starts only after 10 hours desu.
But don't play Unity if you don't have at least 1060, game uses much vram and if you have 6gb glitches and bad vod will appear
No crash here on GTX 1080 + 2500K, just disable vsync because it's triple buffering and eats a lot
I personally prefer Unity, the only good thing about black flag is the pirate thing, but it gets old fast desu
Well now I'm definitely starting to reconsider my decision, Unity sounds a lot better from your description. Hopefully my PC can handle it.
Having to download an app to open chests sure was fun and everyone in france having a british accent makes sense i guess.
nah fuck him
Black Flag is a million times more fun
yeah honestly playing it in french is superior in every way
>he isnt french
sucks to be you
Playing both showcases what the series can be with Unity and what it was for the longest time with Black Flag.
Black Flag is not great and only good for its ambience with everything else being subpar.
Unity was trying to do something different.
revisionist shitter
everyone loved black flag
everyone hated unity
>173528283 npc on screen
>60 fps
How did they do it
You are running on a more capable hardware than everyone had in 2014 so you can bruteforce performance out of it.
>everyone loved black flag
Because its a shitty pirate sim not because of everything else. The characters are bad the story is bad the mission are bad.
But I guess fucking around on the Jackdaw is """"fun""""
>everyone hated unity
And I did not imply otherwise, merely that it actually tried to change things in the formula
it also had some optimizations patched in almost a year later
it runs better now than it ever did at launch
>But I guess fucking around on the Jackdaw is """"fun""""
literally more fun than anything else in AC, yes
How to upgrade PC with no money?
>not noticing the copy-paste npcs
also the shit quality helps
shit looks like gamecube npcs
Damn, I haven't played ass creed in a decade. I might as well give this a try.
Works on my machine
just remember to play in french with english subtitles
>we will never get another AC like Unity but truly great all around instead of just good with some standout aspects
>AC doomed to being a Witcher 3 clone for the forseeable future
Just accept that you'll be a wagecuck for some time and then you'll be able to upgrade your pc I still haven't upgraded mine in around 6 years
Isn't that just because the user took a really shitty screenshot though
>the best parkour in the series
>the best combat
>the best aesthetics
>the best graphics
>All gone to shit because of that terrible launch
It hurts
probably has the best map out of all the AC games together
too bad everything else about it was shit
ran like ass too
>got a free game thanks to Yea Forums
What a time to be alive.
Playing only Ac2 brotherhood and revelations few years ago really makes a jarring difference. You cant jank and blow up bystanders in unity (hell even when you shoot them in the head nothing happens), I miss the old killchains, now the fights take hours and the baguete assasin has like, what 3 animations per weapon type? It's pretty tedious.
Worked on my machine. You are probably using win10 cancer
I miss having Assassin Recruits. Arguably the biggest thing I hate that they removed
>being too fucking retarded to disable the botnet
retard, don't breed
>Supports and defends, probably purchased aboslute pure cancer that doesn't even work
>Calls others retards
ok kiddy
>too poor to spend $4 on an ebay key
It's not still broken. It might have a couple bugs, but literally all AAA games have some remaining bugs here and there, even after all patches are done. And it still has less than the rest of the AssCreed games
It could be $0 and it would still be too expensive
Fk there is a black assasin in their temple ffs I thought it'll be close to real since no black npcs on streets
>the one black guy in the game is one whose job is to kill people
real enough for me
is this for real or are you just bullshitting? I never even looked at it because i thought it was just another asscreed but if its really as good as you say ill have to at least give it a shot
Good idea peasant
It's true and it's really different to all the other ac, the combat isn't as retarded, there's some stealth, the parkour is the best in all the series since it gives you plenty of control and if you get good at it you can make it look really good and fancy, the game is absolutely gorgeous especially if you have a good enough pc and since the game is patched pretty much all the bugs from before are fixed, they also made the dlc free I think, definitely give it a try
Overall it seems that for a slightly better parkour they threw away a shit ton of mechanics, correct me if Im wrong:
>cant pick
>no fast travel, no horse riding, no ziplines nor parachute, the fact you have to backtrack a lot and running on the ground is WAY faster than parkour doesnt help
>the mc is fucking anemic and enemies cant be 1 hit killed during normal combat, animations are slow, you have to tick away their hp slowly, you cant pick up enemy weapons and throw them, no bombs, no mines
>cant employ bitches and mercenaries for diversion, no assasin bros and arrow rain
>no siege minigames, no assasins sent after you, no gunners on the roofs
>cant dive while swimming
Wtf I want to like it but the more I think about it the worse it gets
download ram?
Just try it since it is free anyway and only 39 gb download
Oh also the fucking skills
SKILLS, you need skills for opening chests and sitting on a fucking bench