Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Callie is a pretty cool gal
>all of those characters
absolutely fucking terrible tastes
I fell in love with an album
the only good character in this entire list is vriska
tomoko is a half pass and the rest are shit
I love Callie!
No, but I just fell in love for you, OP
I love Payne!
I would Marcie~
I love Marie!
When I was like 12 I had a crush on Malon from OOT
Besides that, no, you filthy waifu fag
I love Reisen!
if you fell in love with a video game character you should probably go outside more you mouth-breathing faggots
I love [Insert random character here]!
If by falling in love you mean dedicate an entire porn folder to a character then I guess
Vriska isn’t a fucking video game character, kill yourself.
>tfw no autism gf
I love Fuuka!
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
I love (You)!
Me and my wife
Vriska transcends that burning trash fire of Homestuck. She's simply the 8est.
Sorry, but this is an ARADIA household
A REALLY love my cute wife Lucina!
I love Chara!!
I love you, the person reading this post!
Please marry me!
But she's a boy!
Love? not really.
All good taste except that One Piece character.
I love my wife Curly!
Look at these plebian tastes
I love Hatate!
She is so loyal! She thinks about me 24/7, and would never even LOOK at another boy! In fact, she is obsessed with me, and I get hundreds of texts all day, which I love responding back to! She gets nervous if I go a few minutes without texting her! She even sleeps next to me to make sure I make it through the night! I love when she sleeps next to me in only her panties! It makes me flustered and turns me on -- and she knows it! She loves teasing me when I get hard from looking at her perfect, thin, nearly-nude body! She also knows how much I love her cute feet! She paints her toenails for me and lets me touch them! She even puts them on my face and lets me choose how smelly (or not) I want them to be!
I LOVE my cute girlfriend Hatate!