>mfw I wake up and get to play smash
Mfw I wake up and get to play smash
I wish i would die in my sleep
>waking up at 4PM on a Tuesday
>playing your soi handheld
Imagine the smell.
Lol, triggered
I haven't met one (1) Nintendo fan whose company I enjoyed. You always have some sort of issue in any kind of sense.
Maybe it's you who is in the wrong. Like jews who have been expelled from every country they've been to and then they blame everyone but themselves
>Yea Forums has an effect on his real life
Lol based console warrior
This is cultural appropriation!
>yfw you play smash
God I wish that was me
vi sitter har i venten och spelar lite smash
TFW the TV is nowhere near an Ethernet port so I can't play online.. I wish I could. Not worth the effort, because the internet for the Switch is shit and I live in Israel. It will lag even with Europeans.
>45 results found
Don't you have something better to do? I'm sure the Switch has some games you could be playing right now.
That’s sad.
>frogposter has an opinion
He just outed your autism and sad existence for everyone to see, he didn’t actually give an opinion.
Could this POSSIBLY get more embarrassing for you??
Why are you seething tho?
>tfw I created that face
I want to personally thank you for years of butthurt and gallons of Nintendie tears.
You’re a national treasure.
Look at this dumb frogposter pretending thats anything.
now this is real autism.
>mfw I wake up
>Watches clips of BLACKED to make fun of people who watch BLACKED
>mfw i wake up and cope with not being able to play monster hunter world
>he still doesn't know about NEXT
Oh man you are going to eat so much shit.
enlighten me
>mfw I wake up
>NOOOOOOOO! I don't have a Switch or that game!
>I know! I'll project my insecurity onto him and claim that he is the who isn't an idort!
Has anyone ever been this triggered today?
>have access to a superior entry in a franchise
>somehow this means i'm jealous of a watered down version made for non-fans
i still pirated it and its not very good